Teacher Professional Development

Dear students,

I'm so happy to see that the number of you posting comments and participating in our blog discussions is growing day by day. I'm very proud of you all and just keep on doing the good work!

This time we would talk about teacher professional development and why it is so important for all teachers. It is also important for you who are just about to enter the teaching profession as you have to be prepared for all challenges of the 21st century education that we have already discussed in one of the previous posts. Being a teacher is one of the noblest professions, but also a very responsible one, as teachers educate those who will become the future of our society. A good teacher not only teaches us a particular subject, but also helps us to become good human beings and good citizens.

Being a professional teacher means being knowledgeable and enthusiastic about teaching, creating a supportive and respectful classroom environment, organizing and planning ahead, remaining open to new ideas, continuing to learn, etc. Thus, teachers should always be ready and willing to learn more and improve their 'craft'. They are on an endless journey of learning and working on their own progress and improvement. They should always look for new ideas or teaching strategies that will better help their students to succeed, and find new ways to improve their skills and knowledge. Therefore, the concept of lifelong learning is particularly important in the teaching profession and it takes a lot of hard work and effort to be a professional educator.

Teacher professionalism is defined as the knowledge, skills, and practices that teachers must have in order to be effective educators. Generally, a professional in any field should possess personal qualities such as integrity, ethics, honesty, punctuality, orientation toward service, the ability to meet deadlines, etc. Without these qualities, a professional, no matter how talented or knowledgeable, will find it difficult to work with others. In addition to that, the key qualities that characterize a good professional also include: technical expertise, i.e. the knowledge received through a systematic, formal training in his field; readiness and willingness to continue learning; being ready to ask for advice from other professionals when needed; being ready to give advice when he thinks he is qualified to do so; being ready to pass on the knowledge and experience to younger members of the profession when needed, etc.

Professional development refers to activities aimed at development of an individual's skills, knowledge, expertise, personal and professional qualities, etc. These activities may include attending seminars and workshops, development through coaching/mentoring and support provided by experienced colleagues or external consultants and professionals, collaborative learning and planning with other teachers, providing feedback and reflective practice for teachers, sharing good practices, self-directed learning and self-reflection, etc.

Professional development should be an ongoing process implemented with support over a period of time, and not just attending periodic workshops and seminars. Teachers also need school leaders to provide them with the most valuable resource – i.e. time – to be able to actively participate in all these activities, which can be achieved with special schedules, providing substitute teachers, and more. Teachers can also take the lead in their professional development and form teacher-led professional learning communities with other teachers where they would discuss important issues and provide ongoing support for instructional improvement.
There are many examples of activities that contribute to professional growth and development, e.g. continuing education after your graduation, participation in professional organizations, doing research, improving job performance, skill based training, etc. Professional development helps teachers continue not only to be competent in their profession, but also excel in it. It also ensures that teachers' knowledge and skills stay relevant and up to date. Teachers always strive for something better and they like to make professional goals for themselves. Goals help to keep us in check and lead us to self-improvement. But it's easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out.

The profession of teaching is known for its high levels of stress so it may easily lead to the so-called teacher burnout. Teacher burnout occurs when a teacher, who was once passionate and excited about his work, starts to experience feelings of chronic exhaustion and hopelessness about the job. Teachers feel that their efforts will never be enough to meet the standards they are expected or required to meet. This chronic stress can lead to many negative consequences, and one of them is that many teachers nowadays are leaving the profession due to teacher burnout. One of the best ways to avoid the dreaded teacher burnout is taking some time for yourself. In order to be a good teacher, you need to take care of yourself first. And why not taking that extra time to learn something new, to upgrade your skills, to try out some innovative teaching methods with your students, etc.

Professional development provides teachers an opportunity to step out of their routine, i.e. they get to be the student instead of the teacher. It keeps them engaged and more focused on the improvement of their teaching practice. Effective professional development enables teachers to develop the knowledge and skills they need to address students' learning challenges and innovate their instruction.

Think about these questions and discuss the topic with your colleagues here on the blog:

What is teacher professional development?
Why is teacher professional development so important for teachers?
What are examples of professional development?
What are the key elements of effective teacher professional development?
What is teacher burnout? What are the most common symptoms? How can we treat or prevent it?

What are the professional qualities of a good teacher?

Useful links:

What is professional development? What does professional development mean?

What are the most effective professional development activities for teachers and school leaders?


See you all 'online'!

P.S. Have some fun with these cartoons:


  1. Being a teacher is one of the most challenging and exciting professions. Being a good teacher is a skill. Some are born for this profession, so they are like fish in the water in the classroom, some build the skill like a Lego dice tower. And some - some don't care.It is extremely important that parents and teachers are consistent in their upbringing because they send a message to the children that they think seriously what they are saying and that they can be trusted. Children love clear and concrete situations and boundaries. A good teacher sets clear rules with his or her students and enforces them consistently.

    1. Hi Dzemila my dear friend, could you tell me what are examples of professional development?
      Marijana Pustivuk PO4

    2. Hi Džemila.🖐
      Do you think all teachers are professional in their work?

    3. Hello Džemila, are you born with this profession (to be a teacher)? Are you passionate? Patient? Flexible? Creative?

    4. Hello dear Dzemila.
      How do you think that is being a good teacher a skill?

    5. Hi Majaa,<3 Professional development examples are all around us. A good teacher draws examples from the environment and uses them in teaching. A lifelong learning teacher is a good teacher.

    6. Hi Meliha I believe that not everyone is very professional, but I think most teachers know that they are doing their job and doing it great.

    7. Hi Amila,Whether I was born to call a teacher, I think time will tell. Creativity is present in each of us is just a matter of how we show it. I'm creative, but I think it's a little appreciated.

    8. Hi Ena,
      A good teacher, I think, should first and foremost accompany the children. It nurtures communication with children and adapts to their wishes.

    9. I agree with you, dear Džemila. I know you will be great teacher! 

  2. Professional development is a requirement for all teachers.Professional development is some form of education for teachers that can enhance or better their teaching or classroom environment. It is important because education is an ever growing, ever changing field.
    Marijana Pustivuk PO 4

    1. Hi Maja! How are you today?
      There are some questions for you. What are the most important qualities of a good teacher? Why teachers are important to children?

    2. Hi Meliha. I'm good. Thank you. How are you? I think it's very important to love children and to have big understanding. Teachers are important for children because teachers are a role model to children.

