Learning Styles

Dear students,

this week's topic is 'learning styles' and how they influence our learning. Most people have a preferred way to learn and the learning styles theory argues that individuals learn best in different ways. Some learn best by listening, some have to observe every step and 'see' what they are learning, while others learn best by 'doing'. Understanding different types of learning styles is very important for teachers because they have to adapt their teaching strategies so that they could provide enough equal opportunities for learning to all students they teach. Every student in your class has a different preferred learning style, which can make it difficult for you to be the most effective teacher. However, by trying to incorporate various methods into your teaching, you may be able to reach the majority of your students.

Nevertheless, there is difference between learning styles and learning preferences. A learning style can be described as a set of factors, behaviors, and attitudes that facilitate learning for an individual in a given situation. Thus, a learning style is an individual's approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. On the other hand, according to Felder (1996), learning style preferences refer to the 'characteristic strengths and preferences in the ways (people) take in and process information'. Therefore, a learning preference is the set of conditions related to learning which are most conductive to retaining information for an individual.

Individual differences in learning and memory abilities have fascinated people since they began thinking about how their minds work. Thus, learning styles refer to a range of competing and contesting theories that aim to account for differences in individuals' learning. Many theories have a common starting point that humans can be classified according to their 'style' of learning, but theories have different propositions about how to define, categorize and assess the proposed styles. Actually, the idea of the term 'learning style' was first recognized as early as 334 BC by Aristotle, who believed that each child possessed specific talents and skills. The theory of learning styles began in the 1970s and quickly gained momentum. The notion that everyone has their own learning style is an attractive thought for two main reasons: (1) if each of us could identify one 'ideal' approach to learning, we'd be able to focus on it and be successful in learning consistently; (2) by better understanding other people's needs, we'd know the best way how to support their learning.

It has been generally held that there are three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic or tactile (referred to simply as VAK) – although some offer a longer list. There are many different models and theories of 'learning styles' and we will mention just a few of them here. David A. Kolb published his model of Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) in 1984. Kolb's theory has a holistic perspective which includes experience, perception, cognition and behavior. Much of Kolb's theory is concerned with the learner's internal cognitive processes. This theory sets out four distinct learning styles (or preferences), which are based on a four-stage learning cycle: accommodating (doing and feeling), converging (doing and thinking), diverging (feeling and watching) and assimilating (watching and thinking). According to Kolb, accommodators are keen to learn from real experience, covergers are supposed to deal better with abstract ideas but still end up with concrete results, divergers tend to use personal experience and practical ideas to formulate theories they could apply more widely, and assimilators are most comfortable working with abstract concepts and developing new theories of their own. Similarly, Peter Honey and Alan Mumford (1986) developed Kolb's model by focusing on how learning is used in practice, so they identified four new learning styles: activist, pragmatist, reflector, and theorist. Activists are 'do-ers' and 'go-getters' as they prefer to take action and get involved in a learning situation. Pragmatists prefer to apply knowledge and theories to the world around them in a practical and literal sense. Reflectors like to take a step back from a situation and learn by observation and looking at things from different perspectives. Theorists tend to think carefully and logically about situations and they respond well to learning activities that enable them to use statistics, compile evidence and ask questions.

Fleming and Mills (1992) suggested four modalities that seemed to reflect the experiences of students and teachers. The acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read / Write, and Kinesthetic sensory modalities that are used for learning information. VARK is focused on the idea that students retain and process information differently and have 'preffered learning modes' that allow them to learn the best possible way for them. The main ideas of VARK are as follows: (1) students' preferred learning modes have significant influence on their behavior and learning; (2) students' preferred learning modes should be matched with appropriate learning strategies; (3) students increase their levels of comprehension, motivation, and metacognition if they use their modality preferences while learning.

The VARK model presents 4 main types of learning styles: visual, auditory, reading / writing, and kinesthetic / tactile. Visual learners are the most common type of learner, making up to 65% of our population. Visual learners relate best to observed or seen things, including written information, notes, diagrams, demonstrations, displays, handouts, and pictures. Someone with a visual learning preference will often use phrases such as 'show me', 'let's have a look at that' and will be able to perform a new task after reading the instructions or watching someone else do it first. Teachers can accomodate their teaching to these learners if they: use maps, flow charts, diagrams, displays, etc. to organize materials; write out and use flash cards for review of material; draw pictures or cartoons of concepts; use the chalkboard or flip-board to note important information, etc. Auditory learners are the second most common type of learner, making up almost 30% of the population. Students with an auditory learning style have a preference for the transfer of information through listening: to the spoken word, of self or others, of sounds and noises. They usually use phrases such as 'tell me' or 'let's talk it over'. Teachers can accommodate to this learning style of their students if they: engage students in conversation about the subject matter, use questions and ask for oral summaries of the material, let students read and rehearse material aloud, use audio tape recordings, talk to their classmates about the subject matter, etc. Reading /writing learners prefer to learn through written words. While there is some overlap with visual learning, these types of learners mostly prefer expression through writing, reading articles on the internet, writing in diaries, looking up words in the dictionary and searching the internet for just about everything. Teachers can cater to reading / writing learners if they: allow plenty of time for these students to absorb information through the written word; provide lots of opportunities for writing essays, doing research online and reading books, etc. Kinesthetic / tactile learners learn through experiencing or doing things as they have a preference for physical experience – touching, feeling, holding, doing, practical hands-on experiences. These are the students who might struggle to sit still, might be good at sports or like to dance, and generally tend to learn better when some type of physical activity is involved. Teachers can accomodate their teaching to this type of learners if they: get these students 'moving' in any possible way; introduce learning games that involve moving around the classroom;  write out checklists of materials to be learned or looked for; use role play or dramatize concepts; ask students to envision a scene in which the material to be learned is being used or acted out somehow; etc.

While discussing different learning styles, it is inevitable to mention Howard Gardner and his Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1983) which differentiates human intelligence into specific 'modalities', rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability. According to Gardner (1992), it 'documents the extent to which students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways'. He identified eight distinct intelligences: visual (spatial), aural (auditory-musical), verbal (linguistic), physical (kinesthetic), logical (mathematical), social (interpersonal), solitary (intrapersonal) and naturalistic. Visual-spatial intelligence allows people to comprehend maps and other types of graphical information. Auditory-musical intelligence enables individuals to produce and make meaning of different types of sound. Verbal-linguistic intelligence refers to an individual's ability to analyze information and produce work that involves oral and written language, such as speeches, books, and emails. Physical-kinesthetic intelligence entails using one's own body to create products or solve problems. Logical-mathematical intelligence describes the ability to develop equations and proofs, make calculations, and solve abstract problems. Social or interpersonal intelligence reflects an ability to recognize and understand other people's moods, desires, motivations, and intentions. Solitary or intrapersonal intelligence refers to people's ability to recognize and assess those same characteristics within themselves. Naturalistic intelligence refers to the ability to identify and distinguish among different types of plants, animals, and weather formations found in the natural world. 

However, according to Gardner, the concept of multiple intelligences is not the same thing as learning styles. Whereas multiple intelligences represent different intellectual abilities, learning styles are the ways in which an individual approaches a range of learning tasks or materials. Everyone has all eight types of the intelligences at varying levels of aptitude, but at the same time, all learning experiences do not have to relate to a person's strongest area of intelligence. As Gardner states, 'when one has a thorough understanding of a topic, one can typically think of it in several ways'. Teachers who use the different intelligences to teach a concept allows each of their diverse learners a chance to succeed at learning. Teaching to a student's strength helps increase learning success. Thus, we have to use differentiation in our teaching and differentiating instruction means that teachers observe and understand the differences and similarities among students and use this information to plan instruction.

Finally, it is also important to differentiate between learning styles and learning strategies. Learning styles can be defined as general approaches to learning, while learning strategies are specific ways learners choose to cope with learning tasks in particular contexts. Thus, the main goal of learning strategies is to get students to become more effective learners. On the other hand, an individual's learning style refers to the preferential way in which the learner absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information and they largely depend on cognitive, emotional and environmental factors, as well as one's prior experience.

