Mental Health

Dear students,

perhaps this has become one of the most popular topics these days, especially since the outbreak of COVID-19 and various restrictive precautionary measures taken by the authorities in order to prevent the spread of the infectious disease. The life we are used to has stopped. We all have to spend our days at home, in isolation, without social contacts with our friends and colleagues, we have to work and learn from home, our stay outdoors is strictly limited, we keep hearing bad news in the media all day long, etc. This whole situation is very stressful to people and everyone reacts differently to it. Some people may respond more strongly to the stress of a crisis, but fear and anxiety about a disease may be overwhelming and cause negative emotions in others. At this point we are more than aware of the importance of maintaining mental health and finding ways to cope with daily stress.

Mental health is defined as 'a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community' (World Health Organization). Thus, being 'mentally healthy' means being able to achieve the balanced development of the individual's personality and emotional attitudes which enable him/her to attain the inner feeling of well-being and to live harmoniously with other people.

The question is how much do we really take care of our mental health. Many of us focus more on our physical health, trying to stay fit while eating proper food and exercising more. But good mental health is very important, too. A healthy body is useless without a healthy mind. Actually, we can say that physical health and mental health are interdependable and they are both very important to us to live a fulfilled and happy life. If you manage to achieve a good balance between the two, you can enjoy your life and manage problems in a better way.

As with physical health, for a healthy mind it is also important to eat right, exercise, get the right number of hours of sleep and keep stress at bay. Nutrition is crucial to keeping both your body and mind healthy. The food we consume directly affects our energy levels and our physical and mental health. A healthy diet with the right amount of calories to ensure a healthy weight and enriched with various essential nutrients, but with very little salt, sugar and fat, can help you feel energized and make your body and mind feel good. There are also various vitamins and minerals to support good health of your mind, e.g. vitamin B12, calcium, folate, iron and omega-3. Regular exercise is also essential to stay fit, both physically and mentally. Exercising on a regular basis and over a long period provides long-term health benefits. Exercise produces hormones known as endorphins, also referred to as 'feel good' hormones, which can help you relieve stress and improve your mood. And finally, the proper number of hours of sleep is essential for good mental health. It enables your body and mind to relax and heal itself before the start of a challenging new day.

Good mental health is necessary to enjoy life as it provides a feeling of well-being and gives us strength to face any odds and live day to day. You should focus on positive things in your life, work on yourself, move your mental boundaries, surround yourself with people who love and support you, and try to find the peace and balance with your inner self.

Mental health is important in education, too. Mental health programs in education should promote the healthy emotional, social, and behavioral development of all students, but also the general well-being of school staff and families. Schools can do a lot for mental health, e.g. educate staff, parents, and students on symptoms of and help for mental health problems; help ensure a positive, safe school environment; teach and reinforce positive behaviors and decision-making; encourage helping others; etc. As childhood and adolescent mental health disorders are not so uncommon nowadays, we should definitely equip our children with an understanding of mental health. Otherwise, undiagnosed, inadequately treated or, even worse, untreated mental illness can make a serious impact on their ability to learn and grow. In addition to that, the breaking down of stigma and misconceptions about mental illness has to start in schools. It is in schools where children need to learn that their behavior towards others can cause serious self-confidence issues.

Children face many challenges in the school environment and some are better at coping with them than others. Many children feel anxious about different issues in school, e.g. examinations, grades, deadlines, poor time management and social skills, peer competition, etc. These are just some of the common stressors reported in an academic environment and they cause the so-called academic stress (educational stress), which is defined as discomfort and anxiety that is caused by different troubles of academic learning experience. Mental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, mental ability, and optimism, thus hindering performance and academic achievement, but also leading to problems later in life. Many students also experience conflicts, bullying and social exclusion at school, which can also be the causes of serious mental health problems.

Good mental health is critical to children's success in school and life. Positive and encouraging school climate along with students' sense of conectedness and well-being can significantly limit stress in the classroom. Research shows that students who receive social-emotional and mental health support achieve better academically and it is important to keep in mind that academic anxiety reduction requires the work of students, teachers, and parents, all together as a team.

Finally, after all that we have considered above, think about these questions and share your comments with us here on the blog:
1. What is your recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind'?
2.  How do you usually cope with everyday stress?
3. How do you cope with the stress caused by the outbreak of COVID-19?
4. Do you think that talking about mental health issues is (not) a taboo? Why?
5. How can we promote mental health in education?
6. What can schools do for mental health?
7. Why is mental health important in education?
8. Does mental health play a role in in the success of students in school?
9. How does school environment affect mental health of students?
10. What can teachers do to help students overcome academic stress?

Useful links:

Our dangerous obsession with perfectionism is getting worse
We all have mental health (subtitled) – useful for teachers
Talking Mental Health – useful for teachers

Stay healthy and keep learning online :-)


  1. Now, because we are condemned to this situation who disrupted everyone, it is very hard to maintain mental health. But here is one advice how I keep it and feel better: don't trust every information,don't watch too much TV who offers us many information, just check if they are true and right.To avoid stress and bad thoughts it is best to preoccupy ourselves with obligations who fullfil us. Because now I have a lot of time but a lot of obligations too, I do my best to fullfil my day. I regularly clean the house, make dinner, keep in touch with my dearest over the phone and I do my obligations that professors gave us. At night, when I go to bed, I ask myself:" how the day went so fast". As itself, for a bit I forget about the situation that we are in now. We are in 21. century when nothing is taboo. Even more I suggest to have that much of liberty, that no one convicts us if we have any kind of problems even if it is question of mental health. Everything is natural and can't be avoided. Mental health programs in education should promote the healthy emotional, social, and behavioral development of all students. Schools can do a lot for mental health, e.g. educate staff, parents, and students on symptoms of and help for mental health problems; help ensure a positive, safe school environment; teach and reinforce positive behaviors and decision-making; encourage helping others; etc. Nowadays, we should definitely equip our children with an understanding of mental health. Otherwise, undiagnosed, inadequately treated or, even worse, untreated mental illness can make a serious impact on their ability to learn and grow. Positive and encouraging school climate along with students' sense of conectedness and well-being can significantly limit stress in the classroom. Mental health is very important in education because children and students face many problems in scool or private environment. Many students are anxious about different things and maybe a lot of them are hiding it. Children face many challenges in the school environment and some are better at coping with them than others. Many children feel anxious about different issues in school, e.g. examinations, grades, deadlines, poor time management and social skills, peer competition, etc. These are just some of the common stressors reported in an academic environment and they cause the so-called academic stress (educational stress), which is defined as discomfort and anxiety that is caused by different troubles of academic learning experience. Mental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, mental ability, and optimism, thus hindering performance and academic achievement, but also leading to problems later in life. Many students also experience conflicts, bullying and social exclusion at school, which can also be the causes of serious mental health problems. Mental health support achieve better academically and it is important to keep in mind that academic anxiety reduction requires the work of students, teachers, and parents, all together as a team.

    1. Hi Meliha, I agree with you. How do you keep your brain in top shape?

    2. Hi dear Velentina! 😘 I don't think about things I don't know much about.

    3. Hello Meliha! You are so right, cooperation is everything in this entire century.
      How can we help each other to be and stay healthy in your opinion?

    4. Hi Almedina! Thank you! Give them the best advice; don’t think about the negative things, eat healthy, doing the things you love.

    5. Hi Meliha.
      I just want to say that I love your advices. And I don't know where do you get so much strength to be so positive. Keep going like that. ❣

  2. As for mental health, one should nurture his or her mental health all his life. Choose content that feeds our brains. A cheerful character that will motivate us. To pursue a hobby that will nourish our mental circuit and in doing so we will be useful to our community. Students need to be supportive of one another in these difficult times like this one with the Korona virus now. Sometimes support is all we need to motivate us and put the wind in our backs. We need to stick together, only in this way can we overcome all the hardships of life.

    1. Hi Džemila, what are your favorite tips for having healthy mind and body?

    2. Hi Valentina, As for advice. First of all, she would cite physical activity as a good base for a healthy mental makeup. Then, healthy and natural foods, fruits and vegetables. And of course to choose a society, happy topics. Try to live with as little stress as possible.

    3. Hi Džemila:) I agree with your opinion. How you protect your mental health ? Goodbye. Medina Kunić RN 4

    4. Hi Medina. I'm glad you agree with me. As for the topic, how to protect our mental health, first and foremost nurture it with a variety of useful content. They will nourish our mental health. And of course, hanging out with positive and happy people.

