Feedback and Reflection in Education

Dear students,

we have finally reached the last week of online classes for this semester, and I suppose you are looking forward to a long summer holiday. But before that, we'll have to go through a period of evaluation, assessment, exams, grading, etc. It's time to get some feedback and reflect on what we've done so far. Therefore, this week's topic is Feedback and Reflection in Education.

Feedback is information given to the learner or teacher about the learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim towards improvement in students' learning. Thus, the purpose of giving feedback is to improve the situation or the person's performance. Remember that you won't accomplish that by being harsh, critical or offensive, but only by being positive and focused on improvement. Through feedback, teachers can provide the students with suggestions for development, learning strategies, and corrections for errors. The students understand the teacher is genuinely concerned about them and their education if he/she provides the appropriate feedback.

The more formal purpose of giving feedback to learners is so that they think about the gap between actual and desired performance and identify how they can narrow the gap and improve. Learners value feedback that helps them develop, facilitates self-reflection and motivates them to learn more and improve. Meaningful feedback is essential to keep the learners motivated and engaged. It helps the learners to get the most out of the course content. Relevant feedback helps them to improve their performance. Constructive and timely feedback encourages self-reflection and enhances retention of knowledge. Feedback promotes personal and professional growth. It provides positive criticism and allows to see what everyone can change to improve their focus and results.

There are many strategies to maximize the power of feedback. Shute (2008) provided nine guidelines for using feedback to enhance learning:
·                               focus feedback on the task not the learner,
·                               provide elaborated feedback,
·                               present elaborated feedback in manageable units,
·                               be specific and clear with feedback messages,
·                               keep feedback as simple as possible but no simpler,
·                               reduce uncertainty between performance and goals,
·                               give unbiased, objective feedback, written or via computer,
·                               promote a learning goal orientation via feedback,
·                               provide feedback after learners have attempted a solution.

Appropriate feedback can enhance learning in many ways, e.g. encourages teacher and peer dialogue around learning; encourages positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem; provides opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance; provides information to teachers that can be used to help shape the teaching. Feedback is praising good performance and offering corrective suggestions. Focus should be both on what the person did and how it was done. Feedback is for the recipient's and not the observer's benefit.
There are four types of constructive feedback:
·  Negative feedback – corrective comments about past behavior.
·  Positive feedback – affirming comments about past behavior.
·  Negative feedforward – corrective comments about future performance.
·  Positive feedforward – affirming comments about future behavior.

Finally, the effective feedback should be: (1) specific, timely, meaningful and honest; (2) goal-oriented; (3) focused on the future; and (4) about the process, not the person. The more effective it is, the more it can improve a student's confidence, self-awareness and enthusiasm for learning.

Reflection is a metacognitive strategy in education to help learners as individuals reflect upon experiences, actions and decisions taken. Reflection involves an active exploration of experiences to gain new or greater understanding of the subject matter that is taught in school. The purpose of reflection for learners is to look back on, think critically about, and learn from their own learning experience. Reflection may include acknowledging and/or sharing of reactions, feelings, observations, and ideas about anything regarding the teaching and learning process. Reflection can be taken as the most important part of teaching and learning. Reflection brings learning to life. Reflective practice helps learners find relevancy and meaning in a lesson and make connections between educational experiences and real life situations.

Reflective practice has many benefits for teachers, e.g. it makes teachers more aware what they actually do; it promotes collegial sharing if the data collected in professional contexts involving other teachers, like team-teaching; from the insight teachers get through reflection, they can actually improve their teaching and help their learners improve their performance, etc. On the other hand, students should also practice self-reflection while studying. Self-reflection heightens an awareness of one's most effective learning strategies, as well as pointing out areas where an individual student might devote more time and attention. Additionally, self-reflection at the beginning of the course is used to provide individual students an understanding of where they can improve.

Reflective practice has huge benefits in increasing self-awareness, which is a key component of emotional intelligence, and in developing a better understanding of others.Reflective practice can also help you to develop creative thinking skills, and encourages active engagement in teaching and learning processes. Reflection is a process of exploring and examining ourselves, our perspectives, attributes, experiences and actions / interactions. It helps us gain insight and see how to move forward. Reflection is often done as writing, possibly because this allows us to probe our reflections and develop them more thoughtfully. Reflective writing is a way to: communicate your response to thoughts and feelings, explore your learning and gain self-knowledge, and also achieve better understanding of what you are learning.

Feedback and reflection is an important part of student learning that should be specific and planned. It can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning. It can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning. Teachers act as coaches and mentors during feedback and reflection.

Finally, to conclude this topic and our project with this Blog 'The ESP Learning Hub', you are kindly asked to provide a brief feedback and reflection of what we've done so far in your comments on this post.

Thanks a lot for your contributions and active participation in all activities on the Blog! 
Hopefully, we'll continue with this project in the next academic year!

Best regards,

Useful resources:

Hattie, J. Feedback in Schools.

Shute, V. (2007). Focus on Formative Feedback. Research & Development. Princeton, NJ: ETS.

Sutton, Hornsey & Douglas(2011): Feedback: The communication of praise, criticism, and advice. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.


