Welcome to the ESP Learning Hub!

Dear students!

I am more than happy to announce that our ESP (English for Specific Purposes) learning blog is officially opened and I warmly welcome you all to join in!

Let's start learning ESP online and enjoy in our virtual classes from now on!

This blog is envisaged as a virtual space where we can all learn something new and build up a learning community where everyone is welcomed to contribute to our virtual class discussions with his/her own ideas, thoughts, opinions, experiences, etc.

First of all, I would like you all to introduce yourselves to your colleagues, and apart from providing some basic information about you (name, age (optional), place of living, type of study, year of study, etc.), you can also mention at least two interesting things about you that you would like to share with your colleagues here.

Secondly, as a warm-up activity, I would like you to think about your reasons to learn English (general or ESP) and what kind of a learner you are. It is very important to identify your English learning goals in order to help you understand what is important for you and make your learning more effective.

I recommend you to use this link and complete the form which will help you set your specific English/ESP learning goal(s) and think about the ways how to achieve it (them):


Good luck!

Please, share your results with us by posting a comment on our blog.

I look forward to 'seeing' you all online soon!

Best regards,



  1. Hello, my name is Ena. I'm 22. I come from Kiseljak but I've been living in Sarajevo for one year.
    I've been studying at Faculty of pedagogy and I'am on 3rd year.
    I really like hanging out with my friends. Aside from that I would like to learn a lot of things and I try to learn something new every day. I play guitar and piano. That's my passion. I like reading books, especially novels.
    Regarding English, that language is so amazing to me. I really like to hear when someone speaks in English. So I attend a course of English to perfect it. English is world language and wherever we go it can help us to manage in different situations. Also, a lot of literature consernig my profession is in English. I watch movies without translation, just with English subtitles to perfect this language and it helps.
    On the other side, for everything in life it is always better to know more than less

    1. Hi Ena, nice to meet you. You look like a very nice and interesting person to me. The thing i like about you is that you play the guitar. I always wanted to learn how to play guitar 😍 And i like your thought: for everything in life it is always better to know more than less.. Definitely so .. Be well and see you here on the blog.. And hey, can you tell me whats your favorite book? 😁😁

    2. Hi Ena, Nice to meet you. I read your post, so, can you tell me one movie, perhaps your favourite? I would like to watch🤗

    3. Hi Ena, so nice to meet you :).
      What are your favourite series? I totally sympathize with you, I loved English as a language and came to that level that I can watch whatever I want without translation, and my first series that I watched without translation was Gossip girl. :) Playing piano is awsome, so happy for you!

    4. Hi my dear roommate!

      I know that you play guitar beautifully.
      I like to listen while you play guitar.
      Can you share with us what is your favourite song that you like to play the most?

      Bajrić, Amra

    5. Hi Ena, what are some small things that make your day better?

  2. Hi, my name is Emina Ćuhara, and I'm 21 years old. I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Sarajevo is my hometown. My goal is to become teacher and because of that I am a student at the University of Sarajevo, my major is elementary childhood education. I love dogs, conspiracy theories, philosophy but most of all I love to play devil's advocate. :)
    I want to learn english because it is truly window to the world. English gives you an opportunity to gain knowledge in the strangest places . While I was traveling through Turky I learnt one valuable proverb. ''One who speaks only one language is one person, but one who speaks two languages is two people.'' It means that learning second language gives you whole different perspective. For me the easiest way to learn something is by hearing, auditory learner here! My goal is to improve my speaking skills and build up confidence to speak with native speakers of english.

    1. Hi Emina, what's the best thing that happened to you last week?

  3. Hello, my name is Ajla Balta. I'm 22 years old. I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Vogosca is my hometown. I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, department Preschool teacher, 4th year.

    1. Hi Ajla nice to meet you. What is your favorite movie?

    2. Hi Ajla, nice to meet you. Can you tell me what is your favorite book?

    3. Hello Ajla! How you spend your free time?
      Šejla Nahić, RN IV

    4. Well, hello Ajla :). How are you?
      What is your favourite coffee shop, where you spend your free time? Which is your favourite place on Earth?

    5. Hi Demila, nice to meet you. My favorite movie is South Wind.💛

    6. hi Amina, my favorite book is: Three feet above the sky, and you?

    7. Hi Sejla, I spend my free time watching series, movies, sometimes cooking. 🥰🥐🍟🍕🎬

    8. hi Almedina, my favorite coffee shop is Cube, is it you too? 🤭

    9. Hi Ajla, my dear frined :) How are you? Because you like cooking, can you tell me which you favorite cake ?

    10. Hello Ajla :) what is the most impressive thing you know how to do?

  4. Hi, I am Marijana and I'm 22 years old. I'm from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I live in Sarajevo. I am student of Faculty of Educational sciences and I am 4th year. I love to work in kindergarten and I love children. In my free time I read books and hangout with my friends. I love traveling in interasting countries. I would like to meet a lot of different cultures

    1. Hi, Marijana, nice to meet you. What kind of music do you like?

    2. Hello Majo!
      Can you tell me what is your favourite place to take a rest and enjoy life? What you often do in your free time?

    3. Hello Marijana, nice to meet you. Can you recommend me some good books you read and also interesting destinations you visited?
      Aida Rogo, PO4

    4. Hi Edita, I like to listen to pop music.

    5. Hello my dear frend Almedina! My favourite place to take a rest and enjoy life are parks, pikniks in forest. In my free time I often go out with my friends, go to gym and watching movies.

    6. Hi Aida, nice to meet you too. You should read "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville. It's very interesting book. The most interesting destination is Venice. It is very beautiful. You don't miss it!

    7. Hello Marijana, what is the most annoying question that people ask you regualarly?

  5. Hello! My name is Almedina Avdić. I am 23 years old. I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, department Preschool teacher and I love my future profession very much. I am at 4th year. I enjoy in hanging out with children and playing with them. English language is something that I really love and use it whenever I can and also, I'm in love with their music. I hope that I will learn much more and have some interasting opportiunities to learn many interasting and different things!