    5. Hi Džemila! I agree with you, the best way is to stich together and to be positive! What is your favourite routine to keep yourself calm and positive?

    6. Hi Almedina, I'm glad you agree with me. First and foremost nurture mental health. Stay positive. And doing some useful things. Take pictures to read books, learn something new.

  3. It is well know that healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic health problems. It can also prevent the development of many mental conditions - like depression and anxiety. So keeping our brain healthy is just as important as having a healthy heart. Like any high-performance machine, our brain needs top quality fuel - and that means a healthy nutritious food. Especially omega-3 fatty acids, B-group vitamins and vitamin E. If we want to keep our brain healthy we have to move! A simple, low-impact like walking 30 minutes a day can reduce our risk for issues like high blood pressure, diabetes... Our brain needs rest, just like every other part of our body. During deep sleep, the brain repairs itself and boosts the immune system. Sleep energize us and improves our mood. I usually do this thing to fall asleep easier: I drink herbal tea (chamomile) before I go to bed, I have a hot bath before bed, I am using some essential oils for relaxing...
    Valentina Šutalo, RNIV

    1. Hi Valentina! What is your opinion, what is more important. Is it mental or physical helth? To whome do you give more atrenttion?

    2. Dear Valentina, you have very positive sleeping habits. Also, I strongly recommend warm baths and chamomile before bed. :) See you.

    3. Hi, Meliha! You asked Valentina but I also want to answer. For me, physical health is more important.

      Sumeja Krehmić

    4. Hi Meliha. You ask a really good question. I'm also interested in what's more important to you, mental or physical health?
      I think both are equally important.

    5. Hi Meliha :), in my opinion, physical activity helps maintain mental health.
      At times when we feel increased levels of stress, it is advisable to be physically active. Exercise relaxes us in a way that reduces stress levels.

      Best regards,
      Valentina Šutalo RNIV

  4. Hi ! Schools are a natural and favorable environment for promoting health. It is precisely in schools, throught the joint work of students, teachers and parents, that the basis of a healthy lifestyle and work can be secured. The whole school approach to health promotion consists of six components that empower one another and will make health promotion efforts more effective, namely: school health police, school psysical environment,social enviroment of the school, individuals ' health skills and competencies for action, connectivity with the community and health services. A health promoting school is based on a health model that involves the interaction of the physical, mental and social aspects with an emphasis on the overall organization of the school but also a focus on the individual. In the sensitive age of growing up and maturation, children and young people should be provided with knowledge and education during their education, both on health and disease. They need to develop their attitudes and habits and help them adopt positive health behaviors and skills for a healthy life. Along with the family, the school is one of the key environments for the personal and social development of students and is constantly strengthening its capacity as a place of healthy living , learning and work. Goodbye . Medina Kunić RN 4

    1. Medina, do you have any advice on how to get rid of the stress from your pupils?

    2. Our brain is something fabulous, isn't it?

    3. Medina, what advice would you give to someone with mental health issues?

    4. Hi Samira :)This government and the business sector, including education, work, justice, transport, the environment, housing and the good as well as the health sector. It is especially important that decision -maker in parlament at local and national level, cover mental health issues in a way that has not been present so far. There are cost - effective mental health promotion interventions, even in poor populations. Cheap, evidence -based, hight-impact mental healt interventions include: Early childhood interventions(eg home visited to pregnatal women, pre-school psychosocial interventions, combined nutritional and psychosocial interventions in a disadvantaged population)Child Support (eg Skills Development Program, Development Program for Children and Youth) , Social -economic empowerment of women ( eg improving access to education ) etc..
      Mental health promotion activites in school (eg program to support
      environmental change in school, children ' friendly school etc.. Goodbye. Medina Kunić RN 4

  5. The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your background, the things that make you different from other people, and the community you live in.This will probably be a stressful time for all of us, and will test the mental-health policies and practices of many research institutes, just as it is testing much else in the world. By embracing good mental-health and well-being measures, and by relying on others when necessary, we can protect ourselves and those around us.
    PO4 #project #proud

    1. Hay Alma!. I want to know how do you usually cope with everyday stress?

    2. Hi Alma! I hope you are doing well in these days.
      How are you encouraging your people to withstand all of this?


    3. Dear Alma, What do you think how can we improve our mental health if is this condition very stressful and hard and not nice for us?

      LEJLA, RN4

    4. Hi Alma. Can you tell us what is your recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind'?

    5. Hi Alma. Can you tell us what is your recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind'?

    6. Hiii, Elma, Almedina, Lejla, Aldina! :) There are some simple things you can do to help you take care of your mental health and wellbeing during times of uncertainty. Doing so will help you think clearly, and make sure you are able to look after yourself and those you care about.Try to focus on the things you can control, such as how you act, who you speak to and where you get information from.Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly.Read, write, play games, do crosswords, complete sudoku puzzles, or try drawing and painting.

    7. Hi Alma, I agree with you. It's really important to rely on each other in this situation. In your opinion, who is the most vulnerable for lack of mental health?

  6. Mental health is an important part of every individual's overall health. A person who is good mental health satisfied, positive, able to start a family and be happy in the family, accept other people, be able to create and maintain friendships, is productive in the workplace, and is good at dealing with life's troubles and stresses. Metal health disorders, on the other hand, are a serious health problem which, due to the increasing frequency, especially the frequent onset at a young age, impairs the quality of life of the patient and his family.
    How to help the student?
    1. Talk to the student about what you are
    noticed (more descriptively, without giving advice
    or solutions; listen to him!)
    2. Give the student support
    3. Talk to colleagues about theirs
    4. Encourage the student to seek help

    1. Hi Fuada. Can only these tips help us? Do you have any other tips?

    2. Dear Džemila,
      Yes, I have other tips, for example, to get to know each other, to build confidence, to create a positive self-image, to maintain close contact with the people we love .. I hope I helped you now.

    3. I think you have very nice contemplation. You could be a psychologist.

    4. Hi Fuada! You said so beautiful tips! You are right!
      What is your routine in this isolation, can you share it here?

    5. Hi Fuada. Yes, you helped me a lot. Thank you.

  7. A healthy body is linked to a healthy mind, if our body feels good, we will too. We should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of water and avoid processed food. We can find ways to be active every day, whether that's walking, gardening, cooking... Some of the strategies for keeping a healthy mind are: focus on what you can control, believe in yourself, take a break from the source of stress, sleep enough (because our brain needs rest, sleep energizes us and improves mood), always be positive and be happy. Mental health needs to be talked about the same way physical education or healthy eating is, and If both pupils and teachers have more open discussions about mental health thats will help to build students’ knowledge and understanding of the subject. When students feel a sense of belonging, have good peer and teacher relationship thats helps to support positive mental health in schools.

  8. Do you want feel better and not go gown in depression or get stressed from bad news evry day , than we have to stay togehter & strong. Our mined need to remember good things we had before COVID-19 comes to our life's. How ? Easy , talk to you frined about last summer vacation- where do you was, with who , what you gonna change on next vacation, have fun with stories from pass. That will make your mined busy and you will feel good. Mental health is very important and how we deal with that. Talk to your family daily , you'r frineds, cousin, try to do something good what will make others happy-it wil make you happy to. We can fight togehter trough all this and important thing is to stay positive in this time.

    1. Hi Elma. I want to know how do you usually cope with everyday stress? What are you doing?


    2. Dear Elma, in which way we can fight against bad thoughts? We sholud think about something nice, and in next few seconds we must come back to reality, but how to stay positive if we know that we will come back to reality?

      LEJLA, RN 4

    3. Dear Elma, I totally agree with you. In the time of the Corona virus, it's important that we all stay positive, and that the time we use before us in the best possible way. Aside from the obligations we have in college, it's important to spare time for yourself and for your loved ones. For example, in my spare time, I like to draw. It's important that we do what makes us happy.

      Dženeta Kovač :)

    4. Dear Elma, with the COVID-19 virus present in the world right now, what do you like most about doing it at home? What is your hobby?


