Time Management


 There is an old proverb 'Time is Money'. Actually, time is even more worth than money, because money spent can be earned again, but time wasted can never be restored again. So, maybe, there is a better common saying than the previous one and it says 'Time and tide waits for none'. Time just flies away. No one can stop it and it never waits for anyone. Time is precious and priceless for everyone. We should all learn to use our time properly to fulfill some purpose. We should value and respect the importance of time in every single moment of our life. Sometimes it takes just one moment of time to make a difference in your life. For good or for bad. Each and every moment of our life brings a lot of opportunities for us, we just have to use our time in the best way we can and take our chances.

  Good time management is an essential skill for the 21st century. We live in a busy and bustling world where time is very precious. The lists of things to do are becoming longer and longer each day and in order to 'survive' we have to learn to manage our time well. Otherwise, we would find ourselves stretched out between our responsibilities and possibilities. We have all experienced the feeling that there are simply not enough hours in the day and we just need more time to finish everything we have started/planned for that particular day. But imagine what you would be able to do if you had at least one hour of extra time every day. How would your life be different?

Actually, the idea of providing an extra hour in the daytime is not something new. We do that with Daylight Saving Time (DST). It is the practice of turning clocks forwards one hour in spring and turning them backward one hour again in autumn/fall. Daylight Saving Time happens in most countries around the world, but at different times during the year. The main purpose of this practice is to make better use of daylight. As we move our clocks ahead for an hour in spring, we actually move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening and therefore provide more opportunities to enjoy sunny summer evenings outdoors.

The idea of Daylight Saving Time was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin in 1784, when he wrote a letter to the editor of The Journal of Paris and jokingly suggested it as a way to economize candle usage. Later on, George Hudson proposed moving the clocks two hours every spring (daylight saving) in 1895. But this idea was not put into effect until 1916, during World War I in Europe, when Germany organized the first nationwide implementation. America began using the system in 1918. The main rationale for this practice was that it was envisaged as a way to help farmers work in their fields earlier in the day, but that was never proposed or supported by farmers themselves as it did not make their work or life any easier.

There are reasons for and against the practice of Daylight Saving Time. Proponents believe that this practice not only adds more sunlight hours to the standard day, but it also saves money and energy as people don't use as much electricity during daylight hours. Additionally, longer afternoon sunlight hours boost many businesses and recreational activities outdoors and this practice is also thought to reduce traffic accidents as people commute more in daylight than in darkness. On the other hand, opponents  of Daylight Saving Time believe that the main idea of preventing money and energy loss does not stand anymore, because we have different ways of heating and cooling nowadays than it was the case when Daylight Saving Time first began, and the lengthy morning darkness during parts of Daylight Saving Time can actually do more harm than good to some enterprises, like farming.

You can read more about the rationale and the original idea of DST, as well as about its basic misconceptions by following these links:


Rationale and original idea of Daylight Saving Time

The Greatest Myths about Daylight Saving Time



Here are some questions for our online class discussion on this blog:


How important is time in your life?

Do you think that there are enough hours in the day? Why? / Why not?

Are you a 'morning' or an 'evening' type of person?

How much sleep do you need to function properly in your everyday life? Do you snooze during the day?

Do you think that our society is more suited to morning people? What changes, if any, would you make?

What would you do with one or even more hours of extra time each day?

Do you think that Daylight Saving Time is a good or bad idea?

How does it affect you and your life?

Do you think that you are good or bad at time management? Explain.

What are your tips for good time management?

Is good time management an important skill for a teacher / an educator? Explain.



Feel free to share your comments with other classmates here on the blog!



  1. I'm very pleased to be able to give my comment about this topic. First of all, time is relative thing if you ask me. Many philosophers and even some physicists narrated about time as an illusion, and frankly, I believe them. Personally, when I start observing my thoughts and become more present, I have feeling like time stops. When I'm in a hurry and nervous about something, I feel like time is passing by so fast that I can't even imagine that. It seems surreal. I'm an 'evening' type of person when it comes to finishing my schoolwork. I'm more productive for studiying at night, and has no clue for that. But when it comes to spending my free time, I am certainly more productive at morning. I love spending time outside, especially when the weather is warm and sunny. Nowdays, Daylight Saving Time idea isn't good thing for people who are hard-working and tend to plan their activities throughly, because it makes such a mess of their agenda. My tip for good time managment is to get as much sleep as you can, meditate, spend some time in nature and, most important thing that helps me, be grateful for three things in the morning. When I start appreciating all good things in my life in the morning, my whole day is getting better and better. This thing actually works so well, that I had to recommend it for you, who is reading. Reagarding us as a future educators and teachers, sleeping well and managing our time in the right way is crucial.
    Share your opinions with me about your time at the day during this pandemic and otherwise.

    Nives Pirija, II godina Odsjeka za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju

    1. I also agree that it is very healthy to start your day by acknowledging the things for which you are thankful for and appreciating the positives in your life. You have given us some great advice with this comment Nives!
      Monja Ražnatović PO II

    2. Thank you, Mona. I'm glad to share something helpful.

      Nives Pirija, ER 2

    3. Thank you, Nives, for the tips. I sure will try it!

      PO II

    4. Dear Nives, I think that thanking for 3 things every day is something that really takes us up. Thank you for the advice!

      Ena Brkić, RN4

    5. Dear Ena, gratefulness is the basic of happy life. I'm glad you are aware of this.
      Wish you all the best!

      Nives Pirija, ER2

    6. Dear Nives, I agree with your opinion!
      Nadira Odžak, RN4

    7. Thank you dear Nives, I agree with your tips, they are useful. Elna Gačanin, ER2

  2. I think time is important in our lives, and to adjust our commitments. I am a bird of prey, and I finish most of my responsibilities on time. I find summer time counting unnecessary. It is important for the educator to plan the tasks in the scheduled time, in order to successfully complete his / her obligations.

    Ena Alomerović, PO4

  3. Time is very precious and you have to appreciate every moment you have. I am a morning person, i need 8 hours of sleep to function. I think our society is more suited for morning persons because you have more time in a day, I would use it properly on quality time with my family. Its very important to management your time good.
    Nurihana Huruz PO4

    1. We need to appreciate time because we can't bring it back.

      (RN, 3. godina)

    2. I also agree that our society is more suited for morning persons, unfortunately.

  4. Time is really important for me and I think that it is crucial that we take advantage of the time that we posses. I'm nor an morning type of person nor am I an evening type of person. Which one I am depends on the day and the way I am feeling. I do think that our society is more suited for morning people, because everyone is expected to attend work and classes in the early morning hours. I still think that starting your work or school day at 6, 7, or 8 o'clock is way to early, at least for me. I wish that I could have a few more hours to spend time with the people that I love, after I am done with all of my obligations. Good time management is really important for educators. I think that I manage my time well, even though I struggle with it sometimes. I think that that is a skill that needs to be worked on for a long time, you can't have it over night. So I would say that the best advice is to try your hardest.
    Monja Ražnatović, PO II

    1. I agree with you, Monja! Good time management is indeed really important in our future job.

    2. "starting your work or school day at 6, 7, or 8 o'clock is way to early" I really felt that.
      I agree with you, time manage is very important and I think It`s the power of habit affects us a lot. We need to develop the habit of organizing our time.

