
Hello everyone!

This week we will discuss an important issue for all teachers today and that is bullying in schools. Unfortunately, bullying is something that occurs very frequently in schools nowadays. Teachers need to be prepared and trained to recognize the problem of bullying which occurs among their students in a timely manner and do everything they can to solve it, but on the other hand, they should also know how to act preventively.

Defined by the American Psychological Association, bullying ”is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort; bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle actions; the bullied individual typically has trouble defending himself or herself and does nothing to 'cause' the bullying“ (https://www.apa.org/topics/bullying/). Thus, bullying refers to unwanted and agressive behavior among school children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance which is actually at the root of the problem. Kids who bully use their power (e.g. physical strength, access to embarrassing information, popularity, etc.) to control or harm others. Another important characteristic of such behavior is that it happens repeatedly, or has the potential to be repeated over time.

Bullying can occur during or after school hours, in the school building, or on the playground, but it can also happen while travelling to or from school, or in the youth's neighborhood. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may experience serious and lasting problems. Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues like depression, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, loss of interest in activities they used to do, etc. Kids who bully others can also experience violent and risky behaviors (e.g. drop out of school, alcohol and drug abuse, get into fight, vandalize property, have criminal convictions, etc.) that may continue into adulthood.

Most commonly, bullying in schools includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. According to the bully's mode of behavior towards his/her victim, there are three basic types of bullying: (1) verbal bullying (e.g. saying or writing mean things about someone, teasing, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, threatening to cause harm, etc.); (2) social bullying (e.g. hurting someone's reputation or relationships, leaving someone out on purpose, spreading rumors about someone, telling others not to be friends with someone, embarrassing someone in  public, etc.); (3) physical bullying (e.g. hurting a person's body or possessions, hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or breaking someone's things, making mean or rude gestures, etc.).

Nowadays, we are witnessing a new form of bullying – cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. The most common places where it occurs are Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), SMS (Short Message Service), Email, etc. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else, but also sharing personal or private information about someone thus causing embarrassement or humiliation to that person. The content an individual shares online – comments, photos, posts, and content – creates a kind of permanent public record which can be thought of as an online reputation accessible to schools, employers, colleges, and others who may be researching an individual now or in the future. Thus, cyberbullying can harm the online reputation of everyone as it crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior.

Generally, both children who are bullied and those who are bullies have certain risk factors for the occurence of bullying.  Children at risk of being bullied are usually perceived as different from their peers, e.g. overweight or underweight, wearing glasses or different clothes, being new to a school, weak or unable to defend themselves, with low self-esteem, less popular than others and with few friends, etc. Children who are likely to bully others are usually popular and well-connected to their peers, have social power and like to dominate, or they may also be the ones who are more isolated from the peers, with low self-esteem and easily pressured by peers, etc. Children who bully others are usually aggressive or easily frustrated, they may have less parental involvement or issues at home, have difficulty following rules, etc.

It is very important both for parents and teachers to be able to recognize the warning signs for bullying. It is the first step in taking any action against bullying especially because not all children who are bullied or are bullying others will ask for help. There are many warning signs that may indicate that someone is affected by bullying – either being bullied or bullying others: (1) signs a child is being bullied: unexplainable injuries, lost or destroyed personal possessions, health issues like headaches or stomachaches, changes in eating habits, difficulty with sleeping, declining grades nad loss of interest in schoolwork, decreased self-esteem, self-destructive behaviors, etc.; (2) signs a child is bullying others: getting into physical or verbal fights, aggressive behavior, having friends who bully others, worrying about the reputation and popularita among the peers, blaming others for one's own actions, being sent to the principal's office frequently, etc.

In case of cyberbullying, there are also warning signs that a child is being cyberbullied or is cyberbullying others such as: noticeable increases or decreases in device use (including texting), the child's emotional response (laughter, anger, upset) to what is happening on the device, hiding the screen or device when others are near, avoiding discussion about what's going on, social media accounts are shut down or new ones appear, avoiding social situations that were enjoyable for the child in the past, etc.

Parents and teachers should take the same approach to address bullying in whatever form it appears: support the child being bullied, address the bullying behavior of a participant, and show children that bullying is taken seriously and that it should stop immediately. Preventing and stopping bullying involves a commitment to creating a safe environment where children can grow socially and academically, without being afraid of anyone or anything. There are many useful actions that teachers, parents and students can take to address bullying, e.g. take bullying seriously and be knowledgeable and observant, involve students and parents in antibullying activities, create a safe learning environment and set positive expectations about behavior , talk about bullying, become familiar with bullying indicators, teach students to be effective bystanders, maintain open communication with students, increase bullying awareness among parents/ students/ teachers, respond quickly and adequately to every bullying incident, speak with the victim and the bully separately, etc.

When it comes to cyberbullying which actually happens online, responding to it requires a slightly different approach. The digital world is constantly evolving with new social media platforms, apps, and devices, and children and teens are often the first to use them. Thus, parents and teachers also need to be prepared to respond to the challenge and constantly raise their digital awareness. In order to prevent cyberbullying adults should monitor a child's social media sites, apps, and browsing history, review or reset the child's phone location or privacy settings, stay up-to-date on the latest apps and social media platforms, establish rules about online activities, take screenshots of harmful posts or content if possible, report offensive content to the school or the police, etc.

Teachers should know that bullying is very common in schools today and not only does it distract students from learning, but it also hampers the learning environment and it may cause very serious mental and health problems to students. Turning a blind eye to bullying causes students to lose faith in you as an educator and as a person. Remember that we should all do something to prevent and stop bullying in our schools. As educators, teachers have a responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment in school – one that protects every student from bullying. Teachers should not only identify and address bullying on a constant basis, but they must also create a culture of respect and dignity among their students.

Here are some questions to think about before joining our blog discussion:

What is bullying and in what forms does it usually occur?
When / Where / Why does bullying typically happen?
What are the effects of bullying?
What could be the warning signs of kids who are bullied and kids who bully others?
What is the role of bystanders to bullying and how do they typically behave?
What is cyberbullying and how can it be prevented?
What can we do when cyberbullying happens?
How can parents, teachers and students take action to prevent bullying?
How can you educate your future students and their parents about bullying?
How can you as a teacher prevent bullying in your classroom?
Can you make an action plan on how to prevent and deal with bullying in schools? Etc.

Useful links:

How to prevent bullying
Bullying: Guidelines for Teachers
Facts about Bullying

See you 'online'!



  1. Hallo everyone!
    Bullying can occur almost anywhere, but particularly where there is either inadequate or no adult supervision.
    bullying in schools frequently takes place in the playground, especially at primary school level. school playgrounds with hidden or obscured parts away from adult supervision can provide an environment conducive to bullying.while the home has always been considered a safe haven.but bullying behaviour can often begin within the home, with children learning that behaviour from parents or siblings, or indeed suffering bullying at the hands of a family member themselves. Verbal bullying is often very difficult to identify because attacks almost always occur when adults aren’t around.Children need to understand how important it is to report bullying. Parents can help by encouraging children to talk about what is happening at school, in their neighbourhoods, on the bus, etc.
    Marijana Pustivuk PO 4

    1. Hi Marijana, how are you? :)
      I aree with everything you wrote, especially that the violence is starting in child's home.

    2. Hi Lejla,
      I'm good, thank you for asking . I'm glad you agree with me .

    3. Hi Marijana :)
      I can agree with everything you wrote. I think that parents play an important role when it comes to bullying.

    4. HI, Majaa, I agree with you.
      Can we as teachers prevent abuse?

      Džemila Karamuja, PO, IV

    5. Hi Dzemila!
      Of course! We as teachers must prevent abuse. It is the teacher's job to detect and prevent bullying.
      Marijana Pustivuk PO4

    6. Hi, Majoo, I agree with you :),
      thanks for your reply

      Džemila Karamuja, PO,IV

    7. A lot of teenagers get bullied every day in school, just like I was. It’s sad to hear that some people bully others because they don’t deserve it.I was afraid of going to school because of bullies.If somebody knows that somebody is being bullied, they should help him/her because many things go through teenage mind. A lot of teenagers commit suicide because of bullying and that’s sad. Bullies should get punished.

    8. Hi,my name is Arnela.

      Violence is very bad, be it children or other persons. I would never want that to happen to anyone. We need not spread violence but love.

  2. This is very important topic to talk about especially because we are future teachers and we need to know how to recognize and stop bullying in school. I had an assignment last semester on this topic and I read a lot of bullying articles. Bullying is one of the largest problems in schools.Bullying and teasing are similar, but one of the key differences between them is intention. Teasing becomes bullying when it is a repetitive behavior with the intention to harm or hurt another child. Bullying can make kids feel hurt, scared, lonely, embarrassed and sad. It can also make kids fearful of and unwilling to attend school. I think that is very importan for children to be able to tell their parent all about their bullying problems because parents are best friend to them and they will know how to help. If the parents do not trust the child or think that the child is exaggerating, he can always come to his teacher or someone in school to talk about his problem with bully but it's important not to give up. Also, it is never a good idea to bully back the bully because violence doesn't solve anything. And for the teacher is very important to react properly with both, the victim and the abuser, as well. School administration can do a lot to make safe envoirment. For example, school should enhance the monitoring of areas that have less supervision by adults by additional adults or using enhanced security techniques including closed circuit cameras. Schools can also establish anonymous reporting tools like suggestion boxes or hotlines where students can send text messages or leave voicemails.