    3. Hello Maja. I agree with you. How would you help teacher who have a teacher burnout?

    4. Dear Marijana, I agree with your opinion. When we chose this job, we chose lifelong learning. :)
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  3. A successful teaching career begins with a quality Initial teacher education. However, this is only the beginning of the journey. Teacher professional development is a long-term integrative process during which the individual's knowledge, skills and abilities are developed and enhanced through learning, practical work and research. By going through this process, the teacher becomes a practitioner who deliberates and sets the goals of his or her professional development in accordance with his or her needs and needs. Teacher professional development is basically a process of improving skills and competences in order to improve the quality of teaching, as well as students' learning and achievement. Professional development is the result of the interaction of training and experience, including: - formal experience (basic education, seminars, mentoring, workshops, professional gatherings), - informal experience (monitoring of professional literature, the Internet, shows devoted to educational issues), - self-evaluation and research of educational practice. Teachers 'professional development enables the continuous acquisition, extension and deepening of knowledge, development of skills and abilities that are relevant to the success of students' teaching and extracurricular activities. It also provides the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills that ensure quality and successful collaboration with colleagues and the school administration, as well as a quality relationship with parents and the local community. It also enables preparation for the acceptance of systemic changes, their successful implementation and active participation and initiative in the implementation of the reform. Prerequisites for continuous professional development of teachers:
    - an educational system that enables and supports professional development,
    - professional and personal autonomy,
    - displaying creativity and initiative in implementing change,
    - student-centered teaching,
    - teamwork when planning, preparing, implementing and analyzing the teaching process,
    - cooperation with parents and the local community,
    - constant evaluation and self-assessment of their own work,
    - advancement in a profession that is stimulated in various ways.
    Professional development is the result of the interaction of training and experience, including:
    - formal experience (basic education, seminars, mentoring, workshops, professional gatherings),
    - informal experience (monitoring of professional literature, the Internet, shows devoted to educational issues),
    - self-evaluation and research of educational practice.
    Ten Principles for Successful Professional Development of Teachers Related to the Advancement of the School as a whole (Craft, 2000):
    1. It is difficult for individuals to advance in static school.
    2. Schools cannot change without changing what teachers do.
    3. If teachers progress professionally only individually, then they are unlikely to be able to change their school.
    4. Sometimes, when schools change, teachers do not change with them.
    5. A learning organization consists of individuals who, in addition to performing their basic duties, have the opportunity to learn.
    6. Professional development of teachers is a continuous process that starts with the first and ends with the last day of their professional practice. It is lifelong learning.
    7. Adopting new information and successfully coping with new situations is central to lifelong learning.
    8. Change is a process, not an event.
    9. Every individual is the bearer of change.
    10. Theories of change and theories of education are needed by one another.
    Teacher burnout occurs when a teacher, who was once passionate and excited about his work, begins to experience feelings of chronic exhaustion and hopelessness about the job. It can be avoided by giving ourselves and dedicating time, because we all need it. We need to give ourselves a little breather.

    Amina Ramic, PO4

    1. Hi Amina 🙈
      I just want to say that I agree with everything you havr said. Very nice!

  4. Hi Amina, very well written. I totally agree with you.

    Have a nice day. 🖐

  5. To be a teacher is very difficult and responsible job and you have to be ready physically and mental. You have to love that job, to be in love with and to learn everyday so that job could be on high-quality. Professional teacher development is complex, long-term relationship and lifetime process which is tirected towardy improving the quality of teaching. Professional teacher development is referred on continuously improving existing and acquiring new knowledge, skills, attitudes and habits which contribute to quality work, improving of learning quality but also on development of professional role of teachers. You know that quote:" while we are alive, we learn everyday". It is aimed on development of person within her professional role which includes formal and informal experience. We can say that professional development is individual, responsability is on one person(individual) and the result is a personal change. Teacher has the main role in development of every person. Since the youth, kids ape their teachers and strive to be equal to them and that is why it is important for teacher to be one whole personality who's gonna be role model for children. Teacher must have a lot of qualities as example: a research spirit developed, research view developed, creative, self-disciplined, Independent, persistent, self-confident, emotionally stable and full of empathy. But often can come to burnout when they aren't enough ready, when they have less support, unsatisfied with the payments, when they have better job offers or when they are leaving for personal reasons. But all that can be prevented with firm will and patience.

    1. Hi Meliha, how would you help yourself from burning out in your profession?

    2. Hi dear Amila! I think that should be persistent! Fight for what you love and don’t give up! ✊

    3. Hi Meliha :)
      What do you think what are the professional qualities of a good teacher?

    4. Hi Meliha

      I think that you're right.

      Sibila Nuhanović, PO4

    5. Hi Meliha, I totally agree with you.

  6. “A good teacher is like a candle that consumes itself while lighting the way for others.” Teacher professional development is any type of continuing education effort for educators. It’s one way teachers can improve their skills and, in turn, boost student outcomes. It’s difficult to plan and execute creative opportunities for teachers to continue to build their skills. Many school leaders will admit that professional development is the last thing on their mind in the middle of a busy school day.
    Teacher professional development is important. It affects children learning, it’s obvious that good teachers are better at teaching children effectively. When teachers have access to continuous learning opportunities and professional development resources, they’re better equipped to become good teachers.
    Psychology Today describes burnout as "a state of chronic stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, detachment, and feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment." To avoid becoming a victim to teacher burnout, educators need to build balance into their lives. One way to do this is by setting clear work boundaries. Perhaps that means you won't check your emails after 6 p.m., or you'll only grade papers until a favorite TV show starts, or maybe you'll never work on Sundays. Whatever schedule you set for yourself, stick to it to ensure balance in your life. Another way to avoid burnout is to take time off. The act of teaching is giving opportunities, ideas, knowledge, and guidance to students. But you can't do this effectively if you're running on empty.

    1. Hi Amila. Your sentence "A good teacher is like a candle that consumes itself while lighting the way for others." is interesting. But, do you think a teacher can be good to others if he/she "consumes" himself/herself?

      Amina Ćosić, PO4

    2. Hello Amina, being a teacher means being there, giving everything you can, making sure you are as knowledgeable as you can be about your content and about your students' lives; it means sacrifice for the sake of helping kids in need and it means caring about students unconditionally. When teaching becomes about you, I assure you, you will know it is time to stop.

    3. Dear Amila, very nice quote. The teaching job is hard, and we always have to invest in ourselves. That’s why I think this job has to be loved.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  7. Hello everyone!
    We hang out virtual again. :D

    I hope you are smiling. This morning I read a wonderful sentence that I want to share with you: "A dream, as black as it is, never stop trying to paint it in color" because it is the least we can do for our health.

    We have already talked about similar things such as abilities, skills and challenges that teachers must have, so let's remember and draw some conclusions!

