Eco-Friendly Teaching and Learning


The school's teaching and learning culture should be shaped in a way that it develops an ethical commitment to environmental conservation in students and exerts a powerful influence on students in regard to ecological sustainability and 'green' practices. Therefore, eco-friendly or 'green' teaching and learning programs about energy, climate change and green economy can engage and empower students to create positive change for our evolving world. Today, we are all uncertain about what the future holds for our planet. Global warming, pollution, industrialization, a shortage of fossil fuels, extinction of many plant and animal species, an increasing global population, etc., are just some of the issues that are likely to affect more seriously and directly the current cohort of school children than it has ever affected the previous generations. Thus, it becomes extremely important that we teach children to live more sustainably and cultivate some eco-friendly habits like reusing, recycling and reducing or minimizing energy use. Along with parents, teachers should also educate children about sustainable living and raise the environmental awareness in the next generation.

Eco-friendly practices and sustainability should definitely be taught in schools. Sustainability is not a separate subject, but rather than that, it is embedded across all relevant learning areas. The concept of sustainability relies on three pillars: economic, environmental, and social (i.e. profits, planet, and people). Sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. It aims to use our resources efficiently to benefit our community and improve the environmental quality. In order to have healthy communities, we need clean air, natural resources, and a non-toxic environment, but to conserve energy and natural resources, we have to be conscious of the impact our actions have not only on others, but also on the planet's ecosystems as well. We have to be aware of the fact that our children will soon become independent decision-makers, educators, or maybe worldwide kniown policy-makers. So, what we are teaching them today will undoubtedly affect their future. Therefore, teaching them eco-friendly habits and how to lead a sustainable lifestyle will demonstrate them how to take responsibility for their actions and day-to-day life choices in order to maintain a healthier and eco-friendly planet.

There are many ways how teachers can implement the 'green' teaching and learning culture in schools in order to exert a powerful influence on students regarding the environmental conservation and sustainability. For example, student awareness regarding the importance of conserving the environment can be fostered through project-based learning (PBL) and different hands-on student activities. PBL activities integrate knowing and doing, so students not only gain content knowledge, but also apply what they've learned while solving authentic, real-life problems and doing hands-on activities throughout the project. Environmental education helps children build creative thinking and relationship skills, but it also highly engages students in learning and fosters their creativity, entrepreneurship and life-management skills. For example, one of the best ways to help students understand renewable energy technologies is to involve them in hands-on activities of building working models. Thus, students will have the opportunity to build a wind turbine, solar oven, biogas generator, hydroelectric generator, electric vehicle or energy storage – and they will experience firsthand how applied science can help create an eco-friendly and more sustainable life in the future.

Furthermore, teachers can implement different fun and hands-on activities that students can participate in even from the comfort of their homes. For example, in order to give children a practical understanding of the environment around them, teachers can engage children in a truly hands-on activity  by encouraging them to grow and tend to simple indoor plants at their homes, or even to grow a small garden within the school's facilities. By learning to grow their own plants, children will gain a greater understanding of nature and learn how to live sustainably in the future. Apart from that, teachers can teach children to think of creative ways of how to reuse and recycle unwanted or used objects or waste, e.g. a yogurt container can become a new crayon holder, a plastic bottle can be transformed into a vase, etc. Teachers can also teach children some energy-saving habits like turning off computers, lights and taps when not in use and similar things. The additional ways to help create an environmentally friendly classroom and  foster eco-friendly teaching and learning may also include: reducing the use of paper and photocopied teaching materials, implementing zero-waste practices by sharing ways how to reuse or recycle different items in everyday usage, scheduling trips to local parks and outdoor attractions in order to incorporate nature into the curriculum and help students become more proactive about protecting the environment, adding plants to the classroom space and encouraging students to take care of them, teaching and encouraging students to use environmentally friendly means of transport, etc.

These are only a few ways to grow up an eco-conscious generation of students. We realize more and more that our future depends on protecting health and welbeing of our children and the planet. Therefore, we have to educate new generations and help them develop the skills they need to solve the global environmental problems we are faced with. If we are aware of the fact that the next generation will basically design our future, as well as the future of the whole planet, then we know that NOW is the perfect time to focus on better preparing our youth for the changing world and environment they will live in soon.


Questions for discussion:


What is eco-friendly or 'green' teaching and learning?

How can schools promote ecological sustainability?

Why is it important to promote and teach ecology in schools?

What eco-friendly activities can teachers implement in their classrooms? What eco-friendly activities can be implemented in the kindergarten?

How will you teach ecology and eco-friendly living to your students once you become a teacher in elementary school / an educator in kindergarten?

What eco-friendly practices do you implement in your everyday life?


  1. Ecology is a very important subject. Unfortunately, I was learning about this subject for the first time at university. In previous years I was only learning about ecology within the subject of biology. I am sorry for that situation because I think that this subject deserves a special place in schools. Young children learn about ecology through the subject of 'My environment'. That subject was called 'Nature and Socienty', when I was going to primary school. It's very important that children know the importance of nature and how to protect it. Also, it's important that they know what the negative consequences are, if they treat nature badly. We must not destroy our rivers, mountains and our environment. We need to protect them because only in this way we can enjoy in richness of nature. Eco-friendly teaching has the task od making positive changes in our relationship to nature.

    Amra Avdić(RN, 3.godina)

    1. How much do you love nature? Do you visit her often?

      Valentina Crepulja, RN3

    2. I like that you aware of the importance ecology has in education. Very good comment.

    3. Valentina, I love nature very, very much... I visit nature almost every day. :)

    4. Very good and useful comment and perspective, I am glad I read this.
      Ajla Hadžić PO4

  2. Eco-schools is an international award programme that guides schools through a seven-step process to help them address a variety of environmental issues, ranging from litter and waste to healthy living and biodiversity.Eco-Schools is the largest global sustainable schools programme – it starts in the classroom and expands to the community by engaging the next generation in action-based learning.The programme’s greatest achievement is arguably the fact that it produces generation after generation of sustainably minded, environmentally conscious people.The simplest way to define what being eco friendly means is to say that it is the act of living with intent. The intent is focused on not creating harm to environment, and to prevent as much harm from occurring to the environment through your interactions with it. It goes beyond an idea and extends to actual practices that influence how communities, businesses and individuals conduct themselves. Being eco-friendly goes far beyond just turning off lights when you leave the room or separating your garbage for recycling – it is about changing the purpose of how you live.Someday, our children will be independent decision-makers, educators, and, who knows, maybe some of them will once become a worldwide known policy-makers. What we are teaching them today will undoubtedly affect their future day-to-day life choices and eco friendly habits. Plus, teaching them how to lead a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle will learn them to take responsibility for their actions and maintain a healthier planet.