    1. Hi Lejla! ❣️

      I totaly agree with you. I like this idea: Schools can also establish anonymous reporting tools like suggestion boxes or hotlines where students can send text messages or leave voicemails.”

      How actual this topic is in and out of school? 🤔

    2. Hi Lejla
      I agree with you that is very important topc and we need talk about it more.
      Mirhu Majdanac, PO4

    3. Hi my dear friend Meliha.
      I think that is more important out of schools then in the schools. It should be the opposite way.

  3. Hello friends! 🖐

    Bullying is on of the largest problems in schools. Bullying can make kids fell hurt, scared, lonely and sad. Bullying can happen in person or online. Bullying behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. There are many different types of bullying that can be experienced by children and adults alike, some are obvious to spot while others can be more subtle. Like: Physical bullying - includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property.  Physical bullying causes both short term and long term damage. Verbal bullying -includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation.Social bullying - sometimes referred to as covert bullying, is often harder to recognise and can be carried out behind the bullied person’s back. School signs of bullying; Doesn't want to go to school,
    Changes their route to school or are frightened of walking to school,
    Doesn't want to go to school on the bus/tram/train,
    School grades begin to fall. The big question is how to stop bullying? The first recommended step is to try to get your child to open up about what's happening in their life by showing them that you understand, and won’t judge them. Bullying can be prevented with education. It is very important to be a role model for students and everyday to indicate what consequences bullying brings. You have to show them that you are their friend and that they should openly talk about their problems.

    1. Hi Meliha :)
      Just because of these consequences that bullyng brings I think that teachers have to know to recognize bullying and stop it on time.

    2. Hi Meliha !
      What do you think how teachers can prevent bullying in school?

    3. Hi Fuada! 🖐 How are you!

      Nice question. As an educator, you have a responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment in your classroom—one that protects every student from bullying. This means you must not only identify and address bullying on a consistent basis, but you also must create a culture of respect and dignity in your classroom. We have to talk sbout bullying, Become Familiar With Bullying Indicators, Teach Students to be Effective Bystanders, Increase Bullying Awareness Among Parents.

    4. Hi Meliha.
      How would you prevent violence in your class?

    5. Hi Dženita 😁 Violence is a very difficult topic. We as teachers must be friends with our students. They need to feel safe with us, we need to talk to them and keep their secrets.
      Talk about this topic regularly.

  4. Hello :)

    Bullying is more widespread than ever, which is why we live in a good violent society, so child mocking, pushing, ridiculing or ignoring adults is rarely seen as more than just child misconduct. And the kids are packing, considering us everyday watching and listening - from family feuds to daily newspaper headlines - to bullying, if not sacrificed, as a fun show. Sometimes moving a child who is a bullying victim to another school is a solution. The message we give to the child is essential. We will not tell him to run away from the problem, but to try to solve it. When we see that some behaviors cannot change, we even suggest a change in the environment.

    1. Hello Fuada :)
      I like how you said they shouldn't run from the problem, but should try to solve it. I think that's the most important thing to do.

      Tereza Čuturić

    2. Hi Fuada, Do modern technologies contribute to abuse?

      Džemila Karamuja, PO,IV

    3. Hi Fuada, I agree with every sentntece you have written.

    4. Hi Fuada,
      I totally agree with your opinion.
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    5. Hi Džemila
      They contribute a lot. Parents need to have control over their children when it comes to technology.

    6. Hi Fuada, Yes, it is the parents who direct their children.

      Džemila Karamuja, PO,IV

    7. Hello Fuada,

      You have made some great points in your comment, and I think that the most important one is to encourage the people abused to stand up and face the problem, because that is the most important step in resolving the problem.


      Durmić Azra

    8. Dear Fuada, did you ever listen in school about bulling? Are those presentation usefull for children who maybe are victims of bulling

    9. Hi Edita :)
      Yes, many times. Not only in school, but also in various classes. Of course it might help if the kids listen to the same classes. There is a possibility of reducing this violence at least slightly.

    10. Hi Fuada.
      I agree with you.

      Sibila Nuhanović PO4

  5. I think this is a very important topic that we need to talk about. We are future educators and teachers so we need to know how to stop bullying in schools or even in kindergartens.
    Bullying can threaten students' physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn. So, the best way to address bullying is to stop it before it starts. There are many different groups that can intervene to address bullying in schools: parents, teachers, and school leadership. So, we need to recognize and stop bullying in school at the right time.

    Tereza Čuturić

    1. Hi Tereza ! i agree with your opinion How we can suppress peer violence ? MEDINA KUNIĆ RN 4

    2. Hello Tereza !

      What do you think why does bullying typically happen?


    3. Hello, my dear Tereza, if you in kindergarten experience bullying between kids, how will you react?

    4. Hello Tereza :)
      I like how you said that, I have the same opinion.
      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    5. Hi Medina. Well, as a future educators and teachers we need to recognize it on time and try to solve it in the best possible way. I think that with some experience in our future jobs, we will be able to handle it.

      Tereza Čuturić, PO4

    6. Hello Fuada :) Nice to meet you :)
      I can't say it exactly, but in my opinion the problem is wrong education.

      Tereza Čuturić, PO4

    7. Hello, my dear Ena :)
      Well, I don't have so much experience with that, but I think I would try to solve problem like that trough the conversation first.

      Tereza Čuturić, PO4

    8. Hello Hamida. Nice to meet you. I'm glad that we share the same opinion :)

      Tereza Čuturić, PO4

    9. Hello Tereza. What are you think what can we do when cyberbullying happens?
      Aldina Zejnilović, RN IV

  6. Violence is one of the key problems that occurs everywhere in the world, including children. Each type of violence has certain consequences for the child and the wider community. Violence is a form of abuse that is manifested by the use of force against a person. Each type of violence leads to inappropriate behaviors that can later be transmitted to criminal acts. There is a need to educate children more about violence itself, its consequences for the other , and so on. MEDINA KUNIĆ RN4

    1. Hi Medina, in your opinion, what should teacher do to prevent bullying?
      Valentina Šutalo, RNIV


    2. Hi Medina. What do you think, how teachers can educate children more about violence? Do you know any successful methods?

      Antonela Selak, RN4

    3. Hi Valentina! In my opinion, the teacher should do the following to prevent bullying:work with students, parents and the local community is needed, work shoud be done to developed emotional intelligence, to undertstand the feelings of other students and thus work to develop empathy in children which leads to a reductionin students violence..It is important to speak with parents and alert them to issues of violence among students, as well as to the underlying reasons that encourage abusive behaviour. Recommend to parents that issues of violence should always be addressed together with the classmate , educator. It is also important to talk to your parents abouth why violence is occurring so that they can gain insight into their behavior and understand the importance of the role that behavior plays. Parents should be actively involved. A referral system/protocol should be established for dealing with violence and violence must be talked about. Medina Kunić RN 4

      Hi Antonela! In response to violence in different countries in Europe, there are various programs that seek to influence the reductions of violence in school.These programs differ in many features .Some of the Programs(methods) is also focused on individual support house in of the socia skills, assertiveness, confidence building and behaviour change. Also, the one of methods can be in the social, emotional, and skilles behavior and monitoring the application of the same(this programs produces the best results at an earlier age of 5-11 years).The program includes 5 key elements: self-awareness, empathy emotion management, motivation and social skills , including communication. Medina Kunić RN4

  7. Bullying occur in form of violence. It usually apears in primary and high school where violent children attack other - on first sight- weak children from their school. They attack them in so many different ways. It can be occured with bad words, also by hiting them. This case is big problem in so many schools. Those violent kids are mostly from families where they use to watch violence between family members. We can see fear in eyes of bullied children, he/she becomes unsecure, refusing eating, talking with parents and the major reason is fear to get in bigger trouble. Parents, teachers in situation like this must find the best way to solve the problem of bullying. Theacher can say that they will punish every person who would try to do something wrong to other one. They can also talk about behavior which is positive for all of them. They will talk about spreading goodness, getting revards for polite behavior, etc.

    Emina Suljovic, RN III

    1. Hi Emina ! I agree with your opinion . How we can prevent cyberbullying ?Medina Kunić RN 4

    2. Hi Emina, in your opinion, what should teachers do to stop bullying?
      Valentina Šutalo, RNIV

    3. Hi Emina,
      I totally agree with your opinion.

    4. I agree with you Emina, parents, teachers in situation like this must find the best way to solve the problem of bullying.