    No matter how good pre-service training for teachers is, it cannot be expected to prepare teachers for all the challenges they will face throughout their careers.
    Teacher professional development is any type of continuing education effort for educators. It’s one way teachers can improve their skills and, in turn, boost student outcomes.
    There are lots of challenges to running an effective teacher professional development session: time, money, engagement, effectiveness, and more. While the challenges may be daunting, they shouldn’t stop you from creating opportunities for your teachers to deepen their understanding.
    Teachers’ professional development must be thought of as a long-term process, which begins with initial preparation and only ends when the teacher retires from the profession. This new approach to the education and development of teachers requires a transformation of processes and policies that support teachers, their education, their work and their growth in the profession.
    Teachers’ professional development has a significant impact on the success of educational reforms and on students’ learning. The more opportunities the teachers have to be both subjects and objects of educational reform,the more effective the reform and the teachers’ work is.
    Teachers’ professional development must be systematically planned,supported, funded and researched to guarantee the effectiveness of this process.
    Schools, teacher-preparation institutions, and other related institutions must work collaboratively in order to ensure the development of teachers from the very beginning of their careers.

    Take care of yourself and all of us and don't forget #stayathome...

    Nerma Omeragić

    1. Hi, dear Nerma, I totally agree with you. In your opinion, why is teacher professional development important?

      Valentina Šutalo
      RN IV

    2. Hi Nerma, thanks for sharing a motivating sentence with us.
      I agree with you that teacher professional development ends when the teacher retires from the profession. Do you think that all teachers think so?

      Amina Ćosić, PO4.

    3. @Valentina , my dear Val, how are you?

      The most important reason is that our vocation is simply lifelong learning.
      We need to keep up with developments in the world and not allow ourselves to be late for centuries, at least in terms of education for the developed world.

      @Amina , dear Amina, I hope you are well and healthy! :)
      Well, good question! I don't think we're all the same as human beings, so we're not all the same in terms of opinions.
      Someone works because he has to do this job and someone because he truly loves this.

      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

  8. I believe teacher professional development is the highest development we can to do for us. We must develop our skills, knowledge, qualities, abilities. It is so important because our job demands all of that. How can we to be a good teacher if we don’t know curriculum or if we can’t control a situation in the classroom? But don’t worry, there is a solution! You always can improve everything that you want. You can go on conferences, read books, find some interesting literature and explore. You are your own lifelong learner. It is important just to don’t give up. It is normal to have some problems on unexpected situations. While we are in interaction with other people it is always unpredictable.
    Teacher burnout isn’t so rare. We can hear or see it. Maybe sometimes we are abuser ever if we aren’t aware. Pretend you know what are you doing! I think this is a sentence that can help to every teacher. We must be self-confident in the classroom. People very often exploit someone’s weakness. In this case that are kids. Kids are screaming, jumping, eat on class, arguing. All of that is bulling and it causes teacher burnout. It is important to know who we are. Everybody has crisis and it’s normal. But just must work on self-control and everything will be fine

    1. Hi Ena, very well written. I totally agree with you.

      Have a nice day.

      Valentina Šutalo
      RN IV

    2. Hello Ena, I agree with you. Self-control is very important in our profession(and generally in life).
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    3. Valentina and Nerma, thank you very much for your respond.

    4. Hi Ena, I totally agree with you. What are for you the professional qualities of a good teacher?

  9. A good teacher can make a world of difference in a student's life. When it comes to effective teaching, communication skills are the most important thing. In my opinion, communication is a tool for overcoming fear. Also, active listening is one of the most important skills needed to be a teacher. Active listeners also show their curiosity by asking questions. Listening is one of the most important skills. How well we listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of our relationships with others. Good teachers listen well. Good teachers are also adaptable. Effective teachers need to be able to work in a constantly evolving environment and adjust their teaching methods based on the age of their students. In my opinion, being able to engage students with humor, creative lessons and a strong classroom presence is an important part of what makes someone a good teacher. Another key to engaging students and improving their learning is to treat each student as an individual, by being empathetic and understanding to what may be going on in their lives...

    Valentina Šutalo
    RN IV

    1. Hi Valentina,
      I totally agree with your opinion. :)
      Unfortunately, we are not all of this thinking. Some people simply do not look at this process through understanding, and this is somehow the key to the success of each of us.
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    2. Hi Valentina. You said it wonderfully. I also think that active listening is one of the most important skills needed to be a teacher. Each students needs it.
      Also humor and creative lessons are the key for students to feel free and therefore to get feedback from them, which is very important.

      Antonela Selak, RN4

    3. @ Valentina

      Without empathy and understanding, there is no true success in any profession.

  10. Professional development means that teacher has to be 'rich' with knowledge, practical work with children also constantly work on his/herself. We can't get enough of knowledge ever. Teachers are usually role models for environment, so their behavior is very important, starting from behavior inside of the school ending with behaviour inside of their houses.

    1. Hi Emina ! I agree with your opinion. What are the professional qualities of a good teacher ?Medina Kunić RN 4

    2. My dear Emina, what are the paths that will lead us to become "a teacher rich in knowledge"?

    3. Hello Emina! What you think who is an ideal teacher?

  11. Hello everyone!
    People learn throughout their lives. But when we talk about professional development, we need to know in which direction our learning should go. Teacher professional development means learning about children (their development, capabilities, abilities, skills). How will we learn? First, we need to know the results of research on children and their development. Then, we need to observe the children we work with. Also, self-reflection is very important in this process. The key element of effective teacher professional development is love of that job. When we love something, we try to be the best at it. The teacher must be creative, patient, flexible, self-confident and communicative. That is the basis on which we will build upon our knowledge.
    How can we treat or prevent teacher burnout? Well, it depends on the personality of the teacher and their temperament. We all have "bad days" sometimes, but it's important to know how to separate business from private. In my opinion, this job (teacher in kindergarten) should not do people over 55, because they, generally, have little patience. And, as you said "the best ways to avoid the dreaded teacher burnout is by taking some time for yourself".
    Until next time. :)

    Amina Ćosić, PO4.

    1. Hi Amina
      Why do you think that teacher sholud not to do over 55?
      There are teachers in 60 and they are still amazing and patience. Do you think that depnds on person not on ages?

    2. Hi :)
      Well, I've seen a lot of bad examples, but of course there are exceptions.

    3. Hello Amina :)
      I agree with you, and I especially like your sentence teacher in kindergarten should not do people over 55, because they, generally, have little patience. I become convinced of this from practice.
      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

  12. There are many definitions of teacher professional development and one of them is that it is a continuous activity that involves different processes such as training, practice and receiving / giving feedback. The teacher, as the creator of the educational situation and the leader of the learning process, directly influences the learning outcomes, but also the creation of a certain attitude towards learning and education among his students. The teacher's personality, expertise, and willingness to understand, accept, and implement the principles of modern education will depend on the educational practice and approach that he implements, and therefore on the success of each individual student.
    Selma Neimarlija, PO4.

    1. Hi Selma, I agree with you.

      Can you give us one specific example where a teacher directly influences learning outcomes?