    Nives Pirija, II godina Odsjeka za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju

    1. I agree that we need to teach our children about importance of nature.

    2. Thank you for your comment, Amra.

  3. Someday, our children will be independent decision-makers, educators, and, who knows, maybe your child will once become a worldwide known policy-maker. What se are teaching them today will undoubtedly affect their future day-to-day life choices and eco firendly habits. Plus, teaching them how to lead a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle will learn them to take responsibility for their actions and maintain a healthier planet. Furthermore, teachers can implement different fun and hands-on activities that students can participate in even from the comfort of their homes. For example, in order to give children a practical understanding of the environment around them, teachers can engage children in a truly hands-on activity by encouraging them to grow and tend to simple indoor plants at their homes, or even to grow a small garden within the school's facilities.

    Meliha Terzić, RN4

    1. It's great idea about small garden. 🙂

    2. I like that you aware of the importance ecology has in education.

  4. Eco-friendly lifestyle is something we all should strive for. Taking care of our environment is vital now more than ever, we can reduce our carbon footprint, better our air quality, saving money. Schools can start with small steps such as: organizing cleanup class days, go paperless, re-using items, saving up energy, organizing planting trees etc. Teachers can start a recycling challenge, add plants to the classroom, encouraging students to save energy, to manage their waste, and in that way teachers can implement eco-friendly activities. I use canvas bags all the time, I still try to cut down on energy usage and trying to be mindful of paper and food waste.

    Aida Šahinović; ER2.

    1. Dear Aida,
      what do you think about recycling a plastic?

  5. Preserving the environment is a very important factor for all of humanity. For these reasons, I believe that man is responsible for protecting the environment in which he finds himself. If every single citizen in his city preserves and protects the environment, there will be no serious problems that can destroy it. Nowadays, however, it pollutes the environment much more than it protects itself. This has led to a number of global, regional and environmental problems. From day to day there are different consequences because of this, the only problem is in relation to society towards the environment. In order for society to have clean air, natural resources, a non-toxic environment, but in order to conserve energy and natural resources, we ourselves must be a global impact that our actions have not only on others but on the planet’s ecosystem as well. Also, we need to be responsible citizens who will develop awareness in other people in the community in which we live because that is the best way to preserve our circumstance. Developing a world for conservation is very important from the earliest period. Therefore, it is necessary to hold activities on the topic of preserving ecology in the kindergarten in order to raise awareness among children. However, it is very important that each child includes certain activities in which they will have the opportunity to plant flowers, trees, clean the yard of the kindergarten, water the plants in the kindergarten and take care of the environment in which they are located. In this way, we teach them ecological navigation, but also the responsibilities they must take on in the future.
    Berina Kurt, Odsjek za predškolski odgoj, 2658.

  6. It is very important to be eco-friendly. Nature is what conusme us. We need to treat her right. We start from teaching our children to be good with nature, to not harm and destroy her. I will do my best to teach my kindergarten children to respect, love and enjoy nature. We can't do without nature, but nature sure can without us. We need to think about our planet and be more responsible to it. I think the best way chlidren will learn about ecology is in nature environment. For example, we have Danish kindergartens. They are based in woods and include so many acitivites in nature. I really love their concept and I think we should do the same thing.
    PO II

    1. I like the way you think Sukejna and I totally agree with you.

    2. Dear Sumejna,
      do you think that we can affect on children's oppinion?

    3. "We can't do without nature, but nature sure can without us." I love this point that you made and I think that we should bring a lot more awareness to this subject, especially when it comes to preschoolers. PO II

  7. The environment is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest. It is one thing all of us share. Being kind to the earth is an important consideration no matter what it takes, and teaching kids to be eco-friendly is especially important.
    For years, finding organic food and clothing has been a familiar task, but nowadays being eco-friendly has crept into many more aspects of our lives. Life is a process of constant learning and those who are learning the most are children. Something you can do : encouraging the reusing and recycling of materials, plant a small garden, encourage eco-friendly tasks, volunteering with the community...
    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing it ever has.” –Marqaret Mead.
    Osmanović Ajla,ER2V

  8. Our environment is something we all need to take care of. It needs us and we need it, it’s mutual. If we take good care of it, it will pay us back twice. Nature is miracle. It is process to learn and to teach someone to be eco-friendly. We can do that if we connect with nature, if we see what nature really gives us, what has to offer us. When we see all of that we come to conclusion that those things cannot be bought. That`s the main reason everyone needs to be eco-friendly. What if some day we don`t have trees anymore, of flowers, or grass, what will we do then? The important thing that everyone can do is to treat it like we can loose it every moment and to teach our children to do the same.

    Lejla Bisić, PO2

    1. I love how you explained all of this through the love and power of nature. You made some great points, Lejla! PO II

  9. Green teaching and learning refer to an ethical commitment to environmental protection. Schools should promote ecological maintenance through formal classes, and, also, through informal workshops, sections, and additional activities. Inclusion of all children in ecological maintaining is enabled with these activities, providing them with adequate information which each person should dispose of. Ecological activities that can be applied in school as well as in kindergarten are yard maintenance, joint planting of flowers, joint pruning of flowers and trees, cleaning actions (removing the trash), and so on. All of these activities can be adjusted to children according to their ages (depending are they school or preschool age). For the preschool children, these activities should be simpler with an accent on the educator working, involving the children, showing them, and talking to them. With school-age children, the situation should be reversed- the teacher is the person who should observe and instruct the child through conversation if he is wrong, but the child should work independently. Ecological practices that I apply in everyday life are mostly related to maintaining and protecting the environment by not throwing the trash on green areas and raising them too. So I pick up the trash and throw it in the bin. Regarding the seasonal works of maintaining the environment, I maintain green areas on week house with my parents – we mow the grass, grab, prune the flowers, and paint the trees. All these activities of autumn preparation for the new spring “life” surely belong to the activities of maintaining the environment and raising awareness among children about its importance.
    Melina Dragunić, PO3

  10. Today, our planet is in danger. The air we breathe is polluted, the water we drink is not healthy, many plants and animals are dying out. We, as future teachers in kindergarten, need to show children how to protect their environment, not to throw garbage, how to behave properly towards nature in order for it to return to them. It is very important to raise awareness of ecology from an early age.

