Education Renewal and Reform


Education reform is the process aimed at changing public education in terms of educational theory and practice. Therefore, the purpose of educational reforms is to transform school structures in order to raise the quality of education in a country. Educational reforms should be based on a holistic approach that encompasses the main reasons, objectives, application and expected outcomes for such a change in the education systems where they are implemented. Education reforms usually comprise any planned changes in the way a school system functions, from teaching methodologies to administrative processes. Education renewal refers to providing all students with the best education which will offer them the opportunity to explore their talents and develop to their full potential. At the same time, it should offer teachers the right support in proper equipment, good working conditions and positive working environments so that they could better guide students through their learning and making choices for their future.

Meaningful changes in education have become a necessity in this modern world, and many education systems are challenged in having to prepare students for today's fast-changing world. Modern education is supposed to support students in developing their knowledge and skills needed for today and tomorrow's workplace, and they have to take an active part in their learning and be motivated by it. As we live in the Information Age, new technology not only supports learning but also drives change. The teacher is no longer the only source of information when we live in a world where information is easily accessible to anyone and anytime with just the click of a button. Teachers become more like facilitators or critical coaches in helping students how to select, work with and apply information in meaningful ways. Therefore, modern education becomes more learner-centered than teacher-centered. Students must not only develop what they know, but also skills, attitudes, and values that will help them become capable citizens of the 21st century world. Thus, schools should become places where both students and teachers grow, learn, and share together.

Even in the most prosperous education systems of today's world, there is always at least some room for further improvement. The most commonly cited challenges that many public schools face today are: inadequate systems of evaluation and assessment, rote learning, the need for better training and professional development of teachers, challenges posed by the introduction of modern technology, lack of funding from governments and education ministries, bullying among students, student attitudes and behaviours, poverty, parent involvement, etc. Apart from that, the whole world has faced with numerous challenges not only in education, but also in all spheres of life, caused by the pandemic of COVID-19. As difficult as the current situation is, it is important not to lose focus on the importance of education and to start addressing all of the problems it is faced with nowadays. Education is the key to future prosperity and we must all do our best to get the best out of it.


Questions for discussion:

Compare schools now and before. What has changed? What is/was better/worse now and before?

What does educational reform / renewal mean?

Why is education reform important?

What are the major issues in education today, generally speaking?

What has changed in education this year (2020)?

What are the most common problems and challenges of the education system in BiH?

How can we reform our education system? What changes are necessary to be made?

What changes would you make as a student? Or as a future teacher / educator?

What outcomes do we expect to achieve by education renewal and reform?

What would education be like in the future (in the next 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 ... years)? Discuss.


Useful videos:

6 Problems with our School System

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?



  1. Education reform may try to address inequities including those pertaining to poverty, gender and class. Evidence-based education guides reform.
    Education Renewal is about providing all students with the best education to seize opportunities for success in the path they choose. It is also about helping educators work together, have positive working environments, and opportunities to learn and grow. When students and teachers are well and when they work in positive, supporting learning environments, the community benefits. Schools can be places where all community members grow, learn, and share together.
    Some of the main beliefs of Education Renewal are:
    - That students must have the opportunity to explore their gifts and things that interest them.
    - Schools must offer students the right supports for the best start im life, and choices for their future.
    - Teachers should be equipped to quide students through their learning.
    - Educators must have good working conditions and professional learning opportunities.
    When a teacher plans instruction, he has in mind some prototypical students or group: someone like himself or some group similar to his in ability .
    In accordance with the goal of schooling and education reform, the principal role of teachers should be teach all students to master their subject.

    1. I agree that students should have the opportunity to reveal what they are gifted for, but I also think that teacher is the one who should encourage and help them to develop their gift.

  2. The closure of schools has deepened the gap in equality in learning. 1.57 billion students in more than 190 countries were affected by the measure of school closure, and many of them managed to learn at a distance, without the necessary technology. The most marginalized children and young people in all countries of the world - especially those living in poverty, from ethnic minorities, children with disabilities, girls and displaced children or refugee children - have been hardest hit by the effects of the crisis. Before the pandemic, schools were full of students, children were shouting… Spending time with friends at school is something especially nice. During the pandemic, schools are closed, and most students attend classes online or in a combined model. For younger children, this is very difficult. They miss their schoolmates, a friend in the bench, socializing on small and big vacations, etc. Because all this is now inadmissible. Education reform is the renewal of education, it should be the most comprehensive, the goal is for students to learn more meaningful and useful content in an interesting way, and much less to learn by heart. That is, reform means improving education, better ways of learning, so that what is wrong is replaced by better things. It is important primarily to students, but also to teachers because it brings with it good and useful things. The main problem in education today is the volume of materials, unnecessary lessons, as well as grades. This year, in 2020, almost everything has changed in education. From the way you attend school, the way you answer and write control assignments… everything that was forbidden, or to put it mildly, needed to be reduced such as using the internet, constant spending in front of a computer / mobile phone is a must today! The changes that are needed are numerous, it is necessary for us to be very important that education should be focused on learning processes and outcomes, it should be based on standards with systematic monitoring and assessment of its quality, the quality of education should not be responsible only for teachers and schools. , you are also interested actors - students, parents and the local community. Education should be based on participatory, cooperative, active and experiential teaching and learning methods. Education should develop in students a positive attitude towards school and education and encourage the student's interest in learning and continuing education.

    Hamidović, Merjema (RN 3)

  3. We all know that education is one of the most important part of our lives. Our education starts with preschool and it's, formally, ending with faculty. But the truth is we are educating ourselves through whole life. Schools then and now are different. Kids then didn't have much freedom or space for creativity. Teachers were much rougher. Nowdays, things are slightly different. There is more space for creativity and free thinking, but there are still stigmas about art programs, even though arts are now more appreciated. We need to work harder to make education system better. There are still some 'bugs' in the system and that's killing our motivation and creativity for school. Also, I don't think involving more technology is good for our children. I heard that there are tablets in first grade. I think that's too much, they are little kids and teaching them with technology isn't really good. For now is okay, because we are in pandemic, but still we should try to make it minimal.
    We should teach our kids through nature and play, we should avoid technology, because they'll have planty of time to use it. So, I think that involving tech in elementery schools, especially in first grades, is bad. I hope our education system will see the benefit of teaching in nature, using books and old teaching materials is better for children and, also, I hope that they'll be open-minded for children with developmental difficulties. They deserve, too, to be in classrooms. Hoping that our system is accepting inclusion.

    PO 2

  4. By definition; “Education reform is the term for the goal of changing public education in terms of educational theory and practice. Where education reform once focused on inputs, it now focuses on outputs, such as student achievement.”
    Educational reform is important because it’s also about helping educators to work together, to have a positive working environment and opportunities to learn and grow.
    In 2020 we are facing many obstacles regarding education. The biggest one is online teaching/learning. We just can’t learn anything via internet as good as we do that in the “normal” classroom. There are many difficulties’; from our attention span to technology issues.
    The most common problem and challenge in education in BiH is with no doubt coordination - which is an absolute necessity in a decentralized and complex system which is BiH facing for many years and it’s insufficient due to political obstacles and fundamental disagreement. Another problem is the lack of applied methods focused on a child/student, include strategies, inclusive teaching etc.
    As a future educator, I would really try to bring inclusive teaching in every classroom and to bring IEP’s.
    Personally, I think education in the future will be so much better. Technology, at an exponential rate, being increasingly adapted to teaching and learning already so I think that it will be even better in a few years. Probably, education in the future will become experiential and more focused on students being able to gain employable skills while in school.

    Aida Šahinović; ER2.