  9. My recipe for maintaining a healthy mind is enjoying the countryside, reading books, hanging out with family. My company is domestic animals. And guess what, I'm very good and nice. I cope with everyday stress by hanging out and enjoying time with animals, so I relax. I walk through the fields and the forest I am surrounded by. At COVID-19 I try to think less and bother with that. Mental health in education can be promoted by various projects, and by providing new information to students by participating in projects and visiting institutions dealing with mental health, working with good psychologists. What schools can do for mental health is to inform students on a daily basis in order to improve their mental health, both in their environment and in their environment. Mental health is important in education because every teacher needs to know the capabilities and abilities of their students. Mental health plays a very important role in a student's success in school and in his education. The school environment can positively and negatively affect the student. On a positive note, the child is happy and satisfied, accepted, understanding of friends and teachers. While negative affect can lead to depression, rejection, etc. ... In overcoming academic stress, teachers can help by first talking to the student to find out what the problem is, and then motivating it, advising them to overcome the problem jointly. Of course, it takes a lot of effort, understanding and patience to come up with positive results.
    Amina Ramic, PO4

    1. Hi Amina, Can teachers help build mental health?

    2. Hello Amina :) How do you protect your mental health? Do you have any advice?

    3. Hello Amina. What are you reading? I am using this situation to read more too. We have so much time, and we should use it in the best way. :)

    4. Ah Amina, you are a lucky girl and you have a quite and peaceful enviroment :) l would pay you if you host me :)

    5. Great advices Amina!

      Alma Nizić RN 4

  10. Hello!
    We live in a world full of stress. The media contribute to this. We often put work, school, college and other obligations ahead of health. It's called "quick lifestyle". In my opinion, we create our own way of life. If we do the things we love, if we live with the people we love (or love the people we live with :)) the stress will be reduced. However, during a pandemic, this stress increases. Now we have to take special care of mental and physical health. In my opinion, the best mental health treatment is nature.
    How can we promote mental health in education? Well, in daily activities. Let's get to know the kids by observing them, and react accordingly. Also, effective communication between parents and teacher is important to mental health of child.

    Let's go spend the weekend without social networks, but with friends and music?!
    Amina Ćosić, PO4

    1. Amina, I like your suggestion to spend at least the weekends without social networks! :)

      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  11. I think that teachers these days, during the online lessons, can do a lot to relieve stress in their pupils. Teachers can submit fewer assignments, or reduce them. On the other hand, they should have lesser criteria in grading. Teachers, should also be hilarious, humorous, relaxed as well as friendly and open-minded.
    Only when pupils are relaxed and stress free can they perform their school tasks properly. Then they become more motivated and can achieve better results.
    Finally, I don't think it should be a taboo to seek the help of a school psychologist when pupils need it.

    Selma Jordamović, RN IV

    1. Absolutely true Selma. Involve psychologists and their assistance for educators, students, and parents!


    2. Hi Selma, Given the situation, have your professors increased the amount of content and tasks you need to do or is it in moderation?

    3. Dear Selma, you said this beautifully, I totally agree with you.

    4. Dear Amina, as always, professors act differently.
      Some of them have reduced the volume of material and made it easier for us. And some have even increased our assignments and our obligations.
      Nerma and Šejla, thank you for your comments and support. 😊

    5. Dear Selma, I totally agree with you.

  12. Mental health refers to our cognitive, behavioral, and emotional wellbeing – it is all about how we think, feel, and behave. What can we do for ourselves?
    First of all, what I recommend. Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and avoid alcohol. You can make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy. Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling. Take time to laugh. Hang out with a funny friend, watch a comedy or check out cute videos online. Laughter helps reduce anxiety.
    You are a best friend to yourself and in order to change the world, we must start from ourselves. The world now needs support to overcome this crisis together. The most important thing now is to be human, healthy man.
    Stay healthy, my dear colleagues.
    Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    1. True! I like how you stated that we should start from ourselves, take time to laugh etc.
      It is very important that we take care of our mental health when all of this is happening, since most of us aren't used to staying home.
      Thank you for your wishes, stay healthy too!

    2. Thank you too Ermin. Have a nice day and don't forget to smile. 😁

    3. I like the way you said all of this Nerma, and I totally agree with you. We have to take care of ourselves and do what’s best for us. Laugh is a cure for everything!

    4. @Neira
      I'm glad that we share the same opinion. ☺️☺️


  13. Hi Berina, given the situation, do you keep up with the daily news or not follow it at all?

  14. Hello Berina. What do you think is it mental health important in education ?


  15. Healthy mind is just our decision. We must try to keep healthy mind always no matter what. I am really person who don’t cope with the stress very often. I look on problems very clear and I am trying always to stay common sense. Everything in life is currently. So why not live every day in present?
    Mental health in education should have a big role. We should make different contents about mental help. It can helps to kids.

    1. Hi,

      how do you handle this situation?

    2. Hi Ena 🖐️
      I wonther the same as Belkisa - how do you stay calm and happy in this situation?

    3. Hello Belksa and Edita,
      I have a lot of obligations with my collage so that takes me so much time. I go out sometime help to my parents with something etc. In the free time I am playing guitar and piano, read books, talk with my friends on camera, spend time with my parents. Now is great time to improve some skills and that give me power. Try! <3

  16. Berina, do you think modern society increases the likelihood of mental health problems?

  17. It's very important to take care of ourselvs and keep our mental health, especially now in these days of quarantine. Fulfilling these two tasks depends mostly on the type of person that we are. One of the most important aspects which have big influence on mental health is taking care of our body in the first place. We need to eat healthy , drink healthy and be physically active. We have to be aware of the state in which we are now. We are spending days inside our homes, going out very rarely and it has to be compensated by regular exercise. Another component is to feel active 'inside'. We have to be and have to feel productive. One way of realising this is making everyday plans and routines. Making something new, reading some new books, learning some new skills can all help us feel productive and make us satisfied.

    1. Hi Sandra! I agree, the best way to overcome this period is to make plans and routines. I hope you are doing fine. What would you suggest to those who "can't stay home"?

    2. Hello Sandra, I read your comment and I have one question for you. Are you learning some new skills these days? If your answer is YES, what are these skills? I hope you are healthy and you keep a healthy mind. Hugs and kisses, Dženeta PO4

  18. Hi Berina, what is the best way to take care of ourselves in your opinion?

  19. Even though the situation is as it is, we need to be positive and adapt in way we are in ability to. The world has now come into the unknown and we must be brave and act like mature and adult people and take care of ourselves. Basically, if we don't take care of ourselves, neither will others. It is very important that we plan these days, set ourselves specific goals that we can achieve during quarantine, and persevere in achieving those goals. The most important thing is to be aware that all this will pass, that this is a period like any other period, and we will survive and pass it and move on. Training, eating healthy and reading books, taking care of your loved ones are just some of the things we can put into our daily routine. Let's use this time for all that we didn't have before time and work on ourselves. And we pray to those who are exposed, because it is not easy. We have found ourselves in something different and it is important that we come out stronger and ready for new adventures. Mental health is, of course, something that we need to keep on track, and we need to stay positive and occupy our thoughts, learn something new, do something we couldn't do before and again, be aware that everything will pass.

    1. Hi Almedina,

      I agree with you. Do you train and if so do you relieve stress?

  20. In nowadays “modern” life where we are faced to stress on daily basis, mental health is very important. The tempo of life has changed drastically in the last two decades. With all of the technological improvement and opportunities to exchange information faster, everything has changed. We face with many challenges every day. Traveling to job, as a first activity that we do every day, is very stressful. Therefore, when we start our day with stress we also go through whole day in that mood. That is very bad for our mental health. In addition, what is very dangerous is that we don’t eat properly because we literary don’t have much time to think about what are we going to eat. We just need some energy to keep us going through day and that is where the problem with physical and mental health begins.
    As well, studying today is not easy. Students face with many problems and many obligations every day. From the lowest grades students get use to that feeling where they have to sit quietly and listen carefully what teacher is talking about. That’s something that is not common with their nature. In their nature is to explore, investigate and research their surroundings. That is the period where the stress begins. It can cause frustration to many students. Thus, students lose interest for learning and they start to hate school. That feeling is arises because they see school as an enemy that comes and steal their freedom and happiness they had before they get into that building. In that period role of teacher is very important. Teacher should have a lot of understanding and find a right way to deal with all of the emotions and feelings children are going through when they start going to school. That is certainly not easy job, but after few months, children also start to understand some things, but they need some kind of compassion in the starting period. Period of adoption, when students are facing with new things, is crucial.
    As future educators, we have to be very careful and make sure we react in a right way when it is necessary. It is certainly not an easy job to do, and we need a lot of experience to be able to react right in a specific situation. However, we should not be afraid, and we have to have in mind that intention is what counts. If we have right intention and do our best, we will surely succeed.