    Ena Alomerović, PO4

  11. Poor care of nature gives us catastrophic consequences. We are the factor that mostly affects her. Caring for nature should start from a "young age", when we also learn about the basic culture. It is very important to talk about it. Ecology in kindergarten can be mentioned in many forms. We need to teach children that garbage is thrown in the bin, not anywhere in nature. We can make small tree seedlings and flower seedlings with children and teach them that everything we do for nature she gives back to us. Children also need to know that energy saving is very important. We need to talk to the children that we don't have to throw most of the items we use from the store in the trash, but we can use it, we can make rattles out of cardboard and a guitar on a bottle of juice.

    Ajla Hodžić, Po4

  12. Every child has the right to a clean and healthy environment that enables them to grow and develop harmoniously. A child's ecological awareness is learned by model, ie if he sees an adult respecting nature and he will want to behave that way. What is most important for the development of ecological awareness is the love of nature. Ecological contents and topics can be introduced and processed in almost all subjects, but Nature and Society provides an excellent foundation for the implementation of ecological education. Some of the activities that a teacher can carry out with students are the action of planting trees or flowers around the school as well as recycling waste.
    Klaudija Žuljević, RN3.

  13. Ecology and the environment is something that is important for each of us. Preserving the environment is something we should always think about. From an early age we need to respect the rules of nature. One of nature’s most important rules is “Don’t throw trash all around you." Nature is what we breathe, we should love nature because we enjoy it. In nature there are sources for our survival. It is so rich in vitamins. Knowing all these facts, we need to think and make plans of how best to preserve them. I personally respect the rules of nature because I know how important nature is to us and what nature gives us. We have to thank nature in some way for everything, and the best way to do that is to preserve it. From the earliest grades I remember that we always cleaned the nature around our school with our teacher. In this way we learned how we should take care of every plant, every natural beauty. Sometimes we used to plant new flowers.
    My plans for nature conservation, as a teacher, are very big and high quality. First of all, I would like to set aside one hour to prevent our nature. Sometimes every week, depending on the weather outside. I think that children can really take care of nature, only if they are explained in a nice and clear way what can be done in nature and what can not. Also, whole schools can organize lot landscaping actions. There are lot of projects for this.

    I respect the environment every day by not throwing trash in nature first and therefore taking care of many plants.

    People, protect nature it is the most important and most necessary for us!

    Valentina Crepulja, RN3

    1. I like that you aware of the importance ecology has in education.

  14. Ecology is the study of the environment and helps us understand how organisms live with each other in unique physical environments and also branch of biology .Preserving planet Earth should be everyone"s primary task. Human activity plays an important role in the health of ecosystems all around the world. Understanding our environment is key to successful sustainable planning and conversation .Today population growth ,urbanization ,commercial and industrial development and also climate change are among several factors that are impacting natural ecosystems globally and locally and in some cases leaving behind negative impacts on land, water and costal resources. I think it is not enough to talk about importance of nature on the whole planet just two or three hours in month .There is so much beautiful nature around us ,but unfortunately some people do not know how to keep and appreciate it. During this pandemic of corona virus several people got to know the beauties of their country . In a way that they started thinking in a different direction and that is preserving the environment. But that is still not enough . We all need to be involved in the process of saving our planet. As a community we need to take small steps towards to saving our nature and of course later expect big one hit for the entire planet . As a future teacher I will teach my students much more about the importance of observing the environment not only through the lessons of biology but also trough the organizations of tree planting . Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events in their lives and also expect that just like us they will continue to spread the tradition of nature conversation to their children.
    Ilda Halilović ,RN3.

  15. One day, our students will be indenpendet educators who needs to know significance of nature. So, we need to teach them to appreciate and preserve nature. We need to start from teaching our children to be good with nature. At the very beginning in an interesanting way we must teach them that taking care of our environment is vital now more than ever, we can reduce our carbon footprint, better our air quality, saving money. The important thing that everyone can do for nature is to treat it like we can loose it every moment and to teach our children to do the same.

    Nejla Osmanović, RN III

    1. I hope you will apply this tomorrow in your future work as teacher Nejla.

  16. We know that children from an early age create their own habits and skills that they use throughout life, so one of these habits is to protect the environment that surrounds us. It is necessary to make children aware of the importance of preserving the environment already in kindergarten, and it is necessary to teach them about ecological culture through various entertainment content and content that is understandable and adapted to their age. Primarily, one of the important ways we can preserve our environment is by throwing waste in the trash and recycling it. Eg. We can mark plastic and paper bins for children in kindergarten, in this way we will teach them to sort them and to directly participate in the process of preserving their environment. We know that we are one of the main factors that cause drastic changes in nature, global warming, ozone holes and the like, and all this is due to a lack of awareness of the environment. It is simple that without the environment, life on this planet would not be possible. We should first of all be aware of the importance of the same and only then pass it on to the children, because we need to be a positive model for them to learn from. Today, we can often see both children and adults throwing garbage on green surfaces without thinking about how long it takes for a plastic bag to break down and how harmful it is for us. We need clean and healthy green areas from which we will get the fresh and clean air we need to live healthily. Every life process is directly connected with the environment. As I have already stated at an early age, it is necessary to make children aware of the environment and care for it. Activities that encourage the preservation of the environment are various, such as the cultivation of some plants in the household or garden, which children will have to take care of every day (watering, cleaning, etc.). Also, together with children, we can clean the yard from debris if they are in the yard and sort them according to the material from which they are made. We need to teach children that most of the waste we have sorted can be reused for other purposes. It is also necessary to introduce a regular subject in primary schools that will concern the environment and ecology, and not just sections and one type of extracurricular activities. Such an object is really needed as a set of regular subjects because it is of great importance for our life and survival on this planet. We must give love to green areas in order for it to give us its beauties. It is also important to talk a lot with children on this topic and see what the environment means to them and how important they teach it. In all spheres of education, children need to be involved in practical activities to create habits and skills about preserving the same and importance. Because, if we continue as before, we will soon not have a single healthy green area and the air will become more and more polluted, we will have nowhere to walk in nature because we will build various facilities in these areas, it will be polluted by garbage and degradable material. Therefore, let us be aware that we are the main drivers in creating environmental awareness among children. Let's be positive and awaken children's love for the environment and natural beauty.
    Elma Numanagić, PO3