Although many models and theories about learning styles have become extremely popular and widespread, they have also received some criticisms from a growing body of research which has challenged many of their claims. For example, according to some neuroscientists, we may express our preferences about how we learn, but they are not necessarily an accurate reflection of how our brains work; or some researchers also claim that an individual's learning method will be different in different situations, and likely to change over time; some psychologists have revealed big differences between people's assessed strengths, and how they actually tackled learning tasks in practice; if teachers match their teaching styles to their students' learning styles, it might encourage them to teach to students' intellectual strengths rather than their weaknesses and thus limit their learning as a result; etc. Despite the criticisms, the ideas that underpin learning styles theories still have a great value – especially for their emphasis on metacognition, i.e. 'thinking about thinking' and 'learning to learn'.

Finally, we can conclude that the 'one size fits all' teaching approach is definitely inappropriate because it assumes that all students learn in the same ways. In reality, one size obviously cannot fit all people. The alternative for that is 'not everyone fits the mold'. Each person prefers to learn in different ways. The way we prefer to learn new information and interact with the world has a direct impact on our work, our school life, our friendships and family relationships. And knowing yourself as a learner is important if you want to achieve to the best of your ability. Sometimes it turns out that we actually have 'multimodal learners', i.e. learners who are flexible about how they give and receive information, which can make it easier for them to adapt to the mode of information they are presented with.

Evidently, curricula should be differentiated to suit the individual needs of each unique student and only then can students receive the best possible education and be prepared for the future success. It is important for educators to understand the differences in their students' learning styles, so that they can implement best teaching strategies into their daily instruction activities, curriculum and assessments. The awareness of different learning styles can help teachers to communicate with greater impact and support their students' learning based on individual strengths, personal preferences, and other factors such as motivation and favored learning environment.

Questions to think about before you post your comments on our blog:

What are the most common types of learning styles? What's their impact on learning?
What is your learning style? How does it influence your learning?
What is the importance of knowing your learning style?
How can learning styles affect your life?
What are your favorite learning strategies?
What is the difference between learning styles and learning preferences?
How do multiple intelligences influence teaching and learning?
Why is the awareness of different learning styles important both for teachers and students?
How can teachers accommodate their teaching to different learning styles of their students?
How can teachers address the learning needs of all students? Can they maintain high expectations for all?
What is differentiated instruction?
Does tailoring instruction to learning styles really help students learn?
How can you improve your personal approach to learning if you raise your awareness of different learning styles?
How can the awareness of your own strengths and preferences help you to appreciate and cater for the diverse ways of your future students' learning? Etc.

You can also find out what kind of learner you are if you do this quiz:

Quiz: What's Your Learning Style? (20 questions)

Useful links:
Understanding Different Types of Learning Styles

The VARK modalities

Learning Styles

Multiple Intelligences

Individual differences in learning and memory

 8 Intelligences - Theory of Multiple Intelligences Explained - Dr. Howard Gardner



 The Myth of Individual Learning Styles, Dr. Robert Bjork


  1. The term “learning styles” speaks to the understanding that every student learns differently. Technically, an individual’s learning style refers to the preferential way in which the student absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information. Individual learning styles depend on cognitive, emotional and environmental factors, as well as one’s prior experience. In other words: everyone’s different. It is important for educators to understand the differences in their students’ learning styles, so that they can implement best practice strategies into their daily activities, curriculum and assessments. One of the most accepted understandings of learning styles is that student learning styles fall into three categories: Visual Learners, Auditory Learners and Kinesthetic Learners. Visual learners prefer the use of images, maps, and graphic organizers to access and understand new information. Auditory learners best understand new content trought listening and speaking in situations such as lectures and group disscusions. Students with a strong reading/writing preference learn best through words. These students may present themselves as copious note takers or avid readers, and are able to translate abstract concepts into words and essays. Students who are kinesthetic learners best understand information through tactile representations of information. These students are hands-on learners and learn best through figureing things out by hand. Learning styles are individual. Understanding the different learning styles doesn't end in the classroom. By equipping students with tools in their early years, teachers are equipping them for their futures. Pinpointing how a child learns best can dramatically affect their ability to connect with the topics you’re teaching, as well as how they participate with the rest of the class.

    1. Hi Meliha.
      What learning styles would you use as a teacher?

    2. Hi Dženita 🌷 As educators, we must find the best strategy which is the best for every student in classroom.

    3. Hello Meliha :)

      Very well written, I totally agree with you.
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    4. Hello Meliha, I totally agree with you!

  2. Hallo everyone 👋🏻 These topic is very interesting 😁
    Each person prefers to learn in different ways.The way you prefer to learn new information and interact with the world has a direct impact on your work, your school life, your friendships and family relationships.To understand what a learning style is,and how it affects your life, first you need to find out how you learn best.Every state has learning standards that describe what children need to know and be able to do at a certain age. Teachers use these standards to balance what children need to learn with their knowledge of how children learn best.Children enter kindergarten with different experiences and skills. No matter what children already know, teachers help them continue to develop skills .No one else learns in exactly the same way you do. Before going further, it is important to remember that there is no right or wrong learning style. Each style has advantages and disadvantages. Knowing your learning style is not meant to limit you, but to expand you – by helping you to work, learn and live more efficiently . 🤗

    1. Hi Marijana, I totally agree with you, which is your style of learning?
      Valentina Šutalo , RN IV

    2. Hello Marijana :)

      I agree with everything have you written.

    3. Hi dear Marijana, what do you think about tactile learning?
      Ena Brkić, RN III

    4. Hi Ena 😁I think tactile learning is very interesting. Children learn fast this way . tactile learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations.

    5. Hallo Valentina! 😁 I prefer a tactile way of learning. I think this way of learning is very effective

    6. Hi Marijana :)
      What do you think about visual learning?
      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

  3. Odgovori
    1. We all experience the world in unique ways, and with that comes variation in the ways we learn best. Understanding the differences in these types of learning styles can drastically impact the way teachers handle their students, set up group projects and rally behind individual learning. Without understanding the disparity in learning styles, teachers might end up with a handful of students lagging behind their classmates—in part because their unique learning style hasn’t been activated. Understanding the different learning styles doesn’t end in the classroom. By equipping students with tools in their early years, teachers are equipping them for their futures.
      Every students is unique and every student has own style of learning. As educators, we must find the best strategy which is the best for every student in classroom.

      Valentina Šutalo, RN IV

    2. Hi Valentina. How are you? :)

      What is your favorite learning styles?

    3. Hi dear Valentina, can you propose some strategy for learning the new styles of learning?

    4. Dear Valentina, I agree with you. It is a great skill of a teacher to know what learning stlye his student has and to enable him a different ways of learning.
      Selma Jordamović RN IV

    5. My dear Valentina, I totally agree with all you said.
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    6. Hello Valentina!

      Very well written, I totally agree with you. <3

    7. Hi Fuada, I am fine, thanks for asking. My favorite learning style is learning while listening music. I love write everything that I think is important.
      Best regards, Valentina Šutalo, RN IV

    8. Hi Ena!
      For visual style learning you can create a flowchart for the progression of your notes and ideas. For aural styles learning you can read your notes aloud when studying , or work with a regular study partner to review out loud. For reading or writing style you can re-write your notes after the class...
      Best regards, Valentina Šutalo, RNIV


    9. Hi Valentina, can you tell me what is the best way for you to learn?


  4. Learning is a complex process of adopting new or changing new information. An important role in the learning process is the way a person processes information. Each of us has a dominant input channel when receiving information (perception). We also prefer one way of thinking, processing and understanding information over others. Finding which style is best for us is crucial to future successful learning. There are different approaches to analyzing and categorizing learning styles. One of the more well-known theories is Fleming's VARK model.

    The VARK model was developed by Neil Flemming in 1987. The acronym VARK stands for:

    Visual - Learn from graphical representations of various types
    Aural (auditory) - they learn by listening, they love lectures and oral
    Read / write (text) - learn from words (written, read), books, references
    Kinesthetic - Learn through activity and role play.

