Education in the Digital Era

Hello everyone!

Let me introduce our new topic by asking you a simple question: Could you ever imagine your present life again without modern technology? The answer is most likely 'No, never again!'

In this situation we find ourselves in these days, we are all very aware of how modern technology helps us to overcome the various obstacles we face in our everyday life because of the obligation to stay in isolation at home due to covid-19 pandemia, for example, to do our work from home, to maintain online classes, to do all communication via mails, social networks, etc., to make online purchases and pay bills without leaving home, etc.

Technology is changing at a rapid pace and that means that a 21st-century teacher should also go right along for the ride. Smartboards are replacing chalkboards, tablets are replacing textbooks, virtual classrooms are replacing traditional ones, etc., so the 21st-century teachers have to adapt to the ever-changing tools and stay up-to-date on the latest in technology and education, so that they could find the appropriate ways to make their old lesson plans more current and attractive to their students.

Modern technology has made both teaching and learning a completely different phenomenon in the 21st century: never before could learning be happening the way it is now – everywhere, all the time, on any possible topic, supporting any possible learning style or preference. Due to modern technology, education has become more 'digital', so we have different forms of teaching and learning like e-learning, online learning, distance learning, blended learning, etc.

Technology in the classroom, whether it's for lessons, assignments, or grading, can help students learn better and faster, and help make a teacher's time more effective. Nevertheless, it is not enough to simply add technology to existing teaching methods, but it must be used strategically to benefit both students and teachers. Students are increasingly advanced users of technology, so this can often mean that teachers should be open to different possibilities. An effective teacher knows what technology in the classroom can truly help transform his/her students' education.

What is more, technology allows collaboration between teachers and students. Teachers and students can create digital resources, presentations, and projects together with other educators and students, which can make classroom activities resemble the real world collaboration experience. Another important attribute of digitalization is to go paperless – teachers can organize their resources and activities in an easier way, and technology integration can also bring students' learning experience to a different level by allowing students to access and share class resources in a more organized fashion. Nowadays, we can use numerous online learning platforms for these purposes, e.g. Moodle, Google Classroom, etc.

As a conclusion, there used to be a saying that 'Technology will not replace teachers, but teachers using technology will replace the teachers who don't'. The 21st century educator must use teaching strategies and modern technology tools wisely to ensure that the focus in education is on preparing today's youth for the future of where they will live and where they will work, not for our current world.

Think about these questions before you join in our discussion:

What are the benefits of education in the digital era?
What are the challenges?
Does the initial teacher training fully support your professional development in using modern technology?
How does modern technology support individualized and autonomous learning?
How can modern technology help teachers make their teaching more differentiated and adapted to different learning styles of their students? etc.

You are also welcomed to share your own experience in using modern technology for learning and collaboration with other students.



  1. Could I ever imagine my life without technology? I am not the person who is 'crazy' for social media, but we live that kind of life where the network is necessary, starting from comunication with friends and then university obligations. Those obligation have network as a very important part of studying: sending e-mail, making presentations, using word, google, etc. As we can see, these days we have to do our faculty obligations completly by using internet, our phones and computers.

    1. Dear Emina,
      I agree with you. If we don't have online schooling now on the and all of this we would have to compensate all missed ours. So, although we have a lot of obligations the effort will pay off.

    2. Hi Emina, I agree with you. But I’m the person who is ‘crazy’ for social media. Do you think it’s a big problem?

    3. Hi, do you use the internet for learning purposes?

    4. Dear Emina, we share same opinion. We use technology every single day i we can't allow technology replace all the human speech.

      Lejla, RN4

    5. Hi Emina. Do you think that education is better with or without technology?
      Valentina Šutalo, RNIV

    6. Hi, dear Emina. I absolutely agree with you but we have to keep up with the times.

      Sumeja Krehmić

  2. Marija Bekić
    Modern technology is something unavoidable in our everyday lives.
    I personally can not imagine my day without applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger or Instagram, unfortunately. I wasn’t born in this “era”, but it is still something that marked my teenage and now adult years.
    I am not saying I wouldn’t be able to find my way without all day long scrolling and texting, but I would be lying if I said it wasn’t much easier this way.
    When we are talking about learning by using modern technology, it definitely made everything much easier, but it also made people lazier.
    It is fascinating to imagine how people used to get degrees in earlier times, using just their brains and libraries. Nowadays, if we can’t get infromation in two clicks, we are willing to give up. However, we are learning to appreciate our advantages, especially in the current situation. If corona virus struck the world twenty years ago, our education would suffer much more than it is suffering today. Thanks to technology and the almighty internet, we can all still attend all our lectures and fulfill our student duties, without having to make up for all the lost time after the crisis is over.

    1. Hello Marija, nice to meet you.
      I think that most of us can't imagine anymore day without Internet. We maybe exaggerating but it's clear that our life depends on Internet.
      When I'am in other country and I use google maps I am so scared of turning of my phone. I think I will get lost.