  21. This year is very hard for all of us. This COVID-19 is not just sickness. Even if we stay at home, virus is everywhere around us. On TV, on the internet, on all of social media, in every conversation, always on our mind. It is very hard to think positive, to have a healthy mind. So, i decided to turn off TV and internet at least four or five hours per day. Also, i left my apartment in town and came to village, to visit husband's parents and distance myself from all this negativity. This is good to do even if there isn't any virus, sickness or any kind of problem. It is good to distance yourself for a while from everything that can bring you negativity. And our biggest problem is social media. I love to be alone for some time, to give myself some time to think without all those informations we are filled from internet and TV. Books are good friends. Now when we can not go out, we can at least let our imagination to travel and run away from this reality. It helps a lot. This is my advice.
    Stop and rest a little bit, give yourself a break. Your brain will be thankful to you.

    1. Adna, I agree totally with you, we should just "shut down" and take time for us.

    2. Hello Adna, I agree with you. I also really like to read books. What is your favourite book these days?

  22. Berina, I would agree with you. In this situation, in order to preserve our mental health and physical health of the whole world, we can only take proper care of ourselves, our family and our friends and follow all the instruction give to us.

  23. To keep my mind healthy, I think it's most important that we find time for ourselves.
    After a stressful work or school day, take some time for ourselves, to relax and enjoy what we love.
    For some people it is music, for others painting, for others cooking, for others something else. It is important for us to know and discover what fills and relaxes us, so that we remain of sound mind
    The COVID-19 pandemic has not caused me much stress as I follow the instructions of the experts and I adhere to it, I consider it the only thing I can do at this moment, so I do not cause myself additional stress.
    I think if everyone followed the instructions they give us on a daily basis, this would all go by very quickly, with minimal consequences.
    Talk about mental health issues is a taboo topic, though it should by no means be.
    Fear of talking about something that bothers us further impairs our mental health. Conversation, advice and experiences of others certainly help us in everything, and even in getting out of a crisis.
    Schools, as the foundation of everything, can change everything, so that mental health problems are no longer taboo for generations to come.
    Talking to students about this topic, different presentations and promotions will develop a different perspective on mental health among students. Greetings and be healthy.

    1. Hi Šejla, I support your opinions about mental health. I wanted to ask you how you find time for yourself? What are you doing in these bad times for all of us, to keep yours mind healthy?

    2. Hello Šejla !

      What do you think is it mental health important in education?

      Alma Nizić RN 4

  24. I thinks it's very important to keeping a healthy mind, especially now. Our lifes are on „stand by“. We are all waiting end of restrictive precautionary measures. It's very hard situation for all of us. It's spring time and we are all closed in our houses and I think it's very hard keep our positive thoughts. I think we need to breath, I think we need to think about all beutiful moments waiting for us. We need to think about yourself andwe need to think how important our feelings are. I think we finally get some time to spend our days with our familly, to sleep well , or to read all these books at shelfs. I think we filnally get some time to think about us, our lives and what is really matter to us.
    I think that talking about mental health is a taboo in our world. That's tragic. We are in 21. century and we still can hear laugh because person go to a psychologyst or psychiatrist.
    We need to talk with children about mental health, we need to teach them how important a healthy mind is. In preschool activities, we can teach children about everything. We teach them about love, dignity, passion, faith, health, friendship. Why can't we teach them about mental health? I think it's very important to start with that in preschool period, because it will help them in their entire education.
    We all have awful stress when it come to our exams, and we all really need a teachers who help us with all of that. We are happy because we have teacher like you, dear Mrs. Izela, because You are always there for all of us. You help us in all of our problems, You think about our mental health. You make our journey magic! Thank you.

    Dženeta Javoraš, PO4


  25. Mental health is growing up since day we have born. Every men in a specific is developing the mental health. We should do what makes us happy, we sholud help others to do that too. The only way we should do is to avoid that situations that makes us feel very bad. In this time we should show our humanity and power of charachter. We should be very supportive to each other collegues, students and people . Spreading positive vibes we also grow up our mental health. It is very important to be very positive in everything. We will help students to improve their creativity, imagination and opinion, and in that way we should give a power to student . We take care about our mental health for long i beautiful life, or we would have a black cloud above us thorough hole life.

    1. Are you spreading positive vibes Lejla? How? :)

    2. Hi Lejla. I agree with you. How you take care of your mental health today when we are all about COVID-19? Do you have some advice?

      Adna Zolota

    3. Hi Lejla,
      Do you think that the situation with covid 19 can have much greater mental health consequences than physical?

    4. Hi Amila :)
      Avoiding the spread of bad thoughts, sad feelings, and bad moods in your environment the breadth of positive vibrations.

      Hi Adna :)
      By respecting the decisions made, I protect myself and the people around me. Vitamin intake and positive vibrations help me strengthen my immunity. Have fun too. :)

      Hi Džemila :)
      I think he can. We treat physical health with the help of medical staff. We improve mental health for ourselves. We need to be productive and deal with things that, when all this is over, will benefit society.

  26. Well, this is a very interesting topic. Mental health has been underrated for years. FOR YEARS! And that is devastating!!!
    Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. What we have now? We don’t think with our head, blindly believing in everything we hear; we feel helpless. Helplessness is such a rotten feeling. There's nothing you can do about it. Being helpless is like being paralyzed. It's sickness. We act like robots. If we don't act wisely there is a good chance that we end up in a mental hospital.
    So, how to protect yourself from the huge stress during Covid 19.
    First and first isolate yourself from toxic people. You can not change them, don't even try. Don’t be pulled into crises, just ignore them. Don't believe everything you see or hear on the News. Don't believe everything you read on social media. Read between the lines. Have an honest coversation with someone you care about. Take care about your family members, your friends, take care about yourself. Be gentle to yourself. Get more sleep. Manage your time. Learn to say „NO“ even if it's your college professor, they can also lose their compass (and they do, believe me, they doooo). Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, avoid alcohol…
    Every morning my alarm goes off at 7:00 am, I get up, get dressed, and set out for my daily walk. Rain, sleet, -20 degree Sarajevo winter, snow, humidity, heat, or beautiful weather - I go out no matter what. My daily walk at Dariva is my walking meditation, my steadfast ritual to get my body moving, get some fresh air into my lungs, and to grab some time just to be out there, moving. Read a good book. Reading reduces stress, and prepares us for a good night's rest. Have a honest conversation with your educators, if it's necessary they have to slow down. Just because we are isolated doesn’t mean we have all the time in the world. Some of us are working at home, longer than 8 hours, take care for elderly parents, listen every day bad news, and we don’t need more pressure from people who should protect us and our mental health. We, students are afraid to open our e-mail address…because, well 101 obligation in 10 days. The fact is, it's a hard time for all of us, we should help each other, we should talk, and choose to make the best out of the situation. It won't be easy but it will be worth it.

    1. Hello Amila, I totally agree with you...especially..." Just because we are isolated doesn’t mean we have all the time in the world. Some of us are working at home, longer than 8 hours, take care for elderly parents, listen every day bad news, and we don’t need more pressure from people who should protect us and our mental health. We, students are afraid to open our e-mail address…because, well 101 obligation in 10 days."

  27. Hello everyone!
    This is very important topic to talk about. People often think that physical health is more important than our mental health and that is not true. In fact, I think that mental problems can affect physical health besides all good habits that we have in our lives so we should pay more attention to our mental health. People often over think about their problem so they make them look worse than they really are. So how do I cope with the stress caused by the outbreak of COVID-19? I don't listen to the news and I don't talk much about current situation. I spend my day doing something I love (reading a book, listening to music, hanging out with my family) or fulfilling my school obligations. We shouldn't think or listen too much about the going on situation because that affects on our mental health and it only causes nervousness and panic. As far as mental health in general, I think that resolving mental problems in our comunity is still a big taboo. Visiting a psychologist is considered a shameful thing and that shouldn't be the case. We should as a community to grow and help each other with any problems and especially with mental problems.

    1. Hi Lejla. I agree with you. We need to distance ourselves from news and all this stress. It will affect on our mental health for sure!