  1. Hello 😊
    Feedback studies usually show very large effects on learning. however, it also has a very high spectrum of effects and some research shows that feedback can have negative effects and make things worse. therefore, it is important to understand the potential benefits and possible limitations of feedback as an approach to teaching and learning. in general, research-based approaches that explicitly aim to provide feedback to students, such as bloom’s “master learning,” have a positive impact. feedback has effects in all age groups. research in schools has particularly focused on its impact on english, mathematics and, to a lesser extent, science. feedback is widely advertised as one of the most common important elements for promoting success student learning .
    Marijana Pustivuk PO 4

    1. Hi Marijana, I totally agree with your opinion.
      Valentina Šutalo, RN IV

    2. Hi dear Marijana, I totally agree with you.
      Amina Ćosić, PO4.

  2. Feedback and reflection is an important part of student learning that should be specific and planned. It can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning.
    Teachers act as coaches and mentors during feedback and reflection. They source methods that are supportive to students and their learning.
    Reflective teaching is a process where teachers think over their teaching practices, analyzing how something was taught and how the practice might be improved or changed for better learning outcomes.
    I think it is really important because without any feedback we can not benefit from the learning.

    1. Hello Marija,
      I agree with your opinion: "I think it is really important because without any feedback we can not benefit from the learning."

    2. Hi Marija, in your opinion why feedback is so important for students?
      Valentina Šutalo, RN IV

    3. Hi Valentina 👋🏻 In my opinion feedback is an essential part of effective learning. It helps students understand the subject being Edited textstudied and gives them clear guidance on how to improve their learning.

  3. Hello🖐
    The primary purpose of feedback is to help
    learners adjust their thinking and behaviors to
    produce improved learning outcomes.
    It should aim towards (and be capable of producing) improvement in students’ learning. Feedback redirects or refocuses either the teacher’s or the learner’s actions to achieve a goal, by aligning effort and activity with an outcome. It can be about the output of the activity, the process of the activity, the student’s management of their learning or self-regulation, or them as individuals (which tends to be the least effective). This feedback can be verbal or written, or can be given through tests or via digital technology.

    Ajla Balta, PO4

    1. Hi Ajla :)
      Why feedback is important?

    2. Hello Ajla
      What do you think about poor feedback by teachers?

  4. Odgovori
    1. Feedback and reflection can have a high impact on student learning when:
      - feedback is regular and relevant,
      - learners have planned time to receive, reflect and act upon feedback,
      - feedback is provided as a guide for learning, not just as assessment.
      The term feedback is often used to describe all kinds of comments made after the fact, including advice, praise, and evaluation. Feedback is information given to the learner or teacher about the learner’s performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim towards improvement in students’ learning. Feedback studies tend to show very high effects on learning. However, it also has a very high range of effects and some studies show that feedback can have negative effects and make things worse. It is therefore important to understand the potential benefits and the possible limitations of feedback as a teaching and learning approach. Feedback has effects across all age groups.
      Valentina Šutalo, RNIV

    2. Dear Valentina, thanks for the new information. See you.
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    3. I like your post, it is very different and thank you for that. :)
      Berina Prozo, RN4

  5. Hello :)
    Feedback is information given to the learner or teacher about the learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim towards improvement in students' learning. Thus, the purpose of giving feedback is to improve the situation or the person's performance. The students understand the teacher is genuinely concerned about them and their education if he/she provides the appropriate feedback. Reflective practice has huge benefits in increasing self-awareness, which is a key component of emotional intelligence, and in developing a better understanding of others. Reflective practice can also help you to develop creative thinking skills, and encourages active engagement in teaching and learning processes. Feedback and reflection is an important part of student learning that should be specific and planned. It can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning. It can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning.

    1. Hi 😊 I agree with you that it can be used to set learning goals.

    2. Hi Fuada,
      I agree with you. We will agree that feedback is very important for both students and teachers. :)

  6. Feedback is an essential part of effective learning. It helps students understand the subject being and gives them clear guidance on how to improve their learning. Feedback can improve a student's confidence, self-awareness and enthusiasm for learning. Providing students engage with feedback, it should enhance learning and improve assessment performance. To be effective, feedback should be constructive. The benefits of feedback is that it helps you grow as a group. It makes you feel that you can rely on others and that they will help you when needed. Feedback is something which is used throughout life and as a teacher it is important to give feedback to students.

    Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

    1. I agree with you Ensar, the most important thing about giving a feedback is that it must be constructive!

    2. Hello Ensar,
      I'm glad that we share the same opinion. :)

  7. I think that affective feedback helps individuals to understand what they did well and what they could do better. Once they know what is good and what isn’t, they are able to adapt their behaviour and work to improve it.
    Influence someone to do something differently or to change their approach.
    Feedback shows people that we appreciate what they did and give them recognition, which helps to motivate them, also helps people back onto the right target when they have misunderstood a goal or task.
    In summary, regular, good quality feedback is one of the most important ingredients in building effective working relationships and in getting things done.

    Amina Sušić, RNIII.

    1. Hello Amina :) Nice to meet you :D
      I agree with you. I especially like your sentence that says "Affective feedback helps individuals do understand what they did well and what they could do better".

      Tereza Čuturić, PO4

    2. Hi dear Amina, I agree with you.

  8. Hello everyone.
    Feedback is very important thing in education. Because It helps teachers to improve themself and their way of teaching. Feedback is information given to the learner or teacher about the learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. The other very important thing in education is reflection. Reflection is a process of exploring ourselves, our perspectives, attributes, experiences and actions/interactions. It helps us gain insight and see how to move forward. Both of them are very useful for teachers because they help them to be better in their job.
    As for our work on this blog, I think we have made a lot of progress from the first lesson to this one today. At least I can see my progress but I have no doubt that my colleagues have made progress as well. I think that I removed my fear of writing my own thoughts directly in the comment section. I learned lot of new words and expressions, and I have studied and learned a lot about my profession that will help me in my future work with children.
    Thank you my dear teacher Izela for this opportunity to improve my english with you.

