We are what we eat


This phrase is the notion that to be fit and healthy you need to eat proper food. Food is one of the most important factors in our overall health. The food we eat literally becomes who we are, and influences our physical, mental and even emotional well-being. We are what we eat because each food we choose is a collection of molecules of information-messages to the body. We digest or breakdown the food into smaller units to help “run the operations” of the body. In essence, what is put into the body is what the body will use in the construction and replacement of its cells, hormones and neurotransmitters. Therefore, food is like a real 'fuel' to our body.

Unfortunately, our modern diet has become more and more intolerable to our natural state of being, where many illnesses and diseases in the body are coming from what we eat and our general lifestyle. What we eat is not always what our body is asking for. We have become a nation who indulges in excess on foods and in particular those that are deeply harmful to our body. Today’s fast  foods and processed foods are known to be high in sugar and saturated fats, both of which have a negative effect on the body. If we add to this our daily intake of caffeine in coffee or tea, plus sweets, smoking or alcohol, and poor level of physical exercise, it isn't any surprise that we have so many types of health complications and illnesses nowadays. It has been proven that a poor diet may cause many health problems such as hypertension, heart and blood vessels diseases, obesity, and diabetes. Besides, having a poor diet and making ill choices in what foods we eat means that our immune system will be low and we are more susceptible to the colds and flu that may be around.

On the other hand, nutritious food choices not only contribute to optimal physical health but can actually be a tool for supporting and even improving our mental health. Our body has a natural way of living and being, which requires food to nourish and support it to function at an optimum level. Each organ and every cell in our body has a job to do and food plays a big part by supplying nutrients and giving the body energy and hydration – and all these things are necessary for us to stay alive. Eating a sensible diet which has variety will support us to absorb the nutrients we need and increase our resilience against infection and live a longer and healthier life.


Interesting fact: It was in the context of the stress and turmoil of the German revolution in 1848 that the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach used this famous phrase: “We are what we eat”. 


Questions for discussion:

How would you describe the saying 'We are what we eat'?

Do you think that the saying 'We are what we eat' is true? Why? / Why not?

Does it also refer to our mental health? How?

Is this topic relevant to your field of study and your future profession of a teacher / an educator? Why (not)? How?


  1. "Everything we put into our body through diet builds and changes us, and what we take in depends on our strength, our health and our lives." Every 35 days, our skin is replaced. Our liver, about a month. Our body creates new cells from the food we eat. What we eat, you literally become YOU. We have the choice to choose what we will be made of. Hence the fact "We are what we eat."
    I think it’s a true saying, because it really is. Food is very important, and eating food that makes us happy does not work so happily on our body. Poor nutrition leads to a number of diseases. Our health is most important to us… it should be!
    Aspartame is used in more than 6,000 products as an artificial sweetener, and it is a toxic substance that poses serious risks to public health. However, the public may not be aware of how deadly this sugar substitute can be. With food that "cools" we will survive the summer easier.
    People who avoid eating meat are in poorer mental health than those who eat it, new research has shown - new research has shown. The researchers reviewed 18 previous studies on the link between meat consumption and mental health (which is narrowed down to depression, anxiety, self-harm, stress perception and quality of life.) .
    Researchers found clear evidence that those who refrained from eating meat had a higher rate or risk of depression, anxiety and self-harm than those who did not. Dobersek also cited in the study how some individuals struggling with mental illness they can change their diet as a form of self-medication.
    This topic is relevant to my future teaching profession. Schools should be friends of healthy eating. Through fun and play, we can involve children in preparing a healthy meal. Teachers should be an example to children. Children mostly imitate a teacher. We need to participate together and act as one team. We will arrange to bring a different kind of fruit for snacks every day. Instead of juices, we will carry water. Sometimes we can throw in an unhealthy snack, but we’ll point out that these are exceptional occasions.

    1. “Children mostly imitate a teacher. “

      Dear Merjema,
      I like this thought!

    2. Fruits is important in a healthy diet, so I want to ask you which one is your favorite!?

    3. Merjema, great! I like your way of thinking. Our future profession is good opportunity to build some good and heathy habits in children.

      Amra Ivazović, RN3

    4. I think thar your idea about bringing different kind of fruit for snacks every day is great! I love it! I think that would be very interesting for children. Great one! 👍
      Ilma Purić, RN (treca godina)

  2. This phrase was first said several centuries ago and it is still relevant. Life is impossible without food. Food is one of the primary sources of energy for the human body. If we eat healthy food, our body will be happy and healthy. We will have better overall body composition and we will reduce our risk of any chronic disease.
    Yes, I do believe in phrase “We are what we eat”. We are what we eat, so why not we make our life a bowl of strawberries?

    Food actually can affect to our mental helth. “Go clean diet” is a phrase when you cut out “bad food”. If you go clean for just three weeks you will physically and emotionally feel better. Eat reguraly, because if your blood sugar drops you can feel irritable, tired or depressed. If you don’t drink enough water you will be disoriented.

  3. I think we are more than what we eat. Yes, food is important in every aspect of our lives. We do need to be careful with what we put in our body, but also overthinking about how and what we eat is bad for us. Overthinking about food is not good for our mental health too. For years people have been so frustrated by diets, especially girls. We have all these models on social media. They look skinny so every girl wants to be like them. They go on crazy diets or don't eat at all. That's just standard problems. They made a wrong picture of how girls "need" to look. I agree, we need to eat healthy food too, but we need to find a balance. Balance is everything in life. Everything we do, we need to do it with balancing. So yes, be careful with what you put into your body, but please don't be obsessed with being skinny and doing your body damage.
    Sukejna Imamović, PO II

    1. I agree with your words Sukejna. Everybody is special and beautiful in their own way. ✌🏻☺️

    2. I agree with Sukejna too! We shouldn't become obsessed with society's beauty standards. Not everyone can or should look like that. Our happiness is way more important than trying to be as skinny as possible. Beauty goes so much deeper than just our physical appearance, maybe we should finally start focusing on the beauty of the mind.

    3. Yes Sukejna, I agree with you for the above facts, but I think that these "models" can serve as a good inspiration and motivation for people who are obese or have a health problem caused by their weight, to turn to a healthy life and greater physical activity, which will certainly contribute to a better way of life for them. What do you think?

    4. Dear Anisa, I agree that sometimes they can, sometimes can't. What I have been seeing is that the past years they had a bad influence on young girls. I hope it's going to get better. This really is a sword with two blades.

    5. I aslo agree with Sukejna, it is much more important for us to be ourselves than to have "perfevt" bodies.

  4. How would you describe the saying 'We are what we eat'?
    Food is one of the most singularly important factors in overall health. The food we eat literally becomes who we are, and influences our physical, mental and even emotional well-being. Unhealthy foods can give us many health problems and we have a choice what to eat, how to actually better ourselves every day, we have many opportunities to choose what to do during the day. It’s on us what to do. A well-balanced diet not only results in better health and overall body composition but it can also make us feel great.
    Do you think that the saying 'We are what we eat' is true? Why? / Why not?
    I think it's to an extent. We can have some treat meals here and there but to eat unhealthy food every single day? That's not okay, at all. It can cause different hormonal imbalances and that can result negatively on our mental health too.
    Does it also refer to our mental health? How?
    Yes, definitely! Let's say one person is eating chocolate every single day for every meal just because it makes them “happy”, but after some time they will get sick of it and it will definitely trigger them at one point. Looking back at their poor choices can make them feel negative about themselves, self-conscious etc. A well-balanced diet is key to feel happy. Healthy food and body – healthy mind.
    Is this topic relevant to your field of study and your future profession of a teacher / an educator? Why (not)? How?
    It's! Healthy food is key for kids and their growth, for their overall functions. As a future educator, my responsibility is telling kids about health and food is one of them.

    Šahinović Aida, ER2.

    1. Aida, this comment is amazing.The proper diet is absolutely important for our physical health.

  5. Odgovori
    1. Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. We often use the analogy that food is fuel for our body, like gas is fuel for our car. The difference is that the engine doesn’t turn into the gas; we do become the food. The energy, composition, and spirit of the food become the energy, composition, and spirit of our whole body whether or not we are aware of it. We Are what we eat because each food we choose is a collection of molecules of information-messages to the body. We digest or breakdown the food into smaller units to help “run the operations” of the body.
      We are what we eat means:
      * if you eat good food you will be healthy, if you eat bad food you will be unhealthy
      * to be hit and healthy, you need to eat good food
      * eat well to feel well

    2. Can you tell us which food is healthy and which food is unhealthy?
      Ilma Purić, RN (treća godina)

    3. Hello Ilma 🌸
      It’s easy to get confused about which foods are healthy and which aren’t. You generally want to avoid certain foods if you want to lose weight and prevent chronic illnesses.

  6. This saying doesn't literally mean that we are what we eat but it is connected with all the adventages and disadventages we get out od the food we eat. It doesn't mean that we become an animal when eating meat, just that we get all the good or bad things that particular food has in itself. This saying is true and false. Depends on coordinating and finding that balance between healthy and unhealthy food. Ur bodies play a big role too, because there are many diseases and disorders that could be the game changer. In my opinion people also need to to take a break sometimes, "treat" themselves with something sweet or fast food. For a person like me, the mind plays the most important part. Mental health is such an important topic and a huge part of every person. If the mind and mental state are not okay, how can the body be? Especially in this time, with all this pandemic going on and in this time where the society standards are placed so wrong. In our profession it plays a major part with the kids because we are the ones who are spending the most important and productive years of their lives with them. In their age, they learn what's happening around them and what are the important and good things and also the bad things. Our job is to teach them that fruits, veggetables and sports are a huge component of a happy and healthy life. All that and having fun, bulding that positive and happy mind. Finding that perfect balance is everything.

