Online Assessment: Challenges & Opportunities


Under the current scenario of the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers need to rethink their assessment strategy and shift from closed-books and time-limited examinations done in-class to online or remote assessment. The pandemic has clearly accelerated the transition to virtual teaching and learning, so the same follows for assessment. It is important to keep in mind that students' performance, marks and final degree classification depend on assessment and teachers have to set up fair assessments in line with learning outcomes  in this new online environment. Meanwhile, this change from in-class to online assessment will inevitably create some extra work and both teachers and students will face a number of challenges.

Online assessments are online exams conducted with the purpose of evaluating, measuring, and documenting the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition or educational needs of students. These exams are conducted over the Internet by using available web technologies. Compared to pen and paper methods of assessments, online or e-assessment methods are less labor-intensive and they offer the advantage of speed and accuracy. Online assessment can be formative or summative, and apart from using them to determine the extent to which students have met the learning objectives, teachers can also use online assessment to assess some other things, like interactivity, collaborative learning, collective construction of knowledge, etc. Examples of formative online assessment may include discussion posts on blogs/boards/chat, reflective journals, quizzes (short answer, multiple choice) and the like. Summative online assessment may include midterm/final exams, projects, e-portfolios, presentations, etc.

Actually, in a digital age, it is important to take advantage of what technology can bring to assessment and feedback. The benefits of online assessment include, among other things, savings in administrative time and costs, improved transparency for learners, faster response to issues, effective tracking of learners' progress across different locations, etc. Online assessment offer a chance for students to work around distance, disability, or illnesses more effectively, and options to complete assignments at a time and place most suitable to their needs. But, on the other hand, this benefit is attainable if the requirements and deadlines are fair and clearly laid out to students. When doing online tests, students are able to see their results and answers and get instant feedback about their work as soon as they submit the test, because these things are done automatically by the system operation of a given test-creator online platform. So it's quicker for teachers to mark and issue test results. This also helps teachers to save their time as it reduces their administrative burden. At the same time, it's more environmentally friendly – with less paper and printing work. Another benefit of online assessment is greater security, as all exam papers, candidate details, marks and results are digitally stored. Whereas, it's much harder to have control over access, storage and results management with paper-based exams.

On the other hand, online assessments also have some disadvantages. For example, you have to be computer literate (or able to use a computer well) either to create or take an online assessment. Furthermore, technology is not always reliable, there might be poor connection or internet problems, breaks in electricity supply and other things like that. Also, there's a cost involved in providing online assessment software and appropriate computer equipment. But one of the greatest challenges for online assessment would probably be the impossibility to prevent and stop cheating and plagiarism in online tests and exams.

For sure, assessment has been put to the test hugely during the current crisis with the Covid-19 pandemic. Universities all over the world are forced to embrace technology in order to transform both their education process and assessment. Evidently, online assessment should be improved so that it becomes more authentic (preparing students for using knowledge in practice or at work), accessible (to everyone, at any time, at any place), appropriately automated (easing teachers' administrative workload), continuous (adapting to lifelong learning and the changing job market) and secure (avoiding cheating and plagiarism). And who knows what the future will bring us next ...

Questions to think about before you start posting your comments on our class blog:

What are the challenges and opportunities of online assessment?

Online assessment vs. traditional assessment: pros and cons?

How has the coronavirus accelerated the future of assessment?

Assessment: future prospects?


  1. COVID-19 pandemic is affecting higher education in every way possible so we have to face the challenges. One of them is, for sure, online assessment. Personally, I don’t mind it when it comes to formative online assessments such as blog posts, quizzes etc. because (kind of) the questions are easier and it’s less stressful. On the other hand, summative online assessments such as midterms/final exams…I catch myself worrying more about things like; will the connection work perfectly, will I have electricity at that point, will something go wrong with my microphone, camera etc. None of the exams are easier for us, I would say the whole concept stayed the same and it’s just as hard as when we were writing them in the classroom. So, to sum it up, the negative side is, again, technology problems so people have to be computer/technology literate and the most negative thing is, of course, cheating on online exams and plagiarism. The positive side is more time to prepare ourselves, to rearrange our time before/after the exam, if we are ill – we still can write the exam because we are in the comfort of our home, we get instant results after we take the exam. For professors, it’s easier to track student’s learning progress, save time on grading for faster response etc.
    Online vs. traditional assessment’s…a huge difference. As I said, the biggest disadvantage of online assessment’s is cheating, but in traditional assessment’s the professor can the students and prevent that immediately. It’s easier to focus when we have traditional assessment’s, we are not so stressed about the applications, technology, will it work or not.
    The COVID-19 has a huge impact on education. I think, every university will be better prepared for online teaching, if anything like this happens again. The online assessment’s will surely be more authentic, accessible and secure.

    Aida Šahinović, ER2.

    1. I HOPE every university will be better prepared for everything not just online teaching....😅
      Nejra Emso ER2

    2. I HOPE every university will be better prepared for everything not just online teaching....😅
      Nejra Emso ER2

    3. I HOPE every university will be better prepared for everything not just online teaching....😅
      Nejra Emso ER2

    4. I agree with you! It would be less stressful for all of us, definitely!

    5. Dear Aida, very ingeious. It's clear that online assessment can't replace the assessment ih the classroom!
      Ena Brkić, RN4

  2. There are many challenges and opportunities when we discuss online assessment. The use of online assessments saves a lot of time and money. Often the assessments can be completed in less time, multiple candidates can complete the online assessment at the same time and there's no need for an additional expense. The test takers are able to take the assessment at home, using their own devices. Students get to see their results and answers and get instant feedback about chosen topic. That helps researchers, teachers and trainers to learn more about their users and adapt to their needs, strengths and weaknesses. There are some disadvantages about online assessment. For example, you need to be computer literate (able to use computer well) in order to create and take an assessment. Also, technology is not always reliable. There might be connection or internet problems, energy breaks and other things like that. There's a cost involved in online assessment software, too.
    COVID-19 has undeniably accelerated the future of assessment. Higher Education institutions had to respond to the pandemic very quickly by moving teaching, learning and assessment online. Therefore, in the future we can expect more online assessments and more different ways to respond to students' needs for learning.

    Nives Pirija, II godina Odsjeka za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju

  3. We use assessments to make students active and inspired. When assessment is high we are very proud and inspired to learn more but also sometimes we take it for granted. When assessment is low, we feel 2 types of way:
    1. we either feel 'stupid' and sad, or
    2. we feel angry and study harder.
    There is lot ups and downs for assessments. Sometimes they are positive and sometimes they're not. It is very difficult to decide which type of assessment is better. I prefer traditional because if we don't agree with our grades we can immediately talk to our professors and improve our grade. Online assessments are easier for educators, they can check our exams and send us results faster. Downside for us, students, is that it takes time to contact our educators/professors if we don't agree with grade. Also, because of the Corona virus everything is online, so we need to understand that traditional assessment is off for now. With rising technology I think soon we will just have online assessments.

    PO II

    1. I agree with you Sukejna and really hope that everything with this virus will get better soon, because I also prefer traditional assessment.

  4. Assessment is a big part of learning and school. It helps teacher to see did we and how much we learned and how much we understood lessons. Until the corona we used traditional assessment but now we are forced to use online assessment. Of cours, there are pros and cons of both of them but still I prefer traditional one. Online assessment can save a lot of money and time. Unfortunately not all students and teachers know how to use technology so it can be a problem sometimes. Also, practical simulations cannot be performed online. For some students it is easier to do test online frome their home. Another disadvantage of online assessment is that everything is online and problems with internet conections or power al very often.

    The coronaviruse definitely accelerated the future of assesment and I think that in the future we might have more online assessments.

    Valentina Crepulja

    1. You said you prefer traditional assessment. Is the reason that you can write your own opinion when you have a traditional exam? Online exams usually have answers offered.

    2. That is one of the advantages of traditional assessment but the main reason that I prefer traditional over online assessment is that because I think traditional assessment is more reliable .

  5. I think that it is very difficult to be objective when it comes to grading, and also that it is very difficult to be in the position of a student because of a lot more material and obligations.
    As for online learning I think the biggest advantage is time, and convenience, while the disadvantages are the living word, eye contact, memory in class. I think the most realistic picture of grading is to evaluate the student by conversation, because at that moment he is left to himself and everything he knows, he will say, but if it is not a conversation, the student can always find another solution, e.g. Help from a friend.
    On the other hand, it is sad that many professors immediately think that students cheat on the exam, and ask us to be more careful, because it automatically accuses you of cheating and does not trust you. I don't think that's okay, but again they have no other choice.
    For many professors and students, this is a new method of learning. We talked about online learning all the time, we even had weekly exercises, but rarely could anyone take seriously that we would need online. I think that’s also a problem, that we’re waiting for something to happen, so we can work on it. Covid has accelerated online learning education. Đenana Kustura PO3

    1. I totally agree with you, Đenana. This situation with coronavirus complicates all segments of our lives. But I think that we need to think about positive things about this situation, think about all advantages of this condition. We need to learn how to live with this and stay strong mentally.