      Lejla Hasanspahić, RN4

    2. Hi Selma. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good teacher?

  13. Hello :)
    Teachers' professional development refers to the continuous improvement of existing and acquiring new knowledge, skills, attitudes and perspectives, which contribute to a better quality of work, improving the quality of learning and student achievement, as well as the development of the professional role of teachers.
    The professional development of a teacher is focused on the development of a person within his or her professional role and includes both formal experience (seminars, workshops, professional meetings, working with a mentor, etc.) as well as informal experience (reading professional journals, professional publications, watching television shows related) on a particular scientific field, etc.), but also self-evaluation, self-reflection of the teaching experience. In addition, career development through promotion to a particular profession is an integral part of professional development.

    1. Hi Fuada!
      I wonder, which part of the formal expirience is the most important?

    2. Hi Edita :)
      Everything I stated was very important to the teacher (seminars, workshops, professional meetings, working with a mentor, etc). One of the most important in my opinion is working with a mentor. Because we have this opportunity to raise our knowledge to a higher level.

  14. Every each of us, as a professional preschool teacher has to start from zero - from the foundation, just like when building a house. What is important to say on this topic, is that the professionalism and development of an individual depends only on that person. We can’t be good at our job if we don’t love it, if we do everything just to get it over with, if we are not interested in it, and of course, if we don’t have a sense for transferring knowledge onto others.
    We need to understand that every professors we had had to start from where we are now. There always needs to be a two-directional relationship and some kind of feedback. Honesty, I admire all the good professors who have left their mark as exceptional people as well. I appreciate everybody’s effort and I hope to one day be a successful, developed person.
    Marija Bekić, P04

    1. Hi Marija, I agree with you that profesionalism and development depends only on person.
      Mirhu Majdanac, PO4

    2. Hi Marija, How educated were our childhood teachers?

  15. Hello, we are again here, in our virtual world.
    Beenig a teacher is some way of gift. To be a good teacher you need learn every day, do everythimg what will you help to become better in your job. Every day we can learn somethnig new. Everythnig what we know help us to teach our children, students. If we do on our education and use our knowladge in our work we still learning. Because when we use our knowladge and use it in our pratice, we are learning new things, because we will get answers from our children, and we will ask ourselfs, do I do this right, I need new informations... Yes, teachers studying while they working tehis jobs, they learn every moment when they are with their kids. In my opinion all of us some things can learn from our children.😊
    Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

    1. I like the last sentence. That's so really.

      Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

    2. Hi MIrhu :)
      I totally agree with you, especially with last sentence.
      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    3. Thank you @Ensar and @Hamida🤗

  16. Teacher should go on seminars and show viling to upgrade their knowledge. It is very important because teachers should be open for lifelong learning, they teach our kids and they must have knowledge, personal and professional qualities.
    The proffession of teaching is known for its high levels of stress so it may easily lead to the so-called teacher burnout. Teacher burnout occurs when a teacher, who was excited about his work, starts to experience feelings of chronic exaustion and hopelessnes about the job. One of the best ways to avoid and dreaded burnout is taking some time for yourself. In order to be a good teacher, you need to take care of yourself first. Good teacher must be kind, creative and full of understanding for kids.
    Tatjana Drmač, PO4

    1. Hi Tatjana I agree with you, full understanding for kids and I will say that they need listen what kids are talking.

    2. Hello, Tatjana! :)
      When you say that the best way to avoid teacher burnout is to actually take the time for yourself, I wonder what, in your opinion, are the activities that the teacher should engage in that time?

  17. Hello everyone!!
    We have already discussed how important it is for educators and professors continue their education even after they finish formal education. They can do that with different forms of travel, working on their talent, finishing even higher levels of education like masters or doctor studies. Their everyday work is their best practice and their work is the best way they can express themselves. It is very important for that to last because if the constantly educate themselves it will be a guarantee for them to do better.
    If every day we spend our work time in the same way it’s natural that after some time the work will become boring and monotone. To prevent that we need to implement a little bit of changes in our work. We can change our working tools, set some goals, write down the stuff we did complete since it will motivate us etc. A good teacher will try to do complete all these things I talked about before since it will make him happy and the people around him.

    #staysafe #stayhome #bepositive

    1. Hi Edita ! I agree with your opinion.Why is professional development important?:) Medina Kunić RN 4

    2. Hi my dear Edita, I agree with you when you said that if we every day spend our work time in the same way, the work will become boring and monotone. Thusly, to be a good teacher we have to invest a lot in our development.
      Aida Rogo, PO4

    3. Hello Edita.
      I just want to say that you really put that in a good way and I totally agree with you.

  18. Based on the presented definitions of teacher professsional development, we can identify some of the key characteristics of this process: Professional development of teachers is a complex, long term, lifelong processs aimed at improving the quality of teaching and the position of the teaching and the position of the teaching profession in society. Professional development of teachers refers to the continuonus improvement of existing and acquiring new knowledge, skills, attitudes and perspectives, which contribute to a better quality of work, improving the quality of learning and achievement of students , as well as the development of the professional role of teachers...Why is professional development important? The importance of teacher professional development can be discussed at several levels. The development of a professional role provides teachers with the continuouns acquisition, improvement and deepending of knowledge, skills and abilities that are of great importance for improving the quality of work and student success. In support of the need for continued professional development, the following data also : Even experienced teachers face major challenges each year, including new methods, advances in technology, changes in content, laws and procedures, and the educational needs of students.The development of a professional role provides an opportunity to enhance
    cooperation with parents, the collective and the management of an educational institution. Teacher development enables preparation for acceptance and implementation of systemic changes in terms of enhancing active participation, motivation and initiative in implementing reforms and changes in their environment. One of the key benefits of teacher professional development, as evidenced by numerous studies, is that teacher development contributes to improving student achievement. Medina Kunić RN 4

  19. Professional development is lifelong process aimed at improving the quality of teaching.
    Being a teacher in today's world means that they have to adapt to whatever comes their way. Teacher have to think forward and prepare children for what's is going to come in the future. Teachers don't just expect their student to be a lifelong learner, but they are as well. They stay up-to-date with current educational trends and technology and they know how to tweak their old lesson plans to make them more current. I thing the most important thing is that teacher should love his job and that is recipe for not burning out of stress at school. In the 21st century teachers must have several competences. Teachers used to be authority in the class, friend with kids so they can make strong relationship and confidence between each other. Teachers today should be talented and motivated, they often should be innovative so kids will love their work and don't feel bored. I think that teachers have to improve their skills no matter how good they are.

