

Tolerance can be defined as 'willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them' (a definition by Cambridge Dictionary) or as 'a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., differ from one's own' (a definition on Or to put it in a simple way, tolerance is the ability to accept diversity and to live and let other people live. Follow these links to find out more about: the etymology of the word 'tolerance' and related terms, and tolerance synonyms and antonyms.

           If you are tolerant, then you are supposed to endure practices that you are not related to or that you do not approve of, and also to demonstrate an objective and fair behavior towards those whose ways of thinking or behaving differ from yours. If you are tolerant, you respect and learn from others, you are willing to value differences, reject stereotypes, bridge cultural gaps and create new bonds with other people. Many researchers have pointed out that the level of tolerance that you have can be attributed to the level of happiness and contentment in your life. Nevertheless, some paradoxical questions still emerge, such as – 'are tolerant people happier, or are happier people more tolerant?'

            At the same time, tolerance does not mean accepting all kinds of behavior, especially those which show disrespect for others, i.e. lying, stealing, bullying, being mean, hostile or aggressive towards others, etc. Behaviors that disrespect or hurt others should not be tolerated. To tolerate actually means to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

          If we want to live a full and healthy life in today's world, which is considered to be a rich blend of different cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, races and religions, then we have to learn to appreciate others and be tolerant to the differences that coexist. Being open to see new things and learn about other people without having negative prejudices about them is a form of tolerance.

The International Day for Tolerance is on November 16th, established by the UN General Assembly in 1996 and you can read more about it following this link.


"On the International Day of Tolerance, let us recognize the mounting threat posed by those who strive to divide, and let us pledge to forge a path defined by dialogue, social cohesion and mutual understanding."

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon


UNESCO proclaimed The Declaration of Principles on Tolerance on November 16, 1995. The part that might be of particular interest for us is Article 4 – Education, which I will quote in its full length here:

Article 4 - Education

4.1 Education is the most effective means of preventing intolerance. The first step in tolerance education is to teach people what their shared rights and freedoms are, so that they may be respected, and to promote the will to protect those of others.

4.2 Education for tolerance should be considered an urgent imperative; that is why it is necessary to promote systematic and rational tolerance teaching methods that will address the cultural, social, economic, political and religious sources of intolerance - major roots of violence and exclusion. Education policies and programmes should contribute to development of understanding, solidarity and tolerance among individuals as well as among ethnic, social, cultural, religious and linguistic groups and nations.

4.3 Education for tolerance should aim at countering influences that lead to fear and exclusion of others, and should help young people to develop capacities for independent judgement, critical thinking and ethical reasoning.

4.4 We pledge to support and implement programmes of social science research and education for tolerance, human rights and non-violence. This means devoting special attention to improving teacher training, curricula, the content of textbooks and lessons, and other educational materials including new educational technologies, with a view to educating caring and responsible citizens open to other cultures, able to appreciate the value of freedom, respectful of human dignity and differences, and able to prevent conflicts or resolve them by non-violent means.


Educators all over the world should teach tolerance and respect for the other and different, while at the same time making attempts to identify and fight against intolerance. There is also a guide for educators – Tolerance: the threshold of peace, published by UNESCO in 1994.



For our class discussion on the blog, think about tolerance and our lives, and how does tolerance weave itself throughout our society? Think about how tolerance is used in many different areas of life from a personal to a national perspective. Take a moment to think about your own lifestyle: your behaviors, actions, thoughts, and the environment you live in. Do you think you are a tolerant person? Explain. Do you have any examples of tolerance 'in practice', i.e. of tolerant or maybe intolerant behaviors in your family, among your friends, in your neighborhood or local community, at the faculty/university, in our country, or elsewhere? Share your stories and opinions with your classmates here. As a future teacher, how would you teach your students to be tolerant and respectful of others? What obstacles might you encounter? How would you help them differentiate between tolerable and intolerable behaviors?

You are welcomed to share your attitudes, ideas and thoughts with us.


DIFFERENT | Award Winning Short Film by Tahneek Rahman

Don't Put People in Boxes

2012 Teaching Tolerance Award Winner Robert Sautter


  1. Tolerance is the quality of allowing other people to say and do as they like, even if you do not agree or approve of it.
    By being tolerant, you are respecting and learning from others, valuing differences, bridging cultural gaps, rejecting unfair stereotypes, discovering common ground, and creating new bonds. Tolerance, in many ways, is the opposite of prejudice.
    Behaviors that disrespect others, like being mean or bullying, or behaviors like lying or stealing, should not be tolerated. Tolerance means to treating others the way you would like to be treated.
    According to me, tolerance is essential to live a healthy life. Success depends on being able to appreciate others work and being tolerant to the differences that co-exist.
    Berina Vatrenjak, RN3

  2. Hi everyone 🎀

    Tolerance makes it possible for people to coexist peacefully. It is tjr basis for a fair society in wich everyone can lead their lives as they wish. Tolersnce is an important concept that helps people to live together peacefully. To be tolerant means that you accept other people’s opinions and preferences, even when they live in a way that you don’t agree with. Tolerance also means that you don’t put your opinions above those of others, even when you are sure that you are right. Tolerant people show strength in that they can deal with different opinions and perspectives.
    Tolerance doesn’t just make peaceful coexistence possible, another adventage is that being open to other ways of thinking can help with personal development. When you know more about different thinking and ideas from around the wolrd, it will help you to understand the world better.
    Teaching children about tolerance is tjr best gift that you can give them. Children shouldn’t grow up with feelings of hate and suspicion. Children who grow up with hate and jelaously of others turn into unhappy people. And children who are forced to belive certain opinions will develop into people who aren’t free or independent thinkers. If children experience love and tolerance, they will be able to grow up and lead a happy and peaceful life.
    It isn’t simple to be a tolerant person. It is okay to stick to your own values, but it makes sense to evaluate your values, especially if they are having an effect on others. It needs to be clear that everyone has their own opinions and values and that these need to be respected and accepted. If we want to live in a peaceful society, there is no alternative to tolerance.

    1. Hi, Meliha. I really liked part of your comment where you are writing about children and tolerance.

    2. Hi Meliha, do you think you are a tolerant person or you think that you should work on it?

  3. Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself.
    Tolerance is an important life skill, especially in the workplace where we are often thrown in with a diverse group not of our choosing.
    Tolerance is giving the benefits of respect to others. As with the workplace, schools also often have policies or rules that govern interpersonal relationships. Make sure your school embraces an environment that encourages compassion, understanding and acceptance of difference.
    Amina Sušić, RN4.

    1. Very concisely and clearly stated, in couple of sentences points were made. Great job.
      Ajla Hadžić, PO4

    2. This is a great answer about what tolerance is :).

  4. Hello 💖

    Tolerance is being patient, understanding and accepting of anything diffrent. It is very important for social life, because we have to understand each other. Everyone has a diffrent life story, and we can't only read a topic. The point is inside. It is very important to be patient to everyone, because on that way, we will be happier. As a future teacher I would not discriminate children based on religion, colour of skin, or anything else. Children need to learn from their teachers how to be tolerant. The family is important factor in child's life and upbringig, too. Tolerance can be shown in many ways, at different times. For example, teacher has to be patient and full of understanding to every child. When they are coming to school, teacher can provide some kind of contact with each child while entering the classroom. Tolerance does not mean that only one person shows tolerance and the others do not. Tolerance must be shown from both sides. Learning to be tolerant and respectfull of others is important part of being successful and happy troughout life. It's wrong to put people "in boxes," beacuse each person has their story.

    Teaching children to be respectfull and tolerant makes them better, happier and more successful person in their future life. I think that's the one of most important things teachers need to learn their children.

    ❣Ilma Latic, PO4❣

  5. We are all unique. Each person can find in himself a trait that distinguishes him for others. However, the more different we are, the more similar we are sometimes. In often happens that exactly what we resent about others, we can find in ourselves. That is why it is important to respect diversity or tolerance.
    Tolerance refers to respecting and appreaciating other people's ideas, attitudes and ways of life. Being tolerant means being aware of the differences in relation to ourselves and accepting it in everyday life.
    What is encouraging is the fact that tolerance is learned. What contributes to the development of tolerance are empathy, moral values, distinguishing good from bad, knowledge of fundamental human rights and similarities that exist among the people, and what hinders the learning of tolerance are prejudicesand stereotypes.
    A child, who has been taught from an early age what is tolerance and that no one should be judged by religion, skin color or nationality, can build himself, but he can also change the society around him. It happens in life that young people often tease others, and they, being afraid, don't want to ask for help.
    A person, who is brought up to respect other people can change the world.
    It all seems to start in the family after all, and what's more tolerant unbringing, there will be less prejudice, and that is what we all strive for.
    We all together can hope that there will be more teachers who will teach children in time how and why to be tolerant and what are the consequences of prejudice and intolerance.
    Dajana Blažić, RN3

  6. Hi !
    For me, tolerance is respect for others, no matter what
    they have thoughts, what they wear and what their social status is. In order to be respected, we must respect others as well.
    It is very important to learn tolerance and patience from an early age, and to accept all people.
    There are no two equal people in the world, it tells us about the individuality of each of us. We need to respect other people's ideas, thoughts and attitudes. Many judge others because of their appearance and that is wrong.
    It takes children from an early age to teach tolerance, so that they are the ones who will change society. Even though we are different we all feel the same.