    1. Dear Lejla, you said it nice. Our progress is visible. There is a huge difference between writing on the first and last topic.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  9. Feedback is infprmation given to the learner or teacher about the learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. The purpose of giving feedback is to improve the situation or the person's performance. Learners value feedback that helps them develop, facilitates, self-reflection and motivates them to learn more and motivates them to learn more and improve. Constructive and timely feedback encourages self-reflection and enhances retention of knowledge.
    There are four types of constructive feedback: Negative feddback, Positive feedback, Negative feedforward and Positive forward.
    Reflection is a metacognitive strategy in education to help learners as individuals reflect upon experiences to gain new of the greater understanding of the subject matter that is taught in school. Reflective practice has huge benefits in increasing self awarenes, wich is a key component of emotional intelligence, and in developing a better understanding of others. Reflection is a proces of exploring and examining ourselves,our perspectives, attributes, and experiences. Feedback and reflection is an important part of student learning that should be specific and planned.
    Tatjana Drmač, PO4.

    1. Hello Tatjana :D
      I agree with everything you said :)

      Tereza Čuturić, PO4

    2. Hi Tatjana, How important is teacher feedback to you?

      Džemila Karamuja PO IV

    3. Dear Tatjana, very well written. All the best and good luck on exams. 🌹

  10. Hello everyone.
    In the educational process, assessment is the basic feedback on the quality of the material, but it is not enough to successfully guide students through the learning process, for which qualitative feedback is much more important, which gives the student a clear insight into what he has achieved, successfully done and to what extent. what is not and why.
    First of all, it should be borne in mind that feedback in the educational process aims to help the student learn something, do better. Therefore, it should not represent only criticism, nor only praise, but should include a set of information that will help the student to establish behavior that is good and instruct him how to correct mistakes and further develop.
    I think that in addition to learning in the classroom, this way of learning is very useful to acquire some new knowledge, new words and the like.
    Hadžiabdić Amera, RN IV

    1. Hi Amera, you explained the importance of giving a feedback very nicely, I agree with you.

    2. Hi Amera. How is feedback important for parents?

    3. Hi dear. I think it is important because in that way parents find out what grades their children have in school, and e.g. which subjects need more attention during learning.

  11. In life, people do many different jobs. Some of them do it great and some of them, we have to admit, not so well. Either way professionals should always seek for the feedback of their job. Many successful companies all around the world always seek for the customer’s feedback and the way to improve their service.
    Feedback should also be an integral part of education and it should be two-sided. Teacher has to always give feedback to students about their work and accomplishments. He should be the one who encourages and motivate them to achieve as better results as possible. On the other side, professional teacher should always seek for the feedback from his students. Sometimes it can be formal way of evaluation on the end of the semester or year, but teacher have to always listen all of those informal feedbacks that students gives all the time. A lot of feedbacks students give unintentionally by their body language, face expression or unintentionally comments. They might express a lot of different emotions like happiness, satisfaction, anger, dissatisfaction and lot of others emotions. Teacher should always look up to those signs that students are always sharing.
    I, as a student of the Faculty of educational sciences in Sarajevo, would like to give a feedback to our professor. Personally, I can say that topics of this blog were interesting and we can use them for many purposes. I think that everyone, who has participated on this blog, could learn something new. All of these topics are in a great correlation with our future profession and can be well used as a source of information for our future work. By participating on discussions on this blog, I have learned a lot of new words and phrases. I have expanded my vocabulary a lot and have learned new words that are associated with my future profession. I would also like to express regret because this whole situation with Covid-19 has prevented us from having classes on faculty. This whole process of researching and learning would be much more interesting if we had live conversation with our professor as we always have on faculty. That is something I really missed in this whole process. Somehow, everything is more difficult and not as interesting as it would be if we had regular classes. In addition, we would have more opportunities to express ourselves more creatively. Definitely, this whole situation was a big challenge for all of us but I believe we will be more creative and happy when we meet again next year. See you soon. 😁👋

    Amra Bajrić, RN III

    1. Dear Amra, very well written. All the best and good luck on exams. ✌
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    2. Hi my dear Amra,
      exept I missed regular classes I missed live with you!

      Ena Brkić, RN3

    3. Thank you very much Nerma! I wish you all the best too. Good luck! 😊

    4. Oh, so sweet 🤗 🤭
      I also missed living with you Ena. See you soon! 👋

  12. Hi everyone! 🖐
    Feedback in educational contexts is information provided to a learner to reduce the gap between current performance and a desired goal. Although feedback is generally perceived as information provided to learners in order to improve their performance, an equally powerful function of feedback is to cue the attention of instructors to errors or weaknesses in their teaching methods that might be improved. Good feedback reduces learner uncertainty regarding current performance level and a desired goal. Feedback should be designed to avoid cognitive overload and be as minimally complex as necessary to convey needed corrective or elaboration information. Reflection is an integral part of the learning process. It allows us to learn more about ourselves and how we learn, but it also aids us in improving academic skills.