  20. Professional teacher development is referred on continuously improving existing and acquiring new knowledge, skills, attitudes and habits which contribute to quality work, improving of learning quality but also on development of professional role of teachers. You know that quote:" while we are alive, we learn everyday". It is aimed on development of person within her professional role which includes formal and informal experience. We can say that professional development is individual, responsability is on one person(individual) and the result is a personal change. Professional development is the result of the interaction of training and experience, including: - formal experience (basic education, seminars, mentoring, workshops, professional gatherings), - informal experience (monitoring of professional literature, the Internet, shows devoted to educational issues), - self-evaluation and research of educational practice. Teachers 'professional development enables the continuous acquisition, extension and deepening of knowledge, development of skills and abilities that are relevant to the success of students' teaching and extracurricular activities.

  21. Hello everyone!
    The most effective professional development engages teams of teachers to focus on the needs of their students. They learn and problem solve together in order to ensure all students achieve success. Every teacher faces unique classroom challenges and comes to work each morning with a different set of skills.
    Effective professional development is on-going, includes training, practice and feedback, and provides adequate time and follow-up support. Successful programmes involve teachers in learning activities that are similar to ones they will use with their students, and encourage the development of teachers’ learning communities.
    Teacher-educators must know how to work in teams and collaborate intheir work.

    Alma Nizić RN 4

    1. Hi Alma :)
      you said it all very nice. I completely agree with you, especially about teamwork part.

    2. Hi Alma. I totally agree with your opinion.

    3. Hi Alma. I totally agree with your opinion.

  22. Hello again.
    We have already talked about similar topics, so again we can write some basic things and a conclusion on this topic. It’s obvious that good teachers are better at teaching students effectively.
    In many countries, the role and functioning of schools are changing and so is what is expected of teachers. Teachers are asked to teach in increasingly multicultural classrooms; to place greater emphasis on integrating students with special learning needs in their classrooms; to make more effective use of information and communication technologies for teaching; to engage more in planning within evaluative and accountability frameworks; and to do more to involve parents in schools.
    Teacher-educators must enjoy teaching. This disposition will generate apositive attitude towards teaching in their students.

    Berina Prozo, RN4


    1. Dear Berina, wonderful told. Do you think that teachers can follow every trend that is set to them and adapt their knowledge to everything that modern technology and technology in general have to offer? Does this affect the psychophysical evolution of the student?

      Lejla Hasanspahić, RN4

    2. Dear Berina,

      i totally agree with you, teacher-educators must enjoy teaching.

      Alma Nizić RN4

  23. Everybody can study and become a teacher. There is a big difference between just teaching and being a good teacher.
    If you’re a teacher your only job isn’t just teaching moreover it’s get to know your students and notice if something is wrong with them. Many students have issues and talk with their teachers about them. As a teacher you have to be a listener. Teaching is easy but being there for you students is the hard job.
    Semira Bukvić RN IV


    1. Hi Semira. You are right. We need to get to know our students and notice their problems, what is not clear to them, etc. We must be there for them in every situation.

      Antonela Selak, RN4

    2. Well said Semira, teaching is easy but being there for you students is the hard job.

      Alma Nizić RN4

    3. Hi Semira. Considering that recent PISA researches has showed that our students knowledge is not functional, what can we do to make studying more practical?


  24. Like you said, being a teacher is one of the noblest professions, but also a very responsible one, as teachers educate those who will become the future of our society.

    Professional development is important because education is an ever growing, ever changing field. This means that teachers must be lifelong learners in order to teach each new group of students. Professional development not only allows teachers to learn new teaching styles, techniques, and tips, but also interact with educators from other areas in order to improve their own teaching. We have a lot of workshops for teachers where they can go for "professional development". . Though some short workshops are effective in introducing new topics, the most effective workshops are taught over time and involve hands on activities and interaction. This also allows for more questions and discussions to occur throughout the presentations. Ongoing professional development is critical for teachers who wish to be great at their jobs and offer the best to their students each day.

    Each teacher should have a wide range of knowledge, skills, abilities, etc. Professional development means their refinement, dissemination, enhancement, but also adoption of new ones. Also, every person, including the teacher, needs to work on improving themselves as a person every day and this can help us a lot in our work.

    Today we can see a situation where professional development is required. Many teachers do not have enough technology skills. However, today's situation requires it. Fortunately, there are many online courses, tools, forums that can help them to transfer their knowledge to students.

    "Teacher burnout" is unfortunately a common occurrence. Most often young teachers, those who are just getting into the job, are full of enthusiasm, creativity, willpower, etc. But over time, it gets worse. Different situations lead to it: failure, misunderstanding. poor working conditions, poor pay ...

    The points is to understand that every human being learns all his life.
    PS I like the pictures you posted 👍🏻

    Antonela Selak, RN4

    1. Hi Antonela :)
      Would you ever use an online teacher course?

    2. No, I didn't. But I'm very curious to try. Do you have any suggestions?

    3. Unfortunately no, I was sorta hoping you'd recommend me one. :)

    4. Hi Antonela :)
      Earlier, you attended some of the seminars. Can you tell us what kind of experience was that for you ? Was it useful ?


  25. First of all, I want to say that I am very proud and happy that I will soon be able to say that I am a teacher. I never repented for a moment, and I always say that it is the most beautiful job in the whole world, regardless of all the obligations and obstacles that come with it.
    I consider professional development for teachers to work on their knowledge, abilities, alignment with new and effective trends. We live in a time where we are given much greater and better opportunities than teachers 20 or 50 years ago, so I think we need to keep up with the time we live and work in. Every person has chosen lifelong learning and refinement when they commited to this profession, and I don't think this should be a problem for anyone.
    We are all witnesses also to the current situation that many things can be stopped, but learning and education do not stop in the most alarming situations, and it is up to us to adapt. The point is, not every professional development needs to be targeted and planned. Let them happen spontaneously. I think a lot of teachers have evolved in various ways through the covid-19 situation.
    In addition, this is a call we develop on a daily basis. We can even learn many things from our students.
    Teacher burnout is a phenomenon that I find very realistic and understandable in our call. Anyone who is aware of our impact on children will feel the pressure. Teachers often consciously or unconsciously incorporate their work into their private lives. But also, quite a few things do not depend on us, it may simply be the kind of class that requires more effort and time dedication. The most important thing in these situations is to give yourself a little space and a little break to get it all together, all with the aim of providing the best of us to our students.
    There are many qualities that a good teacher should have.
    First of all, knowledge, then organization, commitment to students and work, organization ability, we must know the right way to approach children, be fun, be creative and much more. But even when we are at the beginning, there is no need to worry. You just have to have a lot of willpower, and everything else is upgraded through the best professional development - everyday work in the classroom with children. :)

    Hope everyone is doing OK. #stayhappy, and #stayhome :)

  26. The word 'teacher' itself sets goals for many children. In order to achieve these children's goals, we must be consistent with our profession. Each child is an individual to himself. In order for children to learn in an interesting way, we must set them specific goals that we will reach together with them. The teacher is the mediator between the student and his life road.
    Professionalism and a focus on a specific children's goal is the desire to improve ourselves on a daily basis, in order to provide students much better and high quality education.
    Nowadays we need to learn and improve our skills on a daily basis. Life flows at an accelerated rate. Time cannot be reached, but the student's goal should be. There are many educations ahead of us, where we can get new knowledge and expand the old ones. Courses, conferences, workshops are just some of the types of education at which each teacher can be professionally trained and focused on a certain direction.
    I wish we would have put more free space in front of the students, but as I said, time cannot be reached.
    The professional burnout of teachers is reflected in the deficiency of motivation and the desire for students to get as much knowledge as possible from certain course.
    We as teachers, if we ever capitulate to professional burnout, we should engage in as much education as possible in order to provide children with a better and more interesting education, an education that every student will enjoy. At the end "if you want to change or improve something in your life, you have to start by changing the inner aspects of your mind."