    1. Are you satisfied with your education in Bosnia and Herzegowina?

  5. Twenty years ago, education was based on books and lectures. Nowadays, it's mostly based on computers and websites. In the past, students would have to spend hours in libraries looking through books for a project or research. One major difference that has changed through the curriculum in schools is teaching students skills instead of content.About fifty years ago, students were more responsible, they assisted their teachers. Tutors would give the elder students instructions to teach the younger ones who did not understand everything easily. This is so different from today where students depend more on teachers.Education Renewal is about providing all students with the best education to seize opportunities for success in the path they choose. It is also about helping educators work together, have positive working environments, and opportunities to learn and grow. When students and teachers are well and when they work in positive, supporting learning environments, the community benefits. Schools can be places where all community members grow, learn, and share together.Consider this list of seven major challenges currently facing public schools, based on the perspective of many involved in the world of education today:classroom size,poverty,family factors,technology,bullying,student attitudes and behaviours and parent involvement. The COVID-19 pandemic has created the
    largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners
    in more than 190 countries and all continents. Closures of schools and other learning spaces have impacted 94 per cent of the world’s student population, up to 99 per cent in low and lower-middle income countries. Seven ways to repair the public education system are:
    Stop Viewing Our Kids As Numbers. Today in many school systems there has been the implementation of per pupil spending.
    Do Away with Common Core.
    Give Homework.
    Get Rid of Teacher Evaluative Tools.
    Stop Giving Express Teaching Degrees.
    Less Meaningless Tests.
    Reintroduce Trade Schools During High School.
    The purpose of educational reforms is to transform school structures with the aim of raising the quality of education in a country. Educational reforms deserve a holistic examination of their reasons, objectives, application and results generated, by those within the school systems where they are implemented.
    With technology takeover and globalisation, the education system is changing very fast. The education future is going to be a time of digital learning, flexible study times and individualised approach.

    Nives Pirija, II godina Odsjeka za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju

  6. Education reform should mean significant changes in education. Therefore, it implies changes in teaching and learning and in using tehnology. Education needs to adjust time in which we live.
    I think that education is the least advanced. I'm really sad about that. Today's schools resemble the old ones, with minor modifications This is the modern world. Many old ways of teaching are overcome and we need new ways. For me, as a future teacher, it's very important to know education reforms so that I can become as good a teacher as I can. Also, it's important that my students work in a group or have work in pairs or individual work, but I will use frontal form of work only when it's necessary. In 2020 we can see many changes in education. I'm not happy when I must to use too much technology, but thanks to pandemic, it's fact that we learned that emergency meetings can be online. Sometimes it's not necessary to go to university. I hope that education will progress more and more in the future.

    Amra Avdić (3.godina, RN)

    1. This comment is absolutely accurate.

    2. Dear Amra, I absolutely agree with you. I also think that it’s very important for students to work together. Teachers and parents have to adjust to kid’s needs and the level of they’re intelligence.
      Bečar Elma, PO II

  7. Schools now haven`t chande very much than the ones before, classrooms and metodes are pretty much the same, but the material we leart has changed. It seams sometimes that it is reduced to a minimum. Older generations often say that the material we learn in high school they had to know in elementary school. Education is something necessary to every human being. By learning we make progress, broaden our horizons and make our futur brighter. Year 2020 has been rough, with no mercy. Our education system has faced real problems, not everyone knows how to use technology properly, it`s much harder to keep attention an online classes and we don`t know when will all this end. That`s the main problem. If this situatuon doesn`t stop for 1 or 2 years from now, we will have serious problems. Some subject can`t be presented in the right way, we will have gaps in knowledge in these subjects. But, let`s be positive. This will end soon and we will be again in our old classrooms with our friends and coleagues mentioning and laughing at this situation.

    Lejla Bisić, PO2

    1. I agree with you, Lejla, that not much has changed in our school system, except for the material. (Monja Ražnatović PO II)

  8. It is very important that education reform is being worked on. Teachers should be supported in mastering new techniques, and students should be prepared for new work habits, new jobs that are being created. We should always work on the reform and renewal of education, even if it is perfect. As a result of the renewal and reform of education, I expect great quality, creativity and innovation.

    Ena Alomerović PO4

    1. I like the way you think and I would like to add that everything can be better if we work on it.

    2. Very short and clear explanation, I like your way of thinking.
      Ajla Hadžić, PO4

    3. This is one of the best comments in my opinion. It is a very short comment, but it contains the essence of this topic. We should always be open to change and work to improve both teachers and students.
      Dalila Kadunić, PO3

  9. I think that there is a big difference between the educational system in schools in the period when our grandparents went to school today. I’ll start with the fact that school was not compulsory before. For that reason, there are many uneducated people from that period, while today school attendance is mandatory for every child. In my opinion, this is the right thing to do because education is very important for the development of humanity. One of the differences is that in the past the regime in schools was stricter than today. Only the frontal form of work was represented, in which students could not participate, but only teachers. I do not like this way of working at all, because it is much easier to acquire knowledge when we ourselves participate in teaching. Previously, students could not express their opinions and ideas, but were only passive observers who had the right to speak only when the teacher asked them something. However, nowadays, not only the frontal form of work is represented, but also students have the opportunity to be active participants in teaching. Also, nowadays, learning is much easier for students because they have a variety of materials from which they can acquire knowledge, all with the help of laptops, the Internet and technology in general, and before that it did not exist. From this we can conclude that before only the teacher was the source of information while today this is not the case. Students used to be punished for inappropriate behavior with sticks, beatings and noise, while today this does not exist because teachers use other methods such as reducing behavior, talking to parents, pedagogue and the like. Such an approach to students is much better for them as personalities, because they will not have traumas and bad memories from school days in the future. We live in a 21st century in which society has made significant progress in terms of education and schooling. We have a much larger number of educated people than in the past. In addition, we can conclude that the technology has advanced a lot because everything is available to us. Education is thus facilitated for us because we have access to computers, printers, the Internet. Also, 2020 has brought us all great challenges that we had to go through and in which education is held through platforms, cameras, microphones. Today, we are allowed to have our classes held online, while students previously had no other options but to go to school and even during the war.
    Berina Kurt, Odsjek za predškolski odgoj, 2658.

    1. I totally agree with you, Berina, especially on the fact that we need to reduce childhood traumas and negative school experiences as much as we can. that would make a huge difference! PO II

  10. Schools changed a lot. For example the student-teacher relationships have reached a stage where they are more role model and friendship based, rather than an example of authority.
    Also a lot of topics that have been stigmatized in the past, are now completely acceptable to talk about, and they are even encouraged by the academic society. This gives students a lot more freedom to explore and together discuss certain things that they maybe wouldn't be able to talk so freely before.
    Education reform is process aimed at changing publiv education in terms of educational theory and practice. It should be based on a holistic approach that encompasses the main reasonw, obejectives, applivation and expected outcomes for such a change in the educatin systems where they are implemented.
    The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. We should get used to online classes and try to make it better because this could be our new future.
    Berina Vatrenjak, RN 3

    1. Do you like this type of education in 2020?

      Valentina Crepulja

  11. Schools now and schools before are definitely different. Before is being more used the frontal way of teaching, but the teacher was more respected and had a bigger authority than today. Today the education process is for sure advanced. There is a different approach to pupils. Education renewal means, including new ideas, reforms to advance the teaching process. It is important because folk in general spent a lot of time in life in schools. It affects on their development and the all life. This year has changed a lot. We are faced with a new way of teaching and learn. But I have to admit we are doing well. We use a lot applications which are available, help each other etc. The purpose of educational reforms is to transform school structures with the aim of raising the quality of education in a country. What can our country to do to improve an educational process? We can change curriculum, be better teachers. A country can give to teacher bigger salary and resources for work. If we don't do that I am afraid that we will be very low in comparison with other countries.