    3. We should have classes for people that like to sleep longer. Sometimes in the afternoon you should really see us go 😊 Waking up to an alarm clock is unnatural and just cruel.

  5. Time is the only thing we can't get back. We can control it, but not as much as we would love to. We really need to be aware of how time flies and how to use it proprely. By saying we can control time, I mean that we can choose how to spend it and plan some of our daily hours. For future educators, it's important that we slowly start to change our habits that include bad time management. We need to plan activities and educational content for our educational group. Time is really important. The more we organize our time well, the more relax and usefull we're gonna feel. By doing all of our work on time, we feel freedom and success. I love that days are longer on summer, but I'm not sure if I would like if it stays the same forever. It is exhausting that time changes for summer and winter. It's really 50/50 for me. For now, my time management isn't perfect, but I'm working on it. Day by day, getting myself to wake up earlier and do my obligations. Sometimes 24h isn't enough and sometimes is more than enough. We should strive to achieve balance in everything, even in time.

    PO II

    1. I like that you mentioned balance, because it is so important for everything, expecially when It comes to time. Good observation Sukejna.

    2. I absoultely agree with you, Sukejna. This is a very good comment.

      Nives Pirija, ER 2

    3. I think like you. The key of success is in contlolling our time.

      (RN, 3. godina)

  6. Time is the most valuable thing we have. We can do so much if we are only aware of it.
    How often we hear and even say the sentence "I don`t have enough time for everything" , but is it really like it? I think it`s not, it`s the matter of our organization. We can make a list of priorities or a schedule of things we have to do for that day and work on it. We can accomplish everything if we try a little harder than usual. I am more of an evening type of person but I also have those days when I like to get up early and start doing something the same moment. I enjoy those days because at the end of the day I feel so good that I managed to do so many things. But It`s important to know that It`s also okay to have days when we don`t feel like doing anything. It is just a bad day, everyone has it.
    Lejla Bisić, PO II

    1. I agree with you Lejla. Especially with the fact that everyone has bad days, and we shouldn't feel guilty about having them. Everybody needs a self care day once in a while.
      Monja Ražnatović PO II

    2. I agree with you Lejla, time indeed is a valuable thing.

    3. I agree whit you, and at the end of the day even though we are tired, we feel happy because we have managed to do all or part of the work.

  7. For me, time is very important. Sometimes, I feel like I need one more extra hour. I feel it when I have many obligation. Absolutely, I'm evening type of person. I function best in the evening. Also, I need to say that I sleep about 7-8 hours. I can't function if I sleep less. Sometimes I don't get to rest, go out or take a walk. If I had an hour more I would dedicate it to my vacation. I'm good at time management. I have a planner and I write down all my responsibilities in it so I am well organized. I think that our job brings a lot of challenges so organization is very important.

    (RN, 3. godina)

    1. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who can't function if sleep less than 7-8 hours. I totally agree with you.
      PO II

    2. I really think that having a planner and planning your day is very good idea because it is a really god way to manage your time and to use your day effectively.

    3. I agree with you Amra, the most important thing is to rest so we can function.


    4. Do you think that time is really money?
      Ilma Purić, RN III

    5. Dear Amra, I agree with your opinion!
      Nadira Odžak, RN4

    6. I think that there are not enough hours in the day, because today’s life is very fast. I think that 24 hours per day is not enough to adjust the time to all your obligations, work and rest, which is very necessary for every person.
      Edisa Tahirović, PO4

    7. As today’s life is fast, I think time passes very quickly, we are not even aware of how much we do not enjoy every moment. And that today’s lifestyle requires more than 24 hours a day.
      Dajana Nikolić, PO4

  8. Time is very important in my life. It is especially important to me that this time be organized as well as possible. There is too little time, time passes too quickly without us being worldly. I try to use every moment of my time. I don't like when my days go by monotonously, without any happening. There are few hours in one day only when we have information that we have to do, when we are with some dear people, when we are on vacation, but I think that the rest of the day has enough hours if they are well organized and used in the right way. Nobody needs lost time because we can't turn back and stop time. I prefer the night, but work and college are possible for me to set a person’s morning advice because then I make the most of my day. I get up early and get all my appointments on time. With one or even more hours of extra time I would spend every day with my family because we are all in commitments and we are focused on that. I find that I am good at time management and that I schedule my moments, days and time well. I don’t allow time to pass me by and I never leave anything for later. I never spend time with people with whom I will regret spending time on them. It is very important that we choose people with whom we will spend time when we allow our free time. We do not waste our precious time on things and events that will not bring us anything good in life. Let's focus on ourselves, on building our personality and close people who will complete our time. We will also need time management in our profession, in working with children. We need to teach children from those earliest days of life and encourage them to use and fulfill their time in a quality way. When we are with them, we must give them away completely. Children must not be harmed in this regard.

    Berina Kurt, PoIII

    1. Do you think that people who are not good in organization time would be better if they have extra time?

      Anisa Dedić PO3

    2. What are you doing in free time? Do you have any free time at all, since you wrote that you work and study at the same time?
      Melina Dragunić, PO3

    3. Dear Berina, since I know that you work and that you have some free time, I am interested in how you spend your free time?
      Elma Numanagić, PO III

  9. Time is very important for me, my day need to be planed 24/7. I think that day have enough hours, because is not important how much hours have day, it is important how we spend every hour in our life. If day have 30 hours and we don't do nothing for 27 hours then what is point. I'm more morning person, because I think that day is there for work and night is there for rest. But if I want to my day start early in the morning I need to sleep 8 hours, and in that way I can be functional all day. For me Daylight Saving Time is good idea, maybe we don't have really more time to do something but we have feeling that when is sun outside we still can do something, so we can be more productive. In time management I'm very good, I have plans for all day, on the evenings I think what I need to do next day and how time I need to do everything. I have to do list so in that way I can't forget something important, and when I plan my day I have time for doing something and to rest. But when I don't plan everything I don't have time for rest because I think always what is next what I need to do.

    Anisa Dedić PO3

    1. Anisa, we think similarly. I organize my time very well, and then when I fail to organize, I am nervous and angry. I think it can affect your health. What do you think about that?
      Melina Dragunić, PO3

  10. Time management is, I think, the most important thing in our lives because it helps us to do more things we want for one particular day. It helps us to organize our time and to use it in a best way possible. Also when we plan our day, we have more will to do everything we have planned. At least, that helps me a lot but it doesn't have to be same for everyone.
    Time really is money and I'm trying to use my time in the best possible way. When I plan my time, I plan it in every detail and I try to do everything I have planned. Sometimes, it happens that someone change my plans and that makes me a little nervous because I can't do things I wanted to.
    But at the end, we are not the ones who can manage our times and it is not in our hands because sometimes things that happen are unpredictable and we can't stop them.