    Ena Alomerović, PO4

  7. We are all individuals. We all have our flaws and virtues. As we differ, so do we resemble each other. We strive to respect diversity. Tolerance is respect for other people's way of life, ideas and opinions. Teachers are people who teach children about tolerance, distinguishing good from bad, empathy, moral values, etc. By meeting other people, understanding a different valuation of reality, we become richer. Intolerance is expressed through insults, ridicule, violence, cold tone of voice, and even silence. Tolerance, on the other hand, implies a kind tone of voice, a smile, praise, and an expression of interest. A tolerant man thus gains freedom. That is why we need to invest in ourselves and not allow ourselves to indulge in aggressive behavior, if we can show tolerant and prosocial behavior. Let's take a look at ourselves, our needs and interests.
    Ajla Hodžić, PO4

  8. 🌼 Hi! 🌼

    I really like this topic as well as the previous one. For me, tolerance is actually respect for the person just the way he is. Everyone has the right to their opinion and their views. Very often, something is not right for us, but in fact, the point is to tolerate that person, and not to judge because he does not have the same opinion or attitude as you. I think we need to teach children tolerance from an early age. Somehow she would call tolerance a ticket to a good journey through life. It is really important to build a good man.

    Antonia Bonić PO4

  9. Tolerance is one of the biggest quality of human beings in my opinion. Although all people should be tolerant, a lot of us forgets that tolerance exist. We really need to work on that. We have been facing tolerance since we were toddlers. One of the first qualities we learn is, exactly, to be tolerant. It is very important to be patient with others, to let others speak, think, do things they want to. After all, we all have our rights to speak, think and do things we want to do. It is very sad when we neglect someones opinion, when we don't tolerate other people unless they agree with us. Recently we had an online class where we were doing exercises with our professor. And of course, as every student has a right to make a mistake, we made some mistakes. Saddly, professor neglected our right to make mistake and wasn't tolerant at all. She insulted everyone and we all felt dissapointed and sad, even those of us who knew answers to her questions. So, I think being tolerant is very important for everyone, but especially for educators. If you have no patience and tolerance toward your students/pupils, you can't really be an educator.
    PO II

    1. I totaly agree with you Sujekna, and I would like to praise you and say that you are truly a tolerant person. :)

  10. Tolerance makes it possible for people to coexist peacefully and that it can help with personal development. To be tolerant means that you accept other people's opinions and preferences. In most cases, a lack of tolerance is the result of fear and ignorance towards the unknown. Throughout our society we see many examples of tolerance and tolerating the intolerance. It's important to tolerant someone else and their opinion if we want harmony and a peacefully society. Tolerance doesn't mean that we can't speak up and that we have to agree with someone, we just accept their opinions just like they should accept our.
    In this globalisation, where people of different backgrounds, cultures and faith live together, and where the world has become more multicultural and diverse than ever before, establishing tolerance and harmony has become more crucial and important.
    I consider myself a tolerant person, however, there are certain things, as Winston Churchill has been quoted to say, "up with which I will not put".
    I am intolerant of intolerance. I refuse to tolerate blatant psychopathic/narcissistic behavior etc.
    Tolerance plays an important role in promoting social equality at school. A teacher’s role is to lead by example. By being mindful of the words and terms that you use, you can set a good example for children in your class. Teaching kids about diversity (including ability, prejudice, human rights, gender, race, cultural diversity and more) is helpful for developing tolerance and understanding. Another way to incorporate tolerance into learning is to choose inclusive reading materials (classic anti-bias children’s books). Many obstacles can occur while teaching children the importance of tolerance such as: misunderstandings, arguments etc.

    Aida Šahinović; ER2.


  11. We often blame each other if we think or behave differently. We often think that we know everything the best. This must be controlled and reduced to minimum. Tolerance teaches us that. Being tolerant means just understanding others -when they are different, respecting differences and not imposing your views on others. Hellen Keller’s words that „The highest level of education is precisely tolerance“ tell us that we are not born tolerant or intolerant. Tolerance is something that is learned- through the whole life. It is important to be a good example to children because children learn by observing people around them. An important condition for learning tolerance is empathy-the ability to understand feelings of others, their situations or problems. Tolerance is best learned by meeting other people. I think that every human can know how tolerant he is, and how much he show respect for the differences around us.

    Ana Gluvić, RN III.

  12. Tolerance as the definition says is: ''the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behavior that one dislikes or disagrees with.''

    As for me, tolerance is something that I learned through life, on my own. I was raised to respect the elderly, but to love and to hang out with "my people." By my own, I mean religious and ethnic differences between people that I had the chance to meet. So I was raised by my parents, but also by my teachers.
    I am sure that the people who supported such an attitude did not do or want to harm anyone, but simply did not know better. They were not educated enough, or think they should be.
    By chance, my life turned completely and I got a chance to learn new things, meet new people and self-educate.
    People are different. We are different in many ways, but at the end, we are all the same. We all have the same right to choose. We choose what kind of people we will be. Will we accept new people and learn new things or will we look in our own direction and think we know best.

    In the last couple of years, through different educations, both school and life lessons, I have learned that we are all the same. That we all have the right to live our lives however we want, without anyone else judging us for it.

    1. We live in the 21st century, but we are witnessing what is happening, not only in our country, but all around the world. It is happening to people. That in the 21st century, people are abusing and killing people based on the color of their skin. Justifying that every action requires a reaction, which is not true. We are witnessing that people have less rights for school, for jobs, because their skin color is not the same or they are not of the same religion. We testify that women are considered the weaker gender, that they are not equal, and that this year is the first year that a woman entered the White House (in America) and was elected vice president. And the saddest thing was that gesture was considered brave. Why? Because we are raised and taught to think this way.
      I am grateful to have learned and changed my mindset.
      To me, all people are the same and are equal, good, as long as we have good intentions. If we do not want to hurt anyone, if we are honest, without bad intentions. We're the same. We have the right to live, to love, to freedom.
      I live with that opinion and I address all people that way. I will always stand on the side of justice and I will always fight for human rights (maybe women rights a bit more ��). Men, women, children, all have the right to choose.
      I consider myself a tolerant person because I support diversity.
      There is a saying: "When you talk, you prove to people that you know something. When you listen, you give yourself a chance to learn something. " We need to let people talk, maybe we will learn more about how diversity is beautiful.
      I am also grateful that by my behavior, by my actions, I have given rights to women in my family. I am the first woman in the family to decide to fight for myself and for my college education. I changed the stereotype that women can’t or shouldn’t do certain things.
      I think that education provides a chance for many things, in addition to educating yourself and gives you the opportunity to make yourself a better person.
      Teachers have a huge responsibility because we shape little people into future beings. Future poets, presidents (both male and female), doctors, lawyers, and whatever they want to be.
      We need to teach children their rights, but also teach them to accept diversity. Teach them kindness, respect, teach them love and with love.
      That, we will encounter obstacles now and in the future, we definitely will. But if we teach our little ones, we will have the opportunity to change society from the roots for the better.
      But in addition to our little ones, we must also teach their parents, educate them and support them in these changes.
      Whatever we do, we need to do it with kindness and patience.
      ''The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.'' - Unknown.
      Resulović Ajla

  13. Definition of tolerance is respecting other people's ideas, attitudes and ways of life. Being tolerant means also being patient. UNESCO's definition of tolerance is: "Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human" and I couldn't agree more. Being tolerant is something that we should teach our children and I think that I am very tolerant person. We are all diffirent and that's way tolerance is so important. I don’t criticize people on their looks or religions or something else where people shouldn’t judge on. Also all of my best friends are Muslims. Unfortunately not everyone is tolerant. I have an example of intolerant behavior in my neighborhood. Some older people, who are Christians, avoid people of other religions and they think that we shouldn't be friends with them. I think that is very sad.

    Great question is are tolerant people happier or are happier people more tolerant. My opinion is that it can be both. If we are tolerant and don't have any prejudices we will definitely be happier. On the other hand, people who are happier are often more tolerant.
    Teaching tolerance is very important because people who are tolerant are also happier and the world will be much better place without wars, stereotypes and bad, intolerant behaviors. By teaching tolerance we respect for those unlike us.
    As a future teacher I will teach my students to be tolerant. There are a lot of ways for that. First of all I am gonna be a great example of tolerance to them. Also I'm gonna point out and talk about unfair stereotypes that may be happening in their surroundings (school, country...). I'm gonna teach them to be patient and give them opportunities to work and play with others who are different from them.

    Valentina Crepulja


  14. "Every child is valuable and unique and has their own potentials that they will only be able to develop if they feel accepted and willing somehow."