  12. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time ,helps us grow and develop. Education is one of the most important force all around the world. It creates knowledge, builds confidence and breaks down barriers to opportunity .For the children is key to open the door to better life. When we compare education before and now we have some differences and similarities .In the past teacher is the only person who transmit knowledge to their students but today in present this is not case. Technology is slowly taking its place in education. Like everything around us and in our life ,also education have good and bad sides. One of the things has changed is communication in the classroom before and now. Before children spent much more time together ,and also learned to socialize to society .Which today has been replaced during Corona virus by online teaching. Today in this situation we are faced with many problems in our education than that was the case before in the past. We can not stay in the same place and do not do anything. If we want a better tomorrow for all of us we need to start from something .It is best to start with education and changes in education. Because first education does not transform the world ,but education changes people and the people is that who change the whole world. We do not need to tap into the place if we want that our children have to the same level of opportunity as some children in Europe. Let these be small steps towards a major goal, which is complete reform of education. Everyone should participate .Each person include in this education in his own way and possibility. First to help our children and second do something useful for our country. In educations is power for all other branches in our life. Let "s give our children more opportunities to express their opinions also encourage them as much as possible to be create and make their own contribution to learning. Because on the basic of the foundations that we are as educators build , they are further upgraded. In order for that to be possible we need to give them right to a better and higher quality education .

    Ilda Halilović ,RN3.

  13. Education, as a definition is the process of learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research. But in our own words, education is a a way to improve ourselves.
    A school is a learning institution, a place where a child develops and where his personality develops. As people, these institutions developed through time.
    Years ago, schools were smaller, there was a lack of books and materials from which people wanted to learn, there was no technology so it was harder to get the necessary information. Today, we have access to the Internet, a new way of receiving information. Books have become electronic, technology has replaced writing and in most things, learning and education has changed.
    A better thing when it comes to education is that there are more chances to gather informations about what you want to know, but also, we are losing the will to research and technology is now doing tasks for us.
    The reform is important and needed as time changes, future generations need to be prepared for change.
    A year 2020 was very stressful and hard for every single person on this planet, and I can say that it changed us especially in our education. We got used to technology and online classes, we improved so much as a unity and a nation. We developed knowledge and skills when it comes to these classes, and our education even though we had obstacles, did not suffer due to this situation.
    The problems we often encounter when it comes to BiH are the lack of understanding, communication and interaction between schools and educators. Lack of creativity, and also lack of time and effort when it comes to progress. We are behind the curriculum according to which other countries are guided.
    The changes should start first from our political leaders, who would give our educators better education and better knowledge, and then our educators need to put in more effort and creativity. Creating knowledge in a creative way is the way we can transfer your knowledge to the children and that way the knowledge will stay remembered.
    As a teacher I would try to keep up with the world when it comes changes, and I would always give 110% as a teacher.
    The things we have now, in the 21st century, a couple of years ago, speaking exactly 50, 100 years ago, were unthinkable. And just as all this was unthinkable at that time, what will happen in 5, 10, 20 years we can't even imagine, but what I am sure is that it will bring changes to our education, hopefully for the better, but it will also make us better versions of ourselves.

    Resulović Ajla, PO4

  14. Schools now and before are completely different. A lot of things changed. Now students learn much more things than before and unfortunately most of those things are useless. I think that is one the biggest problems of education system today. There are too many informations that students need to memorize. On the other hand, relationship between students and teachers are better now. In the past you couldn't have a close relationship with your teacher and that only made that students were afraid of their teachers. Schools should be safe places where every students feel good and safe.
    Education reform is the term for the goal of changing public education in terms of educational theory and practice.
    Educational reform is important because different times requires different educational system.
    In 2020 a lot of things changed in education. Almost all schools shut down and we now have online schools which is totally new for us. I think that this is what will education in future look like.
    Unfortunately the education system in our country has a lot of problems. I already said that students lear too much things that are usless. Also they don't have much ways to express their creativity.
    Students should be trained how to learn effectively. Teachers can design assignments or projects and train students on skills that can be used to solve problems creatively. Also I think that tests should completely replace answering in front of class. As a student all I can do is to learn harder and as a future teacher I would and will do things that I have written above. Education reform can bring only good things. Students will be happier and school is not going to be some bad place where they are forced to go.
    I think that education in future (in the next 50-100 years) will be just like now in 2020: completely online.

    Valentina Crepulja

  15. With each year, everything is improving, including education and everything that comes with education. That is why some well known things from the past are improved and better now and they should be supported for further changes. Education system should never be fully reformed, but it should be reformed where those reforms would benefit future generations. It is easy to make mistakes in those reforms so they should not be recklessly adopted. Reforms are important because we can not teach children today as they were taught 200-300 years ago. In my oppinion, major issue is forcing children to learn things by heart and not practically teaching them. Even this coronavirus education is bad because it prevented children from teaching things practically. In Bosnia, and I believe in many other countries around the world, there are problems with education system. As our generations are becoming something, we should be the one that will fight for better education system, to fight for system that will allow children/students to have more practical skills, because those skills are what matter. Everyone can learn things by heart, but not anyone can be master in practical skills and those skills are what weights more than 50% of education material.

    Ajla Hadžić, PO4, vanredna

  16. Educational reform implies an appropriate exchange and progress of the educational process, both in theory and in practice. I consider that practice is more important in education than theory. Of course, we need theory to know how to function in practice. However, our educational systems usually, through schooltime, prepare us only “theoretically” for the job which we will do in the future. Unfortunately, because of that, we are forced to acquire the practice when we finish school. Also, I consider this is one of the biggest problems in education. Besides this, today, there are numerous problems as well as difficulties for both students and teachers. The students have a lot of responsibilities, certain contents are not presented to them adequately, they do not have enough practice and because of that, they have a loss of motivation. On the other hand, teachers have a great responsibility to satisfy their teaching profession and to transfer their knowledge to the students. During that process, they are forced to the usage of creative ways of presenting, with an accent on interaction with students. Because of that, I consider that is not easy for any other actor, and it is very difficult to satisfy the educational expectations of both students and teachers. Access to schooltime is changed in 2020. As much as the COVID-19 pandemic has upset the world and take away a lot of lives, I consider that the reformation of education and adequate usage of online teaching has happened, thanks to the pandemic. I can say with certainty that education would no transfer on online platforms, that it was not necessary. The pandemic has brought many negative things, but online teaching is surely one of the positive sides of the pandemic. I think that 2020 was a decisive year for progress and a successful overall transformation of today’s schooltime. I believe and hope that we are going to use this online teaching after the pandemic, and thereby, we will put more accent on the practice. Because, what does theory, going to faculty, and listening to lectures mean to us without any practice and taking responsibility? I am happy because I am part of those generations who are exposed to this big challenge and because I have been an accomplice to progress and transformation in education. I deeply believe and I hope that this transition to online teaching will enable the progress of the educations process in the next 10 years. Educational reform has taken the first step of progress and because of that, I hope for its continuation and improvement. It is high time that we take all measures to make life and schooltime easier for both students and teachers.

  17. If we compare schools now and schools from before, we can notice that not much has changed at all. We are stuck in the past. The classrooms look identical. Educational renewal is something that is truly needed. That would mean changing and adapting the system, which would then meet everyone's capabilities and interests. One of the major issues in the education system today is that it requires that every individual learns at the same rate, that everyone has the same abilities and that we are all expected to be good at every single subject. Nobody is good at everything, but everybody is amazing at something. The system should work on discovering what students are good at and encouraging those talents. Another thing that really bothers me is that the educational system is made for only one personality type, and that is extroverts. Introverts are being forced everyday to speak up and are threatened that if they don't learn how to speak up and answer questions out loud, they will never be able to succeed in life. That has been a huge problem for me, and a lot of other people, and that is why I think that it needs to change. The system should respect every personality and character, not only one. We all know that everyone learns in different ways, so why are we forced to learn in just one way that is acceptable by the system? Another problem is that schools don't prepare us for real life, they don't teach us mandatory functions of adulthood, the only thing that they teach us are facts that we will soon forget. I also came across the fact that the average attention span of a middle school child, depending on their age is somewhere between 12 to 42 minutes. A 7 year old child has an attention span of 12 minutes, a 10 year old 20 to 30 minutes, so why in the world would every lesson last 45 minutes? This right here is the reason why most kids hate school, it doesn't meet their needs and it makes them do something that they are not able to do. A lot of us feel worthless a lot of the time because the school system has taught us that we are not good enough. Honestly I think that in order for the educational system to be renewed, a lot of professional people need to work together. On this should decide only the ones who are educated enough on all of these things, and definitely not politicians who are only looking for their gain in all of this. I really think that it is time for a change, and that enough generations have been ruined by this educational system.
    (Monja Ražnatović PO II)

    1. Great job Monja! You did some research. I also think we should change the system, It is already broken.
      "Nobody is good at everything, but everybody is amazing at something" this kind of motivating sentences we need to hear from every teacher.

