The 21st Century Learners

Dear students,

now that we have already discussed the teaching profession and education in the 21st century in general, it is inevitable that we also discuss those who are in the focus of these processes, i.e. the 21st century learners, taking into account the skills, knowledge and understanding they require and that are completely different from what learners should have had in the past. Nowadays, we can say that we have a new breed of learners who are usually referred to as 'Net Generation' (some other terms are also in use, e.g. 'Digital Natives', 'Millenials', Generation Z', 'Generation Alpha', etc.) that differs from previous generations of learners in specific characteristics, i.e. they prefer receiving and processing information quickly, their learning styles lean toward teamwork, experiential activities, multitasking and active learning with the abundant use of modern technology.

Therefore, the students in our schools today are intelligent, independent and extremely capable. They are tech savvy and comfortable with global and intercultural communication.They are creative, open to change and they respond better when their voices are heard and when they have the opportunity to express themselves.  Thus, they like it when they are allowed to take control of their education, express their thoughts and opinions and learn collaboratively with their peers. They've grown up in a world surrounded by digital technology and it means growing up with a completely unprecedented amount of information at their fingertips. With everything just a quick search away and only a few seconds away from the answer to their question, they are able to learn about any topic they are interested in and this makes them very capable of being able to meet higher academic standards.

Unfortunately, most students today continue to be educated in the same way as they were in the past, i.e. being taught what is prescribed by a standardized curriculum at a one-size-fits-all pace, with the emphasis on rote learning and standardized individual testing. Thus, students are becoming more and more disengaged and unmotivated when they are just asked to memorize facts for a test when they have all the information in the palm of their hand anyway. Past methods of teaching and learning make little sense to today's students who learn and think differently, especially in the 21st century where making use of information is far more valuable than simply knowing things. While adhering to the obsolete methods, many schools fail to teach students to respond to rapid change and create a truly borderless experience of learning.

We should keep in mind that the purpose of education is to prepare the next generation of learners for the challenges of today's world and even for the challenges and opportunities that await them in the future. We want them to be productive members of our communities. So as the world evolves from day to day, our education system must follow suit to ensure that we are preparing our students for their life within it.

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills, a national organization advocating for the 21st century readiness, has identified four skills as the main pillars for a 21st century learner (the 4 Cs): creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Creativity is about thinking through information in new ways, making new connections and coming up with innovative solutions to problems. Critical thinking is about the students learning how to evaluate, analyze and solve problems in a way that they look at problems through different perspectives and find a creative solution and analyze the outcome. Communication emphasizes the need to understand things well enough to share them clearly with other people. Collaboration now plays a huge part in the student's learning outcomes and it is about working together with others to find the best solution to a problem.

Eventually, we can conclude that the main focus in teaching the 21st century learners should be on: creativity and innovation, collaboration and communication, critical thinking and problem solving, global citizenship, technology literacy, lifelong learning, etc. The 21st century skills comprise all those skills, abilities, and learning dispositions that have been identified as crucial for success in the 21st century society and job market. The 21st century teachers are expected to serve as a guide or mentor for their students, not as the all-knowing sage only providing them with relevant information. They are supposed to teach their students the 21st century skills by making their learning relevant or fitting into 'the big picture', or a meaningful context; by teaching through disciplines and encouraging transfer of learning; by developing critical thinking skills; by teaching students how to learn (metacognition); by promiting teamwork and collaborative learning; by exploiting technology to support learning; etc. In order to achieve these goals and improve the education practice, teachers are warmly advised to implement some new teaching methods like project-based learning, problem-based learning, task-based learning, content and language integrated learning, personalized learning, etc. As modern educators, it is more vital than ever that we are providing our students with the relevant knowledge and skills to be 'fully equipped' to tackle this rich-tech and ever-changing environment and thrive within it.

Additional resources:

Please, join our discussion on the blog with your comments and in doing so you may consider the following questions:

What are the key characteristics of 21st-century learners?
What are the essential skills for the 21st century?
How do you see yourselves as 21st-century learners?
How can teachers create an environment that will foster acquiring the 21st century skills?
What are the best ways to teach and learn the 21st century skills?

See you online!



  1. Key characteristic of 21st century learners is tehnology knowledge
    creativity and specialization-improving knowledge and skills, constant-learning.
    Essential skills for the 21st century are also those words wich I already mention. Teacher must have will to create a good atmosphere in the class, to make children intrested about lesson, to give them possibility to grow mentaly, to improve their knowledge through pratice. Teacher can use so many sources for realizing their scholl class. As a source teacher can use internet, so many aplication, web sites where people are talking about education, sharing their knowledge and specialy experience. They can also use so many eBooks, also normal books.

    1. I also think that teacher should be creative and innovative. But do you think if teacher is creative, the students will be creative too?

    2. Hi my dear Emina. Do you agree that today's learning is easier than before?

    3. Hi Emina.
      Do you prefer e-book reading or so-called classic reading?

    4. Hi Emina.
      I agree with everything you said, but do you think there are some difficulties for 21st-century learners?