    1. Dear Meliha,
      do you get back enougt feedback form proffesors?

      Ena bRkić, RN3

    2. Hi dear Ena.
      I get feedback from all the professors which is very helpful.

      Meliha Terzić, RN3

  13. Hello people! We are so close to the end of the semester. This is finally week and we came to the last topic.
    Expectations of teachers and schools are changing rapidly. This is being driven by a range of factors including our growing understanding of the future of society and the workplace that today’s children will face when they finish formal schooling. Feedback can help us to improve our performance if we take some time to reflect on what has occurred. Effective feedback allows us to review, reflect and improve our performance. Feedback can be encouraging and help people feel appreciated and valued. We should all welcome feedback as we would struggle to develop effectively without it! Effective feedback is designed to determine a learner's level of understanding and skill development in order to plan the next steps towards achieving the learning intentions or goals.
    Why should teachers be reflective?
    Reason for reflective practice is because it encourages teachers to understand their learners and their needs and abilities. Every learner is different, and may have varying interpretations of what teachers say and do in a classroom. Reflective teachers are believed to be more likely to develop reflective learners.
    And finally, my feedback at the end of this semester regarding the English language will be solely thanks to my professor Izela for allowing us this kind of training and participation in a completely new way of teaching in which we weren’t prepared. I hope that this way of communication has helped you, as well as me, to work further on my knowledge of English language and the skills it requires. See you soon. Wish you all the best!

    Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    1. Hi Nerma.
      I agree with you and I would like to join in and thank our professor Izela for allowing us to learn new stuff through this kind of communication between our colleagues. Best Wishes!
      Dženita Čolo, PO4

    2. My dear Nerma, I agree with everything you said :)

    3. Dear girls, thanks for sharing your opinion. I wish you all the best. 💐
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

  14. Hello everyone :)
    This is very interesting topic and I think that this is very important for us in our future jobs.
    Feedback and reflection can have a high impact on student learning when:

    - feedback is immediate, regular and relevant
    - learners have planned time to receive, reflect and act upon feedback
    - feedback is provided as a guide for learning, not just as assessment.
    Feedback and reflection is an important part of student learning that should be specific and planned. It can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning

    Tereza Čuturić, PO4

    1. Hi Tereza,
      I agree with you,
      but how can we improve the use of feedback in teaching?

      Džemila Karamuja PO IV

  15. Have you ever thought that denying feedback is a form of abuse?
    Imagine yourself in front of a doctor as he reads your lab report that has just arrived to him, and whose results you have feared for days. You look at him, frantically searching for the answers on his face, and he reads, is silent all the time, doesn’t even look at you, but just writes a prescription and prose for the next patient.

    That’s roughly how a teacher feels while interpreting something, and students don’t listen, ignore, spin their movies.

    This is roughly how the student who answers feels, and the teacher does not tell him in words or facial expressions what he thinks about his answers, he only writes the grade and prose for the next student.

    Džemila Karamuja PO IV

    1. Hi Džemila
      I think that sometimes this is not true. In my opinion sometimes you get more, something inside of us and that teacher we can call friends. There is one or two, it is not important. It give us hope that is not just "next student'. I hope so.
      I like your post, it is ver different and thank you for that.🤗
      Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

    2. Hi Mirhu,
      Thank you for the comment. :)

      Džemila Karamuja PO IV

  16. Hi everybody,
    Feedback is for me personal very important. I like communucatiOn with people and I respect if I get acceptable feedback from someone. On that way everything is easier.
    We like future teachers must to be aware that our feedback for kids are so important almost like them feedbacks are important for us. When we teach somebody we must know how much knowledge they have adopted.
    There are four types of constructive feedback: Negative feddback, Positive feedback, Negative feedforward and Positive forward. The effective feedback should be: specific, timely, meaningful and honest; goal-oriented, focused on the future and about the process, not the person. It is not something what you get so easy. It demands time and patient.
    Everything what we do in life demands feedback beacuse we need confirmation.


    1. Hi Ena ! How important is teacher feedback to you ?
      Medina Kunić RN 4

  17. Feedback and reflection is an important part of student learning that should be specific and planned. It can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning. Teachers act as coaches and mentors during feedback and reflection.
    As nouns the difference between feedback and reflection
    is that feedback is critical assessment on information produced while reflection is the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected.
    Reflection is a metacognitive strategy to help learners as individuals or organizations reflect upon experiences, actions and decisions taken.

    Sibila Nuhanović, PO4

    1. Hi Siby, nice post, I agree with most of it. Do you think that feedback is important to us students ?

  18. Hi everyone!
    Feedback and reflection in education is an important part of the learning process when working with other people, you need to be efficient at using feedback. Feedback can improve our performance and that's why it is important in education. In my opinion, you need to focus on the task and not take any criticism personally. As a teacher you shouldn't give students poor feedback, instead of saying that someone's work was bad or boring we should try and explain what is wrong or what could be improved in student's work so next time he can be focused on his mistakes and improve them. I'm pretty sure that they won't do the same mistakes all over again after that, most of the time you will receive a quality work/project by your student. Sometimes if you are criticizing someone you should also suggest how something might have been improved in short just offer some ideas for improvement. Reflect on your feedback, ask yourself what have you learned, what was good in your project or what could have been improved and I'm sure that your next one is going to be a lot better, you should just learn from your mistakes and never keep doing the same ones.
    Stay happy and healthy :)
    Dženita Čolo PO4