  18. Education reform is the term for the goal of changing public education in terms of educational theory and practice. Where education reform once focused on inputs, it now focuses on outputs, such as student achievement.
    Education reform may try to address inequities including those pertaining to poverty, gender and class. Evidence-based education guides reform, where scientific studies point to the methods that are most effective.
    Kopić Samira,ER

    1. Very short but also nice said.

      Valentina Crepulja

  19. Schools before were more strict and following the rules. Quality of education was lower than todays, meanwhile schools today are a lot less strict and are incuraging kids to develop their own creativity and choose their own “path” from an early age as it is believed that helps kids to find their passion and helps overall development. Having access to many information at any time over the internet and having many new equipment makes learning easier for kids and teaching for teacher. Yet we can’t just say that schools before were restrictive and today aren’t. This changes from teacher to teacher as everybody has different tactics of teaching.
    The importance of educational reforms is to transform school structures in order to raise the quality of education. It should provide all students with the best education which will offer them the opportunity to explore their talents and develop to their full potential. At the same time, it should offer teachers the right support in proper equipment, good working conditions and positive working environments so that they could better guide students through their learning and making choices for their future. It also prepare students for today's fast-changing world.
    The issues lay in inadequate systems of evaluation and assessment, rote learning, the need for better training and professional development of teachers, challenges posed by the introduction of modern technology, lack of funding from governments and education ministries, bullying among students, student attitudes and behaviours, poverty, parent involvement and many many more.
    The education system was forced to change by the pandemic of COVID-19. Kids were obligated to learn how to use the new technologies that were a necessity for continuing learning. Teachers also had to find a new form of teaching. It might not sound so hard but the lack of human interaction and not being able to communicate face to face has made learning a great difficulty. By this reform in education were affected parents too. They have to find a way to make online school possible by providing the internet and needed equipment.
    Our education system is still struggling to make school a place where kids come to learn how to behave, interact, develop, build their personalities, build their interests, work on their creativity. We should mention that schools have problems with following this fast changing world. It is no secret that in comparison to other European countries has a lot more problems and flaws. The main reason for this could be teachers lack of dedication and ability to pass the knowledge onto kids.
    Education should get a lot more founding. Teachers ability to teach and use the equipment needed for class should be tested. Also teachers should be connected with the kids on a higher level than just as their tutor. In todays world kids are struggling with depression and other psychological problems which are not treated right or even go unnoticed. We should educate kids the importance of mental health and seeking help if needed.

    Kids should achieve the feel of freedom of being themselves and interest themselves in topics that are important. Learning should stop being an obligation for them. It should become a way to grow and achieve goals they set for themselves. Also education reform should make access to the information and learning a lot more easier. Teachers should have all the equipment needed for the class.
    Reforms in education are moving very slowly but in 50 to 100 years we could expect some grand changes. Technology rises therefore we will have even better techniques of teaching and collecting information in general. Who knows maybe by that time there will be no need for teachers as we will have access to any information in seconds, and artificial intelligence will do the rest of teaching there is left. With world this prone to change any prediction is hard. We can just adjust ourselves to those changes.
    Vernesa FAtić, PO3

  20. Hello☀️
    Education is very important for everyone. Education reform is the term for the goal of changing public education in terms of educational theory and practice. Schools before just followed rules, teacher was the most important part of teaching process, and technology was not on the same level of progress. Now, teachers and students in schools are using technology for education and computers become important part in our classrooms. Reform means the improving education and it is good way for providing more useful knowledge and ways of teaching. But, the sad fact is that teachers just use frontal form for teaching without interaction and active conversation with students. Now, we have online classrooms. It is a way of changing education. My thoughts about future education are that most likely online classes will be more and more common that I think everything else will stay the same. I hope that education will be developed soon, and schools will be better place for learning useful information.

    Ilma Latic, PO4🎀

  21. Hi ,

    In the past the school looked different. Going to school wasn’t offered to everyone. Unfortunately only rich children were educated. Education reform is a topic that every student or teacher should be interested in because it effects everyone in the community. The goal education reform is changing education in terms of educational tehory and practice. The biggest problem of today's education is the financing of materials needed for various experiments and practical work. Therefore, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, education comes down to learning the facts. Also a big problem is inequality between children, so I think all children should have free textbooks and supplies. In 2020 we moved from real classrooms to virtual classrooms, but I think it is very useful for us because we have mastered many skills. i think education will be affected by technology in the future.I think in the future education will be online. I hope that Education in the future years will become experiential and more focused on students being able to gain employable skills while in school.

    Lejla Kadić,PO4.

  22. Schools used to be much better. The children went to school with their friends and were in school 8 hours a day, however the children now go to school one week and one online and have much more responsibilities because they have to be available on online platforms all day and have much less free time for some activities and hanging out with your friends. When we talk about us students and we are also forced to spend whole days at the computers, listening to lectures and performing the many assignments we receive from the professor. Our obligations are much bigger than when we went to college regularly, because we have to master most of the material on our own, and there are also many tasks that we have to fulfill every day. For almost every subject, we have to make presentations and seminars, which was not so common before, and we also get various tasks that take up a lot of our time, and thus we have less time to study and prepare for exams. Educational reform implies the introduction of new conditions and the improvement of the school system as well as the change of textbooks written in recent times. We use a lot of outdated literature, and in our case, we learn about raising children that were represented before, but I think that children are much different now, because we still live in another, more modern time, so we need a more modern and contemporary approach. The reform of education is important because education has been improved with their help, that is, with the advancement of technology, education has also progressed, so if there was no technology, there would be no education today.

    1. When there was a complete lock-down the kids, as well as the students, couldn’t go to school and we would probably all have to renew the year. However, the advanced education enabled us to attend classes online, so we were able to progress and get an education. The main problems in education are that it all comes down to assessment. Children learn only because of grades, so as not to get bad grades or to get the best possible grades, and what is right is not valued, that is, that children master the material and know it in the future. It is important to learn for life, not just for school. Another problem is that internships are not provided for everything we study and study, so we are not able to practically learn and thus master and apply everything we have learned from books until we get a job. During 2020, a lot has changed in the education system. Children and students have more responsibilities, they have to be available all day on the platforms, they do not see their friends, when they are in the classrooms they are forced to sit alone and wear masks that are very unhealthy. Also, due to the shortened classes, the professors do not have time to present the lessons in their way, but they have to do it in an accelerated way. Children who are small and who attend the first and second grades of primary schools must have constant supervision and help from their parents to be able to learn anything. Like children, parents are more involved in the education system and are therefore forced to work with children on the material they cannot learn on their own, or in some cases pay for extra lessons. One of the biggest problems of education in BiH is that almost no major change has been introduced since the time of Komeski, so most of the material is uninteresting and scanty. Teaching is not so creative and interesting, and it does not encourage children, and children must be imaginative and creative so that tomorrow they can cope with various problems. First of all, to change our educational system, we need to find books that will provide children with updated material, because the material from certain subjects has become overcrowded and not enough time can be given to those lessons that are very important. We should also try to devise a way to entice students to better understand these lessons and to find a way to encourage them to think about those lessons. What is also very important is that children become aware of critical thinking, so that each child can be a complete individual. Our education system tries to make a pattern out of children, but each child is unique and therefore we need to let him express himself in his unique way using creativity, imagination, critical thinking. What I would do is to allow the children I will be educated to participate in choosing topics that interest them and to create activities together so that all children enjoy and participate in them. Every child has the right to choose, so it would allow them to independently create their activities on topics that are in the sphere of their interest. The reform should provide a whole new look for education. Children would understand the material more easily and would be more interested in it. The material would be adapted and facilitated so that each lesson should be presented most easily and creatively to children. In my opinion, with the introduction of educational reform, education would be much more practical and simple, children would be more interested and teachers would not have problems with assessment, and it would be easier for everyone.