    2. Hi Marija, I totally agre with you when you said that if corona virus struck the world twenty years ago, education would suffer much more than it is suffering today. So trough that we can also see the benefits of education with modern technology.
      Aida Rogo, PO4

  3. Hello everyone, my name is Ena Brkić :D
    I am so pleased to be on this blog and communicate with others. So, we can start..
    We are aware that we live in digital era. How does it work? Hm... You can find almost everything on Internet. You just need to tap it and click with mouse. It is today really amazing.
    We like future teachers need to know how to use every opportunity we get. So modern technology is very useful if we know to utilize it.
    For example the internet have a lot of creative ideas for our future job. No matter if we talk about animals, letters or nature... There is all of that.
    Maybe for some persons isn't so easy overcome something new so it can be problem for them.
    Like we said „Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.“ This is completely true and it is necessaries to supplement every day.

    1. Hi dear Ena. I agree with you. Do you really think that we can find everything on Internet? How accurate that information is? 🤔

    2. I said almost everything. Still some informations aren't correct for sure and we must to be very careful from where we took that informations. So if we exept that informations there, on internet, is everything!

    3. Hello Ena! Just like you are saying, how would you communicate with us on this blog if it wasn't for modern technology? I am glad that we are able to communicate like this, but the truth is, I am not letting my phone out of my hands...The overwhelm of the mind is a result of today's lifestyle, but at what cost? Best regards, Marija Bekic PO4

  4. In this modern age, most of us pretty much eat, breathe, and live technology. :) I mean, we communicate through technology, work with the help of technology, and spend our free time using technology (not everyone, and not all of our time, of course), so obviously we've got a lot to say about it.Students today are apt at using technology, and tools such as laptops, smart phones, and tablets are already second nature to them. Taking technology out of the learning equation would be alienating an integral part of the students’ abilities.

    1. Hi Alma! I totally agree with you.

    2. Hello Alma,
      I completely agree with you.
      That’s why we need to use technology more in class so the students can better learn.

    3. Dear Alma!
      I agree with you.
      Can you imagine this world without technology?

      Hamida Tatarević, PO4


    4. Alma I totally agree with you? Do you use technology a lot and how much do you depend on it?

    5. Thank you very much, Sibila.I do my best. :)

    6. Hi, Hamida! :)
      For me it was very hard to imagine life without modern technology. Can you imagine this world without technology?

    7. Thank you very much, Amina.I do my best. :)
      I personally can not imagine my day without applications such as Instagram, Facebook and Facebook.

    8. Hi Alma !
      I agree with what you have said. I would like to know when was the last time you spent a day without your phone?

  5. For me it was very hard to imagine life without modern technology even before this situation with covid started. It wasn't hard to get used to everyday life with them. It helps me to communicate with friends and family, to fill my freetime with some interesting content and to find some inspiration for everyday life. I find it very useful for my academic research. Most of the content helps me with my obligations for faculty. These things I mentioned are some positive, but there is also brings some negative things. We must find some balance and take advantage of good things modern technology gives us, and avoid bad, which sometimes isn't easy. :)

    1. Hello Sandra. I totally agree with you. We should absolutely find some balance and take adventage of good things like you already said. :)

    2. Sandra, do you think that online teaching will bring various diseases, like improper posture?

      Selma JOrdamović RN IV

    3. Sandra, I (would) agree with you. Those are some of the positive things about technology and about what it makes possible for us. But do you think that technology must never replace the teacher, no matter how much it starts to replace other things in the teaching process?
      Šejla Nahić, RN IV

    4. Hi Sandra, I totally agree with you that we must find balance between the good and the bed things on Internet like you said, but aslo the teacher in his profession should not allow his teaching to become dependent on digital resources. Aida Rogo P04

    5. Hello Sandra :)
      Itotally agree with you? Do you use technology a lot and how much do you depend on it?

      Dženeta Kovač.

  6. Modern technology is very important for education. It's making learning and comunication easier, with our colleagues and professors. Curently we have online classes . Without them we can't study and communicate with no one.
    Modern education is becoming bigger and bigger need today, so we have to work on it and stay in touch in constant development.

    1. Hi Sibila ! :) I agree with you. Digital tehnology is very important. The teacher has to keep up with the times and so has to be familiar with digitization. We are also improving modern technology through online lessons. In this period of the Crown era, we are not able to live live lessons, so we need modern technology .
      Medina Kunić RN 4

    2. Hello Sibila, I agree that the modern technology helps in working with students and also improve the hole euducation. Do you think that te live work of teacher could be replaced with modern technology?

      Lejla, RN4

    3. Hi Sibila. If technologies replace the living word, how will it affect the teaching process itself?

    4. Hello Sibila!
      How we can use modern technology in kindergartens ?

      Marijana Pustivuk PO 4

    5. Hello Lejla. No, I don't think so.

      Hi Džemila. It's not replacing living word, but it helps everyone on communication and learning.

      Hello Marijana. We can easily find and prepare for class in kindergarten.