      Alma Nizić RN 4

  8. The family environment should provide every child with a lot of love, safety and parental care, that is, providing them with everything they need for normal growth and development, but sometimes this is not the case. Instead of love and support, the child is abused or neglected, which is a traumatic experience for him / her that leaves deep scars. It is extremely important that abused children are helped in a timely manner, in order to give them the opportunity to recover from trauma and to stop the intergenerational transmission of abuse. While physical / physical abuse is the easiest to spot, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse or neglect of the child, are harder to spot and can go unrecorded for long, leaving a deep and lasting scar. In order to be able to act in a timely manner, we need to know exactly what abuse is, what are the indicators and consequences of certain forms of abuse. Džemila Karamuja PO, IV

    1. Hi Dzemila ! My dear frend. How are you?
      Do you know anyone who has suffered bullying?

    2. Hi Majoo, Luckily. I don't know, but I've listened to various stories from the media and the environment in general.
      I'm great, how are you?

      Džemila Karamuja, PO,IV

    3. I'm good 😁 Thank you for asking !

  9. Bullying can affect everyone—those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide. Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. It can make students feel lonely, unhappy and frightened. Being bullied can affect everything about a child: how they see themselves, their friends, school, and their future. Students who are bullied often experience depression, low self-esteem that may last a lifetime, shyness, loneliness, physical illnesses, and threatened or attempted self-harm. Students who bully others usually have problems themselves and are generally unhappy in their own lives.
    As educators, we have a responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment in our classroom—one that protects every student from bullying.
    Valentina Šutalo, RNIV


    1. Hi Valentina. This is really well said. I agree with you that someone who bullies others have problems with themselves and are generally unhappy in their own lives.

      Antonela Selak, RN4

    2. My dear friend Nela, I'm glad, we have the same opinion :)

  10. Bullying is I think a fear for every child. Bullying isn’t so rare in schools, neighborhood, with friends… I really can’t realize why kids bullying. Maybe they are bullied and that is for them some hiding. Bullying can leave big consequences for person even when she become an adult. Teacher is important in this case. He need to react on bullying and ask why it happens. He shouldn’t just ignore it. Cyberbully is harder to control, but it isn’t impossible. Parents need to have investigation what kids to do on internet.

    1. Hello Ena,
      I agree with all what you said. I think that kids bullying because most of them have been under bullying already by someone else. Unfortunately...
      Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    2. Hello Ena,
      how you would behave if you see the bullying between your students?

    3. Hello Ena. What are you think how can parents, teachers and students take action to prevent bullying?
      Aldina Zejnilović, RN IV

  11. Hello everyone,
    bullying can occur everywhere and be caused by everyone. Still, it is more pressing in social environments, such as schools as the students still find themselves in an ongoing development.
    More precisely, bullying can be rather impactful on ones future as it can lead to severe depression or other mental issues.
    As a matter of fact, teachers have to immediately notice such behavior and thus act accordingly. For instance; sudden bad grade and unusual behavior can be clear signs for victimization of bullying.
    In the meantime, cyber bulling is another obstacle and slowly gathering pace in today’s society. Parents need to realize its influence and its ordinariness. This is possible by reporting any remarks to the administrations, such as teachers.
    It is truly essential to openly address these difficulties in class and thus to act against it.

    1. Hi Semira :)
      how you would behave if you see the bullying between your students?

    2. Dear Semira,

      i totally agree with your opinion.

      Alma Nizić RN 4

  12. This is a very sensitive topic, but unfortunately always topical. We are witnessing that violence us happing everywhere today, including in schools.

    Bullying in school is unwanted, agressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has potentional to be repeated, over time.

    There are several tipes ofvbullying physical, emotional, verbal, cyberbullying, sexual bullying.
    That includes a lot of bullyings: leaving someone out; calling somone names; making fun of sumeone; putting someone down; punching or kicking someone; staling, ignoring and threatening someone etc.
    Knowing all of this we can say that bullying can have a lot of effect on a stundent including anger, depression, stress and suicide. Kids who are bullied are often withdraen, timid, most of their times spend alone, etc.

    The role of bystanders is very important. He can point to abuse, help someone who is bullied for finding help and feel better, but also helping someone who is bullying ti stop doing that anymore.

    Cyberbullying is bullying that takes places over digital devices like cell phones, computers and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, text and apps or online in social media, forums, etc.

    There are many solutions to try solve this problem. Some of them are education of students, parents, teachers, etc. to inform then about types of bullying and consequences.
    Communication between parents, students and teachers is very important. Teachers have big responsibility. They should track down a behavior of their students and try to recognize a form of bullying behavior so they can take a certain actions.

    I find 6 ways educators can prevet bullying in school that I used in my presentation on 3rd year when I was talking about this topic together with my colleagues:
    - Teach kindness and emphaty
    - Create opportunities for connection
    - Identify 'gateway behaviors'
    - Use the arts to create context
    - Minimize 'concentric circled' in schools
    - Participate in simulations

    DON'T BULLY ...

    Antonela Selak, RN4

  13. Hello dear friends,

    Today we are talking about something that is happening everywhere in the world and most schoolchildren are hiding from the public. I think bullying is a really scary thing that can happen to one child.
    Bullying can happen anywhere. It can occur in your neighborhood, while going to school, at school, and while on-line.
    What is bullying? Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions on purpose, usually more than once, feels bad because of it, and has a hard time stopping what is happening to them.
    Bullying can be physical ( hitting, pushing and shoving, fighting, tripping, yelling at someone, making rude gestures, taking or breaking another person’s things...), emotional ( laughing at someone, leaving someone out on purpose, trying to make someone feel bad about who they are...) and cyberbullying (using technology—internet, email, cell phones, social media, pictures— to hurt or harm someone else as sending or posting pictures that are not yours to share, making negative comments online about someone, agreeing with someone who posts something hurtful...)

    What can we do with bullying? First of all, (1) tell a trusted adult. Adults in positions of authority, like parents, teachers, or coaches, often can deal with bullying without the bully ever learning how they found out about it.

    (2) Ignore the bully and walk away. Bullies like getting a reaction. If you walk away or ignore them, you're telling them that you don't care.

    (3) Practice confidence. Practice ways to respond to the bully verbally or through your behavior. Practice feeling good about yourself (even if you have to fake it at first).

    (4) Bullying is not a taboo topic, it should be discussed so you should not run away from a visit to a psychologist if you feel that you need it.

    Bullying is never okay, cool, or acceptable.
    No one EVER deserves to be bullied!

    Stay friendly, bye! :)
    Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    1. Hi Nerma :)
      I really like your anti-bullying advices!
      I think they should be presented to all students in schools, on a poster, presentation or something similar.

    2. Hi Nerma, I agree with you, No one EVER deservet to be bullied and we like future teachers can help to stop it.🤗🤗

    3. Dear @Naida thank you very much! I hope they will be presented somewhere in your future class and that it will be really helpful to someone if he/she has a problem. ☺️

      @Mirhunisa I'm glad we share the same opinion. ☺️

  14. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
    There are three types of bullying:
    1. Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things.
    2. Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships.
    3. Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions.
    Educators can use the following tips to intervene appropriately when bullying occurs.
    THE DO's:
    1. Stop the bullying immediately.
    2. Refer to school rules regarding bullying.
    3. Support the bullied child.
    4. Offer guidance to bystanders.
    5. Impose immediate consequences.
    6. Notify colleagues and parents.
    7. Follow up and intervene as necessary.
    THE DON'Ts:
    1. Do not confuse bullying with conflict.
    2. Do not use peer mediation.
    3. Do not use group treatment for bullies.

    Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation.

    1. Hi dear Šejla! How is “direct bullying” different from “indirect bullying” ?

  15. Unfortunately, bullying is present around us both in the past and now, and I think it will take a lot of effort to fully eradicate it. It happens all the time, and all around us. School is one place where every child has to be protected, and different forms of bullying take place even here.

    I consider this a very important topic that needs to be discussed daily with students. This is the only way to present the image of bullying to young children as something that is wrong and undesirable, and not as something cool and popular.
    We should strive to create an environment, a school and a classroom free of abusers and abusers.
    Cyberbulling is harder to detect and prevent, but we certainly need the help of parents.

    Bullying is a very dangerous thing that can have lasting effects on children and mark them in many ways.
    That is why we, as teachers, are obliged to create from our students people who will be righteous, honest, kind, polite, and who will help one another, regardless of differences between them in any sense.

    1. Hi dear Naida! 🖐

      This is great!

    2. Hi Naida. What do you think are the signs that a child has been abused?

    3. Hi Amera. We can see it many ways, sometimes we can see it physically, but sometimes we can get it from the way child behaves.

    4. Hello Naida, I agree with all what you said.

  16. Hello friends, we are again online😊
    Bullies often pick on people over and over again. This can make teens:

    feel afraid, stressed, depressed, or anxious
    have thoughts about suicide or hurting themselves
    have trouble with their schoolwork
    have problems with mood, energy level, sleep, and appetite

    Both guys and girls can be bullies. Bullies may be: outgoing and aggressive. This kind of bully might make fun of you to your face or physically hurt you. This kind of bully might try to manipulate in secret. They might anonymously start a damaging rumor just to see what happens.
    friendly and fake. This kind of bully might pretend to be your friend so that you tell them things, but then do hurtful things behind your back.
    Many bullies are a lot alike. They like to be in control of others
    are focused on themselves
    have poor social skills and have a hard time getting along with people
    might not care about people, or lack empathy
    are often insecure and bully others to make themselves feel better
    Some bullies don't understand normal social emotions like guilt, empathy, compassion, or remorse. These people need help from a mental health professional like a counselor, social worker, psychiatrist, or psychologist.
    There are many things that you can do if you're being bullied or know someone who is. We can:Tell a trusted adult, to teachers and paernts. Adults in positions of authority, like coaches, often can deal with bullying without the bully ever learning how they found out about it.