      Anisa Dedić PO3

  23. Education thirty years ago is very different from education today. education was based on books and literature and today it is a website and iPads. In the past, students would have to spend hours in liberaries looking through books for a project or research. Today, we can change those hours of surfing throught books into 30 seconds. Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina has difficulties because we do not have enough financial resources to do something new. We also lack experiential knowledge, because only facts without critical thinking are taught here. 2020 has brought us a lot of new things and learning in a new way, this way will be very relevant in the future.
    Ajla Hodžić, PO4

  24. Educational reforms include the introduction of science-based curricula and problem-based instructional innovations. Renewal vs Reform - What's the difference? is that renewal is the act of renewing while reform is amendment of what is defective, vicious, corrupt, or depraved; reformation; as, reform of elections; reform of government.
    Here's an interesting opinion :

    Osmanović Ajla,ER2V

  25. Education must follow the needs of society. Generations of students are changing along with the development of technology. Today's generations are visual and auditory types. Therefore, the frontal way of teaching should be avoided. In class, it is very difficult for students to follow the frontal way of teaching because it cannot keep their attention and motivation. The school system seeks innovation in work. In online teaching, my opinion is that situation is very bad. Professors certainly have a lot of ideas, they want to interact, but they lack the support of students in that. I hope that this kind of teaching will not last long because its productivity is very questionable! For me, online learning is very good for participating in certain webinars. We can listen to the lectures of many experts and bulid our knowledge and skills. In general, in order to have the most productive teaching possible, it is very important that educators have continuous professional development. To learn some new skills and knowledge, college is not enough. Education in our country requires many changes. Curricula need to change because they are very outdated. Pupils and students learn too much irrelevant information. Their knowledge is not functional and applicable. It is more important to encourage quality, not quantity of knowledge!

    Ana Gluvić, RN III.

    1. I agree with your opinion Ana. Also I hope for a change in the education system soon.

  26. Education is very important part of society. Everything begins with education, because knowledge that we get in the educational institutions leads us through whole our life. Because of that, it is very important that our teachers give us knowledge at the right way and that they teach us the right things that can we use in our life to solve many different situations and problems. At our young age as children we need good teachers that know how to teach and how to help us to get knowledge about many different things that we call elementary knowledge. So it is very important that educational system is structured at the correct way. If we are tought at the right we, later we are ready to get better job, to become succesful and take responsibility for our choices. If education system is bad it afeccts on us in the way that we look at different situations in life in the wrong way, and the are limits in our way of thinking. For example we became non open- minded and not able to develop creative ideas, and even if we develop them, we have no ides how to realize them. Because all of this, it is very important that teacher teach us important things that are useful and can help us to be better humans that are ready to think at the right and helathy way and to create different ideas. Relation between teachers should be filled with respect but still amicable so they can always ask teachers about everything that they want to know about different things that are relate about school, classes and grades. Our teachers are our first life leaders that actually show us how to react in many different life situations and prepare us for everything that life brings. Our educational system need to be renewal, in the way that we learn same things that we learn know, but in different way, the way where we really can understand everything at the right way, becausr only if we understand everything that we learn then we can use that knowledge at the right way. Its not about learning it is about using what we learnt at the right way and the right time.

    Nejla Osmanović, RN III

  27. The first and biggest difference is that in the period of your grandparents, and even in the period of your parents, many fewer people were educated than today. Today, every child has an obligation to go to school and get an education, while before the case was not the same. Furthermore, the rules in the former schools were much more rigorous than today. You can be proud of the progress in that regard as well, because today the rights of students are much more respected than in the past. The teacher was the "supreme commander", a term of the society of that time and had a certain kind of power over the students. The children had to sit upright with their hands on their backs or palms on the table, staring at the teachers. They were not allowed to talk unless someone asked them something. After all the above similarities and differences, we can conclude that society has advanced in terms of schooling. Today, everything is at our fingertips, we have the opportunity to be educated to the highest standards and qualities.

    How can we reform our education system? What changes are necessary to be made?
    We cannot make accurate predictions about what the future of work or the future of learning will look like, so how can we know exactly how to prepare our students for five, ten, or more years down the road? Using the knowledge that we have now, by staying active with the discussion as it happens, and continuing to learn more about changes and trends in education, will give us the best possibilities for bringing in new ideas or resources that will help us to best prepare our students.

    Aida Tajić, RN-2

  28. Education is very important for every person. It is true that we learn throughout our lives. There have been enough changes in education then and now. Some of them are that parents who were not in good financial condition could not send their child to school. And school was not compulsory. Corporal punishment was once common. Disobedient students hit themselves with a stick or whip on their fingers and palms. Once upon a time, a teacher was first and foremost an authoritative person who had the task of imparting knowledge to students. Today, the role of the teacher has changed. He is more of a learning advisor, educator and person of trust. Its task is to encourage students to learn independently, strengthen self-confidence and acquire the skills needed for the future. The way of teaching was different. He tried to emphasize the essence, the important things, and not, as today, secondary information. Today’s education is much better than it was many years ago. Of course, we can raise every education to an even better level than today.
    Education reform refers to the modification of the education system with the aim of improving it. That is, changes in teaching and learning and in the use of technology.
    Klaudija Žuljević, RN3.

  29. If we look at the education system as it once was and as it is now, we will notice significant changes. In the period when our parents were educated, there was a significant passivity of students and the activity of teachers, also, the only source of information and knowledge transfer was the teacher. In the time of our grandparents, most of them were educated men and trained for a job, while the girls finished only 4 grades of primary school because according to the theory of the elderly at that time, they did not need school, they would certainly be housewives. When we compare these attitudes and the way of schooling with today, we will notice that various reforms have been introduced in education. Today, everyone has to complete primary and secondary education because it is compulsory. Today, there are many changes in the way of teaching in which students are allowed to participate in the realization of classes and in which the interaction between students and teachers is significantly improved, so we can conclude that today the student is active and the professor passive in the teaching process. Also, students are given independent work that allows them to improve various skills such as self-control, independence, research skills and the like. Today, the technology that accompanies us in every segment of our lives, including education, has a great impact on education. Today, all the content we adopt in formal education is available to us through electronic content. In this age, we have much more available information that allows us to improve the adoption of the material, but also to improve the independent works themselves with greater availability of content. We can conclude that the professors are the only ones who give us basic indications, instructions and guidelines during the adoption of the content, especially now that we are in an emergency situation caused by the COVID 19 virus where education takes place online. In which the independence and resourcefulness of students is much more pronounced, in which many professors are just guidelines for the adoption of materials, there are few who will try to present a new building in a creative and innovative way and not that we just have to research and just learn about the new. Also, nowadays when teaching is held normally in most educational institutions there is practical teaching which is an indispensable part of the educational process, especially in higher education, unfortunately the pandemic has deprived us of practical teaching, where we realize everything we have learned in theory. And it is important to note that the curriculum itself has changed compared to the past, but also it has not reached its peak because which generation is educated according to the curriculum used in 2009/10, from which we can conclude that our education system is still it has not reached its peak and that it can and must be better. I think that in the future we should not be surprised by any extraordinary situation like this and that we must all be ready for this online teaching, because this type of teaching is conducted in the world every day, which is progressing very well, unlike our system. No matter what is online, everything goes according to plan and program and students adopt and progress without any problems. In the future, we can expect significant changes in the education system, one of which is online teaching. We must be in line with the times and provide students with the best possible education system, because the future is on them.
    Elma Numanagić, PO3

  30. We can say that education changed, but not that much. Today student is in the center of education, and everything is catering to him. Teachers try and make learning fun and school a place students should not be scared of. We live in the era of technology and Internet and everything we want to know we can find out in minutes, if not seconds. Education system needs a reform world wide. The biggest problems it can face are a need for better training and professional development of teachers, challenges posed by the introduction of modern technology, lack of funding from governments and education ministries, bullying among students, student attitudes and behaviors, poverty, parent involvement or the lack of etc. We as individuals can't start a reform, but we can do our best to make learning fun and easy for our students. The world is dependent on our new generations, so we need to make sure they get the best education possible. That can happen when in our country all kids have equal opportunities to learn and everyone has optimal resources and places to learn. For that to happen we need a reform of the whole system, not just education. Seeming that will take a while, we need to focus on ourselves and improving our ways teaching in the future .