  7. We are in this big digital era, and how will be it in the future???🤔It will be more new things. Nowdays I think we have normal, still normal, if I could say that is normal digital era. I said this because I read some things about future tehcnology, what will come to our world. Technology is very useful. These days we have lecture thanks to technoloy. Technology has some bad sides, but we need use that on good way. We have a lot of good things: books, informations, learn movies, cartoons, but we need to be very careful and technology will help us and we will use it on right way. I can imagine life with out lot of todays things od technology. I was month without any way of technology. It is very nice, I can say amazing. Today we need technology and it is useful. I use it for whatching movies, for education, but not too much, enough. I can say we need to use technology but be very careful😊

    1. Hi ! I agree with you. We need to use modern technology for the right purposes. When I say the right purposes, I think that modern technology helps us to educate ourselves in all segments of our profession put that knowledge into practice throught a teaching call. I can ' t imagine life without modern technology.
      Medina Kunić RN 4

    2. Hi, I agree with you and especially with sentence " we have normal, still normal, if I could say that is normal digital era " because we don't know how future will look like and how much will the digital era improve.

  8. Irrespective of how much technology is integrated into the classroom, digital learning has come to play a crucial role in education. It empowers students by getting them to be more interested in learning and expanding their horizons. Here is how
    digital learning is a step up from traditional education methods. Since digital learning is far more interactive and memorable than voluminous textbooks or one-sided lectures, they provide better context, a greater sense of perspective, and more engaging activities than traditional education methods. This allows students to better connect with the learning material. Further, they often offer a more interesting and involving way to digest information. This is reflected in their retention rates and test scores. Also, when students can track their own progress it can improve motivation and accountability. Traditional lectures may still exist along with the new-age learning tools and technology, but the lecture materials should be provided as a supplement to classroom activities and moved online for students to reference outside of the classroom. Classroom time is better used for discussing the curriculum, engaging in activities with teams and completing class projects. Students often have the option to pace their learning and even study ahead with a digital learning tool if they wish to do so. By helping children think outside their typical learning modes, digital learning inspires creativity and lets children feel a sense of accomplishment that encourages further learning.
    Digital learning tools and technology fill the gaps where traditional classroom teaching falls behind. In fact, some of the efficiencies such tools bring are simply unmatchable by traditional learning techniques. From the environmental impact recognized by the need for less paper for handouts and books to saving time with quick access to information and the ease of research, digital learning provides an effective way to cut costs, maximize resources and heighten both reach and impact for students and educators alike.

    1. Dear Belkisa, do you think that modern ways of learning will produce better results in the long run?

  9. Hi, do you think the internet is useful for students and do you use the internet for learning purposes?

  10. We can not think what world would be without technology. I was thinking, if technology continue to rise like this, what our future would be like? Modern technology is the main part of population that we are in. We, as teachers, must think about the concentracion of the technology in our classrooms. Live word from teacher should be like some advice to children, it has to be like a some kind of strength to them. Those words should be their fuel in their life, to keep going forward, but technology should be just one way to make some subjects easier. I agree that we must continue to follow our life and his progress, but we also must think, what should that progress do to our education, books, teachers and all parts of life.

    1. Dear Lejla,
      I completely agree with you that nothing should replace the living word. Also, I believe that our students who were born and raised in the digital age should develop the ability to read a book (these could certainly be online books).

      Antonela, RN4

    2. Hi Lejla. :)
      What do you think could happen to our education if technology keeps evolving so quickly?

    3. Hi Naida. :) It's possible that the technology will take over the role of teacher in classroom, while the teacher would be only the observer.

      Lejla, RN4


  11. I think in life in general, and so in education, digitalisation has many benefits. Thanks to various means, we can clarify, present, show many things to students. I believe that technology should be included in the teaching process, but also the teacher should not allow his teaching to become dependent on digital resources. Technology is children's reality, something that is inevitable and that can only become more developed in their and our future, so I think we owe it to them to teach them some things about digital, which can be reflected in explaining to them how it works, sending them some useful links for research, etc.
    I can imagine my life without technology but i dont want to. I think there are a lot of disadvantages, but the benefits are what we need to turn to, and we should make the most of them. Proper use of technology facilitates both teaching, and learning.

    1. I totally agree with you that teaching should not depend on technology. Knowledge is the greatest asset 🧠

      Antonela, RN4

    2. Hi Naida! I absolutely agree with you that there are a lot of adventages but we should use only good sides of the Internet. We also should improve ourselves to use technology right way.

  12. Education in digital time brings many advantages. It is easier to find informations, expiriences, solutions, etc.
    But, education for this profession do not have many oportunities to learn how to use technology to improve our teaching. Of corse almost everybody spend most of their time on social networks, sites.. and so we become our own teachers in managing functional use of technology. One of great advantages for teachers is finding new creative ideas when they don't have ideas any more.

    Antonela, RN4

    1. Hello Antonela, nice comment :) can you recommend me a few pages where i can find some creative teaching ideas?

    2. Pinterest is great site where you can find a lot of lovely, interesanting and creative ideas. There is also a lot of interesanting videos on youtube.
      I hope you will use them 😊

    3. Antonela, you've said that wonderfully. I would completely agree with you.
      Šejla Nahić, RN IV

    4. Dear Antonela, I totally agree with you!

    5. Hi Antonela, I agree with you.

  13. Education in the digital age of great importance to both teachers and students.Education in the digital age has both its advantages and disadvantages provides a rapid flow of information between students and teachers and encourages creativity with the use of various applications and the like.
    Medina Kunić RN IV