    1. Hi Almedina, nice to meet you. Can you tell me what's your your favorite singer and song?

    2. Hi Almedina nice to meet you. What is your favorite movie?

    3. Hi Dženita! :) Nice to meet you too. My favorite singer is Adele and for song, I can't choose anything specific. I have specific music taste. :)
      Hello Dzemila! My favourite movie is Me before you. :)

    4. Hello Almedina, you have very beautiful eyes :) Do you have a favorite place to take a break?

  6. Hi, my name is Sandra and I'm 23 years old. I'm from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I'm studying at the Faculty of Educational sciences in Sarajevo. I will graduate this year. My hobbies are watching movies, traveling,... I consider myself as a responsible, creative and patient, which is very important in job I'm educating for. I'm looking forward to my first experience in work with children, which should happen very soon. :)

    1. Hi Sandra, nice to meet you. Can you recommend a movie for me? I realy like watching movies, also can you tell us what places you visited, and your favorite place?

      Sending you virtual hug!

    2. Hello Sandra! Will you share with us your favorite place where you traveled and what you like the most?
      Šejla Nahić, RN IV

    3. Hi Sanda!
      How are you? So, I saw you love to travel. Which country you would like to visit in near future? Xoxo

    4. Hello Sandra, when people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?

  7. Hello, my name is Džemila Karamuja. I am 24 years old. I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, department Preschool teacher and I love my future profession very much. I'm from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I love to work in kindergarten and I love children.

    1. Hi, Džemila! :) What kind of music do you like?

    2. Hi, Džemila. What is your hobby?

    3. Hi Sibila, My hobby is watching movies, hanging out with friends. Of course, I still enjoy trying new food flavors.

    4. Hello Džemka! :)
      What is your favourite book. I miss our times we used to spend on breaks, hope to see you again soon.
      Sending virtual hug!

    5. Hi Almedina, My favorite book is Anna Karen. I miss our jokes and laughter too. I miss those happy days at our college. I hope we see you soon healthy and happy. I love you.

    6. Hi Alma, My favorite music is anything that calms me down and arouses positive emotions.

    7. Hi Džemila, miss your sense of humor :( l hope you are doing well. Do you have a favorite book?

  8. Hello! My name is Mirhunisa Majdanac. I live in Jajce, but now I'm living in Sarajevo because I'm studying here. I'm student at Faculity of Educal science, department Preschool education. I realy have a lot od hobbies, but the most interasting is learnig lenguages. Some of them that I'm learnig now are Arabic, German, Turkish and Italin. I'm learning Arabic for 8 years, German I learned few months, Turkish still learning, Italin too and English language I'm learning for 12 years. In my free time I write some stories, some of them are publishied. My name is Mirhunisa Majdanac, but everyone call me Mirhu! 🤗 For now bye😊

    1. Hi Mirhu, nice to meet you. 😁 Are you living here with your friends, or?

    2. Hi Alma, yes I live in Sarajevo with my frinends😊

    3. Hello Mirhu! Nice to meet you!
      We are buddies, I love Turkish language too! N'aber kiz hehe.
      I hope you are doing well. I hope that one day I will be reading your book, you are so talented!
      Which is your favourite book and how do you like to spend your free time the most? What is making you calm?

    4. Hi Mirhu! Can you introduce yourself in arabic? :)

    5. Yes Almedina we love it, very, that Turkish. Nice to see that you love Turkish too. Iyim, teşekekrüler😊
      I hope that I will write that book, how we say in sha Allah.
      Mirhunisa Majdanac PO4

    6. Yes, Amina I can intoduce myself in Arabic.
      اسمى ميرهنسا مايداناس. انا من مدينة يا يس. انا اذهب في كلية . انا طالبة. انا سيعما في وردة ان شاءاالله.
      This just short version. Thank you for ask me to do this, for me Arbic is very special😍

    7. Hi Mirhu, what's the best way a person can spend their time? :)

  9. Big greetings everybody.
    My name is Emir Hajdarević and I am 22 years old. I live in Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am studying at Faculty of educational science, Department of classroom teaching (3rd year).
    First contact with English language I had back in kindergarten where I have learned my first words. I remember that the first word that I have learned from that period, thanks to my father, was „umbrella“. Since than I have been improving my English language skills and knowledge through many formal and informal ways. In formal way I am learning English language from 2nd grade of elementary school until now. Also I am learning it whole time in inforamal way throught different types of media as well as films, TV shows, books, video games, etc. I could say that I have improved my English mostly through playing online video games. That was a period where I started practicing English through conversation with others in order to comunicate with them. That is a period in my life where I „fell in love“ with English language. That feeling, where you are speeking with people from all around the world and learn new things, exchange experience and make friends, is so powerful and motivating.
    It becomes rutine and you are getting better and better each day. I can say that I relly love English language and my goal is to improve it by traveling all around world and communicating with people. I would like to explore and learn about culture, religion and tradicion of others. Travel is the only investment where you are becoming rich for eternity. I really believe in it.
    Also I like sports and everything that comes with it. Most of all I like football and I play it occasionally. Beside that I am interested in all types of extracurricular activities where I can expand my knowledge and get more experience. Right now, I am working on math magazine along with my colleague Amra where we are trying to develop something new in our country. Math magazine for students of elementary school age, where children will learn math in interesting and attratctive way. Our goal is to attract them to love math or at least to not hate it, like a lot of students do. Unfortuantely, all we have for now is great idea and a great desire, but we are lack of material resources for great distribution and accessibility for children. We hope that the project will be recognized and become great story. Maybe one day we will get to that level where we will be able to do it on English for the worldwide distribution. But we go one step at the time - step by step.

    Thank you for reading this. I wish you all the best. Have a great day and see you around on this blog.

    1. Hi Emir, nice to meet you. I see you also played video games, so what is your favorite? Also you said that "Travel is the only investment where you are becoming rich for eternity", I totally agree with that. Any place you particularly like?

    2. Hi my dear colleague Emir

      Since you love math like I do, I have one math joke for you.