    Ignore the bully and walk away. Bullies like getting a reaction. If you walk away or ignore them, you're telling them that you don't care, they lose trust in you, and feel alone.

    Walk tall and hold your head high. Using this type of body language sends a message that you're not vulnerable.
    Take care about our kids our kids, talk with them. Educate them about Internet, pohones, aplications who are they use, to use very careful, tell them what can be if somone start to write bad with them. I think that everything start in home, with our parents and family.😊
    Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

    1. Like you comment very much Mirhu ❤

    2. Dear Mirhu, your post is very good, and i agree with most of it. And yes I agree that everything starts and comes from home, with our parents and family, too.

  17. Hello, friends! :)
    Teachers are either not efficiently trained or don't want to be ones dealing with it in schools. They should not need to be either. They should be specialists in teaching. They are certainly not behavior specialists or psychologists. Professionally trained persons need to be appointed for each school. Not a teacher or principal - they already have too much to do. This country needs to take more real action FOR children - not throw more cash at parents to be spent anywhere but on their children. Bullying is a serious issue and needs serious attention at this point to effect lifelong changes. Our judiciary currently also need to take the "school yard" violence more seriously.

    1. Hi Alma. How are you? I agree with your comment.
      What do you think we as educators can do to reduce violence?

    2. Dear Alma, I agree with you. Expert teams must be involved in this. Teachers cannot reach and recognize everything.
      Selma Jordamović RN IV

    3. Hi, Dženita and Selma! :) Teachers who turn a blind eye to problems are communicating that they are approving bullying behaviors. Bullying is a form of violence that can contribute to a problem. Six strategies: teach kindness and empathy, create opportunities for connection, identify ‘gateway behaviors', use the arts to create context, minimize ‘concentric circles’ in schools and participate in simulations.

  18. Bullying is not a new phenomenon, but in recent years it has been increasingly given attention to what has long been needed. There are various programs that seek to help reduce the incidence of bullying in schools. Various forms of violence make victims feel frustrated, angry, humiliated, isolated, hopeless, hurt, scared, which further leads them to the risk of poor school performance, low self-esteem, depression and even suicidal thoughts or attempts.
    Selma Neimarlija, PO4.

    1. Hi Selma. In your opinion, what forms of violence are most common?

    2. Hello Selma. How to detect violence in a student who hides it from everyone?

  19. Hello!
    Bullying is physical or verbal aggression that is repeated over a period and, in contrast to meanness, involves an imbalance of power. Twenty-eight percent of young people from grades six through 12 have been the victim of bullying. I think this is very alarming information and is an indication that something must be done to eliminate bullying from our society.
    Many bullies are a lot alike. They:
    • like to be in control of others
    • are focused on themselves
    • have poor social skills and have a hard time getting along with people
    • are often insecure and bully others to make themselves feel better

    Join your school's bullying or violence prevention programs. Peer mediation is another way you may be able to work things out with a bully. If your school doesn't have these programs, start one of your own.

    Alma Nizić RN 4

    1. Hi Alma :)
      What would you do if there were bullying in your classroom?

    2. @Alma

      I think that percentage was higher earlier.

      Ensar, RN IV

  20. Hello everyone!
    My opinion is that violence arises as a product of family problems and is passed on to the child. If the child has seen the father and mother quarrel or hit, the child will perceive such behavior as normal and will start using it in their environment. We, as educators, can see in early childhood whether the child exhibits aggressive behaviors, observing the child's attitude toward friends and toys. As parents and educators, we have a duty to warn children of the harmfulness of such behavior and to react in the beginning so that it is not too late afterwards. , as educators, if we have noticed that a child is aggressive or withdrawn, I think we should first gain his or her confidence so that he or she can open up to us and that they can move towards solving the problem. As for cyberbulling as parents, we should keep up to date with what our children look at and respond to in time.I also think that even though we live in the 21st century, children have no need to have social networks and post their photos.If parents allow them to use social networking it is very important to monitor your child's activity so as not to harm yourself or your friend. With the help of various workshops, we can explain to the children what the benefits of using the internet are, and how much harm it can be if we use it incorrectly.

    1. "My opinion is that violence arises as a product of family problems and is passed on to the child. If the child has seen the father and mother quarrel or hit, the child will perceive such behavior as normal and will start using it in their environment." This is devastating... :(

  21. Peer violence is a term we face on a daily basis that seems very simple at first glance. All of us can probably imagine a bully or know the story of a child or young person who has experienced violence. But by watching students in the schoolyard, the boundaries become much more blurred. Peer violence takes many forms, and the stories of children and young people who have experienced it are very different. In addition, each of us defines the boundaries of acceptable behavior differently, and when viewed from the side of everyday situations, such as friendly teasing, may seem very close to peer violence.It is precisely the uncertainty about the meaning of the situation we face that is one of the most common obstacles in deciding to respond. If we consider that there is cause for concern, that one's behavior crosses the boundaries without the person being able to defend them alone, we will consider that there is a need to take action. If we perceive one's behavior as friendly teasing or a quarrel that they have to resolve themselves, we are likely to leave it to the people involved. Since this is the first step in the process of deciding whether or not to help someone, it is very important to be able to accurately assess when a situation is worrying or out of control.

    1. Hi Lejla. Which are some of the causes of bullying?

    2. Hi Samira. Only some of the causes of violence can be students 'dissatisfaction with the environment in which they find themselves, students' desire to prove themselves in front of their friends, family problems, the child's depression and loneliness, etc..

  22. Bullying is being mean to another kid over and over again. Bullying does not always happen in person. Bullying is never ok. Those who bully use power to hurt people. Power does not always mean bigger or stronger. Power can also mean popular or smart. Or, the kid doing the bullying may know a secret about the kid being bullied.Kids who bully can have other problems, too, even when they get older, like using alcohol and drugs, getting into fights, and dropping out of school.
    Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that happens online or through text messages or emails. It includes posting rumors on sites like Facebook, sharing embarrassing pictures or videos, and making fake profiles or websites.
    It is believed that lack of parental involvement is the biggest problem that our schools face today. Many parents are busy working and feel they simply don't have the time to dedicate to getting involved. It's not that they don't want to, or they are trying to be mean, but we live in a fast-paced two-income society today that often keeps both parents busy until dinner time each day. Schools should have strong repercussions for bullying. Bullying is now an illegal offense and there should be zero tolerance for this behaviour. Educators should teach the children skills for handling bullies through role-playing and other techniques. For example, the students can write plays and act out different bullying scenarios in the classroom. Each child should act out being the bully, the bully’s supporter and the victim, to gain a more tangible understanding. Bullying has been a part of society since its inception, and will not easily disappear. But with the joint effort of the schools, the parents and the children, going to school can become a healthier, safer experience.

    1. Hello Amila! How do you think that can be prevented?
      Marija Bekić, PO4

    2. Hello Marija, first of all I would help kids understand bullying. Talk about what bullying is and how to stand up to it safely. Tell kids bullying is unacceptable. Make sure kids know how to get help. Keep the lines of communication open. Check in with kids often. Listen to them. Know their friends, ask about school, and understand their concerns. I would encourage kids to do what they love. Special activities, interests, and hobbies can boost confidence, help kids make friends, and protect them from bullying behavior.

  23. Bullying is an intentional behavior that harms, or humiliates a student, either physically or emotionally, and can happen while at school, in the community, or online, specifically in those areas where there is little or no adult supervision. Bullying is different from conflict. Conflict is a disagreement in which both sides express their views. Bullying is negative behavior directed by someone exerting power and control over another person.Bullying has detrimental effects on students' health, wellbeing and learning. It can make students feel lonely, unhappy and frightened. Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten... How we can protect yourself? We need to take advantage of privacy settings. Also we need to control what content should remain private on the websites we use. Think before you post. Never forget that the internet is public. Keep personal information personal like address, phone number...As a teacher we can prevent bullying on the next way. Build a relationship with students from the start. The foundation of effective bullying prevention is to create a classroom that has a positive climate. When students feel safe and know that you will listen to their concerns, they are more likely to share their problems with bullying. Encourage them to talk to you by making yourself available.
    Teach students about bullying. Regardless of the age or grade level of students, they can all benefit from knowing what bullying is, why it’s bad, the consequences of it, and that it won’t be tolerated. Identify and prevent early signs of bullying. Maintain open communication with student’s families. Parents of students could have an extremely positive effect in students’ lives. We should encourage them to be involved in their children’s school life. It’s also good to build a relationship with students’ family in case we have any bullying concerns.