  14. Well if you ask me if I like technology I would say yes, I like it. However, I am not so fascinated, because it all depends on how we use it. Unfortunately, when technology gets into wrong arms it can be very harmful and dangerous for the whole planet. That’s why I don’t think technology should be widespread in all areas like it is now. Modern doesn’t necessarily means good.
    Nowdays we live in a world where nearly everything is “tech”. We are glued to our mobile phones from morning to night, gaining knowledge and all kind of information through social media and websites. That information may be useful but it does not have to be a case. It depends on how we use it.
    Yet, when it comes to learning in the classroom, we have barely scratched the surface of what is possible. Modern technology brings a lot of the opportunities but also a lot of the responsibilities. As teachers, we have to be aware of all the challenges that modern technology brings. It is very important to teach children how to use technology in proper way. The main mistake in our society is that we give children free, unadvised access to all of the content on the internet at very young age. Children are not aware of all the threat and danger that technology brings, but we, as adults, should be. Since it is inevitably for kids to use technology from the very young age, first thing we have to do is to educate children how to use modern technology in proper way.
    Also we have to be aware that modern technology doesn’t necessarily means that it will help us in everything. Sometimes “traditional” methods, that are considered as outdated, give better results than modern ones. We have to have that in mind and don’t let technology to control us. Technology is there as a tool to improve quality of our work, but it should not be, by any mean, the basis. As teachers, we should be smart and always have a backup plan if technology fails.
    You can call me old-fashioned but I don’t think that smartphones or tablets should replace textbooks and handwriting skills in schools. Some values are irreplaceable no matter how great technology is or how “modern” world became.

    Even Bill Gates, who is mainly responsible for technological development, points out:

    “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”

    1. Hi Emir, I also think that we can't replace textbooks and handwriting skills. I would like to know what is your opinion about having IT subject and lectures from 1st grade of elementary school? Is it good for kids or bad?

    2. Such a good quote, Emir! I totally agree with you. We need to be carefull about what are the kids doing on internet because it can be really, really dangerous! We all heard so many stories about kids disappearing because they met someone online and trusted them.
      Also, it’s all about balance. We can use technology and ‘traditional’ methods at the same time if we make a good balance between those two.

    3. Hi Emir, with Bill Gates setence you send message to teachers od world. Great🤗

    4. @Ajla

      Hello Ajla :D
      Thanks for the comment, I am glad we share opinion. About IT subjects in 1st grade... hmm. Well, in today's "modern" world, where children from their born get in touch with technology even before they learn to speak, IT subject should be in schools from 1st grade. Why? Because there are many dangerous things that children don't think about. IT subjects in 1st grades should, primary, teach them about safety and proper use of technology. Children get in touch with technology anyways, even if there is or there is no IT subject in school. So, in my opinion, it is better to educate children about proper use of technology and teach them how to be safe on internet.

    5. @Neira Šabanović

      Hi Neira, thank you for your comment :D
      I am glad we share same opinion and you liked the quote. And you said it well, It is all about balance, like it is for everything in life. :D

      Thanks once again and have a nice day :D

    6. @Mirhunisa Majdanac

      Hello Merhunisa, thanks for the comment. :D
      I am glad you liked the quote. I have found it on the internet few months ago and it was very interesting for me :D

  15. In my opinion, the use of technology in the classroom is no longer a matter of choice, but a necessity. Traditional ways of learning, in which the teacher is the center of attention who transfers the knowledge are getting repulsive and uninteresting to students all around the world.
    Online teaching is a necessity, especially these days, when covid-19 has become a global pandemic. So, now we see the real necessity for online teaching and modern technology in teaching.

    Selma Jordamović RN IV

    1. Hi Selma. :)
      I totally agree with you. Do you think that it's possible to use online teaching for every school subject?

    2. Hi Naida! It is possible sure, but one has to find the right way for the realisation.

    3. Hi Selma. Do you think that classrooms in our country are equipped with modern technology?

    4. Dear Samira, I think some classrooms are equipped, but in most cases, they are not. Unfortunately!
      I hope that this will change!
      Selma Jordamović, RN IV

  16. I think I couldn't imagine my life now without the internet or social media. Internet became the big part of our lives and that can be a little problem for those who don't know to limit their time on phones, internet or social media. But let's look from bright side of the internet, we can use it for good things. We can learn a lot of interesting stuff on the internet. For example we can find a lot of books to read online, we can watch movies, we can listen to our favorite music etc. As far as education is concerned I think that internet improve ways of finding informations or sharing those informations with your friends or teachers. As the future teacher we should improve our knowledge about social media and their benefits for our students and our process of teaching.

    1. Hi Lejla. I like how you think and I totally agree with you. But do you think that is a good thing to replace notebooks for tablets?

    2. Hi Lejla,
      I totally agree with you in everything you wrote.
      I also couldn't imagine my life without social networks.

    3. Hi Ajla, I think it's a bad thing to replace notebooks for tablets because of their detrimental effect on children vision. But I do think that is good thing that we can find anything online when we want to.