  17. Eco-friendly literally means earth-friendly or not harmfulll to the enviroment. It also means using less toxic and more natural ways of living. Learning about this important topic is a MUST and NEED. Learning about eco-friendly lifestyles should be adapted in preschool and also primary schools.
    All educational institutions should have lessons about eco-friendly plans and they need to apply it more in the daily life. People should learn about evology at young age because it is very important to be aware that we only have this one planet and we need to care about it. Activities that can be implemented in the classrooms, as preschool or primary school, can be collecting garbage around the schools or parks, kids can try and learn about some experiments or try to build something that can be eco-friendly. As a future kindergarten educator, I will try my best and give everything to teach the generations about keeping our nature and other parts of this planet because there is no other for us. Everyone should start at their own doorway and together we can have a better situation and it will be better for everyone and everything.
    Mubina Mešanović, POII

  18. We all know that our planet is very polluted and we people are responsible for that. Yes, we who live on this same planet and it is our fault that it is how it is. Do we even know how much debrish and garbage there is in the sea and oceans? How many animals die because of one plastic bag? It is all our fault! But we all can change that by starting from our own place and then educating and transfering it on the younger generations. Ecological amd enviromental education is one of the most important forms of education for the health of our planet. It all can start in primary school as students collect the garbage around the school or any other public places like parks or streets. That is the way we could spread awareness to students and other people and they would apply to their daily life. How we polluted the Earth, we can also clean it and keep it that way.
    Rumejsa Selimanovic PO2

  19. We must respect our nature and nature will respect us. As future teachers, our approach to the student when asked about ecology is very important. We have to be role models. Let's make the planet a better place to live. Let's learn future generations. Let's change our consciousness.

    Lejla Pleho, RN3

    1. Excellent statement Lejla : " We must respect our nature and nature will respect us." I want you collegues to be a role model to your students tomorrow.

  20. Hello,
    Now our planet is very polluted. Caring for our environment is vital now more than ever and future educators can help this movement a lot. Our children are the future. We all want our children to grow up in a world that is safe and healthy. And we need to develop an ecological way of thinking. Cleaning parks is a great way to get kids involved. Do what you can. Reduce the use of plastic bags, use natural fabric like cotton, use paper bag.

    Lejla Kadić,PO4.

  21. Our planet is heavily polluted. It is very important to understand these. We see a lot of changes in nature which are cause of our bad behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the subject of Ecology in schools, because from an early age we need to teach children how to behave in nature. One quote says how nature can exist without us, but that we cannot exist without her. The best evidence for this saying is isolation in the Corona virus pandemic. In this period nature recovered, the planet has been cleared. We must take care of the environment because we have to safe our planet for future generations. Do not be selfish in this! We have to save water and do not throw garbage in nature. It is very important to take care of recycling and sorting waste. We can use glass bottles instead plastic, instead of plastic bags we can use cotton bags. Let's start using these advices, so that we can be an example to others, especially to the children. Because nature is the best medicine, and if we destroy it, we only do bad to ourselves!

    Ana Gluvić, RN III.


    Ecology is one of the most important topics for human life. If we want to live a healthy life, we must protect planet Earth. As teachers, we must teach our children every day to love nature and to protect it, to teach them immediately not to throw garbage in nature, to organize the cleaning of the school environment from garbage, to take them on trips to nature. We can make eco-friendly classroom. Get Some fresh air adding a plant to your classroom, we should include kids in care for plants.
    Turn computers off instead of putting them in sleep mode when leaving school, we can reduce energy use by nearly 40 percent!
    The first step towards an eco-friendly classroom is to let the fresh air and natural light pour in through the windows.  This will help to rejuvenate you and your students. Also, you can save electricity by not using the lights in your class room.We need to organize actions of planting trees and flowers, watch movies on this topic and give children projects where they would give ideas on how they can preserve the environment.

  23. It is important to talk about the importance of ecology. The planet is sick, humans and animals are dying out. The man destroyed his own habitat, hoping to get better, but we actually did the counter. It is important to tell and teach children that the plant is our home and that we need to maintain and care for it. We have to take care of the sun, water, plants, animals but also ourselves.

    Antonia Bonić, PO4

    1. I completely agree with this comment. You told us the essence of this topic. I think it is very important that each individual starts from himself and does what he can to make our planet experience recovery.