    Medina Drmala PO II

    1. I agree whit you, Sometimes there are some sudden things that we can't get around. Those things shouldn’t affect us. We just need to enjoy life

    2. Hi dear Medina.

      How much sleep do you need to function properly in your everyday life?

      Meliha Terzić, Odsjek za razrednu nastavu IV godina.

    3. Do you think that time is really money?
      Ilma Purić, RN III

  11. Time is an essential part of everyone's life, including mine. For me personally, there are enough hours in the day for all obligations. I am not exactly morning person, but I am trying to be because when I get up early, I have much more time for everything. I usually sleep about 6 to 8 hours at night and that is enough for me but sometimes when I sleep bad at night I snooze during the day about 1 hour. I think that Daylight Saving Time is good idea because there is more light to enjoy in the evening and we can catch some extra sleep at night. It doesn't affect me or my life in any particular way. I think that time management is very importan in life, especially when you are a teacher because you need to schedule your obligation and you need to know how much time you can spent on every one of them.

    1. I agree with you about Daylight Saving Time because, just like you said, there is more light to enjoy in the evening which is good for me and for my obligations I have to do during the day.

    2. I'm glad we agree about our future profession and importance of time management.

  12. The time and the organization of time are very important to me. I can say that I am a person who lack of time organization makes dysfunctional. Therefore I always organize my time, to avoid wasting of it. I consider that the day has few hours. The COVID pandemic has exposed me to many challenges, among which are: job, faculty, boyfriend, family, friends, sleeping, etc. Sometimes it is very difficult to organize my time. Often I feel “stretched” between my social roles because in one day I am also a teacher, a student, a daughter, a friend, a girlfriend.. Sometimes it is very tiring. According to this, you can conclude that I am the morning type person. I need up to 6-7 hours of sleep to function properly. However, I feel the most convenient and rested when I sleep 9 hours, neither over nor below. However, at this moment it is luxury for me. Extra hours in one day would be a great opportunity to complete all my obligations on time while being asleep. Therefore, I would use those extra hours for the sleep and the rest. My advice for successful time management is organization and planning. Only if we are organized, we can satisfied all needs and obligations that we have during the day. It is very important to plan time for study, family, friends, etc. When we do, we will arrive to do everything, and we will be very happy and fulfilled. I consider that time management is a very important skill of an educator, because educator is a person who conceives and plans all activities in one kindergarten. If the educator does not plan well and does not have the time management skill, I think that the time will manage him and not vice versa. He will not succeed to realize many activities, the time will pass and children will go home with an inadequate filled task of learning and upbringing. Time passes quickly and seconds, minutes, hours, days pass. If they pass quickly, let’s make an effort to know that we spend our time on the right way. “Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” – Peter F. Drucker
    Melina Dragunić, PO3

    1. Dear Melina, I share your opinion and I believe that good organization is half the job done. Do you prefer to spend your free time on your own, that is, to take a break from everyone and enjoy your four walls, or still with your loved ones?
      Elma Numanagić, PO III

  13. Time is very important and if we organize it well it can have a positive impact on our lives. I think that there are enough hours in the day. The most important thing is to organize your time well. I am a morning type of person. Every day I get up early. On that way I have enough time for everything:school, family, my hobbies... I usually sleep 7-8 hours and that is enought time for me to function properly. If I had couple hours of extra time each day I would probably use them to spend some more time with my family. I am very good at time management. Usually I have a lot of things to do in one single day, and I always manage to do them on time. Every morning I set a goal for that day. I make a list of things that need to be finished. On that way I won't forget anything. Sometimes I also multitask. That saves me a lot of time and I can finish two things at the same time. If you form the right habit, you can achive anything. Good time management is very important skill for a teacher. Every teacher must plan a lot of things (homework, quizzes...). In order to manage that all, she/he must know how to manage time well.


    1. Hi Valentina! Do you support daylight saving time?

    2. Hey Antoneta, welcome. Of course I support, and you?


  14. For me time is a very important . I am definitely morning type of person . Usually I try to sleep 7 to 8 hours and that is enough for me to function properly. I am the type of person who likes to organize their affairs during the day . Of course during the day apart from college ,my family I also have some time for myself. As a future teacher the time that I invested in working with children will be very important to me. The key to everything lies in the organization. If there is no good organization there is no success in doing many jobs. I agree with stuff that all people around the world have enough hours in a day to do so many things. It happens to everyone in life that sometimes we need a little more time but these are really exceptions. It is certain that the pandemic of Corona virus brought with it a little confusion as to the organization of time itself. But as time goes on I guess we all kind of tried to adjust the time and commitments to the current situation. Life is too short to spend it on unimportant things in our life. So people all around the world enjoy in every minute of your precious time.

    Ilda Halilovic,Rn3.

  15. Time is very important. Every minute and every second can change our lives. So we need to value time and schedule it well. Good time planning helps us to do as many obligations as possible without stress or nervousness and whether we will manage to do everything. The best advice is to get up earlier so we have more time for ourselves and more time for our obligations. Also changing the clock in advance allows us a longer day and more time available. As well as longer enjoyment on beautiful summer days.

    Emina Gobeljić PO II

    1. Emina, I agree with your advice for getting up earlier, especially for people who like to sleep more, because we have more time to dedicate to ourselves and, of course, to our obligations for the day.
      Nerma Bulatović PO II

  16. One of the most important things in life is planning which implies, in fact, a good organization of time. Every success in life requires a good plan, organization. We should use every second of our lives in a useful way because only then will we succeed. When I'm busy all day, and when my day fulfills a lot of obligations, I notice that I "miss" a few more hours to do everything, which is why my obligations often end only in the evening. Because of this I am more of a “night” type of person, I like to study in the evening, when there is silence in the house and when no one can disturb me and I can say with certainty that I am more productive then than during the day. I prefer to get up earlier to make the most of the day, but sometimes, simply because of work late at night, I can sleep a little longer, and I can notice a change in myself. When I get up earlier, my mood is more positive and I am full of energy, otherwise I will be sad, depressed, moody and I can hardly move to do something. When we talk about daylight saving time I think it’s a good idea because we just have more hours, time that we can spend in productive work rather than sleeping or doing nothing. For this reason, I love summer, because I simply enjoy every moment I go through and I try to make it as good and useful as possible. However, this is not always the case, sometimes it happens that I am simply not in the mood to work, that I prefer to sleep and not move out of bed and then I feel that I was totally worthless that day and therefore my self-esteem drops to a lower level. If we want to be happy with ourselves, and to succeed in life, then it is important to plan and make good use of every second of our lives, because time flows too fast, and we will never be able to get it back. We use every second to be happy and satisfied with ourselves, because we don't have time for tomorrow.As a future educator I can say that time management is very important. We are the main example to children. We are their role models, so they have to learn good qualities from us, and one of them is good time.
    Elma Numanagić, PO III