      What do you call a group of friends who love math? 


      Bajrić, Amra

    3. Hi my dear colleague Amra, or should I say my algeBRO hahah 😄😊

      I like that joke. Math jokes are grea .

      Here are couple more, just for fun:

      How do you stay warm in a cold room?
      Go to the corner. It’s always 90 degrees.

      How did the triangle insult the circle?
      You’re so pointless!

      Thanks for making me laugh Amra, I hope you like thesee two.
      Stay humble and happy, see you around ✌😊

    4. Hi Dženita, it's nice to meet you too.
      Well I used to play video games when I was in high school. I have played it often with friends who were all around the world, but mostly from Austria and Czech Republic. So we had to communicate on English language. It was great time. We have mostly played competitive games Counter Strike 1.6 and Dota 2, but occasionally we also have played other games.
      And traveling is also my passion. I really like to travel but unfortunately I don't have much time lately. Well I would like to visit a lot of places all around world but also I would like to visit all the cities in my country. I would say that Bosnia and Herzegovina is so special with great culture and history. Every place has its own story and it is so interesting to me. I would like to visit all of that and see all of the monuments of this country.

      Thanks for the comment Dženita and see you around 😄

    5. Hello Emir, who inspires you to be better? :)

  10. Hello Amra, I am glad you share all of these informations with us, and I am glad I get to know you better. Just continue doing what you are doing right now, be persistant and work hard. When you do it like that, only the sky is the limit. You have my full support.

    And since you like jokes I have one for you.

    Do you know what is the longest word in English language ?
    It's the word "SMILES", because there is a mile beetween it's first and last letter :D
    Hilarious, isn't it? :D

    Anyways, best of luck and see you around :D

  11. Hello, my name is Sibila Nuhanovic. I am 23 years old. I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, department Preschool teacher and I love my future profession very much. I'm from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I like reading books, playing volleyball, hanging out with friends, playing witj kids. I am very communicative, patient person.

    1. Hi Sibila, nice to meet you. I see you have mentioned reading books. What is your favorite book?

    2. Hello Sibi!
      How are you doing? I hope you're doing fine.
      How you like to spend your free time, what is making you calm and chill?
      Sending virtual hug!

  12. Hello, my name is Aida and I am 23. I live in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, department of Preschool teaching. I am at 4th year and I will graduate this year. I like to spend time with children and can't wait to start working in kindergarten.

    1. Hello Aida. I'm Fuada. Nice to meet you. What is your hobby?

    2. Hello Fuada, nice to meet you too. Most of all, I like to spend time with my best friends, I like to go to the gym and also to travel.

  13. Hello everyone. My name is Meliha Terzić. I am 22 years old. I live in Sarajevo, the capital city od Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am studying at Faculty of educational science, Department of classroom teaching. I am on 3rd year - 6th semester.
    I am very communicative person and I like helping others, but my biggest passion in life is working with children. Also I would like to study psychology.
    Most of my peers and I started leargning English fairly early, in the fourth grade. However, I knew a couple of words before I started school. My source of information was TV, video games, movies.. As my third language I studied German.
    We often ask ourselves “Why se need to study English?”, but answer is very simple. Most of big developments came from English speaking countries and because of that English is big part od everyday life. With certainty we can say that it gives you a lot of opportunities, and offers different perspective to young people.
    This blog is excellent example of benefits and importance of knowing second language. We can met new people, check our grammar, speling..and we can practise our communication skills.
    I am glad that we are in this thogether and just by reading others introductions I feel like I have known you for ages.

    This is all from me for now. Until next post stay happy and healthy.

    1. Hy Meliha! Nice to meet you, you mentioned that you would like to study psihology, my question is why is this interesting for you? Because I'm in that too. Myb we could exchange opinions? Xoxo.
      Marija Bekić

  14. Hello, my name is Belkisa Pilipovic. I am student at Faculty Educational sciences, department of Preschool teaching. I am on 4th year (8th semester). I am 21 years old. English is one of my favorite subjects. I am studying English about 16 years. English is very important because it is language that almost every person is learning today. I am gymnastics coach, I am training children gymnastics. Often I train myself.

    1. Hello Belkisa,
      I am Alma. :) Nice to meet you. When's your birthday?

    2. Hi Belkisa, nice to meet you. I see you are gymnastics coach, so do you have any advice for good workout with children and maybe for myself too? :D

  15. Hello! My name is Tereza Čuturić. I am 21 years old, almost 22 😆 I live in Sarajevo and I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, department Preschool teacher. I am at 4th year. I love kids and I can't wait to start working in kindergarten. I also love reading books, hanging out with my friends, watching movies...

    1. Hello Tereza,
      I am Dženeta, you can call me Džen. Nice to meet you :) I hope you can suggest a book to me, because I see you love reading books. Thank you! :)

    2. Hi Tereza.
      My name is Aldina. Nice to meet you. Where are you born?

    3. Hi Tereza, nice to meet you. Wich movie do you recommend me to watch? I love comedies. 😆
      Aida Rogo, PO4

    4. Hi Tereza, I read your post. Can you tell me your favourite book.

  16. Hello everyone 👋
    My name is Antonela.
    I'm 21. I come from Travnik but I've been living in Sarajevo for 4 years. I am a student on Faculty of educational science, Department of clasroom teaching. I'm on 4th year and I hope to graduate this year.
    I really like hanging out with my friends and of course be with children and playing with them. I also love read books and watch movies.
    I like to attend congresses, seminars, or similiar activities so that is one of the reasons why I want to improve my English.
    I would like to improve my speaking and reading skills, grammar, to learn new words and a lot of new things.
    I think this blog is the great opportunity for other students and me too of course to learn something new, express our opinions, get to know each other and relax.
    Goodbye for now 😁

    1. Hi Antonela. Which places in Travnik are the most beautiful to visit? :D

    2. Hi Nerma :)
      There are many beautiful places to visit in my city: old town, famous blue water, the hause of our Nobel winner Ivo Andrić ... and we can't forget ĆEVAPI