  2. We also see that the technology contributed to the easier way of searching for information. But, students often use that gadgets to watch movies, cartoons or play games... In that way, I think that the parents should superwise their children, and limit their time on a computer or a mobile phone. In most of the time, they can see all the information that is not acceptable for them and not even important for them. The best option is the platform for studying through different stages. Logining on that platform, child would have all the information that she or he needs. In that way, we would make impact on child's psycho - physiological componet, also on child's success in education.

    1. Hello. I don't think we met. But great thinking. Today is everything about technology. But I want to ask you which is the most important skill for you that teacher should have?

    2. Hello Lejla. What do you think is on internet more useful of useless things?

    3. there are a lots of features that one teacher has to have. I will write just a couple of them. those are. enthusiasm, professionalism, resourcefulness, and as main feature I would emphasize organization...

    4. Hello Ena. It is useful and smarter to watch videos to learn something. we can find explaintions in those videos too. E - books or changing information between students, or any kind of interaction can also improve child's development.

    5. Hi Lejla, in your opinion, does the internet improve critical thinking?

    6. Hi Valentina. Certain content provided by the internet in my opinion enhances critical thinking.

  3. Hello again.
    The key characteristics of 21-st century learners are creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. I consider that all the teacher should work hard to develop that characteristics. But many teacher aren't even trying to develop it, for example - creativity. Some teachers are doing they work like a pattern. And they are always doing the same things, at the same way.
    It's the same thing with collaboration. The best way to develop collaboration is team work. In that way they would talk to each other and to exchange their informations and their opinions. They would have the same goal to reach. But there are teachers who would say it's annoying to listen them working together and that it's hard to organize it. But it's necessary. We can develop creativity and communication through stories and oral storytelling techniques. And yes, today is all about technology and everything is available. Techonology wasn't very popular in schools before many years. But today is all about technology. And that is something we should teach them too, like we should teach them to critical thinking. Because we have to prepare students for the future. It's all about teacher because students usually do everthing that teacher do. If the teacher is cranky, her class will be cranky also. But if the teacher is creative, her class will also be creative. We should awake them for the future.
    There is one proverb I want to share with you and it's written by Robert Frost: "I am not the teacher, but an awakener".

    1. Hello. :)
      I would like to say that this is a great way of thinking, and I completely agree. We need to start thinking about the future a bit more, not just for sake of our students, but for the sake of humanity.

    2. Hi Ajla, just wanted to say that i absolutely agree with your statement that most teachers don’t really work on spreading their knowledge onto students. It just becomes the same old pattern because of which student aren’t willing to learn. I believe that if more creative people with genuine will to spread their knowledge onto others were hired to such jobs, the education system would improve as well as the students interests of receiving that same knowledge.
      Aldina Zejnilović. RN IV

  4. We live in the very specific century which bring a lot of challenges. The key characteristics of 21st-century learners are creativity, resourcefulness, good memory, good standing in society... Essential skills imply all of that and tech savvy.
    This way of learning and saving information in our brain have some advantages and disadvantages. I personally use Internet very much. Maybe ever more for learning than for chatting and surfing. For example when I learn something and I don't understand the meaning of some word I just go on Internet and he gives me answer. That is maybe sometimes problem because we get everything without a little effort. If we must find that information in books we would learn more information because it is necessaries to learn some near that while we finding. But I am really pleased that we have Internet today. He facilitates for sure and he gives to us a new possibilities.

    1. Hi my dear Ena. Which websites You use when You learn? And do you have any web site to recommend for reading online books?

    2. Hi Meliha ! :) I agree with your opinion.Students should learn specific things that have a cause and effect relationship. Students should learn the facts that will be of great benefit to them during their lives learns by heart.
      Medina Kunić RN 4

    3. Dear Ena, do you think this type of study can harm our intellectual abilities?

  5. Key characteristics of 21st-century learners are quick information-processing, collaboration, and dynamic and multitasking approach to learning.
    The essential skills for the 21st century learners are intelligence, reaourcefulness, independence, and competence. Besides this, leadership, creativity, critical thinking and ability to cooperate are the most important according to critical modern resources, such as The Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Teachers can create an environment that will foster acquiring the 21st century skills by rewarding creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, allowing in-class use of technology, promoting teamwork through group projects, being facillitators in class, allowing students to build themselves up, teaching students subject matter through interaction and dialog, rather than monologs. Also, teachers should promote thorough research and skepticism, because of today’s abuse of internet media. Lastly, teachers can create a dynamic environment in which causation and correlation between external phenomena is studied, which teaches students the multifaceted approach to understanding and conceptualizing the world outside of them, and not just remembering it as its told to them.

    1. Hi Meliha. :)
      Nice comment. In your opinion, does the internet improve creative thinking? :)

    2. Hi Naida, Yea I think that if we use the internet in right way. We have many web sites whit creative content.

    3. Dear Meliha, I like your comment. Do, in your opinion, students know how to duly use modern technology and to use the available information in the right way?
      Šejla Nahić, RN IV

    4. Dear Meliha, I agree with you. Internet has many positive effects, unfortunately they are not used enough for learning.