    My learning style is visual.
    people with a visual learning style are best at acquiring new information by looking. They love various illustrations, graphs, pictures, movies, posters, slides, symbols, drawing and writing. Markers in different colors are their favorite accessory. They are good readers and prefer to read on their own than read them. They are easy to spot and are prone to long-term planning. They remember new faces well and are look, design and often neat. They have a sense of color and hue, and may have artistic preferences. When learning, they are not sensitive to ambient noise. They may forget verbal instructions or pass on an oral message. They often know what to say, but find it harder to find the words.

    Džemila Karamuja, PO IV

    1. Hi Džemila, I totally agree with you. My learning style is a visual too.

      Best regards, Valentina Šutalo, RN IV

    2. Hi Valentina,
      I'm glad you agree with me.
      The visual learning style is the most used.

      Džemila Karamuja, PO IV

    3. Hi, Džemila.
      I read that you are a visual type of student, will you use this method in your work with children?

    4. Hi,Dženita,
      Yes, this learning style is very good in working with children.
      With it, children can see what certain things look like.

      Džemila Karamuja PO,IV

    5. Hello Džemila.
      What learning styles would you use as a teacher and can you tell me what is your favourete learning styles?

    6. Hi Amina, My learning style is visual.
      people with a visual learning style are best at acquiring new information by looking. They love various illustrations, graphs, pictures, movies, posters, slides, symbols, drawing and writing. Markers in different colors are their favorite accessory.

      Džemila Karamuja PO IV

    7. Hello Džemila, I like your comment.

  5. Hi everyone, this topic is very interesting. I consider that every man is an individual for himself and has his own "trick" for learning. Personally, I better remember the things I saw and presented in a practical way. Also, to acquire certain information, it is important for me to be interesting. Nobody likes to learn what is boring. Also with the help of picture cards, there is a lot to learn, and they are great for learning, for example, new words in a foreign language. We relate the word to the picture, at least I remember it better instead of just reading the word. that teachers combine learning methods so that each child can find and better acquire new knowledge.
    After I did the test, it turned out to be a visual type, which I assumed. In terms of intelligence and learning, I think it's important, but not crucial. I believe it will be easier for someone with a higher IQ to learn new things, but the beauty of learning is that it is constantly being worked on and it doesn't matter how fast we learn, it is important that we learn and work on ourselves.
    Dženita Ćorić PO4

    1. Hi Dženita! 🌸
      Are learning styles important only for school or for life in general?

    2. Hi Dženita!
      What do you think is the the simplest learning style for children?

    3. Hello Dženita, when you are not sure how to spell a word, what are you most likely to do? Write it down to see if it looks right? Spell it out loud to see if it sounds right? Trace the letters in the air (finger spelling)?

    4. Hi Dženita,
      I think that you're right. But I'm not sure about the fact that people with higher IQ learn new things easier. What I meant is that people with higher IQ have a bigger potential to understand some of those things, but not necessary to learn, because IQ is important but not crucial for fast learning. In my opinion, the most important thing is to organize your time well and only with hard work and a strong will for learning you can make great things.

  6. Hello :)

    Learning is a complex process of acquiring knowledge and skills. It covers the acquisition of navigation, information, knowledge and capabilities. Kids learn in a slightly different way than we adults do. You don't teach all children at the same speed and in the same way. Already at an early age you can sense how your child learns the easiest and fastest. Is there a need to touch everything new and unknown? Does it take up a lot of space and is it often motor-active? Do you distract him with visuals and multicolored objects can be reported to remember right now exactly what he is storing and can literally repeat some of his sentences? We have 3 learning styles: visual, auditory, physical or kinetic. Children who prefer a visual style of learning over viewing. Because of this, you prefer illustrations, readings, written notes, use of pictures, diagrams and the like. Auditory learning style has children who remember what they hear. Auditory types of children learn best through lectures, discussions, discussions, and verbal instruction. The last basic learning style is kinetic or the other. Children who prefer this style of learning, learning through physical movements, touch, and it is important for them to see what the subject is doing, how it is being used. Moving from kindergarten to school will make it easier and harder for some kids to adjust to the new rules. Faced with new rules and a clear school structure that may not match the way they navigate learning, they need the help and guidance of adults to get the most out of their potential.

    1. Hi, Fuada,
      Is it important for your ,child to learn in all these ways that you mentioned?

      Džemila Karamuja, PO,IV

    2. Hello Fuada, how are you?
      Which is your way of learning?

      Sandra Jazović PO4

    3. Hi Džemila
      My opinion is that it is important, but everyone finds their own way that suits him or her to learn.

    4. Hi Sandra
      I am learning visually. That's my way of learning.

    5. Hi,Fuada,
      I agree with you.

      Thank you for your reply.

      Džemila Karamuja, PO,IV

    6. Hi Fuada!😊 Can you tell me: Is it important to know all learning styles?

    7. Hi Alma :)
      Yes, it is important, but everyone finds their own way that suits him or her to learn.

  7. The most common types of learning styles are visual, auditory and tactile learning. Every person is different type. My learning style is definitely visual. I remember colors, pages, manuscript. Almost everything what I must learn I need that in the text form. I can hear it but I will write it. It helps me because it safe my time. It is easier if you know yourself. But it is really important to adjust to new ways of learning. Teachers can help us in that.

    Ena Brkić, RN III

    1. Hi Ena,
      How important is visual learning style in children?

      Džemila Karamuja, PO,IV

    2. Hi Ena! How are you?

      Can you tell me: Is it important to know all learning styles?

    3. Hi Ena? Have you been practicing your way of learning? For example I must read loud and after reading I'm talking to myself. It's my way of learning.

    4. Hello Ena :)

      What do you think about auditory and tactile learning?
      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    5. Dear Džemila, the memory of children is much better than ours. So every style of learning is very importat for them. They are like sponge.
      Hi Meiha, I am fine, thank you, how are you? Always is better to know more and more. We can choose the best style of learning for us but it is good to can use the others too.
      Hello Azra, I am that type too. I learn better and faster if I read loud.
      Hey Hamida, every style of learning is acceptable on the other way. I am nt auditory and tactile learning person but I respect everyone who is.

    6. Hi Ena, I agree with you, that every learning style is very important.

      Džemila Karamuja PO IV

  8. Learning is “a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for improved performance and future learning”. There are different types of learning depending on what kind of person you are. Children learn differently from adult. Kids learn faster but they have non abstract way of thinking and they need tangible and concrete learning tools.
    I can say for myself that I have a visual learning style. I always try to imagine and connect some visual identities to learning objects. For me it's the easiest and the most interesting way of learning.

    Sandra Jazović PO4

    1. Hi Sandra 🤗 How are you ? What do you think about tactile learning? 👋🏻

    2. Hi Sandra
      What do you mean about learning by listening?
      Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

    3. Hello Sandra, in your opinion what is the best way to help kids to learn faster? You said that children need tangible and concrete learning tools, so do you have something specific on your mind, what you meant by that?
      Dženita Čolo PO4

  9. The most common types of learning styles are auditory, visiual and tactile learning. We can also say that some of students use learning "by heart" which is short-lasting type of learning. I did the test to see my type of learning and after answering to 20 questions result is that i am tactile learner. That means that I use to learn by touching and doing something. Also, this type shows that person is using their hands while they talk, they must have something to play with them. In process of learning this type of person needs to make some breaks, short breaks, then to continue with process of studying.
    Often, the strategies which I am using are writing, then reading the text. While I read the text I imagine the picture of that in my head to remember it later and that is way that my knowledge last longer.

    Emina Suljović, RN III

    1. Dear Emina, very interesting, I would love to do that test too. :)
      Selma Jordamović RN IV

    2. Hi Emina :) where can we find that test? It would be very useful for all of us.

  10. In my opinion, learning is a very complex process. Process that acquire understanding, skills, knowledge, and behavior. This topic was very interesting and useful for me because it is very important to find out your learning style and in my case, I had a hard time finding my own style. Every person is individual, in many ways, so it is the same with learning. Everyone has their unique learning style, that helps them to process stuff better and to learn many things in the best possible way. I best learn something when I am listening, processing the most important things, and then doing it practically. In my opinion, practical learning is the best, because only in that way we can see how much we understood something and how much we are able to practically apply lessons and definitions that we learned. If we are just learning definitions and we don't know how to use it, then I don't see the point of that learning style. On the other side, it is very important for teachers and professors to understand that every student has their own learning style, so they need to know how to recognize it. They need to be able to adjust their teaching system to a different group of students if they want everyone to understand them equally and learn what matters most. As I said, learning is a very complex process, just like the teaching. But in both processes, it is important to be able to discover which style fits you do most. Because learning and teaching are things that are always changing and that is the beauty in them. While learning and teaching we need to save the creativity in us that we all have because it is one of the important keys in the learning process, actually in life generally.
    Elma Mujić

    This video was very helpful for me, so you can check it. It is very interesting!