    We are all unique. Each person can find a person who is different from others. However, the more different we are, the more similar we are sometimes. If this happens exactly what we are replacing others with, we can find it in ourselves as well. That is why it is important to respect diversity or tolerance. Tolerance (Gr. Tolerare which means to endure) refers to tolerance and respect for other people's ideas, attitudes and ways of life. To be tolerant means to be aware of the differences in relation to us the same and accepted in everyday life.
    What is encouraging is the fact that tolerance is learned. Empathy, moral values, distinguishing between good and bad, knowledge of fundamental human rights and similarities that exist among all people contribute to the development of tolerance.
    Teaching children about tolerance is the best gift that you can give them. Children shouldn’t grow up with feelings of hate and suspicion. Children who grow up with hate and jealously of others turn into unhappy people. And children who are forced to believe certain opinions will develop into people who aren’t free or independent thinkers. If children experience love and tolerance, they will be able to grow up and lead a happy and peaceful life.
    It is not easy to be a tolerant person. It’s okay to stick to your own values, but it makes sense to evaluate your own values, especially if they affect others. It must be clear that everyone has their own opinions and values and that they should be respected and accepted. If we want to live in a peaceful society, there is no alternative to tolerance.

    Merjema Hamidović, RN3

    1. Hi Merjema, are you a tolerant person? 🎀

      Meliha Terzić, RN4

  15. I was born in a Croatian (Christian)-Bosnian (Muslim)-Serbian (Orthodox) family.My childhood best friend was a black girl.Being born (and living) in a time of war taught some people to be very intolerant and others to be the very opposite.My dad was always telling me and my little brother that it is not important what you do in life but what kind of person you are.He just asked us not to hurt anybody or hurt their feelings.We were always treated with respect by others in my hometown and I have never had a bad experience being of another religion here in Sarajevo.Bosnian people are really friendly and nice (at least the one that I have met).When I worked in a hotel I met a lot of different people from all around the world and they too were very nice and kind,talking about what nice people live here in Bosnia. I believe that being a nice person and being tolerant means giving someone the respect that anyone deserves regardless of their religion,race,social status…You don’t have to like everybody but you do need to show them the respect and treat them like you would want to be treated.In my experience the more educated the people were the worse they treated me.Feel free to disagree.If we can teach kids emparty we will never have another war again because hurting others will be hurting them too.We have to realize that we are not citizens of a single country,we are citizens of the planet,all different and beautiful in our differences.Maybe the answer really is in educating kids about those differences so that they are not afraid of someone who is not like them and that they will give them a chance and learn to understand them.What an awesome world that would be.

    Ivana Parađina,PO2

    1. Dear Ivana,
      I love that you shared your story. I hope we, at Department of Preschool Education, are treating you well also. Thank you for sharing this moving story❤️

      PO II

    2. Ivana, I agree with you about the fact that the world full of tolerance would be an amazing place to live in. If only everyone was aware of the statement that hurting others is hurting us too... Thank you for sharing your life story with us, and. I wish you only the best experiences in the future! (POII)

  16. Tolerance is one of the most powerful weapons against racism, nationalism and other shameful and bad things on this planet. I think there is true that people with a high level of tolerance are really happy people. It is best for us to mind our own business and respect people’s choices. The time when people get so easily offended has come, we all want our voices to be heard, and we are judging others but don’t let others judge us. Everyone has the right to think, do and say what they want but all that with respect for the other side. I also think that people can do what they want and all that but to not overstate it. We as human beings should all along have more tolerance and love for each other. That’s the whole point of living together, every one of us being different and special, worthy of all the love and understanding on the world.
    Mubina Mešanović PO2

  17. Tolerance is the ability to accept diversity and live and let other people live.
    Family is one of the most important factors in the process of growing up. In the family, we learn from a young age social values, norms, attitudes about ourselves and others and about society in general, and therefore education for non-violence and tolerance should begin from the first day of life. But the family is not the only teacher. Teachers are people who teach children tolerance they need to teach them to be full of respect and tolerance so they will be better, happier and more successful people in their lives. All structures of society should be involved in education around tolerance. What is the first prerequisite for learning tolerance is empathy - the cognitive, rational ability to understand other people's feelings, situations or problems.
    Acceptance and understanding of diversity is the foundation of better communication and life of the entire social community. The richness of life lies in that diversity.
    Klaudija Žuljević,RN3.

  18. Tolerance can have multiple definitions. Essentially tolerance is respect for the other, compassion, understanding the other. Nowadays, especially at the time of the corona virus, many haven't tolerance for other people. We became very tense, nervous, inaccessible and egocentric. All this isn't human. We have to have tolerance for other people, children specially. We need to know how to listen to others and accept other people’s opinions even though it is different from ours. This fact is very important for our social life.
    Tolerance can also refer to suffering someone's behavior. In that sense, tolerance sometimes isn't good. We must have a limit and know how to say no to everyone.

    Dalila Kadunić, III godina, Odsjek za predškolski odgoj.

    1. Dear Dalila, I wonder if you have had any unpleasant experiences with your friends and have you tolerate certain unacceptable behaviors for a long time?

    2. Anisa, yes, I had a few awkward situations where my patience was put to the test. In this situations I tried to be calm and tried to explain to myself such behavior and what cause was.
      I don't think we have to suffer any bad behavior from other people, especially if they are not very close to us. Yes, we have to have understanding for another, maybe someone just has a bad day, but if some behaviors are repeated, we must know how to say NO and make a distance from such people because they drain our energy.

      Dalila Kadunić.


  19. I understand tolerance as accepting someone’s other’s and differences. It can be about anything in life, starting with opinions. Everybody has their own opinion on certain topic, it’s up to us to respect it even if it doesn’t match with our opinion. There are things much bigger than opinion, of course, but we need to start with minimal things so after we can understand it when something bigger comes to us. Today in the world there are a lot of talks about tolerance, constantly we come across texts and titles about that topic, but on the other side, sad side, we see that as something people just talk about it, but we don’t see anybody applying it in their deeds. None has anything good from just talking about it. Of course, with texts about it the world could be woken up and it can awaken consciousness. But we just have that word and that consciousness until it’s time for deeds. Because of that let’s show tolerance with deeds.

    Selimanovic Rumejsa PO2

  20. What is Tolerance?
    Take a moment to think about your lifestyle: your behaviors, actions, thoughts, and environment. Now think about someone else's. Chances are there are some aspects of other people's lives which annoy you. Many people are surrounded by others who appear to be 'incompetent' and 'annoying'. Understanding tolerance can help shift our attitudes toward others, leading us to a more productive and happy life.

    Tolerance can be defined as a fair and objective attitude towards those whose lifestyle differs from yours. The level of tolerance in your life can be attributed to levels of happiness and contentment, as many researchers have pointed out; however, the same researchers appear to struggle when examining paradoxical questions such as, 'are tolerant people more happy, or are happy people more tolerant?'
    Đenana Kustura, PO III

  21. For me, tolerance is understanding between people. I think that I'm tolerant person because I know when I need to say 'magical word sorry' and I know how to forgive people when they hurt me. But I belive that everyone can be more tolerant. It doesn't mean we need to tolerate violence or some bad things, but we need to understand each other and help everyone. Also, we should more teach our children about tolerance and reasons why it's important. Tolerant people have beautiful hearts and they are happier then others.
    I (as a future teacher) will always teach my students that "tolerance is highest result of education." (Helen Keller)
    Also, I will teach them that they need to respect everyone.
    Tolerance is also to control your anger. Stop and understand someone. Show empathy. It's all tolerance.

    Amra Avdić
    RN (3.godina)

  22. Tolerance is one of the most important things for society to function. If people were more tolerant towards others, many unwanted events would not escalate. First of all, every individual should be taught how to think properly, how to use mind for good services and how to respect every other human being. That kind of mindset would contribute to raising our awareness for tolerance and acceptance of differences. Personally, I am constantly making efforts to become better version of myself. I can be tolerant, but everything has its limits. Tolerance isn't always towards other people, it can be also directed to our own way of thinking. My family is sometimes not tolerant for some of my actions, but, of course, we talk a lot and discuss about improving behaviour, habits and skills. As a future educator, the best way to teach children to become tolerant is to show them with our own example what tolerance is.

    Nives Pirija, II godina Odsjeka za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju

  23. Tolerance is an attitude that occurs at a time when it is necessary to endure the "damage" inflicted on an individual or group by other individuals / groups by their actions or expressions of opinion and thus coexist by giving up the possibility of violently preventing "harmful" opinions or actions. In 1995, UNESCO gave a definition of tolerance, which seeks to advance the traditional view that it is a matter of mere tolerance, where the majority suffers the minority, and the powerful the less powerful. This definition reads as follows:

    "Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the richness of diversity in our world cultures, our form of expression and way of being human. It is based on knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in diversity. It's not just moral tolerance, it is also a political and legal requirement.Tolerance, the virtue that can make peace possible, contributes to changing the culture of war into a culture of peace. Tolerance is often compared to indifference which, however, does not imply an evaluation of permissible or impermissible behavior and therefore leads to passivity. Tolerance, on the other hand, is an active relationship, which means that it implies active restraint. Tolerance can be learned !!
    Osmanović Ajla, ER2