    The school system has changed a lot. Schools used to be very conservative, even strict. They were divided into male and female schools in some countries. In some places they were even traditional and didn' t offer enough knowledge. There are also schools that accepted children only of a certain economic status, or only white people, they chose children based on religion, and so on. Today the situation is much better. Schools are more modern, they have more equipment, everyone can go to school. Much better in new schools is that children have more opportunities and more resources for learning new informations. There is internet, various sites, many books, shows and etc. Although it is said that education used to be better and of better quality, I would not agree. Time goes on, and with the new time we get new ways of schooling. I think that schooling should be constantly advancing, that we should have new, creative ideas, that we should include technology for good purposes, that we should include children as much as possible and work interactively, and not just stand in front of them and talk, that is boring for children. The biggest problem in our schooling is the lack of money, but even with a little money, many ways can be thought of to make interesting teaching aids. You just have to be creative and put in a lot of effort.

  32. The School system has changed a lot. In the past there were schools who has actually based on religion, economic status or colour of skin. Nowadays, situation has changed. Schools now re modern, with modern technollogy and so. There aren't separationsbased on gender, colour of skin or religion. Nowadays, we have internet, many books in library or on interner librarys. While time goes on, we can't stand in same place. Schooling sholud go on with time, we should have more, creative ideas who include technology, and everything good that time bringes us. We have to keep our mind open and thing of creative ideas.
    Aida Delizaimovic, RN3

  33. Education is process that lasts for long time. Educational system has changed drastically over time. School was a lot different back then than it is today. Going to school wasn’t offered to everyone. It was only offered to the upper-class. Boys and girls were schooled separately, but today our schools are diverse and have many different kinds of races. Technology did not even exist a hundred years ago but today, we use technology everyday for our schoolwork. Numerous changes happend that changed education forever.
    Education reform and renewel is a topic that every student, parent and teacher should be interested in because it effects everyone in the community. By changing the way and standard of living, everything changes, including education. It is necessary to constantly monitor new trends and introduce new changes that will improve education and remove many difficulties and obstacles in acquiring knowledge. I think that education in the next few decades will change drastically compared to today, just as today's education has undergone many changes and cannot be compared to education from a few decades ago.

    Amra Bajrić, RN IV

  34. Many things point to the need for meaningful change in educationLearners must not only develop what they know, but also skills, attitudes, and values that will help them be capable people. For this to happen, they need to actively take part in their learning and be motivated by it.We are in the Information Age. New technology that supports learning is also driving change. New tools allow students to connect with others all over the world. A mountain of information is easily accessible with just the click of a button. The teacher no longer holds all knowledge. They are now a critical coach, showing students how to select, work with, add to and apply information in meaningful ways. Many education systems are feeling challenged in having to prepare students for today's fast-changing world. People everywhere are grappling with how to engage students in their learning. Students must develop the knowledge and skills for today and tomorrow's workplace, further education, or training. Therefore education renewal and reform is mandatory.

    Emir Hajdarević
    Department of elementary education
    4th year

  35. As Miljenko Jergović writes, teachers and professors are brought down to the level of waiters and waitresses. Not to disparage a job position, or a position in life, but it is the expectation that a teacher is solely responsible for both the upbringing and education of a child.
    With the rising level of education among parents, as well as access to various kinds of information which may or may not, but usually isn't, be reliable, parents have taken upon themselves to interject heavily into the grading aspect of education, to progect their children from having to, God forbid, actually study. Teachers have no defense against such actions taken by the students' parents. On the contrary, Ministries of education are usually filled with paper pushers without years of experience in actual teaching, on the field as it were. Or, if they do, their methods are archaic, as they've been sitting in their comfy chairs for too long, all the while making revisions to the teaching process on the fly, based on their own hypotheses, expecting teachers to fulfill them immediatelly. So the teachers, as a cornerstone of education, are stuck between a rock and a hard place, that is to say, parents to whom they are the boogeymen of their children, that should both educate and upbring them, without any effort on the students' and parents' end, and their superiors that ask for no input, provide minimal help, and expect teachers to do whaterever their whim may be.
    In conclusion, formal education is falling and failing due to the fact that the teachers have no authority in their classroom, and no protection outside it.

  36. Today's schools and ways of education have changed a lot compared to the previous ones. Previously, students had to spend up to an hour to find material for their homework or simply to get the information they wanted. Today, all of this is facilitated by advances in technology. Today it is easier for students to get information, but today students have much more difficult material than students 10 years ago. There we find a balance somewhere. Another difference is that today we focus more on teamwork, making presentations in a team, and learning new experiences, unlike before, where the student was on his own. Educational reform is a way to improve student learning, and thus changes that need to take place in the education system to improve children's knowledge. Children are required to use more logic, and teamwork to develop knowledge more and more with the help of technology and to make a milestone from the old-fashioned way of learning. Generally speaking, today it is easier for children to cheat on tests, and it is much more difficult to assess an individual's knowledge because the ways of cheating are more and more complex. Another problem is that a lot of unnecessary things have been added to the accumulation of materials, which deviate from the goal of improving the productivity of education. The problem in BiH is that students are expected to have the maximum in learning and the maximum in productivity, without the resources to achieve this. There is not much to say about our way of education, except that it has lagged behind the others, but over time there has been progress, especially in subjects based on Western culture, such as languages. As a student or future teacher, I would change the teaching time. School should start a little later than we learned, and end earlier, but provided that productivity is maximized. This would mean that both students and teachers should be maximally focused on teaching, so that more time is left for both students and teachers. That productivity at school would mean less learning at home, which would also suit everyone. In the future, education should be more technology-oriented, which would mean that less time will be spent in schools, and that we will live more freely. That doesn't mean it will be easier, we will have to focus more, and try to do everything on time. I think that in the future, schools will rely more on teaching students about skills for the jobs they choose. Basically, everything should be easier for us, but also more organized, so we will see how everything will end. Mia Vizdal, RN2.

  37. I think school education has not changed a lot since its begining. At least in our country school education is based on one teacher who is speaking to many students who are just listening with not enough interaction. Education has not change a lot since Jan Amos Komenski in 17th century established this model of classes, teacher in front of students etc.
    Of course, during this situation we have changes in general, we are educating online, but model of teaching is similar. I think nowadays education model is too monotonous and boring and without good results. You barely anything can learn and memorise on class, you have to learn by your own, from books. I think in education has to be included practical teaching a lot more than it use to be.
    Harun Subašić ER, 2

  38. Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long tradition, and the first higher education institution to be established was the Gazi Husrev-beg School of Sufism, which was founded in 1531, after which other religious schools were eventually opened. The education system in BiH is largely decentralized, because not only is education not under the jurisdiction of the state but e.g. in the case of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the competence over this department has been reduced to the level of cantons and even in some cases to the competence of municipalities. Not all children always had the same rights and schooling was not always available to everyone as it is now. In the Austro-Hungarian era, female children were encouraged to be educated but
    only to a certain extent. Namely, the local population did not approve of the education of female children, especially Muslims, and the Monarchy was not inclined either
    educated women, as evidenced by the curriculum in which
    dominated by handicrafts and household items.
    I think that the level of education in BiH is not at a high level. I think we can provide much more and achieve much better results. I had the opportunity to listen to a lecture by a professor from Croatia, where he presented projects he worked on with students. At that moment, I wished I was part of that university. I wanted to be a student who is given such opportunities. An opportunity to realize some new projects that will benefit many people. I hope there are brighter examples at other faculties of our university.