    3. Oh, thank you a lot. You made me hungry now. Can't wait to visit Travnik. :D

    4. Hello Antonela, what is special about the place you grew up?

  17. Odgovori
    1. Hi Edita, nice to meet you. I see you have mentioned learning through TV programs and movies. My cousin learned to speak German by watching cartoons in that language. Just a great thing. He doesn't have to learn in school and by many books. Like i did, and still don't know to speak German. Hahaha, funny i know.. Are you free to go to watch movie with me ? I mean to learn some english words ?? 😁😁

    2. Hi Selma,
      I can say that my brother learnt English the same way - and now he speaks it very well. So we can try together to improve our English by watching some funny movies and playing video games. I can't wait, that will be great fun. ❣️

  18. Hi everyone, my name is Selma and I turned 23 just last month. I have been living in Sarajevo my whole life. I am in my last semester of pedagogy studies which I hope to finish by July and afterwards start my career path. I am very passionate about traveling and had the opportunities to visit numerous countries in Europe and Asia. Traveling helps you open a completely new perception on people and life in general and thats what I have been trying to do. Besides, i try to read as much as possible, as 95% of world literature is written in english it is of high importance for me to master this language. Chatting with my native english friends, reading english forums or watching western movies, each helps me to bring my english language skills to the next level. Looking forward to make new acquaintances and learn new skills here.

    1. Hi Selma, since I noticed you like traveling could you tell me which is your favourite place you've visited?

      Best regards. :)

    2. Hi Selma! How are you?
      Which is your favourite western movie? Any suggestions for me?
      Which place you would like to visit in future? Anything particular?
      Sending virtual hug!

    3. Hi Selma, what are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years? :)

  19. Hello everyone,
    My name is Selma and I am 22 year old. I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, department of Preschool teaching. I am at 4th year and I will graduate this year. I can't wait to start working in kindergarten.

    1. Hello Selma! Nice to meet you. I am really glad to see that you love kids, just like me. How do you like your school? Is that your dream job? Xoxo. M

    2. Hello Selma, what hobby would you get into if time and money weren't an issue?

  20. Hello! My name is Marija Bekic and I am 23. I originally come from Žepče, but I moved to Sarajevo to attend university. I am currently finishing my bachelor’s degree in the field of preschool education. After graduation, I hope to be employed as a kindergarden teacher, as I feel that working with children is my calling. Outside of school, my other hobbies are drawing, which I think I am quite good at, and reading books, amongst which I most enjoy the fantasy genre. I am also a very social person, and I like passing my free time by hanging out with friends and family, playing board games, and spending time in nature.

    1. Hi Marija, it's nice to meet you. How are you today?
      I just want you to know that I really like Žepče, your hometown. I have a lot of friends in Žepče and I can't wait to visit your town again. Can we hang out?
      I hope the answer is YES! :)

    2. Hi Marija. Nice to meet you. I would like to visit your hometown, too. Can you tell me something interessting about your town?

  21. Hello! My name is Hamida Tatarević. I am 21 year old. I am student at Faculty od Educal science, depertment Preschool education. I am 4ht year. I live in Sarajevo, but my hometown is Jajce. My hobbies are traveling, playing volleyball.. I love my future profession and I can't wait to start working.
    Goodbye, and have a great day.

    1. Hi Hamida! I would like to visit your hometown and waterfall in Jajce. Can you host me? :)

    2. Hi Hamida. Nice to meet you. I would like to visit your hometown, too. Can you tell me something interessting about your town?

    3. Hi Hamida. My name is Aldina. Nice to meet you.
      I read that you like to travel. What is the most beautiful place you have visited?

  22. Hi people,
    my name is Dženeta Javoraš and I am 24. I live in Visoko. I've been studying at Faculty of pedagogy and I'am on 4rd year. I love kids, and I can't wait to work with them as a kindergarten teacher. I spend my free time with my friends and family. These days I usually watch movies and TV-shows.
    It's nice to meet all of you. I hope that this blog will help us to learn something new.
    Keep in touch <3

    1. Hello Džen 😊
      Do you have any recommendation for movie?

    2. Hello Džen 🤗
      I have been in Visoko a couple of times. I'll let you know when I come to your town again so we can meet for a coffee, if you agree with that. 😁

    3. Hello Džen,
      thank you for sharing this information with us. I see that you live in Visoko. It is such a nice town. I have been there many times. I hope we will meet sometimes.

    4. Hi girls! I'm glad you are answering to my comment!
      Hi Selma! Thank you for asking! My fav movie is My sister's keeper, it's very emotional and heartbreaking movie, I think you would like it. I also like Me before you, After and Love, Rosie.
      Hugs and kisses ❤

      I can't wait to see you all in my town. I hope it will be soon. Call me! :*

  23. Hi! My name is Amina Ćosić and I live in Sarajevo. I am 22 years old. I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, department Preschool teacher. I am at 4th year and I will graduate this year. My hobbies are reading books, playing with my cat...Also, I like to spend time in nature. My dream job is kindergarten teacher, so I hope to be employed soon.

    1. Hi Amina! Nice to meet you. How are you today?
      Your hobbie is reading books, hmm.... Which si your favourite book?

    2. Hello Amina! How are you doing?
      I didn't know you have a cat! What is it's name? Which colour it is?
      I really love cats, I can't wait to have my own house to have my own(my mother said big no bilion times). Cats are the most beautiful and the cleanest animals on Earth! I hope you are enjoying your time with yours.
      Sending hugs!

    3. Hi Amina! How are you doing?
      I also considerate kindergarten as my dream job, so we are two!
      In which city would you like to work in future? Any future predictions? Sending positive thoughts!

    4. Hello Amna.
      It's nice to meet you. I like travel too. What is the most beutiful place you have visited?
      And what is you favorite food?