  6. Traditional assessments usually take a lot of time to determine the capability of the candidates. The online versions today are significantly faster. In the traditional approach, candidates are required to visit the company and write their answers on paper by hand. Online assessments can help you determine what you’re good and bad at. This gives helps you identify what you need to work on. The traditional assessment process does not have such enhanced and developed facilities for either candidates or administrators. Most people, understandably, prefer the online tests rather than the traditional option.

    Lejla Pleho, RN III

    1. Lejla I agree with you that the online versions today are significantly faster.

      Valentina Crepulja

  7. Online assessment is used in different working areas and all of them have their own goal to achieve. The working area that I will highlight is the educational working area. Educational assessment is the systematic process of documenting and using empirical data on the knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs. By taking the assessment, teachers try to improve student learning.
    Assessment can be focused on the individual learner or all individuals together, like the whole class, an institution or specific program. Formative assessment will give you an overview of your students in the beginning of your instruction. It gives you the opportunity to still have the chance to improve your instruction.

    Meliha Terzić, RN4

    1. This comment has a point. Online assessment is a very good way for evaluating students.

  8. There are advantages and disadvantages to online assessment. the advantages are that we can do the tests at home or anywhere. We will not spend time and money on transportation, we will get results immediately. As a disadvantage, I would single out the possibility of a bad connection, a power outage. Covid-19 changed the work of the whole society, all areas, led to the emergence of new jobs, replaced traditional schools with a new form of work. Students and lecturers must be trained for the future challenges that stand in our way.
    The assessment of the Internet will improve and bring new opportunities and challenges that we must be ready for.

    Ena Alomerović, PO4

  9. When we talk about online learning, atudying and online assessment there are so many challenges and opportunities. In every process we have good and bad side of it. At the first sight, this pandemic situation brings us, mostly, at the house, so, for some of them, it means more time for everything: house, family, studying, house work, etc. Is it realy like that? Everybody has more expetations from us. Some students use that time to organize their activites very well, some of them don't. It depends of environment, obligations of every student. Then we come to the assessment. How to show our knowledge properly. Will the teachers see pur hardwork or not through online assessment. That's were starts difficult task for teachers. They have to find a good way of online assessment. Some way can cause cheating. In that situation, students get their decision, to use rhe situation and cheat, or to use their knowledge without cheatig. Good teacher can share his/hers own idea with an other teacher, or everyone of them can create their own way of online assessment. It's up to them. They have to think about it, how students are going to deal with that.

    Emina Suljović RN IV

    1. Do you think that online assessment is better for students than tradicional asessment?

  10. Challenges and opportunities of online assessment are: easy monitoring of students work, students get exam results quickly, exams are time limited, exams are secured so students can not cheat, and so on. For me, good side is that we can get exam results quickly, becouse we're doing a computer exam, but I'm not sure how objective such exams are. Exams usually have answers offered, so our opinion of some problems are not necessary. That's the reason why I'm not big fan of those exams. Traditional assessment is better than online assessment. It's more objective and we can write our own opinion on certain things. Also, professors can admit half answers to us. It can be really good for students. Coronavirus has sure accelerated the future of assessment becouse now we know that some short exams or quizzes can be online. Maybe, after this situation we will do occasionally online exams. For example, if our professor is ill, exam can be online, so we don't need to postpone the exam. In the future, online assessments will be used more and more. Professors and students are "technically literate" so there are no problems for using online assessments in the future.

    Amra Avdić
    RN (3. godina)

  11. For me, online assessments don’t show the real knowledge. There are so many ways how to cheat and it is although harder for the students to concentrate, because every second something can go wrong. For the teachers and professors there are many opportunities and easier ways to assess the work because the system is assisting them, but also, even for them, there can be connection problems and other misunderstandings. The pandemic made it harder for everyone to live, as for the jobs and money, so for students and professors to learn and to teach too. The coronavirus has affected education in every way and all that not in a good one. It may be easier and better for the more developed countries with a better educational system, but not for us. We need so much more practice and upgrading in many aspects. For the future assessment, this is what I have on my mind: I really hope that everything will go back to our “normal” and we will go to traditional lessons and assessments, but if we are forced to continue this way, I hope that the professors will realize that we still have just 24 hours in a day and that it is not fair to give us more work and assignments just because we are home. As for the students, we have to give our best because our future depends on it, wether we stay here or not.
    Mubina Mešanović, PO2

    1. Dear Mubina, I really like your opinion and I agree with you

    2. Dear Mubina, I agree with you. I like the part related to too many obligations the most.

    3. I agree with the fact that professors need to be aware of the fact that we are truly overwhelmed and stressed out because of the huge amount of assignments we need to complete! PO II

  12. Challenges and opportunities of online assessment are: easy monitoring of students work, students get exam results quickly, exams are time limited, exams are secured so students can not cheat, and so on. For me, good side is that we can get exam results quickly, becouse we're doing a computer exam, but I'm not sure how objective such exams are. Exams usually have answers offered, so our opinion of some problems is not necessary. That's the reason why I'm not big fan of those exams. Traditional assessment is better than online assessment. It's more objective and we can write our own opinion on certain things. Also, professors can admit half answers to us. It can be really good for students. Coronavirus has sure accelerated the future of assessment becouse now we know that some short exams or quizzes can be online. Maybe, after this situation we will do occasionally online exams. For example, if our professor is ill, exam can be online, so we don't need to postpone the exam. In the future, online assessments will be used more and more. Professors and students are "technically literate" so there are no problems for using online assessments in the future.

    Amra Avdić
    RN (3. godina)

    1. Dear Amra, do you think that online assessment is more reliable for students than tradicional asessment?

  13. Covid-19 situation brings a lot of changes in educational system. Students and teachers have problems with communication, but there is also a problem with online assessment. For example, everyone has to know how to use online platforms for doing a online tests and there is network problems, too. One more dissandventage is students cheating, beacuse teachers are not available to control everyone and beacuse of that, assesment is not enough fair and real. Good thing about online assessment is that students have more time for learning at home. Althought we are at home, this situation is very stressfull, beacuse of so many possible problems especially if we have time limited tests. This situation brings everyone some new knowlage and I'm sure in future online classes will be more used. This Virus made it more difficult for both students and teachers and I hope everything will be better soon, when we get back to the University.

    Ilma Latic

  14. The coronavirus pandemic has somehow thrown us all out of our normal activities. As there are a number of difficulties there are also some advantages. Personally, it saves me time, because everything is available to us online. Yes, there are difficult situations such as the loss of connection while you are in class. This somehow teaches us that there is something in everything "normal" that can make everyday life difficult.

    Antonia Bonić

  15. Corona virus has really affected everything in our lives but mostly our education. Approximately 90% of people don`t take this situation seriously, expecialy when it comes to education. A lot of parents do their kids homework thinking that they are helping them but it really is just the opposite. When assessment is online there are also a lot of opportunities to cheat, which brings us only temporary success. When it comes practical work the problems will come. I may be oldschool, but it was a lot better when we didn`t even know about online classes, assigments or assessment, we worked hard for our goals.This online thing is good because we want to stop virus from spreading, but it will leave a huge mark behind. We need to study harder, to educate ourselves and achieve our goals no matter of the situation we are currently in. I hope we learned our lesson and that we will start to appreciate everything around us a little more. I didn`t know how free I was until I didn`t lose my freedom with quarantine. As a matter of fact I never though I wolud say this but I really miss the old way of assessment.

    Lejla Bisić

    1. I agree with you Lejla and also I think, too, that 90% of people don't take this topic seriously.

    2. I completely agree with you Lejla, this situation is definitely going to leave a huge mark on our education. I would also agree with the fact that we don't know how valuable something is until it's gone.

  16. Assessment is a hard process as it is, and this pandemic made professors all around the world speed up the process of improving the quality of assessing their students online. The pros and cons of online assessment can be debated for days. The cons are that there is many ways to cheat on tests, it relies on technology and the Internet and those are big variables. They can be very stressful, but also can be made to not be as stressful, if made carefully and thoughtfully. I don't think anything can replace ''in person'' assessment, because there is always a human factor to be considered when grading a student. I think this online world we were thrown into definitely shone some light on problems we usually have with assessments, and hopefully in the future things will start to improve and change for the better. Because as future teachers we should never stop learning and making changes to our methods, both with teaching and assessing our students.

    1. Which way of assessment do you prefer? What do you think about the fact of online assessment when you start working as a teacher?