      Adna Zolota

    2. Hi Adna. Yeah, you are absolutely right!

  28. I think the topic of mental health is very much related to the topic of media and social networks. Why do I think that? It is due to the fact that mental health disorders began with the development of technics and technology, and culminated in the era of the internet and social networks. People live in opposition to how they should live. There are fewer and fewer natural activities and more artificial ones. The media and the internet contribute in many ways to the poor quality of life and the disruption of human health. Even the situation with "Corona virus' testifies it. No one denies the existence of the virus, but largely done manipulation of people. I think people will suffer more from fear and economic disaster than from the virus itself. I recommend everyone to watch the video:

    One of the important segments of life that greatly affects a person's mental health is education. I am absolutely convinced that the educational systems in the world, except for the few, certainly damage the mental health of students. Schools, faculties, academies ... They should be comfortable for the students, not repressive institutions. Also, here's a recommendation to watch a documentary film in which the main word have many teachers and professors.


    1. Hi Ensar 😊 I completely agree with you that people live in opposition to how they should live. A lot of them follow people who represent their perfect lives on social media and all of us know that it's not always so perfect. So we don't need to compare our life with others but to live the way we think is best.

      Antonela Selak, RN4

    2. Hi Ensar :)
      thanks for useful links, they're great :)

  29. The situation in which the entire society is placed can be stressful. Each person responds differently to stressful situations. Also, each of us creates our own way of life, and if we do the things we love and one which complete us, of course there will be no stress. We need to be positive and we need to adapt to the current situation. We need to dedicate time to ourselves, to do what we love. At least during this period, we can dedicate time to ourselves, take a good break, get some sleep, to read all the books we've wanted so far and haven't gotten, or learn a new cake recipe.
    Selma Neimarlija, PO4.

    1. Hi,

      How do you handle this situation?

    2. Hi Selma, I agree with you. Do you have some good cake recipe to recommend? 😁

  30. Mental health has a huge impact on our everyday life. Positivity is one of the best features that someone can own, but it’s also very hard to become that. I’m trying to be very optimistic and positive person, but I often find myself under the impact of very negative and toxic people, and that effects on me. I realize that it’s not problem in me, it’s about people who effect on me negatively, and I become just like them. People should choose wisely who they want to be surrounded by, and that can really change their lives. Staying away from things that we are not concerned about, seeing good in everything that happens to us, staying away from toxic people, doing what we love, is a great way to find your inner peace and be positive.

    1. Hi,

      how do you handle this situation?

    2. @Neira

      "... but I often find myself under the impact of very negative and toxic people, and that effects on me."

      I hope I don't belong in that category. :D

      Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV


    3. Dear Neira, I agree with everything you have said.
      It is so important to be positive and spendig time with positive people.

      Like Ensar, I hope I do not belong to this group.

      Antonela Selak, RN4

    4. Hi Neira :)
      great opinion. I hope you'll always be surrounded with positive and good people :)

    5. Hi Belkisa :) I’m trying to be productive every day as much as I can, so I make a plan for each day what to do, I do a lot of things that I wanted to do much earlier but I just didn’t have enough free time for it.
      Ensar, Antonela and Naida, I’m grateful to have a coleagues like you, so you definitely don’t belong to the group of negative people. 🙏

  31. How can we defeat this situation? We must be more stronger(mentally stronger)! Helping others cope with their stress can also make your community stronger. Things you can do to support yourself, like take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting, so be smart and put your health on the first position.

    Alma Nizić RN 4

    1. Absolutely, that's the point (Y)

      Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

    2. Dear Alma, I agree with everything you have said.

  32. In order to keep out mind healthy we need to look at things that make us happy. We can training, walking, reading, hanging out with friends. We have to be positive. I usually train and that is the way to cope with stress. I cope with stress by COVID- 19 on the same way. I train, do my homework for college, I hang out with my parents. I think that people are afraid to speak about mental health. In education we can do many thing. Sometimes it can be first step, I mean in school, in college we can learn so many things from our teachers who are psychologists. Schools can make the subject mental health compulsory. Mental health is important in education because children then face it. Mental health is important for the success of children in school, maybe some children are not socialized enough, and that impairs their success. It is very important who the children is hanging out and is there violence. The teachers should first understand the children if they have some difficulties, then speak with their parents, parents should also help their children. I thing good cooperation between teachers and parents is very important for the benefit of the child.

  33. My recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind' is spending time with my family, cooking our favorite meals, reading books and going to walk in nature. Everyday stress is a part of our lives now and luckily I have my friends to save my mind, we talk a lot and make video-calls and it is easier to be in isolation with social medias. It is very important to understand the situation and we must save our family and us.
    We can promote mental health by TV, social medias and sharing pictures with text about the virus. I think that talking about mental health issues is not a taboo because stress is part of our lives and we don't know what someone is going trought if we don't talk.
    Mental health is very important in education because students must feel healthy and happy to can do their homework or exam. Teachers can help students if they are understanding and kind and don't send too much homework because every school object is online now and we must work hard on every of them.
    Tatjana Drmač, PO4

    1. Hi Tatjana :)
      I agree with you, and I like your recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind' , because mine is very similar.

      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

  34. People these days talk about COVID-19, I think more than they should do it. I think we need in one day read one time new informations, respect what our country say us to do and everything will be fine and this will be past very soon if God give. I think that mental health is tabo, but I think that this will change. Good thing is that people start to talk, and children too, but we still have children that keep their problems inside and that is problem. They don't talk and we need find way to help them to start talking. Spend time with family, frineds, read books, learning, cooking, whatc movies, spend time in nature, and just talk. This is recepie for good mental helath. Eat helathy food, do some exerciese. For me is very important to be optimistic in every moment and always see good in something bad. Teacher will help student if they listen them, if they understand them. Be optimistic, smile, help, listen, talk=mental strong and health.😊

    1. Hi,
      I totally agree with you. Virus is the main topic nowadays and that is the only thing people pay attention to. They fill their brains with uneccessary information and they only worry about that. Instead of that, they should spend some quality time with their friends and family, do something that fulfills them and pay attention to themselves and people they care about. Of course doing all of that while staying safe and following given rules.
      Hope you all are healthy and happy.

  35. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. It is very important for us to know at the outset the warning signs that indicate our mental health problem. Some of them are: Eating or sleeping too much or too little, Pulling away from people and usual activities, Having low or no energy, Feeling numb or like nothing matters, Having unexplained aches and pains, Feeling helpless or hopeless, Smoking, drinking, or using drugs more than usual, Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared, Yelling or fighting with family and friends. How do we deal with this crisis and how can we help ourselves? It is my opinion that mental health plays a big role in our education. Assistance and understanding on the part of the professor is very important. Dedicate yourself to the people you love and who love you. Relieve stress, it's not all black if we stayed in our houses. Take books you've never read before, watch your favorite movies, listen to music, an opportunity to socialize more with family, to escape into nature. I think these are one of the simplest things anyone can do and ease their mental state. Also, take a deep breath, tell yourself I can and want it, then focus on the goal and push forward, let this be your motto.