  24. When it comes to violence, I think the most common is verbal violence. I think that even the smallest signs that can indicate that this is violence should be prevented as soon as possible. I think teachers could prevent bullying among children by constantly mentioning that we should all hang out and not avoid anyone. Also, I think that through different group work, games could prevent child violence.
    In addition to verbal violence, with the advent of new technology, cyberbullying is increasingly present today. Children should not use social networks. In this way, children would be prevented from cyberbullying .
    Students could be educated about violence through various presentations, such as presented by their teachers. A child who is abused by others should not enter into discussions with children who abuse him / her, the abuser should be ignored. Also, children who are bullied by others should not be isolated, but should be in a group with other children. I think these are some ways to try to prevent violence.
    Hadžiabdić Amera, RN IV

    1. Dear Amera, I agree with you that children should not use social networks before they reach adulthood.
      Teachers, on the other hand, need to be more trained in this kind of work.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV


    2. Hi Amera, what would you do about violence and how and how would you prevent it?

  25. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are some common forms of violence among young people that are not even considered to be the act of it. For example: making someone to get the water without his or her acceptance to do so. If a young person accept to do it, it is usually being done out of fear or under force, which is also one form of violence. Bullying is internationaly recognized term that marks different forms of violence that children are putting against each other. People who use bullying to another person could be both - boys and girls. If some people are making others to ignore and avoid other young person, that is also considered as bullying. Bullying is a form of volence that leads to pain, whether it is pshyical od mental, in both cases person is going through very stresfull and uncomfortable experiences that could result in very serious consequences.
    Marija Bekić, PO4

    1. Hi Marija.
      I agree with you, but what you think about what could be done to prevent bullying, or what would you do if you came in that situation with your children (I mean in kindergarten)? :)

  26. Bullying is one of the largest problem for children. Bullying can be physical or psychic. Children which are bullyied can be scared, associal and have anxiety disorders. Parrents and teachers must talk with children and show them understanding and show that children can lean on them. In that way we ensure help for children and life which every children deserves.

    Sibila Nuhanović

  27. Hello, this is one very important and hard topic which should be discussed. Bullying can happen to anyone and anywhere. It can be mentally and physically. It can have the worst effects on children, because they are usually not mentally strong enough to handle it. That is why it is important that parents and teachers get involved as soon as they notice changes in their children. The sooner bullying is detected, recovery process will be easier. It is also very important for children to be educated about bullying. It is important that children have confidence in their parents or teachers and that they can tell them everything. Also, the children needs to have a lot of support to go through this kind of maltreatment.

    Sandra Jazović PO 4

    1. Dear Sandra,

      I very much agree with the points you made in your comment, and what I would like to know, is whether the attention needs to be focused more on the person that is being bullied or the person who bullies the other ? I would be grateful if I could read your opinion on this, thank you in advance.

      Kind regards,

      Azra Durmić

    2. Hi Sandra :)

      Imagine, you are an educator, and you notice that in your group is being bullying! What are you going to do step by step?
      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

  28. Hi everyone :)
    Bullying is something we all saw sometimes in our elementary or high school, attended to or maybe even been bullied in some kind of way. Teachers can have a big effect on that, they can do many things to prevent bullying and in my opinion nowadays is way harder to handle with that and to prevent that as it used to be. In my elementary school were few kinds of bullying, but that wasn’t something for long terms because as soon as the teachers would found out about that, it would stop and they did a good job about it. But nowadays, when it’s cyberbullying more present, it’s very hard to do something about that and to do anything to prevent that. Anyone can use social media, anyone can write anything they want, they make fake profiles, post whatever they want and there is not much teachers can do about it. Bullying often comes from unhappy families, from kids they already have been bullied from someone and they find it like some kind of defence. The most important thing that teachers can do is to talk to their students, to say something powerful everyday, to talk to them what is good and what is wrong to do, to talk about acceptance, helping to each other and similar. I wish that all kids around the world are happy and satisfied :)

    1. I have seen too much of this during my schooling.

      Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

    2. Dear Neira, I agree, earlier it used to be easier to influence to the reduction of violence. Now, with cyber bullying we have a problem that is harder to solve.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  29. Hello everyone! My name is Azra Durmić, and as my colleagues, I also think that this topic is very important in our profession, and therefore needs to be discussed thoroughly. Any instance of harassment, verbal or physical, is regarded as bullying. Unfortunately, bullying is present almost everywhere, especially in schools, and it is very difficult to recognize the child that is being bullied just by trying to analyze their physical apearance (bruises etc.) Children, very often will tend to avoid the topic of bullying because they feel insecure about themselves, and most often, because they are afraid. That's where teacher come to rescue. The most important step the teacher needs to do is to offer help to their students, and to make their students comfortable around them, so they can discuss and solve the problem. Also, one of the steps that needs to be taken in situations like this one, is a meeting that needs to be schleduled together with the parents of students. I truly believe, that with the help they need, and with the right people around them, who will offer the needed support, children will overcome their insecurities and take a step which will bring them closer to resolving this problem.

    Kindest regards,

    Azra Durmić

    1. Hi Azra, very well written this. Can you give me some advice that is the best way to prevent violence?
      Amina Ramić, PO4

  30. I am not familiar with information of how much violence and bullying exists in our schools, but the fact is that it exists. Older students bully the younger ones, assault students bully those introverts, often students bully other students with disabilities etc.
    I find that teachers have a lot to do to prevent this. They have to observe their students, notice changes in their behavior ... They have to talk often about the negative consequences of bullying in class. The teacher, parent and student must constantly be connected and work as a team, because this is the only way to prevent various negative phenomena.
    Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  31. There are several forms and types of violence against children:

    1. Batting (kicking) is a form of violence against children. Some people beat children to punish and bring them up, because of some of the bad deeds they have done.

    2. A speech that offends dignity and honor

    3. Punish by interdiction and denial, especially by denial of tenderness and attention to the child.

    4. Making a difference in treatment is a form of violence directed at one child.

    With greater access to advanced technologies, the opportunities for children and young people to be victims of cyber violence have increased. Many are unaware of these dangers.

    Parents and teachers have a moral and legal obligation to provide their children normal living conditions. Only conscientious treatment with a focus on education and moral values, may contribute to prevent this evil.

    Work on strengthening cooperation between different sectors (schools, health and social care institutions, judiciary, police) will help to prevent violence against children.

    Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

  32. Violence (comes from "force"), denotes the relationship between two parties in which one side uses or alone threatens to use force. Violence is a conscious cruelty directed at others with the aim of gaining power through the infliction of psychological and / or physical pain. Violence is a characteristic of many intelligent species. In fact, of all, where there is a possibility of injury, thus removing the opponent from the arena. Everywhere beings try to dominate one another, there is violence. The types of violence are: Physical violence is the intentional infliction of bodily harm
    Emotional or psychological violence is most often a verbal (and may also be non-verbal) form of injury to one's psyche
    Sexual violence is a specific form of physical violence, consisting of unwanted sexual contact
    Structural violence is an inappropriate or non-existent action by society. Cyberbullying occurs on social networks, correspondence platforms and games. It is a behavior that is repeated with the intention of intimidating and / or shaming a person. Examples of this type of abuse include:

    spreading lies or posting photos that aim to embarrass someone on social networks,
    sending offensive messages or threats through correspondence platforms,
    impersonating and sending unpleasant messages on behalf of another person. We can prevent cyberbullying as follows: Never provide personal information online, such as your real name, address, age or phone number.

    2) Keep your current profile private, or at least make sure only your friends can see it.

    3) Be familiar with the security measures provided by various social networks. Pay particular attention to understanding how to block numbers and email addresses.

    4) Be careful about even the most basic information. Be careful about posting anything that could be used in a manipulative way on the Internet.
    Parents have the greatest responsibility in preventing cyberbullying. They are the ones who must not allow children and minors to travel alone, without supervision and control, on the vastness of the virtual world. It is the parent's responsibility to protect the child by monitoring it and alerting to the dangers of 'the other side'. The virtual world has become a reality, and the use of the internet needs to be selective and responsible.

    If, however, electronic violence does occur to a child or a minor, what matters most at that moment is the person who will listen to it, with a lot of understanding and understanding of the gravity of the situation (without denying the importance of what happened and without thinking that everything will be forgotten over time) . As a result of the electronic violence suffered in the child, poorer success and drop-out at school, school leaving, self-deprivation, depression, and even suicide attempt may occur.
    Amina Ramić,PO4

  33. When we talk about bullying, I consider that adults have to have eyes on children around and to prevent it, we have to look after our kids, talk with them and have that connection with them so that they can talk to us about everything that is happening to them in school, on streets etc. Children feelings are something that have to see all the time and react on time so that they know they have us and to have trust in us, and then we can prevent bullying and help them.
    It's around us, always. It always was and will be, probably.. It's our obligation to fight with it and to not ignore it when it comes to a situation where it's affecting a lot. Teachers and parents have to be in touch and have quality comunication, and then we can together make it to be good and prevent it.
    Every violence have it's roots and it comes from some source. But we can at least try to fix it and to help everyone that has problem with it, no matter if it's verbal or through internet or something else.
    Comunication and concern will help us to prevent it in the way we have abilities to to it.
    Almedina Avdić, POIV

    1. Dear Almedina,
      were you ever in a position to talk to someone who was a victim of bulling? In your opinion, how can regular people help them?