    Lejla Hasanspahić, RN4

  27. Specificity of teacher development throughout life stems from the nature of the teaching profession and professional development is a kind of lifelong learning. The creative teacher is constantly improving and changing in accordance with the demands of the times, opposing those circumstances of school practice which support stereotypes and formalism at the expense of creativity in teaching. Important attributes of a creative teacher are autonomy of thought, initiative, motivation, desire for freedom and the ability to think critically, so restraining and non-adhering to these traits would reduce creativity. Freedom is the possibility of self-determination, which means that the free teacher is the one who possesses this opportunity and which is free from any fear of being determined independently in his own educational activity. In order for teachers to pursue their professional development with motivation and cognitive engagement should encourage intervention within the school system, in which the dependent position of the teacher will be transformed into an independent one, which will at the same time contribute to the quality of the school system and education.

    Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

  28. Hello everyone!
    When it comes to teacher professional development, I consider the teacher himself to be responsible for his professional development and to guide it by following his interests as well as the needs of the system and the school in which he works. I would say that this is a continuity independent from a seminar, it is voluntary, and the result is a personal change. On the other hand, we have time-limited technically development, which depends on financial capabilities, often is mandatory, often depends on the trainer, and the choice of topics is subordinated to the priorities of others and is driven by changes in the system.Of course, it is not reduce the importance and value of neither. Both ways of the teacher development are very important, for the teacher himself and his students, and ultimately for the whole society. This is important for the teacher because he is constantly learning something new, his knowledge will enable him to easily prepare a great lesson, to transfer his knowledge to the students simply and interestingly. For the students, the teachers' professional development is also very important because they will have teaching full of innovation, imagination, knowledge and all tailored to them their needs and opportunities. A quality teacher, through his students, creates a quality society.

  29. Hi everybody :)
    Well, let’s start with that why do I want to be a teacher. During my highschool I had a lot of options what to do and which faculty to choose, but deep inside I knew what I want to be and which is the job that will make me happy. And this is it. So, this is the first and also the most important thing for becoming a teacher, you have to love this job and you have to love kids. If it’s not like that, you won’t be a good teacher. This is not regular ‘nine to five’ job, you bring this job with you at your home, you think about those kids, you worry for those kids like they are your own and you fight for them. As I already have written in some of the previous posts, we shape those little minds, we are directing them to the right ‘life path’ and many other important things. And everyday development is very important so we can do all of that. Teachers have to learn new things, they must be inovative and work on themselves. But also, it’s important for them to keep their mental health because life is not as always as we want it to be and unpredictable things happen. It’s important to know that you’re doing your best and all other bad things that happen find their way to solve. Nowadays, kids are not as much as big problem as their parents are, they want their kids to be the best, to have high grades and often they are not aware of their kids abilities. So, future teachers, keep your heads up and don’t let anyone to put you down, cause you are one of the most world values!

  30. I consider that the role of teachers/professors is very important in raising and educating children/kids/students. To be a teacher and to teach kids, is very responsible job. I consider that it can't be done when someone has no talent and will to work with children, but someone who really gives maximum, who is giving efforts and loves that job.
    I also think that practice is very important as a experience, so we have to fight that we, students, have more practice in future so that we can be the best that we can be in our job.

    Ajla Balta, PO4

  31. Teachers are very important for children because they transfer knowledge and they are upbringing them. Teacher professional development is long way proces. And teacher need to update their knowledge and learn new things, so that they can transfer it to children and teach them better.

    Sibila Nuhanović

    1. Hi Sibila. I agree with your opinion.

    2. I agree with you Siby. Every day is a chance for learning something new, for all of us. And just like you said for teacher to update their knowledge by learning new things..

  32. I think that in every profession, even in this, we need to constantly learn, to expand our knowledge. Being a good teacher means finding new and creative ways to learn new material. I think we can learn a lot from children, as well as children can learn a lot from adults. Being a good teacher means loving your job. I think some of the professional qualities of a good teacher are responsibility, respect, nice manners, sense of humor, etc.
    Hadžiabdić Amera, RN IV

  33. Hello, my name is Durmić Azra, and I'm 22 years old. I am a third year student of Turkish language and literature at the Faculty of Philosophy. I have been studying English language for 10 years now, six years at the elementary school and four years at high school. Throughout my education, I paid special attention to language grammar , and therefore I developed a great interest for acquiring English language, as it is very useful in both my profession and my private life.

  34. Teacher professional development
    In my opinion the teaching job is one that should always be improved and upgraded. Because of this, a teacher has to love his job and learn constantly. Nowadays, when the corona virus is all around us, we feel the need for continuous improvements. Regarding all this, if a teacher doesn´t explore and improve his or her skills, they would not know how to realize online classes. There are many teachers who seek help with online teaching.
    So, to summarize my opinion, teachers have to love their jobs, they need to be capable and have certain skills and after all they have to set realistic goals for their students, and be a humanist.
    Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  35. Education is a never-ending process. It doesn’t stop after earning a degree and starting a career. Through continuing education, individuals can constantly improve their skills and become more proficient at their jobs. Just as a teacher has to create conditions that support and encourage student success, schools have to support teachers’ professional development not only to ensure the best learning outcomes for their students but also to be more effective and satisfied in various other aspects of their work. Just as every student learns differently, teachers have many different learning styles and face a variety of circumstances in the classroom.
    Educational technology, curriculum standards are constantly changing, making it challenging for teachers to keep up with trends. Professional development transforms teachers into better and more apt educators. When educators discover new teaching strategies through professional development, they are able to go back to the classroom and make changes to their lecture styles and curricula to better suit the needs of their students. Students expect teachers to be subject matter experts for the topics they teach. This means teachers should be able to answer any question a student throws their way. Professional development programs can enable teachers to expand their knowledge base in different subject areas. Implementing professional education development has benefits for both teachers and students, but most importantly, it helps teachers become better educators and develop into competent future school leaders.