    5. Hi Meliha :) I'm bored these days, can you recommend a book for me? My favorite book is Wuthering Heights.

    6. Hii Almedina :) Yes, definitely cats are the most beautiful animals. Name of my cat is Debora, and she is black.
      I hope your mom will change her mind about cats. :)

    7. Hello Ajla. I hope it will be my city, but actually, I wolud like work with kids, anywhere. And you?

  24. Hi, my name is Tatjana and I am 22 years old.😄 I am from Kiseljak, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I study Faculty of Pedagogy majoring in preschool education in Sarajevo. I like reading books, watch movies and learn Spanish. I really love work with kids and I can't wait to start work in nursery. I learn English for 16 years.😄

    1. Hi Tatjana, can you tell me more about your Spanish? How is it going? Mirhu

    2. Hello Mirhuu 😄
      I learned part of Spanish from telenovelas, and I learn basic grammar online. I'm very proud with how I'm doing it.
      Gracias por preguntar 😘

    3. Hi neighbor, it's nice to see you here. I didn't know that you're learning Spanish language. I wish you good luck with it.

  25. Hi everyone.
    My name is Ajla Hasić. I'm 20 years old and I'm the youngest student at my department. I live in Kiseljak, that's a small town near Sarajevo. I am studying at Faculty of educational science, Department of classrom teaching and I'm on 3th year. I have started learning English when I was 2nd grade of Elementary school at English language course.
    So I have successfully completed 6th level and after that, unfortunately, the course was canceled. I have participate at English language contest when I was 7th grade. When I was a little I always wanted to become teacher of English language, but that wish changed by the time and I consider this is the right profession for me. But anyway I'm not far away, am I?
    I like reading books and I'm always in the mood for exploring some new things, but my biggest passion is travelling (that's because I'm travelling every day from Kiseljak to Sarajevo. 》just joking 😁《).
    I was training folk dance for 9 years and I'm really sad because I didn't have enough time to continue with it.
    Something that I truly want is to improve my speaking skills and drive away the fear of speaking English with some native speakers. This blog is a great way to start from!

    Thank you for reading. Until the next comment have a great day and stay healthy.

  26. Hello everyone!
    My name is Dženita, and I live in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I'm studying at the Faculty of Educational sciences in Sarajevo, department Preschool education. I am at 4th year and I hope to graduate this year. I like my job because we are working with the honest humans in the world, with children.
    In my free time I like to read a book, listen music and watch movies,and of course hanging out with my friends. Also, I really love travel so that is the one of reason why I want to improve my English. My favorite place is Turkey.So, in my free time I learn turkish languge.
    This is all from me for now. Until next post stay happy and healthy.

    1. Hi Dzenita, nice to meet you. Can you tell me which is your favourite book? I hope you are healthy and feeling good.

      Best regards :)

    2. Hi Dženita, nice to meet you. I'm Amina. Can you tell me what is your favorite movie??

    3. Hello Dženi!
      How are you? I hope everything is allright.
      You see, I love Turkey too and their language too. We can exchange our experiences sometimes!
      Can you tell me how do you spend your free time? What you like to do the most?

  27. Hello! My name is Dženita Čolo. I am from Goražde, but now I live in Sarajevo. . I am 22 years old. I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, department Preschool teacher and I love my future profession very much. I am at 4th year. I have younger brother who now live with me and he is a student too. I enjoy in hanging out with children and playing with them. I finished high school in electrical engineering, but love for children was stronger, so in that case I choose to study this. In free time I really love to enjoy listening to music or playing it by myself on electronic piano and also I really love spending time on my computer playing video games, surfing thru internet and editing home videos. Something that is very important to me are friends and family and spending quality time with them, while we can. I really love traveling. So far i visited several countries (Serbia, Croatia, Turkey, Sweden) and in future I hope for much more. My favorite place is Stockholm, Sweden and it made such an impression on me that I dream about living there somewhere in future. English language is something that I really love and use it whenever I can and also, I'm in love with their music. I hope that I will learn much more and have some interesting opportunities to learn many interesting and different things! I hope one day I will improve my skills and use them thru my life in every aspect. This is little peace of me, until next time stay happy and enjoy in your life, you only have that one!

    1. Hi Dženy, I am happy because you share all of these informations withs us. I read that you like listening music. What music you like more pop, rock or ??
      I like travel too. Stockholm is your favorite place hmmm very nice ... My favorite place is Istanbul.
      It's nice to meet you.
      Have a great day. 🙂

    2. Hi Hamida, it's nice to meet you too. Yes I listen music every day no matter what I do, I do it with music, no matter on genre. But it depends on my mood in that moment ;) Mostly I listen to english music. Oh nice, maybe one day we can go somewhere together , travel is always better with travel buddy :)
      Stay safe and healthy, till next time :)

  28. Greetings everyone! My name is Alma Jamaković. I live in Hadžići, and here I've finished my primary school. I've been training basketball for 13 years. I went to "Gimnazija Obala" at my middle school education, in Sarajevo. I've loved subjects like psyhology and pedagogy and then I knew that my life call is going to be education in preschool. I've been at Psyhology for 2 years but that hadn't turned out the way I expected and wanted. After that I decided to continue my education on Faculty of Educational sciences. That turned out as the best decision of my life. At this college I've achieved lot of good friends, I've been learning from excelent professors and accomplished many skills for my future job. English is very important in nowdays and knowing it is something that is considered like natural. I really love watching movies and I think the best way of learining is through everyday activities, with no preassure. Looking forward to learn more and more, and to share beautiful and interasting quotes and experiences here! 😊

  29. Hello everyone!

    My name is Ensar.

    I was born in Sarajevo in 1991, where I currently live. I have been working on television for eight years and I also study the Faculty of Educational science, Department of clasroom teaching (4th year). Like most of you, I made my first contacts with the English language through classes in Elementary and High school, and watching television shows ...

    For the beginning, that's all from me.


  30. Hello everyone. My name is Amina Ramic. I'm 25 years old. I live in Sarajevo and my hometown is Sanski Most. I am a student at the Faculty of Education, Department of Preschool Education. I'm a fourth year student. I like to read books, learn foreign languages ​​and watch movies a little less.