      Sumeja Krehmić

    5. Hi Dear Sumeja! Thank you. ❤️

    6. Hi Meliha, I agree on the fact that the teachers willingness to interact with the students more on various ways and reward creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, ect. can be very beneficial to both them and the students. It is very important for a teacher to develop a friendly relationship with their students.
      Aldina Zejnilović RN IV

  6. I think this is a very important topic that concerns all of us. It concerns us first from the perspective of the current student, and tomorrow it will concern us from the perspective of the teacher.
    It is significant to say that all the challenges we face are similarly encountered by our students. Our advantage is that we already have had the opportunity to be students in the 21st century and now, as teachers, we know what the challenge is. In this way, we can approach our students as well. I also find that as time goes on, it is harder for children to grow up. They face different kinds of challenges. It is our duty to develop all the potentials of our students, to teach them how to learn and to cope in the time they are "stuck" in. Surely the best way to teach in this time is not only by the old methods, but they are the basics and proven to be good. I believe that they should form the basis for which we will give our own stamp of our time.

    1. Hi Naida ! :) I agree with you . Students should use, in addition to the old methods, new methods that are of good quality and that enable students to have a better education.Without a variety of teaching methods, there is no comprehensive education. Goodbye ! Medina Kunić RN 4

    2. @Naida

      That's how the real teacher thinks. Only with such an approach and understanding of the students, the circumstances, we can expect a successful education. :D :)

      Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

    3. Thank you Ensar! It's nice to hear that :)

  7. The key characteristics of the 21 st century students are that they know modern technology, developed critical thinking, use different sources of information, developed their skills, etc.. They are different ways of teaching and learning. She would single out learning by trial and error, distance learning, learning through a map of mind, learning using mnemonics, etc.. The best way to teach this would be to help students learn more easily and retain that knowledge for a long time.
    Medina Kunić RN 4

    1. Hello Medina. Do you think that the students of the 21st century have a more permanent knowledge than those students who obtained their knowledge without technology?
      Šejla Nahić, RN IV

    2. Medina, what do you think is the best way to aquire knowledge for a long time?

  8. As we already mentioned in previous post that teaching have changed, it consequently means that process of learning have also gone through some changes. Methodology, approach to students and psychological views have progressed, but as the biggest change we can say that nowdays we have access to many technical solutions that can make teaching and learning easier and more efficient. However, it depends on how we use it. If we use it wisely, it can be very helpful but if we use it in wrong way it can make a lot of damage.
    Essential skills for the 21st century are creative and critical thinking. We have to be smart and think wisely, not just to follow what others do. Knowledge is power, but in the age of the World Wide Web determining what’s useful and what’s not, it is a skill in itself. When information of any sort is merely a click away, young people need the ability to think critically about what they are reading and decide how and why they agree or disagree. That is something we should do ourselves but also teach children how to do it. We have to enable and develop critical and creative thinking about everything in our lives.
    Critical thinking skills will also be essential in the future work environment where constant tech change will require fast adaptation. Students need to have the ability to make connections between arguments and knowledge sources. Interpreting this information and drawing intelligent conclusions will allow them to reflect critically on processes and create better experiences.
    Developing an environment where students are required to analyze and think deeply about sources, explain opinions and relate them to other works will equip them for the information age.

    As I have done in previous posts, I will also end this comment with a quote we can all think about:

    The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks.

    - Albert Einstein

    1. Emir, I agree with you.
      Do you think that young people are capable enough to decide what is good and what is bad for them on the internet?

      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

    2. Hi Emir, can you tell me what is the best way to absorb knowledge and which way would you use to learn something? Do you use associations, drawings, etc. to help you learn and master the material?

    3. Hey Emir, I really like the quote you post. Thanks for sharing it with us😊

  9. Key characteristic of 21st century learners is critical thinking and creativity. Everything that you do, do it your way, the way you want to do it. I think today there are so much "identical personalities", if I can say it that way. Most of people especially young people, are trying to be something or someone they are not, wear something that is in trend, love something the rest of the comunity love, they behave the way other people want them to behave. Our role is to teach them to be themselves, to express themselves the way they want to. To teach them that they don't have to be part of crowd that doesn't think with its head. They should develop critical thinking and we are their helpers.

    1. Hi Lejla, what do you think, how could teachers encourage their students to think critically ?

    2. @Lejla

      It sounds wonderful and I agree it should be like that. But today we see little of this in practice.

      Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

    3. Hi Neira.
      I think that teacher can do that by making a class debate on some topic close to them.

    4. Hi Ensar, yes, unfortunately, that is truth.

  10. I think that students in the 21st century use technology very little to enhance their knowledge or get valuable information. Most students use the internet and technology to play games, watch movies or follow influencers on Instagram and Youtube. I believe that the internet has helped students in unlimited ways, and the information that students get now is extremely efficient and helpful. Besides the advantages, there are many disadvantages that access to so much information creates problems, but this can be eliminated if students know how to use the internet in a proper way.
    Šejla Nahić, RN IV

    1. Hi Šejla, Why do you think students use very little of the internet?

    2. Hello Šejla :)
      I don't agree with that sentences "students in the 21st century use technology very little to enhance their knowledge or get valuable information". I think the opposite.
      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

  11. In my opinion, essential skills for the 21st century are: critical thinking, analitical thinking, creativity, flexibility, productivity, collaboration, communication, information literacy, media literacy, technology literacy, leadership, initiative, social skills, problem solving, networking etc.
    These skills are intended to help students to keep up with the pace of today’s modern markets. Each skill is unique in how it helps students.
    On the other side, teachers can use some methods to encourage information transfer between them and their students. For example teachers can ask students: to brainstorm, to generalize, to make analogies between a topic and something different, to study the same problem at home and at school, to practice drawing parallels between contextual similarities and differences etc.
    Selma Jordamović, RN IV

    1. Dear Selma, I agree with you. In your opinion, how can teacher create a more collaborative learning environment in their classroom?

    2. Dear Valentina, in my opinion, a teacher should be open-minded and friendly and therefore encourage his pupils to collaborate and take part in the lessons. All their responses should be carefully heard and accepted without discrimination or humiliation.


    3. Hi Selma, can you give me some examples of how to motivate children to learn more and to learn better?

    4. Dear Amina, we can: reward their efforts, understand their states and moods, accept their abilities, don’t expect too much from them etc.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  12. Key characteristic of 21st century learners are: global citizens (they are involved in conversations and issues that need to be tackled on a global scale. For example, health, environmental protection, economic growth), learners must think creatively (students need to be supported in their ability to develop creative solutions to everyday problems) learners need to communicate and collaborates with others. Students need to have ability to make connections between arguments and knowledge sources.
    Valentina Šutalo, RNIV

    1. Hi Valentina, I totally agree with you. Students should definitely use the internet for the sake of useful information.

    2. Hi, you are tottaly right. We can see how organizations like Erasmus are growning. Students have oportunities to travel and colaborate with people from around all the globe.

    3. Hey Valentina, , I totally agree with you that students need support. That is important for everybody 🤝

  13. A 21st Century student should invest more in their creativity and willingness to live. I think that very little is nurtured in the teaching process itself. The frontal form of work is still represented. Where the investors are the transmitters of the finished information. Without the effort of the students, they are given ready-made information that they need to learn without much understanding. We need to work on this to get generations of students who can handle all the problems themselves without the help of a teacher.

    1. Hi, Džemila :) I have a question for you.
      What kind of discipline knowledge is required of teachers?

    2. Hi Alma. It is the teachers who educate and raise children. Therefore, they need to be disciplined. To be able to pass that energy on to the students as well.

    3. Hi Dzemila. I totally agree with you. But it seems that we have students who want everything served on a plate, and yet they find everything so hard and difficult.. :)

    4. Hi Adna
      I'm glad you agree with me. Yes, I also noticed that there were such students.

    5. Hi Džemila :)
      I just want to say that I agree with everything you wrote.❣️

    6. Hi Edita,
      I'm glad you agree with me. :*

    7. Hi Džemila.
      I like how you said that. Do you think that people in the past have more passion and will for learning, despite the lack of resources likewise we have today?

  14. I agree with Selma, Lejla and Emir. Besides all these qualities that they have mentioned, it is imperative for teachers to be a good role model for their students.These are the characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher: A greater need to be creative in developing curriculum that has value in and of itself to as many students as possible.
    A greater need to develop meaningful professional relationships with students to gain the trust in my expertise that they are less ready to give automatically.

    1. Hi Alma :)
      I agree with you, and I like your sentences "it is imperative for teachers to be a good role model for their students".
      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    2. Hi, Hamida! :) Thanks for the lovely comment.


  15. In my opinion, the key characteristics of 21st century students are: responsibility, communication skills, teamwork, collaboration, creativity, knowledge of foreign languages. I consider some of the essential skills of the 21st century: basic technology knowledge, social skills, cultural awareness and the like. I think the game should be more present in our schools. I think through the game we can learn a lot about teamwork, collaboration, social skills.
    Hadžiabdić Amera, RN IV

    1. I agree with you Amera. Learning through a game is very productive. ;)

  16. Teacher must know how to create a good atmosphere in the class, to make children intrested about lesson, to give them possibility to grow mentaly, to improve their knowledge through pratice. Today's teachers have great challenges, but our profession and science teaches us that we must not give up in the face of something that surprises us, we must be resourceful and persistent.

    Berina Prozo, RN4

    1. Hello Berina, do you have any example how to improve children's knowledge through pratice?

    2. Dear Berina,
      I totally agree with you, today's teacher have great challenges.

    3. Hi Berina. In your opinion, what are the essential skills of the 21st century?

    4. Hy Berina, I absolutely agree with you. Professors today need to be innovative to keep students engaged.

  17. We live in a century that brings us many challenges. The key characteristics of 21st century students are creativity, resourcefulness, good memory, good standing in society ...
    This way of learning and storing information has its advantages and disadvantages. I personally use the Internet very much. Usually this is for some research or term that I don't know the meaning of. This is a problem because we get everything without a little effort. Using the books we would get and we would learn a lot more information, but I am pleased that today we have the internet, it makes it easier and gives us new opportunities.
    Amina Ramic, PO4