  24. I think tolerance is one of the qualities that every human being should have. We live in a world where we are surrounded by people of other nationalities, ethnicity, and so on. It is for this reason that we need to be tolerant. What does it mean to be a tolerant person? A tolerant person is a person who does not base his views and opinions about someone or something based on prejudices and stereotypes but based on empathy, respect, compassion, care, love, etc. From childhood, parents are the main mediators who need to teach children tolerance. They need to teach them about respecting others and different because the world is based on that. However, this is not the case today, and we will often see that children are just intolerant of each other and base their opinions on the opinions of others. Children from an early age should be taught to share their toy with a friend who may not have it, and in this example, we can see that we develop compassion in children, or empathy, which is one of the transmitted meanings of tolerance. Also, educators are the ones who, like parents, need to teach children respect, love, empathy, and the like, because the highest level of education is tolerance. Since we know that younger children learn by model, the educator or parent must be people who will respect them and others around them, because in this way they give a positive example of good behavior and encourage the child to be like that. Both children and adults also need to be tolerant and that tolerance accompanies them throughout life, because we never know who we will meet and what situation we will be in, and maybe in that situation we will need tolerance from someone. Quite simply, when you are tolerant, your life becomes happier because it is not based on stereotypes and prejudices, but is based on what that person is really like, that is, what his inner feelings are. We should not judge someone by his appearance, or by his hair color, skin, way of dressing, tattoos, piercings, etc. We need to judge a person based on what he is because a suit does not make a man. Man is made by his behavior. Of course, it is important to note that we should not be tolerant of a person whose behavior is based on disrespect, lies, aggression towards others. Also, I can say for myself that I am a tolerant person because I truly respect and appreciate the diversity of the world and the people around us. Quite simply, today’s world is full of diversity that surrounds us so we need to respect and appreciate the diversity of today. Learning tolerance is vital to world peace.
    Elma Numanagić, PO3

  25. The world is composed of people from different backgrounds who speak various languages, and follow diverse customs and religions.Tolerance can be defined as a fair attitude towards those whose lifestyle differs from ours. It is a noble virtue. Unfortunately, the virtue of tolerance is not abundant in the world of today and the world is in dire need of it. Intolerance leads a person, people or society to the worst disaster. If we have a look in the history we will see variety of horrible acts of intolerance. I think I am tolerance. I don’t criticize people on their looks or religions or something else where people shouldn’t judge on. s. If we all are tolerant we will live in peace and happiness.
    I think differences should be seen as an opportunity to learn something new.I think that children must be learned how to be tolerant. It is important for children to learn to accept others from an early age. Children observe adults and learn from them, so we must be a role model to them on how to love differently from ourselves
    Lejla Kadić,PO4.

  26. Odgovori
    1. "Every child is valuable and unique and has their potentials that they will only be able to develop if they feel accepted and loved as they are."
      We are all unique. Each person can find in himself a trait that distinguishes him from others. However, the more different we are, the more we are sometimes similar. It often happens that exactly what we resent about others, we can find in ourselves. That is why it is important to respect diversity or tolerance. Tolerance (Greek tolerare which means to endure) refers to tolerance and respect for other people's ideas, attitudes, and way of life. Being tolerant means being aware of the diversity concerning ourselves and accepting it in everyday life. I consider myself a tolerant person because I am very sensitive to other people, the life events that they face - which is the basis for the development of tolerance towards people.
      It is interesting that animals who live in some form of the community also have a certain kind of tolerance due to the benefits of the joint action of the members of that community. In the animal world, sick individuals are not thrown out or abandoned, but are treated with more care and tolerance, which probably stems from the empathy with an animal that is sick or in some trouble. Considering a tolerant relationship favors the survival of both individuals, it is believed that the human species has a built-in disposition for tolerant and intolerant behavior. No one is born tolerant or intolerant.
      What is encouraging is the fact that tolerance is learned. Empathy, moral values, distinguishing between good and bad, knowledge of basic human rights and similarities that exist among all people, and repel prejudices (negative attitudes towards members of a group to which an individual does not belong) and stereotypes (unjustified beliefs about a person or group of people). Therefore, to be tolerant, we must reconsider our prejudices and attitudes.
      Upbringing and family are the most important factors in the process of growing up. In the family, we learn social values, norms, attitudes about ourselves and others and society in general from an early age, and accordingly, education for non-violence and tolerance should begin from the first day of life. (Non)tolerant behavior can be adapted easily and quickly. From the age of two and three, children ask their parents and important people around them various questions. If the answers to these questions are a reflection of their prejudices, children will accept these stereotypes and prejudices already in the preschool phase. By starting kindergarten, children will begin to identify with the group to which they are similar, and will develop prejudices toward one to which they do not belong.

    2. At the same time, they will adopt further prejudices from parents, neighbors, the media, and other sources towards, for example, members of another national or religious community, sexual orientation, and the like. It is evident that prejudices and stereotypes are present all around us and we can reach them very easily. However, prejudices make it difficult for us to observe a person as an individual, through them we view a person as a member of a group about which we have a negative opinion. Because of this, the task of us as educators is not at all easy. To make a child tolerant, if the basic foundation in the family for the development of empathy is missing, then we are the ones who should be the first to influence tolerance in children. All the prejudices that a child has adopted are harmful to children because they create a false sense of superiority that leads to failure and disappointment in themselves, leading to fear and avoidance of members of other groups. On the other hand, discriminated children have a feeling of inferiority and social rejection. Therefore, the first steps towards successful tolerance are to be a role model for children, to emulate our prosocial behavior and thus develop empathy, and bury the acquired prejudices.
      In developed and civilized societies, diversity among people is tolerated and valued. Tolerance of differences means accepting others as they are, along with all their flaws and virtues. If society strives for such forms of behavior and nurturing values, then it is important to teach this to children from an early age. In response to the question of how a person can be encouraged to respect each other's differences and cooperate, upbringing and education are often mentioned, which will develop the skill of tolerance and real respect for other people's opinions and behavior. This means that children need to incorporate acceptance of diversity into their value system so that they can later respect and not just “tolerate” other people. The first teacher of tolerance is the family. Tolerance is most often learned by model - so looking at someone else who has developed tolerant forms and patterns of behavior - children will adopt them. But the family is not the only teacher. All structures of society should be involved in education around tolerance, as they are involved in other areas of education. The first prerequisite for learning tolerance is empathy, that is, the ability to understand other people's feelings, situations, or problems.

    3. Tolerant or intolerant behavior can be expressed in different ways. People with strong prejudices avoid coming into contact with the subject of their condemnation, which, of course, prevents the adoption of new information that could alleviate or change prejudice. Intolerance is expressed through insults, ridicule, violence, cold tone of voice, and even silence. Tolerance, on the other hand, implies a kind tone of voice, a smile, praise, and an expression of interest.
      The way of expressing tolerance largely depends on upbringing and education, so that a more educated and better-educated person will express his intolerance in a less obvious and noticeable way than uneducated people. A tolerant man thus gains freedom. Unencumbered by thinking about those he tolerates and all the negative emotions they might provoke in him, he is free from hatred, contempt, and intolerance. We are most often tolerant of those who are similar to us, while people who are different from us have reduced tolerance. People who think and behave differently scare us because we are unable to predict their reactions and do not know how to treat them. Fear breeds repulsion, intolerance, and hostility. I think I am tolerant, but not enough, because I only provide tolerance to people who are similar and important to me. I don't give too much tolerance to those "strangers", "passers-by in my life" because I think that my tolerance is not important to them. After all, we are not close enough. I think I have to work on myself and my tolerance in this field.
      By meeting other people, understanding a different evaluation of reality, we become richer. In this way, we better understand the behaviors that were foreign to us until then. We also understand ourselves better. Acceptance and understanding of diversity is the foundation of better communication and life of the entire social community. The richness of life lies in that diversity. By thinking about tolerance, we should all ask ourselves how tolerant we are and how much we show respect for the differences around us. When thinking about tolerance, we should all ask ourselves how tolerant we are and how much we show respect for the differences around us. Other behaviors are a consequence of what we have learned. Accordingly, our behaviors can easily be affected by the behavior of others. That is why we need to invest in ourselves and not allow ourselves to indulge in aggressive behavior if we can show tolerant and prosocial behavior. Let's take a look at ourselves, our needs, and interests.
      Melina Dragunić, PO3

  27. Tolerance is the ability to accept other people's opinions and beliefs even though they coincide with ours. Tolerance is a big problem in today's reality. But why is it so hard for people to accept some other ways of thinking, we all wonder. My theory is that our ego does not allow us. It's not a problem if we honestly don't like something, but we accept it. But people do not want to understand that by accepting someone else's opinion, they do not reject their own, but only respect what someone else has to say. Most people, when they hear a different opinion from their own, start to feel hurt, insulted, although that has nothing to do with them. We have to grow up, go beyond our pride and accept something different. First, pride is one of the bad things given to us, we should not brag about it and exalt ourselves because of it. The world without pride would be a much nicer place. So many lives would be saved, people would spread more love, hatred would be reduced to a minimum. Lately, people are becoming more and more tolerant, as far as I noticed. Differences in this world are increasingly accepted. When we look at the years of the last century, the level of tolerance was at a minimum, people were killed because of different skin color. We better not talk about other opinions. I hope that we will continue to go uphill and that at some point in humanity we will bring the level of tolerance to an enviable level.
    Mia Vizdal RN2

  28. One of the first qualities we learn is tolerance. Tolerance is one of the biggest quality of humam beings.
    People should be tolerant but a lot of us forgets that tolerance exist.
    I am trying to be patient and tolerant person because I know that the world is cruel and I can help it with my kindness and tolerance.
    Every person has a good and a bad side. No one is perfect. That is why tolerance exist, every person should be excepted and loved in the proper way.
    I think I am tolerant person because I am calm and quite and I like to listen and help other person. I would learn my students to be tolerant because it is something very strong and important to be a good human.
    Martina Galić, RN3