    1. Elma, how does it feel when you don’t have a lot of time for free activities? How do you handle a lot of responsibilities during the day?
      Melina Dragunić, PO3

    2. It is very difficult to organize one day and balance all obligations. As you stated in your comment during the day I change a lot of roles and sometimes I feel disoriented. We all need free time in one day, but due to strong obligations we find it difficult. The days are full of obligations and we are constantly tired and exhausted.
      Elma Numanagić, PO III

  17. Hello 💕

    This is a very interesting topic. I am a morning type of person because I wake up at 07:30 o'clock every day and I prefer doing all of my chores until noon. For me, time is very important in my life and I want to spend every hour doing something usefull. As a future teacher I think that it's very important to organize everything during day-time.
    Time that we lose we cannot get back and it's very important topic to talk about it with children.

    Ilma Latic PO4❣️

    1. Hi dear Ilma!

      How much sleep do you need to function properly in your everyday life?

      Meliha Terzić, Odsjek za razrednu nastavu IV godina.

  18. Time is even more worth than money because money spent can be earned again, but time wasted can never be restored again.
    Time just flies away. We should value and respect the importance of time in every single moment of our life. Providing an extra hour in the daytime is not something new. It is not enough hours in the day for my actions but it is more important to have a good organization.
    I am good management because I always finish my job before night.

    Martina Galić, RN3

    1. Well done Martina. Time has no price. That is why we should enjoy every moment that is given to us.

  19. The only thing a man cannot influence is time. We need to appreciate, take advantage of and enjoy the time given to us. I’m an evening type of person and I deal with most of my notifications then. I usually sleep from 6 to 8 hours and I think that’s enough. Probably if he had one or more extra times he would prove himself with his families. I think we have enough hours in the day because we are well organized we will fulfill all your notices. I manage my time well because I make a plan or schedule of what I need to do. It is very important for a teacher to know how to manage time. Klaudija Žuljević, RN3.

    1. Do you get to do all your obligations in the evening?


    2. Of course.
      Klaudija Žuljević, RN3.

  20. Time is the greatest wealth in life. It is important because we need to use every moment in life, in the best way. We have time in a certain amount, sometimes not quite as much as we actually want. The people we are surrounded by and what we do in our free time talk about us and our values. The way we spend our time determines us as a person. If we want to change something in our life, we need to do it right away. Let’s not wait a few days, months or even years. I'm a morning person. I feel like I have more time to take advantage of and finish all my commitments on time, getting up in the early morning makes me feel better and happier. I am grateful every day, it is gratitude that is associated with better health, good sleep and reduced depression. 6h is enough for me to function during the day. The good side of summer time is that we can spend more time outdoors, while the bad side is that we use it badly for people. They are more sleepy, depressed and tired. Human traits make it possible
    to the teacher successful cooperation and interpersonal communication with his environment. Lifelong learning should not be limited to lifelong learning, but it is
    lifelong learning should also be included.

    Merjema Hamidović, RN3

  21. Hello! :-)

    I agree that we should make the most of our time. It will also be of great importance to us in our future work with children. We humans have made time as one harmony, and we organize ourselves in accordance with that scale. Of course, we will do our best to make the most of the day, but I think it's okay to spend the day "anyway". Investing in yourself doesn’t necessarily mean reading a book today or doing everything for college. Investing in yourself sometimes means spending the day in company with yourself.

    Antonia Bonić PO4

  22. Hi everyone.

    Time is very important to my life. Time management is the process of planinu and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. Every minute and every second can change our lives. Usually I try to sleep 7 to 8 hours and that is enough for me to function properly. I am the type of person who likes to organize their affairs during the day. The key to everything lies in the organization. If there is no good organization there is no success in doing many jobs. We will also need time management in our profession, in working with children. We need to teach children from those earliest days of life and encourage them to use and fulfill their time in a quality way.

    Meliha Terzić 🌸
    Odsjek za razrednu nastavu IV godina.

    1. Dear Meliha, do you support the Daylight Saving Time?

  23. Hello eveyone!
    Time is something very precious in every person's life. In so many situations I said I don't have time but it isn't true. It can be any day when I don't have time even to sit five minutes, but the most time I can find the few minutes or something, it is just necessary to use it smartly. I was watching one video about persons who are bi-lingual or multilingual. They work and have families but still have time for learning languages. It can be listening to music during driving, reading on the train, watching series while they are eating, etc.
    I really think a lot about time management. We must stand up immediately when we wake up, don't be on mobile phones so much, don't be with people that we don't like if we don't have to. In every ride, walk or waiting we can read, accomplish something, and similar. It is just necessary to find a way and the thing which we want or should finish.
    We must find the part of the day when we can do our's best. I am personally more the evening person, but our society is more suited to morning people. I think it is clear.
    Daylight Saving Time looks to me like the intention to use the workforce more and more. It also make problems with feeding animals or taking medicaments because one hour isn't so bit.

    Ena Brkić, RN4

  24. Time flows the same for all of us. Everyone's day lasts 24 hours, Sunday 7 days. What sets us apart in terms of that time is how we use it. Some people think about what they will do today, while others focus on how they have achieved little again. Some add another to all commitments, then another and it seems like they are achieving everything. And others don't do a single thing they imagined. What is certain is that we would all like the day to last at least a few more hours. But what we place on that day mostly depends on us and our creativity. As well as how much and what we delay. I mostly use the TO DO list to plan and organize my time. I feel very satisfied when I cross thing by thing I have done during the day or week. I’m more morning type of person and I don’t like to sleep much. 7-8 hours of sleep is quite enough for me. I like to do most of my responsibilities during the day because my concentration just drops. Every evening I manage to set aside time for walking or running and this represents relaxation for me at the end of each work day. Lately I have been doing part-time jobs occasionally and I really like when my days are filled with work and work because then in the evening, I will be happy and content to have done everything during that day. In my future profession, time management and good organization will be very important, as in any other job. Just as one quote says: “The time is not yours. It's not anybody's. Organization of time is the one that is in your hands".

    Ana Gluvić, RN 3. godina

    1. Excellent Ana. Morning training is definitely a good opinion for our soul and body.

  25. Hi,
    I think time plays an important role in our lives. Time helps us to make a good habit of organizing and structuring our daily activities. I naturally wake up early, even if I went to bed late and I need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night. No one can escape the passing of time. We all subjected to aging and mortality and because that people need to learn to enjoy every minute of their lifes.
    Lejla Kadić, PO4.