    1. Thank you God for the internet 😁

    2. Hi Amina, I will ask you, do you often use internet when you learning?
      Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

  18. Learning in the 21st century is dynamic and interactive. Some things are more than obvious and some we learn along the way. The changes that take place affect both - the students and the way of learning. Knowledge is not sufficient in itself and is not the key to success in life. During the school, students are expected to develop skills that will enable them to meet the modern demands of life. These should be skills such as: problem solving, critical thinking, communication and collaboration with others, and learning skills. Students should be able to manage their learning, to be information and media literate, collaborative, innovative, globally aware and socially responsible. The choice of teaching methods and forms is an important question for the modern teacher. Unlike those traditional methods where the teacher is, more or less, the transmitter of knowledge, and the students are passive listeners and recipients of this knowledge, modern teaching methods allow active involvement of students. Teachers need to keep up with the times, to constantly improve. Their appearance should create a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom and attract the attention of students. Students love good teachers, which is a the main condition for successful work and successful learning.

    1. Hi Ensar. Yes, interactive. That's the word I would use to describe a perfect education system.

  19. Hello everyone. As teachers we need to know that each generation has its own novelties. Today's generations have been confronted with technology since birth. It doesn't always mean bad, because in this way, they can acquire many skills. In my opinion, 21st century students nned to be creative, which allows them to be original in their products. Also, one of the most valuable qualities of a person is communication. These and many other characteristics, the child develops first in the family and then in the pre-school and school institutions. Well, we see the importance of the teacher again. :)

    1. Hello Amina, do you think parents should limit and control usage of cellphones and pcs of their children?

    2. Hi Amna :)
      Absolutely! Especially when we talk about younger children.

    3. Hi Amina :) I absolutely agree with all have you written.

    4. Hello Amina,
      I totally agree with you.

  20. Good morning people!
    Recent technological advances have affected many areas of our lives, including the way we communicate, collaborate, learn, and, of course, teach. Students have different personalities, goals, and needs, and offering personalized instruction is not just possible but desirable. When students are allowed to make their own choices, they own their learning, increase intrinsic motivation, and put in more effort—an ideal recipe for better learning outcomes. Today’s students have the latest and greatest tools, yet the usage in many cases barely goes beyond communicating with family and friends via chat, text, or calls.
    Being a teacher today is a big challenge that involves having basic characteristics such as understanding, tolerance, love of work, empathy, satisfaction with small things, creativity and so on.
    Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    1. Dear Nerma, what does it mean to be well educated in the 21st century?

    2. Dear Nerma,
      Do you agree that today's learning is easier than before?

    3. Hi Nerma!
      I agree with you today is a big challenge being a teacher.

    4. @Samira
      Well, first of all I mean managing in unknown situations, good knowledge of our field, business, subjects we teach and so on.

      Dear, I think that it is much easier for children today to learn, due to the many aids (youtube, google search ...), but this knowledge is much less time consuming.

      I'm glad to hear that. Bye! ☺️☺️☺️

  21. Well, generation Z, thats us. Most of us do not remember life without modern technologies (internet, pc, smartphone...). These technologies changed the world, changed the
    education systems, and also changed the students. But in which way technology changed us? We dont need to remember all tiny facts, general knowledge is available on one click. Students must be very curious, they must develop critical thinknig, and be good team workers. We should have good communication skills , so we could discuss and exchange informations and knowledge with others. Teachers today deal with many challenges, they must follow trends, and try to utilize best of modern ways of teaching.

    Amna Bajric POIV

    1. Hi Amna :) What do you think what is essential skills for the 21st century?

    2. Hi Amna!
      In your opinion, do students know, how to use modern technollogy the right way ?

  22. The choice of teaching methods and forms is an important question for the contemporary teacher. Unlike those traditional methods in which the teacher is, more or less, the teaching of knowledge, the student is a passive listener and the recipient of that knowledge, modern teaching methods can be actively involved in teachers, and in addition, creation emerges, which is the aim of the contemporary teaching. Modern methods that teachers should apply when learning with children are creative writing, photo speech, meditative forms, play and role play, bibliographies, project-based learning through research (eg interview, internet, encyclopedias), listening music change of learning location eg excursion, visit (in three phases: preparation, implementation and evaluation phase) creative work. I think that using these methods in my day-to-day work would have better results for children.

    1. Hi Fuada,

      I agree with you. Do you think that everything you put into practice is used by our teachers?

  23. Teacher must know how to create a good atmosphere in the class. With a lot of patience, work with children and make them little geniuses who will know how to take advantage of all the life benefits that life offers. The teacher should be full of tolerance, understanding, patience, cheerfulness, but above all that his happiness is the happiness and satisfaction of his students.