  29. Tolerance can be defined as a fair and objective attitude towards those whose lifestyle differs from yours. Chances are there are some aspects of other people's lives which annoy you. Many people are surrounded by others who appear to be 'incompetent' and 'annoying'. Understanding tolerance can help shift our attitudes toward others, leading us to a more productive and happy life. The level of tolerance in your life can be attributed to levels of happiness and contentment, as many researchers have pointed out; however, the same researchers appear to struggle when examining paradoxical questions such as, 'are tolerant people more happy, or are happy people more tolerant?'
    Nihada Kukan, RN3

  30. Being tolerant means accepting other people's views and lifestyles that do not agree with our personal beliefs. We must be aware that no human being is the same, thinks the same and acts the same as us. We all see one thing differently. We must not allow ourselves to be upset that someone does not think like us. We must not think that others are doing something wrong. We all do things the way we think is right, and every time we think "why do they do it wrong, it should be this way or that way" we have to remember that maybe that person thinks about our way of being wrong and wonders the same thing. . Tolerance is necessary in order to live peacefully and reasonably, in order not to enter into conflicts with others just because we do not do the same thing in the same way.

    Almedina Kulaš, RN4

  31. We live in the world full of stereotypes, accusings or disaprovings for something without even knowing enough about that something.
    We are not familiar enough with anything that is different from usual, and when is someone different from usual, we emidiatly judge him, even if we dont know anything about reasons of that phenomenon.
    Everyone have rights to live by his own.
    The best example of "different" are people with some special needs. We all have stereotypes about them, some fear or just compassion. Reason for that is fact that we are not enough in touch with different and we emidiatly consider it not like different, but like less valuable, which is wrong.
    We have to, through schools and other institutions educate people and ourselves more about tolerance and living together.

    1. Short, but concise comment. Bravo, Harun!

    2. Harun, I agree with your opinion. It would be good to have more understanding for each other, not to judge someone’s actions and way of life. If we can help, we need to help, and if we can't say anything smart then it's better to keep quiet. :D

      Dalila Kadunić, III, PO


    Tolerance is ability to accept diversity and to live and let others live. By being tolerant we are respecting and learning from others, valuing differences, rejecting stereotypes and creating a bonds between us. Tolerance is what we all nees to live a healthy life. We live in a world with a lot of differences between us all. We should respect people of different cultures, nationalities, races and religions. Tolerance is the reflection of our own behaviour and character. A tolerant person does not tolerant injustice and violation of the rights. If we want to make a world better place to live we have to practice tolerance.

  33. "Tolerance" - when I think about that term, I always remember one lecture in college. The subject was Methodology of Teaching Nature and Society. We were divided into randomly selected groups. Until then, we were always on the same teams and we already had certain roles in that team. But now the situation was different. We were all new and didn’t know each other well. We had to work together but it was not that easy. We first had to get to know each other and then agree on the division of tasks. It took a lot of tolerance and understanding to get the task done properly. In that situation, I realized the importance of tolerance. I discovered something else: tolerance is at a much higher level when we work with strangers in an unfamiliar environment and then we are much more tolerant.
    Tolerance is the appreciation of diversity and the ability to live and let others live. It is the ability to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards those whose opinions, practices, religion, nationality, and so on differ from one's own. Educators are instrumental in promoting tolerance and peaceful coexistence. For example, schools that create a tolerant environment can help young people to respect and understand different cultures. Tolerance is something we should teach children from an early school day and we must never forget the importance of these lessons.

    Amra Bajrić, RN IV

    1. Hi dear Amra, are you a tolerant person?

    2. Hi Meliha, I consider myself as a very tolerant person. I think I proved that in many situations in life.


    Tolerance is the ability to understand other people and their actions. It’s a good trait that allows us to have empathy for other people and not think that only we are the most important. In all relationships in life, it is important to reach a compromise, and we will achieve that if we have developed tolerance. of course, we should not suffer all the bad qualities and all the desires of the people, we should know the limit, but we should reach an agreement. There are many situations in which we are not administrative, and then we want the other person to tolerate.

    1. Dear Nejla, I think you are absolutely right, many people do not deserve our tolerance and we need to know how to say NO in time.

      Dalila Kadunić, III, PO

  35. Tolerance. Where do we learn the real meaning of that word? School or maybe life? The first lessons about tolerance we get in kindergarden, when we are suppose to share toys with other kids even if we aren`t friends. Secondly, we learn that it`s okay our friend doesn`t like red color, some book or football. We learn to appreciate differences between us. Later, we learn that our life will be much easier if we are tolerant. This skill requires a lot of effort and practice, it doesn`t come over night. With the help of tolerance, we learn to appreciate and respect something that isn`t actually our cup of tea. I think this lesson is really important and requires a lot more of our attention.
    Lejla Bisić, PO2

    1. I agree with the fact that this subject requires a lot more attention. I like the way you presented the development of tolerance! PO II

  36. Tolerance is the ability to accept diversity and to live and let other people live. If you are tolerant, you respect and learn from others, you are willing to value differences, reject stereotypes, bridge cultural gaps and create new bonds with other people. To tolerate actually means to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Tolerant people are happier and more satisfied in life. They respect the differences and opinions of other people. They are empathetic, they understand other people. People often change because of society. Sometimes it happens that no matter how good a person is, we judge others to make a "face" in the team. A child, who has been taught from an early age what he is tolerance and that no one should be judged by religion, skin color or nationality, can build himself, but he can also change the society around him. It happens in life that young people often tease others, and they, being afraid, do not want to ask for help. A person, who is brought up to respect other people, can change the world. It all seems to start in the family after all, and what’s more tolerant upbringing, there will be less prejudice, and that is what we all strive for.
    Vernesa Fatić, PO 3

  37. We are all unique. Each person can find in himself a trait that distinguishes him from others. However, the more different we are sometimes the more similar. Being tolerant means respecting other people's ideas, attitudes and way of life. A person who is tolerant does not make different between people because of their characteristics and people who are intolerant often do not tolerate other people, opinions, attitudes and characteristics. One of the most important characteristics for achieving a culture of peace is certainly tolerance because it implies acceptance of other people's opinions, other people and everything else that is different.

    Dženita Čizmo,ER2

  38. Tolerance is willingness to accept other people's behaviours and attitudes which are different from our own. I think that until other people's opinions and words don't hurt anybody, we have to tolerate their beliefs, at least we should. But if they hurt anyone in anyway we can't tolerate it and if we tolerate it's becoming naivety and unsafety. So are tolerant people more happier or are happier people more tolearnt? I think it's both. Well happier people are more tolerant because they're happy and contented with themselves and don't have a need to change other people's opinions to feel important and powerful. And tolerant people are more happier beacuse as they haven't need to change other people's beliefs and opinions, also they won't never let anyone to tell them they're not doing good, they're wrong etc. Of course they accept critique, but benevolent critique. They won't let other people to hurt them because they know who they are. And that helps them to reduce stress and be happier with themselves. (Semina Nešust, II godina, Odsijek za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju).

  39. Tolerance is one of the most important values to posses in life. Some of us are not tolerant at all, while others are way too tolerant. We allow ourselves to put up with some of the things that do not appeal to us, just because we don't want to hurt the feelings of other people around us. But having self respect, and loving ourselves enough to stop putting up with what makes us uncomfortable is the most important thing. I have experienced a lot of intolerance towards myself, and towards the people around me in my life. For example I was treated quite badly in middle school just because of my name. Because other parents taught their children that it is totally acceptable to treat others differently just because of their name, and that our names define our character, religion and everything else. I still experience that every day, and am questioned about my religion when I introduce myself. Even in university I was advised by a professor to change my name, for how can I be muslim and call myself Monja Ražnatović? But I would never change my name, it was given to me for a reason and is not something that can define which religion I belong to, it made me stronger. That is one of the problems in our country, many people accept only the people who look like them, act like them, and believe in the same things that they believe in. Another example is a gypsy boy who was in my class. He was treated with such hatred and disrespect, I will never forget the sadness in his eyes. I was taught that every person deserves to be treated equally, so I always stood in his defense which meant the world to him. Because I stood up for him when he couldn't, he was always there to protect me too. So being there for each other and being the voice of those who don't have the courage to stand up for themselves is so rewarding. There are many more examples, but I just wanted to point out how important it is to teach children about tolerance from a very early age. Color of the skin, wealth, religious beliefs, the clothes we ware, the names we were given don't define who we are inside. Differences are what makes us extraordinary and unique. Teaching children about all of this could really change the world, and save people a lot of tears and energy wasted because of intolerance. As teachers we hold a great power in influencing the lives of our students, so we should focus a lot of our attention on teaching tolerance. One of the best ways to do that is to lead by example. Children tend to imitate their role models by observing. Tolerance may be a complicated concept for children but they can certainly learn the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. We should teach them that they shouldn't treat others how they wouldn't like to be treated. Being kind could open many doors for them in the future.
    (Monja Ražnatović, PO II)

