Outcome-Based Education

Hello everyone!

Let's start with a new topic for this week and that is 'Outcome-Based Education' or 'Outcomes-Based Education' (OBE) which 'is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals (outcomes). By the end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the goal. There is no single specified style of teaching or assessment in OBE; instead, classes, opportunities, and assessments should all help students achieve the specified outcomes.'(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outcome-based_education). 
Similarly, you can also find the term 'Competency-Based Learning' which 'refers to systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting that are based on students demonstrating that they have learned the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progess through their education' (https://www.edglossary.org/competency-based-learning/). Both approaches are generally seen as an alternative to more traditional educational approaches in which students may or may not acquire proficiency in a given course or academic subject before they pass to the next grade level.

The best-known and most-cited model of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) was developed by W. Spady and his associates at the High Success Network, who advocated the idea that students' success should be measured in terms of outcomes, i.e. 'high quality, culminating demonstrations of significant learning in context' (Spady, 1994). Spady lists four main principles of OBE: 
(1) clarity of focus (defining specific outcomes in order to give a strong sense of purpose to everything teachers and students do); 
(2) design down, deliver up (when planning curriculum, teachers start with the outcomes and work backwards; when planning instruction, teachers teach what students need to learn to demonstrate the outcomes); 
(3) high expectations (it is assumed that all students can learn well – although not in the same way and not necessarily at the same time); 
(4) expand opportunities  (allowing students to demonstrate their learning and outcomes in different ways). 

Thus, planning an OBE curriculum means starting with a clear picture of what is important for students to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences, and then organizing the curriculum, instruction and assessment to make sure this learning ultimately happens.

Learning outcomes in teaching are defined as the measurable skills, abilities, knowledge or values that students should be able to demonstrate as a result of completing a course. Learning outcomes are supposed to be student-centered rather than teacher-centered, in that they describe what students will do, not what the instructor will teach. Examples of learning outcomes following the Bloom's taxonomy might include: knowledge/ remebering (define, list, recognize, etc.), comprehension/ understanding (characterize, describe, explain, identify, locate, reorganize, sort, etc.), application/ applying (choose, demonstrate, implement, perform, etc.), analysis/ analyzing (analyze, categorize, compare, contrast, differentiate, relate, question, etc.), evaluate (defend, argue, judge, select, support, critique, value, etc.), create (design, assemble, construct, develop, formulate, investigate, etc.). 
Good learning outcomes are focused on the learner, rather than explaining what the instructor will do in the course. Also, good learning outcomes describe knowledge or skills that the student will employ eventually, and they help the learner understand why that knowledge and those skills are useful and valuable to their personal, professional and academic future. When teachers define the learning outcomes for their students, they should remember: to focus on the student, i.e. what the student will be able to do by the end of the course or program; to describe outcomes, not processes or activities; to start writing each outcome with an action verb; to use only one action verb per learning outcome; to avoid vague verbs such as 'know' and 'understand'; etc.

The term student outcomes typically refers to either (1) the desired learning objectives or standards that schools and teachers want students to achieve, or (2) the educational, societal, and life effects that result from students being educated. On the other hand, learning objectives or learning standards are brief written statements that describe what students should know and be able to do by the end of an instructional period, such as a course, program, or school year. Learning goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely).

Therefore, Outcome-Based Education emphasizes setting clear standards for observable, measurable outcomes. This model of education rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they 'know and are able to do' whatever the required outcomes are. Whereas in OBE students are in complete control of their learning skills and their preferences, in the standard education system students are taught in a scope and sequence mode. Thus, in a traditional education system, students are given grades and rankings compared to each other. Actual achievement is neither measured nor required by the school system, as the basic goal is to present the knowledge and skills of the old generation to the new generation of students and provide students with an environment in which to learn. According to Spady (1994, 1998), the world's education systems are time based, i.e. they are defined by, organized around, focused on, and managed according to the calendar and clock, not outcomes. On the other hand, the Outcome-Based Education focuses on the skills and results achieved by the students as the most important aspect of education. So, instead of rankings and exams, the use of assessments, opportunities and classroom experiences should all provide necessary support for the students to achieve their goals (outcomes). Actually, OBE calls for the teacher to decide what is important for students to learn, so that the students are then taught those things and evaluated as to their progess.

Nevertheless, the disadvantage of OBE is that certain things might be left out that might be equally important but more difficult to quantify, such as creativity, being able to apply knowledge in solving real life problems, common sense, adaptability, verbal communication skills, persuasiveness, resilience, etc. Still, there are numerous advantages too, e.g. OBE-oriented teachers think about the individual needs of each student and give opportunities for each student to achieve at a variety of levels; OBE teaches thinking skills and engages students more as it is more meaningful when the student creates a product than when he just provides answers on a test; it is useful for teachers to have a set of benchmarks in order to determine clearly whether certain targeted goals (outcomes) are met to help track students' progress; the focus on outcomes creates a clear expectation of what needs to be accomplished by the end of the course; learners are assessed not in competition against others, but based on their competencies and learning outcomes; etc. Finally, having learners successfully demonstrate the outcome is what counts the most in the OBE model, in which successful learning or performance is the constant, and the time required to attain it is flexible.

Here are some questions for reflection:

What is Outcome-Based Education?
What are its basic principles?
What is the difference between OBE and standard based education?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Outcome-Based Education?
What are 'learning outcomes'?
What are 'learning objectives'?
What is the importance of OBE?
How can students achieve learning outcomes?
Once you become a teacher, what should you remember when writing learning outcomes?
As a teacher, how can you conduct outcome-based teaching and assessment?
What are the prospects of implementing Outcome-Based Education in BiH schools? Etc.

You may watch this video on Outcome-Based Education:


Spady, W. (1994). Outcome-based education: Critical issues and answers. Arlington, VA: American Association of School Administrators. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED380910.pdf

Spady, W. (1998). Paradigm Lost: Reclaiming America's Educational Future. Arlington, VA: American Association of School Administrators. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED420116.pdf

Good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing your new comments on our blog.