    1. Hello Dženi :)
      Very well written!

      Hamida Tatarević, PO IV

  19. Hello everyone :)
    This is a great topic for the end of this "project". Feedback is very important for the both sides, for the teachers and students also. Feedback is something that should encourage someone to do better, to motivate them and to point out where is he making some of the mistakes. From my own experience, students are not as rough as the teachers are when it comes to giving a feedback. Students point out the positive criticism, but teachers mostly give negative ones, and that is very demotivating for the students. Both of them needs to balance so they can get the right reflection. Feedback must encourage teachers or students to do better wich means pointing out the good and the bad sides. And for the very end, this blog was a great way to encourage interaction between students and to learn something new also! It was my pleasure to "hang out" with all of you through these difficult times. Stay healthy everyone and take care of yourselves, bye :)

    1. Hi Neira, very well written. Best regards.
      Amina Ćosić, PO4.

    2. Hi Neira. We think the same 😁 Feedback is very important for the both sides.

    3. Dear Neira, I agree with you. Feedback must be motivating. And that they must be in the service of improving work.

      P. S. A few days ago I accidentally wrote Nejra instead of Neira. Sorry about that. :)

      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  20. Hello everyone,
    This is a very interesting topic for the end. Feedback and Reflection are very important to check the success of the education process. Usually feedback is sent by students to their teachers. An educator who listens to children, their play, thoughts and feelings, finds procedures that will improve children's development by reviewing their own educational practice, can be called a reflective practitioner. The key to reflection is to take responsibility for your educational processes, examine practical experience, and be willing to change it, not just live it. Characteristics of the educator as a reflective practitioner:
    - critically evaluates the style of communication with children;
    - practices flexible organization of time and space taking into account the individual characteristics of children;
    - encourages children's independent activity;
    - more often organizes problem-based learning situations;
    - more willing to compromise and accept diversity, etc.
    And for the end of our socializing on the blog: stay healthy and do more of what makes you happy. :)

    Amina Ćosić, PO4.

    1. Hello my dear Amina :D
      I agree with everything you said :)

      Hamida Tatarević, PO IV

    2. Hello Amina,
      I totally agree with you. :)

    3. Thank you Amina on this wonderfull words.
      Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

  21. I think, after all the topics we were reading and commenting on (each one is especially important), this topic is the most important one. Feedback and reflection in education is very important for both sides, for the teacher and students also. It's a way to improve work, to gain motivation, to notice mistakes etc. A lot depends on feedback or reflection - grading, choice of learning styles, choice of media in education etc.

    Reading this, there is one sentence I particularly liked: "Remember that you won't accomplish that by being harsh, critical or offensive, but only being positive and focused on improvement.". I think this is the best advice.

    Talking about our blog, this was a great way to learn. It was something new to us, but I think we did it well. Speaking on my behalf, I tried to be active and to do my best. The topics were interesting and it was fun to communicate with other students in this way.
    And for the end: take care of yourself, I hope to see you soon. Special greetings to the professor.
    Byeeee 💟

    Antonela Selak, RN4

  22. Hello everyone 
    Feedback and reflection is an important part of student learning. Feedback is information given to the learner or teacher about the learner’s performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. I t can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning. Quality feedback is one of the most important ingredients in building effective working relationships. Reflection is an integral part of the learning process. Reflective teachers are believed to be more likely to develop reflective learners.

    Stay happy and healthy :)
    Wish you all the best!

    Hamida Tatarević, PO IV

    1. My dear Hamida, I like your comment. I wish you all the best too. See you very soon. 😊
      Aida Rogo, PO4

  23. This topic is closely related to the topic from a couple of weeks ago (Assessment, Evaluation and Grading in Education). Feedback must exist for teaching to be successful. the teacher, by grade, word and in other ways sends feedback to the student. And the student, in some way, with his works, sends feedback to the teacher. In both cases, the feedback is in the service of improving further work.
    I think we had very good teaching this semester. I also think we have improved the vocabulary and grammar in English.
    After all, we are just waiting for feedback from our professor. :)
    Selma Jordamović, RN IV

    1. Dear Selma, I agree with your opinion.

    2. Hi Selma , I agree with your opinion.
      Medina Kunić RN 4

  24. Feedback is one of the important factors for quality teaching and is one of great benefit to both sides. Feedback from students to the teacher contributes to the improvement of teaching, because through feedback from students the teacher can see the elements of his work that are good and accepted by children, as well as those that do not suitable for students. He can see what the students have accepted and what they have not, what they adopt more easily, and what is more difficult and what it is that needs to be repeated and clarified once again. While feedback from teachers to students can be a strong motivation and support. Students will feel that they are respected, that what they say means a lot and is very much appreciated.

    I am glad that we spent this time of isolation and state of emergency hanging out, all together, on this blog. In addition to learningI, i also met many younger colleagues and I am very happy about that. I'm sorry we won't hang out again, because I'm in my final year. I wish to my dear colleagues a lot of success until the end of their studies. 🍀🍀🍀

    1. Dear Šejla, I totally agree with you.

    2. Hi Šejla, I wish you all the best after the end of this school year! :)
      Dženeta Javoraš, PO4

  25. Hello everyone.
    Everybody needs feedback. That’s how we improve ourselves and get better at what we do. Feedbacks are of different types and there are even more different methods for its reception. Feedbacks can be positive, negative, encouraging and sometimes very difficult to accept. On the receiving side, people might feel determined, angry or happy. We all need to know how well did we perform if we ever want to do better the next time. This is true for teachers too. Teachers needs feedback on what they do.
    Test scores and grades are not great forms of feedback. They do not really tell a student what they need to do to improve and where the gaps in their knowledge and skills are. The best feedback is given while students work in class. One of the best ways to send feedback to students in writing is to include positive comments!!
    If we write only negatively students will very soon stop bothering to read that. Nobody wants to be criticized all the time. Just as students need to know what they need to improve, they also specifically need to know what they did right.
    Of course, feedback does need to include negatives when appropriate. Generally speaking, we shoudn't try to correct every little problem. As the teacher, we should know what is the focus of the lesson. This should also be the focus of negative feedback. Let's be gentle and encouraging when giving negative feedback.

