A Child-Friendly World





          These wonderful quotes remind us of the most precious gifts we could ever get in our lives – our children. Each child is unique and he/she deserves to be treated with full respect and an enormous amount of love and understanding. Starting with the family, which should provide his/her safe base, continuing with the local community and all the way up to the global level, where the whole mankind should unite in one of the most important goals – to create a world which would fit the child and suit his/her needs.



         We should all act in the best interest of children, while promoting children's rights and protecting them from violence and any other kind of abuse. We should always make sure that each child is listened to and fully respected. As full-fledged right holders, children should have the effective access to justice and adequate treatment equally as any adult. And the justice system should be adapted to the child so that the child does not feel threatened by it, but protected. 


          All children should grow up in a child-friendly environment which guarantees their normal physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Children should have the access to a quality education which will provide them opportunities to achieve real learning outcomes and reach their potential. Education should be child-centered and based on the principles of democratic participation, inclusiveness and protection.

          These are just some of the basic issues related to the topic – how to create a child-friendly world. Here below you will be given some useful links for your own in-depth research.

           Although we live in 21st century and the new millennium, the sad fact is that not all children enjoy the same rights and not all of them are treated in a proper way. There are still some parts of the world where you can encounter child slavery and child labor where children are also deprived of their right to education. Here are two brief stories of two brave people who have stood up and fought for children’s rights in their countries:

The story of Malala Yousafzai



Kailash Satyarthy: A Journey



 Adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution 1386 (XIV) of 10 December 1959




Find out more about the concept of child-friendly schools and environments:


Child-friendly schools manual:




 Here is the link to investigate the topic of child-friendly justice:



UNICEF: A World Fit for Children:



 Child-friendly cities or communities:





Principles of child-friendly housing:




 These are just the basic hints to motivate your own research of the topic and our class discussion on the blog. Think about your own experience and your local community. What can we all do to make this world better suited for all children? Remember Kailash Satyarthi's words: 'If not now, then when? If not you, then who?'


Questions for discussion:


  What are children’s rights?

  Why are these rights important?

  Who fought for children’s rights?

  Are these rights equally respected all over the world?

  What are the problems children face with in a contemporary world?

  What is the situation in BiH in this regard?

  How can we make the world a better place for our children?

  How can we create a child-friendly world?




"Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. 

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. 

Walk beside me and be my friend" 


Attributed to Albert Camus




  1. The full list of rights for children is set out in United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children’s rights include the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation, an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm.
    Children are neither the property of their parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. They are human beings and they have every right to be treated with respect and to be protected. The importance of their rights is the fact that children are individuals with a voice and their voice should be heard and it should matter.
    Regarding the question "Who fought for children’s rights?", in class, we mentioned Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthy. Both of them are inspiring people and if more of us were fighting for the same rights they are doing - the world would be a better place.

    I don't think that the rights are equally respected all over the world because every country is different, there are different school systems, society systems, political, religious and moral systems too.
    There are many problems that the children face with in a contemporary world such as: child labor, child hunger, issues with education, medical care.

    The single most powerful thing everyone can do is to willfully try to present a good example for future generations, and mentor those we can, with pure intentions. Speak up about the issues and rights of children, fight for them, treat them like any other human being, respectfully. Volunteer in care centers and educate yourself about this topic.
    To create a child-friendly world we should protect them from any discrimination they could experience. Take maximum care of them, better out medical and education system for them, to give them access to quality social services, to give them a clean and safe environment. To give them a carefree childhood because they deserve one.

    I found this one article about BiH and children rights, feel free to read it. It's really good! https://www.unicef.org/bih/en/child-rights-monitoring

    1. Very good point, Aida. I like the way of expressing your opinions about this topic.

  2. Hello everyone 🖐❤️

    This is very important topic.

    Every child has the right to grow up in an environment where they feel safe and secure, have access to basic services and clean air and water, can play, learn and grow and where their voice is heard and metters.
    Children’s rights include the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation, an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm.

    There are four general principles that underpin all children’s rights: non-discrimination (means that all children have the same right to develop their potential in all situations and at all times), the best interests of the child (must be “a primary consideration” in all actions and decisions concernimg a child, must be used to resolve conflicts between different rights), the right to survival and development (underscores the vital importance of ensuring access to basic services and to equality of opportunity for children to achieve their full development), the views of the child (mean that the voice of the child must be heard and respected in all matters concerning his or her rights).

    Make the world better - with kindness. Children who are kind feel better about themselves and often generate the same posotive feelings in those around them. But they dont’t necessarily get there on their own. Kids need positive role models (ie, you!) as well as practice. Teach your kids the importance of being thankful.

    Meliha Terzić, RN4. 🌸

    1. Hi Meliha,
      I really like your opinion and point of view

      PO II

    2. Hi Meliha, I agree with you. I think that this is one of the most important topic in the whole world.
      Ilma Purić, RN

  3. Children's rights are there to be respected.
    Children's rights are: the child's freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, protection, family reunification, protection of identity, freedom of thought and religion, the right to education, the right to health care, the right to play and leisure and many more rights. Unfortunately, some of the rights of children are not respected worldwide. As an example, we see child trafficking, child exploitation, child abuse, the ban on children living and growing up freely.
    Malala Yousafza fought for children's rights, and they were deprived of them. She received the Nobel Peace Prize.
    The problems that children face in the modern world are health care and education. A large number of national minorities still do not attend school and do not have adequate health care.
    Inequalities persist in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially among children from the Roma community. Preschool attendance is the lowest in Europe (25%), with large differences between urban and rural areas, as well as employment and parental unemployment.
    A UNICEF program for Bosnia and Herzegovina (2021-2025) was created, according to which work is being done to strengthen children's rights.We should not differentiate between children, we should create good living conditions for them.

    Ena Alomerović PO4

  4. Hello everyone,this is an interesting topic. Hmm.. we are all born with some rights that no one can take away from us. When we talk about children, every child has the right to some basic rights. Children's rights are a subset of human rights with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors. Children's rights includes their right to association with both parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for physical protection, food, universal state-paid education, health care, and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the child, equal protection of the child's civil rights, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of the child's race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, color, ethnicity, or other characteristics.
    The Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out the rights that must be realized for children to develop to their full potential.

    The Convention offers a vision of the child as an individual and as a member of a family and community, with rights and responsibilities appropriate to his or her age and stage of development. By recognizing children's rights in this way, the Convention firmly sets the focus on the whole child. There are many reasons for singling out children's rights in a separate human rights Convention:
    - Children are individuals.
    -Children start life as totally dependent beings.
    -The actions, or inactions, of government impact children more strongly than any other group in society.
    -Children's views should be heard and considered in the political process.
    -The healthy development of children is crucial to the future well-being of any society.
    Osmanović Ajla,ER2

  5. Children's rights are rights that protect all persons under the age of 18. They indicate what every child should have or should do. Every child has the right to education, health care, food, play, protection and more. Children's rights should ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve the best he or she can. All rights are connected and equally important. Apart from the fact that our rights belong to us because we were born with them, it is equally important that we respect the rights of others.

    All these rights are very important through the further life of children. If the children are given all the above songs, the children will live their lives the best. They will become better people, they will respect first of all themselves and everyone else around them. Without rights, children cannot understand their value and existence.

    Eurochild is a European network of organizations aimed at improving the quality of life of children and young people based in Brussels, its activities are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The article also mentions Malal Y. as well as Kailasa S.

    Unfortunately, the rules are not followed equally in the world. Some basic rights such as the right to food home education religion in large numbers are not represented in all countries. Some countries have a high prevalence of poverty children die of hunger many countries do not allow children to school education. As for the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina itself, children also face obstacles. Most often, children of lower economic status are not able to get an education. Their basic rights of affiliation are not represented in society and society distracts them if they notice differences. Children's rights have no expiration date. They are universal and timeless. Children are our future, but their future begins now. Each generation is an opportunity to lay the foundations for a new, better world. An opportunity we must not miss. An opportunity to create a world worthy of a child.

    Amina Škaljić, PO4 (vanredan student)

  6. We are people. We have to choice to live, to fun, to be educated, to decide about our lives. Especially children's rights is something that is even more important. Kids must play, move on, learn, draw, work, but the most important is that they must be happy. It is important for their developers. Every part of life have the rules. Ads work and earn money. Kids play and learn so they can work for money when grow up. Exploitation doesn't bring Anything good.
    There are some people who are going for kids' rights. They are good persons. They are thinking about the future of that kid. All of us should do it. Be the change that you want to see in the world.
    Some kids are convinced when they bore. Some countries are more child-friendly tunes, but some are less. Bosnia and Hercegovina aren't on the top of making child-friendly world, but it can me worst.