  1. Outcomes-based education is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals (outcomes). By the end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the goal. 
    Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are.
    Ajla Balta, PO4

    1. Hi Ajla ! What are the learning outcomes for you ? Medina Kunić RN4

    2. Hello dear Ajla, once you become a teacher, what should you remember when writing learning outcomes?

    3. Hello Ajla !
      Can you tell me how can students achieve learning outcomes?

    4. Hi Ajla :)
      I agree with you,
      Hamida Tatarević, PO IV

  2. Hello everyone!
    As a learning model, Outcomes-Based Education starts by asking: what does a learner need to do to demonstrate mastery of a particular skill, knowledge, or behavior? Such an approach puts student needs front and center of the learning design process. Should education be outcome-based? Some might argue that it already is, to some extent. Nearly all education institutions have goals that supposedly guide their work. When educators plan curriculums or teachers plan lessons for their classes, they usually start by clarifying the purposes.
    Still, advocates of OBE say that traditional schools are really time-based. Teachers and principals may want students to learn something, but they typically allocate a certain amount of time to study of that topic and then move on, whether or not students have mastered it. For schools to be fully outcome-based, they must organize so that outcomes are fixed, and time and other resources needed to achieve the outcomes are variable. OBE-oriented teachers think about the individual needs of each student and give opportunities for each student to achieve at a variety of levels. Thus, in theory, weaker students are given work within their grasp and exceptionally strong students are extended. In practice, managing independent study programs for thirty or more individuals is difficult. Adjusting to students' abilities is something that good teachers have always done: OBE simply makes the approach explicit and reflects the approach in marking and reporting. I honestly think that OBE model of work will not be implemented in BiH schools in the near future.

    1. Hi Lejla :)
      Once you become a teacher, what should you remember when writing learning outcomes?

    2. "Honestly I think that OBE model of work will not be implemented in BiH schools in the near future." I have the same opinion...

    3. Hi Lejla. Do you think it is possible that teachers in traditional education can think about individual needs of each student like OBE-oriented trachers?

    4. Hi Fuada :)
      I think the most important thing is to think about children's abilities.

    5. Hi Antonela :)
      I think that depends on teacher's skills and abilities, no matter if teacher is in traditional education or OBE education.

  3. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is a student-centric teaching and learning methodology in which the course delivery, assessment are planned to achieve stated objectives and outcomes. The primary aim of OBE is to facilitate desired changes within the learners, by increasing knowledge, developing skills and/or positively influencing attitudes, values and judgment.  OBE embodies the idea that the best way to learn is to first determine what needs to be achieved. Once the end goal (product or outcome) has been determined the strategies, processes, techniques, and other ways and means can be put into place to achieve the goal.  Therefore, OBE system is one in which outcomes drive the whole course content and assessment structure; and a central aspect of OBE  is the alignment of learning outcomes, teaching and learning processes, and assessment. We can also attach great importance to Bloom's taxonomy.

    ( https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/59/Blooms-Taxonomy-650x366.jpg )

    1. Hi Meliha, I agree with you,
      How can students achieve learning outcomes?

      Džemila Karamuja, PO IV

    2. Hi Meliha ! What are learning goals for you ? Medina Kunić RN 4

    3. Hi dear Džemila 🌹
      The first step to create positive learning outcomes is to devise a plan with specific goals and determinations for learning outcomes. A strong teaching plan is student focused and includes:
      Detailed information that spells out the goals and expectations for the students,
      what each student should know and be able to do upon completion of the class,
      measurable assessment tools that gauge learning outcomes, class and home assignments that help students clearly understand the subject matter that is being taught. Good student development and learning outcomes should include student feedback. During the planning process and throughout the course, it is important to include the students in the learning process by asking what they expect to get out of the course and the best way to help them understand the material. By including the students, it fosters an atmosphere of trust and shows that you are there for them and you care about each individual student’s ability to learn and retain the subject matter.

    4. Hi Medina 🍀
      My teaching goals are to be a better teacher, to make learning fun again, to inspire children to find a love for reading, to create an ultimate organised classroom, to grade students fairly and effectively and a lots of other.

    5. Hi Meliha,
      i agree with you, thank you for the explanation.

      Džemila Karamuja PO IV

    6. Dear Meliha, very well written. 👍
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    7. Hi Meliha,
      What do you think, will OBE come to Bosnian school any time soon? Do you think that will be better for our educational system or worse?

    8. Dear Meliha, you writte very well.

  4. Learning outcomes determine the minimum acceptable standard (threshold) in passage students in an educational program/module subject. Learning outcomes are an essential indicator of transparency in education system and national qualification framework. Designing teaching programs and subject throught learning outcomes leads to the approach that is student oriented, this is departure from the content of the item (that is, from what teachers teach ) according to its outcome in other words, what the students know or can do done after the teaching process has been completed. Applying learning
    outcomes in general context: education crisis, lifelong learning, unpredictability of the labor market, international mobility. Benefits: Help students and parents understand what they are expected and facilitated by the learning process-monitoring own progress in the material. Help teaching staff define what students need know how to do after the educational period, diversion from content to learner and competency. Informs employers and prospective students about skills and it facilitates the competences acquired during teaching visibility and differentiation of educational programs.
    Disadvantages: Learning outcomes can limit learning if are too narrowly defined.
    It is easier to measure outcomes at lower levels, then theirs application can lead to a reduction in program content.
    There is a risk of neglecting some aspects of learning:values ​​/ affective components, transferable skills...Medina KUNIĆ RN 4


  5. This is a very interesting topic. Outcome - Based Education can be linked to observation. Observation is the collection of occurrence data through their immediate sensory perception. It is justified to assume that the experiential data obtained through scientific observation will be more accurate than data whose creation is longer lasting and in which more persons participate without the professional and other characteristics necessary for scientific observation. It greatly broadens the researcher's primary experience and makes it easier for him to gain a realistic impression and feel of the whole subject under study.

    By using this method, it is possible to facilitate the work in teaching, because the obtained results we can see at what level the students were observed.

    1. Hi Dzemila 🤗 my dear friend! How are you today? I agre with you. You wrote all exactly .

    2. Hi Majo,
      I'm great, how are you? Thank you

      Džemila Karamuja PO IV

    3. Hi Džemila, Do you think Outcome-based education is a good way to teach?

    4. Hi Dženita,
      Yes, I think it is useful to use it in the teaching process.

      Džemila Karamuja PO IV


  6. Hallo !🤗
    OBE education system has proven to be a success in helping institutions measure their learning outcomes and at the same time enabling students to develop new skills that prepare them to stand out with their global counterparts. These factors can contribute to raising the education standard and aid institutions to acquire accreditation from esteemed bodies such as NBA by improving continuously in the long run.The first step to create positive learning outcomes is to devise a plan with specific goals and determinations for learning outcomes: Detailed information that spells out the goals and expectations for the students,
    what each student should know and be able to do upon completion of the class, measurable assessment tools that gauge learning outcomes, class and home assignments that help students clearly understand the subject matter that is being taught.