    1. Hi Lejla, I can find myself in your opinion. It is important to know our own body and our needs. I also need around 8 hours of sleep to function normally through the day. Also I would add that it is very important to distribute that sleep properly. It is medical fact that human being is functioning until 11 AM.

      Adila Tursanović, PO4

  26. Time is one of the most important but underrated things in our lives, we don't cherish and appreciate it until it's gone or it's too late. I myself am still learning how to use it wisely, but it's getting somewhere. I try to cooperate my obligations, free activities with those 24 hours. Sometimes I would like more hours in a day, and other times I would like less hours, depends on my mood, tasks and etc... I myself am definetly an evening and night person but I also love to sleep and I need at least 8 hours to function normaly. And I love my day naps, there's nothing better. As much as I would like to spend extra hours(if there were more than 24) on something productive as learning, I think that I would always choose naps or just laying in bed with some music playing in the background. Its stronger than me. 🤭 Sometimes I know how and where I want to spend my time, but there are also days where I'm really lost and time goes by and I have no idea where it went. I hope it will get better with years and growing up.
    Mubina Mešanović, PO2

  27. Every single thing in the universe is affected by time. Whether it’s a rose, human, or a star, all things gradually age and eventually decay as time progresses. The speed of that decay can vary, but material things aren’t eternal and will eventually end.
    As humans, we are aware of the three stages of time – the past, the present, and the future. We can use the past to learn and we can prepare for the future, but the present is the only space we have to work in.
    The old phrase says that “Time heals everything,” and while that often feels hollow to people in the middle of a painful experience, they often find that it eventually becomes true. Sometimes the only way to get a new, healthier perspective on a situation is to give it time. Within that time, a person is given the opportunities to think about what’s happened and experience other things. Time serves as both a teacher and a healer, and while a person may not go back to who they were before, time has allowed them to grow.
    Daylight Saving Time gives us the opportunity to enjoy sunny summer evenings by moving our clocks an hour forward in the spring and I think that is great idea.
    I am definitely evening type of person because I stay up until late of night, I can’t fall asleep for several hours after a normal time. I hate standing up early in the morning too.
    Time is the one thing in life that you can never get back. Once it's gone, it's gone forever.

    1. Hi Berina! I agree with that we can enjoy summer evenings by moving our clocks forward, but I am not really happy beacuse that disrupt my daily routine.

  28. I begin my day at noon, it's awesome because I'm definitely not a morning person.It's all fine and dandy until you have to work. Time is not money, efficiency is money, but because our people believe time is money, for example, if you hire someone to fix something in your house they will take their sweet time just because we relate time someone spends doing something with the value of their work. I do believe in time management because we really do have a lot to do, but not to the point that I have to plan every single second of my day. Lets be honest, how many times have you planned your day and it goes so wrong it's not even funny. Time only became relevant when people invented clocks. Could you imagine waking up when you felt like it and still having your work done. Some of us who wake up late work late. I know I do. So if we didn't have to wake up early we could work late and people who like mornings can work early. I really have no tips for time management, I believe it only gives people anxiety. Ivana Parađina, PO2.

  29. Time is very important to me personally as I trust every man. Time is a precious gift of God that we must not waste. Especially since time lost once we can’t regain. I think there is enough time in each day you just need to be well organized. I’m an evening type person, and that too sometimes depends on commitments and mood. As hard as it is for me, I still like to get up early in the morning so that I can do everything. One extra hour a day I don’t think is needed, like I said it just needs good organization. I personally advocate winter timekeeping because that time is natural, and I would abolish daylight saving time. Daylight saving time doesn’t affect me well. Disrupt my daily rhythm and I have trouble sleeping. I don’t think I’m good at time management because I always say no matter when there’s time, I’ll get everything. Then some more obligations arise and I often have to work hard to get everything in a short time. I think that time management is an important skill of educators because it will give children enough time to play, work and rest.

    1. Very well said. I absolutely agree with you.


    2. Have you tried the daily plan of activities they expect? Attempt. It will make it easier for you to organize and get to daily notifications.
      Melina Dragunić, PO3.


  30. Do you think that Daylight Saving Time is a good or bad idea?
    In my personal opinion I think that Daylight Saving Time is a bad idea, especially because some other countries don’t use it all. During winter days usually many days are gloomy and dark, and after we change our clocks I really feels strange, and it takes my quite a few days or sometimes weeks to adjust to it. I also feel that after 17:00 PM, my day is over and I should just go to bed. During spring and summer days I have more energy and I feel I could do more because of the light, but that is just me. I am also an early bird, so usually I feel great early in the morning and that is the time when I feel the most energized, and I can do many things. On the other side I have many friends who are totally opposite of me, and they do most of their work during evening hours, and they don’t mind Daylight Saving Time, and it doesn’t affect them at all.

    1. I agree with you, it's frustrating that some countries use Daylight Saving Time, and some don't. Elna Gačanin, ER2

  31. Time management is a very important item in our lives. It helps us do more of the things we wanted. Today's weather is really hectic and time is money. When we need more time, just then time passes quickly. I'm more of a morning guy. It’s not a problem for me to get up early especially if the weather is nice. My day starts around 6-7 o'clock, no matter when my lectures are. I try to make the best use of my time. I plan my obligations in detail and I try to fulfill everything I planned.

    Nerma Bulatović PO II

  32. Time is something that is very important in our lives. I always say time is money. Sometimes, when days go wrong I think that there is too many hours in the day. Usually I think there is not enough hours in the day, especially when I have a lot of obligations. When I was younger I was an evening type of person, but now I am morning type of person. When I wake up I drink my first coffee and I am ready to do every obligation that I wrote in my notebook the day before. I need 6 hours and more of sleep to function properly in my everyday life. I don’t usually snooze during the day. With one or more hours of extra time each day I would do the house cleaning, I would read more books or I would sleep and rest more.
    Ilma Purić, RN III

  33. Hello! :-)

    At the beginning I will say right away: Time is very important to me. I think time is important to every person, especially it's important to adult. While we are still children, we don’t care about the passing of time. But when we grow up, we realize the value of time and that time passes quickly and it flies away. As we grow up, we learn to use our time properly. I would say that I still learn how to use my time properly, although I'm 22. For me, the idea of Daylight Saving Time actually is a good idea because we have one extra hour of daylight. Thanks to that, we can do more things during the day. I think there are enough hours in the day, especially if we manage our time well and organize our problems, tasks, assigments and responsibilities. However, if daytime is not enough for our tasks and responsibilities, the night provides an opportunity to work and finishing our tasks. I'm an „evening“ type of person so I finish my tasks at night. I enjoy finishing my tasks while others are sleeping so nobody disturbs me. I don't sleep enough because I work late at night and that's because I sometimes snooze during the day. I think that our society is more suited to morning people because most of jobs starts early in the morning. I would change the working hours from 9am to 5pm. If I had one extra hour each day, I wouldn't use it because I'm an „evening“ type of person. Sometimes I thing that I'm not good at time managment because I feel stucked and stretched between my responsibilities and possibilities. The time management is an important skill for an educator because an educator has to plan his or hers tasks and responsibilities for each day. So I think that I should change my life habits, waking time, I should plan my day schedule and write „TO DO“ list. I hope I will manage to change my habits and become a „morning“ type of person. I sad that time is very important to me because of that I feel that I need to change my time management .
    Amila Čehajić, PO4