  7. According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children – that India ratified in 1992 – all children are born with fundamental rights:
    Right to Survival – to life, health, nutrition, name, nationality,
    Right to Development – to education, care, leisure, recreation, cultural activities,
    Right to Protection – from exploitation, abuse, neglect,
    Right to Participation – to expression, information, thought, religion.
    These rights are important because they provide children to live safe, righteous and protected life. There are many people through history who fought for children's rights, but nowadays Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi are significant ones. Unfortunately, these rights are not respected in all countries in the world. Countries in development are most affected by discrimination of children's rights. In contemporary world children face many problems such as: lack of education, child labour, poverty, hunger, etc. Bosnia and Herzegovina mostly respects basic children's rights, but situation could be much better if our politicians would pay attentions for problems that we all have in our country, especially children. As a future special educator, I must say that children with needs are not equally respected as their peers are. We need to erase stigma towards these children from people's heads as soon as possible. Every child deserves to be treated respectfully. We can make world a better place for children by respecting their rights and needs, providing them safe environment to grow up, right for education, freedom and abundance in every way. Creating a child-friendly world means building a political system that is committed to improving the lives of children. In those world children would be protected from exploitation, violence and abuse, have access to social services, have a proper health care, participate in family, cultural and social life, meet friends and have places to play.

    Nives Pirija, II godina Odsjeka za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju

  8. Every human being should be respected for his/her qualities. Everyone has something worth of attention, in positive way.
    Hope for better future is every child, so everyone of them has to be respectfull. Childern need to have rights for fun, playing, going to school, right for education no matter of what. In process of education it shouldn't matter is that child poor or rich, healthy or not healthy, does that child has problems with development or not. There shouldn't be eccuses for not giving right for education and for all other kind of rights. We know that there is not the same situation in every country when we talk about this topic. The rights are not equall everywhere. The major problems are: color of skin, religion, ... etc.
    If we want to change the world we have to start from ourself, to think positive, to give opportunite to every person who show us that he or she has a will to learn more.

    Emina Suljovic RN IV

    1. Hi dear Emina 🎀

      What is the situation in BiH in this regard?

      Meliha Terzić, RN4

  9. Every child deserves to be treated with full respect and a huge amount of love and understanding. The rights enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child are based on four general principles:
    1. Children shall not be discriminated against "regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, developmental difficulties, birth or other status of the child, his parents or legal guardians. ".
    2. Children have the right to life and development in the physical, emotional, psychosocial, cognitive, social and cultural.
    3. In making all decisions or carrying out actions that affect the child or the children as a group, the welfare of the child must be paramount. This applies to decisions made by governmental, administrative or legislative bodies, as well as to decisions made by the family.
    4. Children must be enabled to take an active part in resolving all matters affecting their lives and to be allowed freedom of expression. They have the right to express their views which must be taken seriously.

    When asked who fought for those rights we mentioned Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthy. Malala Yousafzai is known for her activism for girls ’rights and the right to education. The Nobel Peace Prize is shared with Malala by Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian child rights activist who dedicated his prize to children who are in slavery, forced labor or are victims of human trafficking.
    Children's rights should be respected, but this is not the case. We have different states and different standards. Not every child is provided with food, not every child goes to school and many other things.

    Bosnia and Herzegovina is a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The relevant state authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina seek to promote the rights of the child in accordance with these conventions. However, there are still shortcomings that need to be addressed. Mechanisms for coordination and monitoring of children's rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina exist and need to be strengthened and harmonized throughout the country in order to better realize the rights of all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including vulnerable children, such as children with disabilities, Roma children, children living in poverty, children of refugees and migrants, children without parental care, children at risk of separation from their families and children in emergencies.
    Klaudija Žuljević, RN3.

  10. Child. The noun which binds all departments of our faculty. The noun that our future work has a close relationship. The child is we will deal with throughout our lives. We are the ones who influence his growth and development, we are the ones who lay the foundations of his growing up and we are the ones who hold his hand firmly so that he does not succumb to all the injustices of this former world. Children's rights, the rights to which every child should have a permit. But no, unfortunately, we live in a world where every child differs in rights depending on the climate in which he lives, depending on his nationality, religious affiliation, and the like. Then why these "rights"? Rights are certainly there to improve the life of every child in the world. Every child deserves the right to health, the right to education, the right to family life, the right to play, the right to an adequate standard of living, and, most importantly, the right to protection from abuse and harm. But no, unfortunately, we live in the 21st century, in a country where health care is paid, in a country where you will not be let go with a sick baby in your arms without health insurance, in a country where education is paid, in a country where a textbook for primary education it costs more than 20 KM (with the remark that the payment for daily work in a state company is 16 KM). We live in a country where a mother leaves her child in a bag next to the container. Mother! In a country where a 16-year-old child is forced to do a part-time job to pay for his or her high school education, in a country where every other student works and studies. In a country where we have more workers at the age of 18 than students. And we are talking about the rights to the game. In a country where you live below all possible standards where you live day after day because you never know when you will go to work and get the paperwork to stop working. In a country where children are exposed to bullying and abuse. Unfortunately, we live in such a country. We are the ones who need to stay in our homeland and change the situation and strive to respect the rights of each child individually. We are the ones who need to build a future on which to raise and educate these little beings. We are the ones who should not leave this country, but hold hands and stand up for the rights that everyone deserves. We are the ones who are educating ourselves today and who are building our knowledge-based education of children. Because of them, because of us, because of their and our future, let us stand upright and fight in our country and the world for the rights that both Malali Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthy advocated. Let's be like them. Let's change the present.
    Elma Numanagić, PO3

    1. Dear Elma, I agree with you completely with everything you said. Yes, it is true that we live in a 21st century in which all the rights of the child have been neglected, but I am glad that you said that we, as future educators, are a great support to every child we hold hands so as not to succumb to injustice and a cruel world. finds. I wish all educators thought like you.

    2. You wrote a wonderful review on this topic and I completely agree with you.
      Ilma Purić, RN

  11. We often forget that children have their rights. We often neglect their rights and we put them in a small box. We need to see them as our future, as people because sometimes they are bigger human beings than us. All over the world, children rights have been neglected. Over the years, their rights had been progressing. In Bosnia the fight for their rights is still on. Not all chlidren have their right to learn, to be free here in Bosnia. Especially the children with developmental difficulties. There was a year where their right to go to school was compromised. The school couldn't accept all the students with difficulties and that was a big problem. Also our country should work on inclusive classrooms. That way every child gets a right and opportunity to educate. We, especially us educators, need to research more, make a stand and fight for our children that are holding and taking the future. We need do give them their rights, opportunities and deserved life. We need to do better, because children are like flowers. We plant them, we give them water and they grow into the most beautiful, breath-taking flower that never fades.
    PO II

    1. Hi Sukejna! I love the fact that you mentioned inclusive classrooms, because they are so important for ensuring that every child's rights are respected fully.

    2. Hi Sukejna. 👏

      I agree with you completely with everything.

      Meliha Terzić, RN4.

  12. The rights of the child are defined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 20, 1989. The Convention on the Rights of the Child prescribes universal standards that ensure the protection of the child from all forms of discrimination, punishment, and advocates respect for and affirmation of the rights of the child without discrimination on any grounds.
    Children's rights are based on four basic, general principles, namely:
    1. Children shall not be discriminated against, “regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or another opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, developmental difficulties, birth or another status of the child, his parents or legal guardian ";
    2. Children have the right to life and development in all aspects of life, including physical, emotional, psychosocial, cognitive, social, and cultural;
    3. In making all decisions or carrying out actions that affect the child or the children as a group, the welfare of the child must be paramount. This applies to decisions made by governmental, administrative, or legislative bodies, as well as to decisions made by the family;
    4. Children must be allowed to take an active part in resolving all issues that affect their lives and be allowed freedom of expression. They have the right to express their views which must be taken seriously.

    Accordingly, all children should have equal rights and freedoms, the right to life, to a name, to parental care, the right to choose, to their own opinion, to liberty, to their safety ... without discriminating against the child on any grounds. All those who in any way challenge the equal rights of all children, and discriminate against children - should and must be legally punished.