    1. Hi Elma,
      Thank you for this video and it is interasting.
      Mirhunsa Majdanac, PO4

  11. This is very interesting topic. I am a combination of all styles 😊 I canʾt learn directly from book. I have to write my own script. When I make it, learning becomes easier, and I learn twice as fast. So I am partly read/write type. Besides that, I visualy know exactly where something important is in my script. That means that I am partly a visual type. I like to listen when lecture is interesting and dynamic. This confirms that I am also an auditory type. I also find that the kinesthetic learning style is very important for long lasting knowledge.
    In the end, I will say that it is very important to recognize what type you are. It will make learning much easier for you.
    Selma Jordamović, RN IV

    1. Hi Selma ! Selma what is yours learning style/styles? MEDINA KUNIĆ RN4

    2. Hi Selma!
      And I am also a combination of all learning styles.
      In your opinion, what is the best way to learn foreign language?

      Dženeta Kovač.

    3. @Selma

      I'll follow your example. : D

    4. Dear Medina, as I wrote, I am a combination of all styles. :)

    5. Dear Dženeta, in my case, I watch movies in English. So I involve more senses and develop speech in English. And to develop writing skills, I think reading is essential.

    6. Dear Ensar, I'm glad I helped. :)

    7. Dear Selma, what do you think are the most common types of learning styles?

    8. Dear Amera, I think it’s hard to single out one learning style. There is always some combination, depending on the mood.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  12. Today we are often able to hear that best grades (fives or tens) are usually given to students and students learning by rote. Also, we are aware that there are students who do not learn so, but learning with understanding, which can often result in a lower grade (do not get the maximum score). Normally, an important factor in the learning style are the various teachers and various professors. Many of them do not want to give a grade five or ten to a student, who didn't learn the material by rote. They already give him a lower grade than that even if the student learned the material with great understanding. But also, there are other professors, professors who prefer learning with understanding. Learning with understanding is better because learning by rote is usually short-term. It is not necessary to study for grade, because grade is not a measure of knowledge. Unfortunately, today, parents are forcing their children to get as good grades as possible, rather than advising them to learn with understanding. In addition, the system is such that we learn a lot of things that we will never need. It would be better if there were more practice and realistic things than some theories preferred by professors. When we come to real life, we will not be able to cope with the knowledge from schools / colleges, because what we have learned does not have much to do with the reality that awaits us.

    Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

  13. Hello everyone.
    Again, we are hanging out with a very interesting and important topic for each of us, learning styles. Even though we have different interpretations today (usually about the number of learning styles), each of the learning styles is important.

    I googled a bit and found some theories about each learning style, the theories about which part of the brain is in charge of particular learning styles.
    Research shows us that each learning style uses different parts of the brain. By involving more of the brain during learning, we remember more of what we learn. Researchers using brain-imaging technologies have been able to find out the key areas of the brain responsible for each learning style.
    For example:
    • Visual: The occipital lobes at the back of the brain manage the visual sense. Both the occipital and parietal lobes manage spatial orientation.
    • Aural: The temporal lobes handle aural content. The right temporal lobe is especially important for music.
    • Verbal: The temporal and frontal lobes (in the left hemisphere of these two lobes).
    • Physical: The cerebellum and the motor cortex (at the back of the frontal lobe) handle much of our physical movement.
    • Logical: The parietal lobes, especially the left side, drive our logical thinking.
    • Social: The frontal and temporal lobes handle much of our social activities. The limbic system (not shown apart from the hippocampus) also influences both the social and solitary styles. The limbic system has a lot to do with emotions, moods and aggression.

    For a long time, I have only called myself a strict lover of logical learning that is based on the logical connection of things. And today I consider myself part of it because I’m an individual who want to understand the reason behind content or skills and tend to enjoy games like chess and doing brainteasers.
    Logical learners also:
    • Classify and group information together to better understand it
    • Perform complex calculations
    • Create procedures for future use, after coming up with a solution to a problem
    • Plan agendas and itineraries and even rank and number them.

    Nowadays I like to combine this style with solitary (intrapersonal) style.
    Solitary learners are individuals who simply prefer to learn on their own and keep to themselves. In most situations, this is a learning style for socially introverted people—but not always. There are some people who are extroverts in social situations but prefer to be alone when they are trying to learn.
    Solitary learners:
    • Spend time on self-analysis
    • Prefer to relax or travel away from crowds
    • Think independently
    • Journal, write, and record personal thoughts and events as a way to improve.

    And for the end I want to share with you something I found by another scholar who believes that learning styles should have an effect on the classroom (Marilee Sprenger in Differentiation through Learning Styles and Memory). She bases her work on three premises:
    1. Teachers can be learners, and learners teachers. We are all both.
    2. Everyone can learn under the right circumstances.
    3. Learning is fun! Make it appealing!

    Until next time, bye!
    Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    1. Hi Nerma! Nerma what is your learning style/ styles ? Medina Kunić RN4

    2. Hi my dear Nerma :)
      Your comments are always very extensive and useful, and this is very nicely written. Thank you for all of the informations.

    3. Hello @Medina, I have already written, my learning styles are logical and intrapersonal. Bye! 😉

      Dear @Neira, I'm so glad to hear that from you. I send you many greetings and hope to see you soon...💜

      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    4. Hi Nerma!
      I always enjoy your comments.
      You wrote very interesting information, and I particularly liked the learning styles of Marilee Sprenger.

      Berina Prozo, RN4

  14. Hi! Each person has a particular style of learning. There are different learning styles. So we have verbal, social, tactile, auditory etc , learning styles. Learning styles can make a big difference in our lives. Depending on learning styles, the level adoption of the material depends on the way of learning in life. I prefer a verbal, auditory learning style.
    Medina Kunić RN4

    1. Dear Medina, I would like you to explain why you think the verbal style of learning is the best?

    2. Hi Edita ! I think the verbal learning style is better because what we are not able to memorize through oral speech can be written down. Knowledge longer stays in memory when written down.
      Medina Kunić RN4

    3. Hello, Medina! :)

      What can learning styles change in our lives?

  15. Hello everyone :)

    This is very important topic. I think that every person has it's own way of learning, or some tricks. We are all looking for more interesting way to learning. When I study, I like to have some pictures or applications. I love when I have a lot of color on paper because it looks more fun. I prefer visual style definitely. Learning is a very complex process. Everyone has their unique learning style, that helps them to process stuff better and to learn many things in the best possible way. I read the comments, and I see that there are more of us "visionaries", and I think that is one of the more represented ways.

    Hamida Tatarević. PO4

    1. Hi Hamida
      You wrote you are "visionar" and I can say that I'm in one way "visionar"🤗
      Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

    2. Dear Hamida, do you like to write down certain parts of a lesson while learning?

    3. Hi Hamida. What are you think what is the importance of knowing your learning style?
      Aldina Zejnilović, RN IV

  16. Hi everyone, this topic is very interesting. :) Learning is an extremely important and personal experience for people of all ages. It is widely believed that understanding students' learning style and preferences can benefit both students and teachers. As students learn in various ways, it appears impossible to change the learning style of each student in the classroom. Instead, teachers might modify their teaching style so as to be more consistent with their students learning style.
    I am a combination of all styles. I canʾt learn directly from book. I have to write my own script.There is no wrong way to learn. And even if it may seem strange to others, you need to play to your strengths when trying to learn a new concept so that it really sticks. :)

  17. Hello everyone !

    I see that my colleagues have already talked a lot about different types of learning, so let me not repeat myself. As for me personally, I do not have a certain type, it all depends on the type of material, my interest and the moment. However, most of all I would say that I am a visual type, as well as an auditory one, so I learn by listening. Throughout my studies, because of a major lack of time, I was able to record audio recordings of my exam lessons and listen to them at work. Over time, I got used to it and now my attention is best focused and I remember it the fastest. And after the quiz, it turned out I was that guy.