    2. Hello my dearest Edita!
      Yes, I was.. I think that supporting and encouraging those people is the best way to help them. They usually feel lonely and that feeling that they are unwanted is making their whole sistem stops.. So I think the most important thing is that we share love and so so much understanding and tell them that they are valuable and that it's just important to listen to people who loves us the way we are.
      Thank you for your feedback.

  34. Hello everyone :)

    This is very important topic, and we as future educators/teachers need to know a lot about her. How recognize bullying, how to act, what to do first, etc. Bullying is one of the largest problems in schools. I think that is very important for children to be able to tell their parents all about their bullying problems because in that case children need a sense of security and protection. And parents are persons who will make that their children feel like that - security and protection. What is also very important is the teacher. They need to recognize the case of bullying, and act in the best way. In this case, good cooperation between parents and teachers is very important.

    Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    1. Hi my dear friend! What would you, as a teacher, do first if you notice signs of bullying in (your) classroom?

      Amina Ćosić, PO4.

  35. Hello everyone!

    We will probably all agree that this is one of those topics that should never be stopped and spread awareness. There are many reasons for this, and perhaps the most important one is to spread awareness of all forms of violence, because it is not just physical violence - violence. It is also important for victims of violence to become aware and to see the support they receive from society, for them it is usually the most difficult and crucial to get rid of feelings of fear and guilt. Unfortunately, various forms of violence take place all around us - in families, on the street, at school, in firms, between peers, between "superiors and subordinates", etc.

    In the case of physical violence, we can easily identify and see the clues, so this form of violence is easier to detect and respond to. Mental violence is what is perceived more severely, the signs are most often noticed only after a while, when the behavior of the victim is violated. The person withdraws into himself, has overblown emotional reactions to some things that are harmless, shows fear in situations where he otherwise would not. Unlike the victim, we see the abuser through opposing traits - imposing in society, taking on the leader's own-initiative roles, not suffering criticism, reacting violently, easily entering conflicts ... Sometimes, however unthinkable, the victim can turn into a bully. So in a relationship a person suffers violence of any kind. In it, power and anger settle down and after a while that person finds another relationship in which he or she will be dominant and stronger in any sense. Then he becomes a bully. This is why it is very important to identify victims of violence and to help them as soon as possible.

    Peers, parents, of course, and teachers can do a lot to prevent violence. It is very important to approach children properly and start from the beginning. In my opinion, when it comes to empathy, it is crucial. Teach your child to put themselves in the position of another person, so - how would you feel if someone stronger or more dominant than you did what you were doing? In this way, through harmless and everyday children's discussions, we teach children the limits of behavior. What is acceptable and what is not. The various examples we will show and teach them will certainly affect children and their psyche.

    What matters most in the process is what examples we have, you will agree. It is pointless for a parent who shows some degree of aggression or any violence to tell the child that this is bad. We need to be examples in our lives. So do the teachers. How can a teacher who bangs, hits various objects on the table, demands authority that builds on awe - teaching children not to be violent. That's not very feasible. Therefore, the educator should be an example of a person who handles life situations without violence, calmly and with conversation.

    Violence is never the solution!

    1. Hi Edita,
      I agree with everything you said. I think sometimes mental violence is more painful than physical violence.

      Amina Ćosić, PO4.

    2. Dear Edita, i like your post and ageee with most of it. And i think that parents and teachers should always talk with their kids about this when they are still young, to stop those things like bullying, or being bullied in future..

  36. Hello everyone.
    Unfortunately, buling exists in the education system. In my opinion, bullying occurs more often in schools than in preschools. Perhaps, the reason is the age of the children, and their interests. However, we as teachers should respond if we notice signs of bullying. As my colleagues wrote, the typical form of bulling is violence. And now, the question is: Why is violence present in children of this age? I think that kids who bully others are kids from unhealthy families. Unhealthy family means a family without love, understanding and COMMUNICATION. During elementary and high school I had examples where the abusers were precisely children who came from families like this. These children will seek different ways to capture the attention of others, and satisfy the need for self-actualization. Unfortunately, they find the wrong ways.
    We, as teachers, need to raise awareness about this topic. It is the first step to help kids who are bullied and kids who bully others. Then, we need to get to know the children better so that we can understand the cause of such behavior. Bulling (or cyberbullying) is just the consequence of some deeper problem with that child. Of course, psychologists need to be involved in this process. Parenting meetings, then individual conversations with children can be bullying prevention.

    This is a very broad topic and I think that every case of bullyng should be treated individually.

    Amina Ćosić, PO4.

    1. Hi Amina, I like how you think. Do you think that in the future bullying will be exterminated or at least reduced?
      Dženita Čolo PO4

    2. Hi dear Amina, good thinking, I agre with you that every case of bullying should be treated individually.
      Aida Rogo, PO4

  37. Hello!
    Bullying is physical or verbal aggression that is repeated over a period and, in contrast to meanness, involves an imbalance of power. Twenty-eight percent of young people from grades six through 12 have been the victim of bullying. I think this is very alarming information and is an indication that something must be done to eliminate bullying from our society.
    Many bullies are a lot alike. They:
    • like to be in control of others
    • are focused on themselves
    • have poor social skills and have a hard time getting along with people
    • are often insecure and bully others to make themselves feel better

    Join your school's bullying or violence prevention programs. Peer mediation is another way you may be able to work things out with a bully. If your school doesn't have these programs, start one of your own.

    Berina Prozo, RN4

    1. Dear Berina, I like your advice.
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  38. Bullying is repeated aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or relational, in-person or online. Bullies are often relentless, bullying over and over again for long periods of time. You may live in constant fear of where and when the bully will strike next, what they’ll do, and how far they’ll go.
    As an educator, you have a responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment in your classroom—one that protects every student from bullying. This means you must not only identify and address bullying on a consistent basis, but you also must create a culture of respect and dignity in your classroom.

    Ajla Balta, PO4

    1. Dear Ajla I completely agree with you.
      Aida Rogo, PO4

  39. Bullying is a form of aggresive behaviour in wich someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort; bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or some subtle actions..
    Bullying can occur during or after school building, but it also can happen while travelling to or from school.
    Effects of bullying are very hard to understand because it hurts someones feelings and can hurt someone till death.
    Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues like depression, changes in sleep and eating patterns, kids who bully other can also experience violent and risky behaviours that may continue into adulthood.
    Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital services,like cell phones, computers and tablets, but the most common places where it occurs are social medias. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting or sharing negative, harmful, false or mean content about someone else. It can be prevented by hiding any social information about person, locked account, checking kids cell phone and social medias.
    We must warning parents of victim and kid who bully to prevent this problem.
    I as a teacher will prevent bullying in classroom by talking about problems, avoid talking about violence and teasing someone because it can hurts someones feelings. Every kid who bully others deserves punishment and learn lesson about nice behaviour and empathy, and kid who is bullyed must talk about that and we must give them support and do everything to stop that.

    Tatjana Drmač, PO4.

  40. There are many different types of bullying that can be experienced by children and adults alike, some are obvious to spot while others can be more subtle. The different types of bullying that we look at below are some of the ways that bullying could be happening. bullying tends to happen most often in and around schools, specifically in those areas where there is little or no adult supervision (e.g., playground, hallways, cafeteria, classroom before the lesson begins). Bullying is often described as aggressive behavior among children in school that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying can be teasing, hitting, name-calling, and it can also be online abuse.