    Positive examples of the fight for children's rights are girls Malala Yousafazai and Satyarthy. A Journey.
    Today, there are certainly activists, young people, who fight for children's rights, protect them, but also make the public aware of the importance of rights, of the importance of every child - without any exceptions. Therefore, all those who feel like fighters for children’s rights and children’s equality are those who fight and protect those rights. Of course, behind all this is a written document that testifies to the reality of this issue.
    UNICEF, WORLD VISION, Muharem Berbić Foundation are just some of the organizations I know that protect children and fight for their equality. I was a volunteer of the mentioned organizations, so I mention that I promoted the rights of children and their importance today.
    The rights of children are not respected all over the world, which is why there are organizations that fight for the equal rights of all children around the world, in communication with the country.

    1. Modern children face many problems, the most common of which are those related to abuse, discrimination, domestic violence, rejection, and teasing. Not all children have a true child's spirit; they are not full of desire and will to live - because unfortunately, perhaps, they grow up in the environment of the wrong people for their best psychological development.

      When we talk about Bosnia and Herzegovina, I think that the rights of children are at an extremely poor level. Our children are not entitled to free education and health care. Not taking into account any types of violence, abuse, and discrimination that children face that affect the psychological aspect of the child. So, if the parents are sick, helpless, do not have the means to educate their children, or to treat them - all they have to do is pray for the help of humane people. The country has nothing to do with this problem, nor does it want to take any measures to make life easier for this kind of families. Therefore, the child's right to life is violated - because there are simply no conditions for a peaceful and happy life that he should have as a child.
      To make the world a better place for a child, we need to be aware of the importance and significance of each child. That child will grow up very quickly, become independent, and if he is not appreciated, he will very soon leave the country in search of better conditions. Now we are talking about an adult who grew up alone in the fight with his family, fought for his survival and progress.
      Nobody wants to be humiliated, abused, and discriminated against... when they see that, they very quickly turn their backs and look for a cure for themselves.
      The only solution is to understand and accept children as individuals who deserve adequate psychological, intellectual, and social education, without any exceptions and discrimination
      Melina Dragunić, PO3.

    2. Congratulations colleague, you have written a wonderful review on this topic and I share your opinion. You are right when you say that the rights of children in our country are at a bad level and that there are non-governmental organizations that are only one factor that helps children today because their country does not provide them. I am glad that you are a member of the same and a great compliment to you.

  13. Children's rights includes the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation, an edequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm. They are human beings and they have every right to be treated with respect and to be protected.
    Declaration of the rights of the children fought for kids rights. These rights are not equally respected all over the world.
    In Bosnia children also faces obstacles. Most often children al lower economic status are not able to get an education
    We can make the world a better place for our kids with kindness and support and a lot of love.

    1. Bravo Antonela. Nicely written.

      Valentina Crepulja

  14. The world should be a world where every child has the opportunity to grow, learn, develop their abilities and talents, grow up in a family, and be safe and protected.
    On 20 November 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, an international document that recognises the rights of children throughout the world. The Convention was signed by 196 states.

    Every child has the right to education, health care, food, play, protection and more. Children's rights should ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve the best he or she can. The child should be approached as a person with rights, not just as a person in need of special protection. All rights are connected and equally important. Apart from the fact that our rights belong to us because we were born with them, it is equally important that we respect the rights of others.
    Children's rights do not have an expiry date. They are universal and unending. Children are our future, but their future begins now. Each generation is an opportunity to build the foundations of a new, better world. An opportunity we must not miss. An opportunity to create a world worthy of the child.

    Nejla Šehić, RN 2.

  15. Each child is unique and he/she deserves to be treated with full respect and an enormous amount of love and understanding.
    These rights are important because we should love and protect our kids for healthy childhood. Declaration of the rights of the child foughts for childrens right. These rights are not equally respected all over the world.
    These are many problems that the children face with in a contemporary world such as: child davor, child hunger, issues with education. Situation in Bosnia with this regard is not bad but always can be better. We can make the world better place for childs with kindness. Kids need positive role modele as well as practice. And a lot of love and support.

  16. Children's rights are human rights. Children's rights are fully explained in the Declaration of the rights of the child. Some of them include: the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation, an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm. It is extremely important to respect these rights, especially in our profession. These rights are crucially important because children often don't have the ability to express their need, to explain their feelings, and because of that they get neglected. it's a shame that in this world today a lot of people are not fully aware of children's rights. But they are in place to protect the children from everything, and anyone who dares to endanger them. Children's rights are definitely not equally respected everywhere in the world. There are many countries, such as Africa, where children are being subjected to poverty, harmful practices, conflict, abuse and a lack of education. In a contemporary world children are exposed to many types of discrimination, based on race, wealth and many other different aspects. Sadly, I think that some children also don't realize what rights they have, because they were raised in such a way that has shaped their mentality into thinking that they don't deserve, and are not worthy of anything. Even in our country, children's wrights are not as respected as they should be. We are all aware that physical punishment is still present and common in BiH. We all know this but we choose to treat this fact as a normality, which is so sad and devastating. We are living in the 21st century, but we're acting like we haven't moved on from the past. There is a lot of work that still has to be done in regards to making a child-friendly world, and we should all work together towards that goal. We can start with treating children as they deserve to be treated, not as tiny little beings who still know nothing about the world, but as individuals who could someday become the ones who will save this world. Children are way smarter than we think, perhaps we should try and learn something from them. A child-friendly world is possible if we all work together.
    Monja Ražnatović (PO II)

    1. So true.Unstable children grow up to be unstable adults and then we have all this hate and wars and so on.Then they treat their kids the same way…well there is no end to that cycle.People should realize that they have to be their children’s guides not jail keepers.All of us adults have our own lives to make better or ruin and we only have that life,our children’s lives are their own to do with as they please.Our ONLY job is to guide them and give them the best education,love,support…and the rest is up to them,but they need us to form a base from which they will grow.

      Ivana Parađina,PO2

    2. Hello Monja, I really love that you pointed Africa as an example and I totally agree and support your opinion if we all work together everything is possible.

  17. For everyone, the most beautiful gift from God is their child. Every child on The World has their rights that we have to accept. For example, every child should grow up in a child-friendly environment where they will develop physically and mentally. These rights are verty important because children are making the World better place for living. Together, people and children, can make world better place full of love, beauty and good education. The education is also a child's right and children are the best hope for the future. Every country has diffrent culture, and beacuse of that, these rights are different and people respect them on the diffrent way all over the World. We have to make safe place for living, and for successful education system. Children are our future. All of them have all rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what language they speak... and all adults should do what is best for children.

    The center of our future job is healthy child development and upbringing. Beacuse of that, we have to respect every child and their rights.
    If everyone would think the same our children would be happier and more safe with adults.

    Ilma Latic PO4

    1. I fully agree with you Ilma. We need to protect and respect our children.

  18. International Children's Day is celebrated on November 20th. It is an internationally recognized date.
    The organization responsible for protecting children's rights is called UNICEF. This organization has set clear principles on the rights of every child.
    Some of the rights of children are:
    The right to survival - this includes the right to life, the right to accommodation, the right to health care, the right to food and something like that. This means meeting the basic needs for a child’s survival.
    The next is development law, which includes the right to education, the right to play, the right to free time, then the most important right to freedom of thought and expression. This right ensures the best possible development of the child.
    Then, the protection of rights that implies the protection of the child. This refers to protection from drugs, weapons and alcohol.
    The last right is the right to participate which implies the active participation of the child in activities in his environment. Under this right is the right of association.
    All these rights are equally important, because without these rights the position and rights of children would be minimal. Unfortunately, we are also witnessing a situation where children's rights have been completely destroyed. Even today there are such countries.
    I believe that in addition to UNICEF which is in charge of children's rights, each country could independently protect children's rights much more and much better.
    These are established rights of children for all, however some countries do not abide by these rights.
    As far as I am informed, the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding children's rights is partly good. I am not so well informed about this situation, but I believe that our state respects all the rights of children that should be respected.
    We as individuals can make the world a better place for children's only by giving the maximum to each child. To do everything to make him more and more beautiful every day, and most importantly to make him feel safe.
    We can create a world for children by giving each child a lot of love and a lot of protection.
    "Humanity owes the child all the best it can give."