    1. Dear Mubina, i love your opinion and I totally agree with you. I love that you mentioned our proffesion and connected it with this subject. Lovely 👍🏼

  7. The saying " We are what we eat", tells us that the right choice of food is very important for our lives. If we eat exclusively or mostly unhealthy food then we are seriously endangering our health. The saying "We are what we eat" is true because if we don't take care of our diet, we run the risk of getting diabetes or some other disease. This saying also applies to mental health. I read somewhere that researchers have proven that eating fast food is associated with depression. After all, when we are sad we eat sweets and give us body too many carbohydrates. This topic is relevant to our field and future profession because we need to constantly remind children of the importance of a healthy diet. We can encourage them to bring and eat fruits and vegetables at school instead of burgers.

    1. I absolutely agree with you. How often do you eat sweets?

    2. I also think we will have a major impact on eating habits of our students, and that we
      should try our best to help them have the healthiest diet they can, because every student has different life circumstances.

    3. Dear Valentina,
      everyday. But, small pieces. Stay health!🌿

  8. It is scientifically proven that body cells are replaced by new ones every month. Food is a very powerful catalyst for many biological processes in human organism. So, if we discuss ' We are what we eat' saying, it actually means that food we consume determines our physical and mental health, appearance and also tells us about person's habits and self-care. I think this saying is absolutely true, but I would also refer to physical activity and environment as important parts of general health. Food is also important for brain functioning. For example, eating more often can improve our memory. If we consume food and drinks reasonably, we become happier and more active, feeling better day by day. This topic is relevant to our field of study because, first of all, as future educators, we need to become an example of taking proper care for our mental and physical health and also our competences include teaching children about healthy diet.

    Nives Pirija, II godina Odsjeka za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju

    1. I totally agree that there are many factors that contribute to our health, and that food is just the beginning of that 'pyramid'. But it's a good way to start the journey to a healthier lifestyle (if we already don't lead one)!

    2. Thank you, Elmina. I hope you are moving to the top of your pyramid.

  9. I would describe the phrase "We are what we eat" as the fact that everything we take into our body is manifested on our body. If we eat fast and processed food, it will certainly show on our body, but in addition we will feel bad, "bloated", tense and unhealthy. If I eat a pizza, french fries or a hamburger, I will automatically feel that way: greasy and unhealthy. For that reason, I think it is true when it says "We are what we eat." When I eat something healthier like fruits or vegetables, my stomach is not "bloated" and I feel calmer. Our lives have become very fast and unhealthy, so for that reason we should not be surprised why we eat fast food. Fast food is much easier and faster to prepare when we are busy, and for me every day is filled with commitments and work. I try to take in as few harmful things as possible, regardless of the accelerated pace of life, and I try to get rid of everything that is harmful to my body and mental health, because unhealthy food really affects our mental health. When I feel depressed and moody, I find consolation in sweets, but we need to understand that sweets make us even more like that. We become addicted, and sweets just deceive us. We young people are exposed to stress and depression and without an unhealthy diet, so we should not allow ourselves to make such things even more difficult and make a "bomb" in the body. Unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle can lead to various diseases and health problems because we burden our heart and blood vessels with sugar and fat deposits. In addition, a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle are certainly relevant theme for our future occupation because we need to encourage children to eat healthy food from an early age and make them aware of how unhealthy food can affect their health. We as educators spend most of our time with children and therefore have a responsibility to bring healthy foods into their lives, not those that are harmful to them. We can present healthy foods to every child in interesting ways and through play in order to love the vegetables and fruits that our body needs. Sometimes it is necessary to "deceive" them by preparing a sliced apple in the shape of french fries instead of french fries, which will look like french fries but will bring in a healthy product. Parents often do not have time to dedicate to their children's diet and to focus on eating only healthy foods, but educators are the ones who should encourage not only children but also parents. From the pre-school period, children should learn healthy habits in order to fall in love with a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible and to be guided in that way in the future. In addition to a healthy diet, we should definitely include daily physical exercise with children in order to acquire physical habits and a sense of activity as soon as possible. As a future educator, I believe that this is the only right and quality way to influence the health of every child.

    Berina Kurt, Odsjek za predškolski odgoj III

  10. A lot of people don't understand that we are what we eat. Food that we eat has a big impact on our body and our health. In order to be fit and healthy we need to eat a good food. We can't only eat fast food. I know it is delicious but it is not good for us. Our body needs vegetables, fruits, meat... You can't be healthy if you don't eat various food. And also don't forget water. Water is better for you than soda.

    Valentina Crepulja

    1. Of course, we are what we eat , but it is important to do some physical activity and live life without stress and worries.

      Amra Ivazović RN3

    2. I agree with you but unfortunately some people have a stressful life because of job they do, so they can't control that but they can control what they eat.

  11. Food is one of human beings’ favorite obsessions. Most people spend a great deal of time physically and mentally preoccupied with food: we organize and prepare meals, we daydream about what is for lunch or dinner; and at the end - we eat. It is indeed true that the quality of food that you take in will do a great deal to determine the quality of life that you live. Food has a huge effect on your health, and a diet rich in one aspect would be an unhealthy diet, in the same way that a diet lacking in a certain nutrient would also affect your health in negative way. A balanced diet is the key and it consists carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. At the end of the day, we can conclude that definitely it is true that what we eat becomes part of us or “we are what we eat”.
    This topic is also very important in our future profession. Teacher should be the one who educate and inspire students to learn about proper nutrition and make good life habits. In addition, teacher is kind of “role model” for students and it means that teacher is not the one who just teach about something but also practice it. The importance of food in life must be emphasized and it is the teacher in whose hands lies the future of many people.

    Emir Hajdarević
    Faculty of Educational Sciences
    Department of Lower Elementary Education
    4th year

  12. Everything we take into our organism affects us in positive or negative way. Food is one of the most important factors in overall health. Unhealthy food in excessive quantities can be 'fatal' for our organism. A poor diet has been proven as a cause of conditions such as hypertension, heart and blood vessels diseases, obesity, and diabetes.
    The food we eat literally becomes who we are, and influences our physical, mental and even emotional well-being. So the saying “we are what we eat” is actually true. It does not mean if we eat hamburger we will become cow, but what we eat really becomes part of us.
    Nutritious food choices not only contribute to optimal brain health but can actually be a tool for supporting and even improving cognition. If we eat nutritious food, we will have more energy and we will be more productive.
    I believe that this topic is one of the crucial for our field of study and our future profession because the teacher is the role model for students. They imitate him and his behavior. During the praxis in one of the schools, I had opportunity to talk with a teacher about this theme. She said that many students follow her behavior and habits and copy it. For example, they follow what she eats for a snack in the pause and in the coming days they bring exactly that for their snack. Every teacher should find a creative way to present to their students food that is rich in nutritional values and those that can possibly be harmful.

    Amra Bajrić, RN IV

  13. If we take the title of this topic literally it becomes really funny to think that, if we eat chicken we will become a chicken. That isn't what this is actually about.
    Food could possibly be one of the most important factors for our overall health. We should choose very wisely what we put into our body because every food item has it's benefits but also the often overlooked side effects. For example, by choosing to eat only fast food and food with very few nutritional benefits, there is a possibility of developing a nutritional deficiency which occurs when the body doesn't absorb the necessary amount of nutrient. This can lead to a variety of health problems such as skin disorders, diabetes, thyroid problems and many other health conditions. Not only can it have a great impact on our physical health, but it can also damage our mental health, causing depression, anxiety, some people even develop various eating disorders. Many of us battle with our weight on a daily basis, trying to loose weight in many different ways such as diets. We tend to forget that diets aren't long term changes that we are going to keep up with. But we shouldn't condemn people based on their weight, there are many health conditions that keep people from loosing or gaining weight. The only way to become healthier is to change the way we eat, reduce unhealthy food and increase the intake of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.
    Sometimes, while trying to keep ourselves physically healthy, we totally forget about our mental health. If we're happy we will make better food choices. On the other hand, some people turn to food when they are stressed or depressed. Some of us overeat in stressful situations, while others don't eat at all.
    In my opinion some people tend to take extreme measures in trying to buy only organic foods and obsessively counting calories. Too much of anything isn't good for us. I believe that the key thing is trying to keep track of our mental health and keeping a balanced diet that makes us feel amazing, everyone is different!
    Monja Ražnatović (PO II)

    1. "Sometimes, while trying to keep ourselves physically healthy, we totally forget about our mental healthy"
      I couldn't agree more with you Monja.

  14. Good evening, everyone! I hope you are doing well in this insane 2020. I am very glad that we are going to work together in this academic year as well, and, above all, I am looking forward to having fun and learning many new things with you.
    Our rhythm of life has become hectic. Unfortunately, we often forget about ourselves in this tough race, which is why it is important to understand that we cannot run it without being healthy. Just like the human body needs cleansing from the outside, it needs cleansing from the inside; none of us avoid showering for days, months or years, so we should not neglect internal hygiene either. One of the key things in this respect is diet.
    In line with the saying “We are what we eat,” if we consume good-quality, nutritious food, our physical health will in turn be improved. If, on the other hand, we eat poor-quality, processed and generally unhealthy food, it is bound to disturb the balance in our body. What we eat directly affects our physical as well as psychological well-being: it can bring about discomfort, anxiety and various health issues, but also relieve pain, boost our energy and make us happy. As for me, I strongly believe that the previously mentioned saying is true and I keep track of how my body reacts to different types of food, given that my intense basketball practice routine demands a wholesome diet. In other words, my meals need to make up for the energy I lose while doing sports. A lot of refined sugar and fat, for example, makes me feel bad in every possible way – it is as simple as that.
    Since the brain takes up 20% of the total energy intake, it needs to be nurtured. Numerous studies show that food can alleviate depression, stress, fatigue, the risk of developing schizoprenia, etc. Two diet regimes which seem to have a particularly positive impact on people’s mental condition are the Mediterranean diet (involving the consumption of healthy fats) and the DASH diet (which is focused on reducing sugar intake). “Intermittent Fasting” has also shown some promise thanks to its calorie reduction effects and timing of meals.
    This topic is of great importance for us as future teachers as we are children’s role-models. Therefore, they will surely try to emulate us in terms of what we bring to school and eat at lunch break. We should educate children in this regard from an early age while encouraging them to employ a healthy diet. The influence of a good teacher can never be erased!
    Sabina Porović, RN4

  15. In order to be fit and healthy, we definitely need to eat healthy, but I believe that there are other factors that affect this, such as our genetics, our metabolism and physical activity. I believe that the phrase "We are what we eat" is true, precisely because the food (and drink) we consume have an impact on both. our body and our mental health. In this regard, I would say that all these fast foods, sweets, snacks, and even caffeine and carbonated juices that we consume, are the reason for our bad mood, weak immunity and poor concentration and the appearance of various diseases such as diabetes, etc. While on the other hand intake of fruits, vegetables, cereals and other healthy foods gives us energy, better concentration and memory, and strengthens our immune system, which is actually the most important thing. I think that this topic can be very useful because we as teachers are the first to come into contact with the youngest age group of children and already at that age we need to teach them about the importance of nutrition, and instruct them to eat healthy and engage in various physical activities to be healthy and strong.