  36. Hello everyone ❣️
    I hope you are all well and healthy in this situation, both physically and mentally. Nurture Positive Thoughts!
    In order to cultivate positive thoughts, our focus is very important. What we feed - it grows. So the key to a happy life for me would be to find little joy in daily life, to know how to see and enjoy them. Turn to positive thoughts, desires and attitudes. Have their goals and desires but not be their slave. In order to succeed in this, it is very important to work on a sense of gratitude. Gratitude is the essence of a positive life. Every day we have to find something we are grateful for. When we become aware of all these benefits, positive thoughts and a positive attitude are inevitable. It's just a way to focus on beautiful things and deal with everyday stress. For example, the current situation we are in is not a little naive and harmless. Everything we hear and read on a daily basis through various media is filled with fear in the bone. When we go out and see people with gloves and masks, it is inevitable that we do not feel most comfortable. It happened to me to look around and wander away for a moment, everything seems like an apocalyptic scenario to me. However, this is a time when we need to protect ourselves from the negative and stress as much as possible, because of course it is known that stress affects our mental and physical health. And in these moments it is very important that our health is as high as possible. When it is difficult for us, we should turn to inviting thoughts. Seek out good news from the world and positive examples of course. We need to be aware that all this will pass and that we will do everything to protect ourselves and the people we care about most. We can use the time we spend at home as something positive - we all have some things we want to do, but we leave them because of the lack of time. Now be the time to do it. Read, write, sing, dance, take pictures - do what makes you truly happy. What remains a major problem today is limited mental health promotion. People (especially in the Balkans) still think it is necessary to pay attention to their mental health. They care more about the kilos, the hairstyle, the type of car they drive - than about what they think and how they feel. They chase after some material goals and eventually, when they get it all, they realize that they are still unhappy. Why? Because they are dissatisfied on the inside, they do not work for themselves, they forget who they are, they do not grow up in spirit. Unfortunately, we often encounter people who do not have specific problems but do not deal with them. Most often, they are ashamed to admit what they encounter and seek help. Each of us, as an individual, needs to develop an awareness of this. It's not a shame to be bad. It is no shame to seek the help of a psychiatrist or psychologist. Drinking therapy and going to sessions is no shame. Such things should never be taboo. It is a shame only to condemn. Anyone, for whatever reason. Life is strange and very often it finds many different ways to bring some situations closer to us - bringing them into our lives.
    For this reason, we need to promote the importance of mental health during education. The more different educators come and convey the different opinions, the better. Compulsory subjects in various fields of psychology are of great importance. Various workshops may be organized where students and professors will present their opinions on different topics and discuss. These can also be workshops that will help everyone share their experiences in their lives and thus connect, understand and develop an even better relationship. The professors will then hear what the students love and want, what bothers them and creates pressure for them, and will be able to understand them better.
    #stayhome 🙈

  37. Hello again.
    I will start with my recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind'. At first place there is sleeping, because it's very important for our mental and physical health. After that there is rising early because I think people are very productive in the early morning hours. Of course, it's very important what we eat. Because we are, what we eat! We need to eat less sugar, add water, eat more healthy food. And there is a problem because I love sweets and it's very hard not to eat it. But I'm really trying! After food there comes exercise, and I think that all of us are a little bit lazy these days.
    When we are talking about this situation caused by COVID-19, it's very hard to us, because we can't go out, we can't go for a walk and there is a lack of society. We are overloaded by lectures and assignments that we get from our professors and we barely have some time for ourself and our family. And I think this is very stressful situation because we are most of time sitting in front of computer and trying to complete every assignment in time, and we are always underpressure. And all of this will affect our mental health.
    Teachers and school staff have a responsibility to promote mental health in schools. Before all they should talk to students about mental health and how to improve it. They should encourage social time, encourage them to chat with their peers and complete a task together.
    Also It’s essential that students know they can come and talk to you about any issues or concerns they have.
    School can host some activities day for students, which will be interesting for students and also will affect their mental health.
    Promoting mental health in schools is something we must all prioritise. Mental health issues could affect anyone at any time, so it’s important we get it right and help our students as much as possible. Also may students have some issues and don't wanna talk about it. It's very important to encourage them to talk to us, or talk to their parents.
    These days we are all underpressure, because teachers don't have limits. And it can also be stressful for children if teacher gives them a lot of homework, and they don't have time to play with their friends, and that is important for them. That is the way they socialize. And it's also important for mental health.
    "What can we do when small feeling are bothering us" was the question of teacher in the video. And answers were amazing. They have their ways to prevent their feeling, some of them are writing their feeling on the paper, reading books, playing video games and singing.
    This video explains why students should know they can come and talk to us about their "big" feelings and issues or concerns they have.

    P.S. I hope you are all feeling well ❣

  38. Hi Berina, I agree with you. It's very important to take care of ourselfs and others. But I would like to know do you have some tips how to make this situation easier and less stressful to children?

  39. Hello everyone. Like you said, this is one of the most common topic these days. We can hear a lot of advices of the experts how to stay mentally healthy. However, each of us is different and each of us is dealing with stressful and unusual situations differently.
    My recipe for keeping mental health ist spending time with my family and "myself time" - listening to music which I love, watching movies, playing games, drinking hot drinks and eating delicious food :P In addition, I talk to my friends who can also give me various tips.
    Also what helps me cope with obligations which gave me stress is organisation (which is sometimes successful and sometimes not).
    Each day is a new challange where we can be winners or losers. But, being a loser is not too bad 😉 There is always new chance.

    Talking about stress that cuses this virus, COVID-19, I think it is best to follow the recommended measures so that you protect yourself as much as possible and also, be careful what you read, watch and listen. Everyday there is a lot of news that can be helpful, but also they can create nervousness, stress, worry, etc.

    I think that question "Do you think that talking about mental health issues is (not) a taboo?" is so important. We are aware, like I already said, this is one of the most common topics these days. I think that talking about "Mental health" is not a taboo, but taboo is when someones is in situations like that. Specifically, asking for experts help, carries with it various prejeduces. This shoud be one of the teacher's tasks - to show students that asking for a help is not bad, so that we help ourselves and others. It shoud not be taboo because life is very stressful today and sometimes we cannot deal with all problems alone. Mental health is a very broad topic, which certainaly says that it affects the success of students in school of course. And what the school can do to reduce this is to undersrand the needs of the students, reduce the large numbers of obligations (as much as possible), organize various seminars, talks, wtc. But also organize some of games, exursions,nature trips, etc. which can help studets to relax and forget about all their problems and stressful situations.

    Right now, I think most of my colleagues, like mysef, are stressed daily. Everyday we get new responsibilities, new tasks ..
    Altrough it seems like we have a lot of free time now, but that is not the case. We spend most of our time working at laptops, cell phones and similiar which certainly affects our mental health. I believe that teachers/ professors are in a similiar situation. Because all of this, I think the key is to try to understand each other. Only in this way can we succed together.

    P.S. I hope all of you are healthy and that you are coping up with this situatuon. I wish everyone peace, happiness and of course health.

    Antonela Selak, RN4

  40. I think this is a very significant topic that touches the life of each of us in this situation. Mental health is often a requirement for physical health. In a situation like this, we all need to be mindful of both.
    Living stress-free today (not considering covid-19) is almost impossible. I think it is crucial for each of us to think carefully and deal with what brings him peace, happiness and ultimately mental health.
    I think that talking about mental health today is, unfortunately, still a taboo topic. A large number of people are afraid of the reaction of the person they confide in about their mental health. I think we should all start by ourselves, when someone speaks to us in order to confide about their situation and approach it without prejudice.
    Mental health certainly has a huge impact on students in school. School itself is a stressful process for most children, from the perspective of assessment, social inclusion, etc.
    Each child responds to these situations differently, and we need to learn to approach each of them in an individual way. I think that being a teacher is crucial in helping students overcome and overcome the stress and difficulties of having a school. We have a duty to "listen" to our students, as well as their needs, to help them in every way possible.
    This is first and foremost the quality of good people, but also the quality of good teachers.

  41. i agree with your opinion. How you protect your mental health ? Goodbye

  42. "In a healthy body is a healthy spirit," is the sentence I connect with this situation that has afflicted us. We must consider both mental and physical health. In these days, full of stress, my recipe for maintaining a "healthy mind" is reading books, listening to music, dancing, watching some educational shows, movies, etc. With the daily chores each of us has, I try to take as much time as I can for myself, my mental and physical health. I really like to walk in the evening, for at least half an hour, if I have enough time I walk longer. I find physical activity very important now, for both physical and mental health, because walking relax me.I strive, as much as possible, to stick to a healthy diet, to bring lots of vitamins into my body, to eat fruits, vegetables, etc. It is also very important in such situations to be positive, happy, to fill our time with something that fills us, which is for us useful. As far as schoolwork is concerned, I think teachers should lower their standards and have fewer assignments than usual in mainstream teaching, as this situation is equally difficult for everyone, and students will also be stress-free and less fulfilling their school work responsibilities . What is most important to me is that we all understand each other and try to be as positive as possible.
    Aldina Zejnilovic, RN IV

  43. Hello everyone!
    I hope you are all healthy and happy. 
    The unhappy situation with covid is a very stressful period for many because everything changed overnight and we were suddenly locked in 4 walls. I sometimes even think that covid is a cold war. When we are closed and waiting to hear how many people are infected, how many have died, it creates discomfort in us. Honestly, at the beginning, I was one of those who followed the news and felt fear. However, after a while, I realized how bad the situation was with covid, she also has her good side. I believe you think I'm crazy, but there is really something good about this evil too. We have more time for us, to study the content that interests us. We have more time for ourselves and for what makes us happy. Which means that our mental state is also improving. We are not limited by time, we schedule it ourselves as we wish, and that is a big relief for me because I spent time resting on public transport. As stated in the text, in this situation, we have time to cook some healthy meals and skip the bakery without being able to do it in class. How do I struggle to stay mentally healthy? First of all, I don't listen to the news and try to watch only positive content, read books, so I'm in this happy world all day long where I don't think about covid. I make activities for the little one and really enjoy it. I think it would be a good idea if we were tasked with creating a workshop for children? Honestly I would enjoy it. Think about it. :) We are also fortunate to have wonderful professors who motivate us in all this chaos and understand that it is not easy for us to cope with all our responsibilities, which is very important for our mental health.