  17. There are many benefits of education in digital area. First of all, we are preparing students for the future, because in the future everything will be about technology. Technology is giving us an opportunity to learn some new information, to connect with other people and many other. We can communicate with our techers thanks to technology. These are the days when is all about technology. And I must be honest, I don't like this online learning. Why?
    Because most of our teachers doesn't know what online learning means, and they don't know how to use it. There are planty of possibilities to make it great, and to encourage students. And some teachers do that. But some teachers are not very good with modern technology and we are losing a lot because of it.
    And I think this is the period when we can think about real teaching in the classroom. Do you miss it?
    Can this kind of education replace teaching in the classroom?
    I don't think so. And I think that teachers couldn't be replaced by technology. Modern technology can be very useful for every teacher but only if teacher knows how to use it. There are many options, they can make presentation, watch some scientific movies and more. It's all up to teachers how they will use it. And for the end, I can't imagine life without technology anymore.

    1. Hi Ajla :D
      I agree with you about learning "online". I also think that experience that student get in classroom is irreplaceable. But still when you deeply think about it, can you imagine in several future years or decades or even centuries, that there will be "online teaching and learning" as only method. Maybe we will not have opportunity to experience it, but do you think it will be possible?

  18. The age of modern technology and globalization undoubtedly has an impact on all segments of human life. It facilitates learning, communication with our friends, colleagues and of course professors. Learning in this time is much easier, we get information in two clicks, it is easier to share information and it is a source for teachers for new ideas.

    1. Hi Selma Do you think that education is better with or without technology

    2. Hello Selma :) Do you use the internet for learning purposes?

    3. Hi Selma, I agree with you. Could you imagine your life without modern technology?
      Aldina Zejnilović, RN IV

  19. Technology is very important in our world and daily lives. Technology has created amazing tools and resources that help us in this difficult situation caused by COVID-19. Who knows what would happen if we did not have such advanced technology in this period of the virus. Probably our daily obligations would completely stop. Technology has made possible “online” work from home. But there is one question that I am afraid of, what if technology replaces the teachers? We witness how technology and the Internet have altered the way we conduct our lives. Technology is evolving so quickly and it is a matter of day when it will replace the teacher in the teaching process. But I believe that technology, however advanced, will never be able to make strong impression on students as the living word of a teacher can.
    Šejla Nahić, RN IV

    1. That’s a very good question Šejla, but I think that technology could never replace teachers. Technology can be useful in everyday communication between teachers and students and it’s also correct that is very useful in situations like this, but I think that many students will come out of this and finish their school years without enough amount of knowledge and without many skills they should have, but they didn’t learn because technology can’t do everything.

    2. I agree with Neira. Technology could never replace teachers but technology can improve communication between students and teachers.

    3. Hi Šejla, I totally agree with you.

    4. Hi Šejla!
      I agree with you and I hope that technology won't replace teachers in the teaching process.

  20. I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without technology. As much as it is good sides of technology, there are many bad sides that effect our everyday lives. Informations are coming to us very quickly, we can find almost anybody on internet and find out anything about him also. The good sides that I would single out are that we can communicate with our friends or family who are on the other side of the world and we can find so many informations about any topic that we are interested in. Online teaching could never replace the standard classroom teaching for so many reasons, but it can be useful in situations like this. Teachers should definetly use technology but in a right purposes and in the right way.
    When it comes about me, I would definetly like to reduce my time spent on social networks, and I am working on it 🤞

    1. I'm totally agree with you. Good luck in your current intentions, Neira. :D

    2. Dear Neira,
      I agree with you, online teaching could never replace the standard clasroom.

    3. Hi Neira!
      I totally agree with your opinion.

  21. Technologies have contributed to a better teaching process. It is the teachers who choose the content, of course, very carefully. Today, it is almost impossible to do anything without technology. People have adapted to various changes in the past. So with the advent of technology, people accepted it and started using it for various purposes. Technology in the teaching process can enhance the teaching process itself. Specifically content that is appropriate for the child's age.

    1. Hi dear Džemila,
      It is nice to meet you. Are you spend a lot of time with technology, is that important in your life?

      Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    2. Hi Hamida. I don't spend a lot of time on the internet. I still believe that living the word and face-to-face encounters cannot outweigh anything. I use the Internet only to gather new information.

    3. Hi Dzemila, how are you? I'm agree wit you. But, what are the disadvantages of technology?

    4. Hi Majo. The disadvantages of technology are just that, the termination of live communication. More and more people are communicating through technology, and less and less face to face.

  22. Digital learning is replacing traditional educational methods more and more each day. Learning tools and technology enable students to develop effective self-directed learning skills. Students are able to identify what they need to learn, find and use online resources, apply the information on the problem at hand, and even evaluate resultant feedback. This increases their productivity. Digital learning tools and technology sharpen critical thinking skills. Technologies like social learning platforms make it easy for teachers to create and manage groups. Digital learning tools and technology enable educators to rapidly share information with other educators in real-time. But classroom time is better used for discussing the curriculum, engaging in activities with teams and completing class projects. Technology can't replace teachers but can improve communication.
    Valentina Šutalo, RNIV

    1. I agree with you colleague that technology can't replace teacher! :)

    2. Hi Valentina!
      I totally agree with you!

    3. Hi Valentina,
      I also agree with you. Technology cannot replace a teacher.

    4. Nicely said dear Valentina! I agree with your opinion .

  23. There are so much benefits of education with modern technology. Students can search more interesting things wich can help in studying. In this situation wirh Corona virus we must worh trough social medias and e-mails qith teachers.
    Every teacher should know how to work with modern technology because it is part of our lives now. Modern technology support autonomus learning because we can investigate everything what we already know. Teachers should be open to different possibilities. Modern technology has made both - teaching and learning.
    In conclusion,life with internet is so much easier.
    Tatjana Drmač, PO4

    1. Hi Tatjana. Can you imagine life without technology ?

    2. Hello Tatjana :) In our educational system there are many old teachers who do not use technology, does this mean that a training school for teachers must be organized? I ask this because of your sentence: "Every teacher should know how to work with modern technology because it is part of our lives now." Greeting!