    Still, learning styles are something completely individual and there is no model for advice. The only thing we can do is try out more styles and see what works best for us. When we find our model we stick to it, there is no need to look further.

    What educators can do for their students is to combine different styles so that as many students as possible find it and master the material. Especially if we see that this is a material that is harder and more complex to master, then it is necessary to slow down and adapt to the children, because of course - our primary goal is the knowledge they need to acquire with understanding and as long as possible.

    1. Hi Edita
      I agree with you that we sometimes need to adapt material to our children.
      Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

  18. Hi everyone :)
    Finding a right learning style is very important for every individual, and it can change your life completely by saving your time that’s meant for studying. I don’t have a specific learning style, it all depends on wich subject I am learning. Sometimes, I learn very fast by listening or just reading something, sometimes it’s necessary to sit and learn exactly as it’s written in the book. I am not a type that can learn from books, I like to have my own notes, and it often takes a lot of time to write them down, but what can I do, it makes my studying easier. When it comes to teachers and students, in my opinion teachers should have more practice in classrooms and they should try to present everything practically to their students, because no matter what type of learners students are, they will remember what they saw and what they did, and they will for sure remember something from that. But teachers should definitely help their students to find their perfect learning style so their studying could be more effective.

    1. Dear Neira, can you describe your ritual when you study for an exam? Does it have to be quiet, do you care about the space where you study etc.?

    2. Hi my dear Samira :) Well, I usually study at night, I like studying in peace and silence, space is not that important for me, and I always need to have something for drink and some sweets, I don’t know why 😂 So basically, that’s it, nothing special :)

  19. Many students learn differently. One way to be successful is to study using our strength. Learning style affects how a person: learns, acts in a group, think, relates to others, solves problems, communicates, works... Most learners have a mixed learning style.My learning style is a visual. Every child has different learning preferences. Among the different ways of learning, some prefer to learn by hearing, some by seeing, others by doing, some by reading and others by asking questions. It is important for educators to understand the differences in their students’ learning styles, so that they can implement best practice strategies into their daily activities, curriculum. Learning strategies refer to methods that students use to learn. My favourite learning strategies are: rereading, summarization, self explanation and highlighting.
    Learning styles is an individuals preferred way of learning. Each of us has a natural preference for the way in which we prefer to receive, process, and impart information. In contrast, a learning preference is the set of conditions related to learning which are most conducive to retaining information for an individual. For example, someone prefers to stay up late or get up early in the morning to study. Or someone can study with music while someone must have complete silence. I like to study in the evening in complete silence.

    1. I don't understand those who study with music. :O :D

    2. Hi Samira. Nice comment. I like listening music when i study math 🎶🔢 With other subjects I like silence 🙉

  20. We are all different in so many ways, and of course in our way of learning things. A learning style is an individual's approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. Someone loves to learn by reading, someone by listening or in some other way, and as teachers we need to understand that and to adapt materials to our students needs. I think that my learning style is visual, because I picture my lessons in my head so on test I am searching for that picture in my head to find an answer that I need.

  21. Hello everyone!

    I like this topic, and this was the topic of my high school graduation. I agree with you that we are all different and that we are learning in different ways. But there are some physical conditions for learning that are almost the same for all of us. Some of them are: age, gender, fatigue,...When we talk about age, as a physical condition for learning, some authors consider that memory ability is thought to be limitless, but there is a lively period in which it is easier to learn (20-24). Gender - men are thought to be more active in the natural sciences, while women are more powerful in the social sciences (I personally think this is a stereotype). And fatigue is one of the body's defense mechanisms that protects us so that we don't get too burdened. There are also psychic learning conditions, such as ability, motivation, external opportunities.

    I think that preschool and school age children most often learn by model. The first models for children are parents. But also teachers who represent a model of behavior for children. All children's skills, or habits, basically acquired through imitation. Imitation learning is based on observing the behavior of others.
    Sometimes, my learning style is trial and error. :)

    Amina Ćosić, PO4.

    1. "Sometimes, my learning style is trial and error. :)" OMG 😂😂😂 nice one! Like it.

    2. Hi Amina,
      You have right that children learn by model in their first ages.
      Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

  22. Hello everyone!

    Each person is an individual for himself and learns in the way that suits him the best, and has his own tricks to remember something as easily as possible. The most common learning styles are visual, tactile and auditory learning. My learning style is visual definitely, because I think it's most interesting. I can definitely say that it seems to be the most common way of learning.

    Selma Neimarlija, PO4.

    1. Hello Selma, I am a visual learner too :D do you enjoy reading and writing in your spare time?

    2. Hi Selma, you are my fav learning buddy! <3 Love you, Dženeta, PO4

  23. Learning is different for every individual. What works for one person won't work for another. Our studying techniques might help us ace every test we take, but have no effect on our classmate's grades, because everyone has a different learning style. It's important to be conscious of these differences when participating in a classroom. Having a clear sense of our learning style is one of the key factors to ensuring our success in our degree program. I am a visual learner, as the name implies, prefer to absorb information through visual mediums such as imagery and film. I enjoy a classroom experience that relies on tools such as image-heavy and text-light slide decks, charts, and graphs. I tend to remember people's faces but forget their names upon first meeting them, I enjoy art, aesthetics, and other visual forms of expression, I use color, shapes, and mind-maps in my note-taking and studying. It’s important to recognize that everyone has unique learning styles and abilities. That means that everyone will be strong in some areas and weaker in others. This doesn’t mean you can’t excel or do well in those areas; it simply means you may need additional help.

  24. Hello everyone!
    Yes, we are all different and process of learning is different. I think we are all exploring and discovering all the time. I am mix of everything, so it all depends of what am I learning and how much time I have, and also is it interasting to me or not. I think that is acctally the most important, are we really interested in something and how we see it, are we being made to learn it, I mean is it about pressure.. So I think it's about how we feel about it. If we are motivated and have desire to know much and better, it will be easier for us to learn it and it will be kind of a satifiying.
    I think we have to try to change some things and help kids to learn with logic, with love and through play more and more. The most important thing in the end is how we feel about it and is it making us to feel like we are doing something right. And that's the way we should continue forward, in my opinion.

    1. Hey Almedina, how are you ? Right now i was reading your post and i think this is the good one, i like it and agree with most of it. So, I am the person who is learning something by doing it, and what about you?

    2. Hey Selmic! <3
      I'm good, thank you for asking.
      It's kind of a best way of learning and I'm so glad for you.
      I read one paragraph and then I write what I have remembered and I have like, hundreds of papers around me when I'm learning haha.
      Thank you for your feedback!

  25. Hello everyone!
    Learning is complex proces of gaining or exchanging new informations. Processing informations by an individual is an important role. We have to find a style that suits us the best, it is of huge importance for more successful learning in the future. Everybody is different and not everyone has the same brain capacity, that is why everyone learn in their own way, especially because they are interested in different fields. I went to Grammar school and I hated learning mathematics because I was not good at it. The way I was learning is in short-term memory which made me forget everything in a few days. My advice to everyone is to learn long term and to use some sort of games or any interesting way that is going to help you actually remember it.
    Marija Bekić, PO4

  26. We are all individuals so we use different methods of learning. For me, it depends on what am i supposed to learn and what was my pre-interaction with it, but I think that we have to be aware that we need that, that that is our knowladge and to try to express it in the best way we can.
    As a future teachers we have to help children to feel free to explore and discover, and also, when we are learning something particular, we have to gain trust and attention and then it will be easier for them, no matter what method we are using.