    Anisa Dedić, PO3

    1. Dear Anisa,
      what are your eating habits?

    2. Dear Sukejna, I can't really brag about my eating habits, because I don't really eat that much healthy food, especially vegetables.
      I’ve been trying to correct that lately, so we’ll see the results. Do you have any advice for me?

    3. Dear Anisa, my advice is just eat what you feel is good for you and what you feel your body needs :)

    4. Dear Anisa,
      i often notice that when i eat junk food i feel pressure and i am not in the mood even though i think sweets can cheer me up. It only helps me in the short term, I think I need to change my habits as soon as possible to feel the changes in my life.
      Dalila Kadunić, III, PO

  16. I think this subject is very important for people who plan on teaching/caring for kids, because food is a big part of everyone's life. It's existential and benificial for us and our health. It's good for us to know what a healthy diet is because we will be role models for kids in the future, doesn't matter if we want to or not. It's also very important to implement that healthy diet in our daily life, because kids mostly lead by example. It's also good for our health too, because our health both pshysical and mental is in a large way a mirror of what we eat. But with that said, we must not overthink every bite we take. It can negatively impact our mental health. Change, be a good one or a bad one, doesn't happen over night. We won't become healthy with one good meal, or become unhealthy with one bad meal. It's important we get into good habits with eating, and to try our best!

    1. Great Elmina! I agree with you that we need to know what a healthy and proper diet is. We have to pass that knowledge on to the children.

      Valentina Crepulja

  17. The topic of a healthy diet is extremely important. The more we talk about what we eat, what we should eat and we should not, the more we find out what is healthy and desirable for our organism, and what is not. Of course, this is how we affect our health. The saying: „We are what we eat“ is true in my opinion – because if we are aware of the importance of a healthy diet, we will dedicate more time to prepare food for ourselves and our family. I think that the fast pace of life led us to poor nutrition and fast cooking and fast food. Today, we all work hard, spend all our energy there "somewhere", for an employer, and earn money to feed our family. And then when we get home, we are exhausted and tired, so we are not able to make a quality meal and feed the family. Then only one thought goes through our heads: "What should I (we) eat now, to quench hunger as soon as possible, and spend less time on that?" Unfortunately. We are too tired and careless that what we eat really affects our health. We are not fully aware of that, it seems to me. This is my personal example, and through talking to my friends, I know that their situation is the same or similar. Furthermore, what we eat is very much related to our mental health, and science has proven that certain foods improve our various functions, improve our mental development, etc. For example, nuts and walnuts improve the work of our brain - when we think a little better and look at the walnut, we will notice that the nut has the shape of a brain. Then all the dices will match in your head. Yes, nuts affect brain function! Food also affects our mental health, because when we go to Mc Donald's, we eat a couple of burgers that are delicious (and we don't think about how they are too fat), and then we drink Coca-cola - we don't function. We need at least half an hour for normal operation and re-functioning. We overcame the organism, ingested unhealthy food, and prevented ourselves from functioning normally. Therefore, the more we eat healthy, we will more feel healthy and functional (usable).
    In conclusion, this topic is especially important for us as future educators, because we must be aware of our responsibilities and role in the proper development of the child's personality and body. If we allow a child to eat unhealthily, we also approve of being overweight, which can be a big problem at that age. Why? Excessive weight gain and an unhealthy diet can affect the appearance of various diseases, including chronic diseases. Ask yourself, do you want us to raise children who have some physical limitations, chronic diseases, and a bad immune system from an early age? The answer is NO! Therefore, the sooner we realize the importance of a healthy diet, start applying it, and not be lazy to prepare for ourselves, only then will we be able to teach children a healthy lifestyle. Educators are the best example to follow, so let's try to be the best example of proper education.
    And finally, in a healthy body, a healthy mind. But what will happen when there is an unhealthy spirit in an unhealthy body? It may be important to them that they are full, happy, and fat. He sees himself as a "hamburger" and thinks, "I don't care"unfortunately,  let's not be like them. 

    Melina Dragunić, PO3

    1. I really like your review on a given topic, you have elaborated it and supported it with arguments. It is important to point out, as you have already stated, that the educator has a big role in children's nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. We are one of them, so we take care of the way we live and our diet, but also about the way children live and their diet. Considering children learn by model, let us be a quality model from which they will learn positive and useful things about every segment of human life.

  18. I think that food that we eat really does have a lot affect on us, on our health and sometimes it can affect out mood, but we need to realise that we are not what we eat. We have to mostly choose healthy food, because of our health. Something that we have to realise is that we exaggerate with our food, even if it’s healthy, it can be really bad for us. Beside that, mainly when someone says something about health, we remember diet. Term health changes from one person to another. For someone diet can be bad for their health. Because of this reason we can not be what we eat. It’s not what we eat, it’s how much we eat. We can eat fast food in small amounts and it won’t affect our health. For almost everything we say that middle is the best. We need to say that for food too. That’s how it won’t affect us in any way. People need to realise that we are what we accomplish and achieve in our life. We are what we present the world about us.

    1. I love your point of view! I agree with you one hundred percent

    2. Hi Rumejsa, I agree with your words and I love how you also think about balance and that the middle is the best. Wise words ✌🏻

  19. Food has big impact on our body and health. If you want to be healthy, you need to eat healthy food and live healthy life. For example, you need to be active at least 60 minutes per day. Also, water is one of the most important things. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
    Berina Vatrenjak, RN3

  20. I heard so many times "you are what you eat" sentence, so I started to wonder is it really like that. Of course its not. The food we eat does not define us. It is all about how we feel when we eat it. If I feel hapy and satisfied eating chocolate, I will keep eating it no matter what anyone else is going to say. Just like anyone else, I really hope that you guys like your bodies, I love mine and I attend to make it better and healthier every day, so if I notice that something is harming me I will stop doing it. I think exercising is very important, it will make our body stronger, push our limits and wach out everything bad from our bodies.
    Out body is our temple and if we want our temple to be strong we have to work on it.
    In conclusion I would like to say, eat what ever you like, drink what ever you want, laugh and enjoy in every momet and you will have a healthy life. The state of mind is much more important than the way our bodies look.
    Lejla Bisić, PO2

    1. I love the fact that you included how important is to love yourself and love your body always. I like your opinion, Lejla.

    2. "Oue body is our temple and if we want our temple to be strong we have to work on it." I love this way of thinking so much Lejla!! PO II

  21. I heard many times „We are what we eat“. It have sense. We ingest food in our organism, we control that. So what we eat stays with us, describe us, build us, affect on our health, behavior, mood. And yes, it is true. We are what we eat. It refers to out mental health because we also feed our brain what condition mental health. This topic is relevant to my field of study and my future profession of a teacher. We have to affect the health of our pupils. They have to be aware what they eat and what that is healthy. We will be attitudes and we can affect on them and them reflections.

    Ena Brkić, RN4

  22. The phrase, "We are what we eat", can be taken both literally and metaphorically. As pointed out in this text, the human body is being reconstructed daily on a cellular level, old cells die off, and new ones take their place through the process of cell division and reproduction. This process requires constant fuel intake, which humans accomplish via eating food. Thus, a human's body is literally made of that which they eat. Eating healthy foods is a sign of a healthy mind, one which cares about the body it inhabits and eating and unhealthy diet indicates the reliance on base instincts of instant gratification. Of course, it must be pointed out that most foods are not unhealthy just by existing, but due to their high calorie composition, which is not then properly processed via physical excercise. Also worth mentioning that, while talking with mental health in mind, "comfort foods" are a thing, and as such cannot just be ruled out, but can be used if the intake is regulated properly, instead of just abstaining from eating them completely and risking withdrawal and mental health deterioriation. As a future teacher working with small children, part of my job is instilling good eating habits into their lives, just as much as good work ethics, morality or basic information is. And in my opinion, good eating habits are all about balance.

    Lejla Hodžić, RN4

    1. Dear Lejla, I absolutely agree with you. That's just what I said in my comment. We are responsible for those little children and for their eating habits as well as for their education.
      Almedina Kulaš, RN 4.


  23. Of course, food is our daily need and it is extremely important what kind of food, how much and when we take it into the body. The first rule when eating is moderation and developing healthy eating habits. Diet has a strong effect on physical and mental health. We should not overdo it with food as it negatively affects mental health. That is why it is important to take in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins as well as water intake. Water is a key factor in human existence. We should also mention that regular physical activity helps to improve health and reduces the risk of developing the disease.
    Klaudija Žuljević, RN3.