    Belkisa Pilipović, PO4

  41. Bullying is a big problem among students which occurs frequently in different forms. When we mention bullying most of the time we think about students physically hurting other students but bullying is more than that and it comes I different forms. Besides the physical hurting, students can also be abused verbally or socially (rumours spread about them to hurt their reputation). Bullying has bad effects on kids and makes them feel negative about themselves, scared and hurt. A new form of bullying which becomes more common is also cyberbullying which happens online on different social medias and communication platforms. Bullying happens most of time in the school, mainly on the playground and in areas where there is no supervision of teachers/adults. However, it also happens in the student’s neighbourhood and outside of school premises. Bullying can have deteriorating effects on the mental and physical health of the student. It can leave trauma and mental scars on the students till the rest of their lives. Kids that are bullied usually become more quite and practice social distance, do not talk much and can also have trust issues. On the other side, the kids that bully express aggressiveness and it can also be a result of problems at home among the family which is often reflected on the kid. It is important that we stop bullying as soon as we notice it and defend the bullied kid while advising the other kid that bullying is not good. We should not only stand by and watch. As for Cyberbullying, it is important for parents to monitor and limit the use of electronical devices. In case that cyberbullying is noticed, the parents or anyone else should notify the teachers, parents and authorities to stop it as soon as possible. The best way to fight bullying is to prevent it. Teachers need to talk to students and educate them on the long time negative effects of bullying and also implement a punishment system for the kids that bully.
    Selma Hodo

  42. Bullying can occur almost anywhere, but particularly where there is either inadequate or no adult supervision. It can happen in school, at work, in your own home, in your neighborhood, and in other similar places. People all over the world and in every part of life, are capable of being mean to others. People that bully others are usually insecure about themselves, they feel that they need to be "above" you, more important, better in everything but in reality they are just mentally weak and because they don't want to show that in front of others they are avoiding that negative attention by moving it to others, weaker and less accepted people in society. Being bullied is both heartbreaking and miserable for those targeted. But many adults, unless they too have been bullied, have a hard time understanding just how much kids can suffer. Kids who are regularly targeted by bullies often suffer both emotionally and socially. Bullying victims also tend to experience a wide range of emotions. They may feel angry, bitter, vulnerable, helpless, frustrated, lonely, and isolated from their peers. They may skip classes because they are being bullied by others, get used to bad habits such as consuming drugs and other narcotics so they can feel »better« after it but in reality they are ruining their life because of bullies. There are many signs that a child is being bullied and one of them could be unexplainable injuries, they might intentionally hurt themselves. They might fake illness just to avoid contact with his peers because they feel embarrassed in front of them. Difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares might be one of the signs as well, sudden loss of friends or avoidance of social situations, self-destructive behaviors such as running away from home, talking about suicide, and many other signs. There are few types of bullying well known to us and those are physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying, and cyberbullying. Cyberbullying should not be neglected at all even if it's different from others, it might have a huge impact on someone as well. Intentional bullying and causing harm to others through the use of computers, phones, and other electronic devices can cause a lot of trouble especially to kids and their parents because they often don't know what is happening with their child behind those screens, most of the time they don't even want to tell anyone what is going on and what they are going through. What people call “bullying” is sometimes an argument between two people. But if someone is repeatedly cruel to you, that’s bullying and you mustn’t blame yourself. No one deserves to be treated cruelly. There are few ways to stop/avoid cyber bullying but the best one is if you have a strong mind and you know that nothing is your fault and that those words addressed to you are just malicious. Sometimes you need to oppose the bully, you need to let them know that they can't do whatever they want with you so telling the person to stop might help sometimes as well. If none of those tips work then victims of cyberbullying should reach out for help or use available tech tools which means blocking the bully on social media and services might be the solution. But if we see someone getting bullied in my opinion the best thing to do is to take action, step by the victim, and help him out with it. As a teacher to avoid classroom bullying we need to talk about it a lot, be visible throughout the day so students can reach you fast if something is about to happen. We need to teach students to be effective bystanders, maintain open communication with students, increase bullying awareness among parents, respond quickly to every bullying incident or if anything happens, speak with the victim privately. We should stand together, support everyone no matter where they are from, how they look like, and how much someone is capable of. Together we are stronger and much more efficient.
    Dženita Čolo PO4

    1. Stay happy, healthy and think about have you ever bullied someone, it's good time to try to apologize, maybe they are waiting just for that :)

  43. Hello again 🙃
    I think this is very, very important topic for everyone.
    All people are born as pure and innocent beings, and bad and negative as well as positive and good behavior is acquiered through life with the people we sorrounded by. I think everything starts from the upbringing in the house, our parents or siblings, because the child copies the behavior to wich he is used and wich is normal for him and does not know about other behavior. If a child is exposed of any form of bullying on a daily basis he or she will very likely behave in this way. It is the same with positive behavior and the child will develop in that direction.
    We, as future educators, are obliged to prevent such behavior trough various activities and stories for children, to constantly encourage good behavior and to point out that good is always rewarded.
    I also think that as educators we need to have good cooperation and communication with parents and point out to them the importance of daily conversation with children about such things as well as to make sure that their child spends their time well. If bullying is prevented in time the consequences will be much less.
    Aida Rogo, PO4

  44. Bullying incidents are no longer limited to the playground or the locker room. Cyberbullying, the latest form of bullying sweeping across middle and high schools, is pervasive. And the recent rash of suicides by kids who’ve been mercilessly cyberbullied certainly sets off alarm bells. Keeping up with technology can seem overwhelming and induce a sense of helplessness in even the most seasoned parent. Cyberbullying is any type of harassment, taunting, or threats that are done via numerous forms of social media. With so many apps and websites available, with a click of a button, a humiliating message can be spread quickly to thousands, even millions of people. Kids can take pictures and videos of a peer, edit, and post them on sites that allow friends and strangers to pass judgment, sometimes in the cruelest of ways.
    Suada Stanić (V) PO4

  45. Unfortunately, bullying have became an integral part of our lives. Almost everyone face with some form of bullying in life. Sometimes we may not even be aware of it and it will not leave any kind of consequences on us, but sometimes it can be very dangerous even deathful. There are many types of bullying like phyisical bullying, mental bullying and increasingly represented with the development of technology – cyberbullying. It is mostly present in schools among children but also it is present in “adult world” in almost every sphere of society. Children are not aware of how dangerous it is and what consequences it can leave on person. Therefore, bullying should be the one of the most represented topics in schools, and teacher should always emphasize importance of a nice behavior towards others. Teachers should be the ones who will notice the bullying and do everything to stop it. Sometimes, one word or one gesture can mean a lot to a victim, so no one should remain silent if something like that is happening. There are many signs that can tell us that something is going on. If children have unexplainable injuries on the body, if they have frequent headaches or stomach aches, difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares, if they lose interest in school and they grades become low, or if children avoid going to school, etc. There are lot of those signs we should be aware of. Cyberbullying is also a big problem of today’s “modern world”. Children from low ages get access to technology and many social media platforms, which can be very dangerous.
    I think the crucial part in stopping and reducing level of bullying in schools is education of children and parents. Parents should also be aware of what are their children doing on the internet and they should know how dangerous it can be if they let it “go with a flow” without supervising. At the end, we can conclude, that good cooperation between parents and teachers as well as the education is crucial for reducing level of bullying among children in schools.

    Amra Bajrić, RN III

  46. Violence is any form of once committed or repeated verbal or non-verbal behavior that results in a real or potential threat to the health, development and dignity of the child. School violence is defined as the occurrence of violent behavior that occurs at school. Bullyng is a term denoting the aggression of the stronger towards the weaker where the attacker and the attacked side can be an individual or a group, often used when it comes to peer violence. Bullying means that one or more children in a row intentionally harass, attack or injure another child who cannot defend himself. Multidimensional approaches and interactive learning techniques are mainly used as methods of work in violence prevention. In the lower grades, this includes: storytelling and role-playing (especially in conflict situations); use of puppets or theatrical production; practicing acceptable behaviors; application of drawing and image observation techniques; verbal instructions and advice on how to cope in some situations of violence. Better cooperation between teachers, students and parents would be very helpful in preventing violence in schools. Such cooperation would contribute to greater safety of children, and in the long run would lead to better communication and socializing among peers and new generations.

    1. Hi Emina, What would you do, if you see that someone is in danger?

  47. Bullying is the humiliation and harassment of others. It comes in 4 ways: verbal, social, physical and cyberbullying. Bullying happened everywhere: in school, in travel to or from school, in park, on street, sometimes in home, in shop, in playground etc… Bullying happened because child who are bully have some physical problem or problem another natura, or maybe problrm in family or is being bullied form adult in family. Both children who are bullied and those who are bullies could have certain problems. Bully child wanna to have power and want to show in fromt of others. There are a lot of physical and other problems that bullying causes for both children who is being bullied and who is bully. Some of problem causes bullying are: loss of self-esteem, ie feelings of inferiority and self-criticism. Constantly directing the abuser to a particular trait of the victim through humiliation and insults can lead to the victim starting to observe himself through the eyes of the abuser and developing a belief that that trait makes him a less valuable person. Loss of self-belief can lead to withdrawal from society. Bearing in mind that bullies often try to isolate and isolate the victim from society, we get a picture of a child who feels lonely and abandoned in moments when he actually needs the most support. Daily exposure to unpleasant peer behaviors can also lead to feelings of helplessness and a loss of faith that something can really change. Role of bystanders is to courage the bully to continue the bully behavior. Sometimes bully are so strong physical that bystanders can't do anything because they are so weak. In bully teacher and parents role are to recognize bully behavior and to discover the really problem and solve it. Cyberbullying happaend when weak or popular person see that they have power and with that power thay can hrt other because almost everytime they are hurt and in pain. We all can stop cyberbullying or any other type of bullying by talking with our person of trust, by trying to not hurt other person feeling, on social media have just friends not unknown person who can bully us. I will educate my future students and their parents about bullying by showing what bullying can do to someone and showing them that every problem has solution, and we deside if we will be the bully or not. We all think we can make a plan on how we will prevent or act when we see a bullying in school. The truth is that we cant do that because every bullying has different problem in background and different solution.