    1. Hi Marijana 🌺 What are learning goals for you ?

    2. Hi Marijana

      I agree with you.

      Sibila Nuhanović, PO4

    3. Hello Marijana,
      I totally agree with you.

  7. Hello everyone!

    Outcome-based education formulates content around activities that leads to specific outcomes. It directly leads to increasing the proficiency of a particular skill, knowledge, or behavior of the student.
    An OBE curriculum means starting with a clear picture of what is important for students to be able to do, then organizing the curriculum, instruction and assessment to make sure this learning ultimately happens. An efficient OBE’s Learning outcome should have a set of threshold values and mapping questions to calculate the outcomes attainment. They should encourage students to support by providing a detailed analyses of the performance and programs for improvement.

    Selma Neimarlija, PO4.

    1. Hi Selma, I agree with you. Will you use the traditional way of learning or OBE in your work?

      Dženita Ćorić,PO4.

    2. Hi Selma :D
      How are you? I totally agree with everything you said :)

      Tereza Čuturić, PO4

  8. Outcome-based education or outcomes-based education (OBE) is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals (outcomes). By the end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the goal. There is no single specified style of teaching or assessment in OBE; instead, classes, opportunities, and assessments should all help students achieve the specified outcomes.The role of the faculty adapts into instructor, trainer, facilitator, and/or mentor based on the outcomes targeted. Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are.When educators plan curriculums or teachers plan lessons for their classes, they usually start by clarifying the purposes.
    Still, advocates of OBE say that traditional schools are really time-based. When I become a teacher when planning a lesson, I will make sure that the children they learn with me can apply in their lives and that all information has a purpose.

    Dženita Ćorić PO4

    1. Hello dear Dženita,
      as a teacher, how can you conduct outcome-based teaching and assessment?

    2. "When I become a teacher when planning a lesson, I will make sure that the children they learn with me can apply in their lives and that all information has a purpose." Same here :)

    3. Hi Dzenita, I like the last sentence you wrote.


  9. Outcome-Based education is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals. Basic principles are clarity of focus, design down, deliver up, high expectations, expand opportunities. The difference between OBE and standard based education is in teacher's approach and expetations. Here is a lot of adventages about Outcome-Based Education. When we focus on goal, we will find the way how to acheve it.
    Learning outcomes are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. If I would write learning outcomes I will try hard to use this outcome. based education.

    1. Hi dear Ena, Do you think Outcome-based education is a good way to teach?

    2. Hi dear Meliha. Yes, I think. It have a lot of adventages and it helps the students with learning new things.

    3. Hello Ena, how are you?
      In your opinion, how can students achieve learning outcomes? 

      Berina Prozo, RN4

    4. Hi Ena, are you more for OBE or standard education?

    5. Hi Ena, I totally agree with you.

  10. Hello :)

    Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are. Teachers and principals may want students to learn something, but they typically allocate a certain amount of time to study of that topic and then move on, whether or not students have mastered it. For schools to be fully outcome-based, they must organize so that outcomes are fixed, and time and other resources needed to achieve the outcomes are variable. Learning outcomes in teaching are defined as the measurable skills, abilities, knowledge or values that students should be able to demonstrate as a result of completing a course. Learning outcomes are supposed to be student-centered rather than teacher-centered, in that they describe what students will do, not what the instructor will teach.

    1. Dear Fuada, i like your post, and agree with most of it. Especially with this - "Learning outcomes are supposed to be student-centered rather than teacher-centered, in that they describe what students will do, not what the instructor will teach." ✔✔🔝

  11. Hello everyone! Outcome based education is very useful model of education and can help us to focus on students individually. We all know that we are individuals with different and specific skills and possibilities, so if we rely on this model where we focus on students and their possibilities and achievements and of course, their knowledge, we can make something good and useful. There are not many projects or anything that are student based, so I think this is very good way to try to focus on "learners" and what they have to offer to world, and not to just words and lectures of teachers.
    But as we all know, it's hard to put that in traditional schools, so we as future teachers have to make sure to put focus on our kids tomorrow and to plan activities the way that they will be able to learn better and express themselves in the best way they can.

    1. Hello Almedina !
      In your opinion, how can students achieve learning outcomes?
      Best regards, Valentina Šutalo, RNIV

    2. Dear Almedina, I agree that it's hard to put that in traditional schools, and YES, we have to put focus on our kids tomorrow and to plan activities the way that they will be able to learn better and express themselves in the best way they can ✔✔ I totally agree with that. Nice post. ❤

    3. Hello Almedina,
      I like everything you said and this is very well explained. Bye! 👋
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    4. Hi Almedina,
      I absolutely agree with you, I think that it will be sort of difficult to put OBE to our very traditional schools. I really like the way you think, especially with this sentence "we as future teachers have to make sure to put a focus on our kids tomorrow and to plan activities the way that they will be able to learn better and express themselves in the best way they can".
      Dženita Čolo PO4

    5. Hi, Almedina, I like your comment!
      Hamida Tatarević, PO IV

    6. Valentina, hello! I think it's all about their abilites and interestes. If they are intersted and motivated enough, they can do whatever they want. :)
      Amila, my friend, thank you!
      Selma, thank you my dear! Sending much love!
      Nerma, thank you!
      Dženita, you are absolutely right! I'm glad we understand each other. :) Sending love.
      Hamida, thank you dear!

  12. Hello people!
    We are hanging out again! This topic involves a lot of intense study and examination.

    “Outcome based education (OBE) is a process that involves the restructuring of curriculum, assessment and reporting practices in education to reflect the achievement of high order learning and mastery rather than the accumulation of course credits”.
    Research has shown that the current curriculum is highly academic and lacks application. Assessment methodologies are highly inappropriate especially the 21st century skills which are not explicit.
    The curriculum is highly teacher centred and exam driven. It is against this background that the Ministry of Basic Education has adopted Outcome Based Education (OBE) approach so as to curb the aforementioned gaps.
    Understanding what the learners should be able to do and figuring out the mode of assessment prior to the actual engagements of learning, is what differentiates OBE to the current situation. The change agents were therefore taken through this program so that they can later on resource their colleagues in their respective schools.
    The move is meant to cultivate the school environments for the competence-based curriculum (multiple pathways).

    What are the types of outcome based learning?
    They can be broadly categorized based on the below:

    Product Based
    In a product based technique the focus is to unleash and improve on learning the feature / functionality of the product which would help in specific project objectives.

    Project Based
    In Project based approach the focus is to work with Consulting / Implementers to design competency for the outcomes to be driven for implementation such as a migration task, optimization , security etc.