    3. Yes Tatjana, I ask same, do we need to teach older teachers how to use technology?
      Mirhunisa Majdanac, PO4

  24. Technology today represents big part of our lives when it comes to learning, working, staying in touch with our families etc. When it comes to education in digital era we can say we are relieved when in comes to researches, because it is much easier to find on Internet what we need, then also when it comes to online classes when we are not able to have traditional classes. Both, teachers and students need to stay up to date when it comes to technology.
    Since technology gives teachers the ability to design unique learning environments for children and allow teachers to bring new resources into the classroom I think technology should be included in the teaching process, but also the teacher should not allow his teaching to become dependent on digital resources.
    Aida Rogo, PO4

    1. Hi Aida, How can we help children not become technology dependent? How can we help them limit their time on the Internet?

    2. Hi Džemila, at first, I think that parents should set a limit to thier children in using technology, because children mostly play video games at home. Also parents need to offer interesting activities to their children where they can learn a lot and enjoy.


    3. Hi Aida. Can you give me advice so that children today do not exploit social networks and use them in moderation

    4. Hi Aida. Thank you for your helpful tips. They will certainly help in today's world of modern technology.


  25. I think the benefit of education in the digital era is that we have more ways to learn. Also, today teachers on the internet can find many ideas for their classes, which are very creative. In addition, there are various presentations that teachers make and present to students. Also, when teachers want to show something to students, they can find certain videos on the internet, some photos, etc. However, I believe that the living word of a teacher can never be replaced by technology.
    Hadžiabdić Amera, RN IV

    1. Hi Amera, I totally agree with you. In your opinion what are the challenges of education in the digital era?

  26. Hello!
    I totally agree with you all that we are living in the different time as we lived 10 years ago.Times have changed. For some staffs, this change brought some positive models in our lifes, but some staffs didn’t. Digital Era is everywhere around us. Today, children, teenagers, adults, older persons are using some digital apparatus.On the internet we can found a lots of true and false informations. We must know that everything we read isn’t 100% true. Bye !

    Berina Prozo, RN4

    1. HI Berina, we share same thoughts. Can you tell me some positive sides of Digital Era?

    2. Hi Berina. What do you think are the benefits of education in the digital era?

  27. Technology is very useful. These days we have lecture thanks to technoloy. Technology has some bad sides, but we need use that on good way. We have a lot of good things: books, informations, learn movies, cartoons, but we need to be very careful and technology will help us and we will use it on right way. Modern technology can be very useful for every teacher but only if teacher knows how to use it.. I can't imagine life without technology anymore.

    1. What about the bad things in the digital era like young people are losing the ability to interact face to face, it can be addicting and it csn hurt our communication skills...


    2. I agree with you, but the good side of the media we all use is more represented. That is my opinion :)

  28. Modern technology is something inevitable in our day, and our lives are particularly different from the current corona virus. Today, teachers are forced to use modern technology so that students do not fall behind in the material. On the one hand, I do not think it is a bad thing that they are forced to use modern technology, because many teachers were neither interested nor willing to learn anything related to it. I think in this way they will primarily work on themselves and then they will learn something new and useful. The use of modern technology makes our lives easier, saves our time and many things much easier to complete before. for this reason we can spend a lot more time and time with our loved ones and we need to make good use of that time. I personally use modern technology and social networks (especially when I am bored, but so can something useful to see and learn). nice regards everyone.

  29. In my opinion, technology in education is only successful if it is combined with classical teaching. When I say classical teaching I mean school benches and live teacher and children's communication. The situation we are currently in is the best indicator of this. Online teaching doesn't provide sufficient opportunity to acquire new knowledge. Teachers can't react situationally. Also, this type of teaching doesn't contribute to socialization. However, education in the digital era has its benefits. It allows you to present content that was not in real form. It represents support for classical teaching. Technology enables teachers to develop professionally. Keep in mind that the living word can't be replaced by technology, but it can help the educational process.
    Amina Ćosić, PO4

    1. Hello Amina, do you think that technology and holograms could replace our physical professors?

    2. Hi Amna.
      Definitely not. Robots will never be able to replace humans.

    3. "In my opinion, technology in education is only successful if it is combined with classical teaching."

      I absolutely agree. The absence one of these two factors is a major problem in education.

      Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

    4. Nicely said dear Amina! I agree with your opinion that technology in education is only successful if it is combined with classical teaching.