  44. Hi,
    I think that mental health is always important and not just in times like these. Of course, because of the COVID-19 everything changed, and we need to adapt to the situation. It is sad that people usually don't pay much attention to mental health unless something big like this happens. Mental health is huge issue that many people struggle with and it is not easy to overcome.
    Being active can help you with mental health, so I reccomend to be active as much as you can, take a walk in the woods, go hiking or just do some at home workouts. Also you should stay away from social media or any other kind of media where virus is the main topic. Just relax, spend time with friends and family, maybe find a new hobby. Stay safe and healthy.

  45. This entire situation is affecting on everybody. Before everything, our life is not the way it was. Everything stopped. It's affecting on us all psychicaly and mentally. This this condition is making a enormous pressure, mostly because of obligations on college and too much obligations. And of course, our every day routine is being missed by all of us. Now, we can't use beautiful day to get out and sit and enjoy with our friends and drink coffee. I hope that one day this everything will be yesterday and that we will get back to our normal lives. And specifically, I hope that sensitive groups of people will get out of all this without some bigger consequences.

    Ajla Balta, PO4

    1. Hi my dear Ajla, I hope too that this will be past soon, and that the whole world will get out of this situation without bigger cosequences. Stay safe.
      Aida Rogo, PO4

    2. Dear Ajla, how do you keep your healty mind and beeing positive in situation like this ?

  46. Today, mental health is very immportant, because life became very stressful and full of obligations. It's very important for everybody to have hobby and to do things that relax them. In that way they will be ready to confront with obligations and lige problems. Also, support and motivation of close people is very important.

    Sibila Nuhanović

    1. Hello Sibila :)
      I agree with you. I have two questions for you. What is your hobby? And how you relax in this situation?

      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    2. My hobby is reading books, watching TV, I cook also. I spend time with my family, and I generally try to relax as much as I can, thinking positive and keeping my mind out of any bad thoughts.

  47. Hello everyone :)

    I hope you are all well and healthy. My recipe of keeping a 'healthy mind' are:
    - I walk in nature,
    -I spend a lot of time with my family,
    - I cook and make a lot of differently cake ( I try new recipes  )
    - I talk with my friends online
    - I watch series and movies
    And on this way I relax.
    Mental health is very important in student's success in his education and school.
    We need spend more time without social media at this time – COVID 19. It's very important to take care of ourselves and people and the people we love. We need to be positive and optimistic!

    Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    1. Dear Hamida, i agree with you. We should be positive as much as we can, and surround ourselves with people that care about us, and take care of our physical health  too.

  48. Hello!
    Mental health is very important for every person especially in this situation with the COVID 19. This is a great temptation for everyone when it comes to mental health, as we often put all our commitments before our health. My opinion is that we should not be too concerned with statistics from the media or negative information in general. For example, we have too many obligations in college so we don't have time for negative things.
    Also for mental health it is important to surround yourself with your family and spend time with them in the best possible way.
    The mental health of children is also extremly important, especially in this situation, where their leisure time should be well spent. Then teachers in preschools and schools should devise interesting curricula that will reduce stress in children, seek to encourage children to talk if they have some problems etc. In addition I think that is very important to have good cooperation and communication with parents, and that the educator is constantly informed about the mental state of each individual child in the educational group.
    Aida Rogo, PO4

    1. Hi Aida. What do you think about how much information from TV and other media have an impact on society?

  49. Mental health has been a rising issue since the late 20th century. With the rising workload, financial/economic crisis that occurs approximately every 10 years, increased expenses and overall pressure that is constantly increasing on the individual are all reasons of why we need to take extremely good care of our mental health. The crisis of COVID19 has only intensified it and put this issue, which was always there, in the front line. We had never had more motivators, online motivational classes, motivational work groups like we do now making it a huge industry. An import aspect especially for the community we live in is that it came out of war 25Y ago which is still fresh in some people’s mind. This is a great contribution to the degrading mental health of a high number of people. Hence, it is of extreme importance to engage in activities that cherish your mental health, surround ourselves with people that care about us, take care of our physical health as well which is closely related with our mental health. (As we like to say “U zdravom tijelu zdrav duh” which be translated as “in a healthy body there is a healthy mind”). Personally, I try to cope with the daily stress with positive thoughts and meditation. Being a moderately religious person helps me as well to understand stress better and to battle it. It has been proven that stress is self-inflicted, hence it can be self-healed and controlled depending on your willpower. Since the COVID19 crisis started there has been a lot of fear spread especially by the media which causes a lot of stress. Being locked down at home disables us to have proper human interaction which is truly needed to keep mental health. Switching off the TV, filtering information and focusing on the positive are some measures which I take to cope with this crisis better. Regular video calls with friends and family help as well. Mental health has been a taboo previously, but more and more people are getting out of the closet now talking about the importance to address this issue. Education by itself is a great boost for mental health. Nurturing the brain, learning new skills and topics which are of your interest are great ways to keep your mental health intact. Every educational institution also has employed staff to which students can reach out to in case they need support. This tradition needs to be continued and the students shall feel that they are not being left alone in cases where they feel their mental health is down. Mental health and education go hand in hand, and I believe you cannot have the one without the other. Schools play an important role as they are the centres where we are being educated mainly. Mental health plays the main role in people’s life as it is the main driver to success, parallel to this, it also plays a role in your educational success. Despite schools needing to be accelerators for mental health, it is not always the case as there are always cases of student bullying and wrong attitudes of school staff which can negatively affect the mental health of students. Teachers should first be approachable and understanding to students. They need to be mental health ambassadors and good motivators. They shall have a good eye for students that have symptoms of degrading mental health. Communication is key.
    Selma Hodo

  50. Odgovori
    1. 1. What is your recipe for keeping your mind clear and healthy?
      There are different ways to keep my mind healthy: first of all: I am religious person and my religion teaches me how to deal with every day's trials such as this isolation during pandemic. It teaches me to be patient and positive and to see good in all days. Also, I prefer to spend my free time doing things that makes me feel relaxed. Sometimes I go out for a short walk just to have a breath of fresh air.

  51. 2. Usually, I do things that make me relaxed such as: listening to music, reading books, chatting with my friends and sharing my ideas and thoughts with them, it helps a lot.

  52. 8. Does mental health play a role in the success of students in school?
    Good mental health is critical for student's success in school and life. It encompasses social, emotional and behavioral health and it gives us the ability to cope with life's challenges. On the other hand, mental health problems such us stress, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities hinder academic success more than any other factor.