      Dalila Kadunić, PO3

  24. Ecology is one topic that we should often talk about. It's important for our children and us to know how important nature is for all of us. We al have to learn how to protect it. Eco- frendly teaching has the taskpf making positive changes in our relationship to nature. Being eco- friendly means changing the purpose how we live. We need to learn that everything we do now will affect our future. We need to treat nature right because she deservs it. Theach your children to love nature. Show them how beautiful she is, and they will never even think about destroying it.
    Aida Delizaimovic, RN3

  25. Ecology is very important for human survival. Although we do not see it, the planet Earth has its limits and is not an inexhaustible source of life.
    What does the future hold for our planet? Global warming, a shortage of fossil fuels and an increasing global population are all issues that are likely to affect the current population. That’s a scary prospect, so it’s vital that we teach children to live more sustainably and cultivate ecofriendly habits like reusing, recycling and minimising energy use. It’s a topic we don’t often think about, but we should be more aware and take more care. However, over the last few decades, we have become much more aware of the importance of being environmentally friendly. There are many ways to teach students how to preserve what planet Earth gives us. For example, gardening is great; it’s a truly hands-on educational activity that gives children a practical understanding of the environment around them. It will be very funny and interesting for kids to plant a tree, and that is the great way to make them feel the importance of „Earth's lungs“. Also, we can challenge the students to think of creative ways to upcycle unwanted objects: for example, a yogurt container can be used as a crayon holder; a plastic bottle can be transformed into a vase and so on. There are many creative ways to take adventages of many things.
    We all want our kids to grow up in a world that is safe, preserved, and healthy. However, it will be the future generations that continue this important work. By teaching our kids the importance of addressing these issues now, we are encouraging them to develop environmentally friendly mindsets early on.

    Amra Bajrić, RN IV

  26. Every school should have Ecology as subject, because we need to save our planet. We need to learn new generations to take care about place where we live. I read about Green (Eco-friendly) classrooms. For example, garedening is great, put sam plants in your classroom. Make something new from rubbish, challenge the children to think creative ways to make something, for example yogurt container can be used as crayon holder. A classroom recycling center is a great way to get kids excited about recycling, learn them to sort rubbish.
    Berina Vatrenjak, RN3

  27. Environmental education is a learning process that increases people’s knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action (UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration, 1978).
    Environmental education generally refers to curriculum and programs which aim to teach students about the natural world and particularly about ways in which ecosystems work. Environmental education programs often aim to change people’s perceptions about the value of the natural world and to teach how to change environmental behavior, such as getting people to recycle or how to build eco-friendly dwellings.

    Emir Hajdarević
    Department of elementary education
    4th year

  28. When we talk about the future we always say that children are the bearers of that future. The way we educate future generations of students will affect the future of all of us and the future of the planet. So, what we are teaching them today will undoubtedly affect on their future as well. Therefore, teaching them eco-friendly habits and how to lead a sustainable lifestyle will demonstrate them how to take responsibility for their actions and day-to-day life choices in order to maintain a healthier and eco-friendly planet. We will start by teaching how to grow a plant, how to save energy at home, how they can use a bicycle instead of their parents bringing them to school by car, etc. And when they grow up, those little things will teach them to take care of the preservation of the planet on the big ones.

    1. Lejla, I agree with you when you speak about little things which become big ones later in life.

    2. I agree with you and i also think that we are responsible if we don't teach them how to properly treat the nature.

  29. It is important to teach children how to behave towards nature, protect it and love it. Cardboard boxes are desirable free play material. Use them so that you do not throw them away, but make a box for various children's trifles. Also, from cardboard boxes you can make a puppet stage, spaceships, swords, magic wands, dolls and the like. We ourselves need to be more environmentally aware so that we can pass this on to children. It is very important to constantly give them examples, record and discuss how important this is for our planet Earth.
    Kubur Lejla, RN

  30. The simplest way to define what being eco friendly means is to say that you are focused on not creating harm to environment, and to prevent as much damage as you can.
    When it comes to educational establishments, they can help to turn students and kidst into environmentally responsible citizens. The goal of environmental education is to encourage environmentally responsible behavior. This can be done by implementing a comprehensive approach and incorporating environmental themes into various school subjects. Teachers can implement many activities and themes, like saving energy, recycling, powering down the devices instead of putting them on sleep, and many other things.
    If I was a professor, I would try to pay as much attention as possible to the topic of Eco friendly teaching. My personal opinion is that this topic is very important for us and our future. I would establish my own green club, and invest a lot of my effort in teaching students how to become eco friendly citizens. I would deal with topics such as, air pollution, global warming, recycling, walking and cycling instead of using a car, making a personal little garden, and many other topics that would save our planet.

    Sarah Skalonjić

  31. Eco-schools is an international award programme that guides schools through a seven-step process to help them address a variety of environmental issues, ranging from litter and waste to healthy living and biodiversity. Including in schools the subject about eco-friendly or green teaching is a very good idea. On that way kids in low age learn about the environment and significant of her. When they get older there is a bigger chance to be a responsible citizen. Teachers can promote ecological sustainability if they are example. They can include cleaning of backyard, involving with the importance of clean and Eco. I will do it. I will be an example to my pupils one day when I become a teacher in elementary school. I am always trying to throw back garbage in their place, pick up the paper off the road etc.

    Ena Brkić, RN4

  32. Eco-friendly teaching and learning is a way of Learning to care for and appreciate planet Earth. It is extremely important to instill and eco-friendly way of thinking in children from a very early age. We should all really try to live in a way that respects nature and everything it provides for us. One of the ways for achieving this goal is to include the love for nature in kindergartens, as well as in children's literature. One example of this kind of kindergarten, are Waldorf kindergartens. The use of natural materials has been widely praised as fulfilling children's aesthetic needs, encouraging their imagination, and reinforcing their identification with nature. In these setting children spend a lot of time outdoors, exploring and problem solving. So the main goal of Waldorf early education is to develop a love for nature and healthy personality in children. Another way to raise awareness for this subject in kids, is to create picture books that talk about how magical nature truly is. This is a very important subject and I think that we should all work on making eco-friendly living, the way we choose to live our lives.
    (Monja Ražnatović, PO II)

    1. I agree with you Monja, we surely need to "include the love for nature in kindergartens, as well as in children's literature" as you said. Children are our future and our future deserves more care.