  30. Hi everyone!
    What did the modernization around the world brought to all of us? Today, as in any profession, it is absolutely necessary to invest in your skills, knowledge, mental health, creativity…
    Digitization in all spheres of society has brought many benefits, such as fast communication, exchange of experiences, attitudes and opinions, distance learning ... We all have many challenges in coping with counterfeiting and exploiting the need of the population to use the mass media. Children are most involved in the media world, and accordingly, it is our duty as educators to teach and protect them.
    I also think that mass media are important for the education process because they bring novelty and changes to the standard classroom atmosphere, but they are not essential to a successful teaching process.
    Until next time, goodbye!
    Nerma Omeragić, RN4

    1. Hi Nerma.

      I agree with you that we need to protect children from the bad influences of the media.

    2. @Nerma

      "I also think that mass media are important for the education process because they bring novelty and changes to the standard classroom atmosphere, but they are not essential to a successful teaching process."

      Their significance was questioned for the quality of teaching itself.

      Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

    3. @Ensar

      I agree, but everything in our life is imposed so the use of mass media in education, I am sure, from the west, as it used in all other spheres. 😉

  31. When we mention education in the digital age, the age of modern technology and technology, our first thought is "distance learning". Distance learning is not really as new a concept as it is thought. In England, in the early 19th century, there was a correspondence teaching, in which aristocrats who lived in their country castles had to correspond with prestigious universities that were in the city. Now, that approach has been accomplished and distance learning has been developed with the help of the internet. Today there are many universities, colleges and schools, which provide an opportunity for children and people to further develop and refine their knowledge with the help of the internet and "online platforms". It is very important to note that the success of learning depends largely on the content, because if the content is interesting for the children, they will be very happy and attentive to learning. The teacher must keep up with the times, constantly educate himself in all fields, including in the field of "digital teaching". Higher school levels should take care to organize seminars and workshops for teachers. More recently, we had a chance to see how little was being done about it. The biggest challenge for teachers, of course, is the transfer of knowledge to students.There are many benefits of online learning, such as: access to education for the general population, flexibility and better adaptation to the individual needments of students, as well as the professor himself, better interaction when learning online, using different media for the best presentation of educational content. When we talk about shortcomings, we can list some of them: Higher workload, lack of face-to-face communication, underestimation of distance learning ...

    Ensar Halvadžija, RN IV

  32. I am glad i can say, that we are witnesses of one big revolution. The digital world is increasingly contributing to the education and learning new stuff. students can access to the virtual library from anywhere. One who seeks information and knowledge, can learn whatever he wants from home. But we must be careffull, we must carefully choose our sources, beacuse there is a lot of fake news and fake informations. Modern Online courses, like Udmey, provide us new content, and vlogs, throught the internet. They are easy to follow, and of course there are Q&A for every problem we have.

    Amna Bajric. POIV

    1. Hi Amna. You are right. We are witnesses of one big revolution, the modern technology revolution to be exact. Thank to this technology we have access to everything we need in every moment on every platform we use (mobile phones, computers,...).
      Dženita Čolo PO4

  33. We live in a digital world, and technology is a life skill. Using technology in education has become a fact in our lives. Digital education is generating new learning opportunities. With technology in the classroom, students have instant access to fresh information that can supplement their learning experience. Modern education has to combine with modern technology to come up with best results. The teacher and the student both can use the technology to enhance the teaching and learning strategies. Digital technology can never be the teacher but it can be the teacher’s assistant, playing a supportive role which can make a valuable impact on learning outcomes. Technology can handle tasks that a teacher cannot do whether through lack of time, or resources. It’s important, for teachers to understand that a positive, proactive relationship with technology can help them and their learners. To achieve these outcomes, however, teachers need to expand and maintain their knowledge of learning technologies, and develop their ability to critically assess digital learning tools in order to identify those which offer the greatest benefit to their students. New technology trends can actually be fun for teachers as well as students. Technology has many faces and means, and we should choose the appropriate use of technology to get the most benefits of it. We have to lead the technology, and don’t let the technology leads us.

  34. “Can I imagine my life with modern technology?”. Growing up during the beginning of the 21st century which has given birth to smartphones, social medias, high end communication devices, an extreme global connectivity, enabled availability of information, enabled availability of transport and travel and so on , the answer is most likely no. I briefly touched this topic in the last post saying that we live in an fast-paced technological era where we are bombarded with an high number of information every day, every hour and every minute. All the above mentioned has its advantages and disadvantages , same like everything else in life. The benefits related to education are plenty. From long-distance learning, teacher - student interface, speed of information access, flexibility and plenty more. This also brings challenges to the table such as plagiarism, the inability of teachers to determine the originality of the students work. Inability of Interaction, the face to face transfer of emotions and passion which should be part of the learning process is not present. It is important to find the right balance of involvement. Students should maximise the good aspects of this digital era without being too depend on them. We have to remember that some of the biggest humankind achievements came while there were no tablets, phones or any other digital way of communication. So to conclude, no I can not imagine my life without modern technology. #instagramforlife

  35. Hello!

    Times have changed. Digital Era is everywhere around us. Everybody can write on public websites. You shouldn’t belive to everything you found. We can learn from it, we can found everything what we need on Google or some other network platform. But, there we can found and some wrong informations, statisticals and so on. It means we should be very carefully when we use network. Goodbye!

    Alma Nizić RN4

  36. Hello!

    The digital revolution is transforming our work, our organisations and our routines. It is transforming the way children and young people play, access information, communicate with each other and learn. But, so far, this revolution has not transformed most schools or most teaching and learning process in classrooms.