    Alma Nizić RN4

  24. I think that key characteristic of 21st century learners is tehnology knowlege, organisation, creativity and constant learning.
    Essential skills are the same like previous characteristic. In addition, it is also important to know the difference between what is good and what is bad, what is qualitative and what is not, etc.
    Me, as a 21st century student, think that i have a privilege tonuse all the possibilities this century has to offer. It is easier to find materials, ideas, explanations ..
    First of all teacher need to create positive relation with students, positive atmosphere in classroom... Lessons should be intresting to the students so it can affect on develop of their creativity, imagination, etc. Also a teacher should learn from the students too
    The best way to teach and learn the 21st century skills is to use everything that can help us (use Internet, interesant aplications etc.). But, don't forget use standart way of teaching and learning.

  25. Hello everyone again :)
    In my opinion, the 21st century learners should be primarily interested in learning, because we are witnesses of children who are interested only in playing games, watching different kinds of youtubers and similar. So that is the key connection between learners and teachers, teachers must get their students interested in learning, they must encourage their creativity because they may not even know that they are very creative because they are not even trying to do or make something creative. If we want our students to think critically, we must work on it, we must lead them to critical thinking just like our teachers did and they are still doing that. Some of the characteristics 21st century learners should also have are organisation, innovation and of course a good will to invest in their knowledge and give their best, and teachers are someone who should encourage them in doing that and lead them in a right way.

  26. Success in the 21st century requires knowing how to learn. Learners must develop strong critical thinking and interpersonal communication skills in order to be successful in interconnected and complex world. Technology allows for 24/7 access to information, constant social interaction. Internet, which has enabled instant global communication and access to information, likewise holds the key to enacting a new educational system. Some people believes that learners needn’t actually walk around with knowledge in their heads, they need only to have the skills to find it. I disagree. Twenty-first-century technology should be seen as an opportunity to acquire more knowledge, not an excuse to know less.

  27. The process of learning in the 21st century is much different than it was centuries ago. Therefore, key characteristics of learners are also different. Because all of the technical improvement and achievements that are used in today’s process of learning, today’s generation is also called “Digital Generation”.
    I think that the key characteristic that distinguish the 21st century learners from the previous ones is that today's learning and teaching is learner-centered. All of the teaching methods and styles are adapting to the learners preferences and needs so they can achieve the best results possible. Can you imagine today’s generation without internet that helps them with various sources of information and communication tools? We could hardly imagine that.
    In addition, I think that today’s students are creative, intelligent and they think in critical and creative way. Also I truly mean that today’s students are ready to cooperate if we approach them the right way. All of the above-mentioned skills could be improved if we use today's “modern world” privileges in the right way.

    Bajrić, Amra

    1. Dear Amra, about your question "Can you imagine today’s generation without internet that helps them with various sources of information and communication tools?" I think, this is impossible :)

    2. Dear Amila, I'm glad we share the same opinion. Thank you for your comment. 🙂

  28. In the 21st century, teachers need to be a good role model for their students. They need to create a positive atmosphere in their group, and of course they also need to interested group for the activity. Key characteristics of this century are: responsibility, collaboration, teamwork, organization as well as continuous learning. Nowadays, teachers have many sources for the realization of activities, starting from the Internet, many pages that are available for new knowledge and of course books that we can find.

    1. Hi Selma :)
      I agree with you. Teachers need to create a positive atmosphere with their students. If students work in a comfortable atmosphere, there is a better chance of learning something useful.

  29. One of the most important 21st century skills to teach learners is how to think critically. With so much information available online, it’s crucial that young people analyze, question and challenge what they are being told. They should remain open-minded, evaluate situations and think outside the box when approaching tasks. Communication is the skill many students find challenging to acquire, especially in a second language. Collaboration, this skill links nicely with communication, as good collaborators work effectively with others to achieve a common goal. Learning how to take turns, respecting other people’s opinions and being a good team player is vital for the success in every part of life. Creativity, everyone has a creative side – they just might not know it yet! It’s our role as a future teacher to help students explore their creativity and stimulate their imaginations. More than ever, we are living and working in multicultural environments. Learners need to be able to understand differences between themselves and people from other countries who have different cultures or traditions. From my point of view 21st century teachers should be aware of their students´needs for future career development; I mean teachers have to be able to develop and enhance students competences that will allow them to cope with their future professional duties.

  30. Key characteristic of 21st century learners is tehnology knowledge creativity and specialization-improving knowledge and skills, constant-learning. As we can see, technology has contributed a great deal to our children. However, I believe that parents should have more control, because of all the bad influences that can leave ugly consequences. The best option is the platform for studying through different stages. Logining on that platform, child would have all the information that she or he needs.

  31. We are living in modern technology time and it is very normal for us. I couldn't imagine learning without social media now because I used all of that to learn and have fun.
    Today students and children are very inteligent and extremely capable. Some students like when they are allowed to take control of their education, express their thoughts and opinions.
    Kids now are born with essentials skills in modern technology and it is normal when they are good in use modern technology to play or learn something new. And the best ways to teach and learn the 21st century skills are using a plenty of social medias and applications to learn some teaching skills and make learning more creative and fun for everybodi.
    Tatjana Drmač, PO4