    Ajla Balta, PO4

    1. Yes Ajla, as a future teachers we have to help children to feel free to explore and discover.. I mostly agree with this thought. 🔝
      I hope you are doing well ❤

    2. Hi Ajla. What are your favorite learning strategies?

  27. Hello people!
    Today's topic is very interesting for all of us. We are talking about learning styles.

    Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques. Learning styles group common ways that people learn. Everyone has a mix of learning styles.
    Learning is an extremely important and personal experience for people of all ages. Years ago, there was an assumption that everyone learned new material the same way. But over time, research discovered there are a number of different types of learning styles and different ways that humans retain and process information.
    I consider myself a visual type of learning because my learning has some of the following characteristics…
    These are some of the most common characteristics of visual learners:
    • Have good spatial sense and sense of direction
    • Can easily visualize objects, plans, and outcomes
    • Like coloring, drawing, and doodling
    • Have good color balance
    • Are good at using maps and rarely get lost


    Alma Nizić RN 4

  28. Hello Everyone!

    There are many different ways to learn, from rote repetition to complex mnemonics. All learning involves recoding: Information must be transformed from its perceived form into a form suitable for remembering. It is well established that people differ in their speed and in their efficiency of recoding. But people also differ in their learning styles, in which processes they use, and in when they use them.
    There are seven learning styles:
    - Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
    - Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
    - Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
    - Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
    - Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
    - Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
    - Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
    It is very important that the teacher is aware of the fact that there are different styles of learning and that each students is different. Also, it is very important for the teacher to know at least the basic things about learning styles, as they will be able to recognize the learning styles of their students. And when they are recognized, they will be able to understand the student, help him and even together with the student create and improve their learning style. In class, we must never impose our own or someone else's teaching style on our students. For every child and his or her style, we need to have understanding, to support and improve.

    1. Hi Šejla 😊 I totally agree with you that we need to have understending and to support every child and their style

    2. Hi my dear Sejla! :)
      How important is logical learning style in children?

      Berina Prozo, RN4

    3. My dear, Ber! I think that it is very important, that it enables faster and more efficient learning, and leaves long-term knowledge, but again, everything depends on the student to student and what suits him better as an individual.

    4. Dear Šejla, I agree with you, but what style would you use the most in the classroom if the students are very curious?

  29. I am a tactile learner. If you are a tactile learner, you learn by touching and doing. You understand and remember things through physical movement. You are a "hands-on" learner who prefers to touch, move, build, or draw what you learn, and you tend to learn better when some type of physical activity is involved. You need to be active and take frequent breaks, you often speak with your hands and with gestures, and you may have difficulty sitting still. As a tactile learner, you like to take things apart and put things together, and you tend to find reasons to tinker or move around when you become bored. You may be very well coordinated and have good athletic ability. You can easily remember things that were done but may have difficulty remembering what you saw or heard in the process.

    Belkisa Pilipović, PO4

    1. Hello dear Belkisa, your learning style is very, very interesting. Maybe I will try that too.
      Aida Rogo, PO4

  30. Like you said, a learning style is an individual approach to learning based od strenghts, weakness and preferences. In this view of this there are various divisions of learning styles. I think that the most common types of learning styles are visual, auditory and tactile (kinesthetic) learnig style. Everyone is capable of learning. However, people will respond differently to certain teaching methods. It is because each individual has a different learning style.

    I did the quiz you posted and my results are that I'm a Visual learner (my scores: auditory 25%, visual 55%, tactile 20%) and I agree with that. When I learn I like to read every word in text, I like to use different colors (markers) and ecerything that is written must be neatly written. Also, i often like to rewrite text to memkrize it or rewrite it to make it neat.
    Each of us is uniqe learner and no one else learns exactly the same way you do . It is important to know our learning style: maximizes our learning potential; enables our succes in school or college; reduces the stress stress and frustration during learning and enable to enjoy any learning process; teach us how to use our brain best etc. Knowing your learning style is not meant to limit you, but to expand you - helping you to work, learn and live mkre efficiently.

    I found that the reasons different learning styles affect your life so much is that they are somewhat like your personality and reveal how you process and share information.

    Learning style can be described as a set of factory, behaviors and attitudes that facilitate learning for am individual in a given situation. In contrast, a learning preference is the set of conditions related to learning which are most conductive to retaining information for an individual.

    For teacher awareness of different learning styles is important because they need to know that none of the students learn the same way and the teacher should offer each student something that suits him or her as much as possible. It is important to view each student as an individual and not ask every student the same. It is impossible to address the learning need of all students, but students should be allowed to design it themselves.

    It is important to remember that there is no right or wrong learning style. Each style has advantages and disadvantages.

    Antonela Selak, RN4

    1. Hi Antonela :)
      great comment. Completely agreeing with you.

  31. Hello everyone!

    Today we are talking about a very interesting topic that concerns each of us. When it comes to learning styles, each of us can be found somewhere, and although there are different interpretations and different styles of learning, they are all brought together by the ultimate goal-learning.
    Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are your styles fixed. You can develop ability in less dominant styles, as well as further develop styles that you already use well.

    When I need to classify myself in a category of learning styles, I would combine the two types, social and verbal, because I find myself in some of their characteristics, such as:
    • Enjoy playing group sports
    • Bounce ideas off of others and to work through issues in a group
    • Listen well
    • Express themselves in both written and spoken word
    • Enjoy reading and writing
    • Has a large vocabulary and enjoys learning new words


    Berina Prozo, RN4

    1. Dear Berina,

      I totally agree with your opinion.

      Alma Nizić RN4

    2. Hello Berina, what are your favorite learning strategies?

  32. We all learn in different ways. Every single person has their own, most efficient way of learning, and we all adopted certain style and concept.
    There are different learning styles, such as: textual, auditive, visual, kinesthetic, logical, social etc.
    My way is visual way. I think that for preschool kids this one is the most efficient. The easiest way to learn for them is when we actually show and picturize the subject matter of learning.
    However, we shouldn't provide full explanation, but let them search and explore through the game plan. Teachers should get to know every child individualy and transfer their knowledge in a way that suits them best, in a proper tempo and manner.
    We, as teachers, must be competent enough to find child's best learning style, that they find the most comfortable. That is the only way we can provide quality education.

    Sibila Nuhanović

    1. Dear Sibila, what are your favorite learning strategies?

  33. Hello there😂
    Here we are again.
    Many of you said that all of us have our own way of learning and I agree with you and way how will we teach our children will be on our own.
    Well, I will say something about how I'learning. My style of learning is drawing mental maps and fast reading.
    A mind map is a visual way to organise and learn information.

    Mind maps can help you to break down complex information, memorise information, and see the connections between different ideas.Examples of Mind Maps
    We created the mind maps below to help us understand a range of topics. Wondering what program I use to create these mind maps? I don’t actually use any mind mapping software. Each mind map is drawn by my hand. Speed reading is the process of rapidly recognizing and absorbing phrases or sentences on a page all at once, rather than identifying individual words.The amount of information that we process seems to be growing by the day, whether it's emails, reports and websites at work, or social media, books and magazines at home and I conect these two and that is. Mental map we can use with our children - one word=we draw it=easy to remember.😊
    Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4.

    1. Very nice Mirhu. I also use mental maps as style of learning, but only sometimes, when I learn something hard to remember 😂
      Aida Rogo, PO4

  34. The most common types of learning styles are visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinestethic/tactile.
    My type of learning is visual learning. It is very good to see and observe all things and talk about them. It is very important to know which style is for you because many students have a problem because they don't know their learning style and can't learn well. Learning styles can affect my life with learning things trought different ways. My favourite learning strategies are pictures, presentations and class in the nature. A learning style can be described as a set of factors, behaviours and attitudes that facilitate learning for an individual in a given situations. Learning preference is the set of conditions related to learning which are most conductive to retaining information for an individual. Multiple intelligences represent different intelectual abilities, learning styles are the ways in wich an individual approaches a range of learning tasks. Everyone has all eight types of the intelligences al varying levels of aptitude, but at the same time, all learning experiences do not have to relate to a person's strongest area of intelligence. Teachers can match their teaching styles and might encourage them to teach to students intellectual strenghts rather than their weaknesses and thus limit their learning as a result.
    Tatjana Drmač, PO4.

    1. Hi Tatjana !

      I agree with you, many students have a problem because they don't know their learning style and can't learn well.