  48. I think "Bullying" is the most important topic to all of us. Bullying is all around us, and we need to know how to help people who has to face bully.
    Bullying makes kids overly and painfully aware of how others see them. This is done in a negative light, but can also make them excessively focused on how they look to others in a broader sense. They also come to adopt views of themselves (and perhaps their families) that are darkly distorted.
    Additionally, bullying upsets their sense of security, making them feel unsafe in their world. They may suffer from anxiety about going to school or participating in class which only leads to further loss of interest and reduced academic performance.

    I think that parents and teachers play a key role in helping to prevent bullying because they are the adults in the lives of bullied children. They can recognize the warning signs and reinforce a positive self-image of the abused child.
    As this becomes internalized, it will provide a bulwark against negative messages from bullying peers. Parents and teachers can also help kids to see that those who torment them operate not from some lofty perch, but have all the same fears and insecurities.
    This will help to offset the sense that bullies know something about them that they don’t. These adults can also be fully present to bullied children, listening to them and encouraging them to feel that they are being heard–thereby giving them a sense of security.

    Dženeta Javoraš, PO4

  49. Hello
    Bullying is much represented in schools today.Bullying can be verbal, physical or cybulling.Parents and teachers need to recognize bullying in time to be able to prevent unwanted consequences.Today it is the most prevalent cyberbullying.Children have access to the internet and social networks.Consequently, they are more exposed to cyberbullying.We see the best example of bullying in the movie "the duff".The theme of this film is bullying in school.I warmly recommend everyone to watch it, the film is intended for teenagers.

    1. Hi Amina, What do you think which kind of bullying is most dangereous for kids?

  50. I think this is a very important topic that we need to talk about every day. We need to teach students that bullying is something that is not right and that we need to prevent. The job of the teacher, in addition to providing knowledge to students, is to teach them what they really should be, to be honest, fair, decent, good people and to teach them what is good and what is not. As educators, we have an obligation to warn students about the harmfulness of violent behavior and, most importantly, if there is bullying, we need to react in time. As far as cyberbullying is concerned, I believe that children should not use social networks and in that way children would be prevented from cyberbullying. It is very important that children have confidence in their parents or teachers and that they can tell them everything. The sooner the bullying is detected, the easier the recovery process will be.

  51. I think this is a very important topic that we need to talk about every day. We need to teach students that bullying is something that is not right and that we need to prevent. The job of the teacher, in addition to providing knowledge to students, is to teach them what they really should be, to be honest, fair, decent, good people and to teach them what is good and what is not. As educators, we have an obligation to warn students about the harmfulness of violent behavior and, most importantly, if there is bullying, we need to react in time. As far as cyberbullying is concerned, I believe that children should not use social networks and in that way children would be prevented from cyberbullying. It is very important that children have confidence in their parents or teachers and that they can tell them everything. The sooner the bullying is detected, the easier the recovery process will be.

  52. I think this is a very important topic that we need to talk about every day. We need to teach students that bullying is something that is not right and that we need to prevent. The job of the teacher, in addition to providing knowledge to students, is to teach them what they really should be, to be honest, fair, decent, good people and to teach them what is good and what is not. As educators, we have an obligation to warn students about the harmfulness of violent behavior and, most importantly, if there is bullying, we need to react in time. As far as cyberbullying is concerned, I believe that children should not use social networks and in that way children would be prevented from cyberbullying. It is very important that children have confidence in their parents or teachers and that they can tell them everything. The sooner the bullying is detected, the easier the recovery process will be.

  53. Bullying
    Is a serious issue that lasts for years and teachers still can’t prevent it.
    Kids are reflections of their parents, and the problem comes from home to school.
    Parents should be taught what bullying means so they can share the knowledgle on their kids. On the other side we have the bystanders who are in most of cases supporting the bully because ‘it is more fun’. That gives the bully strenght to keep on with his behaviour. Teachers only do something when it comes to fighting, but with mental health we are on our own.
    When a person is bullied he/she starts to think that he/she is useless, not worthy, and it, in most of cases, turns into depression or maybe worse mental issues.
    Kid feels unprotected so the best way to get rid of that is to not go to the place of bullying, that’s why kids often drop out of school, move or even change many schools. That is the good part, the bad part is that some kids decide to hurt themselves without seeing the worth of soul- all because with the opinion that they’re worthless.
    Teachers and professors have the power to prevent bullying from happening and it’s their duty. Being an educator is a matter of honour but some of them are taking it for granted. The educator must know how to recognize a bully and the bullied so he/she can try to prevent it.
    Cyberbullying is a different ‘dimension of bullying’ where everyone can write about anyone whatever they like and share it through internet. I think no one can save you from cyberbullying but yourself with blocking or ignoring them, but in live it’s little harder to block someone.
    To prevent cyberbullying adults should track everything their kids do on internet.
    Today that’s atleast easy with all the technology, but parents also have to respond to the challenge and constantly raise their digital awareness.

  54. For me, mental health is more important than physical because when you are mentaly stabile you will have the need to be healthy in and out. But people often don’t see any problems and wont admit to themselves that they need professional help. First step to solving problems is becoming aware that the problem exists.
    People are ashamed to visit a psychologist, thinking they’re going to be called crazy, just because they aren’t informed about importance of mental health.
    Since childhood we experience bad situations that leave a mark in our lifes that are following us untill we die, which can lead to a mental ilness if not treaten right. People should speak more about their problems but with professional people who will actually listen to them.
    Don’t just go around talking about your problems because no one will help you, no one will listen to you, even though someone would be happy about it, and they will just wait for their turn to speak.
    Todays situation with the virus will raise abuse to a new level because we are locked down in our houses with no place to go. Mental health will be disrupted even more than it was, so everyone in the house will be like a bomb ready to explode, and the worst part is they don’t see the problems in themselves. When you aren’t satisfied in your soul, indoor activities with lockdown seem to you like a mission impossible. That’s where the stress, argues, problems, fights start.
    Mental healt should be a important subject in every school in the world so kids can learn from early days about the importance of it. Every school should have a psyhologist that will leave atleast an hour of talk with every kid with all the education of the mental health subject.
    When the kids are aware, parents that didn’t have the subject in school, they will do anything to understand their children so its a winning situation. With kids, parents will be aware of importance of mental health, and maybe they will change something in their lives.
    Mental health must not be a taboo anymore, but everything we don’t know much about we call taboo so i guess we have to raise our awarness of mental health. Teachers can be helpful, because they should be first a psychologist then a teacher, so they can evaluate situation, find the solution, and speak to the student as much as needed that he/she will start to be aware of the problem. The sooner they get aware of the problem, they will see how much of a rolle mental health plays in our lives. Issues that follow us if we don’t deal with them, can be a brake in our lives and stop us from doing what we love because our brain is loaded with the issue. That affects our education, job, relationship and our health - physical and mental.
    My advice to people is that they should talk more about mental health and find themselves a psychologist to speak to because conversation with someone can be very hepful.

  55. Bullying is when someone repeatedly and intentionally use words or actions to cause distress and harm to another person. Bullying can happen anywhere in school, in park, at work, on street, even on social networks. It can be physical and mental, both of them can leave scarfaces on kids. Unfortunally bullying isnt rare. Teachers and parents often cant recognize that someone is being bullied.

    Amna Bajric POIV

  56. Hello everyone, this topic is very wide I will try to cut it. I think that each of us has once encountered some kind of abuse, mostly it is psychological abuse which is often neglected.
    Bullying or peer violence is more prevalent than ever and this is because we live in a rather violent society so childish ridicule, pushing, ridicule or ignoring is rarely seen by adults as anything more than ordinary childish mischief. And children, given the violence they watch and listen to every day - from family quarrels to the front pages of daily newspapers - experience bullying, if they are not victims, as a fun show. In schoolThe most important thing to solve the problem is communication with parents. If you have feedback from a parent and child doing bulliyng, then you manage to solve the problem. To a sufficient extent, a parent cannot accept that his child is capable of harassing someone. Schools react to bullying in a second and do what they can. Sometimes bullying is not easy to detect because children hide that they are victims', claims the director.

    In detecting bullying, it is also important to know how to separate bullying and child play.

    Children and teenagers often joke or communicate on their own who mock or push. Unlike children’s games, in which the two sides are equal, or change overwhelmingly from situation to situation, bullying involves an imbalance of power in which the abuser is always and constantly superior. Likewise, in children’s games the emotional tone changes from laughter to anger. In contrast, harassment involves permanent and very often intense anxiety, help and suffering of the victims, while the abuser is usually cold, surrounded and controlled by the situation, explains the psychologist, provides advice to parents whose children are victims of bullying, but also to parents whose children are abused

  57. Bullying can occur almost anywhere, but particularly where there is either inadequate or no adult supervision.
    Example: Within School
    Playground – Bullying in schools frequently takes place in the playground, especially at Primary School level. School playgrounds with hidden or obscured parts away from adult supervision can provide an environment conducive to bullying, and noise levels can mask much of what is going on.

    Classroom – the classroom is often reported as being the most prevalent place for bullying among Secondary Students, though it is  highly reported at Primary level also.  Despite the presence of teachers, the more subtle forms of bullying, can often occur during class, and during class breaks with the teachers out of the room other forms can be applied.


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