    1. Dear Samira, I totally agree with you. :)

      Berina Prozo, RN4

  26. Hello for the last time :D

    I think that "Feedback and Reflection in Education" is perfect topic at the end of our semester. I think it's an important part of the learning process when working with other people, is to be open to, aware of, and efficient at using feedback. Feedback can help us to improve our performance if we take some time to reflect on what occurred.
    We, as future teachers need to:
    1. Understand that feedback and evaluation are important!
    2. Be open to feedback and evaluation.
    3. Know what is appropriate feedback.
    4. Deliver our feedback at the right time and place.
    5. Offer ideas for improvement.
    6. Reflect on your feedback.

    It was a pleasure to "hang out" with you here. Goodbye :)

    Dženeta JAvoraš, PO4

    1. Dear Dzen, I completely agree with you. Stay safe and see you soon. 😊
      Aida Rogo, PO4

    2. can't wait to see you, dear Aida :*

  27. Feedback is one of the key elements of successful communication, because it is primarily a two-way process. The importance of giving quality feedback is increasingly emphasized in business communication, but attention should be drawn to its huge importance for the quality of the learning process. The basic principles of successfully compiling and understanding feedback are similar in all situations, whether it is business communication, the educational process or talking to friends and relatives.
    In the educational process, assessment is the basic feedback on the quality of the material, but it is not enough to successfully guide students through the learning process, for which qualitative feedback is much more important, which gives the student a clear insight into what he has achieved, successfully done and to what extent. what is not and why. Based on this information, the student can plan further actions and set goals. On the other hand, the teacher also gets a clearer insight into how his students are progressing and how he should adjust the pace of the teaching process.
    When giving feedback, the teacher should keep in mind the purpose for which it is addressed, he should strive to make the presented information as precise and concrete as possible, objective and accurate. It is desirable to start the feedback by praising and emphasizing what the student has done well, then move on to the analysis of mistakes and finish with suggestions, as the student can correct the given mistakes in the next steps. Praise is as important in the feedback process as criticism. Praise helps the student to notice which elements in his work and behavior are good, which will help him in the decision to keep them and further develop them. It should be borne in mind that praise has a strong motivating effect. Criticism is an important part of feedback, but it must be constructive, therefore, it is necessary to direct students in a way that they can correct mistakes, to avoid criticizing their personality, but to focus on criticizing the results achieved in a specific situation. It should be borne in mind that the faith that the teacher shows that the student can overcome these problems, is also an important motivating factor.
    When giving feedback, the teacher should keep in mind that he is also a role model, not only his duty to give quality feedback to the student, but also to teach students by example how to develop this skill, which they will undoubtedly need in future for success in the business environment. The teacher should encourage students to seek feedback themselves, as well as to encourage the exchange of opinions among students.
    Medina Kunić RN 4

  28. None of us are an island. Communication is a network of bridges that we build towards each other so that we can live together, and feedback is the most important part of that network. With it, we follow the echo of what we say and what we are to our interlocutor. It helps us to experience ourselves from a different angle, to illuminate our subjectivity with a different light, to observe our conclusions and interpretations with other eyes, to re-examine them, to confirm their validity, or to correct them if our perception turns out to be distorted. Feedback is a prerequisite for any successful communication, but also for any successful learning.

    In 1944, the French philosopher and writer Jean Paul Sartre wrote a one-act play Behind Closed Doors about three people who suddenly found themselves in hell. The hell he portrayed in Sartre in that drama is not the hell of demons of ice, fire and physical torment, but the hell created by humans through their poor communication: insults, disobedience, disrespect, denied confession…

    Hell is a situation where everyone feels an equally desperate need for others to accept them, but no one is willing to lend a hand first.

    Imagine yourself in front of a doctor as he reads your lab report that has just arrived to him, and whose results you have feared for days. You look at him, frantically searching for the answers on his face, and he reads, is silent all the time, doesn’t even look at you, but just writes a prescription and prose for the next patient.

    …………… .. o O o …………… ..

    That’s roughly how a teacher feels while interpreting something, and students don’t listen, ignore, spin their movies.

    This is roughly how the student who answers feels, and the teacher does not tell him in words or facial expressions what he thinks about his answers, he only writes the grade and prose for the next student.

    …………… .. o O o …………… ..
    Remember that the information we hear at the beginning and end of a block of information is best remembered. So every few minutes, interrupt the lecture with the question: What is left unclear to you? Which question did you not get an answer to? Let’s hear some handy example of what we said! How could this be more easily interpreted?