    Role Based
    In a Role based learning , we are designing a curriculum for Developers, Architects etc., on what is required to enhance their effectiveness on some of the core product and project functionality.

    In fact, under the traditional model, student performance is expected to show a wide range of abilities. The failure of some students is accepted as a natural and unavoidable circumstance. The highest-performing students are given the highest grades and test scores, and the lowest performing students are given low grades. OBE is more of a philosophy than a uniform set of practices. Many states and school systems have adopted the philosophy in part by emphasizing outcomes schools are expected to achieve, but few have changed all of their rules and regulations to be compatible with the notion that every aspect of schooling must be based on outcomes rather than on other considerations, such as length of the school year.

    Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    1. My dear Nerma, I totally agree with all you said.
      Best regards, Valentina Šutalo, RN IV

    2. Thank you my dear Valentina. See you soon! 💐
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    3. Thank you for such an interesting comment Nerma! :)

  13. Good student development and learning outcomes should include student feedback. During the planning process and throughout the course, it is important to include the students in the learning process by asking what they expect to get out of the course and the best way to help them understand the material. By including the students, it fosters an atmosphere of trust and shows that you are there for them and you care about each individual student’s ability to learn and retain the subject matter. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) represents a clearly focused and powerful way of organizing and operating instructional systems. Its purpose, philosophy, and program components all support the notion that educational systems should be defined according to the outcomes they are expected to help students accomplish, and they should be organized so that decision-making at all levels of the system focuses on those outcomes – rather than on other secondary considerations. This fundamental principle applies to all aspects of a state’s, district’s, school’s, or teacher’s programs.
    Valentina Šutalo, RN IV

    1. Dear Valentina, I agree with you. Unfortunately, a small number of teachers form their further work based on learning outcomes.
      Selma Jordamović RN IV

    2. Hi my dear Valentina!
      I like how you said that, I have the same opinion.

      Alma Nizić RN 4

    3. Hi Valentina! "It is important to include the students in the learning process by asking what they expect to get out of the course", I totally agree with you.
      Amina Ćosić ,PO4

    4. Dear Valentina, how are you? Very nicely written! I would agree with you completely. I'll see you soon.

  14. Learning outcomes are statements that describe the knowledge or skills students should acquire by the end of a particular assignment, class, course, or program, and help students understand why that knowledge and those skills will be useful to them. Defining learning objective is complicated by the fact that educators use a wide variety of terms for learning objectives, and the terms may or may not be used synonymously from place to place. Learning objective is described as what the student can expect from the teacher at the end of the course. It is actually the opposite of the outcome. In learning objective, the subject matter that will be covered during the duration of course can be called as learning objective.
    Effective teaching skills that lead to positive student learning outcomes are the objective of every teacher. Good teachers know that a teaching plan is not a solo activity. Every teacher should take into account that no two students learn the same way. Each plan must have room for revision that adapts to the learning styles of the individuals being taught. Learning styles include visual, verbal, listening, kinesthetic, logical and social learners. Including activities that cater to each learning style will help students retain the information taught. There are ways to incorporate several teaching styles at one time. For example, for the visual learner it is important to visually convey what is being taught, so graphs, maps, charts and notes on a whiteboard during the lecture will ensure that their attention is held along with the listening learners. Good student development and learning outcomes should include student feedback. Positive learning outcomes are what teaching is about. Good teachers want to ensure that each student walks away from their course with a strong understanding of the materials taught and the confidence that each student will retain that information throughout their lives and careers.

    1. Hello Amila, you are so right with everything. Role of good teacher is so so important and reflection of that is just a success of students and kids in every part of education.

  15. Surely this type of education is better than the traditional approach. The objective and tasks are clearly set. The emphasis is on achieving results, which is actually the point of learning. Achieve a clearly defined objective. Traditional education is chaotic. There is no clear objective, so many students are bored. However, when you are focused on something (which is of great importance), you also have people who are directly involved in the process of your learning, and thus make your judgment about your work, then surely all of these circumstances affect a more profound approach to education. We can state the lack of creativity and freedom in this type of education, however, there must be discipline and a clear objectives in all educational institutions. Every student can express his creativity in other ways, in private life. He can learn what, when and how he wants.

    Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

    1. Hi Ensar. What do you think teachers can do in traditional education not to make students bored?

    2. Hi Ensar :) you wrote this like you were reading my mind, I absolutely agree with everything you wrote!

    3. Hi Ensar, I agree with you, and when we have focus on something what we want to do we can make miracles😊
      Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

    4. @Antonela

      Well, I think it does not need much explanation, it is clear as day. : D

  16. Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are. Spady lists four main principles of OBE:
    (1) clarity of focus (defining specific outcomes in order to give a strong sense of purpose to everything teachers and students do);
    (2) design down, deliver up (when planning curriculum, teachers start with the outcomes and work backwards; when planning instruction, teachers teach what students need to learn to demonstrate the outcomes);
    (3) high expectations (it is assumed that all students can learn well – although not in the same way and not necessarily at the same time);
    (4) expand opportunities (allowing students to demonstrate their learning and outcomes in different ways).

    Belkisa Pilipović, PO4

  17. I'm happy to read a little more about this topic and learn something new.
    Also, I was researching this topic.
    Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are.
    OBE demands not the adoption of any specific outcome. They can focus strictly on mathematics, language, science, and history, without ever referring to attitudes, social skills, or moral values.

    In traditional education, curriculum is desigmed based on the development and evolution of the subject.
    In OBE the curiculum is more focused on application.

    Learning outcomes are statements that describe the knowledge or skills students should acquire by the end of a particular assignment, class, program etc. They help students understand why that knowledge and those skills will be useful to them.
    Learning objective describes what students will be expected to learn by the end of school year, lesson, project, class period etc.

    We often use Bloom's taxonomy to solve our tasks and it's good way to describe different objectives and skills that educators set for their students.
    Everything that teachers do must be clearly focused on what they want students to know , understand and be able to do.

    Education in OBE is based on the outcome (the end), not the other way around.

    Antonela Selak, RN4

    1. Hi Antonela, do you think that OBE is useful for students ?

    2. Hi 😁 Yes, I think so. It is easier to understand the different goals and skills in classroom teaching.

    3. Hi Antonela,
      Very well written, I totally agree with you.

      Alma Nizić RN 4

    4. @Antonela

      Do you think that this way of education is better than the traditional one? : D

    5. Yes, OBE I think is a future of education because teaches not only children but also us students how to cope with present problems and situations better then the traditional way. It is more based on modern way of life and problems and situations we will certanly confront which is far more important then to learn some definitons and phrases just to pass the exam.