    1. Hi Amina. I'm Fuada. Nice to meet you. What is your favorite book?

    2. Hi Fuada. My favourite book is Crime and Punishment, and what si your favourite book?

    3. Hello Amina! I cannot wait to see you again at our Faculty. How do you do? I hope you and your family are good, healthy and safe!

  31. Hello,
    my name is Fuada Pilav. I'm 21 years old. I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Vogosca is my hometown. I'm a student at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, department for the Preschool teacher and I am 4th year. I have a really lot of hobbies which are traveling, reading books, watching movies... and my favorite is making cakes. I love that.
    That is all from me for now. Until the next post, stay bright and happy.

    1. Hello Fuada, nice to meet you. I see that you are good at cooking. Can you tell me whats your favourite cake?

    2. Hello Amna. My favorite cake is chocolate cake.

  32. Hi everyone! My name is Naida and I'm 22 years old. I was born and raised in Sarajevo. I'm few months apart from officially getting my teacher degree.
    I would describe myself as a very extroverted person, always loud and in movement :). Sports make the most of my free time. Sports helped me to get this "fighter" attitude of mine, shaped and improved my leader skills, and made me a true team player.
    I can also tell that I'm a true language geek. Besides my native language, i fluently speak English and German since I was a child, I've learned fluent French, Italian and Spanish during my secondary education, and currently am in phase of learning Arabic (but I can say that I'm far away from fluent Arabic for now :)).
    I often like to say that language is power, so I think that everyone of us should use every oportunity to improve their language skills, no matter what language we talk about. But also it's important to highlight the fact that English language represents our card to the whole world, and that's his biggest importance. Even in the farest parts of the world, you'll be able to find someone to communicate in English. English slowly becomes the need of everyone of us, if we want to fit in the 21st century world.
    So, I hope this experience here will help us all to improve our English skills. That's all for now, bye bye, stay healthy, and nowadays also #stayhome! :)

    1. Wow, I like sports too. There are many sports that I find interesting and fun. The reason behind this is their endless benefits. It is well-known that different types of sports contribute to good health and keep us fit and active, especially in these days of quarantine.

      Selma Jordamović, Department for class teaching - 4th year

    2. Naida you seem like a very interesting person, we have so much in common. Hope to hang out with you sometimes! Of course, when this virus passes :) Big regards for you.

    3. Looking forward to it Neira! :)

  33. Hello, my name is Lejla Hasanspahic. I have attended the Faculty of pedagogy since 2016. The reason why I decided to explore this scientific field because it makes me happy to transfer knowledge on others, especially on children. I hope that I will make my dream and wish come true .Also, one day, I hope that I will proudly do my job. I hope that I will handed knowledge down though generations. Teaching business is a human job and like that is so special. I would love to spread this opinion and feeling on others. I wish if the other younger people would see this job as I do. As a teacher you can make a huge impact on people and reduce hate and jealousy. We love each other, respect and spread knowledge on each other and this is the only way to become better person and this is the only way that we can plant happiness and love through population.

    1. Lejla, I like your way of thinking. In my opinion, as a mother of three, teaching has more to do with having a passion to help kids, than being able to control 20 or more children in a classroom. Of course, working with children is quite an adventure, but being a teacher is so much more than liking kids. It’s building their personality and basic skills which they will use for the rest of their lives.
      Selma Jordamović, Department for class teaching - 4th year

    2. Hi Lejla!
      Can you tell about yourself that you're a team player? :)

  34. Hi, my name is Aldina Zejnilović, and I'am 22 years old. I'm born in Germany, but I lived in Sarajevo since I was 4 years old. I am student at Faculty of Educational sciences, Department of clasroom teaching. I'm on 4th year.
    I like to spend time with children and can't wait to start working in school.
    First contact with English language I had when I was 8, at school.
    Since then, I've started to watch cartoons and movies in English, and I've learned a lot of new words. My hobbies are reading books, listening music, dancing... I also really enjoy spending time with my family and friends because I find it very important.
    English is very important so I am still working on improving my English skills.
    This is all from me for now. Thank you for reading.

    1. Hi Aldina, I'm Amna. Nice to meet you.
      In which city in Germany you were born?

    2. Hi Aldina! NIce to meet you. I love reading books, too. What is your favorite?

    3. Hello my high school friend :) How are you doing?
      I didn't know you were born in Germany. In which city?

    4. Hallo Aldina, wie gut ist dein Deutsch?

  35. Hallo,
    I’m Semira Kečo and I’m 22 years old. I’m from Bosnia, more precisely from Visoko.
    I’ve been studying at a faculty of pedagogy and am now on my 4rd year.
    As for my free time, I like to travel.
    The main reason why I’m learning English is its practicality. Wherever one travels, one can get further using english as it is a international language. Furthermore, it is rather to perfect ones english skills since most of modern media is based on the english language, for instance movies and series, so that one can simply and effortless use the subtitles to improve one’s knowledge.

    1. Hi Semira!
      What do you think about the pyramids found in Visoko? :)

    2. Hello Semira!
      What's your favourite film?

  36. Hi, My name is Amna. I am 23 years old. I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I am based in Sarajevo. I am studying at Faculty of Educational sciences, department Preschool teacher. This year I'll graduate, and I am gona miss my school friends. I have got a lot of hobbies, some of them are driving bicycle, walking through the nature, petting animals, playing Uno with my friends (I hate when I lose the game), and my favourite I like to travel and try domestic food.