    Valentina Crepulja

    1. Dear Valentina,
      you have a wonderful quote at the end of the comment.

  19. Every human being is worth of respect, love, security and care. No one can deny it. I agree that children need their own rights, because if we want our children safe they need protection. Every vhild deserves home, happy family, food on their tabel, schooling etc. Unfortunately, children rights aren`t equally respected all over the world. In some countries kids are treated like slaves, they do hard work and don`t get payed enough. I really wish and hope that situation will change very soon. Every child deserves cildhood, without worries and hard work. If we want to make world a better place for our children we need to educate people, to awake their consciousness and to punish evel and cruel people who are use to do mead things. Discipline and total commitment to change world are very important. I think the situation in BiH is really good. Of course it is not ideal, sometimes we have few cases that we are not proud of, but people are usually kind to children.
    Children are also human beings who deserve to be treated like one.
    Lejla Bisić, PO2

    1. This is an excellent comment, Lejla.

    2. I like how you said that we need to awake peoples consciousness in order to make them realize that the way they may be acting isn't acceptable! PO II

  20. Children's rights are rights for every person under the age of 18. It protects interests of children regardless of gender, race, nation and religion. Thease rights are really important because
    it teaches us non-discrimination. In 1924, the first convention of children's rights appeared. Unfortunately, these rights aren't equally respected all over the world. Problems children face with in a contemporary world are: hunger, violence, condemnation based on gender, skin color, nation or religion and so on. Violence against children is everywhere. It’s, for me, one of the worst things in the world. Also, in Bosnia and Herzegovina there are many discarded children or children who have suffered or are suffering physical or psychological violence. We can make the world a better place for our children and we can create a child-friendly world only if we don't keep silent about the violence, if we protect the interests of children and if we don't differentiate between children.

    We all need to love and protect children!

    Amra Avdić
    RN (3. godina)

  21. Imagine what this world would be like without children. It is very difficult for me personally to imagine that. They are truly a gift of God’s love and we have so many blessings that we just have the opportunity to learn from them. Yes, they have their rights and those rights must be equally respected regardless of skin color, nation or religion in which they grow up. Every child is an individual for himself and every child is equally important. I don’t think I could imagine any other job to do that has nothing to do with kids. You can really learn so much from them so small.

    Antonia Bonić PO4

  22. No matter our job, no matter our height, not matter how we look like, we all deserve to be treated right. This is a saying for - adults. Why would there be a difference when it comes to children?
    What is happening in our world is something we are witnessing ourselves. Children are there as our treasures and which we must protect. There is a reason why we are called adults, and they are called children.
    As a teacher, I met a boy who once asked me what are ''rights'' and ''rules''? We did one lesson about what kind of rights children have. Since it’s a 10-year-old boy, I felt it was not okay for him not know what we were actually talking about. I believe that it is the duty of a parent or guardian, from an early age, to talk with children about his/hers rights. They have their rights. Right to freedom, the right to live, the right to education, the right not to be hungry and thirsty. The right to be equal. Rights to opportunities. The right to love. Speech rights. Rights to breath air, to have a roof over their head and everything that falls under normal life.
    People who are fighting for children's rights are amazing and they deserve to be mentioned. Here we have a few of them; Malala Yousafzai, Kailash Satyarthy, Henryk Goldszmit. In addition to the above, I found a list where you can see people who are nominated for Children Peace Prize. https://kidsrights.org/advocacy/international-childrens-peace-prize/2020-nominees/
    I think that the situation in BiH is not very good. People are not sufficiently aware, nor are they interested in improving our system. It is up to us as future educators and teachers to set an example for the new generation on how to treat people, older and younger. We are all equal.
    If we pay more attention to what children need, what they want, and work for their development, the world will be a better place. We need to teach children that we are equal and that we all have equal rights. If we make this world better for children, we will make us happier. Because children are our happiness.
    They need to know that they are safe and loved.
    ''We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in any society - a life free of fear and violence.'' Nelson M.
    Resulović Ajla, PO4

  23. A child is defined in the Convention as any person under the age of 18. Children around the world suffer different types of abuse on a daily basis. Children have particular rights that recognize their special need for protection The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international document that sets out all of the rights that children have. Why it is important to know the rights of children? Children are dependent on the elders. The future of every child depends on the care, facilities and opportunities they get during their childhood. Most of the children are not aware of their rights. And I think it is the responsibility of the adults to make them aware of their rights.

    Lejla Kadić,PO4.

  24. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an important agreement by countries who have promised to protect children’s rights. 
    The Convention explains who children are, all their rights, and the responsibilities of governments. All the rights are connected, they are all equally important and they cannot be taken away from children. 
    Across the world, there are amazing young people who do inspiring things to help others.
    KidsRight founder Marc Dullaert: “It is very encouraging that so many children across the globe dare to stand up for the rights of other children and bring about change in their own communities, cities or countries. Children can be true change-makers and set the world in motion.”
    Take the time to tell other kids that you like them and think they are special. Even if they are different than you. Just a few kind words can make a huge difference in someone’s day. We are all in this together, and your love and kindness will make the world a better place to live.

    Nihada Kukan, RN (treća godina)

  25. The future of children largely depends on the circumstances they grow up with. We should not allow any child to grow up without a roof over their head, without food and basic necessities of life. The situation in our country, regarding children's rights, it is not great but we can not say that it is bad either. There's always room for improvement. Children are our future, they are an opportunity for us to change the world for the better. We need to do our best and provide every child with safe upbringing, a healthy environment and education, so that they can change the current state of the world and make it better.

    Lejla Bužo, RN4

  26. Every child has the right to free education, health insurance ... There are many other rights, but these are in my opinion the most important. Not all rights are the same for all children. The east and west of the country are not equal. First of all, every child has the right to life. Although we live in the 21st century, it is a sad fact that not all children enjoy the same rights and that not everyone is treated in the right way. Through my education I had the opportunity to learn about the history of children with disabilities. Why were these children killed or used as an object of ridicule ?! What kind of government ruled that allowed that ?! There are many more questions that go through my mind that I have no answer to. Why were they ashamed of their children ?! Well, those children had their blood flowing, how could they do something like that ?! The rulers of that time confiscated their property. Is that justice ?! We should be thankful to God that we were born right now, when the world has become, at least as far as this topic is concerned, a more normal place to live. There may be many other flaws, but there are currently many people fighting for the rights of all children, including children with disabilities. Wars are currently being fought in the east. Thousands of children were killed. These are not children's rights. That is not democracy. Life is a basic human right.
    The situation in my state is generally not the best. As an example, I can offer that children be challenged to learn their mother language, then children with disabilities in Pazarić... But if we compare the situation with the East, the situation is much more stable. The world could become a better place if instead of hatred they cultivated love, if there were no revenge and traditions that dictate that minor children can marry. When East and West are equal, then all rights will be equal.

    Sadiković Alema, ER2, redovna

  27. Children are the ornament of the world. Every child shall be entitled to rights without distinction or discrimination on account of race, colour, language, religion, national or social origin, birth or other status. Every child should live in an environment in which him is enablet to develop mentally, physically, morally, spiritually and socially. The best interests of the child shall be the paramount consideration. The child shall be entitled from his birth to a name and a nationality. The child shall be entitled to grow and develop in health and shall have the right to adequate nutrition, housing, recreation and medical services. The child who is physically, mentally or socially handicapped shall be given the special treatment education and care required by his particular condition. Mechanisms for coordination and monitoring of children's rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina exist and need to be strengthened and harmonized throughout the country in order to better realize the rights of all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including vulnerable children, such as children with disabilities, Roma children, children living in poverty, children of refugees and migrants, children without parental care, children at risk of separation from their families and children in emergencies. We create a child-friendly world respecting their rights. Every child is specific of their own way and deserves the attention of the enevironment. Let us raise children with much love. Every child has the right to life, health, non-discrimination and the development of their full potential.
    Vernesa Fatić, PO 3

    1. Dear Vernesa, I think that we need to protect our children and make their lives as beautiful as we can, we need to be gentle with them and fight for their rights because they deserve them.

      Dalila Kadunić, III, PO

  28. I think this is very important topic.
    There are many children without any rights. Each of them should have the same rights. They shoud have right to play, grow up in a good environment and have the same general rights as adults. We should not consider them like property of their parents. Every child is individual person and they have the same rights like every member of the family. But they need to be loved and protected because they are vulnerable. People don't treat childrens in that way nowadays. There is a lot of children that don't have any of these rights. There are planty of children that are abused and brutally treated. The healthy development of children is the key of our future, because they are our future. Is it going to be a bright future, it depends of us.