      Valentina Crepulja

  17. Due to pandemic of corona virus we are forced to have some changes in our education.
    The people in office have decided that classes will realise trough online assassments to stop spreading corona virus.
    For someone that is the easier way of studying but for others, including me, that is the harder way.
    In online assassments there is many challanges. For example:
    - we have many distractions when learning online from home,
    - bad internet conection is our enemy, and many professors don't understand that,
    - we don't have enough interaction with professors,
    - we have so much more work to do,
    - we have to face some educational difficulties all alone without real help of professors.
    But besides that challenges there many opportunities, like :
    - we have more time for ourselves
    - we have more time to study
    - we follow the classes from comfort of our home and in our pijamas 😂
    - we have all the material online
    -we have time for some kind of job also and make money

    I think teachers are also having a hard time to teach students this way because we all love interactions and creative work. With online classes we don't have that in the quantity that we would like.
    Many things are better explained in real life than they could be online and that makes online learning even harder and some lessons hard to understand.
    It's too bad we don't have practice classes like we should. We could learn more if we had them.
    Also trough online assassments we can't socialise with our classmates in the way we should and we are drifting apart.
    I hope everything will get back to normal soon because I miss going to real classes and hanging out with my classmates. I miss normal life.

    Mustajbegović Mirnesa, ER(2.)

  18. The corona virus has had a major impact on education in teaching has brought an online assessment of knowledge. Online knowledge assessment has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages are the fear of interruption of the Internet connection, power outage or a problem with the computer, camera and microphone, the negative in the written part of the exam is cheating on the exam. The positive side of online knowledge assessment is the saving of time, we can take exams from home when we are sick and online assessment is easier for teachers, they can check our exams faster and issue test results faster. Traditional knowledge assessment is much better than online. I think we can assess someone’s knowledge in schools much better than over the internet. I hope that we will return to traditional grading as soon as possible.
    Klaudija Žuljević, RN3.

  19. The corona virus has brought many changes that we must accept. In a traditional assessment, the professor can constantly observing the students. Online assessment is much more difficult. Communication between students and professors is also difficult, some have problems with connection, and others do not attend. The good thing about online assistment is that students have more time to study at home. Also, students can do activities they like to do at home.
    Ajla Hodžić, Po4.

  20. In my opinion, the COVID - 19 brought us more negative things than positive. We have to follow the instuctions of our teachers over the online platform, do the exams in the same way, and that is very stresfull for students because there can always be a computer error or even a sistem crash. Also I think that it maybe depends is it good from student to student, but for me personally I think this is not relative way to learn and everything that is included in that. The only positive thing in this situation is that we don’t have to go to the university, so we won’t catch a virus and in that way in one hand we are safe. But also when we are at home all the time we can’t keep being concentrated, so that can cause a big problem in following the lessons.
    I hope this situation will end soon and that we will all come out healthy and mentally stable.

    Sarah Skalonjić, PO2

    1. Hello dear Sarah 🌸
      Do you think that online assessment is better for students than tradicional asessment?

      Meliha Terzić, RN4

  21. When we talk about online assessment and traditional assessment I think that both types of teaching and learning have a lot of advantages. The advantage of online learning is, for example, that we don't have waste our time on transportation to college. Many students spend up to 2-3 hours driving and in this situation we have more time to work on our tasks. Therefore, we have more free time for rest and quality time with our family. For teachers advantage of online learning can be that they can better assess the work of each student and also they can provide more attention to the student who needs it through private chat. It depends on each teacher and how much he wants to help his students. Disinterested students and teachers can find a million reasons for failure to perform their duties. The disadventage of online learning is possibility of a bad internet in essential situation like online exam. It make students nervous. The advantage of traditional learning is that students and teachers have live meetings so they can better assess how someone is feeling.
    Also, the advantage of online learning is maybe that students can find literature online on some site or pdf format and in that way save money. But some students don't like to learn from online books. I am not that kind of students, I like it both so if I can find books online, I'll do it on easier way.
    I think, just like everything in life, the online learning and teaching have advantages and disadvantages and also I think that this situation with coronavirus preparing us for the transition to online world. I think that in the future we will do so many things online, evan things we thought we would never do.

    Dalila Kadunić, Odsjek za predškolski odgoj, III godina.

    1. Dalila, I totally agree with you. I find it interesting that you mentioned that lazy students and professors can find a million reasons why online grading is not good. I think we need to get as many positive things as possible out of all this, because “we attract, what we radiate”. In my opinion, online assessment and online teaching is the best thing that could have happened in education, because we have all the technical possibilities.
      Melina Dragunić, PO3

  22. As far as online assessment is concerned, the possibility of high-quality faster and easier assessment, more possibilities for the manner of realization of the exams themselves, as well as the reading of each student individually. Today, in the 21st century, there are many ways to implement exams, where students have the opportunity to "click" on the answers offered, unlike those in the classroom where they have to write the answers themselves. In such ways, professors, with the help of various programs, have an automatic insight into the correct and incorrect answers, as well as their scoring. Every work is equally neat, clear and visible. The difference between internet and traditional assessment is primarily problems from the technological aspect. Professors have a very low tolerance threshold for these problems. The advantages of online assessment are, as I have already mentioned, programs that automatically review the accuracy of papers, better visibility and orderliness of papers, saving time for both professors and students. Another advantage is that we can take the exam and if we are sick, working from home is less stressful. COVID - 19 contributed to the closure of faculties where professors had to access the online mode no matter how well they understood the technology and worked with it. Most professors did not know best how to work on a computer where they worked on training over time. I think that if the situation continues, ie. this way of working that professors will be more successful. Unlike last semester, there is a big difference in the work of professors and students, as well as people who have implemented numerous platforms for this way of realization.

    Amina Škaljić, vanredan student, Predškolski odgoj, četvrta godina.

    1. Amina, you listed the advantages and disadvantages very well. I agree with your opinion. ❤

    2. Hi Amina 🦋
      I agree with your oponion!

  23. Kadira Karavdić, PO, IV godina.

    If we look from the side of the professor, I think that through online assessment they can save time. When the exam is held in the classroom, it takes much more time to review the papers due to reading different manuscripts. Especially for professors who are more technologically educated, the assessment system can be further facilitated with certain programs that offer a variety of opportunities. I think that for professors this way of assessment is much neater and more appropriate. As advantages, we can state that the works are much clearer and tidier. Also, professors as well as students feel more comfortable and go through less stress working from home. Disadvantages are mostly of a technological nature, because due to mistakes that can happen from the outside (power outage or weak internet connection) they do the most damage to students. This is because professors do not have much understanding for such situations, because they do not have insight into the situation of each individual. Compared to traditional assessment methods, I find that online assessment is more inconvenient for students because of the aforementioned difficulties that can befall students. Due to COVID-19, there was a sudden change in all areas, including education. Professors and students were forced to adapt as soon as possible to the new system of teaching and holding final exams. As I said before, assessment by professors is clearer and simpler due to many IT programs. We were all forced to master the management of certain programs as soon as possible, which is positive on the one hand, because those who have not had the opportunity so far, have mastered certain computer basics. If this way of teaching continues in the future, I think it would be necessary to contact the authorities to improve and strengthen the Internet connection in order to reduce the shortcomings.

    1. I absolutely agree with your opinion, the way of thinking is very close to mine. I especially like your advantages and disadvantages. 🙈❤️

      Amina Škaljić, vanredan, PO4

  24. Online assessment is good opportunity to do our tasks for school during pandemic. Often online assessments can be complicated . Teachers think that we have more time because we are home, but we have many subjects and assessments. I worry about online assessments like final exams because I don't know if conection will be ok, will I have electricity. I prefer tradiotional assessments. The biggest disadvantage of online assessments is cheating. We don't study as we should . It is very difficult to be objective. The good side is time and organisation, but we don't spend time with each other. Opportunities are that students get exam results quickly and it is good for the environment because it doesn't consume paper. I really miss the old good way od school, and I hope we will return to school soon.

  25. Assessments play a major role in students’ experiences within a course. The primary goal of assessments is for students to demonstrate their achievement of the course learning outcomes for
    formative feedback, a grade, or for a pass. However, they are much more than that. Often, assessments are the biggest source of motivation for students and drive their decisions of when and how to study. In online environments, students may
    incorrectly assume that they will not have to dedicate as
    much effort to learning course material or completing
    assessments, because they are no longer in a traditional
    course. While certainly, some
    traditional assessment methods do not fit within an online
    environment, effective, rigorous assessments can be facilitated online. When designing a course online, particular care should be given to the assessments to ensure the activities that students do are effective at meeting their learning outcomes but fit within the online space.
    Jasmina Omerović RN 3