  36. Hello everybody :)

    To be a teacher is responsible, and being a teacher means – You need to love this job with all your heart! Being a teacher means that you can change the life of your students. This of course implies that you are ready to learn something new and educate yourself every day. Good teacher must be patient, creative, always ready to help, smiling, humorous, to be a child in the soul!

    Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    1. Hello my dear Hamida, I agree with everything you said. Stay safe! 🙃

  37. Hi everyone!
    Professional development is important in all professions. Teachers have to learn others, so they have to be in process of learning themselves. To be a teacher is very responsible and kind of a difficult job. You have to love it simply and if you don't love it, you can ruin children's childhood. Teachers have to go and always be in that process of becoming better and preparing to teach and give. They simply have to stay up to date. Professional development is mostly result of interaction in doing personal change through trainings, workshops, basic education and just with desire to grow.

    1. If you want to be good in your job, first you have to love your job. ✔
      And btw, nice post, i like it 🥰

  38. Hi everyone! :)
    Professional development is the strategy schools and school districts use
    to ensure that educators continue to strengthen their practice throughout
    their career. The most effective professional development engages teams of teachers to focus on the needs of their students. Th ey learn and problem solve
    together in order to ensure all students achieve success. School systems use a
    variety of schedules to provide this collaborative learning and work time for teachers. As a teacher, your professional development goals are likely to vary in comparison to your colleagues depending on how you personally want to progress. Your goals may relate to the job level or role you want to pursue. Or, you may instead want to specifically focus on developing your teaching style or capabilities.The collective symptoms of fatigue, overwhelm, boredom, depression, anxiety, stress, apathy and frustration (among other negative emotions) are referred to as “teacher burnout.” While these may characterize any educator who has hit their limit, the condition most commonly affects classroom teachers, who deal with day-to-day student interaction.The best way to avoid burnout is to find a hobby you can deeply immerse yourself in for a few hours a week. Hobbies (such as basketball, painting, dancing, meditation, climbing) can provide a therapeutic release, and you can come to work recharged and ready to go every day!

  39. Hello everyone!

    The key to any successful job is the love for that calling. The professional development of teachers is important for the improvement of every educational process. Just as teachers are expected to create a supportive enviorment for them to learn and develop professionally. Every teacher should be preapared for his or her lifelong development and learning that develops professional skills. It is also important for teachers to self-reflect on their own work in order to identify potential shortcomings.
    Professional development is the result of working hard on yourself, every day, exploring and gaining experience, because in order to be a good teacher you have to invest a lot in yourself and your development.
    Aida Rogo, PO4

    1. Hi Aida. The key to every successful and good job is love and passion for what you are doing. I agree with you, everybody is learning their whole life, but teachers and educators especially.

  40. Educators are increasingly looking to teach professional learning as an important strategy for supporting the complex skills students need to be prepared for further education and work in the 21st-century. Education is a never-ending process it never stops, education is something that follows you through your whole life and that's why we need to dedicate a lot more attention to it than we think. There are a lot of examples of professional development and in my opinion, the most important one is to continue education and improve job performance which means keeping up with the technology, systems, learning about new developments in your field, and improving existing skills. I think that teachers should be content-focused, openminded, and able to understand each student in their way because not all of us are the same and it means a lot when you know that a teacher supports/understands you. A teacher shouldn't let too much pressure on students because that leads to superficial and poor quality outcomes by students. From what I've seen and felt lately as a teacher I would rather receive one perfect outcome than few other superficial ones. Teacher burnout is more than just the occasional stress that most educators feel at some point. It is a psychological condition that can cause teacher depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. I think that placing too much pressure on a teacher’s shoulders can make teachers blame themselves for their student's struggles and feel like they cannot make a difference. We can prevent teacher burnout by giving them a break during the day or give them time for self-care and personal health outside of work, simply teachers should know their limits and they should never go above them. A good teacher can make a world of difference in a student's life, impacting everything from their classroom learning to their longterm success. A good teacher should be a strong communicator they should listen to all students and be able to help them, they should be focused on collaborations, to be adaptable which means teachers need to be able to work in a constantly evolving environment and adjust their teaching methods based on the age of their students and on the top of that a good teacher should have a lot of patience, I know that being a teacher is stressful but on the end of the day, we chose to be one of them so we have to do our job properly because we have a big impression on the young people we teach in life.
    First of all, let's be a change we want to see in our future :)
    Dženita Čolo, PO4

  41. The teaching profession is stressful. Professional burnout is not simply the result of being overworked and underpaid. It can be the result of prolonged stress, and emotional fatigue, feeling isolated and not respected. The condition affects job performance and it is contagious; it may even result in physical illness. Burnout often affects people in helping professions: lawyers, doctors, social workers, managers and teachers, among others. For teachers, working with students means constantly trying to respond to their needs while simultaneously meeting the various demands of the organisation. Teachers suffering from burnout view personal accomplishment negatively: they don't set goals, and have low self-confidence. Professional jealousy adds to the frustration. Relationships suffer, not only professionally – a burned-out person often has an empty private life.
    Stanić Suada (V) PO4

    1. I agree with you, dear Suada. I know you will be great teacher!
      Hugs and kisses, Dženeta, PO4

  42. Hi everyone!
    Teacher professional development means development of various teacher's skills which help teachers to achieve the best results. Theacher professional development is very important for teachers, as society changes there are different challenges, and teachers have to be able to respond them. Proffesionsl development can be made through workshops for teachers, seminaras etc. They should improve their soft skills which should help them to be great teachers till their retirement, it should help them they can take care about themselves, especially about kids, always to send them positive thoughts and positive energy, never to burn out. Good teacher should be able to respond to all modern time requiries and challenges.
    Selma Hodo PO4

  43. Profession called “teacher” is not just a regular job, it is a way of life. Teacher is a person who has many obligations but he/she is the happiest person in the world. You may ask why? While many people all around the world are homeless, he/she has two homes and has numerous family members. School is his/her second home and students are his/her children as well. Therefore, the teacher has a great responsibility towards everybody. He/she has to be the one who will constantly lead and who will be the role model for both homes and all of the family members. That is why teacher has to develop and learn. He/she is a lifelong learner as well, and he/she is the only one who stays in school his/her whole life, while students come and go. That is why teacher have to be constantly step ahead of the others. Professional development of teachers can be formal and informal. Teacher can attend courses, seminars, and conferences to improve their own skills, abilities and knowledge. Many of those formal way of professional development can be organized by school that teacher works in. However, there are many more informal ways of teacher’s professional development. In today’s “modern era”, there are many great ideas on the internet that can be very useful for teachers, as well as a lot of literature is available. Sometimes teacher get tired and experience something known as “burnout”. He/she just feels empty and lack of ideas. In that period teacher needs something that will rejuvenate him/her and give him/her “wind in the back” to go ahead. Maybe one seminar or conference could be the source of new ideas and teacher’s fuel to go. That is why teacher should develop professionally all the time.