      Alma Nizić RN 4

  35. We all use some different ways of learning. I think that one or two ways in which we will learn a certain material suits everyone best. I think that most students usually learn certain lessons by writing down the most important things from a lesson, underlining certain sentences and the like. I like to learn the most by underlining certain parts of a lesson. In addition, when I learn a passage, I learn the next, and then I repeat those parts of the lesson. I think that's the best way to remember a lesson.
    I think that differentiated teaching is respecting individual differences between students, and setting tasks of different difficulty. Teachers should give different tasks to students, so that they achieve the best possible success in school. Individual differences of students should be respected.
    Hadžiabdić Amera, RN IV

  36. This is a very interesting topic because all students are evaluated based on a certain learning criteria which is preferred by the lecturer despite sometimes not being in the students advantage considering everyone having different features, qualities, interests and eventually learning styles. I believe that the most common style of learning today is theoretical and visual without real life application practise. This learning style can sometimes result in issues applying the knowledge into real life situations. Personally, I believe that I do not have a specific learning style but that a mix of different learning styles applies to me. Meaning to say, if I can experience the same knowledge through visual, audio and practical point of view, it will help me master that knowledge/topic. It is important to know your style simply to maximize the outcome of your learning to be able to learn more with less effort. Learning styles have a passive influence on your life as if we stick to the wrong method/learning style long term it can result in a significant handicap to our knowledge where we did not maximize our time invested. In terms of learning strategies which differ from learning styles, my favourite one is to learn as much as possible in a relative short period of time prior to the exam, usually it is done by writing down the material as it helps me to remember it easier. While learning styles are a general approach to learning such as audio, visual, reading, writing and theoretical, learning preferences are more specific approaches to specific topics. As important as it is for students, this topic is of major importance to lecturers as well since they have to apply different learning styles in their classes to accommodate all students in a fair manner. It is easier said than done as it requires proper planning. Teachers should try to mix as many teaching styles as possible in a similar ratio. Eventually knowing different learning styles will help me understand my future students and their needs. This will enable me getting the maximum out of them.
    Selma Hodo

  37. We all experience the world in unique ways, and with that comes variation in the ways we learn best. There are a lot of different learners in our society and here are a few of them. The first one that I would like to talk about is Kinesthetic learners because I feel that this one suits me the best. The kinesthetic learner learns things through experiencing or doing things, using their hands to touch and handle to understand concepts. The best possible way to help these kinds of students is by getting them moving or having them write on the whiteboard as part of an activity, it helps them to remember and learn things fast without writing and reading indefinitely. When we already talk about writing and reading, that is another type of learner. Those kinds of learners prefer to learn through written words. These types of learners are drawn to expression through writing, reading articles on the internet, or searching the internet for just about everything. Another type of learner that I've noticed are auditory learners, they tend to learn better when the subject matter is reinforced by sound. They would listen to something and learn through the sound of it rather than write or read huge texts from the subject. And the last type of learner is a visual learner. They prefer seeing and observing things, including pictures, diagrams, written directions, and more. I am also one of those types of learners sometimes, I would like to learn through well-designed presentations rather than looking into those endless texts which makes no sense in my opinion. Differentiated instruction is an approach that helps educators tailor their teaching so that all students, regardless of their ability, can learn the classroom material. Teachers can improve learning by opening more options to their students and not just one, they shouldn't set strict rules on homework, tests, presentations, and other works but simply let their minds do the work without any rules like how the work needs to be exactly done.
    Stay happy and healthy, and use this time to study and explore new facts :)
    Dženita Čolo PO4

  38. Hello,
    I think every man is an individual for himself, so learning is very individual too. I mostly use the visual learning style. Also, one of first tasks of education is not only the acquistion concrete knowledge but the training of the child to learn, to find his best way of learning.
    It is up to teachers to offer children interesting content that follows children's interests and develop children's learning habits.
    Every child has different knowledge and predispositions and it is up to the teacher to develop and expend that knowledge.
    Also, many parents and even teachers have a problem motivating children to learn in addition to today's many modern distractions such as smartphones, video games, social networks... If used excessively, they make it difficult for children to focus and concentrate on learning.
    Therefore, in preschool intitutions, it is the educator who encourages children to learn through play and the search for the best individual learning style.
    Aida Rogo, PO4


  39. I think this topic is great, and I liked it the most so far. :) I think it has direct connection with each of us.
    The quiz showed that I am a visual learner to the greatest extent, as I assumed. But I also think it’s very important to emphasize that learning styles are very hard to separate because they intertwine.
    As future teachers we need to talk to children about these topics as well, certainly not directly as presented here, but in the sense of helping them find the best learning style that will help them achieve the best possible results.

  40. Learning is a complex process of adopting new or modifying new information. An important role in the learning process is the way a person processes information. Each of us has a dominant input channel when receiving information (perception). Likewise, we prefer one way of thinking, processing, and understanding information from others. Finding which style suits us best is crucial for future successful learning. There are different approaches to analyzing and categorizing learning styles. One of the better known theories is Fleming's VARK model.

    The VARK model was developed by Neil Flemming in 1987. The acronym VARK stands for:

    Visual - learn from graphic representations of various types
    Aural - learn by listening, love lectures and oral
    Read / write (textual) - learn from words (written, reading), books, references
    Kinesthetic - learn through activity and role-playing. My learning style is kinesthetic. aesthetic types best learn new things while doing them. This type of student is not the most suitable for a classic classroom because they learn best while they are physically active or through activities that require participation. Like auditory types, they don’t take notes. They are often restless and do not like to sit in class, so one can get the impression that they are uninterested.

    Characteristics of the kinesthetic type
    They like to put things together
    They remember very well the things they have already done
    They love school activities like sports and experiments
    They become restless when sitting for an extended period of time
    They do not have a nice handwriting and do not pay attention to grammar
    Learning tips
    Kinesthetic types should take advantage of learning methods that require direct action.

    Learn in short periods
    Kinesthetic types often do not have enough attention while learning, but this does not mean that they should not learn like everyone else. They just need to take short breaks more often, because with this type, long-term sitting can be counterproductive.

    Use as many examples as possible
    Many concepts can be demonstrated by examples. Kinesthetic types often make it easier to make connections between some real-world concepts and examples than just dry facts. The more similar the examples to everyday life situations, the better.

    You study with other people
    Kinesthetic types enjoy conversation and discussion. Talking about what you have learned is a great way to consolidate knowledge.

    Do something while studying or playing music
    Try to occupy your hands with something while learning and thus suppress the desire for distraction. Kinesthetic types can learn more easily with music than others, so it can be a good method of maintaining attention.
    Amina Ramic, PO4

  41. Learning is a complex process of adopting new or modifying new information. An important role in the learning process is the way a person processes information. Each of us has a dominant input channel when receiving information (perception). Likewise, we prefer one way of thinking, processing, and understanding information from others. Finding which style suits us best is crucial for future successful learning. There are different approaches to analyzing and categorizing learning styles. If we have recognized a certain style of learning that is most prevalent among our students, we should apply it the most, because the form of learning itself is not short-term memory. Using learning styles makes it easier and longer for students to remember. If the visual type of learning suits the students the best, then we should try to use the visual style through each teaching content. The kinesthetic style of learning through play is easiest for children and they love it the most. I use multiple learning styles and thus combine previous knowledge with what I need to learn.