    Don’t forget to ask the question at the end of the class: Are you happy with today’s class? And well, well listen to the answer. You also teach students to never give or experience feedback as criticism, but as a way to see what they themselves cannot see from their own angle, to learn more easily, and to progress faster.
    Amina Ramić, PO4

  29. Everyone needs feedback. That is how we are progressing. Feedback is one of the key elements of successful communication. Its importance in the learning process is enormous. Not only is feedback important to students, but it may be even more important to teachers to see which elements of teaching are producing results and what needs to change. When giving feedback, the teacher should keep in mind that he is also a role model. Not only is it his duty to give quality feedback to the student, but also to teach students by example how to develop this skill, which they will undoubtedly need in future for success in the business environment. The teacher should encourage students to seek feedback themselves, as well as to encourage the exchange of opinions among students. It was really a pleasure to go through these topics, especially given the
    fact it was in English, and we had the opportunity to learn so many new things. Thank you professor for a really wonderful idea, and for the wonderful experience we have gained during this time of corona.

  30. And........this is the end....
    This is very nice experience and this blog help us to meet other people and hear how they think. What is good and what is bad in their opinion. Our proffessor give us a lot of new information and reading every post I'm learning new words and now I know some things that I did not before and this is very important for me.
    Feedback and reflection give you an opportunity to learn from what you have done in order to understand how you might improve in the future.

    Why is it important?
    Feedback on your work, both written and spoken, will give you guidance on how you can improve your next piece of work. By taking a wider perspective, you will be able to recognise your progress, gain confidence, and learn how to ensure the desired outcome next time.
    There are several useful models that guide the reflective progress. The common aspect to all of them is going beyond description to ask questions, to inquire into why something happened the way it did, looking critically at your own role, and evaluating how you might change your behaviour in the future. This is important for teachers and students to start from us....
    Well... the end... Good luck dear people! Stay safe!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  31. Hello everyone,
    Feedback can improve a student's confidence, self-awareness and enthusiasm for learning. Effective feedback during the first year in university can aid the transition to higher education and may support student retention.
    Feedback is something that every student can benefit from, whether it is offered digitally, verbally, or through the traditional written annotations on an assignment. This variety of feedback styles makes it easy to incorporate the feedback-model of student performance and assessment into the contemporary classroom.
    Selma Neimarlija, PO4.

  32. Hello people!
    We have reached the end of our semester, I hope the blog and this way of teaching has helped you, as well as me, to improve our communication skills, learn new expressions and hear other opinions. This is both my feedback and reflection on my work on the blog so far. I will briefly write what feedback and reflection in education really are.
    Providing feedback means giving students an explanation of what they are doing correctly and incorrectly. However, the focus of the feedback should be based essentially on what the students is doing right. It is most productive to a student’s learning when they are provided with an explanation and example as to what is accurate and inaccurate about their work.
    Reflection is a meaning-making process that moves a learner from one’s experience into the next with deeper understanding of its relationships with and connections to other experiences and ideas… It is a means to essentially moral ends.
    See you soon!

    Alma Nizić RN 4

  33. Hello everyone!
    I am glad that we had the opportunity to exchange our opinions, knowledge and experiences in this way, and to improve our knowledge of the English language in this completely new form of learning. This is also my feedback on the entire semester within this course.
    As for the basics of feedback and reflection in education, I will try to summarize and at the same time say the basics of what these two concepts really are.
    Reflection… It is about learning from experience, and developing your own thoughts from the experiences. While it is a natural process we often take unconsciously, we also try to facilitate reflection consciously, both in ourselves in others, by asking questions.
    In our work, it is very important and inevitable to give the student feedback on his work, effort, learning ... Providing frequent and ongoing feedback is a significant means of improving achievement in learning.
    Bye! See you soon.

    Berina Prozo, RNIV

  34. Hi everyone!
    Feedback can improve a student's confidence, self-awareness and enthusiasm for learning. Providing students engage with feedback, it should enhance learning and improve assessment performance. To be effective, feedback should be constructive. Feedback is information given to the learner or teacher about the learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim towards improvement in students' learning. Thus, the purpose of giving feedback is to improve the situation or the person's performance. Feedback shows people that we appreciate what they did and give them recognition, which helps to motivate them, also helps people back onto the right target when they have misunderstood a goal or task. As for our work on this blog, I think we have made a lot of progress from the first lesson to this one today. At least I can see my progress but I have no doubt that my colleagues have made progress as well. I think that I removed my fear of writing my own thoughts directly in the comment section. I learned lot of new words and expressions, and I have studied and learned a lot about my profession that will help me in my future work with children. This whole process of researching and learning would be much more interesting if we had live conversation with our professor as we always have on faculty. That is something I really missed in this whole process. Somehow, everything is more difficult and not as interesting as it would be if we had regular classes. In addition, we would have more opportunities to express ourselves more creatively.
    See you soon !

    1. Dear Edita, very well written. All the best and see you soon 🥰

  35. Hello
    Feedback occurs when outputs of a system are routed back as inputs as part of a chain of cause-and-effect that forms a circuit or loop.The system can then be said to feed back into itself.he system can then be said to feed back into itself.Eeveryone needs feedback to progress and learn new things.The teacher should encourage students to seek feedback themselves, as well as to encourage the exchange of opinions among students.I want to emphasize that it was a pleasure to go through all the lessons with you.Also this is for me another new experience with a positive outcome.On this occasion, I would like to thank the professor for her work and for the new experience she provided us.