  24. This phrase is very popular in the world and every human knows what this phrase means. This phrase means that the food we eat literally becomes who we are, and influences our physical, mental and emotional well-being.
    I think this phrase is true because we build our own health and happiness. In healthy body is health spirit.
    This topic is relevant to my future teaching proffesion because I am the person who will teach kids what they should eat and what is unhealthy. I must show what healthy life look like. Our body is very important and we must take care about our habbits.

    Martina Galić, RN3

  25. We all know this phrase for whole life. We heard that so many times, and I think it is true because we should take care of our body and health. The food we eat literally becomes who we are and influence our physical and mental health. In essence, what is put into the body is what the body will use in the construction and replacement of its cells, hormones and neurotransmitters. Our body has a natural way of living and being, wich requires food to nourish and support it to function at an optimum level. Eating a sensible diet wich has variety will support us to absorb the nutrients we need and increase our resilience against infection and live a longer and healthier life. This topic is relevant because I should represent kids what are good habits and how healthy food look like.

    Antonela Vidović, RN3.

  26. Food is one of the basic factors of our health. What we eat affects our body, but also our mental health. There is no doubt that if we eat healthy, we will be healthy, but will we be completely happy? I'm not in my best mood without candies. I think that sometimes we need to give ourselves that pleasure and eat something that is not healthy, because maybe that will improve our mood. But not to overdo it though healthy foods should make up most of our meal. There is a lot of evidence that people have improved their health with just a healthy diet, without medicine.

    Lejla Bužo, RN4

  27. We are what we eat. Everything that we take into our body through diet builds us but at the same time changes us, and our physical and mental health and emotional status depend on what we take in. Many times I have met a person who unfortunately has problems with his mental health due to eating too much unhealthy food and many of these people have been depressed or have low confidence. If a person gets used to fast food from an early age, such as hamburgers, pizza, and Coca-cola, that person is likely to have obesity problems in the near future. Unfortunately, once we get used to unhealthy food we will hardly be able to overcome that habit. As much as unhealthy food affects our mental health, it also affects our physical health. Due to consuming too much unhealthy food, there is a possibility of various diseases, including chronic ones. Unfortunately, today we are exposed to lack of time so many of us often consume unhealthy foods but still, many of us have a faster metabolism so this will not negatively affect their health. Many scientific studies have concluded that our body needs more fruits and vegetables than fast food. If we consume a higher amount of healthy food than toast every day, then we are on the right track. Our body billable should not expose harmful substances but we should keep a healthy energy source. But our health depends not only on our diet but also on our physical activity. Physical activity has a great impact on our health as well as food. In addition to a healthy diet, daily physical activity is recommended for better metabolism. For example, my personal experience is this: if I wake up earlier in the morning and go for a run with more water and then provide myself with a healthy breakfast with certain amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and sugar, my day automatically improves, my mood is higher than usual and most importantly I feel better. Therefore, I claim that the saying we are what we eat is quite true. It is important to note that our profession is closely related to nutrition. Educators are people who spend most of their time with children, which leads to influences on many habits, skills, etc. Therefore, the educator should take care of the child's diet, more precisely, give the children healthy food every day with occasional enjoyment with sweets. It is important to create a vision of a healthy diet in children from an early age, and that the habit itself arises from that. Every child who eats healthier has a healthier and happier childhood with maximum mobility and maximum energy source. Preschool children need a great source of energy to acquire new knowledge, skills, habits, and this is exactly what a healthy diet allows us to do. Of course, both children and adults need a "Day off" where we will treat ourselves to a piece of chocolate cake. I believe that we should all be guided by the saying "In a healthy body is a healthy spirit" and therefore conceptualize your diet.

    1. A healthy diet is really the path to mental health. Also, if I get up earlier, and treat myself with a healthy breakfast and any sort of physical activity, whether it is running or brisk walking - I can call that day a success. I feel more fresh, healthier and happier. :)

  28. Our phyiscal and mental well-being is directly linked to what we eat and also drink.Our bodies are replacing bilions of cells every day and using the food we consume as the source.I thnik we need to pay attention to how much we eat.Nutrients suggest to eat different types of food like fruits,vegetables ,protein...to have more energy,sleep better ,be stonger and also think better.What you eat literally becomes you.Everyone in this planet sometimes eat unhealthy food.But also everyone knowns that unhealthy food is not good for our body .In the end people are the ones who makes decisions for themselves and their health.
    I also want to tell something about online education .In the last maybe 15 years the Internet has grown from non -existent into the largest and most accessible things today that we use.Everythng is chance the way people communicate,do business and also think about knowledge and learning.Today in the time of pandemic of Corona virus is good to stay home and do our work from our home because in this way as experts say we protect each other .But online classes has it own good and bad things.Good things are : time saving,more time to search different topics that we learn in school ,teacher is more avaliable for consultains and also more time for us individual activitiy .On the other hand bad things are that we can not control eletricity,internet ,sometimes teacher do not have empty and understanding fot their students.It is now up to all of us to give our best and wait to everything return to our ordinary lives.

    Ilda Halilović,RN3.

  29. Our phyiscal and mental well-being is directly linked to what we eat and also drink.Our bodies are replacing bilions of cells every day and using the food we consume as the source.I thnik we need to pay attention to how much we eat.Nutrients suggest to eat different types of food like fruits,vegetables ,protein...to have more energy,sleep better ,be stonger and also think better.What you eat literally becomes you.Everyone in this planet sometimes eat unhealthy food.But also everyone knowns that unhealthy food is not good for our body .In the end people are the ones who makes decisions for themselves and their health.
    I also want to tell something about online education .In the last maybe 15 years the Internet has grown from non -existent into the largest and most accessible things today that we use.Everythng is chance the way people communicate,do business and also think about knowledge and learning.Today in the time of pandemic of Corona virus is good to stay home and do our work from our home because in this way as experts say we protect each other .But online classes has it own good and bad things.Good things are : time saving,more time to search different topics that we learn in school ,teacher is more avaliable for consultains and also more time for us individual activitiy .On the other hand bad things are that we can not control eletricity,internet ,sometimes teacher do not have empty and understanding fot their students.It is now up to all of us to give our best and wait to everything return to our ordinary lives.

    Ilda Halilović,RN3.

  30. The food that we eat affects our health, our energy level, our mood, even our behavior so it's very important to be careful with the food we intake. If we eat healthy and natural food like vegetables, fruits and other healthy food, it contributes to the improvement of our skin and other organs, but if we do not eat this, we could harm our body. I will share with you an experience from elementary school:
    When I was still in elementary school my teacher Aida told us that we are not allowed to bring chips and coca cola to school. She was very careful about what we eat and constantly said at parent meetings that parents also take care of our food at home. She also arranged with the cooks at the school to prepare quality food for us.
    I like the way she took care of us and that experience will always be on my mind so I can do it with my class in the future.

    Nejla Šehić, RN 2.

  31. Hello,
    some people say: we are what we eat. I absolutely agree with this.You may have a fit body or quite overweight. Your appearance showed us what you ate. Eating too much or too little are both not good. We should keep a balanced diet. For example, many people have meals too late because they have to work overtime, which leads to stomachache. Or a hungry man is eating too much to stop his hunger so what’s next. The answer is that he’ll get a pain in his stomach. Children always prefer candies, chocolate than vegetables and fruits. They think spinach is terrible but chocolate is doesn’t. Actually, those food contain a lot of sugar so children can get fat. Now, with high living condition, many children get this disease easily. Fast food such as hambuger, hot dogs, pizza, fried chicken- everybody loves it because it is not only delicious but also convenient. However, it is not good for your health.

    Mustafić Alma, RN2.

  32. I believe that everything we take into our body is a mirror of our health. I agree with the saying We are what we eat. Absolutely that what we eat affects our mental health. As a future educator, I think it is important from the earliest period to tell children about healthy food, how it affects their body and to understand everything they take into the body is a mirror of their health.We should be an example to children, because they do the same as us. Sometimes we can eat something that is unhealthy. And we need to know that a lot of products look healthy, but they are not. Ena Alomerović, PO4

    1. Hello Ena. You said nice. Health is between healthy and unhealthy. 😁

  33. An excellent topic for processing with children. I am an advocate of a healthy diet, although sometimes I give myself a break for something less healthy. Not everything that is green needs to be healthy. I think that as a future educator I will take care of what and how children consume food.

    Antonia Bonić PO 4

    1. Hi Antonia! I agree with you that everything that is green does not have to be healthy.

      Ena Alomerović, PO4

  34. I agree with most of the things my friends in class said. "We are what we eat"- I partly agree with this statement. What we eat and bring in our body has a lot of effect not just on health but our mood too. And if our mood isn't good and if we feel bad about ourselves, we probbably won't be acting the best way we can towards other people that soround us. Which can only make us feel even worse. So eating healthy food is very important, hust like having time for our meals and time for making food that's healthy for our body. Food as I said not only affects our body health but our mental health too. So I would say food has a big impact (maybe not a 100% impact but maybe 50% of it) on what we are, so yeah, we should take care of what we bring in our bodies.
    Mia Vizdal RN2 , 2785.

  35. We are what we eat.
    What we eat affects our body, but also our mental health. A healthy food may contain fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and includes little to no processed food and sweetened beverages. The requirements for a healthy food can be met from a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods. And I think that health is something between healthy and unhealthy.
    Nejla Osmanović, 2683
    RN III

    1. Hello Nejla, in your opinion... Are you more healthy or unhealthy person? Do you like more pizza or some broccoli?

      Lejla Pleho RN III

  36. The old adage “We are what we eat” is only partly true, at best.

    We eat vegetables but we are not vegetables. Similarly, those of us who eat meat are, in a real sense, meat – but we are not chickens or pigs. And almost all humans would recoil at just the thought of eating another human.

    Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that what we eat defines who we are, what we feel and how we see our place in the world. As I explored in a previous column, whatever we eat has some kind of environmental and social impact. But it is also self-evident that some kinds of food have a greater impact than others.

    Nejra Ramovic, 2457
    RN III

  37. I think that the food we take has a very big impact on our physical and mental health. If you spend entire life eating unhealthy, your body is going to show that eventually and same goes for healthy. Well balanced diet, physical activity and taking care of mental health can be crucial for human life. “We are what we eat” is true saying for me, because I think that good food can give you health, glow and energy that you need and it’s going to show even more when you get older. I think that these are really important topics for us future preschool teachers, because we need to be conscious about what we give to the children. We have to teach them about how important is to eat healthy and try to include that in their everyday lives.

    Neira Licina PO2

  38. Hello,
    Some people say: we are what we eat. I absolutely agree with this. Staying health is the most impotant thing. A way to maintain good health is from exercise, eating healthy foods, getting enough rest, keeping good hygiene. I also think we should keep balanced diet because eating too much or too little are not good. I think this is a relevant topic for my future job because. Children always prefer candies, chocolate than vegetables and fruits, those food contain a lot of sugar so children can get fat. Exercise will help to control your weight. Experts recommends children and teens to get at least an hour of exercise everyday. Adults should exercise for two hours and thirty minutes weekly. Food is the major factor of healthy life. To always be healthy, we should eat vegetables and fruit as many as we can. We should drink 2 liter water a day. Remember always we are what we eat so be smart in choosing food. Healthy foods like lean meats , fruits, vegetables can give energy and improve individuals health and mood. Because of this I think food affects our mental health. Eat well to feel well.
    Lejla Kadić,PO 4.

    1. Lejla, I read your advice that we should drink 2 liter water a day, I really try to drink a lot of water.

      Ajla Hodžić, PO4.

  39. We are what we eat - in every sense.
    Our physical and mental well-being is directly linked to what we eat and drink. A quality and varied diet will strengthen our immunity and make us physically healthy, and it will also have a positive effect on our availability. A diet that is nutritionally rich and based on natural, unprocessed foods makes us full of proteins of plant origin are healthier than those of animal origin.This does not mean that meat should be excluded from the diet,
    but it should be eaten in smaller quantities and preference should be given to vegetables and fruits. The fruit will lift our spirits as well. It is not said for no reason that an apple a day drives a doctor out of the house.
    We can teach children about healthy eating. Children need to know if they are eating healthy that they will be healthy.
    We need to talk often about healthy foods, rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. This doesn’t have to be done always with the story, we can also play the play. We, the teachers, can organize physical activity as well as musical activity. Our advantage is that children love colorful colors, so we can easily attract children to love fruits and vegetables. If there are still children who do not like healthy food, we can make certain "masks" out of the food, so children can eat
    from eggs, "nose" from peppers, etc.
    Ajla Hodžić, PO4.

  40. Health is the only thing that we can't buy. Because of that we need to take care of our diet. The most important thing is that we need to be responsible with amount calories we take during one day. Our meals need to be full of vitamins and minerals beacuse It is important for mental health, too. That helps our memory, optimal brain health and normal everyday functions. From early chilhood we are told that fruits are the best meal we have during day and thats important throughout life. With healthy diet, It is important that we stay hydrated.

    My future job is connected with the earliest period of childs life and it is very important that we provide them with healthy habits. Sweets are also necessary but in normal amounts, like everything.

    Ilma Latic, PO4

    Ilma Latic, PO4

  41. Food is very important for our overall health. In order to be healthy and in shape, we need to eat healthy food. Only with such food can we successfully affect our physical, mental and even emotional ability. Food is actually our fuel, something that drives our Unfortunately, our daily fast food is becoming increasingly unbearable for our body. We enjoy such food, but it is not what our body is looking for. We consciously harm ourselves even if we know that a lot of sugar and fat negatively affect our body. diet causes many health problems such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes. With such food we only weaken our immune system, which we really need during this period.
    The saying "We are what we eat" is true. Because it speaks to what we want to be. Does it mean that we want to live longer, healthier and happier or that we visit the doctor regularly. It is up to us to decide. Healthy food affects our mental health. It improves our behavior, state of consciousness, emotional reactions, motivation, memory, thoughts and decision making.
    This topic is very relevant for our future teaching profession. We as teachers need to instruct students on the importance of a healthy diet, how such a diet has a positive effect on our body.

    Aida Kaltak
    RN III

  42. ‘You are what you eat’ - You will see this phrase on social media, many billboards in your city, you will hear a lot about it from your family, friends, teachers.. Basically, it means that it is important to eat good food in order to be healthy and fit. ‘We are what we eat’ is saying that what we choose to eat is who we are. But, are we what we eat?
    Many people consider that dieting is what will make them look better and feel better about themselves. And by diet, I mean restriction and choosing not to eat everything you crave. Remember, you can make progress with your body and also with your mental health (which is very important) WITHOUT a diet, WITHOUT restriction and WITHOUT being miserable. It is very important to eat freely and to love every minute of it. I would really like to speak from my personal experience and to explain what this phrase means to me. I have just changed my eating habits to clean eating and overall making healthier food choices but I'm still eating whatever I want. If I want a cookie I will eat 6... I've learned to accept the body I've been given with a healthy lifestyle and everyone should too. And it is not easy because convincing your mind is a hard game to play but I promise it is a much happier life. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses. Unhealthy diets can ultimately increase your risk of psychiatric and neurologic conditions, such as depression and dementia, whereas healthy diets can be otherwise protected against such conditions. What other things could you be thinking about if you didn't spend all your time thinking about your diet? So yes, you are what you eat, but what YOU choose to eat. As long as you're healthy and staying active, that's all that matters. Unfortunately, you can't be healthy if you are constantly eating fast food. So, the balance is the key. While you are eating nutrient-dense foods and exercising regularly it wil make you healthier. And it has nothing to do with your body. A healthy body is the ideal body type, and that will look different for every person. Enjoy the journey of connecting to the wonder of your body and the many ways you can choose how to be by what you eat!

    Aida Tajić, II godina, Odsjek za razrednu nastavu

  43. We are what we eat.. Hmm YES definitely! Meaning of this sentence is complitely clear. When I eat junk food like hamburger od some cheesburger I feel fat just like that one 😁 I feel so much better when I eat healthy food and I feel stronger when I drink water. With healthy food I think I'm looking like asparagos😉.

    Lejla Pleho, RN III

  44. My opinion is that the saying “We are what we eat” is completely true. The food we take into our body is more than just the need to satisfy the need to survive. Food in every way affects our physical health, but also mental health. There are many healthy foods that both improve our condition. Food that has a positive effect on our body and food that has a negative effect. But also, we must mention our mental state which is equally related to the food we eat. When we are depressed, nervous we often eat sweets because we expect them to make us happy.
    It is very important that teachers, as someone who has an impact on students, make good use of it. We need to eat healthy first and foremost and this is the best example that students can see. Everyone loves more and more effective works. Therefore, the healthy habits of the teacher are close to the healthy habits of the students. Everyone should pay attention to that.

  45. It is very important which food we are consuming. Many people say that health comes through our mouth. I thing that it's true. If we eat fast food, drink cola and some other soft drinks, we will become fat. If we become fat, we will be sad, in depression, with many health problems. That is not something that we need. Our life needs to be in many colours, needs to be fresh. We need to be fresh, like healthy food. Fruit, vegetables, red meet, natural juices, water, that is something that makes us stronger, full of energy. Food that we eat, reflex on us, our personality. It is very important for our mental health. This topic is very important for my field of study and my future profession as a teacher. Mental helath is the most important thing in our life. Without mental health, we don't have body health.

    Magdalena Milišić, 2. godina, Edukacija i rehabilitacija

  46. ‘We are what we eat’ is saying that what we choose to eat is who we are. I agree with that.
    We often use the analogy that food is fuel for our body, like gas is fuel for our car. The difference is that the engine doesn’t turn into the gas; we do become the food. The energy and spirit of the food become the energy and spirit of our whole body whether or not we are aware of it. We need to be careful with what we eat and put in our body. We should keep a balance around the time we eat during the day. Eating too much or too little are bad for us and our health.
    Healthy and normally eating doesn’t have to be overly complicated. 

    Berina Lemezan, RN III.

  47. I don't agree with thw given title. We can't judge people on the basis of appearance. We don't know what a person is going through at that moment. An overweight person may have health problems. Maybe that person isn't as lazy as we thought. Perhaps the underweight person has anorexia.
    However, I agree that food has a huge impact on our health and that we can use food as a prevention in the development of certain diseases.
    One study found that smokers who eat nuts reduce their risk of lung cancer. Another example is that ginger isn't favourite food, because of its strong taste. The results of a study published in the British journal " Nutrition" showed that ginger extract can kill prostate cancer cells without touching healthy ones. There are many more examples.
    The most important thing is that our look must not be a measure of whether someone is living a healthy lifestyle. We shouldn't create prejudices.

    Sadiković Alema, Edukacija i rehabilitacija, 2. Godina

  48. This phrase „We are what we eat“ is well known to all of us. It is important to watch carefully what we eat. For example a person who looks weak and does not live healthy lifestyle will feel lonely, and they will not be happy. Therefore, if we want good looking, clever mind and make friends, we should eat healthy. A good mind can be developing if people eat healthy food, and this is especially necessary for children. We have to make sure that food that we are taking contains enough of nutrients like vitamin, fiber, carbohydrate, water and others.
    This topic is relevant for my future teaching proffesion because teacher are other parents, and it is very important what kind of examples and advices we will sent for children. If I like teacher do not practise healthy lifestyle and do not show them, I can not to expect it by them. This is very simply.

    Ana Gluvić, RN III.