  34. Time just flies away. No one can stop it and it never waits for anyone. Time is precious and priceless for everyone. We should all learn to use our time properly to fulfill some purpose. We should value and respect the importance of time in every single moment of our life. Good time management is an essential skill for the 21st century. We live in a busy and bustling world where time is very precious. The lists of things to do are becoming longer and longer each day and in order to 'survive' we have to learn to manage our time well. My tip for good time managment is to get as much sleep as you can, meditate, spend some time in nature and, most important thing that helps me, be grateful for three things in the morning. When I start appreciating all good things in my life in the morning, my whole day is getting better and better. This thing actually works so well, that I had to recommend it for you, who is reading.

  35. Time is money, a proverb we hear very often. For me, time is very important and I am a person who plans everything in advance. Some things I can only do at certain times of the day and no other way, so i have to plan. Unfortunately, when we have a good time, there is always little time. We just have to keep in mind that time cannot go back and that we have to spend it consciously. Sometimes when we are too busy and 30 hours is not enough for us, but when something bad happens to us we want that day to end as soon as possible. It all depends on the situation and the people who happened to be in our lives at that moment. I'm a morning person, but I like to sleep in the afternoon if I get up early, to make the rest of my day as great as the start. I like to go to bed early and sleep 8h. Everything too badly affects my functioning and also too little sleep. Osmanović Ajla, ERV2

  36. While time is money on the West, it is a sword on the East. We can interpret this as a warning not to waste our time on vain or we might sufger the consequences. For a teacher, time management is an essential skill since classes are time limited and we have to take in considerstion the students concentration. Therefore, how we organize our classes is what makes it successful.

    Vildana Kurtović, PO III

  37. Time is really important in my life, especially since the day I enrolled into uni. I think there are enough hours in the day if you organize yourself well. I am a morning person, definitely. I like my peace. I don't snooze, but I do need about 8 hours of sleep to function properly. Good time management is import for students and for educators. Why? Well, firstly, our private life shouldn't suffer because we are studying or working, we need to have our free time to enjoy some activities. To plan a day ahead is the best way to manage everything, to stick to that plan is satisfying and it's easier to survive everything.

  38. I think we all found ourself in a "rush" , to litlle time for something or no time at all. Time management should be a skill everyone should known but actually not everyone does. Having an extra hour or two would be very helpfull. We live in times where every minute counts. After a hard day of work we want to go home and relax but we can't because we have chores waiting for us. Those few extra hours don't have to be used for relaxation only. We could used them for our hobies, drawing, going to the gym, read a book etc.

    Amila Šator, PO3

  39. I'm a night person. Sometimes I feel like I need another extra hour. I function best at night. That is why I'm not good at time management. But, I think that good time management is important for educators. In ours yob organization is very important. I definitely have to fix that.

    Berina Lemezan, RN III.

    1. I was drawn to your comment because I found myself in your words. Also, I function much better when night falls, I become creative and I have motivation for many things for which I can never compete during the day. Maybe we can find a job that is just right for people like us, who can get organized when night falls :)

      Dalila Kadunić, PO III

  40. As for this topic, we don't have time for ourselves or looking at the future, we may not have time for our child, our family at all. Due to obligations, we neglect everything, we don't have enough time or get to everything. In a hurry, we try to get to everything. is it useful?
    Whether I am a morning type or an evening type, mostly an evening type. With the company, I can relax more and adapt to my friends. I am often asked if you are not tired all day, not killing in the evening I have some strength and I feel most beautiful then. Our society and our responsibilities are solved in the morning, work, schools, kindergartens are obligations that we must be focused on and also psychologists say that the human brain works best from 09:00, but without too much forcing.
    With my extra time, I would dedicate more to my family or myself, my hobby because we need to set aside time for ourselves someday.
    Merjema Redžebašić, POll

  41. Time plays a significant role in our lives. If we better understand the time value, then it can gain experience and develop skills over time. Time can also heal things whether external wounds or feelings. Time is the ultimate thing that we cannot measure.
    It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? The answer lies in good time management.
    The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well.
    Good time management requires an important shift in focus from activities to results: being busy isn’t the same as being effective. (Ironically, the opposite is often closer to the truth.)
    Spending your day in a frenzy of activity often achieves less, because you’re dividing your attention between so many different tasks. Good time management lets you work smarter – not harder – so you get more done in less time.
    Time is important in life. Everyone has to respect and understand the time value because time can give the reaction of evil as well as good. Some persons understand the meaning and importance of life.
    Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you satisfied in the future. Think of how precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
    Dajana Blažić, RN3

  42. Time management is important because it helps you control your time, workday, obligations. We always should pay attention on that how we spend our time. I think that we should plan our time, so that we have more posibilities for work and also for rest days. Here are some tips for good time management: plan ahead, prioritize tasks, eliminate distraction, don't multitask, reward yourself for good work. Adela Jugović/1929/ Odsjek za razrednu nastavu/ IV godina/ vanredni studij

  43. Time management is important because it helps you control your time, workday, obligations. We always should pay attention on that how we spend our time. I think that we should plan our time, so that we have more posibilities for work and also for rest days. Here are some tips for good time management: plan ahead, prioritize tasks, eliminate distraction, don't multitask, reward yourself for good work. Adela Jugović/1929/ Odsjek za razrednu nastavu/ IV godina/ vanredni studij


    1. I like your advice you gave us, and I liked the advice that says that we should reward ourselves for the work done. It could definitely motivate us and help us feel better.

      Dalila Kadunić, PO III

  44. Time flies and it doesn't wait for anyone or anything. We need to use that time properly while we still have it. In order to do that, time management helps us a lot. Maybe we would do it easier if we had one more hour a day. That is the case when we turn clock forward one hour in spring and one hour back in autumn. It helps us use daylight better, save elecricity and spend more time outside. It also reduces traffic accidents because people drive easier in daylight. Amar Kožar Po2

  45. Time is money, but we value money more than time. As the Budhha said: "Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it, and once it's lost, you can't never get it back." We think we have time, but we always need just one more hour. Everyone has too many responsibilities, we want more and more, and it's never enough. Everyone is running through time without organization. Actually, in this way we are losing time, we don't have time for more important thing in our life, like family, health, mental health, emotions, friends etc. We need to slow down and living our best life, because what belongs to us will simply find us. Daylight saving time is pointless, but through the years it is not strange for me anymore. Yes, I often need more hours per day, but there is another day and that's okay. I don't take a nap during the day, because I think I would become lazy. Elna Gačanin, ER2

  46. It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? The answer is - good time management. Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities. Good time management enables an individual to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to career success. Sometimes we do not think so much about time and we seem to have eternity ahead of us. However, we soon realize that this is not exactly the case. Good time management is very important for everyday life. If we have good time management, we can have extra time to spend in our daily life. People who can time-manage effectively enjoy having more time to spend on hobbies, with family or other personal pursuits. Time is sometnig precious and we all should be aware of how we spend it because it is not unlimited as it seems.