    Amra Bajrić, RN III

  44. Teachers' education of students is in the first place and they are responsible for reaching the highest possible standards in work and behavior. Teachers are honest and stick to their integrity, they know their subject very well, they update their knowledge and skills, they are self-critical, they build positive professional relationships and they cooperate with colleagues and parents in the best interest of their students. In order to be successful, they should: have high expectations that inspire, motivate and challenge students, strive for progress and good student results, show good knowledge of the subject and curriculum, plan and teach well-designed lessons, adapt teaching so that it responds to the talents and needs of all students, evaluates accurately and productively, takes care of behavior, in order to provide a healthy and safe learning environment.

    1. Hello Emina .What do you think are the characteristics of a professional teacher?

  45. In my oppinion teacher professional development is learning every day new things witch we will present to our students. Also we need to watch new idea how to presente new knowledge. Without improvement knowledge and development teacher can't be up to date and pass on quality knowledge to their students. Examples of professional development are some seminars that will improve our teaching skills and that will help us upgrade the knowledge we need to pass on to students, also good example of professional development is let the student do some research with us as guide because teacher aslo can learn from their students. Key element of effective teacher professional development is teacher will to improve their knowledge to be
    the best teacher for students. Sometimes it happens that teachers from too
    much desire to transfer knowledge burn out. If we want that this not happen
    to us, we need to take time for ourselves, learn some new skills and dedicate ourselves to our hobbies. Only in this way can transfer knowledge to our students and teach them some new skills also they can teach us. The professional qualities of a good teacher are creativity,be able to transfer knowledge students want to know and what they need to know, be able to be fair teacher, be an interesting teacher, be very responsibil etc...In conclusion message for every teacher or someone who will become teacher "Teacher are learners too". If teacher doesn't improve his knowledge and skills how expect from our students to learn new stuff and research for new information. being a teacher is really big responsibility.

    1. Hi Arnela, I agree with your opinion. I hope we will see each other at some conference, seminar, or workshop in future. :)
      Dženeta, PO4

    2. Hi Dzen!
      I am glad you agree with me. It would be my pleasure if we see each at seminars or workshope in future. Sending a lot kisses and hugs for you.
      Arnela PO3

  46. Hi.I think the job of a teacher is not at all simple.I also believe that teachers must be educated every day and adopt new knowledge related to their profession.With the advancement of technology and the World, education is advancing.It is very important that the teacher is professional in his work,because it is a prerequisite for quality educational work.The best way to educate teachers is through professional seminars.A quality teacher is accessible to children, easily communicates with parents, treats every child professionally, has knowledge and skills, knows how to calm the situation, keeps the child's attention, etc.

  47. I think that education is a never-ending process. It doesn’t stop after earning a degree and starting a career. Through continuing education, career-minded individuals can constantly improve their skills and become more proficient at their jobs. When people use the term “professional development,” they usually mean a formal process such as a conference, seminar, or workshop; collaborative learning among members of a work team; or a course at a college or university. However, professional development can also occur in informal contexts such as discussions among work colleagues, independent reading and research, observations of a colleague’s work, or other learning from a peer. Teacher professional development is any type of continuing education effort for educators. It’s one way teachers can improve their skills and, in turn, boost student outcomes. Ofcourse, there are lots of challenges to running an effective teacher professional development session: time, money, engagement, effectiveness, and more. While the challenges may be daunting, they shouldn’t stop you from creating opportunities for your teachers to deepen their understanding.
    After all, for teachers and school and district leaders to be as eff ective as possible, they continually expand their knowledge and skills to implement the best educational practices. Educators learn to help students learn at the highest levels.

    I hope we all one day will be teachers who never end our process of education, because only in that way, we will be good teachers.

    Dženeta Javoraš, PO4

  48. In education, professional development is very importatn. That term may be used in reference to a wide variety of specialized training, formal education, or advanced professional learning intended that helps teacher or educators to improve their professional knowledge, competence, skill, and effectiveness. Professional development is both a requirement and opportunity for teachers at every level and it has been in high demand during the last decade. Professional development is a requirement for all teachers. Each school sets the required number of professional development hours for each year, or over the course of several years. Professional development is some form of education for teachers that can enhance or better their teaching or classroom environment. Some professional development workshops are an hour or two, while others may be a week long. Some classes can also be counted toward professional development hours as approved by the board of education. However, teachers can learn overall strategies for classroom management or reading comprehension that can benefit any topic in any age group. Any professional development opportunity should be something that will benefit the students and teacher through new strategies, techniques, or tips that can be utilized in the classroom or community. Professional development can be highly beneficial if what is learned is then utilized to further the education of students.


  49. My opinion is that teachers need to learn new things every day that they will present to students. Seminars are examples of in-service training and I think they improve teaching skills. Professional development is important in all professions, including the teaching profession. Being a teacher is a very responsible job, but also the most beautiful job for me. Teachers must always go towards getting better and better, learning something new every day. Also, the teacher must be creative, patient, smiling and most importantly must love his job.
    Aldina Zejnilović, RN IV

  50. Hello dear professor and students!
    Teacher professional development is any type of countining education effort for educators. It's one way teachers are improve their skills and in turn "goost" students outcomes. It's obvious that good teacher are better at teaching students effectively. When teachers have access to continouns learning opportunities and professional development resources, they're better equipped to become good teachers, especially if their students have learning needs or are performing below or above grade level. Student achievement should be the ultimate goal of any teacher professional development activities.
    Sumejja Musa, PO3

  51. Teachers need to be able to build trusting relationships with students in order to create a safe, positive, and productive learning environment. Great teacher makes expert communication skills, superior listening skills, deep knowledge and passion for their subject matter
    the ability to build caring relationships with students, friendliness and approachability, excellent preparation and organization skills, strong work ethic, community-building skills, high expectations for all.
    When educators discover new teaching strategies through professional development, they are able to go back to the classroom and make changes to their lecture styles and curricula to better suit the needs of their students. Students expect teachers to be subject matter experts for the topics they teach. This means teachers should be able to answer any question a student throws their way. Professional development programs can enable teachers to expand their knowledge base in different subject areas.

  52. Professional development training can help teachers to become better at planning their time and staying organized. This ultimately makes teachers more efficient and gives them extra time to focus on students rather than the paperwork. Students expect teachers to be subject matter experts for the topics they teach.

  53. Education is a never-ending process. It doesn’t stop after earning a degree and starting a career. Through continuing education, career-minded individuals can constantly improve their skills and become more proficient at their jobs. Teachers need to learn new things every day that they will present to students.However, teachers can learn overall strategies for classroom management or reading comprehension that can benefit any topic in any age group.


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