  33. Eco-friendly teaching and learning is actually a programme in which people are taught about our planet, the way to save it and how we impact it. It is very important for each school to have that kind of programme or ecology as a subject. I think that by teaching kids from their early years about our planet, nature and the way they should act with it could help the future a lot. Maybe we could fix all these years of pollution. We should show them how bad and "hurt" our planet is because of pollution today and try to spend a lot of time with them outside, in nature. We should teach them to love and take care of nature and our planet. I think that if each school did this, things could be so much better for all of us. And today, we should not just teach kids about it, we should teach all people even the older ones, because some of them have never heard of ecology or what it actually is. A lot of people are not even aware of how polluted our planet is and that a lot of rare animal species are dying because of us. Our seas and rivers as well as the air is so polluted. We breathe those things in, and it's not just us that bring that pollution into our bodies, it's a lot of animals as well. Honestly, someone should propose a law which says that every person has to plant at least 5 trees a year somewhere in nature, and that every person has to attend at least five classes of ecology a year. Ofcourse, teaching kids about it is importat, but i think that teaching adults is important as well, since some of them have no a idea what ecology or pollution actually is and how we can make a big impact on it. Mia Vizdal, RN2

  34. In ecological terms, sustainability can be defined as the way in which biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Sustainability has become a broad term that can be applied to almost all life forms on Earth, from the local to the global level and through different time periods. We all know that the situation on our planet is not at its best, but in the past few months we have seen that things may still be saved. Due to the short cessation of life as we know it due to the coronavirus, the situation has improved significantly. And now is the time to continue with positive change. There is often talk about how we can all make a change together, but then people often start thinking that surely no one is doing it, so why would they? It is true that each of us makes a difference. Every plastic bottle less, every bag less - it all makes a big difference. I will cite one example from my environment. In my place, we started selective waste disposal, which means that we are realizing the recycling process. Also, in high school I wrote various projects to provide us with that kind of disposal, but also to provide us to dispose of different dental materials. We never got any feedback. Which is a very ugly example, that is, the wrong action of people in certain positions.
    We did not inherit the land from our ancestors, but borrowed it from our children.

    Sadiković Alema, ER (II)

  35. Eco-schools is an international award programme that guides schools through a seven-step process to help them address a variety of environmental issues.
    Taking care of our environment is vital now more than ever, we can reduce our carbon footprint, better our air quality, saving money. Schools can start with small steps such as: organizing cleanup class days, go paperless, re-using items, saving up energy, organizing planting trees etc. In order for society to have clean air, natural resources, a non-toxic environment, but in order to conserve energy and natural resources, we ourselves must be a global impact that our actions have not only on others but on the planet’s ecosystem as well. It is very important that each child includes certain activities in which they will have the opportunity to plant flowers, trees, clean the yard of the kindergarten, water the plants in the kindergarten and take care of the environment in which they are located. It is very important to raise awareness of ecology from an early age.

    Martina Galić, RN3

  36. The school's teaching and learning culture should be shaped in a way that it develops an ethical commitment to environmental conservation in students and exerts a powerful influence on students in regard to ecological sustainability and 'green' practices. Young children learn about ecology through the subject of 'My environment'. That subject was called 'Nature and Socienty', when I was going to primary school. Being eco-friendly goes far beyond just turning off lights when you leave the room or separating your garbage for recycling – it is about changing the purpose of how you live.Someday, our children will be independent decision-makers, educators, and, who knows, maybe some of them will once become a worldwide known policy-makers. We need to think about our planet and be more responsible to it. I think the best way chlidren will learn about ecology is in nature environment. For example, we have Danish kindergartens. They are based in woods and include so many acitivites in nature.

  37. It's a school that supports global sustainability in every way. A green school begins with the future in mind, designing a learning experience for students that will prepare them to lead the world toward a healthier, cleaner and more sustainable future.
    Schools have many opportunities to promote sustainability, whether it’s by setting an example or providing education on the subject. Educational establishments can help turn students into environmentally responsible citizens. What’s more, the direct environmental impacts of these institutions, such as energy consumption and materials, are significant.
    Ecology education encourages students to research, investigate how and why things happen, and make their own decisions about complex environmental issues.  By developing and enhancing critical and creative thinking skills, EE helps foster a new generation of informed consumers, workers, as well as policy or decision makers also by exposing students to nature and allowing them to learn and play outside. EE fosters sensitivity, appreciation, and respect for the environment.
    Teachers can give kids asignements to plant trees and nurish them.
    I would try to implement EE in as many class as I could and show to students documentaries about nature.
    Throwing garbage in thrash bins, watering plants, not breaking branches of the trees.

    Magdalena Milišić, ER2

  38. We teachers have a great opportunity and role in raising students of environmental protection. We need to teach children taht waste is not a place in the environment but in places desingnated for its storage, recycling or destruction. Teachers need to explain to students that the consequences of throwing waste into the environment for our health ande the health of our planet are fatal, because the frightening fact is that only one plastic bag takes 200,000 thousand years to decompose in nature.

    Lejla Bužo, RN4

    1. I totally agree with your opinion Lejla and I also think that we will have a really important role in raising students.

  39. Hello🍃🍀🌿

    This is very important topic. Eco-friendly teaching and learning is way of learning how to care about our planet and nature and how to save it. Taking care of our environment is a important part of our future and health. Children have to learn about the importance of ecology during growing up. As a future teacher, we can organize a lot of activities in preschool environment like Recycling Center, or adding a plant to classroom. It is a great way to incorporate nature into teaching space and purify the air. Eco-friendly teaching is way to teach children how to be responsible for nature, and that is not nice to destroy it. It is very important to talk about it with children. What we are teaching them today will undoubtedly affect their future day to day life choices and eco friendly habits. Teachers can teach children to think of creative ways of how to reuse and recycle unwanted or used objects or waste.

    Eco-friendly teaching can make a positive changes in our future, and we have to teach children about positive habits in nature.

    Ilma Latić, PO4🌹

  40. "Green" teaching is learning about importance of nature and how to care for it. Actually we've borrowed this planet from our future generations. For now it's ours and we have to take care of it. We also have to teach our children how to care about nature. I think that people aren't aware enough about importance of caring of planet. We need to learn it from an early age. That's why I think eco-friendly teaching should be compulsory subject in school. Also, organising some activities in nature like planting plants could be interesting for kids and this approach will instill them a need for saving a planet. The sooner we start to applying things that protect our planet, the sooner it will reciprocate. (Semina Nešust, II godina, Odsijek za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju).