    Amra Bajrić, RN IV

  47. Time management is a skill that is learned and needed to achieve a better quality of life. Managing time in a more efficient way does not only mean the successful realization of desires and obligations, but also enough time for relaxation and free activities. Sounds impossible? Most people think they can manage time effectively by sleeping a little shorter for a few days and working a little longer. That may sound like a good idea to increase productivity, but it’s not quite so. People need an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep to give their body and mind enough time to rest and reset. Although everyone already knows this, it seems that 73% of Americans do not get enough sleep, and 54% of them cite stress as the main reason for insufficient night's rest. An interesting fact in the whole story is that as many as 37% of them point out that it is wrong to spend time on social networks for lack of sleep, but also productivity. A separate study on this topic found information that those who stated that they do not have time management skills suffer from sleep apnea, have problems with blood pressure and many other health problems. A worrying fact is that as many as 63% of people were like that.
    Successful time management - advantages:
    Effective time management can not only help you find more hours in the day and adequate night rest, but also reduce stress levels and anxiety. While successfully adopting time management strategies requires rethinking your values ​​and priorities, making such lifestyle changes has many benefits that are really worth the effort. Just some of them are: achieving life goals, finding stability and balance in all segments of life, improving relationships, reduction of delays and waste of time, increase productivity, more free time for hobbies, reduction of frustrations, career advancement, increase in life satisfaction, improving health...

    Aida Tajić, RN2

  48. Is there anyone who could organize the day for us? I have asked myself this question many times. Simply, sometimes, no matter how early we get up, to start with our obligations, no matter how long and diligently we work, staying up late at night, we still need at least another half an hour or an hour.
    I believe that every business person today must take care of the organization of time so that they can fulfill all their obligations during the day.
    I personally like to write down in the morning all the commitments and things I would like to do and finish during the day. Mostly everything I write and do and then at the end of the day I feel proud and happy because I’ve really done a lot of it without even being aware that I didn’t write it all down.
    However, there come days when I don’t want to write commitments and even when I write them I don’t do them and then I feel bad. I think we need to listen to our body and our head and if one day something is not done we give ourselves a break because I think it will be easier for us to do our duties the next day.
    Sometimes it is much easier to take a break and when it is very stressful that tomorrow we could start all over again or continue where we left off but rested and clear minded.

    Dalila Kadunić, PO III

  49. This ability is something you can be born with, which is rare, or much more likely to hear and see how to manage time and feel the benefits of this new way of thinking, and to adopt and apply it in life. Whether in the realization of personal or business goals.

    And the change will be obvious. Drastic.

    Effective time management is something that makes a best-in-class manager different from the average one. The most successful managers have their own method or their own way of managing time. You have the impression that they do much more than ordinary managers. You are simply confused about how efficiently they work and what they manage to do during their working hours. And you can learn that too. Because it is LEARNING.

    They know how to distinguish important from unimportant things, urgent from those that are not. They know that they can't do everything themselves, so what is important they do alone, but they like to delegate to others. They know how to say no, and to throw some things out of their plan because that way they have more time for what matters.

    They know how to make the best decision because every moment we make decisions about our time, how we are going to do it and what we are going to do. Time management is like a kind of voting. If we vote for one activity and say YES, then we have said NO to another activity. We are constantly voting and we need to choose carefully what we will vote for in life because we will get it.
    Technically, life is much easier for us than it was for our parents. Machines, computers, etc. do a lot of hard, boring or physical work. But for some reason, instead of having more time, we’re getting busier, aren’t we? And as things stand every day we are more and more busy.

    How is that possible? Simple. Now there are many more possibilities, many more things that draw our attention. They steal our time. The number of possibilities is growing day by day and that is why the number of "stolen" hours is growing.

    And that’s why we miss an hour or two every day. We try different time management techniques, making tasks, assigning priorities. We even apply multi tasking and do two or three things at the same time to be faster and waste less time.

    There is a story about a man who decided to live a more fulfilled life and began to take more care of his time. He toured the city and bought thousands of marbles.

    Each clicker represented one day.

    When he had collected enough marbles for all the days to the end of his life, he put them in one big box. Every night he would take one clicker out of the box, go to the garden behind the house, and throw the clicker to the other end of the garden with all his might because he wasted that day. There were also days when he would take a clicker, look at it and make it look like the most beautiful clicker in the world, so beautiful that he didn't want to throw it away.

    He made the most of that day.

    That is exactly the essence. Use time properly to have a more fulfilled and quality life, to achieve your vision and your goals. Start using your time efficiently because that is the only thing that cannot be returned.

    So ask yourself the question:

    -How do you want to spend your time, and how do you spend it now?

    Being extraordinary in organizing time does not mean choosing a workaholic, on the contrary. Effective time management means having more time to deal with important things. The things you love.


  50. When it comes to time, it seems that every day is not long enough for everything I want to do. I appreciate my time very much, so I use it wisely.
    Going on a collage, having two jobs and training requires good time management. It means to coordinate everything you do, and still have time for yourself.
    I feel that I am both, I can be productive in the morning and in the evening, but what I love do to in the afternoon is to take a nap, so I think I am not an afternoon person.
    Having naps sometimes is because I don't sleep enough during the night. I feel that 8 hours of sleep is necessary to be productive the next day.
    I will never understand people who can sleep only for 5 hours and be all smiley and positive the next day, my question for them will always be - how?
    When it comes to society, I feel that it is definitely more for morning people, because those are unwritten 'rules' and how people live by.
    There is always bad management, people who can't coordinate their jobs and activities in their daily life are those who have bad management and it can affect other people in their lives.
    My good tips are - always plan ahead. Think of what you need to do the next day and prepare yourself (food, clothes, all the extra things you need), and don't ever leave things 5 minutes to 12 to finish, because that is unnecessary stress. These rules apply for people but especially for teacher and educators because they always have to have a plan and a backup plan if they want to be good teacher and a good example for their students.
    If you want to have a good life and quality time, you need to be good and planning and managing your times. Spend it wisely.

  51. I think time is very important. Every day I try to use every hour I have at my disposal in the best way. if I have free time, I find new activities to be productive. I enjoy reading, spending time with dear people. I consider myself a person who likes to spend mornings alone and evenings with dear people. Five to six hours of sleep is enough for me to feel fresh after I wake up. If I get tired sometimes I nap for up to an hour. I am surrounded by people who are the morning type of person. All activities end at the beginning of the day and then they have the rest of the day to relax. Sometimes I wish I could change my life that way. I think that is also very positive. I believe that time is a resource that few people use properly. Most are not aware of how important it is to fill the day with different activities. We should spend time wisely.