    6. My dear Antonela, I totally agree with all you said. <3

      Berina Prozo, RN4

  18. This is very interesting and useful topic for all of us. Outcome-based education is something that would be the most useful way of education for all of the students. Teachers often give assignments etc. just to fulfill their norm. Students should have different knowledges but they shouldn’t be loaded with many unuseful things. Functional part of education is, in my opinion, the most important part. Students should have their orientation in their studying and focus on learning things they want to do in their future, so they could be the best and give their best in their future jobs. Outcome-based education could bring us excellent workers in all of the areas. It might be hard for the teachers to focus on every student equally but that is possible. As much as I know, American high schools and universities are based on OBE, where students choose their subjects and what they want to learn, so OBE is possible, and that is the education that is the best for the students but teachers also.

    1. Dear Neira, I agree with you. A major education reform is needed for us to achieve this. I hope that we, as teachers, will make, at least, some changes.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

    2. Hi dear Neira, I completely agree with your opinion.

    3. Hi Neira! I would agree with you, but it seems to me that we are still far from OBE, unfortunately. As you say, we are witnessing that in our country, teachers still give tasks only to meet the norm and to meet what they have to do (honour exceptions), and the functionality of these tasks is secondary.

    4. Hi Neira :)
      Do you think that OBE is present now in our education system?

  19. Outcome-based education or outcomes-based education (OBE) is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals (outcomes). By the end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the goal.
    In a traditional education system and economy, students are given grades and rankings compared to each other. Content and performance expectations are based primarily on what was taught in the past to students of a given age. The basic goal of traditional education was to present the knowledge and skills of the old generation to the new generation of students, and to provide students with an environment in which to learn, with little attention (beyond the classroom teacher) to whether or not any student ever learns any of the material. It was enough that the school presented an opportunity to learn. Actual achievement was neither measured nor required by the school system. Should education be outcome-based? Some might argue that it already is, to some extent. Nearly all education institutions have goals that supposedly guide their work. When educators plan curriculums or teachers plan lessons for their classes, they usually start by clarifying the purposes.

    Sibila Nuhanović

  20. I researched on this topic on internet and I found interesting facts. OBE is more a philosophy than a uniform set of practices. Many states and school systems have adopted OBE in part by emphasizing outcomes schools are expected to achieve, but only a small number have changed all of their rules and regulations to be compatible with the notion that every aspect of schooling must be based on outcomes rather than on other considerations, such as length of the school year.
    Advocates of OBE say that traditional schools are really time-based. Teachers and directors may want students to learn something, but they typically allocate a certain amount of time to study of that topic and then move on, whether or not students have mastered it. For schools to be fully outcome-based, they must organize so that outcomes are fixed, and time and other resources needed to achieve the outcomes are variable.
    Outcome-based education has been the topic of acrimonious debates in many states and school systems. I believe that it will continue.
    Selma Jordamović, RN IV

    1. Hi Selma, nice to meet you :D
      I agree with you. As a teacher, how can you conduct outcome-based teaching and assessment?

      Tereza Čuturić, PO4

    2. Dear Tereza, I think I need a lot of experience for that. Yet assessment is something that requires years of trail.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

    3. I would start with a clear picture of what is important for students to be able to learn and work successfully. I would, also, allow students to demonstrate their learning and outcomes in different ways.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  21. Hi everyone🤗
    Outcome-Based Education (OBE) represents a clearly focused and powerful way of organizing and operating instructional systems. Its purpose, philosophy, and program components all support the notion that educational systems should be defined according to the outcomes they are expected to help students accomplish, and they should be organized so that decision-making at all levels of the system focuses on those outcomes – rather than on other secondary considerations. This fundamental principle applies to all aspects of a state’s, district’s, school’s, or teacher’s programs.

    Understanding OBE requires understanding that in the prevailing model of educational practice, the calendar is the basic definer of the organizational structure of schools and the many key features of their instructional programs. These structural features and program elements are built around uniform blocks of time known as school years and semesters. These time blocks determine the nature and awarding of credits (measured as hours of seat time), the basis for promotion and graduation (requiring the accumulation of calendar-based credits), the structuring of the curriculum (into uniform time blocks called “grade levels” and “courses” into which content and learning experiences must fit), the grouping and assignment of students (based on age), the organization and delivery of instruction (which routinely begins and ends at only one time in the calendar year). We can do if we realy want it, it means we can do everything and there is no imposible for us, there is good organization and focus and hard work, so, we have "execelente job"🤗
    Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

    1. Dear Mirhu i really like your comment I have the same opinion
      Aida Rogo, PO4

    2. Hello Mirhu!
      I love your way of thinking and especially that part that we have the best job on the planet. :)

  22. Hello everyone!
    “Outcome-based Education is not a program, a package, a technique, a fad, a quick-fix, a panacea, a miracle or an event. It is transformational way of doing business in education.”
    In a synopsis, this means that teaching strategies should be learner centric, intensify usage of ICT in teaching and learning, introducing school leadership training to turn around schools and improve learning resources and support systems to deliver the envisaged curriculum and assessment.
    The approach to organising and operating an education system that is focussed on and defined by the successful demonstrations of learning sought by each student is known as Outcome Based Education (OBE).
    The learning methodology requires a great deal of work to understand core challenges and the end result(s) for competency development.

    Alma Nizić RN 4

  23. Thank you for sharing insightful questions like this.
    :) As you have rightly observed, Outcome Based Education (OBE) has been adopted in various educational systems across the world in the past few decades simply because it not only satisfies cost-effectiveness criterion but also creates a down to earth context where the outcomes of learning are clearly specified. Rather, the faculty concentrates on the targeted outcomes which the learners should achieve at the end of the ongoing educational experience and orchestrates all efforts for actualizing the predefined goals. As such, Using OBE can offer the educational system several advantages. Firstly, behavioral objectives are specified clearly. Second, teachers' rate of maneuverability is high because they have the freedom to employ most appropriate teaching and assessment techniques to meet the defined outcomes. Finally, OBE provides opportunities for greater school, community and learner involvement.

  24. Hello :)
    Outcome-based education has been the topic of acrimonious debates in many states and school systems. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) represents a clearly focused and powerful way of organizing and operating instructional systems. Its purpose, philosophy, and program components all support the notion that educational systems should be defined according to the outcomes they are expected to help students accomplish, and they should be organized so that decision-making at all levels of the system focuses on those outcomes – rather than on other secondary considerations. This fundamental principle applies to all aspects of a state’s, district’s, school’s, or teacher’s programs.