    Ajla Hasić, RN4

  29. All children should have the right to live, to have a family, free education, healthcare, right to privacy, freedom of thought and expression. The UN Declaration of the rights of the child is the agreement countries have signed in order to secure the rights of children. Human and children rights are important because they make sure every individual has rights and that they are respected. There are many people who fought for children's rights, but the people who marked this continuous fight in the recent past are definitely Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthy. It would be ideal if all countries and all people respected children's rights, but that is not the case. Every day kids are being exploited, used for jobs no man would ever do, being mistreated in the process. Children's rights are guaranteed by the Convention of human rights in BiH. I think the biggest reason and time when children's rights are not respected in our country stems from the big gap between the rich and the poor in BiH. There are children that have everything in a material sense, but lack love and attention from loved ones. On the other hand there are children that have all the love from their parents but lack adequate healthcare or education for example because of economic status of their family. As I said the fight for children's rights is a continuous fight in which we all should be soldiers. Because our children are the ones who we leave our world to, and we should make sure we make the world a better place for our children. The best way in my opinion the most important thing we should give children is a loving home and proper education. By doing those steps we prepare them for the life ahead and prepare them to make the world a better place for the next generations. It's a domino effect.

    1. Cruel reality in our country dear Elmina. I hope for a bright future.

  30. Children are at the end of this cruel world and that is how we need and treat them. We need to look at each child individually and as the most valuable beings that exist in our lives, because they are. For these reasons, the value that children should be protected, because every child should have their own rights, in fact the rights that all persons under the age of 18 have. Every child in the world deserves to be educated, to have health insurance, food, protection, play. Every child should have equal rights because everyone is very important for the development and formation of personality. Every right should be granted to every child, regardless of race, religion, ability, language they speak or what family they come from. Should we blame the child for something just because they are otherwise likely or because they don’t all have the same abilities? Are children judged on that basis and thus denied their rights? Yes, that's right, unfortunately. We live in a time when organizations, state governments do not ensure that every child has a right. I don’t respect parents and I don’t care about children. They do not care about the social status of families who have to support, educate, feed, clothe their children, regardless of the fact that they do not have enough income for that. They don't care about children and their future, health, education. How then can the state complain about young men after the age of 18 leaving the state in which they were born? It's simple. These children did not have a safe, happy and protected childhood. How will you have when they are forced to pay for their education because not every family has the same opportunities, and therefore they do not have a child. More and more often we can see children aged 15-18 who have their own work experience. Is that normal and moral on the part of the state? Of course not, because every child should stay in their country where they were born and raised, and not go for better conditions that could not be provided by the state government. For these reasons, consider that each state has a duty to provide additional funding for children who are from poor backgrounds. In addition, what strikes me is that pregnant women and mothers who are just giving birth are not respected. How can the state not think of children who have just come into this world and who have not hidden anything from anyone. We were just born and rail health care, safety, play, clothes, food. If that’s not much, the child will secure a childhood. I consider it a profession that we have chosen in the right way how to ensure a happy childhood for every child. As future educators, we will have the opportunity to show each child that he or she is worth the same. We will have the opportunity to show them that we are not alone in this world and that we will fight for their rights. Despite the fact that we cannot afford everything that the state can, we can provide them with a quality upbringing and education and a happy childhood because they deserve it.
    Berina Kurt, Odsjek za predškolski odgoj III, 2658.

  31. Thirty years ago, the global public was united in the desire to create the world that children deserve. Children’s rights have no expiration date; they are universal and timeless. Children’s rights are the rights enjoyed by all persons under the age of 18, indicating what every child should have or should do. Every child has the right to education, health care, food, play, protection etc. Children’s rights should ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve the best he or she can do. Children are our future and our future begins now. Each generation is an opportunity to lay the foundations for a new, better world – an opportunity we must not miss, an opportunity to create a world worthy of a child. Children’s rights are not equally upheld in all parts of the world, especially in those affected by war or famine. Such is a picture in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where children face many difficulties. Although some progress has been made in several areas of children’s rights in recent years, substantial inequalities based on age, gender, disability and place of residence still remain, particularly for children from the Roma community and other vulnerable groups. We can create a child-friendly world by improving healthcare, education systems as well as children and social protection.
    Sabina Porović, RN4

  32. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an important agreement by countries who have promised to protect children’s rights. The Convention explains who children are, all their rights, and the responsibilities of governments. All the rights are connected, they are all equally important and they cannot be taken away from children.
    There are a lot of people who fought for children's right, but we mentioned Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthy.
    Bosnia and Herzegovina is a signatory of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and there are some gaps that need to be fixed.
    Berina Vatrenjak, RN3

  33. Children's rights are rights that protect all persons under the age of 18. They indicate what every child should have or should do. Every child has the right to education, health care, food, play, protection and more. Children's rights ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve the best he or she can. All rights are connected and equally important.
    On November 20, 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of children throughout the world. The Convention was signed by 196 states, making it the fastest and most widely accepted human rights agreement in history.
    When it comes to children's rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, laws and rules exist, but they aren't applied in the right measure and in the right way.
    In BiH the level of information and awareness about children's rights need to be raised in some way, so that both individuals and the authorities can make the right decision in the direction of realizing those rights.
    Dajana Blažić, RN3


  34. Children's rights are based on the needs of every child to survive, grow up,
    fulfill their potential and participate in the life of their community. They apply to every child, without exception.
    Basic children's rights: the right to survival, the right to health care, the right to support for children with disabilities, the right to support for children in poverty, the right to family care, the right to opinion and expression, the right to protection from violence and abuse.It’s hard when one child sees sad, let alone more than one. Children's rights are ordered in many countries, including our country. Children are hungry, no one cares about them, and some do not even have the right to education. Children are forced to do hard physical work, and there is also juvenile violence, where good children are mostly harmed. To be better, the world must look at the child as the center, only children bring happiness.
    Malala Yousafzai is an activist who fought for girls ’rights and the right to education. She was also a victim, but she did a great job, which is why she won the Nobel Prize. Teachers can change the world by encouraging the child and giving him love as a parent. A smile and a hug are the most important things in the world for every child.


  35. Children and young people have the same general human rights as adults and also specific rights that recognize their special needs. Children are neither the property of their parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. They are human beings and are the subject of their own rights.
    The Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out the rights that must be realized for children to develop to their full potential.

    Lejla Pleho, RN III

  36. "The world remains on young people."
    We born, we live and we die. New people born and by they life, they have responsibility to care about world, planet and people. If people are not treated well enough in their childhood, and if their rights are denied they will not be able to live their lives properly or to do their responsibilities and planet should not depend on their decisions.
    That is one explanation why children's rights are so Important. They all have right to live, to go to school, to play...
    If people are misstreated while they're young, there is big posibility they will have physical or mental problems as adults.Except that, all people, by the convention of human rights, have rights which must be guaranteed.
    In BiH, i think it is good situation with children's rights and in general, in most parts of country, they are respected. They are some exceptions but when they become noticed, they mostly become convicted and removed.
    Harun Subašić, ER, II

  37. Some of the children's rights are as follows:
    The right to play and leisure,
    The right to education,
    The right to equality,
    The right to health,
    The right to liberty,
    The right to an opinion,
    The right to a name and to citizenship,
    The right to live with parents,
    The right to love.
    All rights under the age of 18 are protected by children's rights. They indicate what every child should have or should do. Children's rights should provide every child with the opportunity to realize all their potential, to ensure a good and safe way of life, as well as an adequate and free childhood and quality education. Rights prescribe the equality of every child, and all children should be treated in the same way.
    Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi fought for children's rights.
    Although we live in the 21st century, children's rights are not respected in the whole world. There are areas that are very poor where children do not even have basic living conditions. There are also countries where children work for very little money and this violates their right to freedom as well as their right to childhood. What I want to emphasize is that children of atypical development in BiH, as in some other countries, are not equal with other children. This violates some of their basic rights, from schooling to discrimination.
    The situation in BiH could be much better. Every day we can see peer violence on social networks, which should not happen at all and which certainly violates many children's rights. Also, what could still change in BiH is that teaching for all children is much better and that many jobs are created, so that children are more motivated to do and stay in their homeland, without separating from their loved ones.
    The world could be a much better place if there was less stress and if all parents gave their children more time and love. Also, we can and should provide to children more tolerance, empathy and more respect for them. What could make the world a better place is to stop all wars, that each of us stop caring only for ourselves, that we can all move freely and safely without looking back, and that no child in the world falls asleep hungry.
    Anisa Dedić PO3

    1. Colleagues, you are right for everything you have written. It is really necessary today for interpersonal foundations to be based on higher tolerance, love, empathy and respect. I believe that it would be much better for both the children and us then. Of course, the rights of the child should be respected in every state in the same way without exception. The right to child rights has every little one of this planet.