    Mahira Crneta. ER II

  52. Time is very important for me, just like for the rest of us. I always need more time, especially for school obligations. I aprecciate every hour of my time, but also someone else's. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at time management, but I intend to work on it and make it better, because it's important for a teacher. When you're a teacher, you have to plan every minute you have. You don't have time to waste, and you always need more time.
    I'm definitely a morning person. It's not hard for me to wake up. In the morning I'm very productive and in the evening I like to rest, lay down and watch some movie. I never snooze over the day. It happens only if I'm sick. Seven hours of sleep is enough for me, but sometimes I sleep a little bit longer, especially if I'm tired.
    Ajla Hasić, RN4

  53. Time is extremely important in my life. I feel like there are enough hours in a day if we know how to organize our time in such a fashion that it allows us to do everything we want to do.

    I consider myself moreso a morning type of a person.

    I need approx. 8 - 9 hours of sleep in order to function properly throughout the day. Sometimes I do take a nap during the day.

    My opinion is that the society is moreso well adjusted for the morning types.

    With additional hours in the day, I'd rest more from my daily chores and duties.

    I find the Daylight Saving Time (DST) to be a bad idea. The DST affects me negatively.

    I'd say that I'm pretty good at organizing my time. I usually write down all my duties so that I'm better aware of what awaits me. Which also brings me to my next point: the key to good time management is to plan things ahead.

    Good time management is a crucial skill for a preschool teacher in his/her challenges and activities with children.

    Katarina Petrović, PO4

    1. Hello. Time is important in my life, too. I am an evening person. But I go in bed late, so I use a lot of time to learn or do a things that make me happy. I have no problem to wake up early. I need 8 hours of sleep, too. And I am well organised, too.
      Emina Termiz, PO4

    2. I share the same opinion as my colleague. I think people are more productive in the morning because they are sleepy. In order to function and to feel good we need to have a good night’s sleep. It is very good that you write down your obligations, it helps a lot. I also write down everything I need for college so that I don't forget what my obligations are and so that I can do everything on time. Amra Srna PO4

  54. A difficult topic for me lately. From a fully organized person, I have reached the level where I only plan for the next few hours. I find these things changeable according to life commitments. What type of person I am depends on the type of obligation I have. I think it is very important for a teacher to be an organized person because it affects children as well. There is no race and the planned tasks are solved without too much drama. The necessary materials are ready. However, what is very important for a teacher is to be flexible, adaptable and to have room for improvisation.Usually about 7 hours of sleep is enough for me, but with the current pace of life, I reduced it to 4-5 hours of sleep. I have a feeling that time flies and that I have arrived and that I am still missing hours. I hope that this will calm down soon and that I will be able to be, at least in part, the organized person I was.

  55. Time and time management is very important for us. In order to have a good and a happy life, we have to use our time wisely. Time can't be taken back, we can't take it back if we lost it. So we really have to use every bit of it. Sometimes, our days are long, sometimes we feel like there is no enough hours in a day. If we are bussy during the day, time goes faster and we just need more of it. I'm pretty sure that in these exam times, all students wish we had more time or an extra hour in a day. Sometimes, we wish we had an extra hour on our exams too! So we really have to use our time wisely. I am not a morning person, but I think in the world, there are more morning people than the "night" type of people. Mornings are also really important, and I think that I loose a lot of time in the morning. I need more time to "wake up", drink coffie so I can start a day. But I manage to get that time back in the night. I study at night, never during the day, it is some sort of habbit I developed. It can be bad, because sometimes I don't get enough sleep. I need 8 hours of sleep to feel energetic the next day, and to feel well and ready to do stuff that I need to do. So yes, time and time management is really important if we want our life to be organized, good and if we want to be happy. Also, it is important for self care.

  56. Hi,

    We need to use our time in the right way. The time we spend and do nothing we will never be able to go back. Wasting time only leads us to problems. For all obligations in today's time, 24 hours is not enough, so the most important thing is good organization. Tomorrow we will be grateful to ourselves, if we start today.
    Dajana Nikolić, PO4

    1. Wery good opinion about this topic. I sometimes feel that i would like to be on two places at the same time. That is the best argument that time is priceless and that we sholud think about it more often.

      Adila Tursanović, PO4

  57. I think that time is very important for life and that it should be used well and with quality. Nowadays, we lead a fast-paced lifestyle. In big cities it is important every hour, while in smaller cities everything can be reached. If I have a lot of obligations during the day, I need more hours, or a longer day to finish everything. Time is very important for students to get to learn for the exam. I think that organization is very important because that saves time. It is also important to make good use of free time and do things that make us happy, so we will be fulfilled and our time. Amra Srna PO4

  58. I think that time is preciouss, and our most valuable resource and asset. The time that has past we can never get again. In light of that fact, it is important that we always know how to invest our time and for what purpose. Very often we loose time on wrong people and things. In order to make the most out of our time it is crucial that we organize our time properly, meaning that we sholud firstly think about our priorities in our life and what we really want to achieve. I speak about this from my own example, meaning that I would like to change my organizational habits.
    Adila Tursanović, PO4

  59. Time is everything. We can return the money we spent, but not the memories. Time is important in my life. I don’t like when my day passes and I haven’t done anything right. I think there are enough hours in the day. We can sleep 8 hours work 8 hours and rest 8 hours. I'm not a morning person. I don’t get up early when I don’t have to I love to sleep. I need about 7 hours of sleep to function properly. Sometimes I sleep during the day when I'm really tired or when I get up very early. I don't really know what would I do if I had one hour or more hours of extra time. Maybe I would dedicate time to something I love doing like doing nails and walking dogs. Daylight Saving Time idea isn't good thing for people who are hard-working. Sometimes I'm good sometimes I'm not good at time management. It depends on my mood but otherwise I don’t like when my day passes and I haven’t done anything. My tips are spend time doing what you love because time can’t go back, spend more time in nature, run, walk, go on vacation, enjoy in life. Life is short. Good time management is important skill for teacher. It is necessary to plan time for some tasks, for rest and enjoyment. Because children lose concentration when they do one thing for a long time.
    Winny Zagorac, RN2

  60. I think time is more than money as money spent can be earned again however once time spent can never be earned. There is a common saying that “Time and Tide waits for none”. It is as true as existence of life on the earth. Time runs continuously without stoppage. It never waits anyone. So, we should never spend our precious and priceless time without purpose and meaning at any stage of our life. We should always understand the meaning of time and use it accordingly in positive way to fulfill some purpose. We should learn something from this continuously running time. If it runs regularly without any stoppage, then why we cannot. Almina Talović, RN 3.


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