    Tereza Čuturić, PO4

    1. Hi dear Tereza, what are the benefits of outcome-based education?

    2. Hi Tereza, very nice, I completely agree with you.
      Aida Rogo, PO4

  25. Hi :)
    Outcome-based education rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students. Outcomes-based eduation are defined as expressions of expected knowledge and abilities that a child (or children of one educational group) should successfully master.
    Outcomes describe and make the intellectual and practical skills that a child will need to acquire after completing a learning cycle.
    Characteristics of outcome-based education:
    - flexibility / adaptability
    - developmental
    - inclusiveness or sensitivity to diversity
    - individualisation
    - socialization
    In a traditional education system and economy, students are given grades and rankings compared to each other. Outcomes-based education avoids a strictly defined schedule of activities by areaa, but the interaction in learning is emphasized.

    Amina Ćosić, PO4.

    1. Hi Amina, how are you?
      I'm totally agree with your opinion.


  26. Hi everyone!
    Teaching based on learning outcomes involves the application of the concept and content of the curriculum, as well as work and assessment, on the analysis of integrated knowledge, skills and values ​​that are needed by both students and society. In this outcome-based approach to teaching, the ability to demonstrate what has been learned is crucial.
    Learning outcomes in teaching are statements that determine what the student will know, be able to do or demonstrate after completing or attending a program, activity or class. Outcomes are expressed as knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
    Hadžiabdić Amera, RN IV

  27. Hello everyone! :)

    Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are. The emphasis in an OBE education system is on measured outcomes rather than "inputs," such as how many hours students spend in class, or what textbooks are provided. Outcomes may include a range of skills and knowledge. Generally, outcomes are expected to be concretely measurable.
    Learning outcomes are statements that describe the knowledge or skills students should acquire by the end of a particular assignment, class, course, or program, and help students understand why that knowledge and those skills will be useful to them. They focus on the context and potential applications of knowledge and skills, help students connect learning in various contexts, and help guide assessment and evaluation. Good learning outcomes emphasize the application and integration of knowledge. Instead of focusing on coverage of material, learning outcomes articulate how students will be able to employ the material, both in the context of the class and more broadly.

  28. Outcome-based education or outcomes-based education (OBE) is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals (outcomes). By the end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the goal. Rather than the school deciding what to teach, the focus here is on the students outcomes, abilities which shall be in a way quantified, meaning skills and knowledge thats expect from them as the outcome. The four main principles of OBE are clarity of focus on culminating outcomes of significance, expanding opportunity and support for success, high expectations for all to succeed, designing down from ultimate outcomes. OBE can primarily be distinguished from traditional education method by the way it incorporates three elements: theory of education, a systematic structure for education, and a specific approach to instructional outcomes. The disadvantage of OBE is that certain things might be left out that might be equally important but more difficult to quantify, such as creativity, being able to apply knowledge in solving real life problems, common sense, adaptability, verbal communication skills, persuasiveness as stated above in the article. As a teacher, you should consider that your learning outcomes includes enough scope not to leave the students without the parts which are difficult to quantify. I would conduct OBE in a way where we would have clear expected outcomes (skills acquired) of a particular subject but also enable the students a doze of creativity to explore that subject.
    Selma Hodo

  29. Outcome‐based education is a learner‐centered approach to education that focuses on what a student should be able to do in the real world upon completion of their course or program. There are few basic principles of outcome-based education and one of them is clarity of focus which means that everything teachers do must be focused on what they want students to know, understand and be able to do. Teachers should focus on helping students to develop the knowledge, skills, personalities, and other similar things. Another basic principle of outcome-based education is designing down, it means that curriculum design must start with a clear definition of the intended outcomes that students are to achieve by the end of the program. Teachers should have high expectations from students, they should establish high, challenging standards of performance to encourage students to engage deeply in what they are learning. But I don't mean that by overloading students with excessive tests, homework, by obtaining large amounts of grades in classrooms and other things. By doing that, we are only putting pressure on students. A teacher should provide expanded opportunities for all students and I mean it because not all learners can learn the same thing in the same way and the same time, most of the students can achieve more high standards if they are given appropriate opportunities. The difference between outcome-based education and standard-based education is that OBE designs education and its delivery by the desired outcome while standard-based education is based on the rules and norms set by the education provider. In my opinion, as a teacher, I shouldn't be only prepared for transfer of knowledge and not guiding children to reach their own learning but to open/expand more opportunities to all children and with that, I would expect better results from everyone because I repeat we are not all the same, we do not learn the same way, we prefer our own ways of learning and no one should be deprived of that.
    But everything can be done with a strong desire for learning and with some hard work.
    Stay happy and healthy :)
    Dženita Čolo PO4

  30. Hello everyone, how are you?
    The outcome-based education is education where learning is defined as a clear demonstration of what a student can know and show. It puts student needs in the middle of the learning designs process. The basic principles is that the learning objectives are clearly defined at the beginning, students know what is expected of them and they learn about one specific field in which they will become proficient.
    Differences between OBE and standard based education are in curriculum planning, teaching process and final outcome assessment. OBE enables transfer of learning experience of students and enhanced they knowledge and skills, but it doesn't accurate students to acquire better grades then others. Learning outcomes are statement of a learning achievement after the completion of program. The OBE probably represent the most important development in education in the past two decades. As a teachers, we must understand the competencies students need to master to achieve their goals. Progress without time constraints explore different learning opportunities...

    Sandra Jazović PO4

  31. Outcome-based education or outcomes-based education (OBE) is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals (outcomes). By the end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the goal. There is no single specified style of teaching or assessment in OBE; instead, classes, opportunities, and assessments should all help students achieve the specified outcomes. The role of the faculty adapts into instructor, trainer, facilitator, and/or mentor based on the outcomes targeted. I think outcome-based education is good because the outcome of the situation can be seen, and not only the hypothesis for learning.

    1. Dear Marija. Is results-based education applicable to every teaching content?

  32. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) wich is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals. The main principles of OBE are: 1) clarity of focus, 2) design down, deliver up, 3) high expectations, 4) expand opportunities...
    Whereas in OBE students are in complete control of their learning skills and their preferences, in the standard education sistem students are taught in a scope and sequence mode. There are numerous advantages of OBE, for example, OBE- oriented teachers think about the individual needs of each student and give opportunities for each student to achieve at a variety of levels. The disadvantage of OBE is that certain things might be left out that might be equally important but more difficult to quantified, such as creativity, being able to apply knowledge in solving real-life problems, common sense, adaptibility, verbal communication skills, persuasiveness, resilience. Learning outcomes in theacing are the find as the measaurable skills, abilities, knowledge or values that students should be able to demonstrate as a result of completing a course. OBE focuses on the skills and results achieved by the students as the most important aspect of education. Learning outcomes are supposed to be student/centered rather than teachers/centered.In that they describe what students will do,not what the instructor will teach.Once I become a teacher I will focus on the student, find what the student will be able to do by the end of the course, to start writing each outcome with an action verb.In my work I would follow the Bloom's taxonomy.Learning objectives or learning standards are brief written statements that describe what students already knows.
    Tatjana Drmač, PO4.