  40. Tolerance is the ability to accept diversity and to live and let other people live.
    By being tolerant, you are respecting and learning from others, valuing differences, bridging cultural gaps, rejecting unfair stereotypes, discovering common ground, and creating new bonds.
    Every human need to be a tolerance.
    Lejla Pleho, RN III

    1. You briefly explained what tolerance means, good job.

  41. Tolerance is a term that implies tolerance, appreciation and respect for the ideas of others, attitudes and ways of life. We live in such a time that only the closest people are tolerated, and I believe that tolerance is a trait that everyone should have towards every person they come in contact with because I believe that this is the level of culture that each of us should have. We simply need to understand that each individual is individual and that each has their own different ideas, behaviors, expressions. The path to tolerance is very easy and we can apply it in every aspect of our lives and with every interlocutor. Even when our interlocutor is rude to us, insults us or provokes us, we need to learn to control and apply tolerance, and not retaliate because that speaks to us as individuals. Of course, first of all we need to consider ourselves as personalities because in the way we treat others, so will they treat us. Although in some cases, no matter how hard we try to understand, listen, empathize, and appreciate what others are saying, we will get behavior that is contrary to ours. By providing and showing empathy, moral values, distinguishing the good from the bad, knowing the fundamental human rights and similarities that exist among all people will lead us to a tolerant person. We need to understand that prejudices and stereotypes need to be discarded in social relationships and communication. Therefore, in order to be tolerant we need to rethink our prejudices and attitudes as well. I consider myself a very tolerant person in relations with my friends, family, work colleagues and boyfriend, who will gladly listen to each person, help with his advice and support, but experience has shown me that tolerance is sometimes exploited, especially in friendly relations. I accepted people as they are, with all their differences, but it turned out that some people did not accept me as I am. There are very few people in my life who show empathy for me, listen to me to the end and help me with their advice. I am happy with this small number of people because it is better to have fewer friends but real and honest ones with whom you will have a healthy relationship. Given that the role of educators is very important in the upbringing and education of the child, it is necessary to encourage moral qualities from the earliest period, develop social values and norms, attitudes in the child to be accepted in society. If we encourage tolerance in a child from the first day, we will positively influence the child because we will teach him empathy, understanding, acceptance of other children. The task of the educator should be to reject all prejudices of children so that they do not express them through play or activities, but in order to socialize successfully.
    Berina Kurt, Odsjek za predškolski odgoj III, 2658.

  42. I think I’m a tolerant person. I can understand and accept diversity. There is a question how would I teach my students to be tolerant. Be the change you want to see. Be a good example. This is the answer. If I want my students or people from my environment to be a tolerant first of all I should be the one. Students especially young children are like sponge. They learn everything from their family and teachers. Why we must talk about tolerance diversity when we can talk about something better. Because we live in country where we have a lot of taboo topics. It is so ordinary to accept diversity. Why would I act different to people with disability, we are all the same and we have same rights. At least it should be like that. I have many example of intolerant behaviors at the university for example. Nowdays people are so empty, they think just about themselves and there are no respect at all. I will always ignore bas behavior and direct myself on positive people and positive behaviors. Tolerance makes it possible for people to live peacefully. Of course it isnt simple to be a tolerant person. Everyone has their own opinions and values and that need to be respected and accepted. If we want valuable society, there is no alternative to tolerance. A lot of people know what tolerance means as a word but dont get it at all.
    Nejra Emso, ER2

  43. People are not born with tolerance — tolerance is learned. It is important to teach children how to accept and respect diversity from an early age. The child acquires its first knowledge within the family, and then in kindergarten and school. Through the joint action of parents and the institutions where children are brought up and educated, it is possible to build attitudes and values that promote love, equality and mutual acceptance.
    The school environment is crucial for the formation of students’ personalities. Some of the key elements to be fostered in this context are empathy, moral values, a firm grasp of fundamental human rights and similarities that exist among all human beings, as well as the ability to challenge prejudice (negative attitude towards members of certain groups to which an individual does not belong) and stereotypes (unjustified beliefs about a specific person or group). Therefore, in order to be tolerant, we must reconsider our prejudice and other harmful attitudes.
    From the age of two or three, children start asking their parents and important people around them various questions. If the answers to these questions are a reflection of prejudice held by adults, children will internalize their stereotypes and prejudice as early as in preschool. Primary school students begin identifying with a group they perceive themselves as similar to, while potentially developing prejudice against a group to which they do not belong. At the same time, they might adopt further prejudices from their parents, neighbors, the media and/or other sources; such preconceptions include those directed towards members of some other ethnic, national or religious community, people of different sexual orientation and the like.
    Prejudice and stereotypes are present all around us, so we can run into them and adopt them very easily. These make it difficult for us to observe a person as an individual; instead, we see them as a member of a group that we do not hold in high regard. Prejudice is harmful to children because it creates a false sense of superiority, which often leads to failure, self-disappointment and fear, all the while encouraging them to avoid members of other groups. On the other hand, discriminated children develop a feeling of inferiority and social rejection.
    Sabina Porović, RN4

  44. Tolerance refers to respect for other people's ideas, attitudes and lifestyles. Many people know about the concept of tolerance, but have little respect for it. We often meet disrespect among young people. Young people judge others because of their hair color, appearance, behavior and even because of the music they listen to. For some people who do not know about tolerance, it is the family's fault. Children imitate their parents' behavior when they are younger. If there are no prejudices in the family, the children will grow into tolerant people. People often change because of society. A person raised to respect others can change the world.

    Lejla Bužo, RN4

  45. Tolerance is willigness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.If we are tolerate ,respect and learn from other people ,we are in positiins to value differences ,recjet stereotypes ,bridge cultural gaps and create new bond with others .But we need to be careful what we tolerate because in that way we are teaching other people how to treat us.Every year on the 16th November we are celebrate International day for Tolerance.I think I am a tolerant person because every human being deserves just like me every right that claim for yourself.In this planet everyone have examples of intolerant behaviors in our family,friends, neighborhood or in our local community.On the other hand tolerance and acceptance is not the same words.Tolerance does not mean accepting all kinds of behaviour especially those which show disrespect for others such us lying, stealing, bullying....One of the Unesco declarations of tolerance is that the education is most effective means of preventing intolerance.The first step in life and also educations is that to teach our people and kids what their rights and freedoms are.In my opinion tolerant people are more happier.Teaching tolerance is so important becuse no one born with hatred or intolerance .As future teacher I will teach my children tolerance because if we respect something different from our attitude or opinion we can also expect that someone tomorrow will accept and tolerate something of our own.

  46. Tolerance is giving other people the ability to do or say something that they think and want to say. Sometimes we don’t agree with others on the same thing, but that doesn’t mean that those people don’t have the right to say what they think. I think that tolerance is a very good personality, and that beeing tolerant is something we all should do. But also i think that we shouldn’t give too much tolerance too people who don’t deserve it. We should be able too notice when we need to be tolerant and when not. In my future job tolerance is needed, and a lot of it. Because working with children is mostly based on tolerance. We have to appreciate other’s and thing they want too say, before we want someone too appreciate us and our word or thoughts.

  47. Tolerance is very important for the work we will do in the future. It is important that we have a high tolerance threshold. Tolerance means respecting other people's opinions, ideas, attitudes and ways of life. Being tolerant means being aware of the differences in relation to ourselves and accepting it in everyday life. Tolerance allows everyone to live in peace and harmony while respecting each other.
    In the world we live in, there is not much tolerance, because it is easier to be repulsive and keep people at a distance, than to be approachable and empathetic towards everyone. We can associate empathy with tolerance for the reason that we should look at the world through the eyes of others, so that we can understand them, and thus tolerate them.
    What is very important is that we know how to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, because some actions are simply not worth tolerating. Some of the unacceptable forms of behavior are: lying, aggressive behavior, negligence, and laziness. Every person can sometimes behave inappropriately, that is, they may have a bad day or something bad happened to them, and I think it is okay to tolerate that, but if that behavior is constant, then it is not worth tolerating.
    My experience with tolerance was that I had a friend who was constantly late for each of our appointments, but that delay was not 5 minutes, but an hour or more. I understood that she had obligations, but I kept warning her not to make an appointment if she was unable to arrive on time. Later, I realized that she didn't really appreciate my time, so my tolerance stopped, and thus our socializing. I think the cause of this behavior of hers was disrespect first of all of me and my time, and then of our friendship.
    What I would also like to mention is that in some situations I know how to exaggerate, but that my friends tolerate me, but I also try to change everything they draw my attention to.

  48. Tolerance is a trait that makes it possible for people to live together on this Earth. It's accepting and respecting other's opinions or views on life. You don't have to implement those views in your life to be tolerant, you simply have to respect them and accept that they exist and may be a big part of someone's life. I think our country and Balkan in general is a great example of tolerance or the lack of. To improve relationships and stop people from hating others and hating everything that's different is to teach them tolerance. It should start from an earliest age, start explaining to kids what is tolerance and what behaviors can be tolerated and those that can't. It should be our job as a teacher to make teaching tolerance and empathy on top of our lists.