    1. Hi Amna ! Nice to meet you. Which city would you like to visit ? :)

    2. Hi Amna :) I can't wait to play Uno with you. What's your favorite food?

  37. Hi everyone! My name is Selma Jordamović and I am 29. My hometown is Sarajevo. I am a mother of three and I study at the Faculty of Education (Department for class teaching - 4th year). I graduated Medical high school and I am also a pharmaceutical technician.
    I like reading books and cooking.
    I, also think that this blog is a great opportunity for me to learn something new and improve my english skills.
    That is all from me for this time. 😊

    1. Hi Selma ! Nice to meet you. What is your favourite food? :)

    2. Hi Selma! NIce to meet you. I love reading books, too. What is your favorite?

    3. Hi! I like all kind of food. I can say that I like spicy food, so I like arabian and turkish cuisine.

    4. Hi Lejla! My favourite book is "The road to Mecca".

  38. Hi everyone ! My name is Medina Kunić. I am 26 years old. My hometown is Visoko. I study at the Faculty of Education ( Department for class teaching -4th year). I like to watching series, movies on tv. English is one of the main languages spoken everywhere in the world. I would like to perfect my English grammar and pronunciation for better communication. Yuo value as much as you know a language. Goodbye ! MEDINA RN IV

  39. Hi everyone! My name is Lejla Hodžić. I am 21 year old and I live in Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I study at the Faculty of educational sciences on Department of classroom teaching (3rd year). I am very friendly person and I really love to hang out with my friends in my free time. I have choosen this Faculty because I think I am good with kids and I want to be part of new generations who will improve our education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, I love to read good books (besides required literature). When I have much free time I love to relax by watching some interessting movie or series on tv.
    I am pretty good in English but not as I would like to be and I think that this blog is a great opportunity for me to learn something new and improve my english skills.
    That is all from me for this time. Bye!

    1. Hello Lejla. I'm glad to meet you.
      Which literary direction do you read the most?

  40. Hello everyone! My name is Hadžiabdić Amera. I am 22 years old. I am from Olovo. I study at the Faculty of Education in Sarajevo. I started teaching English in 4th grade in elementary school. In my free time, I like to watching movies. Also, I like to roller skates.

    1. Hi Amera, what kind of movies you like the most?

    2. Hi Amera. Do you travel from Olovo to college every day or you live somewhere close during your studies?

  41. Hello! My name is Šejla Nahić from Vogošća. I'm 22 years old. I study at the Faculty od Education, department for class teaching. I am currently in my fourth year od college. I'm happy to get my degree this year. I don't have a hobby :/ I like to sleep a lot and I watch romantic movies. I hope to learn many new thing in this blog.

    1. Hi Šejla, how come that you don't have any hobby?

    2. Hey Šejla, how are you?
      I live in Vogošća in time we have clasess, so we are neighbors! Nice to meet you.
      I love to sleep too. Can you recommend me some romantic movie to watch?
      Stay healthy!

    3. Hello, Valentina! I don't have a hobby because I don't have time out of all my obligations in college. I hope to find something for myself when I have more free time.

    4. Dear Ajla, I'm fine, you? I recommend you look "Se ve Ates". :)

  42. Hello everyone! My name is Neira Šabanović, I’m 23 years old and I was born and raised in Sarajevo. I’m a final year on Faculty of Education, so I’m gonna be a teacher soon and I’m looking forward for that! I wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a little kid. During my elementary school and my high school also, I’ve participated in many activities such as school choir, different kinds of sports, dancing and acting sections, so I’m very versatile person. Beside my native language, english language is the one that I speak almost fluently. Why do I say “almost”, because there is always something new to learn. As much as I would love to know everything, that’s impossible, so that’s why am I here, to learn something new and improve my english language as much as possible. I declare myself as a big optimist, positive person and a hedonist. I hope to have a good time “hanging out” with everyone on this blog and of course to learn something interesting and new!

  43. Good evening, my name is Valentina Šutalo. I was born in Sarajevo. I study at the Faculty of Education (Department for class teaching - 4th year). I have got a lot of hobbies, some of them are driving bicycle, walking through the nature, make nature photos, reading books. I also really enjoy spending time with my family and friends because I find it very important. I wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a little kid. I know that teaching is difficult. But in my opinion, teachers are the most important members of our society. A teacher can make a real difference in the life of child. I believe that every good teacher can give you the opportunity and privilege of making an impact on society by shaping the next generation through providing them the tools and knowledge to form their own opinions and influence society in the future...
    Until next time stay happy, healthy and enjoy life.

    1. Hi Valentina, what is your favorite book?

    2. Hi Amera, my favorite book is ,,Hadžiluk plemenitom snu'', Boris Maksimović.

  44. Hi everyone!
    My name is Alma Nizić. I have 22 years old and I’m from Sarajevo. I’m a student of 4th year on the Faculity of Educal science, on the department for class teaching. My goal is to become a teacher, and now I’m so close to make my dreams come true. I spend my free time with my friends and family, but most of all I like to spend my free time somewhere in nature. These days I usually watch movies, chatting with my friends and so on. This blog is great idea. We can teach from each other, exchange our opinions, change worldviews …
    To next time, have a nice day!

  45. Hello to all of you. My name is Berina Prozo. I’m 22 years old and I’m from Fojnica. I’m glad beacause I have an opportunity to introduce myself. Fojnica is in the hearth of our lovely country, Bosnia and Herzegovina. My town is famous in the Europe because of our health complex, Reumal. People around the Europe come to my town to building and repairing their health. I’m student of 4th year on the Faculity of Educal science, on the department for class teaching. In my free time, I usually go out with my friends. I love to read books too.
    I think this blog is excellent example of benefits and importance of knowing second language. Here we can check our grammar, narration and we can practice our communication skills.
    Have a nice day, all of you!

  46. Hello everyone!

    I'm so glad that we have some place and opportunity to exchange our opinions, to communication and learn something about each of us. My name is Nerma Omeragić. I was born in Cazin, small town in northwestern Bosnia. I have 22 years and I’m student of 4th year on the Faculity of Educal science, on the department for class teaching. I'm a lover of social science since my high school, where I have had wonderful professors in this field.
    I love to read, especially the works of Russian realism and Russian writers such as Dostojevski, Tolstoj, Gogolj, Turgenjev...
    I spend my free time in the gym or on the outdoor playground where I always return to my first love, basketball.
    What else? Hm... I also love traveling with my close friends.
    I also think that this blog is excellent opportunity for improving our interactive skills.