  32. Hi everyone! I agree with everyone who has posted so far.
    My opinion is that teacher in the 21st century however much its easier to work it also demands of the student to be a flexible student. Also to study in the 21st century you must be good with technology and know how to use it and use it for your full potential to work on your talents. In general it is important for a person to be a quick thinker and to be diverse and have lots of talents and to be in communication with a lot of people. I think that I am one of the generation of people who grew up with technology so for me it isn’t hard to use technology.
    To be a good teacher in the 21st century it is very important to create a room and atmosphere that will effect the kids u work with in a good way. The enviroment needs to provide different types of ways to learn for different skills. Kids should see lots of new stuff because everyone and especilly kids learn the best with personal experience. That kind of skill that we pass on to kids will always be something that they will remember and use.
    #staysafe #stayhome #bepositive

    1. Dear Edita, I agree with everything you said. Stay safe too.
      Aida Rogo PO4

    2. Dear Edita , i agree with everithing you said, and yes, kids should see lots of new stuff because everyone and especilly kids learn the best with personal experience. ✔✔
      Selma Hodo PO4

  33. I can say I'm very sad, because the most of people use internet, they don't see their families, play games. Yes, internet is here, but use it careful, spend time with families. I remember time when internet wasn't popular like nowdays. Use internet but, there are still books, good lecture, even cartoons and movies. Yes, we can learn and teachol our kids to use internet, but have limit in that, read them books from kindergarten and we will see how they in 21st century alone take book and start reading. If we do good things and right things and children will learn from good examples.😊

    1. My dear friend Mirhu, I definitely agree with you. We have to limit the Internet first to ourselves, then to childern, because children learn everything from us.
      Aida Rogo PO4

    2. Dear Mirhu, i agree with you and Aida. We should limit the internet for kids and for ourselfs too. We all use it for learning something, but when we use it for fun, let that be for few hours, not all day.

    3. @Aida and @Selma I'm glad to hear that you agree with me.

  34. We are definitely undergoing a technological revolution when it comes to education. In this world where information and discovery are taking place faster than that information can be brought to our classrooms, i think that true 21st century learning must involve more than information literacy alone. Certainly, the traditional education system such as reading, writing and arithmetic play a core role in the 21st century classroom. But in this “new world”, those “content domains” become avenues for imparting a whole array of 21st century skills - skills that will allow students to function, learn and adapt information better throughout this post-modern world. When we can look at a school and see these things happening in sync, i believe that we can be confident that those students are getting the great education they’ll need in the, well near future.
    Aldina Zejnilović, RN IV

  35. 21st century children need to be able to think creatively, work creatively with others and also implement innovation in their everyday lives. This means that students need to be capable of developing creative solutions to the many problems and challenges that they may face and that the 21st century brings. The 21st century learner also works creatively with others, being able to develop and implement their creative ideas through communication and collaboration with the group. Teachers needs to foster and support the development of creative skills in children and give 21st century learners the opportunities to pursue creativity and innovation.

    Sibila Nuhanović

  36. Hello everyone :)
    Teachers need to be a good role model for their students. Teachers are very important in students upbringing, they need to be creative, positive, fun.. Teacher can use so many sources for realizing their school class. As a source teacher can use internet, so many aplication, web sites.. Students must be very curious, they must develop critical thinking, and be good team workers. We should have good communication. Knowledge is power and we need that power.
    Hamida Tatarević, PO 4

    1. Hamida you said this very good that we need good communication.
      Mirhu Majdanac, PO4

  37. Hello! :)
    Key characteristics of 21st century learners is that they are very innovative and creative, and also very flexible. As we all know, 21st century and everything new in it has brought up new level of everything. They have to be used to everything that comes and simply adjust to everything that is served to them and probably it will make them more clever but it's a long road. Today, everyone of us is in one process of education, on many fields. We just have to be brave and confident enough. We are given so many resources and we have to use it properly. Teachers can help a lot and make a path for future. I consider that the most important thing is to have a will and just to want to learn. And then, there can not be boundaries. Teachers can give children motivation and interests and believe in them and their abilities and that is very good way to start education at all. Critical thinking is very important and we should help them as much as we can.
    Almedina Avdić POIV

  38. Hello everyone!

    Key characteristics and basic skills of 21st century students are creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboratin and a willingness to learn lifelong learning. Above all, the professor should create a good and stimulating atmosphere, keep up to date with topics and contents and present them to students in an interesting way and strive to develop these characteristics. I think that this is also one way of developing these traits. The professor gives us topics, and we write our opinions, we communicate, we collaborate and we understand our
    Creativity is developed by seeking new informations or answers to a particular topic or problem.
    I think the best way to teach the students is to prepare for the daily development of their own skills, and for professors to be up to date with modern teaching methods, wich is to help students learn, think critically and make that knowledge lasting.

    Aida Rogo, PO4

  39. Today we know that time has changed and children are different and everything is changing still every minute and day, more and more. So when we think about 21st century learners, we can consider that to teach them ,we have to stay and constantly be in touch with technology and new trends, because today, our children has so many sources to learn and explore and we have to be prepared to that. The most important thing is to look and go forward and to keep up with this constant progress of education and everything that is following.
    Tomorrow will come something new anyways, and children will learn and fit in it in their growth naturally and we have to adjust ourselves so our children grow with us, and so that they know they have us to rely on.