    1. I agree with you because I think that empathy is something that is missing in our world. We should apsolutely teach our children what empathy is.
      Ilma Purić, RN

  49. Tolerance is ability to withstand stress, pain, effort or frustration, without major difficulties and resistance.. A way of acting or an attitude about people, things or ideas that we do not consider valuable or desirable, but the existence of which we do not want to make difficult or endanger in any way. Tolerance has two essential levels: cognitive (cognitive) and emotional (emotional). At the cognitive level, ie. in thoughts and claims, people admit to themselves that they do not like the customs of a community, the language of a people, the beliefs of a first neighbor, etc., but they recognize their right to those customs, language or beliefs. At the emotional level, tolerance actually means suppressing negative feelings toward someone or something and preventing them from being expressed. In behavior, tolerance manifests itself as polite and, if necessary, helpful behavior towards people with whom (for whatever reason) we would not associate of our choice and as tolerating things we do not like, but them, because someone else something means, we endure.

    We should all be tolerant people because it allows us to make life easier on this Earth.

    Mediha Ibrišević, RN-3, redovan student

    1. Do you think that tolerance is something that is missing in our world?
      Ilma Purić, RN

  50. Tolerance is behavior that involves tolerating behavior or action that bothers us or does not suit us. Also, we can say that tolerance most often means the ability to endure physical or mental pain, discomfort, stress or negative environmental pressures and influences.
    In every society, in the life of every individual, there is something that needs to be endured.
    Tolerance is often learnt in subtle ways. Kids develop values by imitating the values of those they know the most.Tolerant people show strength in that they can deal with different opinions and perspectives. If we are all tolerant, we will get rid of all the pain. We will live in peace and happiness.
    Accept all kinds of behaviors, but behaviors that disrespect others, like being mean or bullying, or behaviors like lying or stealing, should not be tolerated. 
    Nejla Šehić, RN2

  51. We often judge people based on what others tell us, even though we don't know them, but these prejudices are very difficult to change. Our attitude towards certain people is usually not justified.
    Today we have a lot of discrimination because of diversity.
    Discrimination means separating, distinguishing by social, racial, religious, sexual, linguistic and other characteristics. Discrimination also undermines human rights. Discrimination includes racism, xenophobia and sexism.
    Tolerance is respect for others' opinions and beliefs.
    It is based on openness, knowledge, communication and freedom of opinion, counseling and belief. Tolerance is a virtue by which we can achieve peace in the world.
    This means being free, sticking to your beliefs, but also accepting other people's suggestions and opinions. Intolerance is disrespecting other people's opinions and beliefs. Individuals do not want to allow another to express their opinion if otherwise. Most of these attitudes are "picked up" by young people from home. No matter how different we are, we are all under the same skin and we are worth the same.

    Aida Tajić, RN-2

  52. Tolerance might mean toleration, treating everyone the same, even if your opinions are different to each others , or your race, religion, or practices are. Every year on the 16th November we are celebrate International day for Tolerance and the best definition of tolerance is: Tolerance is respect!
    Lejla Pleho RN 3

  53. Tolerance is fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., differ from one's own. Tolerance makes it possible for people to coexist peacefully. It is the basis for a fair society in which everyone can lead their lives as they wish. Tolerance is an important concept that helps people to live together peacefully. To be tolerant means that you accept other people’s opinions and preferences, even when they live in a way that you don’t agree with. Tolerance also means that you don’t put your opinions above those of others, even when you are sure that you are right. Tolerant people show strength in that they can deal with different opinions and perspectives.
    It isn’t simple to be a tolerant person. It is okay to stick to your own values, but it makes sense to evaluate your values, especially if they are having an effect on others. It needs to be clear that everyone has their own opinions and values and that these need to be respected and accepted. If we want to live in a peaceful society, there is no alternative to tolerance.
    Prejudice and tolerance are actually theoretically different concepts – and not the opposite of each other. In fact, they coexist in most of us.
    Tolerance is difficult to define, which may have led to limiting the study of tolerance in psychology in favour of studying prejudice. But, unlike prejudice, tolerance can be grounded in the moral domain which offers a positive approach to examining relationships between groups of people who are different from each other.
    I'll try to teach children about tolerance. Children shouldn’t grow up with a feeling of hate. Children who grow up with hate and jealously of others turn into unhappy people. I will try to teach children everything about love and empathy.
    Ilma Purić, RN, treća godina

  54. Tolerance is the appreciation of diversity and the ability to live and let others live. It is the ability to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards those whose opinions, practices, religion, nationality, and so on differ from one's own. Though tolerance may seem an impossible exercise in certain situations, being tolerant, nonetheless, remains key to easing hostile tensions between groups and to helping communities move past intractable conflict. That is because tolerance is integral to different groups relating to one another in a respectful and understanding way. ntolerance will drive groups apart, creating a sense of permanent separation between them.
    Individuals should continually focus on being tolerant of others in their daily lives. This involves consciously challenging the stereotypes and assumptions that they typically encounter in making decisions about others and/or working with others either in a social or a professional environment.

    Samra Karic RN III

  55. Tolerance is important concept that helps people to have peaceful community. To be tolerant is to accept others way of thinking and let them live life on their way. Tolerance is used in everyday life from national matters to your own personal problems. As a dance teacher I need to have great tolerance for beginners in my class and patience to repeat same steps many times before they are mastered.
    I would try to explain to my pupils that everyone is not perfect at everything so they should always have understanding for other people, for people they don't now what are their problems and from where they are coming. We must not judge by only one look.
    The best way to teach our children is on practical example how to be tolerant. Leave them to explain some subject to one another and try not to get angry when someone can't understand it very good, or child can be that person who will need to understand one another.

    Magdalena Milišić, 2819, ER2

  56. Hi everyone :D
    Tolerance is very important part of our lives. Where would we be if no one is tolerant? I consider myself for tolerant person. I am trying to understand people and they acts because we very oftent don't know the reason of that acts. Sometimes it brings me something bad because I justfy something for somebody and then that person does not appriciate that. Actualy tolarance is a very large term. It includes fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins , differ from one's own'.
    All of us are different. We have different attitudes, ideas and thoughts. In relationships with other people we have to understand the other side if we want a normal and healty connection. So the tolerance help us in relationships with people. Sometimes is very hard avoid prejudices. We have to get fight with that and with ourselves. People very often make judgement about others and their's acts. The biggest problem is that they jugde people who don't know.
    The best way to teaching students be tolerante is become a tolerant teacher. We have to be a good example for our pupils.

    Ena Brkić, RN3

  57. I consider tolerance as one of the greatest battles that people are fighting. It takes time to become truly tolerant person. Takes a lot effort, disclaimers, acceptance, and peace. Once you realize that it is much easier to accept things that are different from our own beliefs than fighting them, own world becomes more quiet and happier. I have built my tolerance through my brother. We had to find a way to function, so we realized that building tolerance to different things and raising the tolerance threshold will make both of us happier, and we started working on it and we made it in the end. That personal attitude is kind of different than professional tolerance. Professional tolerance must be on higher level because we are facing much more people and we must show by our example how to cope with different people and how to become tolerant in that manner. There is limit that we should be aware of, and that is limit between tolerable and intolerable behaviours. It is hard to explain it using just words, because it takes time and many many life situations to know how to recognize that limit. The main thing is that it is not impossible and building tolerance is real and existing thing.

    Ajla Hadžić, PO4, vanredna

  58. When I think of tolerance, I think of acceptance and compassion.
    In effect tolerance involves putting up with something we consider wrong or displeasing but not so wrong that we must move to constrain it. Tolerance does not mean we approve of something as good.
    Of itself, tolerance is a good and necessary thing. But, like most good things, it has its limits.
    We need to handle some things we don't like from others as they accept some things from us that they don't like. But when it comes to disrespecting tolerance needs to have limits. We can not let others to disrespect us or anybody else.
    Trough the life we learn so much to tolerate others, especially in school. We learning to accept and respect different opinions in classroom, at home, in streets, in life.
    We are all different and we are all speacial for ourselves and for someone. Without different opinions we would all be the same, and that is boring. Also if we love someone we need to accept and tolerate some things to have succesfull relationships.
    Professional tolerance must be on higher level because of the nature of work that we do. We have tolerate and face some problems and people to have good results at the end of the work. Sometimes we need to say what others love to hear.
    "Reinette: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel."-
    Steven Moffat
    "The highest result of education is tolerance." -Helen Keller

    Mustajbegović Mirnesa, ER (II)

  59. Tolerance is being patient, understanding and accepting of anything different. An example of tolerance is Muslims, Christians and Athiests being friends...

    Samira Kopić ER

  60. Being tolerant is a great thing to be! It shows that you are mature enough, respectfull and in some way also a cold headed peson. It is the basis for a fair society in which everyone can lead their lives as they wish. But being tolerant can sometimes be hard, as you should accept every opinion from somebody (because it's their right) even if you strongly disagree on it. Tolerant people show strength in that they can deal with different opinions and perspectives. Like everything else your tolerance should have A LIMIT. Being tolerant of others is great until people notice it and start taking advantage of it. If you let people do this then you stop tolerating yourself. To conclude, I think that it isn’t simple to be a tolerant person. It is okay to stick to your own values, but it makes sense to evaluate your values, especially if they are having an effect on others. It needs to be clear that everyone has their own opinions and values and that these need to be respected and accepted. If we want to live in a peaceful society, there is no alternative to tolerance.