  53. I think good quality sleep and more hours of sleep and rest are very important for good mental health. In addition, it's important to go out in nature, walk, hang out with the people we love.
    When it comes to the COVID-19 situation, we all spend most of our time at home. However, we are trying to find some interest. There are many games we can play at home, such as board games, cards and the like. On television, there are various series, movies, shows available on the internet that we can watch.
    Hadžiabdić Amera, RN IV

  54. When we think about our overall physical health we often neglect or think about our mental health at least that applies to me. I agree with you when we talk about eating the right food and consuming the right nutrition because you can really feel the difference between eating healthy/good food for your body and eating unhealthy junk food. Yes, the junk food that all of us like makes you happy while you are consuming it but that's just for a short period i often feel bad after eating something unhealthy because it gives me that bad feeling of tiredness which makes me want to sleep all the time while right and healthy food gives you a lot of energy for a way longer period, it gives you motivation and other positive feelings that are contributing to your mental and physical health. Me as a person that loves nature I often go for a walk after I feel stressed but not those walks in the middle of a city where you can only feel more stressed I am talking about walks next to any kind of water source. For me, a walk along a river is medicine. Spending time on a riverbank makes me feel more relaxed and refreshed. After that, I can come home and continue with my obligations much easier. I don't think that talking about mental health is taboo because we talk about it a lot with people that care about us and again that applies to me, it doesn't mean that others do the same thing, but in my opinion, talking with someone about it makes it much easier and half of the problems kinda “disappear” after that, it's a lot easier to approach your problems when you know that someone is standing by your side and supports/helps you with them. Students are stressed by the amount of information they need to know and the pressure to succeed. Most are also fearful that a poor grade will ruin their future that's why mental health is important in education, it is a very big role in the success of students in school. I think that teachers and school staff have responsibility to promote mental health in schools. Often, even small changes can go a long way in helping somebody feel better. The health of your mind and body is absolutely critical to your overall well-being. With eating right, exercising, and stressing less you can be sure that your mind will be healthy and happy.
    So, keep eating healthy and do what makes you happy!
    Stay happy and healthy and see you soon :)
    Dženita Čolo, PO4

  55. Most people understand the importance of having a healthy body. Many people, though, overlook the value of mental health. Having good mental health can make life more enjoyable. It can also promote better physical health and endurance. We must take care of both our body and mind to be truly healthy. Meditation has a number of positive effects on mind and body. Proper diet and eating habits can also help reduce stress. Sleep is a time for our body to repair and process the stress from the day. It is the time our brain has to unwind. It also allows our body to relax after using tense muscles throughout the day. Feeling good about ourself is crucial to mental health. Worry and negative thoughts can bog us down and keep us from feeling our best. Self-doubt can be particularly distressing. Take care my dear friends.
    Suada Stanić (V) PO4

    1. HI, Can you tell me how can we improve our mental health?

  56. Mental health is very important in our lifes. The situation with the C-19 virus does not contribute at all to the mental health. People are locked in their homes, they can't comunicate with other people, so people with mental issues could have a lot of problems. I try to be positive and I think that this situation will quickly pass, and everything will be as it used to be.
    Amna Bajric POIV

  57. Mental health is very important. Beside physical health, mental health is the crucial for human’s life. Good mental health is the basis for all activities. Unfortunately, in this “modern world”, stress is common and the level of stress is higher than it was before. In a life of students, stress is an everyday occurrence. As students face with many challenges in their period of studying, they may also experience some issues with their physical and mental health. Level of stress, of course, depends on current conditions. Nowadays, in the period of Covid-19 crisis, stress is much more present then it was before. Mental health should not be taboo. Every public institution, especially the educational ones, should have a psychologist. They would take care of mental health of students and professors. Every school and university should have a department who will work with students and educate them about importance of mental health and how to deal with everyday stress. We can see all kind of advertisement on everyday basis of how much we should take care of our physical heath and appearance, but importance of mental health is taboo. In our society, people who visit psychologist are considered as freaks or lunatic. All of those are stereotypes. The most successful people all around the world, who make millions and run the companies, have their own personal psychologists who take care of their mental health. Are day crazy? Answer is no! Mental health is basis for success and it plays a big role in success of students too. Teachers can have a big impact on mental health of students as well and they should adapt to current conditions. For example, in the period of crisis (like this one with Covid-19) teachers should be more compassionate towards students, as well as students should have understanding for professors. That is the only way to overcome the crisis and continue to live a healthy life, both physically and mentally.

    Amra Bajrić, RN III

  58. I don't think about my recipe for good mental health, but now I think it is spending time with my family smiling on some our jokes and spending a lot time in natura just sitting and listening natura or just walking in silence. I usually everyday stress cope with running or watching some funny videos. In this outbreak of Covid-19 I cope with stress by making different diseases I try to cook some new flavors and to explore other flavors. My opinion is that mental health isn't a taboo but other people think that mental health is taboo. Good mental health is crucial for our individual peace, for our productivity on job and communication with friends, family and co-workers. If we don't have a good mental health we can have a suicidal thoughts or something like this. We can promote mental health in education with some specific and special seminars during education, or maybe even have a class on every year about mental health. For mental health school can promote important things about this topic and school can talk with their students and saw how is mental health is their students, because mental health play a role in the success of students in school. Everything affect on mental health our mind, our environment, our work, time, the behavior of others towards us and us towards others ... Educators can save our mental health with a lot of understanding that we have a lot of subjects and we can't dedicate for every subject like we have just that subject.

  59. In recent years, there has been more and more stress, anxiety and panic attacks in children, but also depression, self-harm attempts and eating disorders. Mental health must be discussed at school, which will help us understand it better and remove the stigma surrounding it. Children need to feel safe at school - which means that every incident of bullying must be addressed, including the internet. Everyone needs support: from teachers, pedagogues, janitors to principals. Only if they are healthy and have support at the place where they work, are they able to provide support and help to students. If staff receives mental health training, they will be able to respond better to students' problems, but they will also do their job better and with greater satisfaction. Teachers need to know how to provide help, and principals need to make sure that everyone goes through basic mental health training.

  60. Mental health is very important.Today, at the time of COVID-19, it is very difficult to maintain mental and physical health.The coronavirus pandemic is most difficult for the elderly and children to bear.Today we are witnessing that there is more and more peer violence in BiH.Peer violence affects mental health and can cause a variety of negative consequences.Therefore, it is very important that teachers have an insight into the behavior of their students.In order to be able to prevent possible negative consequences in time.Teachers should communicate with children and help them solve problems.

  61. A healthy mind in a healthy body is the key to a much happier life. And while healthy lifestyle can prevent conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, mental health is just as important as physical health – it shouldn’t be neglected. And while it’s well known that healthy lifestyle reduces the risks of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other chronic health problems, it can also prevent the development of many mental conditions – like depression and anxiety. So keeping your brain healthy is just as important as having a healthy heart.
    Our brain needs top quality fuel – and that means a HEALTHY NUTRITIOUS FOOD. Exercise prompts the body to release chemicals messengers – endorphins which increase pleasure throughout the body. More pressure, more oxygen, and more oxygen = healthier brain. Your brain needs rest, just like every other part of your body. Sleep energize us and improves our mood.

  62. When we open newspapers, internet portals or turn to another medium, we can read almost every day something related to the mental health of children and young people. We mostly come across topics like delinquent behavior, suicides, violence and similar issues that actually indicate a lack of concern for us adults about the most vulnerable members of society, which we only talk about when the problem escalates.
    Mental health is not just "non-health", or unfortunately often sensationalist reporting on children and young people suffering from some disorder and / or disorder. Mental health is also emphasizing the positive examples of young people in our society who are really not lacking - from volunteers, successful students, athletes, to children and young people who are making small steps in their community to make some positive changes.

    Mental health is also a preventive action from an early age, involving children, youth, parents and families in various activities, providing support, opening experts to children and families, promoting positive examples, conducting public campaigns, educating and early risk assessment with appropriate interventions. While such extensive mental health care may seem difficult and costly, many developed countries around the world recognize that it is more difficult and expensive (in every sense) to focus primarily on treating the consequences rather than preventing their development.

    A special problem occurs when the parents or guardians of the child are the ones who should provide the most love and security (which for many children is at least half of mental health), as well as those who cause pain, as well as those who interfere with healthy development and impair mental health. Research shows that 15 to 30 percent of children and young people suffer from emotional and physical abuse, and that every fifth child is sexually abused.Only by opening our eyes to see children, by opening our ears to hear children, and by opening our hands to work tirelessly with each other can we help children who experience such experiences. Although reactions can anger parents and although we may have involuntary clients we work with, it is important to respond and thus contribute to maintaining the mental health of the child, young person, one day and adult who will have their children.

    From my experience, I can say that I do not know any parent who wants to harm their child, but I have met many of them who have done harm to their child. Most parents, however, are available for counseling and change, and we need them as active helpers. We also need children as active helpers working together. I hope that mental health, and especially of children and young people, will be talked about much more, more extensively next year, and that we will justify by deeds the day we are marking today with words.

  63. Mental health is very important. For mental health most important is good sleeping, healthy food. I like to do many activity: runing, cycling, swimming. It's very important to eat lot of fruit and vegetables, to drink vitamines and lot of water.
    When it comes to the COVID-19 situation, we all spend most of our time at home. However, we are trying to find some interest. There are many games we can play at home, such as board games, cards and the like. On television, there are various series, movies, shows available on the internet that we can watch.


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