    Ajla Balta, PO4

  40. We live in a technology ruled world where teaching mediums differ from the ones used by our parents or even older brothers and sisters. To be successful we need to adapt new learning and teaching techniques. Key characteristics of 21st century learning should be quick adaption, emotional control, capability of individual as well as teamwork, being tech savvy, creativeness, improvisation skills, resourcefulness, leadership and critical thinking. Personally, I see myself as a person still in a development of the above skills, having some more and others less but ultimately trying to adapt to the necessary requirements of the 21st century to be a successful individual. Teachers play an important role to foster these skills and abilities in their classrooms and impose them on the students. A method to do that would be to have a reward system for creativeness and problem-solving skills and enforce out of the box thinking. Besides, teachers also should utilize all of the available modern tools to promote these skills such as the internet, applications, seminars, articles, team building activities and others. The best way to learn these skills is by practising them having in mind the importance about the theoretical aspect as well. Ultimately, I believe that a great amount of these skills is learned outside the classroom.
    Selma Hodo PO4

    1. Hello Selma, I like your sentence "The best way to learn these skills is by practising them having in mind the importance about the theoretical aspect as well. Ultimately, I believe that a great amount of these skills is learned outside the classroom."

  41. Recent technological advances have affected many areas of our lives, including the way we communicate, collaborate, learn, and, of course, teach. There are few key characteristics of 21st-century learners and one of them is being a global citizen. Social media usage and access to the web has made students more aware of their place in a diverse world. Classes that introduce new ideas, different cultures, and lifestyles will open up discussions and get students engaging with the rich variety within the world. Students need to be supported in their ability to develop creative solutions to everyday problems which means students have to think creatively and that is another characteristic when we talk about 21st-century learners. We need to communicate and collaborate with others because humans are social creatures and communication has always been key to our survival. Another thing that students need is thinking critically, young people need the ability to think critically about what they are reading and decide how and why they agree or disagree. Education today is more than just giving lessons and assignments. It is now a two-way process where both the student and the teacher learn from each other side by side. The best way to teach and learn 21st-century is to teach through the disciplines, students develop their 21st-century skills and knowledge as they learn why is each discipline important. In my opinion, promoting teamwork as a process and outcome is a really important thing too because teamwork equals dream work and that's why we should step together and approach our problems as a team.
    Dženita Čolo PO4

  42. 21st century skills are: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, information literacy, media literacy, technology literacy, flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, social skills. These skills are intended to help students keep up with the lightning-pace of today’s modern markets.
    Suada Stanić (V) PO4

  43. Hello,
    Techonology wasn't very popular in schools.. But today is all about technology. Key characteristics of 21st century learning should be quick adaptation, capability of individual for teamwork, being tech savvy, creativeness, resourcefulness and critical thinking.And that is something we should teach them too, like we should teach them to critical thinking.Teachers play an important role to foster these skills.The best way to encourage these skills is for teachers to explain and suggest to students how modern tools are used.

  44. The key characteristics of 21s ceuntry are prevalence and
    multiplicity of information avilable on interenet and all around us.
    The essential skills for 21s ceuntry are good communication skills
    and creativity, also wide range of knowledge.
    I see myself as a good communicator and a very responsible person
    when it comes to my daily accomplishments.
    They can create an enviroment with creativity, different kinds of games
    which involve knowledge, getting to know your students and their needs.
    The best ways to learn and teach in 21s ceuntry are: by combining fun and
    knowledge, by learning skills which are going to be used in everyday rutine,
    by using your time to meet different kind of cultures, by travling...

  45. The last few decades have witnessed rapid and major changes in the world that have a direct impact on student education. Skills and knowledge valued once, today can be completely useless. There has been an idea for a long time, but also the need to change the current traditional way of education. Earning in the 21st century must be placed in a context that promotes interaction and a sense of community, which will enable formal and non-formal learning.The competencies that ensure the student's mastery of life tasks in a society based on knowledge and information are: independent learning, problem thinking, networked thinking, team skills, media competencies, intercultural communication skills, innovative thinking, self-presentation and recognizing future business requirements. Knowledge and skills for the 21st century represent the basic social strategic guidelines which, with the appropriate infrastructure, encourage the transformation of the learning and teaching process. Their goal is to achieve original, intellectually challenging student work. They cover four areas: literacy in the digital age, inventive thinking, effective communication, and high productivity.

  46. 21st century learning is the constellation of learner characteristics which eqwips student to enjoy a high quality of life, work and relationships by being resilient, intentional, creative and confident learners who understand the value of callaboration, the relationship of effort to results and the need to be continally growing and learning.
    Benefits of 21st century learners are critical thinking and problem-solving, agility and adaptability effective oral and witten communication and accessing and analyzing information.
    Sumejja Musa, PO3

  47. Today, creativity and innovation are critical skills for students to possess. 21st century children need to be able to think creatively, work creatively with others and also implement innovation in their everyday lives.
    Students need to have the ability to present their ideas articulately through a range of oral, written and non-verbal communication platforms.
    In a constantly changing world, students need the ability to think critically and solve any problem which may occur in their lives.


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