  38. We are social beings. We can not live alone. We tend to have someone kiss, hug and touch. Can you imagine what happens to a child who is deprived of love? How can we expect a child who grows up without love to grow into a healthy and complete person? There is even talk that children can die for lack of love.
    Every being should have their rights, especially children as the most vulnerable part of society. Every child is special. Every child is worthy of love, touch, hugs. Every child should have basic rights to health, education and protection. But the reality is much different! The fate of many children depends on the initial conditions in which they were born. Adults who are supposed to protect children often violate children's rights the most. We need to be aware that children will make the world a better or worse place. Children’s rights are greatly neglected because we think many things are implied that children have. Many children need love, support, health, freedom, socializing, housing, education, the right to play ... The saddest fact is that many children do not have right to life because more and more mothers are having abortions!

    Ana Gluvić, RN III.

  39. Children's rights are a subset of human rights with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors.[1] The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) defines a child as "any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier."[2] Children's rights includes their right to association with both parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for physical protection, food, universal state-paid education, health care, and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the child, equal protection of the child's civil rights, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of the child's race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, color, ethnicity, or other characteristics. Interpretations of children's rights range from allowing children the capacity for autonomous action to the enforcement of children being physically, mentally and emotionally free from abuse, though what constitutes "abuse" is a matter of debate. Other definitions include the rights to care and nurturing.[3] There are no definitions of other terms used to describe young people such as "adolescents", "teenagers", or "youth" in international law,[4] but the children's rights movement is considered distinct from the youth rights movement. The field of children's rights spans the fields of law, politics, religion, and morality.
    As for the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina itself, children also face obstacles. Children of lower economic status are usually unable to obtain an education. Their basic rights to belong are not represented in society and society distracts them if they notice differences. Children's rights do not have an expiration date. They are universal and timeless. Children are our future, but their future begins now. Each generation is an opportunity to lay the foundations for a new, better world. An opportunity we must not miss. An opportunity to create a world worthy of a child.
    Đenana Kustura P.O. III

    1. Dear Đenana, you have really good opinion about children's rights. It is so good feeling that we have people like you in our society. We have to take care of our children because they are something most beautiful and the best we have.
      Dalila Kadunić, III, PO

  40. Every child has the right to life, health, non-discrimination and the development of their full potential.
    Children's rights are numerous, and some of them are:
    1. The right to life
    2. The right to an opinion
    3. The right to choose one's religion
    4. The right to play
    5. The right to education, etc.
    Thirty years ago, the world united in the desire to create together the world that children deserve. A world in which every child will have the opportunity to grow, learn, develop their abilities and talents, grow up in a family, be safe and protective. That is why children's rights are very important.
    SOS Kinderdorf International is one of the world's largest non-governmental organizations dealing with child protection issues. It was founded in 1949 in Austria by Hermann Gmeiner, a doctor, who wanted to provide home and security for children who lost their parents during World War II.
    According to official data, there are 3,828,397 inhabitants in Bosnia and Herzegovina, of which about one third are 1,250,000. There are an estimated 2,000 children without parental care, but unofficial estimates put the number at between 3,000 and 4,000. The exact number is not known because statistical data and a unique database are missing, as well as legal definitions that determine the category of children without parental care. Of particular concern is the fact that a large number of children under the age of 3 reside in institutions, which is detrimental to the psychophysical and emotional development of children.
    We make the world better, step by step…
    "Children are not coloring books. You can't fill them with your favorite colors. "Khaled Hosseini

    Merjema Hamidović, RN3

  41. When we talk about this topic, we need to take it with a dose of responsibility and seriousness because it is a matter of us all. Children rights are all those rights that they have been given at their birth. The basic ones are the right on education, on food, on a solid life, religion… These rights are really important because children are fragile and kind, they need something bigger and with more influence, so they can live their life to the fullest. There are many people who fight for these rights, but two of them are so important and they did make a change. They are Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthy. They fighted and are still fighting for all the rights children all around the world should and must have. Dignity, equality and respect should be represented. Children nowdays are being used the most disgusting, shameful and cruel ways, so it is heartbreaking to see it all happen. In Bosnia we have minorities that are not being equaly respected. Their children are being bullied and most of them do not have the rights to go to school, to have jobs, to play with other children and that is not fair at all. We can always educate people and show them that we all have the same rights and we should spread love and respect and not hate and disrespect. Children should be able to enjoy their childhood and life as everyone else, and they should be the priority i these rough times because they are our future and in a good future we need to invest.
    Mubina Mešanović PO2

  42. Every child deserves to be treated with full respect and a huge amount of love and understanding. The rights enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child are based on four general principles:
    1. Children shall not be discriminated against "regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, developmental difficulties, birth or other status of the child, his parents or legal guardians. ".
    2. Children have the right to life and development in the physical, emotional, psychosocial, cognitive, social and cultural.
    3. In making all decisions or carrying out actions that affect the child or the children as a group, the welfare of the child must be paramount. This applies to decisions made by governmental, administrative or legislative bodies, as well as to decisions made by the family.
    4. Children must be enabled to take an active part in resolving all matters affecting their lives and to be allowed freedom of expression. They have the right to express their views which must be taken seriously.

    When asked who fought for those rights we mentioned Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthy. Malala Yousafzai is known for her activism for girls ’rights and the right to education. The Nobel Peace Prize is shared with Malala by Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian child rights activist who dedicated his prize to children who are in slavery, forced labor or are victims of human trafficking.
    Children's rights should be respected, but this is not the case. We have different states and different standards. Not every child is provided with food, not every child goes to school and many other things.

    Bosnia and Herzegovina is a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The relevant state authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina seek to promote the rights of the child in accordance with these conventions. However, there are still shortcomings that need to be addressed. Mechanisms for coordination and monitoring of children's rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina exist and need to be strengthened and harmonized throughout the country in order to better realize the rights of all children in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including vulnerable children, such as children with disabilities, Roma children, children living in poverty, children of refugees and migrants, children without parental care, children at risk of separation from their families and children in emergencies.
    Ina Olovčić, PO III

  43. When we say the word 'child' there is a bigger meaning there. While talking about children, our first thaughts go to children rights. Why so? Maybe because there are so many children in this world, who are forced to work, children who don't eat many days in a row, children who would love to go to school and have homework. Children also imply love, warmth and happiness and joy. Everyone comes to this world without any feature and character, totally blank. With time, the person builds its own character, and there we adults play a important role.With one kind word per day, with a smile or a praise we help kids to get what positivity is, we help them to accomplish and become the best version they can be.Every child deserves something nice in his life, positive vibes, love and a friend. We cam be all that.
    Selimanovic Rumejsa PO2

  44. Children must not be discriminated against “regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, developmental difficulties, birth or other status of the child or his parents.
    They have the right to life and development in all areas of life.
    When making any decisions, the most important thing is to be the best for the kids.
    Children must be able to take an active part in resolving all issues that affect their lives and must have the freedom to express their opinions. Some of the children's rights are that children have the right to freedom, opinion, play, school, food, health and so on ... It is very important that all children's rights exist and are known because children are the most beautiful inhabitants of the Earth.

  45. Children and young people have the same general human rights as adults also specific right that recognize their special needs.The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is important agreement by countries who have promised to protect children's rights.All of these rights are connected ,equally important and can not be taken away from children.This rights include the right to heath,education,family life,play and recreation ,an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm.Every year of the 20th November is celebrated International Children's Day.Despite so much progress in recent decades millions of children are still living without basic rights.We have all of us responsibility to teach children about their rights as well as how to fight for them.There are many examples of people in the world who speak openly on this topic and they want to educate the world about problems they face.Some of them also won the Nobel Prize for their fight for protection children's right .All of us in this planet should talk more about them,be proud of their commitment and follow their example.The true picture of society is reflected in the way how we treat our children.Please do not turn our heads away from the problems just because it is not happen to us right now.Do not do things that we do not want to do to others.Children are the ornament of the world .Let us give them the opportunity to enjoy their childhood as we have been given that opportunity.
    Ilda Halilović,RN3.