  49. I agree with the statement "We are what we eat", because everything we eat is absorbed into our body and when the food passes through our intestines, it is broken down and absorbed by out body and the nutrients are sent to places all over our body. And our bodies remember all the food we have eaten in our life. It's possible to prove it scientifically. For example, in forensic science, the scientists use hair samples because they are much like layers of the earth. If the person had done drugs for a period of time then stopped, their hair would show this. If they went vegan, their hair would show this. Everything we take into our body becomes our body. It's very important for us, as a teachers to eat healthy and to teach our students to eat healthy, because we are their role-model and they like to do whatever we do.

    Almedina Kulaš, RN 4.

  50. I think it's all in our head. Our body is built to take all kind of food, salty, sweety, spicy etc. It's true >fast food is unhealthy< but also if your body need that its okay to eat sometimes.
    The most important thing it's to eat diverse food every day :))
    Jasmina Omerović RN 3

  51. Having a healthy diet has a lot of impact on both our physical and our mental health.
    It is very important to establish good eating habits from our early ages. Our eating habits should consist of eating food that gives us vitamins, that are high in fiber, magnesium and other important nutrients. We can find those nutrients in fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fish, and we should replace our bad eating habits with healthy food. We should avoid eating fast food full of oils and fat, sugary drinks and sodas.
    Not only does food have inpact on our physique, but it also has a big impact on our mental health. Poor eating habits can result in eating disorders. We can develop an unhealthy relationship with food and even become obsessed with it.
    That is why it is important to have a good relationship with food and healthy eating habits since our earliest ages.
    Adisa Topalović, POIII

    1. Dear Adisa,
      reading your sentences I came to the conclusion that it is very important that we eat healthy food for our health, not just looks and I think that you you're right, I agree with you.
      Dalila Kadunić, PO, III

  52. I definitely agree with statement we are what we eat. We all have to be really careful with what we put in our body but also i think that overthinking about what we eat is bas for our health. The food we eat literally becomes who we are and influences our mental, physical and emotional life. Unhealthy food can give us many health problems if we eat it every day, but we should also take a break sometimes and eat whatever we want. We should teach our students about healthy habits and make them love fruits, vegetables and all the health food. Also we should teach them how important is to have physical activities. We should fine creative way to present this to our students (maybe through game?) It's important we teach them about good habits with eating in order to have good and healthy life.
    Aida Delizaimovic, RN3

  53. Food is one of the most important factors in health. The food we eat becomes who we are, and influences our mental and pysical health. Each organ has a job to do, and food is a big part, it gives the body energy and hydration. Fast food and sweets have a lot of sugar, and have negative effects on our body . Having a bad diet and making bad choices in food will low our immune system. Vitamins and minerals are important. We will feel better, we will feel younger. "Bad food" is delicious, but we have to love and respect our body . As future teachers we have to be example to the kids , and teach them to have a healthy life.

  54. "We are what we eat" - I think that is partly true. In addition to it food meet basic needs, food also gives us a sense of happiness. Of course unhealthy food affects our health, but also too much thinking about it impairs mental health. There should be a balance in everything, including healthy and unhealthy food.
    The topic is important for our future profession because children should be taught from an early age to acquire healthy habits and eat healthily.

  55. I think that phrase "We are what we eat" is correct and has sense. For example, doctors, coaches and influencers they always say that it isn't enough just to train some sport, go to the gym or do workout at home. They say we need to balance it, food and activity. Healthy and correct diet for someone sounds like nightmare because many people haven't quality education about it. If we want to be good and happy physically and mentally we have to take care of what we eat. For example, when I am not happy about how I look or how I feel I like to write everything that I do or eat that day and it help me to be better and give me some motivation for next day. I like to write some diary and I like organization so I try to plan my meals just like I plan my days. My problem is vegetables beacuse I don't know how to combinate it whit some food that I like to eat. I think that I have some good recipes for vegetables. On the other hand, I really like furits and I can't to decide what is my favourite. I can say that I like every fruits in every season.
    For the end, I have to say that we have to take care of our diet and what we eat, we have to take care of ourselves because if we don't, then who will? :)

    Dalila Kadunić, III godina, Odsjek za predškolski odgoj.

  56. "We are what we eat"
    This sentence is not just phrase people use to say without any argument. At first, food was just something we need to survive, main thing for living. People were eating just because we cant live without food. Nowadays, doctors, nutritionists and other people of knowledge found out that what we eat is not just necessary for life, it is way of life.
    What we eat is important for what do we want of our bodies. For example: If someone work out he has to eat lots of proteins.
    If we eat lot of fast food and sugar, we might gain a lot of unproductive body mass.
    Also, food is important for our mental health. We need to eat something with high nutrition values. For example, eating sugar is highly increasing our "hormons of joy" and that is not good if it is happening rashly, because it can produce opposite effect. We have to pay attention on our health because we cannot control length of our life but we can control its quality.
    Subašić Harun, Odsjek za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, II godina.

  57. Kadira Karavdić, vanredan, PO, IV godina.

    I would interpret the saying “we are what we eat” saying that our our body is actually a measure of our diet. If we eat a lot of unhealthy food, our body will suffer from various diseases of diabetes, high fat, high blood pressure and similar. If we take care of our diet and have increased physical activity we will be much healthier and feel better. In my opinion, this saying is true because of the information above. Every condition of our body also refers to mental health. If the intake of unhealthy food leads to obesity (weight gain), especially in women, it can cause dissatisfaction and lack of self-confidence. When we eat healthily, we feel more relaxed and satisfied. We do not expect condemnation from the environment, which is present in situations of unhealthy eating. We are not afraid to go to the doctor and his comments. This topic is relevant to the area of our study because we, after parents, are most responsible for introducing habits in children. If we teach them as children that it is better to eat fruits and vegetables more than food from McDonald's and fast food, they will apply it when they grow up. It is very important to teach children how important nutrition is for their health and quality development.

    1. excellently written by my colleague Kadir, I agree with you. I believe you will be a great educator.

      Amina Škaljić, vanredan student, PO4

  58. "We are what we eat"
    I think that this saying is very instructive, that this sentence describes everything that happens to us and what fills our body. The saying is very true all the changes in the human body and human psyche, so it reflects on the external appearance. By eating good foods, in addition to maintaining good health, we also maintain external beauty. It greatly affects our mental state, by ingesting harmful materials, we lead to various diseases of the body. One of them is obesity or excess weight, which in people, especially women, leads to mental disorders. Today's trends are improving our health and we are dissatisfied because we are not what time imposes on us. Taking into account today's social network where things are presented in a perfect way, we get a distorted picture of ourselves. We strive to idealize our weight, hair, skin and bones the way people who carry the titles of the most beautiful women and men in the world look like, we give up food from our main source of energy. In our education, especially preschool education, we need to show children in the best way that they are actually beautiful people both mentally and physically, in fact the MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN. That all dissatisfaction comes from improper diet. Children should be persuaded that MC Donald’s and other fast food is not the best choice, we may be full, happy, satisfied at the moment, but as the saying goes, “Skin remembers, body responds”. Everything we apply may not be immediate, but over time it can have lasting physical and psychological consequences. I would give special importance to educators who are increasingly introducing fruit days where there is a healthy world when children.

    Amina Škaljić 2291,vanredan student

    1. Kadira Karavdić, vanredan, PO, IV godina.

      Colleagues Amina, I really like your comment, you have listed instructive sayings that can be useful to us. I am sure that you will perform your activities in working with children very successfully ❤

  59. Well, It's deep topic for discuss. I live in convinction that we really are what we eat.
    It's little bit hard for me to explain it but I'll try. I think and actually I'm pretty sure that every situation in our lives has big impact on food that we choose to eat. And then, depends on situation, we choose junk food or healthy nutrition rich food. Here I'm talking about the majority intake of a certain type of food because of course it's ok to eat junk food sometimes but it can't become our everyday life. It's everything about balance. Sometimes it can happen that in some period of our lives we don't really much care about ourselves and eat anything without thinking if it's bad for us. We are destroyed mentally because of situation that we're in and phisically because of food that we eat. It doesn't have to be strictly a large amount of junk food. Some people don't eat anything at all what is also bad. And all of that is eating disorder. And eating disorder happens in stresfull periods of our lives.
    If we are that much strong to continue our healthy life even in stressfull situations I'm sure we would feel better because of it and it could help us to overcome given situation faster. So, you can say that life situations affect on our food choices or inversely but ultimately we are what we eat, phisically, mentally and in any other way.

    1. (Semina Nešust, II godina, Odsijek za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju)...just forgot to writte this.

  60. The food we consume determines our physical and psychological health. The muscles in the body, and the blood flowing through the veins, are all supplied by the food that we consume. These foods also have an effect on the way the brain functions, and an effect on the body's performance. People might say they are hungry and genuinely believe it when in fact they are feeling sad.
    The type of food we eat directly affects our health and overall well being. After eating fried food, our body feels sluggish and heavy, it is not healthy and not good for the body. However, when we eat nutrient rich food, our body feels goods, energy levels are high and we feel healthy overall. Nutrition is an important aspect of good health, what we put into our body, we will see the effects too.
    A healthy diet together with physical activity will keep you free from illnesses. It is not necessary to become a vegetarian or a health nut, but to cut back on unhealthy habits and eat properly is necessary to avoid illnesses and diseases.

    Amina Šehić, Odsjek za predškolski odgoj, IV godina.

  61. It is important to eat healty food first of all because od our organism and immune system. We are all different so we like different food. I always eat what I like at the moment or what looks nice to me. Sometimes food makes me happy, sometimes not. It is about mood. We should eat whatever we want, not what is supposed. Eating good food, especially with family and people we love is one of the most beautiful thing in life. Well, enjoy your every meal!