    Sadiković Alema, ER (II)

  39. Many topics are not taboo anymore and are easily talked in class, there are more smart boards now and usage of e-devices.
    Education reform is the term for the goal of changing public education in terms of educational theory and practice. Where education reform once focused on inputs, it now focuses on outputs, such as student achievement.
    Education reform may try to address inequities including those pertaining to poverty, gender and class. Evidence-based education guides reform, where scientific studies point to the methods that are most effective.
    The purpose of educational reforms is to transform school structures with the aim of raising the quality of education in a country.
    Poverty, technology, bullying, student attitudes and behaviors are the biggest problems in education.
    Our reform needs to be done from goverment issues to proffesors.
    Sincerely, I would first change the president(s) of our state, then everything else. I would try to be more friendly with the students and try to be in touch with them to know some of their problems.
    I would expect more productive learning from students and from them to be more interested in their future education.
    Because everything was so drastically changed this year, I can not imagine education in 10 or even more years in the future.

    Magdalena Milišić, ER2

  40. I think education now is much better than before 15-20 years. Like first kids and students now with internet has much more access for literature, eBooks. Classroms are much better equipped with teacher aids, and because that teachers has much more possibility explain lessons to students. In this 2020 year education has changed relative last year because we were forced to use online classes because of the pandemic. I think educations reforms are needed in our society because future and new generations are constantly changing and progressing.

    Lejla Bužo, RN4

    1. I agree with your comment. Our system needs a change, and so does a change in our school system. The year 2020 was a great challenge for all countries, but for ours in particular, because our country is never ready to face changes.

      Dalila Kadunić, PO3

  41. Educational renewal is changing of education system in order to improve quality of education. This is important because times change and there is need for learning new things. But also I think there are some things that don't have to be changed. For example in schools before there was strict approach toward students. There existed clear relation between teachers and students. Teachers didn't give in to students. Students sometimes has been beated if they didn't learn something. That's too serious and it doesn't have to be like it. And today everything is much more comfortable, even in primary school students can tell everything to teachers. Maybe it's too comfortable. I think we're going from one extreme to another and we have to find a balance. We have faced with change in educational system this year. We had online teaching. It was challenging for both students and teachers. Maybe it will become permanent way of teaching one day for what I think it wouldn't be really good. I agree it can become a part of teaching but it can't take the place of live learning. Again, there is need for balance. Change something, but maintain something that we already have (something old). That is how we can change our educational system. When we're introducing new things, we have to learn maintain those good that we already have but not completely change everything. In our country when it comes to educational system we can face with so much unjuctise, bribe and other negative things. We need to reform whole system to be more serious without unjuctise etc. And then introduce some material things that are needed in our schools and universities for better learning. If we want a change we have to start from ourselves. For example me as a student can try my best to not use some not allowed stuffes. Educational system will surely change with years and we can choose how. Since I believe that society have to move forward I think it will change to better. But always it will just depend from person to person. Who wants to learn he learns. It's simple. It is much up to system but we make that system. (Semina Nešust, II godina, Odsijek za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju).

  42. Schools now and before are completely different. Almost everything changed. Students are no longer intimidated by the teacher. One thing that has changed compared to a couple of decades ago is that students seem to be intimidated by teachers less and less. A lot of topics that have been stigmatized in the past, are now completely acceptable to talk about, and they are even encouraged by the academic society. This gives students a lot more freedom to explore and together discuss certain things that they maybe wouldn't be able to talk so freely about 20 years ago. With the rise of social media, it was only a matter of time when teachers and students were going to start adding each other on the various platforms. A lot of students have their teachers on social media. Uniforms are rarely a requirement. Direct instruction is no longer the main teaching method.
    Education renewal is about providing all students with the best education to seize opportunities for success in the path they choose. It is also about helping educators work together, have positive working environments and opportunities to learn and grow.
    When students and teachers are well and when they work in positive, supporting learning environments, the community benefits. Schools can be places where all community members grow, learn, and share together. Education renawal is important because of that.
    The major issues in education today, generally speaking are classroom size, parent involvent, technology, poverty and bullying.
    In education this year everything changed. Everything is different. This could be the topic for it self. We have online schools. Students and teachers are confused. I think that education will be online in the future.
    The most common problems of the education system in BiH are classroom size, parent involvent, technology, bullying, student attitudes and behaviors and funding. I don't like many things. I could write about it all day long.
    There are many changes that are necessary to be made, but I think that we will not change anything untill we change te political system.
    As a student I can learn and read more and more so I can try to make some changes tomorrow. I will try to be the best teacher in the whole world and I am sure that I'll make it!
    Some of the main beliefs of Education Renewal are: that students must have the opportunity to explore their gifts and things that interest them, schools must offer students the right supports for the best start in life, and choices for their future, teachers should be equipped to guide students through their learning and educators must have good working conditions and professional learning opportunities.
    I think that education in the future will be so much better ( I hope so). It will be completely online.

    Ilma Purić, RN, treća godina

    1. I wrote my comment and later come to see other's. I'm glad to know that there are teachers who think just like me, especially this part: "I will try to be the best teacher in the whole world."

      Ilma, I keep figs, just go on!

  43. Classes in the schools of the future will certainly not look the same as they do today, although the change may still be much less than we expect. Whatever the future holds for us, things like chalk and blackboards, classic knowledge exams and student desks will most likely no longer be.Because of the rapid pace at which the world around us is changing and the way technology is evolving in our lives, in ten or fifteen years, schools and classes will certainly not look the same as they do today.The availability of the internet and various databases will lead to a change in teaching methods. Apparently, teaching will be much more individualized, taking into account the different interests of each individual student, but also the stages of their intellectual and emotional development. Most occupations for which students will be educated in five years today probably do not even exist. Teaching and the education system will also have to adapt to these changes.Numerical grades and classical knowledge exams will also have to undergo major changes. There are serious tendencies for grades to become purely descriptive. This will contribute to the fact that learning is most encouraged internal motivation and the development of skills and competencies and thus creates a different atmosphere in the classroom, instead of the main goal of students to win the highest possible grades, regardless of actual skills and knowledge. The classic exams of knowledge to which we are accustomed also in many cases do not value skills and competencies at all, but require knowledge of factual data, which is really unnecessary to learn by heart. As grades will no longer be conceived in the classical way, the school or class directory will also become a memory from the past. Admittedly, it has already been replaced by the e-directory in many schools.

    Chalks and whiteboards, as well as computer labs or computer classrooms, will also disappear from our schools because, by all accounts, each student will have their own laptop or tablet and will most likely be equipped with lots of technology gadgets that will make it easier for them to learn and attend classes. In addition, pencil cases will also become a thing of the past, along with erasers and pencils.

    Amra Ivazović, RN 3

  44. ESMA STRINIĆ, PO4, vanredna

    Some of the main differences of education in the past and now are for example: in the past students had to spend a lot of time in libraries to find books for projects etc .; and now we have it all in our computers and telephones. The internet really helped us a lot in that segment. And I would say that today, we have much more of a content to study instead of basing ourselves on the skills we’ll actually need one day. During pandemic I believe that all students spent too much time on homework in which they could not show their full potential. Although it is much easier to have lectures online for various reasons, I still think that it is easiest for students to learn when they hear the word of the professor live and when they are in the room without much distraction. I believe that we are in need for educational reforms in order to gain better quality in education. By quality I mean that we need to be more based on skills that will help us overcome life's obstacles, lessons from which we will essentially understand the core and essence and not just be forced to learn hundreds of pages to get the best possible grade. I feel that the world has come to the stage of formality and that the essence is not valued enough and that it is neglected. That formality must come to an end. And every revolution / reform begins with pre-school-age children.
    Like an educator/teacher I would like to use good things from many kinds of education systems. For example contires of Scandinavia have a lot of good things in theirs education systems and I would like to see them in our country. Everything in life has good and bad sides, but we can choose to imply thoose good things from their to our education system.