  26. The emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic has incredibly accelerated the active use of technology and online learning in universities. The network assessment has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is primarily that we have started to use technology on a daily basis, we independently research and write on our own every day ... both of us we and professors. Another advantage is that the professors try harder to explain the material to us, use more creative ways, prepare presentations, short tests of knowledge - and give their best. The third advantage is the online availability of all professors. According to the traditional way of teaching, all professors are available to us only in certain terms of consultations (when we can ask them what is not clear to us) and in lectures. It often happens that we urgently need professors (ex. if we are writing a seminar paper topic and something is not clear or not available to us - there is a long period of waiting for their thinking, approval, and instructions until the lecture or consultation). And the last, and in my opinion, the most important advantages are those related to saving money and time. Going to college every day requires wasting time unnecessarily. And on the other hand, when we are in college, we are forced to always have enough or even extra money - sometimes we have to copy a book, we have to eat, have a drink, go for coffee when we don't have a lecture, etc.
    The disadvantages are mostly related to safe and quality assessment and verification of knowledge. It is very difficult for professors to check the actual state of knowledge of each individual student. Also, during the lecture, there are unscrupulous students who only report that they are present, and during that time they sleep or perform some other duties, and then the professor has no insight into the real state of presence of all students. In this way, those lazy students are equated with hard-working students who are actively involved in communication, turn on cameras, use their microphones, etc. And another disadvantage that I would mention is the poor internet connection. Surely each of us sometimes has some technical difficulties with the connection, we can't open something, share it with the professors, and show our work - which is ultimately reflected in our assessment, points for attendance, etc. I am very happy because we have started to use the Internet properly and actively participate in the process of continuous learning and active listening. The assessment of what has been learned can be checked in different ways, the most vivid way is a video conversation on given topics or short multiple choice questions, etc. The appearance of coronavirus has accelerated the future of assessment, and I believe that the future brings a transformation that implies this way of communication, lectures, etc.
    Melina Dragunić, PO3

    1. Dear Melina, I agree with you and I have to say something about your sentence:"The appearance of coronavirus has accelerated the future of assessment, and I believe that the future brings a transformation that implies this way of communication, lectures, etc."
      This is absolutely true. I think that future generations will spend much more time online, over time the traditional way of learning will be lost, we need to be ready for that. Every time brings its good and bad sides, and we as humans will always adapt to everything.

      Dalila Kadunić, III, PO

  27. Online assessments are for sure for all of us new challenge. Personally, I don't mind it when our assessments coms in online way. But, the bad thing is that often the assessments must be done in some limited time. Students must have their own devices which sometimes stops working for no reason and that takes us our precious time for doing assessments. There also might be connection or internet problems, energy breaks and things like that. But the good thing about online assessments are that we learn about new method of doing assessments. For me, the traditional way is better than online. It's maybe more objective and we can write our own opinion on certain things and this way is better for students. But, after all, just like everything in life, online assessments have their own pros and cons. Also, we have to understand that because of Corona virus everything is online and traditional way of doing assessments is unable to us. So, as soon as possible we have to get use to this.
    Aida Delizaimovic, RN3

  28. In my review of the topic of online learning during the pandemic, I presented my thoughts and my views regarding the online way of studying. We all already know that the pandemic has brought huge changes in the daily way of life of all of us, especially students, because they are exposed to a new way of studying with which they had no contact before. Just attending this way of studying is a big challenge for all students, starting from teaching to taking exams. Traditional assessment and online assessment are very different. When we talk about traditional assessment, it is important to note that professors have a great deal of agreement. In addition to preparing materials for student assessment, it is the professors who must make those assessments, publish the results and archive them for possible controls or consultations. During the traditional assessment, students are exposed to a great loss of time due to the very arrival at the faculty and the change of public transport because the student is in another city. Professors constantly observe students during the assessment, which reduces the possibility of plagiarism. The current way of estimating, the online way, is much faster and more efficient and allows less time to be spent. Professors are not exposed to the great work effort they were exposed to in traditional assessment. The results themselves are published faster because in most cases the software does it automatically. When we talk about students, time plays a big role and the fact that we don't have to go to another city just for a 45-minute test but we can do it in a home environment, another important advantage is that we can approach the assessment even though we are in poorer health. However, the assessment itself may be a little more difficult for the student, as there is still limited time due to the possibility of plagiarizing the test or rewriting it. The advantage is that we have to have the cameras on when making it, and that possibility is reduced to a minimum, but it still exists. In some subjects, even after the written part of the exam, we are examined orally to prove our knowledge. However, both students and professors have the same dose of "fear" during the assessment process because there is a possibility that at that moment the electricity will go out or our computer will break down at that moment, and then we can talk about new challenges and problems that arise at that time. Deal with questions such as “Will we be able to re-assess?”, “How to explain to the professor what happened”, etc. This method of assessment has not yet reached the level it should. Online assessment is, I believe, a normal and everyday thing in most countries because it is still the 21st century and it is necessary to keep up with the times. Technology is advancing from moment to moment and setting its new limits. This is the first time for us to have this way of assessment, so we are still new in all this, but I hope that, as time goes on, we will go "in line with the times" and that this way of studying and assessing will be everyday. I hope that both our technology and our knowledge related to it will advance, so that in the future no emergency situation will be able to surprise us in this sense.
    Elma Numanagić, PO 3

  29. There is no doubt that studying online is a very different experience to studying in a classroom setting.There are benefits of online leraning like: you can study at a time that suits you,you dont have to waste money or time on travel costs and no books to buy,but there are also chalenges lije: adaptability(students find it difficult to adapt to an online learning environment immediately after traditional classroom learning),tehnical issues(many students are not well equipped with a high internet connection that is required for online learning),self motivation(students start losing hope once they find difficulty in online learning),communication(students lack effective communication skills during online learning) and feedback(every students needs feedback for their performance during the learning process so they can improve their learning abilities).
    Melisa Adem

  30. Assessment is challenged by itself. Online assessment is an additional challenge. Everything has plus and minus, advantages and disadvantages, so does this. Opportunities for us students exist, but I think that challenges are bigger. During the assessment we have to face with diabilites of technology. You always can lose the internet connection, you computer or mobile phone can be broken. You maybe can't always have the right place for online. Assessment, somebody can bother to you. I think that online assessment is' t authoritative.
    Opportunities are that we can do a test or whatever form comfort of our home even if we are sick. We can wake up just 10 minutes before online assessment...
    For future online assessment would have consequences. The knowledge during the pandemic is for sure lower.
    Ena Brkić, RN 4

  31. Student assessment is the most complex part of teaching work not only in online but also in classroom teaching. Online assessments are becoming quite popular and are being used quite extensively in education. The real challenge is to provide effective distance learning with meaningful activities to keep students focused on their learning goals.

    Teachers might also feel the need to formatively assess students’ learning progress in order to provide personalised feedback.
    Teachers usually check students to motivate them, then for providing feedback to improve learning, to diagnose advantages and disadvantages of students
    and to help students to improve their knowledge.
    It is very important to mention the difference between formative and summative assessment.
    So, formative assessment is used to provide feedback during the learning process, while summative assessments provide a quantitative grade and are often given at the end of a unit or lesson.
    For online assessment and traditional assessment I can say that there are pros and cons of both types of assessments.
    We know that the use of online assessments saves a lot of time and money and that students can develop independent study skills but traditional assessment is more objective and it shows our real knowledge. So, I think that combination of both assessment techniques might be useful.

    Nejla Šehić, RN 2.

  32. Online assessment is perhaps the most challenging part of online education, especially during the pandemic situation. It's truly complex for the teachers because they need to come up with different ways of ensuring that the assessment is just. In other words it is really hard to think of a strategy that is going to ensure that there is no cheating or other problems such as technical difficulties. So it is at the same time challenging for both teachers and students, and it brings us many opportunities to be dishonest and cheat. There is also a possibility of completely moving to online assessment, but only under the condition that everything improves quite a lot.
    I'm am still way more fond of traditional assessment vs. the online assessment. In our circumstances online assessment just isn't very well thought out nor is it a good indicator of our knowledge and effort. There are many things that can go wrong during online exams. For example, our internet connection might be bad at the moment of an exam, or there may be other technical difficulties. This would mean that we are automatically failing our exam, and it absolutely doesn't matter if we studied or not. There can also be some mistakes when the teacher is making the exam, if a student misses a letter or gives the correct answer just in a different way it marks it as incorrect and we loose our points. Because all of this the online assessment situation is very stressful and overwhelming for everyone included. I guess that the only positive thing I see in the online assessment is that it gives us the opportunity to carry on with our education during the pandemic. I think that the Corona virus has forced us to learn more about technology and online classes. When the pandemic is over we can use the knowledge we have acquired to enrich the traditional classes. For example if we are sick and cannot go to class we can have the opportunity to still listen to the lesson from home. I definitely think that online assessment will be the main form of evaluation, but we sure have a lot of work to do until then.
    Monja Ražnatović, PO II

    1. I agree with everything you said Monja, this situation isn`t easy at all and new problems arise every day. Hope we will see each other soon and all these problems will be behind us.

    2. Monja has a fair point. I think too, that pandemic is forcing us to learn more about technology. I like your point of view

  33. Assessment is form of evaluation of students. It is often used in formal way of education and it should provide basic information about student's knowledge, his improvement and abilities that he have learned during the studding process. This year, with the appearance of the pandemic caused by the corona virus, the entire school system went online, and so did assessment and evaluation. Many students but also professors have faced numerous challenges that have appeared. In this whole situation, the quality of online assessment is questionable. Validity and reliability issues arise. My opinion is that this is a big problem. I, as a future educator, do not consider forms like online tests or quizzes acceptable for assessing student’s knowledge. I think that form assesses the student's resourcefulness within a certain period of time, and his knowledge is the least pronounced. All this leads to a focus on cheating and we do not get a true picture of students’ knowledge. Only form of online assessment that could be acceptable, in my opinion, is oral examination. It is the only way to see a student’s achievement and progress in this “online form”. I hope that in the future everything will be much better and that we will devise the best way in which we will be able to assess the real knowledge of students.