    1. Hi Tatjana, how much do learning outcomes help us in our daily work?

  33. Hello
    Outcome - Based Education is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals (outcomes). By the end of educational experience, each student should have achived the goal. There is no single specified style of teching or assesstment in OBE, instead calsses, opportunities, and assessment should all help students achieve the specified outcomes.
    Outcome - based education rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students. OBE are defined as expressions of expected knowledge and abilities that a child should successfully master. Outcomes describe and make the intellectual and practical skills that a child wiill need to acquiere after completing a learning cycle.
    In a traditional education system, students are given grades and rankings compared to each other. OBE avoids a strictly defined schedule of activities by area, but the interaction in learning is emphasized. Also, good learning outcomes describe knowledge or skills that the student will employ eventually, and they help the learner understand why the knowledge and those skills are useful and valuable to their personal, professional and academic future.
    Thus, planning an OBE curriculum means starting with a clear picture of what is important for students to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences, and than organizing the curriculum, instruction and assessment to make sure this learning ultimately happens.
    Aida Rogo, PO4

  34. Outcome based education is a topic that has been talked about more and more lately, which makes me very happy.
    I think that such education is the essence of learning and teaching - we learn to achieve a goal.
    I also agree with the majority on the blog who said that this approach to education is better than the traditional one and the one we are used to. I am also glad that our educational system is starting to look more and more at those who are rated more successful, and we, young teachers, are increasingly being educated and taught to apply OBE in our work.

  35. Hi everyone!
    Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are.

    OBE reforms emphasize setting clear standards for observable, measurable outcomes. Nothing about OBE demands the adoption of any specific outcome. For example, many countries write their OBE standards so that they focus strictly on mathematics, language, science, and history, without ever referring to attitudes, social skills, or moral values.

    The key features which may be used to judge if a system has implemented an outcomes-based education systems are:

    Creation of a curriculum framework that outlines specific, measurable outcomes. The standards included in the frameworks are usually chosen through the area's normal political process.
    A commitment not only to provide an opportunity of education, but to require learning outcomes for advancement. Promotion to the next grade, a diploma, or other reward is granted upon achievement of the standards, while extra classes, repeating the year, or other consequences entail upon those who do not meet the standards.
    Standards-based assessments that determines whether students have achieved the stated standard. Assessments may take any form, so long as the assessments actually measure whether the student knows the required information or can perform the required task.
    A commitment that all students of all groups will ultimately reach the same minimum standards. Schools may not "give up" on unsuccessful students.
    Amina Ramic, PO4

  36. Student achievement or educational outcomes are clear
    expressed competencies, ie. expected knowledge, skills and abilities, and values ​​i
    attitudes that students achieve and can demonstrate upon successful completion of the remaining ones
    teaching topics, programs, level of education or educational cycle. Na,
    therefore, it is clear that they will know what students need to know how to be, but also in a way
    which acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes will need to be demonstrated. By applying learning outcomes to students, we create a desire for more functional learning and create a specific goal of knowledge. Learning outcomes should be used in everyday work to improve the educational process of work.

    Lejla Hasanspahić, RN IV

  37. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is a student-centric teaching and learning methodology in which the course delivery, assessment are planned to achieve stated objectives and outcomes. Learning outcomes describe the measurable skills, abilities, knowledge or values that students should be able to demonstrate as a result of a completing a course. Learning outcomes help students by: creating a connection between teaching and learning, between professors and students; taking much of the guessing out of the student's attempt to learn; enabling them to truly master the content of the course.
    Suada Stanić (V) PO4


  38. Educational system have changed a lot through past 100 years. Many reforms in educational system have been done and a lot of them were good, but still some of them were disastrous to students and they have suffered a lot. One of the most popular teaching and learning methodology lately is Outcome-Based Education (OBE). That methodology is student-centered. The course and assessments are planned to achieve stated objectives and outcomes. Every school lesson have to be planed and must have its own goal that teacher plans to achieve. Otherwise, it is meaningless and there is no point in teaching and learning. In teacher's preplanning, he/she has to state outcomes that are expected from students to achieve after the lecture. As the future teachers we are preparing to clearly define the outcomes and goals of each class that students should achieve. Those outcomes have to be measurable so the teacher can track a progress of the students. Once the end goal has been determined the strategies, processes and techniques can be put into place to achieve the goal. That's why OBE (Outcome-based education) stands out from the traditional framework and starting with a clear picture of what is important for students to be able to do. Than organizing the curriculum, instruction and assessment to make sure this learning happens. We can also point out importance of Bloom's taxonomy. The OBE is based on it. The aim is to students achieve the highest possible level of Bloom's taxonomy. In this way, students are being prepared to create and not to reproduce as it happens in standard based education. The OBE methodology is coming in our country right now and we, as future teachers, are being prepared to implement it. I hope that we will be able to achieve it with our students and that we will be the ones who will create even better methodology in the future.

    Amra Bajrić, RN III

  39. Hello everyone 
    Outcome-based education or outcomes-based education is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals. The difference between OBE and standard based education is in teacher's approach. We all know that we are individuals with different and specific skills, and we don't all have the same interests, desires, and possibilities. Every teacher should take into account that two students not learn in the same way. The goal is to get to know these differences, and to approach them so that the tasks are adapted to everyone,

    Hamida Tatarević, PO IV

  40. Learning outcomes are statements that state what a student should know, understand and / or do - show after completing a certain learning process, as a result of learning activities.Learning outcomes determine the minimum acceptable standard (threshold) for students in the educational program / module / subject. Designing curricula and learning outcomes through learning outcomes leads to a student-centered approach, which is a departure from the content of the subject (ie from what teachers teach) to its outcome (in other words, what the student knows or can do after completing the teaching process ).