  46. Children thrive when they are safe and protected, when family and community connections are stable and nurturing, and when their basic needs are met. Governments need to urgently invest in the best possible mental health services and other humanitarian campaigns to help kids all over the world. We are responsible for the children of today and owe them a better and safer life for tomorrow. We need to stick together more than ever. Everything that has been happening in the world in the past few years, specially 2020 with the pandemic, has proven to us time and again that we cannot go on as we used to. Our planet is suffering and so are the other species living on it so we have to reimagine a better world for every child. We need to make the world a better place to keep children safe in the places where they live, learn and play. There is nothing as beautiful as helping children who crave for an opportunity to rebuild their lives in a safe and peaceful place. How can we make the world a better place for our children? We will covet less and donate more, praise more.. Blame less, forgive more. We will support those who protect us, protect those who need us, and give more of ourselves than we ever have. We will notice suffering and work to ease it. We will volunteer and teach our kids to volunteer. We will help heal the world. We may not finish the work, but we will no longer ignore it. So, to you parents of young children everywhere, start making a vow on behalf of your generation so your flower girls and ring bearers will become brides and grooms someday in a world that is better because of who you've been and what you've done.

    Aida Tajić, RN-2

  47. Children’s rights include the right to, education, play and recreation, an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm, health, family.
    These rights are very important and we must protect children in the whole world no metter where they come from, what color their skin is, what religion they follow, are they rich or poor. The rights are same for every child in the world.
    But sad thing is that these rights are not fully respected all over the world.
    In many countries children are doing the hard work they shouldn't, there are also hungry and thirsty children all over the world, many children are used for the some kind of criminal actions, there are children without posibillity for education or healthcare , there are children who are abused by their family and other.
    In Bosnia and Herzegovina children rights are mostly respected. We and our country protect our children but ofcourse there are always some exception.
    To make world a better place for children we must start from ourselves. We have to understand children rights and fight for them. We have to try be kind and good person to children, help them if they need us, and be the person who will teach children how to be a good, kind, helpful, person, be someone they can look up to.
    We can create child-friendly world by educating people about children rights, by organising some kind of humanitarian actions for children that are endangered, open some "Children's rights" awareness associations...
    " The best way to make children good is to make them happy." -Oscar Wild

    Mustajbegović Mirnesa, ER(II)

  48. We were all children, but we grew up in different living conditions. At one point in life, we all had or did not have all the children’s rights and that is exactly why we were happy or not. Certainly, children's rights are not the same in all countries of the world. In some countries, they do not really exist, except on paper.
    Children's rights have no expiration date, they have to be universal and timeless. Each generation has an opportunity to achieve new successes as the basis for a new, better world. It is an opportunity we should not miss. An opportunity to create a world worthy of a child.
    I could say that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as in other countries of the world, it is very important to take care of the proper implementation of children's rights. Children's rights should ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve their maximum at every stage of their development. All rights are interrelated and equally important. Apart from the fact that our rights belong to us because we were born with them, it is equally important that we respect the rights of others.

    Amra Bajrić, RN IV


    Children's rights are very important in this world. There are many children who live in war, they are poor, have no education, no food, no house and no basic needs. All children in the world deserve better. Children are raised by us adults, but we must give them a promising future. Children must have the opportunity to live normally, to have food, house, clothes, the right to schooling, school supplies, they must have the opportunity to engage in additional activities such as sports, music, art or anything else they want to do. Children come to this world completely clean and good, it is up to us how we will raise them and what we will give them. There are many organizations like UNICEF and good people defending children’s rights around the world. Our children are our future, so we strive to have all the rights and all the qualities. We must not underestimate children and we must not make them sad. The more we give them, the more they will give us back. we must provide them with unconditional love, support, time and make sure that their environment is healthy and healthy for them. Everyone should start from themselves, to be better because each of us is an example to the children.


    This topic is very important for us all. We all should first read the full list of rights for children in United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We have to know that every child have same rights. They all have right to grow up in safe enviorments, they have right to play, health, education... These rights are here to protect all children under 18 and we should all respect these rights. We need to make world better and safer place to live for our children and we will do that by recpecting these rights. These children are our future. We need to make healthier envoirment for them. Childrens are aslo human beings who deserve to be treated like one. They all deserve love, respect and protection.


  51. All children should enjoy all the rights set forth in the Declaration of the rights of child.
    Each child should be entitled to educate, to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and socially in conditions of freedom and dignity. They have right to enjoy special protection by society, live peacefully with their family and those who don’t have family should be taken care of by society.
    These rights are very important because children are our future even if it sounds like a chliche that’s right. If we want a healthy society and better future we have to take care of our children.
    There are two really creditable examples of fighting for children’s rights. That are stories of Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthy.
    Actually we need more people like these two because unfortunately children’s rights are not equally respected all over the world. There are still parts of the world where children live in slavery and where they are threatened.
    There are a lot of problems that children face with in contemporary world. They are facing with different distinctions like race, gender, religion etc. Starting from their family where they are often under the pressure of parents because of their unfulfilled wishes , until society where children be bullied.
    When we talk about situation in BiH regarding this topic, of course there are also problems that children are facing with like everywhere. And it’s just a question in which extent. Well, problems such as slavery are not represented here as far as I know, but there are problems like bulling in school, and even in family, some distinctions maybe regarding property etc.
    Anyways, there is nothing that can not be changed. We can make the world a better place for our children and create a child friendly world.
    Since the family is the basic link in the chain of raising children, I think it would be the best to create some educational lectures for parents and also for teachers at schools and how they can improve their abilities, make them self confident etc. Also government should take care of our children by providing them basic conditions for normal life. (Semina Nešust, II godina, Odsijek za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju).


  52. Children's rights are an expression of the international community's recognition of the existence of special needs of children. They are established by the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.
    These rights are important because they gave safety for children's security, protection, participation etc.
    League of Nations(later United Nations) formed fond known as UNICEF with emphasis on helping children throughout the world and that fond is greatest fighter for child rights.
    Sadly, children rights are not equally respected throughout world. There are still starving children without protection, medical help and children that are used in fabrics and war conflicts.
    One of the problems is that children opinion is never listened when deciding on many problems, from smallest to the biggest.
    In BiH children rights are not fully implemented. Many children do not have the life essentials needs satisfied, those are education, food, health...
    We need to create healthy society with high-morale standards, so our kids can continue to better this world.
    We need to protect our children from abuse and violence, give them good start in life with good vare, let them express their opinion and influence decisions that affect them, let them participate in family, cultural, city and social life. To give them fair chance in life regardless of their ethnic origin, religion, income, gender or ability.

    Magdalena Milišić, ER2

  53. Children’s rights are human rights. Children must be treated with equality, respect and dignity, not because they are "the future" or the "adults of tomorrow", but because they are human beings today. Children must enjoy the same human rights as everybody else. This means all human rights laws apply equally to children and adults. The Convention on the Rights of the Children (CRC) is a UN international treaty that sets out the basic human rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It was drafted in 1989. It is a very important document because it makes it clear that children have human rights, individual identities are in need of some protection and have voices that must be listened to and given due weight. It established a direct relationship between a child and the State. Children’s rights include the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation, an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm. Non-discrimination means that all children have the same right to develop their potential in all situations and at all times. For example, every child should have equal access to education regardless of the child’s gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, parentage, sexual orientation or other status. Children need special rights because they need extra protection that adults don't. One major leader, Eglantyne Jebb, founded Save the Children in 1919. This was a charity that's goal was to help alleviate starvation of children in Germany during World War I. She fought to protect and enforce the rights of children. I don't think that children's rights are recpected all over the world equally. However, children are afforded a low status in most societies. For example, in almost every country children under the age of 18 are denied political power because they cannot vote, and most countries allow parents to hit their children even though they would be prosecuted for assault if they hit an adult.
    Topic problems may include: abortion, world poverty, animal rights, immigration, physician-assisted suicide, freedom of religion, hate speech, cloning, income inequality, pornography, gun rights, racial profiling, capital punishment, overpopulation, prostitution, drug legalization, torture.
    Despite the lack of concrete figures, it is estimated that close to 3,000 children in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not live with their parents. As a result of a legal decision , children are sometimes placed in institutions. Unfortunately, the majority of these establishments do not employ enough staff to correspond to the number of children housed there. Physical punishment, although prohibited at school, is legal in the home. Despite the efforts of Bosnian legislation against violence and abuse, awareness campaigns remain insufficient, especially against domestic violence. Numerous children are victims of slavery, mainly young girls and adolescents who are targets of prostitution rings. These Mafia-like networks kidnap or, less often, pay the parents in order to take advantage of young girls in Bosnia, in the Balkans region and also throughout Europe. Healthcare expenses in Bosnia and Herzegovina are similar to those of other countries in the region, however access to healthcare differs from region to region.
    Whole world should give protect for children and better future for them.