  62. The saying 'We are what we eat' is absolutely true, and the reason for that is anything that we consume is building us and it is up to us, if we want to be build healthy or unhealthy way. Our body, to functionate properly, needs healthy food and ingridients such as fruits and vegetables. All the vitamins, minerals, energy, healthy sugar, water and everything that nature is offering to us are the things that our body system needs to work properly and be healthy.
    Our mental health is also deeply connected to what we bring in our body. Just as we know that many diseases starts from stomach and that is exactly because of the things we consume and eat. Our stomach is directly connected to our brain and thats why the healhy food we eat affects our mental health.
    Also eating healthy reduces negativity and stress from our body and makes it positive and good from inside and from outside.
    There is also proverb known in the world 'In healthy body a healthy mind' which also proves that what we eat absolutely refers on our mental health.
    Would also like to add, for future teachers like us its of big importance having the knowledge of healthy diet, because tomorrow we are going to be responsible to raise the kids and will be the ones that can help children understand the importance of healthy diet. The knowledge will also help us bring in healthy ingredients in kindergarten's kitchen . We will also be able to show the kids and their parents importance of eating healthy.
    Teachers are the best role models for kid and we have to give our best to instill in them the habitt of eating healthy, that they will carry with themself for the rest of their lives. 🤗🍇🥦🥕🍋

    Adna Smailhodžić, Department of Preschool Education, 3rd year

  63. Everything we eat becomes a part of us in some way. We need to worry about the food we eat because it affects our looks, health, energy... It is important to eat healthy, but I think that we should also eat things considered unhealthy. If our organism needs something sweet, we should not ignore that. We can reduce unhealthy food intake in our menu and we should, but not starve ourselves. We have to trait ourselves from time to time. Kids are supposed to eat more healthy than grown ups because they are still developing and healthy food is more important to them. So, when we start working with kids we have to be very careful with their nutrition. In conclusion, my opinion is that food is very important, but it should not define who we are.

    Inela Lošić, ER II

  64. I believe that "We are what we eat" is actually a image of our body and that the food we eat affects our health and mood. Eating unhealthy and fatty foods can cause illness or health problems for the rest of our life. I believe that the intake of unhealthy food in the body should be limited and it should be balanced with healthy food. Sometimes overeating healthy food can also cause some problems. That is why I believe that the intake of healthy and unhealthy food should be balanced. It is necessary to talk about this topic during classes in order to see the various opinions of our colleagues and find out things that we did not know and that we will be able to adequately apply in working with children. We need to be careful what kind of food we eat in front of our students because if we eat unhealthy food then we are not setting a good example. In front of the children, we need to control ourselves a little and constantly teach them what food they should eat and what they should not.
    Ena Lošić, II godina ER

  65. “You are what you eat.” Just about anyone you ask would agree that there is at least some degree of truth to this statement, whether it be taken literally or not. However, we don’t fully grasp the concept of this idea because it is so much more than a phrase that encourages us to eat what we would consider “healthy”. What we put into our bodies becomes the building blocks of our physical being, and is the fuel that keeps us going. Therefore I think we should pay more attention to the things we put into our bodies. Especially we young people tend to eat unhealthier food because of our lifestyle or simply for thinking we're invincible when we're young and "I'll get to it when I get older, I don't have to worry I'm still young!" which is absolutely not true. No matter what age we should eat healthy because the body we're "building" now is the body we'll have to use later, I think that speaks for itself. Eat healthy to stay healthy!

    Tajša Hasančić, ER II

  66. Hi everyone!

    I would say that everything we eat is part of us. If we eat healthy food and if we take care about our body, we will be healthy. But, if we eat unhealthy food, a lot of carb, sweets and other uhnealthy food, we will also be unhealthy. So, the saying "We are what we eat" is absolutely true. When we are talking about mental health it's obvious that food is very important, because food gives us energy, vitamins, minerals and other important ingredients for our physical and mental health. This topic is very important for us, the future teachers, because every student is observing his teacher and act like him, and the teacher also should to encourage students to eat healthy food and to take care about their body.
    Ajla Hasić
    Faculty of Educational Sciences
    Department of Lower Elementary Education
    4th year

  67. I think that the saying "We are what we eat" is true. The food we eat literally becomes who we are and influences our psychical and mental well-being. And it means that to remain healthy, fit and active we have to eat healthy.
    If we aren't one of those people who eat healthy, then it's time to be. At first, it may be difficult sometimes to replace chocolate with an apple but our hair, face and whole body will be grateful for it.

    This topic is actually related to my department and certainly to our future job because we, as a future teachers, will strive in everything to be the best examples for our pupils, including a healthy nutrition. A teacher who makes healthy choices, including healthy eating and regular physical activity, can have a good influence on the health of pupils, others and most importantly, yourself. Also, we know that pupils watch what we say and do very carefully. And if we make a difference between our words and our actions, then it will be frustrating for them.
    By choosing to eat healthy foods and be physically active, you will find that you have more energy, smile more, remember more and generally feel better about yourself.

    Ilma Mirvić, RN IV

  68. Our health and productivity in all stages of life are directly related to the way we eat every day, so it is very important to take care of a healthy diet.
    As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. It is necessary to take care of certain things: eat in moderation, drink plenty of water, eat a variety of foods, not eat fried and spicy.. Our meals must be full of vitamins and minerals because it is also important for mental health. Not every organism is the same, each requires a different ratio of nutrients.
    The body's need for food is individual.
    Proper nutrition also means doing sports, as much as you like and as long as you can. Physical activity should be equal to your abilities.
    I think that the saying "We are what we eat" is true because our body also behaves depending on what we ate. How many times you didn't have the strength to get out of bed? Or go to work? Or go out in the town? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and start the day? All of this can be affected by our diet.
    I think that this topic is very important for our future profession because we work with little children and from an early age we need to get them used to healthy habits.
    Emina Kutinčić, PO4

  69. Food is one of the most important factors in the life of every human. The food we eat is who we become, so with that said we have to choose carefully what we eat and give our organism what it needs to stay healthy. The food we eat influences health of our body and also our mental and emotional health. I think that we couldn’t feel healthy or happy if we eat junk food al the time. We need to eat the way we want to feel. I don’t support diets that can do harm to our helth just so we can lose weight faster i think that is really bad for us. We just need to find the right food and the right way to eat it and there will be no problems. Stay safe, happy and pick what you eat. 😊


  70. "Everything we put into our body through diet builds and changes us, and what we take in depends on our strength, our health and our lives." - said Hippocrates in ancient Greece.
    That this is a true statement is shown by the fact that nutritionally rich foods contribute to a healthier organism, and otherwise foods harm the organism to such an extent that they endanger the life of an individual. I think we need to live life in balance. This means that a cube of chocolate will not kill us, but 5 kg will certainly leave terrible consequences. It is not desirable to frighten children or even people. It is important to show the good and bad things of all kinds of foods, and then each man chooses for himself what he can bear. We teach children from an early age about the importance of a balanced diet, but we must not deprive them of certain foods as this can lead to the opposite result. e.g., children will hide to eat chocolate or will when they are able to eat two or three burgers because they know it may be their last chance. Of course they will have a stomach ache as a result, but if we don’t teach them that it’s important to be moderate they won’t realize it.

  71. We are what we eat- it’s not just about food. If you eat hatred, you will be evil, also if you eat goodness, you will be good. Healthy things like fruits and vegetables are good for our body. They have few calories and do not gain weight if you eat them in moderation. I don't know if it's true, because, it's not like we're becoming a chicken if we if we eat too much chicken. But, we are gaining weight. Obesity leads to a number of diseases which make our lives difficult. Appearance is very important to a man. A man who watches what he eats, watches his appearance, has greater self-confidence. Obese people are often insecure because of their obesity. So.. watch what you eat and take care of your health.
    Osmanović Ajla, ER2


  72. The phrase we are what we eat should go along side with the phrase: Prevention is better than the cure!
    Basics are just essentials for our well beings. We need food, we can’t live without it, and that is not a mystery. But the question is what kind of food we eat. During the developments of our societies we didn’t change our need, but we changed how we get food and what we think about it. As we develop more we get hungrier for more, and in order to meet the standards we don’t have time for essentials and most important things. Food and health. Many food producers made processed food for people to reach it as soon as possible, to prepare it as quickly as possible so that people would have more time. But people are busy, they eat unhealthy foods, just to satisfy their basic need not having time to think about consequences. Mostly because we don’t see it once it is inside of us. That is a never ending cycle.
    Time is ruthless, and after some time people get sick, less energetic, and after some medical treatments are not so helpful, they turn to healthy eating. All of a sudden organic food is not so expensive, agricultural work becomes the most wanted one, all the chit chats are about how domestically (not chemically) produced food is very important. We are what we eat is our lifestyle. We live quickly, we run until something stops us, unfortunately that something can be very harmful for us for those around us. Eating healthy from early days, and during all of the stages of our lives is important prevention, if we want to think about further future of our lives, therefore as much we need to think about food, and all the illnesses which can develop from our unhealthy choices, we must think about all other activities, and thinks we should change along with the food, before it is too late.

    Hukić Malina, ER2 V

    1. You made really good examples and points here, reading your comment was very useful for me, thank you.
      Ajla Hadžić, PO4, V

  73. You are what you eat is a phrase a lot of people use. Im not sure who came up with that phrase but it is very true. Food is a big part of what bring people together. In the real world, it is not easy for a child children to stick with a healthy diet because what they see they copy. Parents who mix sugar in their drinks have children that also do the same thing. It is also the same with alcoholic parent their children are more likely to be alcoholic. It is up to the parents or the person taking care of the child to play a big role in not only making healthy choices for children and teaching children to make healthy choices for themselves. Before children likes to swim, play tag with other children or even jump rope but nowadays you hardly see children doing that. Most children spend their time playing games or watching television and eating junk food. Our physical and mental well-being is directly linked to what we eat and drink. The nutritional content of what we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes, bone marrow, blood, hormones, tissue, organs, skin, and hair. Our bodies are replacing billions of cells every day — and using the foods we consume as the source.