    Lejla Hasanspahić, RN IV

    1. Hi Lejla. Why do you think that visual type of learning is the best for the students?

  42. We all have a way in which we learn best, either through observing, listening, or touch. Teachers can accommodate different learning styles by varying the types of activities and assignments presented in the classroom. The three most common learning styles are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Teachers can accommodate students with visual learning styles by using webs, flow charts or maps to organize materials. Color-coded books or highlighted passages within reading materials also help visual learners absorb material. Students with auditory learning styles respond well to group or class discussions. Teachers can accommodate auditory learners by posing questions about material, assigning oral summaries of materials or reading information aloud. Auditory learners can also tape lectures or review sessions to learn the material or engage in songs to learn material. Teachers can accommodate kinesthetic learners by using role play to dramatize concepts or prompt students to move objects to learn new concepts. Kinesthetic learners absorb material well by envisioning scenarios or scenes that illustrate the material. For example, teachers can prompt students to imaging being a character from a novel or assign students a play to write to illustrate the moral of the story. Kinesthetic learners also benefit from writing out materials to be learned or tracing words or diagrams on paper.
    Stanić Suada (V) PO4

  43. Learning is a lifelong process. It starts from the born when we learn how to breed, eat, walk, and it becomes more and more complex. Everyone has its own learning style. Depends on our cognitive abilities and preferences we all have different learning methods.
    I can I am a visual type. I learn by looking – visualize me anything and I will remember it better than if you verbally explain it to me. I would like to say I have photographic memory. Interesting fact is that I faster memorize text with numbers in it. That fact is probably connected with my interest in mathematics from the low age.
    Beside this there are many other learning strategies I like to use to learn better, quicker and more efficient. One of the most important thing for me is the right schedule and right amount of pause in the learning process. I also remember better with the music in the background, but the human voice really disturbs me and I cannot concentrate. In the pauses, I like to relax and dance. Everybody laugh but it relaxes me. In my experience so far, I have noticed that mainly professors of foreign languages were the ones who knew different learning styles of their students. They always tried to adjust their teaching to different learning styles that could give the best results possible.
    I really think it is very important for everybody to find its own learning style. We have to search for the most efficient way of learning. In that way we will be able to reduce learning time, be more productive and have more free time for ourselves which is very important.

    Amra Bajrić, RN III

  44. Learning is a complex process of adopting or modifying new information. An important role in the learning process is the way a person processes information. Finding which style suits us best is crucial for future successful learning. There are different approaches to analyzing and categorizing learning styles. One of the better known theories is Fleming's VARK model:
    1. Visual - learning from graphic representations of various types
    2. Aural - learning by listening, audio lectures and oral speech
    3.Reading/writing (text) - learning from words (written, reading), books, references
    4. Kinesthetic - learning through activity and role-playing
    About 50-70% of the population belongs to the group of combined learning strategies, which means that they learn combining different elements from several styles.

  45. My learning styles are visual and auditory. It influence on me verz, because I can’t learn something if I doesn’t see that or listening about that. If teacher doesn’t explain new lesson I need to read aloud if I want to learn it. My learning style affect on my life by having to study in complete silence and at my home only period of complete silence is night. So I study all night and sleep about 5 hours on day light and continue preparing for night studing, afret sometimes I get tired because I don’t sleep at night and I almost every time afret my exames on college I get sick but it nothing serious, a little bit good night sleep and I feel better. I don’t recognized any learning strategies in my learning. Awareness of different learning styles is important for teachers and students because teacher need to recognize witch learning styles is student and on try to presente knowledge close to students learning styles. If teacher doesn’t recognized that student won’t be able to successfully adopts knowledge. The teachers accommodate their teaching to different learning styles of their students by using different type of technology and learning material to bring closer knowledge to students. The teacher can’t maintain hight expectations for all students because not the all students same, and not all students interests same stuff. Teacher have to know his students need se they can address the learning need of students. Tailoring instruction to learning styles really is helpful for students learn because student understand better knowledge their teacher want to transfer and present. The awareness of my own strengths and preferences help me to appreciate and cater for the diverse ways of my future students learning because I better understand way they can learn and allow me to transfer my knowledge in the right way so my students can understand me and learn better knowledge I give to tham.
    My message for everyone discover your learning styles and recognized witch learning styles are your students and transfer knowledge on the best way to them.

  46. Hello :D
    I think that everyone have their own learning style. My fav learning style is visual learning. It is a learning style that requires visual aids, images, diagrams or graphs to help retain information and guide the learning process.

    Including infographics and photos throughout your presentation slides is a great way to help your audience understand your information. And while you never want to clutter your presentations with blocks of text, this is even more true when catering to visual learners.

    I also really love to learn with my friends, especially with Selma, because together we can learn a lot.

    Dženeta Javoraš

  47. Hello
    I think everyone has their own way of learning.I learn best when I pull out my notes and write on paper.We distinguish several types of learning;visual(learning from graphic representations of various types),aural(learning by listening, audio lectures and oral speech),reading/writing (learning from words (written, reading), books,),kinesthetic( learning through activity and role-playing). Learning is a complex process of acquiring new skills and habits.

  48. This topic was very interesting and useful to me. It is very important to find your learning style. Everyone has their own learning style that helps them learn certain things in the best possible way. I think that practical learning is the best, because that's how we best understand how much we have learned something. We must know how to use the theory we have learned. The most important thing for me, is to learn with understanding. It should be more important for parents that the child learns with understanding and that what he learns he knows how to apply, not grades, because grades, unfortunately, are sometimes not indicators of knowledge.
    Aldina Zejnilović, RN IV

  49. Hello everyone.
    It's important to develop lesson plans to help all the different types of learners absorb information in a way that fits their individual needs. When teacher unterstand the characteristics of different learning styles and assoviated instruction strategies, they are better able to address the instructional requirements of all their students.
    Because every students learns differently, learning styles are widely recognized in both classroom management theory and education theory in general. The term "learning styles" speaks to the unterstanding that every student learn differently. For example, one student might prefer reading about the topic instead.
    My way of learning is little auditory, but I prefer reading/writing. I am student who learn best when information is heard or spoken. I love to read and perform well on written in all of it's form. Actually, I am half-half of these to learning styles.
    Sumejja Musa, PO3

  50. Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques. Learning styles group common ways that people learn. Everyone has a mix of learning styles. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are your styles fixed. You can develop ability in less dominant styles, as well as further develop styles that you already use well. Using multiple learning styles and multiple intelligences for learning is a relatively new approach. This approach is one that educators have only recently started to recognize. Traditional schooling used (and continues to use) mainly linguistic and logical teaching methods. It also uses a limited range of learning and teaching techniques. Many schools still rely on classroom and book-based teaching, much repetition, and pressured exams for reinforcement and review. A result is that we often label those who use these learning styles and techniques as bright. Those who use less favored learning styles often find themselves in lower classes, with various not-so-complimentary labels and sometimes lower quality teaching. This can create positive and negative spirals that reinforce the belief that one is "smart" or "dumb".
    By recognizing and understanding your own learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to you. This improves the speed and quality of your learning.

  51. Hi!
    According to the studies there are four types of learning: visual, auditory, read write and kinesthetic or tactile. The most common are visual lerners. As the name says they learn by seeing things. My learning style is read and write. I like to read books, and thats the easiest way to learn new things for me. Its important to know whats your learning style, because when you know that, you can give 100% from yourself.

    Amna Bajric POIV

  52. This topic is very important for us because we are going to be teachers,
    Learning is the most important life skill, and knowing how to learn is a great asset. Learning drives us from birth and accompanies us throughout life. The ways we learn change throughout life, but learning always nourishes our intellect and develops us as a whole person.

    By school, children are learning in a fun, spontaneous way. They have no pressure of grades, they learn through play and out of interest. In school, learning becomes an obligation and a responsibility. It requires good organization, concentration, self-control and the ability to memorize. What has been learned is evaluated, and the complete person is often assessed through assessment.

    Children who continue to learn in school in the same way as in kindergarten (spontaneously, out of interest, through play) will not achieve good school success. School learning is a skill that also needs to be learned.

  53. There are a lot od different learning styles that students use. No one can learn the same. Everyone hase there way of learning witch is best for them. Like many students are limited with time it’s important to get the most education value in the time they have available. I think that the speed of learning is not as important as understanding because students have to have the ability to remember information. If you have a problem with learning there are a number of different things that you can do to improve it. There are some people who really have problems with learning and remembering, and my opinion is that maybe they should find some professional help so it would be easier for them and they could find ways to learn.

  54. My favorite learning strategy is organizational strategy.The organization s learning strategy is based on the assumption that organized information is easier to remember and harder to forget. The point is to find connection between them.It is important to create a hierarchical connection between the concepts in the material and thus connect them.If there is a lot of material,it is necessary to divide it into smaller units.

  55. Definitelly, there are various styles of learning and acquiring knowledge as there are different tipes of persons, it is quite allright that we also have different learning processes. It is only that we first find the best way which metod suits the best. And also, crucial thing is that we understand what are we actualy learning, and that we know meaning of it.

    Adila Tursanović, PO4


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