    Emir Hajdarević
    Department of elementary education
    4th year

  34. The current situation we are in is something new for both professors and students, it brought us a lot of changes that we haven't had touch with so far and we have had very little time to get used to that changes. As relieving as this form of communication may seem, it is very stressful for students and I believe for professors as well. This type of communication has its advantages and disadvantages.
    In addition to the advantages mentioned in the text, the possible access to the Internet from various locations makes it easier to follow classes wherever we are, the possibility of completing the obligations we receive during the deadline we have.
    Also I would like to add that most students don't listen to classes regularly, also often network breaking can also be one of the problems.
    I think that online assessment is a problem for both students and professors, some students can't do so well and organize themselves to submit their papers within the deadline. Personally, I think this way of testing knowledge is very stressfull, because in my subconscious I think that I will not be able to finish it on time, that my internet may disappear and I will not send my work.
    In the world, most educational institutions use this way of communication, so I believe that this situation will help us to progress in the future and function in this way so that future generations don't take this way of communication as something new.
    Emina Kutinčić, PO4

  35. In my opinion, the first thing that students and professors need to understand, is that we should not assess person but the knowledge, work and effort of that person. Assessment is important and I do not think that without assessment the education system would be better. In fact, when teachers would realize that the grade they give a student is actually a grade of what they have taught that student, everything would be much simplier. Online assessment has its advantages and challenges that both, teachers and students, have to face with.
    One of the advantages is:
    - if an online test is done, it is faster to evaluate - the application evaluates the test.
    There are many challenges:
    - it is very difficult to create an online test for certain subjects; for example: how students are supposed to learn how to use a ruler or divider properly in “online form”
    - certain knowledge is required for making an online test;
    - the online assessment of students cannot be completely correct;
    - it is much harder to assess the practical parts of the certain subjects;
    The traditional assessment is much more continuous, compared to online. The online assessment of students during classes is much more demanding, while in traditional classes the student can be monitored throughout the learning process.

    The corona virus has contribute a lot to students and teachers adapt quickly to the new way of learning and assessment.
    I hope that, although we are moving towards that, technology and online circumstances will not be a major factor in future assessment. It could be the factor that can help teachers to do their job more efficiently and productive.

    Amra Bajrić, RN IV

  36. Online assessment has brought many challenges for professors and students. This situation is very difficult for proffessors and their students. Primarily, because the professors do not know their students. That is awful fact. In online assessment, I believe that professors need a lot of time to follow school work of every student. Professors can not have control over the situation because there are many factors that affect this way of working - power outages, technical problems, lack of technological equipment, etc. In these conditions, professors must be very flexible to change the content and way of working. Because of that, I think that our professors will not give as much knowledge and experience, as they would in classrooms. Students do not have motivation to work, they do not have their practical work where they will collect experiences and new knowledge.
    I support traditional assessment. In online assessment, there will be big errors in assessing students' knowledge, skills and competencies. Online tests do not show the true picture of someone's knowledge, but very often they can be the result of cheating. Because of the possible cheating on the exams, presently professors set more demanding exam tasks than last generations — which is not okay.

    Ana Gluvić, RN III.

    1. Ana, I totally agree with you. You mentioned some facts which I forgot. Power outages are often a big problem. Your opinion is great.

      Valentina Crepulja

  37. The corona virus has greatly accelerated the transition to online assessment. Positive thing is that even during a pandemic we have the opportunity to learn.I think online assessment will improve and bring as new methods of assessment.
    What are the challenges and opportunities of online assessment?The biggest challenge of online exams is cheating and possibility of impersonation.Answers on online assessments can only be right or wrong. Technology isn’t always reliable. Information can be lost if a system breaks down. I think the biggest advantage of online assessment is because we have immediate feedback and also online assessment is objective.Online assessment vs. traditional assessment: pros and cons? Online assessment eliminates human error in grading. This means that online knowledge testing is more objective than the traditional assessment. Online assessments can give you instant feedback,unlike paper examinations in a traditional classroom. Automated online assessments give you the option of taking tests wherever you want. Students don’t always have to be in a classroom setting to take assessments. However I hope we return to the traditional way soon.
    Lejla Kadić, PO4.

  38. It’s already been months now since the COVID-19 pandemic started affecting higher education, like all other industries. Institutions around the world have experienced an almost sudden shift to online learning in an effort to slow the spread of the disease.
    Multiple challenges arised, how does one go from a physical classroom to a multi panel Zoom window and how do you support faculty and students along the way? During these times faculty reconsiders the assessment types.
    In order to assess the validity of the assessment reliability and transparency are key components to think of in the case of validity. Also, the trustworthiness of an assessment type, one should think primarily of cheat prevention and privacy.
    Essays, reports and project presentations remain a valid and trustworthy type of assessment as students will still have the same type of resources to use. However, plagiarism can occur, and it can happen more often as there is less interaction with faculty, thus the institution needs to have plagiarism check technology in place.
    There are pros and cons of both types of assessments. A balanced approach between traditional and alternative assessment is critical. While deciding what assessment strategy to use, instructors need to consider the issues such as content and audience. Having clearly defined the goals, appropriate assessment tools need to be utilized. Depending on the nature of the instruction, a combination of both assessment techniques might be useful.
    Advantages of online assessments are: use of online assessments saves an organisation a lot of time and money and the assessments can be completed in less time.

    Ina Olovčić POIII

  39. It’s already been months now since the COVID-19 pandemic started affecting higher education, like all other industries. Institutions around the world have experienced an almost sudden shift to online learning in an effort to slow the spread of the disease.
    Multiple challenges arised, how does one go from a physical classroom to a multi panel Zoom window and how do you support faculty and students along the way? During these times faculty reconsiders the assessment types.
    In order to assess the validity of the assessment reliability and transparency are key components to think of in the case of validity. Also, the trustworthiness of an assessment type, one should think primarily of cheat prevention and privacy.
    Essays, reports and project presentations remain a valid and trustworthy type of assessment as students will still have the same type of resources to use. However, plagiarism can occur, and it can happen more often as there is less interaction with faculty, thus the institution needs to have plagiarism check technology in place.
    There are pros and cons of both types of assessments. A balanced approach between traditional and alternative assessment is critical. While deciding what assessment strategy to use, instructors need to consider the issues such as content and audience. Having clearly defined the goals, appropriate assessment tools need to be utilized. Depending on the nature of the instruction, a combination of both assessment techniques might be useful.
    Advantages of online assessments are: use of online assessments saves an organisation a lot of time and money and the assessments can be completed in less time.

    Ina Olovčić POIII

  40. When it comes to online assessment, we can freely say that it is a challenge during our studies, both for us students and for professors who encounter such assessments and assessments for the first time. Online assessment saves time and money for both students and professors, but it is still a big challenge. It is not an easy task for professors because they do not know what is happening behind the student's computer and they must always be careful, which causes them additional stress. On the other hand, it is not easy for students to have less time for exams than it would be in college. Personally for me, it is much easier to do exams online for the reason that I am not overly tense and under pressure. However, we can never know what can happen during exams over the internet because the internet connection can be very weak. In addition, we need to know all the options on the platforms through which the exam assignments are sent because we can click something wrong and leave the platform by mistake. From personal experience, this was more stressful for me than the exam tasks themselves. I prepared the exams as if I were in the classroom, but such things used to happen when I mistakenly press the wrong key and automatically give the professor the impression that I am copying or intentionally leaving the platform, which is not true, but professors can assess effort and commitment via the Internet. I still choose online assessment because I am much more concentrated when I work alone at home in my home than when we are in the classroom because then I need complete peace and quiet. Coronavirus has had a major impact on education and improved the abilities of professors and students on a variety of applications, platforms, and technology in general. I believe that the advent of coronavirus has led to great advances in technology, and thus accelerated the process of education itself. Professors already have good platforms at their disposal, and we as students have adopted new knowledge and perfected old ones in terms of technology. I believe that future lectures, exams and assessment of our knowledge will be easier to do because at the moment we all have access to the Internet and platforms.