  74. I agree with phrase "We are what we eat". If we take in a lot of vitamins and minerals our body will be healthier and we will feel much healthier. if we eat a lot fast food and unhealthie food our body will feel unhealtier. Our physical and mental well-being is directly linked to what we eat and drink.

    This topic is very relevant to mz future profession of kindergarden teacher becuase eating health food is very important for kids, becuase in food they have all vitamins and minerals which build their brains and organs, what affects children’s learning and health. Not only eating health food is good for kids it is good for everybody.

    We all need to be careful what we take into the body because the food we take in builds our cells that build our body from the brain, bones to organs and skin. So, eat healty to feel healty.


  75. One of the most interesting topics are topics about food.
    There are various things we could say about food, but let's start from this.. Food that we eat now, and food that people ate years ago is not the same. Why? First of all, this food that we eat now is full of chemistry, unhealthy substances that cause many small diseases, but also the difficult - terminal ones. There are many more unhealthy, sick people, and more children are born with difficulties than before.

    When we say "We are what we eat", of course we do not mean it literally, in a physical sense. But when we say that food refers to our physical health as well as mental. If we eat unhealthily constantly, we will become unhealthy, dissatisfied with ourselves, and lazy. If our diet is balanced, our life and our mental state is balanced.

    It all starts with our mental state and health. Our job, our daily life and our diet.
    Let's start with the fact that when we are sad, not happy because of something that happened at that moment, most of us will reach for chocolate, cake or as we can say "comfort food".
    Rarely do any of us go to the gym, run or do an exercise. What people don’t realize, or realize but ignore, is the fact that chocolate and comfort food work for a short time, while training works for the long haul, and in both cases the hormones of happiness are triggered.

    This topic is related to our faculty, our studies and our future work. In my opinion, I would want to have a health class (how to have a balanced life and diet) on our faculty. Since children learn what they see and do, our students and our children, if we do not eat properly, will adopt unhealthy eating habits.
    Happiness is a state of mind. If you have a strong, healthy body, you will also, have a strong and healthy mind.
    ''Create healthy habits, not restrictions.''

    Resulović Ajla, PO4

  76. Food is one of the most singularly important factors in overall health.The food we eat literally becomes who we are, and influences our physical, mental and even emotional well-being.A poor diet has been proven as a cause of conditions such as hypertension, heart and blood vessels diseases, obesity, and diabetes.Unhealthy diets can ultimately increase your risk of psychiatric and neurologic conditions, such as depression and dementia, whereas healthy diets can be otherwise protected against such conditions.
    This topic is really important for educators because we have to teach our students about healthy diets but we cant teach them that if we dont do the things we teach about and if the school caffeterias are supplying unhealthy foods .

  77. Food is one of the most singularly important factors in overall health.Food is the primary source of energy and building material for the human body — one of the most complicated organic mechanisms on the Earth.
    If we describe a picture of our lives and the role of food in it, it will make us to understand the importance of Hippocratic quote:
    Since you were an embryo, your bones, organs, and skin were built from the proteins, carbs and fats that your mom ate during pregnancy. After you got born, you started to consume food that helped your body to grow. Now you are adult, and your body is not growing up anymore, but you still need food, because all your cells are constantly renovating. People have never had so many weight problems as we have now, and it happened mostly because we stopped to listen to our bodies. We are what we eat so you why not to make your life a bowl of cherries?

    Samra Karic RN III

  78. We are what we eat is true statement. Everything we consume besomes a part of us, it doesn't matter how long it stays inside of us, it becomes a part of us temporarily. If we consider that everything we see and hear defines us, why can't that be applied to food? When we take some food and enter it inside of us, it can be affected in a way that we have red scars because we might be allergic to that food. That means that we are what we eat. This statement is definitelly true because everything around us defines us, even air we breathe. Thus, this is applied to food too. The best example of food/drinks refering to our mental health is drinking alcohol. When someone consumes alcohol, we are all familiar with behavior and consequences that it takes with itself. Alcohol directly affects our mental health, and this is example of bad influence. There are many examples of good influence, and as alcohol influences bad, other things influences good to our mental health. I consider this topic very relevant to my field of study and my future profession because we are among first steps towards children and we are the ones that must guide them towards good habits and good behaviours. The best way of doing it by our own examples, but also by demonstrating them what good and bad consequences some actions take with themselves.

    Ajla Hadžić, PO4, vanredna

  79. The world is full of different cuisines and thousands of different meals. Yet when we reduce them to their essence, there are just a handful of ingredients that our bodies absolutely need to survive.
    Paying attention to how much we are eating is another very important aspect of healthy nutrition that naturally concerns us all. What we eat and how much we eat is critical, but how we process it is perhaps even more important. Through thousands of little sensors, the gut has the immense task of managing all the information contained in the food we intake. Food alone will not promise a thriving gut.

  80. The world is full of different cuisines and thousands of different meals. Yet when we reduce them to their essence, there are just a handful of ingredients that our bodies absolutely need to survive.
    Paying attention to how much we are eating is another very important aspect of healthy nutrition that naturally concerns us all. What we eat and how much we eat is critical, but how we process it is perhaps even more important. Through thousands of little sensors, the gut has the immense task of managing all the information contained in the food we intake. Food alone will not promise a thriving gut.

  81. Food is one of the most singularly important factors in overall health.
    The food we eat literally becomes who we are, and influences our physical, mental and even emotional well-being. A poor diet has been proven as a cause of conditions such as hypertension, heart and blood vessels diseases, obesity, and diabetes.
    This phrase was first said several centuries ago and it is still relevant. No wonder why — life is impossible without food. Food is the primary source of energy and building material for the human body.
    Eating healthy food can affect a lot on mental health and human can feel a lot better with healthy lifestyle.


  82. The foods you eat have big effects on your health and quality of life.
    Although eating healthy can be fairly simple, the rise in popular “diets” and dieting trends has caused confusion.
    In fact, these trends often distract from the basic nutrition principles that are most important.
    This is a detailed beginner’s guide to healthy eating, based on the latest in nutrition science.
    Eating healthy can drastically reduce your chances of developing heart disease and cancer, the world’s leading killers.
    Eating foods that contain antioxidants can reduce a person’s risk of developing cancer by protecting cells from damage.
    The presence of free radicals in the body increases the risk of cancer, but antioxidants help remove them to lower the likelihood of this disease.
    A healthful diet may help maintain cognition and brain health.
    Children learn most health-related behaviors from the adults around them, and parents who model healthful eating and exercise habits tend to pass these on.

  83. "You are what you eat" is idiom used when we want to point out that there is connection between food intake and health. Some of my colleagues interpreted this idiom in the light of physical appearance, but I do not see that is at stake here. Of course, health can show trough physical appearance but must not. Food we eat determines composition of our cellular membranes. Those are thinnest blocks that build our bones, organs, muscles and brains. Food is fuel to our body and plays enormous role in the process of cell replacement. Right food choices paired with moderate exercise can lead to healthier, more productive and longer life. Wrong food choices can lead to health problems especially cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Some research shows that food we eat influences our gut bacteria and via our gut our most powerful organ – our brain. Connection between brain and food intake is recent field research, but despite that fact it has been shown that there is significant connection between nutrition and brain structure and function. Mental health, mood and brain abilities are connected to the type of food humans (and animals) ingest.
    Thanks to research we now know that processed food, too much sugar and foods high in unsaturated fats are not only detrimental to physical, but also to mental health. It is excess or deficiencies that are leaving body and nerve cells lacking. Wrong food choices may lead to more aggression, anger, depression, worry, nightmares, inability to focus, to memorize etc. It can even influence our decision making. The working mechanisms are complex: deficiencies or excesses alter our brain chemistry, they cause inflammatory responses, influence size of hippocampus, grey and white matter, devour neurons and make changes in neural connections. Constant wrong food choices may even alter our natural craving processes, so we crave that what we do not actually need. This is mainly connected to high sugar consumption. We live in an environment where sugar is found in almost every industrially produced food item. Sugar is addictive and we are becoming addictive to it without even knowing (or not wanting to know it). As for healthy diet one is not discovered yet, but it should be diverse and be similar to Mediterranean diet.
    Idiom “We are what we eat” hence can also be understood in more general terms and mean connection between our choices, our actions and consequences of that very choices and actions. It is calling for the responsibility be it in food choices or otherwise. As adults we should be able to understand this connection and take proper action but to do so, we have to be first constantly informed about newest scientific research. It is also necessary to be able to critically discern information but also not to be caught up in some obsessing about food. As future educators/teachers we are responsible to set some norms of behavior for children. This means we should be role models of healthy behavior and this also includes food intake habits and choices. Also it is imperative for as to be well educated in this matter and to work together with parents on building healthy habits of future generations.

    Arnela Mujkanović, PO3 (vanredan), 2752

  84. I totally agree with Ludwig Feuerbach’s saying “We are what we eat”. The status of our body and mind depends on what we bring into ourselves. The best way to prove to ourselves is not to pay attention to what we put into ourselves for a few days and we will make sure that we feel weaker, have no strength, we are constantly tired, and it is very likely that we get sick in those few days. While on the other hand when we pay attention to what we take in and try to eat healthier food, we will certainly feel much better, more energetic, stronger and we will definitely have stronger immunity so we do not have to worry about colds and similar easily acquired diseases. We will also make sure that a healthy diet affects our mind and emotional state. I believe we will be in a better and happier mood. A healthy diet is important for the long term, because what we take in now will be waiting for us in some late years. Everything negative that we do not have to bring into ourselves should be avoided. Of course, we all sometimes want something unhealthy, such as fast food and the like, so from time to time we may eat something like that, but it must not become a habit. We call such days "cheat day", because then we cheat ourselves.

    Amna Hebib, PO3

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