  54. All children should have the same rights in their life. It doesn’t matter where they live, what color is their skin or what is their religion, every single child should be respected and given a nice and happy live. We should do our best too make the world a better place for them. To me all children are the same, happy and harmless. They really do deserve the best in life. Every child should have rights, and the apportunity for a happy live. The good thing is that there are a lot of good people in this world that are helping children in need, and giving there best for children’s rights. If we have the apportunity too help make the world child friendly we should do that, because there is nothing as beautiful as a smile on a child’s face.

  55. On 20 November 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, an international document that recognises the rights of children throughout the world. The Convention was signed by 196 states, thus becoming the most rapidly and widely accepted agreement in the history of human rights. Before the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, there was no widespread acceptance of the fundamental connection between the wellbeing of children and the power of the societies in which they live. This is why the Convention was such an important milestone. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a legal act with the force of law, binding the parties to comply with its provisions; and it includes the right of supervision of its implementation in the states that have accepted and ratified it.The rights of the child are very important for children. We need to respect them and give great love to children.

    Mediha Ibrišević, RN-3, redovan student

    1. I really like your comment, and I like how you stated these facts. Nice work, keep it goind this way. :)
      Ajla Hadžić, PO4

  56. Children's rights are children's first steps in finding their rights and spot under this sky. Those rights are going to develop through time, but this first step must be fulfilled and applied in order to develop it. These rights are important because they are starting point which provides childern getting all necessary things for normal life. If they don't get some of their rights they are not equaly treated as all other children in the world. These rights are applied worldwide and that gives on their's importance. Regardless, these rights are not equally respected all over the world. The worst state with children's rights is present in third world countries. Everyone is aware of that, and no one is trying to solve this huge issue. Main problems are that children are not taken seriously and they don't have space to fight for theirs rights, because rights are not provided for them naturally. The most usual sentence is "What do they know, they are children" and there every story stops. In BiH this situation is generally good. Rights are obtained in many fields, even tho there are situations where no rights are respected and children are abused, especially girls. People around us are aware of this problem, and they are sometimes trying to fix this situation, but it is not enough. There must be global movement, because locally it is really hard to do something big, because not all locals are willing to do something. Until then, we can improve quality of surrounding for them. We should not be like others and we should try making thing better locally, because if we love children we have to provide them things we had when we were younger.

    Ajla Hadžić, PO4, vanredna

  57. In practice, it is a city, town or community in which the voices, needs, priorities and rights of children are an integral part of public policies, programmes and decisions.Broadly speaking, it is a city, town or community where children:
    Are protected from exploitation, violence and abuse.
    Have a good start in life and grow up healthy and cared for.
    Have access to quality social services.
    Experience quality, inclusive and participatory education and skills development.
    Express their opinions and influence decisions that affect them.
    Participate in family, cultural, city/community and social life.
    Live in a safe secure and clean environment with access to green spaces.
    Meet friends and have places to play and enjoy themselves.
    Have a fair chance in life regardless of their ethnic origin, religion, income, gender or ability.
    While the primary responsibility for ensuring that children’s rights are realised lies with governments, other stakeholders such as civil society organizations, the private sector, academia and the media, as well as children themselves, also have an important role to play in building child-friendly cities.

  58. In order to make the world a better place to live for children, we as a future teachers and educators can do a lot. For example, if we show a child that we respect his opinion, the child will feel desirable in such a society. He will be happy to talk to us again, tell us about some important things, confide a secret and the like. Children love to play and love to learn through playing, so we can make the world a more beautiful place for them. We can try to do as many things as possible to learn them some useful stuffs while playing with them.
    Ilma Mirvić, RN IV

  59. The children of today will be adult citizens of tomorrow. Today’s students will be tomorrow’s lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, leaders and activists. Their quality and personality will determine the kind of destiny that beckons the nation. Nelson Mandela has aptly said:

    “Children are our greatest treasure. They are our future.”

    It, therefore becomes mandatory for every nation and every society to nurture a strong, healthy and intellectual childhood. The children have boundless store of energy, will, capability and enthusiasm, and have the power to create the destiny of the nation.
    Development of children is an important step, especially for poor and low income children. Investing in them in their early years will provide a foundation for future success with lifelong benefits for them, and economic and social benefits for our entire nation. Just as it is our responsibility to care for the environment for generations to come, we must also take responsibility for those children who were born into a world without the care and support what every child deserves.

    Emir Hajdarević
    Department of elementary education
    4th year

  60. I think this is the saddest part of the text: "Although we live in 21st century and the new millennium, the sad fact is that not all children enjoy the same rights and not all of them are treated in a proper way." My heart breaks when I know that somewhere in the world there are still children who don't have food, water, a place to live, not to mention education. I believe that we as individuals can't do much to solve the problems of children in the world, but we can in our local society. As future teachers we will have the opportunity to teach future generations of doctors, engineers, teachers, football players, hairdressers, lawyers, economists, etc. And we will make them great people only if we show them by our example how each of them should be treated, with great respect and faith in them.

  61. Very good Berina. You said: " We need to make the world a better place for all children" and it is very.

    Valentina Crepulja

  62. Thirty years ago, the world was united in the desire to create together the world that children deserve. A world in which every child will have the opportunity to grow, learn, develop their abilities and talents, grow up in a family, be safe and protected.Children's rights are rights that protect all persons under the age of 18. They indicate what every child should have or should do. Every child has the right to education, health care, food, play, protection and more. Children's rights should ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve the best he or she can. All rights are connected and equally important. Apart from the fact that our rights belong to us because we were born with them, it is equally important that we respect the rights of others.

    Amra Ivazović, RN 3

  63. I would like to start this comment with first thing which I had on my mind when I looked at the topic. That thing is a fact that people hear that the child died in their neighborhood and they did not even know that it lived there. Why? Because there was stigma about that child and its family just because it had some kind of mental or physical illness. And that child never saw Sun in lifetime, never laughed with his peers. Child friendly world could be our Planet. I'm sad that we need to talk about this important topic, because for me it implies that this planet is also for children. Every child needs to have chance to participate in family, cultural, city/community and social life.
    We are teachers and we learn a lot of kinds about children, their lives, parents, environmentand we must know how to make this world better place for them and to live it, not just to speak about it.

    ESMA STRINIĆ, PO4, vanredan

  64. “Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.“

    A child-friendly shool ensures every child an environment that is physically safe, emotionally secure and psychologically enabling. Teachers are the single most important factor in creating an effective and inclusive classroom.

  65. Every child should be treated like as an individual. Especially we need to respect their rights, opinion, expression. By expression I mean we need to respect speech of children, wait for them to finish their thought and respect it, give an answer to every question they ask because we are the ones they learn from. We need to guide them on the right path but leave it to them to decide final decisions. Children's rights are also the right to life, liberty, education, safety, play etc.
    Fulfilling these rights makes children safer, more confident, and through growing up more independent in all areas, more responsible, and learning to make their own decisions. At some point we have to treat them like adults, for example when they have some sort of a problem and we advise them to solve it, so that they feel safer. We need to encourage them to achieve each of their goals, support them and be there for them whatever the outcome, positive or negative.
    Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthy, among others, fought for these rights the most. Throughout history, there have been many associations that have fought for these rights. In 1946, the United Nations General Assembly established the International Children’s Emergency Fund, UNICEF. Unicef is one of the most famous and influential associations in the world. All the mentioned people and associations, together with us individuals, should fight together for children's rights, because every child that is endangered could be ours today or tomorrow. We need to fight for the safety of children because those children are our future, the future of our city, our country, our continent, our planet.

    Amna Hebib, PO3


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