  47. Hi, my name is Edita Husarkić, and I'm 23 years old. I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Sarajevo is my hometown. I've been studying at Faculty of pedagogy and I'am on 4th year. I love my future profession very much. I like to spend time with children and can't wait to start working in a kindergarten. What's interesting about me is that I finished a Medical High School and for a few years I’ve been working as a physical therapist. I love that job, helping people is very nice and it makes me happy but working with children is still my dream job.
    I love spending my free time in nature with friends or family. When I´m alone I like to spend that time by listening to music or reading since it helps me to relax. Besides reading I like to write too. Sometimes I write in my diary, or about my feelings, my thoughts sad true my verses. My true dream is to one day be able to write a book. When I think about it I would like it to be a story of my life – biography, and sometimes I would like it to be a novel with made up characters and plot.
    My biggest love goes to animals, all of them. Out of all of them cats have to be my favorite. A few years ago I saved a cute little kitten and now he’s my best friend. His name is “ Miško ” and he is 5 years old and he still likes playing with me just like when he was a little kitten. It’s very important to keep in mind that we should love all animals and not abandon them that’s what rescuing Miško has thought me.
    First contact with the English language that I had was back in kindergarten where I learnt my first words. Since than I have been improving my English language skills and knowledge through many formal and informal ways. In a formal way I´m learning the English language from 2nd grade of elementary school, until now. Also I´m learning it the whole time in a inforamal way throught different types of media as well as films, TV shows, books, video games, etc. Those are my plans that I've been using to learn english for years now. My goal for the English language is for me to constantly improve and learn new words and a succsessful communication with other people in English.
    Thank you for reading this. I wish you all the best. Have a great day and see you around on this blog.
    P.S. I had to delete my comment because I remembered some more things I would like to share with you.

  48. Hello. My name is Samira Bešić. I am 22 years old. I am from Vareš but I live in Sarajevo during my studies. I’m studing at Faculty of educational sciences, Department of classroom teaching (4th year). The desire to become a teacher came when I was helping my younger cousins with homework. Teaching little people, our involvement in shaping their personality is not easy job. But it is one of the most humane. I have started learning English when I was 4th grade of elementary school. I would like to improve my speaking and reading skills and to learn a new words. In my free time I enjoy watching movies and cooking, especially cakes. I like action and romance movies. I aprreciate honest and people who are always ready to help. For me this blog is great idea because we can exchange opinions, get to know each other better, and practice English. Blog topics are interesting and current, I like it. That is all from me for this time. Bye! 😉

    1. Hi Samira !
      Where are you live during your studies ?

    2. Hi Samira!
      Can you recommend me some romantic movie to watch?

    3. Hi Alma. I live in Nedzarici during my studies. 😊

  49. Odgovori
    1. My name is Mustafic Elma. I am 22 years old and I live in Sarajevo. I am studing at Faculty of educational sciences. In addition, I work in tourism as an additional activity but only seasonally because I am a full-time student. It gives me the opportunity to meet people of different nations, mentality, culture, tradition.
      Elma Mustafic RN IV

    2. Hello Elma!

      I just want to tell you good job for studiing and working at the same time! Be proud of yourself! <3

  50. Hello everyone! My name is Emina and I am 22 years old.

    I am student of Faculty of Educational sciences and I am final, 4th year.

    I've been working for a year and a half at Discover Me Academy preschool & nursery as assistant educator and I totally enjoy it! It is a full time job and I learn everyday more and more. I am so glad I have opportunity to be included a little bit earlier in work im studiing for.

    Besides work, my favorite place to rest and enjoy life is mother nature. I love to go with my friends at mountains, forests and places away from the hustle and bustle. Spring and summer are my two favorite seasons because I enjoy the sun and warm days the most.

    My favorite color is yellow.

    That's it. I don't know what else to tell you about myself 

    I hope you are well and wish you all a nice days during the isolation. Stay home, stay safe and take care of you!

    Lots of hugs,

    1. Emina, you are a very interesting and open-minded person! Like your strong desire to succeed :)

  51. Hello dear friends, I hope the week has been good for you, and you are spending your time in isolation with your family, and you are doing well. My name is Amila, I'm from Bosnia and Herzegovina, my hometown is Sarajevo. Sarajevo is the most beautiful and iconic city in the world. Let me explain you why is that! Sarajevo is the only city in whole wide world that has mountains just 30 minutes away from the center. In the last 100 years, Sarajevo has been a member of Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Kingdom of Bosnia, Independent state of Croatia, Jugoslavia and at the end Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo has 10 bridges over the river Miljacka. But the most significant is the Latin bridge, because right next to it the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife happened. Sarajevo was the first city in Europe that had tram system. In 1984 Sarajevo was a host of Winter Olympic Games, on its mountains around the city. Sarajevo had the longest-running siege in modern war history (1425 days). Fascinating, isn't it?! As you might imagine I adore History, but I am a student at Faculty od Educational sciences, department Preschool teacher and I'm in love with my future profession. I love children very much and to become a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood. To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing. Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. The profession of a teacher is a noble and important one. But at the same time it is also a very difficult and responsible job. I love books. I love the moment when you open one and sink into it, you can escape from the world into a story that’s way more interesting than yours will ever be. Reading books dares you to grow, allows you to experience multiple realities, challenges your perspective, helps you remember and helps you forget. My favorite writers are Miljenko Jergović and Dario Džamonja. Is it weird that i don't like movies or TV shows? I have only one favorite film „City of Angels“ directed by Bred Siberling and starring Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan. RECOMMENDATION! I would describe myself as a honest, curious, and wild at heart person. I’m the sarcastic fun friend. Some people like me, and I like some people. I break some rules, but follow most. I have burnt a lot of bridges. I’m confident, and then I’m not again. I’m flawed, and perfect. Or something. I love jazz music and I love Rammstein too, not a great combination, but that's how it is. My favorite singer is Sade, her music is medicine for the soul. That’s all for now :) Have a great night. Bye.

  52. Hi Amra, what's something you've been meaning to try but just haven't gotten around to it?


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