  41. The challenges of online assessment are: scalability, identity management, standardization, security, privacy, and data storage. Of course, all the good that the Internet of Things carries is also accompanied by a number of risks and dangers. Risk management is one of the primary prerequisites for effective management of the Internet of Things security process. We define risk as the possibility of the occurrence of an adverse event that adversely affects the confidentiality, availability and integrity of resources. E-learning should change processes, break down barriers, provide access, support mobility, increase personalization, give more flexibility in time and space, support intercultural dialogue, strengthen social cohesion, enable partnerships and the like. Lack of personal contact, complex and relatively expensive IT infrastructure, process changes and reorganizations
    Coronaviruses are a group of long-known viruses, most of which cause the common cold; however, the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (formerly working name 2019-nCoV) causes a somewhat more severe clinical picture, in a certain percentage of cases leads to a fatal outcome, and is the current cause of a new global pandemic. All of the above is the reason why SARS-CoV-2 - the cause of the so-called. COVID-19 disease - currently of great interest to all relevant world public health organizations. As the virus is still completely new, intensive studies of its structure and epidemiological properties are still ongoing - including its potential for infection, ease of transmission and danger to life. Although SARS-CoV-2 infection is less contagious than measles, mortality is higher compared to seasonal flu, and additional information and a detailed comparison of mortality and mortality are needed for further action.

    Merjema Hamidović, RN3.

  42. Online assessment can be used in different areas, so we conclude that there are different types of online assessment. In educational assessment, teachers try to improve student learning in various ways by using empirical data on skills, knowledge, attitudes. There are two divisions of online assessment: formative which gives an overview of students at the beginning of the lecture and summative which provides some outcome. This assessment can be done on one individual or on all together (eg the whole class). One of the biggest benefits of online assessment is saving time as well as money. More than one examiner can access the test at the same time from their homes from their own devices. The disadvantage would be this, currently very common, computer illiteracy. Also, technology is not always reliable, there might be connection or internet problems, power outage etc.
    All in all, it is up to you to decide if an online assessment is better and more successful than a face-to-face one. However, given the current situation and not knowing if it will get better soon, we should get more and more used to online assessment.

    Aida Tajić, II godina,Odsjek za razrednu nastavu

  43. Online assessment can be used in different areas, so we conclude that there are different types of online assessment. In educational assessment, teachers try to improve student learning in various ways by using empirical data on skills, knowledge, attitudes. There are two divisions of online assessment: formative which gives an overview of students at the beginning of the lecture and summative which provides some outcome. This assessment can be done on one individual or on all together (eg the whole class). One of the biggest benefits of online assessment is saving time as well as money. More than one examiner can access the test at the same time from their homes from their own devices. The disadvantage would be this, currently very common, computer illiteracy. Also, technology is not always reliable, there might be connection or internet problems, power outage etc.
    All in all, it is up to you to decide if an online assessment is better and more successful than a face-to-face one. However, given the current situation and not knowing if it will get better soon, we should get more and more used to online assessment.

    Aida Tajić, II godina,
    Odsjek za razrednu nastavu

  44. Traditional ways of testing can sample only a fraction of what we want to produce and plays a judgmental role rather than a developmental one. The online assessments can be completed in less time. Students are able to take the assessment during class, or at home, using their own devices. They get to see their results and answers and get instant feedback about their chosen topic. That helps teacher to learn more about their users and adapt to their needs, strengths and weaknesses. Online learning systems have immediate scoring systems to let you know how well you passed the test. Waiting to learn your test score can be nerve-racking. Teaching online is very complex. It is complicated by the need to adapt what has been a highly social process, that of educating students in a traditional school and classroom setting, to an online computerized setting with limited social interaction. The biggest challenge for online educators is to make this adaptation work effectively.

    Amra Ivazović, RN3

  45. COVID-19 hit the whole world very fast. People were not prepared for it and because of that we have a lot of challenges with learning and assesments also. Challenges are there but also there are opportunities, in every bad there is something good. Assesments are used to make students inspired and active in classes. It’s not easy but we have to keep going forward, working and not lossing hope or interest so we can have a high assesment. Sometimes our assesment is not going to be as good as we want it, but that is just one more reason to keep learning more. Assesmets are a big part of learning for all students and professors. Professors need to understand students, and also students have to do the same thing we are all in this together and if we do that then the learning will be more successful. Some students and professors find it easier online and some don’t, but we can’t do anything about it it’s the way it is.

    Nizama Radonja POII

  46. We are facing hard time.
    I think it will be easier to understand that schools aren’t just buildings where students go to learn, and that teachers are irreplaceable. There’s something magic about that in-person connection, that bond between teachers and their students. Having that face-to-face connection with learners and being able to support them across their unique skills⁠—that’s very hard to replicate in a distance learning environment. Also, many students access critical resources at school, such as meals, clothing, and mental health support that may not be as widely available at home. Assessment has been put to the test hugely during the current crisis with the Covid-19 pandemic. Universities all over the world are forced to embrace technology in order to transform both their education process and assessment. Online assessment should be improved so that it becomes more authentic.

    Martina Galić, RNIII

  47. Biggest challenge would be ability to mimic real world conditions in classrooms, and to have everyone's internet and (electrical) devices to work perfectly without any disturbances. Afterall, there are always bigger oportunities for cheating in exams and you can never be sure that student did not cheat. Opinion that I hold does not give any pros to online asessment. By traditional exams and work with student you can better estimate who has greater knowledge, and that is much harder by looking at answers in PDF and other formats.
    Corona virus has greatly influenced usage of online activities, including educational. Because of that, online assesment has taken such a big leap in importance, and required better ways of checking validity and originality of schoolworks to asses students knowledge.

    Magdalena Milišić, ER2

  48. Online assessment is crucial for our educational process.There are many types of online assessment.Everyone in this planet agree with fact that traditional education is much more better than online education.For teacher and students is hugh unkown.But with help,effort and commitment we can improve everything.Many experts and big company around the world said that online education maybe in the next five years can be much more smarter,faster, and more effective than today in present.Corona virus brought with it new type of learning and also improve our computer skills.But the time is best inducator of everything when we return to the normal course of life and activities.

  49. The challenges of online assessment are very great. We can never fully know whether this is all correct and regular, whether what we are assessing is the actual knowledge of the person we are assessing or whether different sources of literature could have been used at the time of assessment. When it comes to online tests there is almost always limited time to make them, which is sometimes not enough to answer all the questions. For me, online tests are much more stressful, because I can never know for sure if everything will be fine with my internet connection, if the program will delete everything I did and the like. I think traditional assessment is much more credible than online assessment, we can also ask a question if something is not clear to us, but I also think that online assessment offers greater savings of time and resources. The advantages of online assessment are: paper savings, time savings, while the disadvantages of online assessment: time limit, greater possibility of cheating on tests.
    Covid 19 has greatly accelerated the future of assessment as well as online learning. He also forced people who did not do very well with computers to start using them and thus complete their obligations.

  50. In many educational institutes, technology has preceded the way for online assessments and exams. 
    The use of online assessments saves companies a lot of time and money. Also, the test takers are able to take the assessment during class, or at home, using their own devices. There are some bad things about online assessments. For example, there might be connection or internet problems, energy breaks and other things like that.
    Having that face-to-face connection with learners is very important for children. To be honest, I prefer online assessments because I feel happier and more safe in my house.

    Berina Lemezan, RN III.

  51. Online assessement may be very difficult. There are many challenges like lack of quality techology or even ignorance of the basic rules of using it. Believe it or not, there are still people who don’t know how to open for example some of documents on the computer. I don’t blame them, it is just about the society and maybe country where we live. We get a huge confusion when school system begin with online assessement to people who are not taught to use technology. Luckily there are more opportunities than challenges. We don’t have to spend time on transport to our university especially if you live in another town. So we save a lot of time. It is better to use just one device for all of subject than a lot of notebooks. This online way offers possibility of working and studying at the same time. I prefer to be at home with family and have online class but just during pandemic. One of the most important thing for students, exams. I’m surr it is easier to have exam online because you feel safe and calm in your ambient. We have every results as fast as possible. As my experience it is almost the same, online assessement and traditional assessement. One thing is sure, I have to learn, to try and work hard in both way. Coronavirus has changed a lot of things not just in school but in our lives. Maybe this online assessement is our future and replacement for traditional.

    Nejra Emso ER2

  52. Due to the current situation in the world, as well as in our country, we are forced to take online classes. Online teaching brings with it certain challenges. Some of the advantages are that we do not have to get up early, drive, get out of bed to attend classes and many others, more time for learning as well as free time, but in any case online classes have more disadvantages. We do not have face-to-face communication with the professor, poor internet connection in most cases, more tasks for students, we face problems on our own without the help of the professor. But it is not only difficult for us, it is also difficult for the professors because this is a challenge for them as well. However, they try to bring the materials closer to us in the best possible way. I also miss hanging out with colleagues, especially now because we are in our final year.