  41. What does the future hold for our planet? Global warming, a shortage of fossil fuels and an increasing global population are all issues that are likely to affect the current school children directly, in a way that previous generations haven't had to face. That’s a scary prospect, so it's vital that we teach children to live more sustainably and cultivate eco-friendly habits like reusing, recycling and minimising energy use.
    With this in mind, teachers can use these eco-friendly classroom ideas to educate young people about sustainable living and build environmental awareness in the next generation.
    It’s no secret that teaching the values and principles of sustainability are an integral part of every modern-day classroom. Sustainability activities and sustainable practices that get your students thinking about the planet are a great way to raise awareness of the environment and its needs.
    Once you’ve educated your class on sustainable practices, it’s a great idea to set some goals for your school environment. Show your students just how easy a sustainable lifestyle can be with our tips for the classroom. While technology certainly has made our lives easier, if not used responsibly it will leave a big carbon footprint on the Earth. Teach your students about energy emissions. In this innovative new resource, students will: observe the lighting, heating and cooling, and appliances in your room; investigate your room’s electrical usage and suggest actions to reduce your energy consumption. Waste management is a fantastic way to reduce your classroom’s greenhouse emissions. We have designed some informative Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink and Repair Posters to help you to start a class discussion on how you can limit the day to day waste produced in your classroom. It is near impossible to have a zero waste classroom when things like worksheets and printouts are such an integral part of a teacher’s day to day life. You can get pretty close, however, by being smart about the amount of paper you use. Make your students’ workbooks last longer by organising loose worksheets into folders, make printable worksheets into booklets at the start of the term, create a scrap paper drawer, shred your paper for craft activities, such as paper maché or donate it to your local animal shelter for animal bedding.
    Ilma Purić, RN, treća godina

  42. A green school is a school that creates a healthy environment conducive to learning, while saving energy, environmental resources and money. A green school : reduces environmental impacts and costs; improves occupants' health and performance and increases environmental and sustainability literacy.Schools should have a program that aims to incorporate environmental education into the daily lives of students and school staff. The task of the Eco-school will be to educate today's generations of sensitivity to environmental issues, because it is they who will make decisions about the development of society in this century. The program should be designed to verify the guidelines for environmental education at the school level. The Eco-school program clearly defines and directs the way in which the teaching contents on environmental protection, which are part of the regular school program, are applied in the everyday life of the school. This approach helps students understand the importance of environmental protection in the consciousness of each individual.Special attention is paid to the issues of waste reduction and disposal, rational use of energy and water, and the regulation of the school environmen.
    Amra Ivazović, RN 3

  43. Eco friendly literally means earth-friendly which is term for not being harmful for environment. We believe that developing an ethical commitment to environmental conservation in schools.If we teach our children these lessons in precaution and sustainability, they can play an integral role in making our schools, communities, and planet more sustainable and healthy. Environmental education helps build creative thinking and relationship skills, and fosters leadership qualities. For a teachers, It’s a great way to enjoy the final days of summer weather, establish green expectations and procedures from the very start, and have some fun. Being environmentally friendly simply means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment.
    A good way would be to start with conserving water, driving less and walking more, consuming less energy, buying recycled products, eating locally grown vegetables, joining environmental groups to combat air pollution, creating less waste, planting more trees, and many more.

  44. Eco friendly literally means earth-friendly which is term for not being harmful for environment. We believe that developing an ethical commitment to environmental conservation in schools.If we teach our children these lessons in precaution and sustainability, they can play an integral role in making our schools, communities, and planet more sustainable and healthy. Environmental education helps build creative thinking and relationship skills, and fosters leadership qualities. For a teachers, It’s a great way to enjoy the final days of summer weather, establish green expectations and procedures from the very start, and have some fun. Being environmentally friendly simply means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment.
    A good way would be to start with conserving water, driving less and walking more, consuming less energy, buying recycled products, eating locally grown vegetables, joining environmental groups to combat air pollution, creating less waste, planting more trees, and many more.

    1. Vernesa, I think it’s high time we realized that our planet is losing a lot every day and that we are the biggest culprits. In 2020, we saw how much the entire ecosystem came to life because we were in our homes. That tells us a lot.

      Dalila Kadunić, III, PO

  45. Our Planet is a gift for us. We need to treat it very well. I can remember my childhood and how much I liked to be in nature. When you spend a lot of time outside, looking all of that beautifull nature, animals and everything which is given to us, you can't not to think about how can you help it and what is way of good behavior to the nature. Ecology is remebering us about these ways.

    In childhood we build a foundation for our lives. What does that mean? That means that we need to do and learn thing about ecology too. Not to throw the trash on street, not to break branches,
    take care of the surrounding plants and similar things.
    World can be changed by us. How? Because when we do something good, someone see it, and do it by itself, after that someone else do it also, and etc. For this topic doing good is to plant a tree, throw trash in trash can, organize cleaning actions.

    As an educator/teacher I think that we have a big obligation to teach children about this topic and do a lot of activities about it. It doesn't mean that we need to force it, it means that we need to live it, and to show by our example children how to treat our magical Planet.

  46. I think that our society does not take enough care of the environment, plants, garbage, etc. Parents should teach their children to love their surroundings, to take care of where they throw garbage, to take care of plants and to plant plants, flowers or some fruits and vegetables with their parents. We cannot expect children to have healthy habits if we do not have them. Plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables are very important for both us and the animals. In order for our ecological system to function properly, we need to take care of the ecology and be the ones who will change our attitudes.
    Dalila Kadunić, PO3

  47. Classroom already recycles, but why not take it a step further? If you’re dealing with younger children, consider creating a ‘recycling centre’ in the same way you would a ‘home corner.’
    You can use a centre to illustrate the different types of waste we create by separating plastic, glass, paper and food waste. This provides an easy reference for kids, so they can better understand what’s happening when they throw their trash into recycle!
    You can even put up some paper and tally the amount of bottles and cans in your recycle bins and weigh recycled paper.
    Motivate the kids by providing prizes or ‘eco –warrior’ awards for increasing the number of items recycled!

  48. Hello,
    Environmental education is a learning process that increases people’s knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action.