    Tajša Hasančić, ER II

  61. It is important to teach children tolerance from an early age. Tolerance is a way of dealing with people, an attitude towards someone or something. It is important to learn them about tolerance from the beginning and to respect the other people and their opinions and to accept differences between people. A good way is to foster a friendly atmosphere in the classroom through a variety of games and activities where they will realize that diversity is actually beautiful. Just because someone has blonde hair or brown eyes doesn't mean that they are smarter or better because of it. This is learned primarily by parents of course, but we should also try to be a better example to the children by showing them that they are all equal.
    Ilma Mirvić, RN IV

  62. Tolerance can be simply stated as the ability to accept diversity and to live and let others live. It is the act of enduring practices that are not related to you or you don’t approve of. A person having a high tolerance quotient would be able to practice a fair and objective behaviour towards those whose opinions differ from his opinions. By being tolerant, you are respecting and learning from others, valuing differences, bridging cultural gaps, rejecting unfair stereotypes, discovering common ground, and creating new bonds. Tolerance, in many ways, is the opposite of prejudice.

    Emir Hajdarević
    Department of elementary education
    4th year

  63. I think that this definition of tolerance is the most true and most beautiful: "Tolerance is the ability to accept diversity and to live and let other people live." In today's world where there are so many different people, cultures and mindsets, I think we need to be as open minded as possible and try to understand everyone’s way of thinking and living. That is the point of tolerance, if it does not affect us and does not endanger us in any way, then it is not up to us to change it, but to accept it.


  64. The term tolerance comes from the Greek word tolerare, which means to endure. It implies tolerance and respect for other people's ideas, attitudes and ways of life. Being tolerant means being aware of the diversity in relation to ourselves and accepting it in everyday life.
    Tolerance is the thing that we can and need to learn. First ones to educate a person about tolerance are parents and family, after them there are teachers. Children learn from examples, so everyone in the environment need to tolerate different things, and accept people as they are and that is the first step at educating children around us about tolerance.

    Sarah Skalonjić


  65. Tolerance means respecting other people's ideas, attitudes and ways of life. In 1995, UNESCO gave a definition of tolerance, which seeks to advance the traditional view that it is a matter of mere tolerance, where the majority suffers the minority, and the powerful the less powerful. Similar terms such as stereotypes and prejudices are associated with this term. Prejudice refers to irrational suspicion or hatred towards a particular group of people, race or religion. Prejudices are often based on social stereotypes, and in the most extreme case, result in certain groups of people being deprived of their human rights, or some other groups being given an unfair advantage. In response to the question of how a person can be encouraged to respect each other's differences and cooperate, the upbringing and education of children is often mentioned, which will develop the skill of tolerance and real respect for other people's opinions and behavior. This means that children need to incorporate acceptance of diversity into their own value system so that they can later appreciate and not just tolerate other people. The first teacher of tolerance is the family. Tolerance is most often learned by model - so looking at someone else who has developed tolerant forms and patterns of behavior, children will adopt them. But the family is not the only teacher. All structures of society should be involved in education around tolerance, as they are involved in other areas of education. What is the first prerequisite for learning tolerance is empathy - the cognitive, rational ability to understand other people's feelings, situations or problems. Tolerant or intolerant behavior can be expressed in different ways. People with strong prejudices avoid coming into contact with the subject of their condemnation, which, of course, prevents the adoption of new information that could alleviate or change prejudice. Intolerance is expressed through insults, ridicule, violence, cold tone of voice, and even silence. Tolerance, on the other hand, implies a kind tone of voice, a smile, praise, and an expression of interest.

    Sadiković Alema, ER (II)

  66. We are all unique. Each person can find a person who is different from others. However, the more different we are, the more similar we are sometimes. If this happens exactly what we are replacing others with, we can find it in ourselves as well. That is why it is important to respect diversity or tolerance.

    Amra Ivazović, RN 3

  67. There is no doubt that a tolerant attitude of people, in private and public life, is a magnificent and useful thing. It is true that tolerance in life is met with many obstacles and is threatened by narrow-mindedness and fickleness. It is not easy to implement as imagined by moralists and social idealists, because tolerance in its full meaning does not go hand in hand with comprehensive practice, especially if they are those initial and undirected by upbringing and uncovered upbringing by firmer ethical norms. In order for tolerance to become a means by which people communicate easily and smoothly, prior education and early persuasion of personality are necessary, as well as subtle spiritual and moral preparation and acceptance of a number of principles and bases, with which one would go through various tasks and adhere to them. In this case, patience becomes an inseparable part of everyday human life: mentally emotionally and ideologically. Given the importance of tolerance and the noble consequences that follow from it, as well as the dangers of unpleasant consequences that arise from intolerance and fanaticism, individual or social, we should pay a lot of attention to tolerance. acquainting man with the uniqueness of the human race that the difference between men in color and language has no share in the exaltation or underestimation of any man, nor do they participate in the progress or backwardness of any people. This difference is not a proof of the difference in human nature, but it is only a form of God's Power and Perfection.

  68. Tolerance is a moral virtue best placed within the moral domain – but unfortunately it is often confounded with prejudice. Much of the psychological research about tolerance generally and about the development of children’s understanding of tolerance of others who are different from them has been examined through research about prejudice – and not through the moral domain. The assumption made is that absence of prejudice by default means a person is tolerant.
    Prejudice and tolerance are actually theoretically different concepts – and not the opposite of each other. In fact, they coexist in most of us.

    In other words, it is a moral obligation or duty which involves respect for the individual as well as mutual respect and consideration between people. Tolerance between people makes it possible for conflicting claims of beliefs, values and ideas to coexistence as long as they fit within acceptable moral values.

    Moral values such as fairness, justice, empathy, tolerance and respect are shared, if not universal, values relevant to dealing with human diversity.

  69. Tolerance means the ability to respect others feelings. Those people who do not have the ability of tolerance often get angry. A tolerant person has a healthy relationship with everyone. It is not simple to be a tolerant person of course. We need to teach our children tolerance. Teach tolerance by example. Talking together about tolerance and respect helps kids learn more about the values you want them to have. Also, learn together about holiday and religious celebrations that are not part of your own tradition. Giving them opportunities to work or play with others. Children need grow up with love and respect of others. Teaching children about tolerance is the best gift that you can give them.

    Berina Lemezan, RN III.

  70. We all should be tolerant but we shouldn't accept every kind of behavior or pretend like we don't see things we're not okay with. It's very important to teach our students about tolerance and how to be tolerant. We should have high expectations for all of our students. If we want to teach them about tolerance, first we should examine our oun identities. Does we have healthy relationship with everyone? How we treat our students? Is there some child that we don't treat the way we treat other students? These are very important questions that we should ask ourselves. We all should work on ourselves because we are their role. If we are tolerant, they will be tolerant too. It's the best kind of education we can give to them - the role they can get a hold with.
    Ajla Hasić, RN4

  71. First of all I would like to express my understanding of the notion of tolerance. In the previous text I have read, there are essentially two definitions of this concept. First one describes this term as “willingness to accept (other, different)” second one claims that it should be capacity to endure (other, different). For me those two verbs have different connotation. While to endure means to carry on despite obstacles, to accept something/someone means to receive with approval and with consent. On the one hand endurance is less inclusive, on the other hand I see acceptance as term more related to inclusion. If we are truly tolerant we accept all other/different as enrichment. This for sure may be a quite idealistic view.
    To have more peaceful society, tolerance should be practiced in all walks of life and it should be for everyone, no matter if it is about style preference, religion, and sexual orientation etc. It can be tested in day to day life, in our contacts with our family members, friends and colleagues. We may have different music tastes or think differently about topic, but we should respect differences. I for example can tolerate my neighbor who is not fond of animals, but would never be able to do so if he would harm any animal. By definition, if I would tolerate some disrespectful behaviors, it for sure would not even be tolerance, but approval of wrongful act.
    We for sure do not live in quite tolerant society. Ethnic tension is omnipresent since the last war, even institutionalized and is leading to segregation that does not favor development of tolerant society. The Gay Pride in Sarajevo 2019 went off very smoothly, but when one reads all the comments in comment section under the articles that handle this topic, it is more than evident that broader tolerance for different sexual orientation is almost non-existent. As for children and teaching them about tolerance it is always contextual. I think that tolerance cannot be thought by explaining it directly as concept, but it can be done in subtle ways. We as teachers should demonstrate an attitude of respect of others, we should not perpetuate stereotypes when talking, contents we teach should also be selected carefully, we could discuss differences with respect etc.
    Arnela Mujkanović, PO3, vanredan

  72. We are all unique.Each person can find himself personally what makes him different from others.However,the more different we are, the more similar we are sometimes.It often happens that we resent others we can find in ourselves.That is why it is important to respect diversity or tolerance.Tolerance refers to tolerance and respect for other people s ideas ,attiitudes ,ways of life.To be tolerant means to be aware of differences in relation to us and accept them in everyday life.What is encouraging is the fact that tolerance is learned.Emphaty,moral values,distinguishing between good and bad,knoweldge of fundamental human rights and reversing prejudices and stereotypes contribute to the dvelopment of tolerance.


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