  36. Hello everyone.
    I think that this topic is great for the end of this semestar. Feedback is information given to the teacher about the learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. Appropriate feedback can enhance learning in many ways.
    Reflective practice has many benefits for teacher, it makes teacher more aware what they actually do, it promotes collegial sharing if the data collected in professional contexts involving other teachers, from the insight teachers get through reflection, they can actually improve their teaching and help their learners improve their performance, etc.
    On the other hand students should also practice self-reflection while studying. Self-reflection heightens an awareness of one's most effective learning strategies, as well as pointing out areas where individual student might devote more time and attention.

    I think that every teacher should be prepared for his/her lifelong development and learning that develops professional skills. It is also important for teachers to self-reflect on their work in order to identify potential shortcomings. Professional development is the result of working hard on yourself every day, devotion, exploring and gaining experience, because in order to be a good teacher you have to invest a lot in yourself and your development.
    Reflective practice can also help you to develop creative thinking skills, and encourages active engagement in teaching and learning processes.
    Also, I think that this way of learning helped all of us, that we have made a lot of progress such as communication skills, a lot of new words - our vocabulary is much better, prefessional terms, exchanging different opinions and similar.
    Aida Rogo, PO4

  37. In my opinion this Blog is an interesting way of learning. It is something know and different from how other professors organized online classes. I really enjoyed reading all the topic, reading comments and opening my mind for learning new skills. After reading some good comment with good arguments I changed my opinion. I hope we will in future learn more on this way.

    Best regards to everyone, I hope everyone will have the best grades.

  38. Hello everyone !
    So, feedback and reflection are very important in education.
    We should be honest and self-aware when making feedback.
    When we make feedback being guided by these two principles - honestness and self- awareness we will have positive feedback which can improve our learning, erase the gaps between what we were supposed to learn snd understand and that we have reached in our education.
    When we make objective feedback it will help us, aswell it will help our teachers to improve our learning.
    It can help teachers to improve teaching, change some things for better students understanding and better results.
    Trying to implement what we have learned in real life situations is good way to find out how we have understood the particular unit, and that way we can make good feedback as for students as for teachers.
    Selma Hodo, PO4

  39. Hello everyone. I apologize for answering later. Professor Izela, thank you for this educational work and I enjoyed reading this topic of feedback. My opinion of this topic is that the feedback is always there. If you ask someone in your organisation when feedback occurs, they will typically mention an employee or training evaluation. In actuallity, feedback is around us all the time. Everytime we speak to a person or a student in this situation we comunicate feedback. In actuallity it's impossible not to give feedback. I hope the feedback you get will be all positive and helpful. But we also learn something from the negative ones. :)

  40. Bill Gates said:"We all need people who give us feedback. That’s how we improve."
    Feedback is a key element of the incremental process of ongoing learning and assessment. Effective feedback is designed to determine a learner's level of understanding and skill development in order to plan the next steps towards achieving the learning intentions or goals.Feedback is one of the most effective teaching and learning strategies and has an immediate impact on learning progress. Reflective teaching means looking at what you do in the classroom, thinking about why you do it, and thinking about if it works.Reflective teaching is a cyclical process, because once you start to implement changes, then the reflective and evaluative cycle begins again.
    As a result of your reflection you may decide to do something in a different way, or you may just decide that what you are doing is the best way.

  41. Hello Everyone.
    The term feedback is used to describe the helpful information or criticism about prior action or behavior from an individual, communicated to another individual who can use that information to adjust and improve current and future actions and behaviors. In this project we had opportunities to read and learn something new. Topics were very interesting and I have enjoyed while I was reading them. Also I must say that good thing is we could read what other students think about certain topic. Cheers

  42. Hiii, Everyone! :)

    Feedback & Reflection
    An important part of the learning process when working with other people, is to be open to, aware of, and efficient
    at using feedback. Feedback can help us to improve our performance if we take some time to reflect on what
    occurred. Feedback and reflection is an important part of student learning that should be specific and planned. It can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning.Reflective teaching is a more systematic process of collecting, recording and analysing a teacher’s thoughts and observations, as well as those of their students, and then going on to making changes.

  43. Feedback and reflection is an important part of student learning that should be specific and planned. It can be used as an opportunity for students to set learning goals and iterate on their demonstrated learning. Teachers act as coaches and mentors during feedback and reflection.Reflective teaching is a cyclical process, because once you start to implement changes, then the reflective and evaluative cycle begins again.

  44. Feedback in educational contexts is information provided to a learner to reduce the gap between current performance and a desired goal. Although feedback is generally perceived as information provided to learners in order to improve their performance, an equally powerful function of feedback is to cue the attention of instructors to errors or weaknesses in their teaching methods that might be improved. Good feedback reduces learner uncertainty regarding current performance level and a desired goal.

    Ina Olovčić, PO III

  45. I think that feedback in education is important in some ways but isn't necessary.
    Why I said isn't necessary. It's because some students are really shy and just can't talk in front of the other students. But they can still be really good and find everything they're interested for in books or internet. But still I think they should make an effort and develop themselves toward giving feedback. It's not just about giving feedback, it's about confidence, talking, exchanging opinions between the students themselves and between proffesor and students. When there is feedback, discourse will be more interesting and everyone will surely learn more than without giving any reflection. Also professors are glad to see some feedback from students and then it's easier for them and it's their pleausure to hold a lecture because they can see interest from students. However students shouldn't give too much feedback. I mean they can't constantly interrupt the professor with their questions. Then it's not desire for knowledge but for noticing. So if the goal is correct everything else will fall into place. (Semina Nešust, II godina, Odsijek za edukaciju i rehabilitaciju).


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