    Also, work with children denepends on us, so let's be the most wanted good teachers.

  45. I think it’s ridiculous to expect the school system to always look the same. It is normal for the school system to change and for technology to advance and come to schools. We have come to a time when students sometimes know much more than teachers because of advances in technology. Knowledge is no longer obtained only in school, information can be obtained very easily and is available to everyone. Sometimes that information can be wrong and cause problems, so teachers are still considered the safest way to convey information.

    Dalila Kadunić, III, PO

  46. 7 Ways to Repair the Public Education System:

    Stop Viewing Our Kids As Numbers. Today in many school systems there has been the implementation of per pupil spending. ...
    Do Away with Common Core. ...
    Give Homework. ...
    Get Rid of Teacher Evaluative Tools. ...
    Stop Giving Express Teaching Degrees. ...
    Less Meaningless Tests. ...
    Reintroduce Trade Schools During High School.

  47. Hello,
    education Renewal is about providing all students with the best education to seize opportunities for success in the path they choose. It is also about helping educators work together, have positive working environments, and opportunities to learn and grow. When students and teachers are well and when they work in positive, supporting learning environments, the community benefits. Schools can be places where all community members grow, learn, and share together.
    Some of the main beliefs of Education Renewal are:

    - That students must have the opportunity to explore their gifts and things that interest them
    - Schools must offer students the right supports for the best start in life, and choices for their future
    - Teachers should be equipped to guide students through their learning
    - Educators must have good working conditions and professional learning opportunities.

    Mustafić Alma, RN2.

  48. Education is an important part of our lives. We can say that we are educating ourselves through whole life.
    I think that there is a big difference between the educational system in the past and now.
    In the past education was focused on books. Nowadays, she is focused on computer and online stuff. Kids in the past didn't have freedom as they do today. Teachers were more rougher. Today learning is easier for everyone. We can find any information on the Internet. I think that technology is good things in education. That helps children to learn better and more successful. We should teach our children to use technology, but we must also teach them that they can play and learn without technology. The balance is important. However we need to work harder to make our educational system better for children. There are still some problems in the system. We need to fix that. Together.

    Berina Lemezan, RN III.

  49. Education renewal and reform are very important. This pandemic showed how our country and education members are unprepared for this situation. I think that technology is our new education, and soon teachers won't be neccessary for teaching. And also school members should know how to use technology and internet sources to improve their lessons. Difference betwen school nowadays and school in the past is enormous. All the information are on the internet now and every student have phone and computer. In the past teachers only had books and nowadays they can find every book on the internet and many other sources that can be useful for their teaching. They can find many of ways to motivate students, incourage them and to make their lessons more interesting.It's very important to give students the best education they could have. That is why education reform is very important in our country and I would say needed.
    Ajla Hasić, RN4


  50. A lot has changed in terms of education in the last few years. Before we couldn't get some information so easily, and now a few minutes are enough to type on Google what we are looking for and we will get more than we need. In the past, students were sat down and told to memorize the factual information of subjects. Now that curriculum expanded and is making students work in a group to compare, contrast and discuss those topics to increase their knowledge and work on their communication skills which will come in more helpful in their future rather than knowing facts. The main reason for the curricular change is the changing world around us. With the many changes in society, the curriculum is adjusted to change with time. That's why education reform is important; for quality education it is necessary to follow modern learning methods. As future teachers, we can and should do a lot; enrich the content, expand it as much as possible, teach students to think and create, not to learn by rote just for the grade.
    Ilma Mirvic, RN IV

  51. I think we all agree that education is one of the most important things in life. Although we need to establish that education and schooling are not the same thing. Education is divided into two types: formal and non-formal. Formal education means school education, while non-formal education means what we learn outside of school. I believe that both types of education are equally important, and that one cannot do without either.
    Schools in our past were in some ways better and in some ways worse than now. Previously, they worked according to a much stricter system, children did not have much freedom of opinion and did not have their own rights, but they behaved much more disciplined and respected the teacher's word, They followed his instructions believing that everything the teacher said was correct. Today, we work according to a much milder system, which of course has its many advantages, but I think that results in students abusing their rights more and more. I think we need to keep working to intrigue children in a reasonable way with everything that is taught in schools, and we cannot do that if we do not work with each child individually. Every child is different, and not everyone is interested in the same hobbies. Many children’s talents fail because they are not discovered at the right time in the right way because they are all viewed as a whole. In schools, children should be given more freedom to base themselves on what interests them and what they are good at, because that is their most potential future. Also, my opinion is that modern technology is currently inevitable, and helps a lot to achieve certain goals in education, but that the younger generations should avoid them as much as possible. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are at a stage where we are forced to perform most of our life's responsibilities through technology, but we hope that this period will pass quickly, and that education will continue live with teachers, children's rolemodels for life.

    Amna Hebib, PO3

  52. Many researchers that analyze school systems today and compare its main conceptions to the schools before agree that schools worldwide have not changed much in a hundred or more years. They are still modelled in the interests of industrial age and the purpose of education is still the same- to train people to work in factory (Seth Godin, Ken Robinson). But we are living in a so called postindustrial age and schools should be renewed and reinvented or even revolutionized to meet demands of the new “creative economies” and prepare children/students for today’s fast changing world. As Sir Ken Robinson pointed out schools should be carefully reimagined with the purpose to educate children’s whole being so they can face the unknown future. Educational reform is term to describe process aimed at changing public education at all levels. In this sense schools should be changed on many levels, it includes change of administrative processes, curricula, teaching methodologies etc. It should be all-encompassing process.
    Contemporary reforms of the educational systems are usually structured and implemented at the national level, but there is also universal theoretical framework that guide those reforms in every country. It is certain that values have changed since industrial age. Before it was imperative “to shape” good, obedient student that will follow instruction so he or she could be good industrial worker. Some of today’s values are capability of effective communication, collaboration and among all of them creativity. Sir Ken Robinson defines creativity “as the process of having original ideas that have value“ and it (creativity) „comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things.“ He advocates for not giving importance to just mathematics and languages, but also to humanities and arts. He pinpoints the fact that there are all different types of intelligence and that their importance is just the same. The consequence of this line of thought should be education that will offer right opportunity to all students so they can explore their unique talents and interests. New educational systems and curricula should be student-centered and not teacher centered as it was case before. Children should be given age-appropriate autonomy to decide how and what they want to learn. Learning should not be based on memorization and reproduction of generic knowledge, but be instead meaningful, active and associative and connected to life. The role of teacher also changes- he or she is no longer “supreme authority” but more of a facilitator and helper in the learning process of students. Schools are becoming inclusive and are more and more being conceptualized as platforms for generating lifelong learning mindset.
    While education reforms have been already undertaken in developed countries all over the world, Bosnia and Herzegovina is still at the beginning of this process. OECD has identified problems in establishing countrywide valid standards due to a highly decentralized and scattered education system. In some parts of the country there are some new curricula proposals that still have to be approved. In other parts awareness of the need to change is virtually non-existent. We also lack necessary funding, appropriate and progressive teacher education as well as general political reform that will affect educational policies.
    Arnela Mujkanović, PO3, vanredan

  53. Education reform is the name given to the goal of changing public education. The meaning and education methods have changed through debates over what content or experiences result in an educated individual or an educated society. Historically, the motivations for reform have reflected the current needs of society. A consistent theme of reform includes the idea that small systematic changes to educational standards will produce significant social returns in citizen's health, wealth, and well-being.
    Emina Termiz PO4


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