    1. Hello Emina, can you tell what are advantages of OBE?

  41. Outcome-based education (OBE) is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals. There is no single specified style of teaching or assessment in OBE instead classes, opportunities, and assessments should all help students achieve the specified goals. The role of the faculty adapts into instructor, trainer, facilitator, and/or mentor based on the outcomes targeted. OBE uses the same methodology formally and informally adopted in actual workplace to achieve outcomes. It focuses on the following skills when developing curricula and outcomes: Life skills,Basic skills, Professional and vocational skills, Intellectual skills, Interpersonal and personal skills. Outcome-Based Education focuses on the skills and results achieved by the students as the most important aspect of education. So, instead of rankings and exams, the use of assessments, opportunities and classroom experiences should all provide necessary support for the students to achieve their goals. The prospects of implementing Outcome-Based Education in our schools is to put the students and they knowledge in the first place, not the grade but the students learning needs.

  42. Hello everyone :D
    I must confess "Outcome-Based Education" is topic I researched the most. I found that outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are.

    OBE reforms emphasize setting clear standards for observable, measurable outcomes. Nothing about OBE demands the adoption of any specific outcome. For example, many countries write their OBE standards so that they focus strictly on mathematics, language, science, and history, without ever referring to attitudes, social skills, or moral values.

    I also researched about differences with traditional education methods.
    In a traditional education system and economy, students are given grades and rankings compared to each other. Content and performance expectations are based primarily on what was taught in the past to students of a given age. The basic goal of traditional education was to present the knowledge and skills of the old generation to the new generation of students, and to provide students with an environment in which to learn, with little attention (beyond the classroom teacher) to whether or not any student ever learns any of the material. It was enough that the school presented an opportunity to learn. Actual achievement was neither measured nor required by the school system.

    In fact, under the traditional model, student performance is expected to show a wide range of abilities. The failure of some students is accepted as a natural and unavoidable circumstance. The highest-performing students are given the highest grades and test scores, and the lowest performing students are given low grades. (Local laws and traditions determine whether the lowest performing students were socially promoted or made to repeat the year.) Schools used norm-referenced tests, such as inexpensive, multiple-choice computer-scored questions with single correct answers, to quickly rank students on ability. These tests do not give criterion-based judgments as to whether students have met a single standard of what every student is expected to know and do: they merely rank the students in comparison with each other. In this system, grade-level expectations are defined as the performance of the median student, a level at which half the students score better and half the students score worse. By this definition, in a normal population, half of students are expected to perform above grade level and half the students below grade level, no matter how much or how little the students have learned.

    Dženeta Javoraš, PO4

  43. Hello.
    Outcome-based education(OBE) ducation system helps to better measure learning outcomes and at the same time helps students to develop new skills.These factors can help raise the educational standard.Positive learning outcomes is to devise a plan with specific goals and provisions of learning outcomes.The OBE system is one in which the results drive the overall content structure and evaluation. OBE provides opportunities for greater school, community and learner involvement.

  44. Outcome - Based Education (OBE) is a student - centric teaching and learning methodology in wich the course delivery, assessment are plamed to achieve started objectives and outcomes. It focuses on measuring student performance i. e. outcomes at different levels. Outcomes - Based Education represents a clearly focused and powerful way of organising and operating instructional system. It's purpose philosophy and program components all support the notion that educational system should be defined according to the outcomes they are expected to help students accomplish and they should be organized so that decision making at all levels of the system focused on those outcomes - rather than on other secondary considerations.

  45. The transformational outcomes often deal with issues that may not be proper concerns of a school. The following examples from draft state OBE documents describe mandatory outcomes for all students. In Ohio a graduate is expected to be able to "function as a responsible family member... [and] maintain physical, emotional, and social well-being." In Pennsylvania "each student shall gain knowledge and have exposure to different cultures and lifestyles." And in Minnesota, the state expects schools to ensure that "the graduate demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to... develop physical and emotional well-being." Unfortunately, such vague and inappropriate outcome statements are the rule rather than exceptions. Many educators have never been comfortable with a focus on outcomes that would enable parents, politicians, and the general public to judge whether children were learning more and achieving at higher levels. If such a focus were instituted, educators could be held accountable for these results and expect consequences to follow—positive or negative. Although politics made it impossible for educators to reject this orientation explicitly, they did continue their undercurrent of opposition. One important manifestation of this current is the effort to present an unclear and confusing definition of outcomes. In brief, education bureaucrats have used the language of accountability to avoid being held accountable.

  46. Hi everyone. Outcome-Based Education or OBE is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals. It takes classes, opportunities, and assessments to help students to achieve theirs goals. There is four main principles of OBE: clarity of focus, design down, deliver up, high expectations , expand opportunities . OBE has a lot of advantages, some of them are: OBE-oriented teachers think about the individual needs of each student and give opportunities for each student to achieve at a variety of levels; OBE teaches thinking skills and engages students more as it is more meaningful when the student creates a product than when he just provides answers on a test; it is useful for teachers to have a set of benchmarks in order to determine clearly whether certain targeted goals (outcomes) are met to help track students' progress; the focus on outcomes creates a clear expectation of what needs to be accomplished by the end of the course. And of course there are disadvantages: certain things might be left out that might be equally important but more difficult to quantify, such as creativity, being able to apply knowledge in solving real life problems, common sense, adaptability, verbal communication skills, persuasiveness, resilience.

    Amna Bajric POIV

  47. Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are.

    OBE reforms emphasize setting clear standards for observable, measurable outcomes. Nothing about OBE demands the adoption of any specific outcome. For example, many countries write their OBE standards so that they focus strictly on mathematics, language, science, and history, without ever referring to attitudes, social skills, or moral values.

    The key features which may be used to judge if a system has implemented an outcomes-based education systems are:

    Creation of a curriculum framework that outlines specific, measurable outcomes. The standards included in the frameworks are usually chosen through the area's normal political process.
    A commitment not only to provide an opportunity of education, but to require learning outcomes for advancement. Promotion to the next grade, a diploma, or other reward is granted upon achievement of the standards, while extra classes, repeating the year, or other consequences entail upon those who do not meet the standards.
    Standards-based assessments that determines whether students have achieved the stated standard. Assessments may take any form, so long as the assessments actually measure s commitment that all students of all groups will ultimately reach the same minimum standards. Schools may not "give up" on unsuccessful students.

  48. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is a student-centric teaching and learning methodology in which the course delivery, assessment are planned to achieve stated objectives and outcomes. It focuses on measuring student performance i.e. outcomes at different levels.Creation of a curriculum framework that outlines specific, measurable outcomes. The standards included in the frameworks are usually chosen through the area's normal political process.
    The prospects of implementing Outcome-Based Education in our schools is to put the students and they knowledge in the first place, not the grade but the students learning needs.


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