    Our children will be independent decision-makers, educators, and, who knows, maybe your child will once become a worldwide known policy-maker. What we are teaching them today will undoubtedly affect their future day-to-day life choices and eco friendly habits. Plus, teaching them how to lead a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle will learn them to take responsibility for their actions and maintain a healthier planet.

    What does the future hold for our planet? Global warming, a shortage of fossil fuels and an increasing global population are all issues that are likely to affect the current cohort of school children directly, in a way that previous generations haven’t had to face. That’s a scary prospect, so it’s vital that we teach children to live more sustainably and cultivate eco-friendly habits like reusing, recycling and minimising energy use. With this in mind, teachers can use these eco-friendly classroom ideas to educate young people about sustainable living and build environmental awareness in the next generation.

    Mustafić Alma, RN2.

  49. Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and with their physical environment. That isn't just about species-rich forests, pristine wilderness, or scenic vistas, though. Ecology is studied at many levels, including organism, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere. This subject first time I was learning at high school. I think that ecology is important subject. Children need to be taught how to save our Earth and nature. Also, they need to teach how important is nature to us and our health. It is important to protect our rivers, mountains and lakes. Only then we can enjoy in richness of nature.

    Berina Lemezan, RN III.

  50. Kadira Karavdić, PO IV

    Eco-friendly lifestyle is something we all should strive for. Taking care of our environment is vital now more than ever, we can reduce our carbon footprint, better our air quality, saving money. Schools can start with small steps such as: organizing cleanup class days, go paperless, re-using items, saving up energy, organizing planting trees etc.
    We cannot expect children to have healthy habits if we do not have them. Plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables are very important for both us and the animals. In order for our ecological system to function properly, we need to take care of the ecology and be the ones who will change our attitudes.

    1. It is very important to be eco-friendly. Nature is what conusme us. We need to treat her right. We start from teaching our children to be good with nature, to not harm and destroy her. I will do my best to teach my kindergarten children to respect, love and enjoy nature. We can't do without nature, but nature sure can without us. We need to think about our planet and be more responsible to it. I think the best way chlidren will learn about ecology is in nature environment. For example, we have Danish kindergartens. They are based in woods and include so many acitivites in nature.
      Amina Škaljić, PO4

  51. It is very important to be eco-friendly. Nature is what conusme us. We need to treat her right. We start from teaching our children to be good with nature, to not harm and destroy her. I will do my best to teach my kindergarten children to respect, love and enjoy nature. We can't do without nature, but nature sure can without us. We need to think about our planet and be more responsible to it. I think the best way chlidren will learn about ecology is in nature environment. For example, we have Danish kindergartens. They are based in woods and include so many acitivites in nature.
    Amina Škaljić, P04, vanredan student

  52. Someday, our children will be independent decision-makers, educators, and, who knows? It is important to teach them how what it means being eco-friendly. Teaching them how to lead a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle will learn them to take responsibility for their actions and maintain a healthier planet. They should see all he beauty of the nature and our country. We should spend more time outside in nature and teach them how to respect it. We also must teach them what is recycling and how to recycle. We should take our students outside and have a class out there. And we should teach them how to take care about it, how to love it and enjoy it. We can plant together and many other things, and our students will love nature.
    Ajla Hasić. RN4

  53. It is very important to teach children from their earliest age to protect our environment, nature, our planet. First of all, we must be people who will take care of the preservation of our nature because we are model to our pupils.
    We need to make green living a part of everyday school life by considering the environment in everything we do. Ecological construction is a growing movement around the world.
    In light of the impending threat of climate change, such forms of construction benefit the world by: recycling waste, make efficient use of water, planting trees in yards and in gardens to improve the quality of air in the school etc.
    And we should not just dedicate one day a year to our planet when we clean it, but we should do it every day, whenever we have the opportunity.
    Ilma Mirvić, RN IV

  54. I think we all agree that preserving our environment is a very important thing. Considering that the preservation of nature is important not only in period of our lifes, but for many years and beyond. It is therefore very important that we pass on environmental caution to our heirs. It is very important that children from an early age pay attention to nature conservation, recycling everything possible, carefully choosing places to throw garbage, minimally use devices that produce polluted air, etc. All these procedures seem irrelevant, but these procedures actually save our planet and give us the opportunity for healthier life. Not enough attention has been paid to this in schools, and I think it is a big mistake. I think that schools are a great opportunity to explain to children how it all works, and through the practical part they create useful habits. Everyone must understand that this is their future, and that they decide for themselves in what environment they will live, whether they will neglect ecology and live in an increasingly polluted environment until huge consequences occur, or whether everyone will contribute to a healthier and cleaner environment. The practical part is very important in which teachers can influence children, both in everyday life and habits, and with additional classes, if possible in nature, socializing and trips to parks. Occasional theoretical lectures should also be held so that children better understand their role and responsibility for this planet.

    Amna Hebib, PO3

  55. Eco-friendly teaching and learning as part of educational practices is aimed to develop environmental awareness and commitment to environmental conservation in students. Through eco-friendly programs children can learn about importance of sustainability and how to live more sustainably. We as educators should engage them in green practices and cultivate eco-friendly habits. The purpose of such efforts is hopefully better future – healthy planet and healthy people. Schools and other educational institutions can promote ecological sustainability by providing education on the subject and setting an example, i.e. introducing eco-friendly practices into daily school life. Schools can implement comprehensive approach and incorporate environmental themes into various school subjects. We are already facing climate change that could have devastating effects in the future if we do not act today. In my opinion the best way to teach small children to act more responsible is to engage them in hands-on activities and by setting good example. There are numerous ways we can show them how to recycle and reuse waste and make them appreciate nature, save energy, reduce water consumption etc. In my art classroom there is practice of separating old paper for recycling (making new paper out of it), we use paper from both sides, reuse old drawing and painting materials, make junk sculptures (assemblages) and collages, learn about environment (nature as subject of art), use natural materials to draw (charcoal, natural pigments) and we often go digital to reduce use of paper. As for my eco-friendly practices, I try to live minimalist life as much as it is possible, and that means purchasing and wasting less. I travel by public transport and use bike whenever it is possible.
    Arnela Mujkanović, PO3, vanredan


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