    Lejla Bužo, RN4

  53. The Corona virus pandemic is a big challenge for the whole world. The world was unprepared and in a short time it had to find solutions in accordance with the situations. The biggest challenge was felt by teachers and children. Overnight, children had to replace school desks with computers.
    Each situation has its advantages and disadvantages, and so does this current one. The advantage of online education during a pandemic is the reduction of the risk of COVID-19 infection as well as „not spending“ time on transportation to school or college.
    However, we are all already aware that the computer is seriously damaging to the health of our body. Spending a lot of time in front of the screen can result in poor eyesight, less physical activity, children become lazy, listless. On the other hand, in some ways it is easier for teachers to prepare assignments and exams, which saves paper and pencil; they are more organized, while children are poorly versed in technology and are just beginning to explore that „technological“ world.
    Exams are limited and it is difficult for teachers to estimate how much time it realy takes to complete certain tasks on time, which creates confusion, nervousness and the inability of students to express their knowledge in the right way. Teaching in schools encourages children to various activities. It socializes them, they are focused on education and what they listen to, but while in online conditions, they focus on everything than learning, professors, etc. They become tired, more listless, they don't socialize, they don't get to know each other, their life seems to have stopped.
    Also, they feel guilty if they don't have a computer, internet connection, electricity. Therefore, online assessment has no future and it is not food primarily for the children, then teachers because they do not have realistic idea of children's knowledge.
    I hope that this pandemic will end as soon as possible and that the school bell will ring hapily again, and the children will be satisfied and happy with their peers.
    Vernesa Fatić PO 3

  54. Online teaching and teaching in school represents very different situations, with that it can have different methods of assessment. I think that for students, when we talk about online school, there should be more for them more space and more time to complete every kind of school work. Beside that it’s preferably to reduce the criterion, at least it was a matter of minimalism. Assessment could be done in a lot of the different ways such as quiz and different tasks such as writing texts. That’s a lot easier to implement in online teaching than in school. If we talk about about assessment in classroom than it is the best way is talking with students and to discuss the topic. I prefer teaching in classroom, because it’s a lot easier to get the work done, also we don’t have problems with connection, nobody takes more time then they should and similar. I really hope that the problem with Covid-19 will disappear soon so we can get back to our classes in school.
    Rumejsa Selimanovic PO2

  55. When we talk about online assessment we can say there are many challenges and oportunities as well as adavantages and disadvantages.
    First of all, something that we all have to face it is being computer literate. It can be a challenge for those who are not able to use computer well but it is also oportunity to learn something new.
    Some advantages of online assessment is that it saves the time. Actually professors save the time as well as the money.
    There are programs that can help them with gradeing. Also students have much more time for preparing themselves for exams and they can do exams in the comfort of their home. In example if they're sick they can do an exam in their home, what maybe they couldn't even do anyway if it would be in traditional way i.e. in classroom. Disadvantages of online assessment and online learning in general are lost connection, problems with camera and microphone witch can cause unfair grading.
    Also some professors use some platforms for written exams that correct wrong answers but the problem is that if students make just one grammatical mistake the whole answer will be considered wrong by the program or platform. And also students don't have an opportunity to return to previous question to correct their answer if, in example, they would remember the correct answer. That is why I'm more for traditional assessment. Anyways I think that corona virus has accelerated use of online assessment beacuse before all of this situation people were talking about it coming one day. And know we were forced to use it. I think it will be the only method of assessment in future and it will become much better. (Semina Nešust, II godina, Odsijek za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju).

  56. The transition to online teaching poses a major challenge for students and teachers during the current global pandemic. Does this mean that factual knowledge could be replaced by the necessary competencies essential for proper functioning and working in the 21st century? The answer is yes, but only if the relevant laws are changed and if the professors start evaluating and grading students more creatively. Both online and traditional assessment methods have numerous advantages and disadvantages listed above, but the question is how to adapt to the current situation as easily as possible, given that it has become a new normality. Communication and understanding between students and professors is crucial indeed, but we should also keep in mind that education authorities play an important role as well – various ministries, governmental agencies, departments, etc. A number of regulations need to be readjusted, which also includes defining more specific learning outcomes. In these hard times of the novel coronavirus outbreak, we have to make sure to stay positive and do our work the best we can with all available means.
    Sabina Porović, RN4

  57. Online assessment has its good and bad sides, its benefit and its loss.
    Good sides would be that it can be done faster, easier for students and also for teachers to check. It saves money, time and gives opportunity to everyone to give assessment even if not in position to come to the institute.
    Also would like to mention importance of less consumption of paper, this way we are saving trees and our planet Earth 🌍. So its important to point out how online assessments and online education are also eco-friendly. ♻️
    For negative side of online assessments and online "life" we are all facing today would like to mention its bad affect on our mental and physical health. There are many problems with so much time spent on mobile, laptop or computer can cause.
    Also beside health affects doing everything online can cause laziness, because, by online we get everything pretty much served and also done very fast, we don't have to work really hard to get something we need.
    And for that reason, changing from online back on previous way of assessments and education is going to be very hard for all of us.
    When its about pros and cons of online and traditional assessments I would say that mainly it depends on quality of ones assessment no matter is it done online or traditional way. Its the concept of assessment which matters is it going to be useful or not for us, and the way how someone is actually checking knowledge of the students . So in my opinion, test of knowledge can be done in many ways and if it's done online or traditional way doesn't really matter.
    But it is up to all of us to make any situation we are facing today good as as possible for us, it is going to be challenging but we have to work hard for it, there are always going to be changes but we have to stay healthy, positive and happy! :)

    Adna Smailhodžić, Department of Preschool Education, 3rd year

  58. I think it it is faster to do online assessment, but traditional way is more effective because we learn more from it. Now, when is actual coronavirus, it is opportunity to accelerrate quality of future assessments. So I hope everything will be better in the future, when we get used to online classes.
    Berina Vatrenjak RN3


  59. I think that the current situation will bring a lot of changes in the organization of the teaching process. so far many professors have avoided the use of new technologies in educational work, for a variety of reasons. Some simply do not know how to use what today's technology offers, others resist because they think it does not have a strong enough effect on the participants in the process. of course, there are those who have incorporated modern technologies into their work. The compulsion of all of us to use online platforms has brought us new challenges: adapting to a given situation, getting acquainted with the functioning of the online world, etc.
    In the future when all this will be just part of the memory, I hope we will understand the beauty and charm of attending classes in school desks surrounded by colleagues, but also that we will use online platforms for those situations where the educational process is faster and more effective.

  60. We are currently in such a situation that our college lectures and school lectures are online. Many business meetings too. Many professors misunderstand online lectures, colleges, and high schools and elementary schools. They burden children with too much material, constantly send materials and think that the only obligation of children and students is college. If we have seven, eight or nine hours of lectures or classes a day, and after that the rest of the day we are obliged to sit at a mobile phone, computer and do certain seminars, presentations, online assignments and the like. It’s somewhat tedious and frustrating. The situation is difficult for everyone, we should try to adapt as well as possible and most importantly, be empathetic with each other. The way of grading via the Internet is office, it is significantly different from the traditional way of grading. However, with online grading and exams, it can happen that the power goes out, that we have a weak connection and similar difficulties. On the other hand, there are also excellent ways for good and adaptable assessment online, if the professor finds the best way. Sometimes we can feel less nervous about grading and responding online. But everything is individual. There are shortcomings in both assessment methods and very good ways in both online and traditional assessment. All in all, I can’t wait to get back to the classrooms because it’s a lot easier when everything happens live.
    Kubur Lejla, RN

  61. It's very hard to study online these days. First of all, we have lost our motivation. We are all nervous and bored at our homes. We miss our friends, we miss live conversation with them, with our professors. The only thing we do is typing and online meeting. Professors think that we have excess time, so they oblige us with a handful of tasks. It usually is not evaluated and we have to do the exam no matter what we've done so far. Besides, exams are highly technology dependent and no one cares if our technology is not correct, if we do not have the opportunity to realize that exam. There is only one period of time in which the exam can be done, and if we have a connection problem we lose that time and we do the exam very bad. Another thing that is a problem is that the exams are not objectively evaluated, they simply cannot be because professors are also limited in their choice of questions, most often there are multiple choice questions that are actually at the level of recognition and there are not enough tasks that are at the level of synthesis or evaluation. In short, online assessment is a very bad way to check student achievement. Often students abuse the situation and cheat on exams because it is made easier for them in this way. Therefore, I am against this way of studying and grading. I hope this all will return to normal soon...
    Almedina Kulaš, RN 4

    1. Dear colleague, you have stated real and present problems, but student itself should have alternative and make sure that he can do all of his obligations properly and on time. Plus, as we are learning about mental health and mental strength, as we set our minds it will be that way, so we should try harder in keeping our minds positive.
      Ajla Hadžić, PO4

  62. Online Assessment: Challenges & Opportunities

    There are many benefits of working/studying/teaching online. It definitely reduced the commuting time; therefore it reduces the chances of getting the virus which is great. We can sleep longer as well. We can stay in the comfort of our own walls, with no worries about makeup and clothing (especially for girls/women). At home we can focus on more healthy eating, preparing meals, and save money, because we don't have to eat out.
    When it comes to downsides there are many depending from the person of course. Some people were just thrilled with this online system, because they are computer savvy, and because they like to stay indoors and communicate in this way. For others this was/is challenging in so many ways. Some people lack self-discipline, so they suddenly got motivation for renovation of their place rather than the work they should do, because it is difficult to separate work life from home life. Plus some people who live with other family members can find this extra challenging, especially with small kids in the house. There is also the generation gap, so those students, who moved from their parent’s sights, now live back together and they don’t look like they are very studious, and some parents just don’t understand new normal lifestyle.

    In the nutshell everything changed almost overnight. Some have adapt to the situation quickly, some are still adapting to it. Luckily we do have the Internet, imagine this pandemic without it, I think our lives would be much different. But again, everything depends on the person and working environment, when it comes to work as assistants of children with special needs, we must admit that we must not walk the extra mile, but actually quite a few. We have to create new ways depending of the child and disability. We have to be sensitive towards our students, partners (parents and schools), we have listen carefully and attentively about needs, problems, issues, and be there for them (online). And this part is the hardest, because this is something totally new for everyone, we don’t have manuals nor textbooks to train us how to teach/help children online. How to adapt teaching materials online for children who have special needs but must follow the school curriculum! It is challenging! It is difficult for all parties.

    But this is an opportunity for us to make new manuals, to create new ways, to change the education, and the way we used to teach/work or study. This is a good time for innovations, creativity, despite all downsides.

    Malina Hukić ER2 V

  63. The current situation, COVID 19, has forced educators to change the way they work. Many professors weren’t ready for that step. Older professors are accustomed to the classic method of teaching: blackboard, writing and speaking. And the children got used to this method. The pandemic has clearly accelerated the transition to virtual teaching and learning, so the same follows for assessment. When it comes to assessment, it is usually done on the basis of online tests, oral examinations, essays and seminar papers. Online tests aren’t the best solution. First of all we can't know if the connection will be good that day. Since all pupils and students have switched to online mode, the internet is very bad. Many users use the internet at the same time. It is useful for high school and elementary school students, because they can copy or even someone else can do their test. Teachers can’t know if that student really deserved that grade. But there are also positive sides. Online grading offers students the opportunity to circumvent distance, disability, or illness more efficiently, as well as opportunities to complete tasks at a time and place most appropriate to their needs. Another advantage of online verification is greater security, as all exam papers, candidate details, grades and results are stored digitally.
    I think that in the future this way of education will be developed, which means it will be more organised.

    Sadiković Alema, ER2, redovna

  64. As we have discussed earlier in our previous comments when we talked about what we encounter when learning during Covid19, I mentioned that this is something that happened to all of us.

    Unfortunately, we all face different challenges. Many states have already introduced methods like online teaching, online tests years ago, while this is the first time that we have a chance to do something new like this. In previous situations, we did not have the need to explore this area, so we did not deal with it. As difficult as this is for our senior professors, for professors who have not encountered with this before, it is just as difficult for us students because we also need time to cope and learn in different situations.
    The difficulties we face are of a technological nature and financial situations. Many students face financial problems because laptops, computers and technological things are expensive. Then, technological problems such as if the laptop is slow, slow internet, etc.
    But opportunities are that we can progress, we can develop in this field. We can learn many new things. Both students and professors then can transfer what they learned to the faculty as an institution.

    We are all used to the traditional faculty. As I said before, in this situation we can learn new things, that is the good side while the bad side of this is the lack of interaction with students, the lack of opportunities for the practical part of our faculty, not fulfilling those needs of hanging out with friends. Taking exams takes place in different ways, students do not prepare enough and a the quality of learning is not the same when learning online.

    The virus affected on all of us and made us think about priorities. It restarted our lives. I think he pushed us in the right sense as far as our future of technology is concerned, but what the future of life will be like after this remains to be seen.

    Resulović Ajla

  65. I hate online assessments.Every exam I pray to the gods of the internet not to lose connection.I feel like the teachers are so bothred by extra work they have to do that they don’t have any patience or understanding for our technical difficulties (not all of them of course).A test is a test.Students find a way to cheat either way,so you basically get the same result as doing a test in class.Personally so much technology scares me and I think we all are starting to feel a little depressed.Not to mention that (for us that live in a house) there is no privacy during a test,grandparents,cousins,neighbours are always there,yelling,talking being just extra.I am so looking forward to the time when it is just me and my good old paper and pen.Oh what a day that will be 😊
    Ivana Parađina,PO2

  66. It's already been a 10 months since the pandemic started affecting education like all other things in our country. Technology offers a range of potential benefits to the teaching process, but these benefits are often coupled with challenges. The virtual classroom environment can have both- positive and negative effects on this learning process. Before the pandemic the teachers used to give us assessments, so they give us online assessments now. There are pros and cons of both of them. Besides observing and regulating the learning process of every student, assessments help the teachers to set a goal for every chapter and to realize if they did a good job with teaching. One of the primary advantages to online assessment is that in many cases students can receive virtually instant feedback. We can sleep longer than before. It allows students for the exam to be at a location of their choice. The online assessment also makes checking, moderating and marking the exam results a lot faster. These methods ensure that the students receive their results a lot faster than the traditional methods. Bad thing about online assessments is internet connection. For example, last year we had oral examination. Few minutes before it was my turn to give answers on teacher's questions power went down in whole Travnik. Fortunately I manage to get into the online call. Teacher was very reasonable and I was thankfull for that.
    I think that in the future the online version of studying wil be used more and more.
    Ilma Purić, RN, treća godina, redovan student

  67. Considering whole situation we are currently in, online assessments brought something new to our lives. It has benefits, and they are really big benefits. Students are allowed and provided to work without troubles when it comes to health reasons, weather conditions, private space when doing exams and learning, getting instant feedbacks about their grades, etc. There are no a lot of papers, everything is highly secured and private, and everything is faster. On the other side, everyone has problems that he/she can't affect on, like internet connection, electricity issues, device problems (with computer/laptop, slow device, unsecure device). Greatest problem was before and is now, and it is plagiarism and cheating while doing assessments, and there is still not 100% efficient prevention to that. I have stated above pros and cons of online assessments, and traditional assessments have its own pros and cons. One of the greatest pros is that not only students but everyone better learn when they are physically present, and then they can see/touch things live. Traditional assessment has been successful for years, and if it wasn't good it would have been changed years ago. Cons of traditional assessment are contained in the fact that each year brings more digitalization and each part of live is slowly being replaced by technology. Since coronavirus appeared it definitely accelerated arrival of online assessments, and if it shows to be good, in my oppinion this type of assessments will remain for a long time. It will probably be brought to the perfection and it will be very good and promising, it just takes time to figure out all details that are not established yet.

    Ajla Hadžić, PO4, vanredna

  68. It’s already been some weeks since the COVID-19 pandemic started affecting higher education, like all other industries. Institutions around the world have experienced an almost sudden shift to online learning in an effort to slow the spread of the disease. It’s been tough days and weeks in the education space, but nonetheless we’ve seen the community thriving.
    Multiple challenges arised, how does one go from a physical classroom to a multi panel Zoom window, how do you balance real-time teaching with asynchronous learning and how do you support faculty and students along the way?

  69. Cheating is easier to do (and harder to detect) online.
    Online courses need more student-to-student interactions “built in” than do face-to-face courses.
    Performance assessments (such as presentations and demonstrations) can be more challenging to administer online.
    Students expect more visually rich and interactive materials delivered via screen than they do from an in-class experience. Face-to-face classes are inherently visual and interactive. In an online class, however, the amount and quality of visual and interactive materials can vary widely.

  70. Online assessment is quite new phenomena at our schools and universities. It comes hand in hand with online teaching and learning and with many challenges and opportunities. Biggest challenge is probably possibility of online impersonation, cheating and plagiarism. But there are also new opportunities like for example possibility for implementing teaching, learning and assessment (almost) anytime and anywhere and opportunity for lifelong learning as well as improved access for disabled or geographically dispersed students. Also big range of tools can help extend the range of possible methods and approaches of assessment; teachers can employ different types of assessment, not only summative, but also formative and diagnostic assessment. This also means that teachers have to be very creative in assessing students’ learning process and they have to upgrade their computer literacy. But flexibility and creativity regarding assessments is needed also in-class, so newest ways of teaching and assessing in online environment could be enriching for our traditional, uninventive in-class approach as well. Online assessments are bit more accurate and faster then traditional in-class test. They could involve immediate feedback to students, evaluation and marking could be fully automated. There is also a huge advantage in terms of data management. On the other hand online assessment is dependent on reliability of Internet connection and on capacity of students to respond in electronic mode. It also can be challenging for purer countries, where some of the students do not even have needed equipment for online learning/assessments. This problem is especially evident at level of primary education.
    The newest epidemic has for sure brought many challenges to schools, teachers, students and parents of younger children. I am not yet sure if it has accelerated future of assessment, since we are all seeing incapability (or unwillingness) of many to adopt to new reality and to embrace new possibilities. Some teachers for example still apply paper and pen, time –limited examinations with cameras on. The future will depend on it what we do today in sense of additional education of teaching personnel in this matter.
    Arnela Mujkanović, PO3, vanredan


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