    Marijana Pustivuk PO 4

    1. Hello Marijana.
      I must agree with you, the digital revolution has a huge impact on our lives today. But unfortunately, our country is little behind other European countries on this point and we don't have enough funds in school and the preschool system to achieve that level of use of modern technology in our schools.
      Dženita Čolo PO4

  37. Hello everyone :)
    Today technology is very popular. Technology have bad and good sides. Consequently we need use that on good way. We need know how practice only good sides. Me as an individual can say that I can't imagine my life with modern technology, without social media and internet.. Education in the digital age and with technology can have a lot advantages, because we can read online books, work with the help of technology, learn a lots of new information..Technology is very useful. We just need be careful, and technology or internet use owing to knowledge.

    Hamida Tatarević, PO4

    1. Dear Hamida,
      I agree with You that technology has good and bad sides. It helps us a lot to improve our knowledge about different topics and it is the fastest way to get all informations we need at the same moment. Today we can see how technologies are useful and how it helps us to continue our education in these circumstances.

  38. Hi everyone.
    First of all, I must say that this topic is very close to the Teaching Profession in the 21st century and some things I have written there are related to this one. Education today relies a lot on modern technology. Today we can't think about teaching and studying without using electronic devices or computers and the internet. We use internet sources a lot for studying and it is the biggest source of databases that we have easy access to. But with all those benefits we got with modern technology we also have a few disadvantages. First of all the Internet is a huge platform for databases and everybody has access to it, so in that case a lot of information we found there are not reliable and we must be very careful which sites we are going to use.
    But when we found reliable sources everything becomes easy and we have plenty of information just a few clicks away. There is little to say that modern technology is very helpful in the education system. If we didn't have this technology today we wouldn't be able to finish our studies online and we would have to wait when this situation cools down.
    Stay healthy and happy :)
    Dženita Čolo PO4

    1. Hi Dženita,

      I agree with you. What do you think might be the biggest technology flaw?

    2. Hi Medina,
      In my opinion, the biggest technology flaw is that lot of information we found on the Internet is not reliable and we must be very careful which sites we are going to use.

    3. Hello Dženita, do you think that traditional education methods should be replaced?

  39. Hi everyone.
    I read some of your comments and I can say I agree with most of what you all wrote.
    It’s true that today a life without technology is hard to imagine. Try living one day of your lives without your computer, phone, TV, Wi- Fi. You will feel like you are in a parallel dimension or like you are trapped. Without technology you are cut off from the rest of the world. You don’t have contact with friends, your online part of the job is cut off, you can’t talk with family, friends who aren’t close, you don’t have any idea what is going on in your location. Imagine - you are hungry and you enter your kitchen and there is no fridge, toaster, mixer etc. – all of these are machines of modern technology that make our lives the way they are. So the answer is no imagine if every person was stripped of their technology right now they would be lost.
    It is very important to know how to use all the modern technology this digital era has provided us with. In front of us, at hand reach is a big number of musical, literary and fine art works. Those are stories of the biggest names in literary history and their discoveries in science. Also, thanks to technology we can travel around the whole world. We can speak with our family and friends who are very far away from us.
    I have mentioned some of the most important things about technology in my opinion, but the truth is technology provides us with unlimited potential and possibilities – something for everyone.
    Besides technology bringing people together it also separates people. People spend too much time using technology and they talk with people less in their family and real life friends. Kids from a very young age get their hands on technology which affects their social lives and empathy. Also many people use technology to bring other people down which is probably one of the bigger down sides to technology.
    It’s fact that every job today requires a level of knowledge of modern technology. All your knowledge of your work is pointless if u can’t connect your work with technology. All schools and collages today support and use modern technology and help their students learn about modern technology because that is something they need to know it this day and age. That is very important because besides education in schools we with technology we educate our selves . That process of self-education should last your whole life because there is always something new that we need to know how to do in our jobs with technology. Besides work, technology helps us learn about stuff we like and to expand and improve on our talents which is also an important step in our education.
    Considering that teachers in their jobs constantly use technology in their work it is important for them to be very diverse. The same way of education will get boring for anyone given enough time. For every kid learning is different and technology could help with that with things as music, visual pictures, videos, movies, etc. So it’s very important to use all those aspects of technology so we can bring something for everyone. That’s how our work will also be different and we won’t teach the kids in a boring manner. Therefore - the kids and us will be more happy.
    Best regards to everyone !!
    #staysafe #stayhome #staypositive

    1. Hi Edita, i agree with that what you wrote. Tehnologies are good, but we have to remember that some of the biggest humankind achievements came while there were no tablets, phones or any other digital way of communication.

    2. Edita, this is my favorite part "People spend too much time using technology and they talk with people less in their family and real life friends. Kids from a very young age get their hands on technology which affects their social lives and empathy." This is unfortunately a big problem!

    3. Hello Edita, I totally agree with you! You said it very well.

    4. Hi Edita, I'm glad we share the same opinion. Thank you for your comment

  40. Education in the digital era has many benefits. First of all we have better access to certain literature that is not available in faculties’ libraries. Communication is much easier nowadays, we can exchange various experiences and ideas much faster. Right now, when we have online classes, we can see the importance of online platforms. Distance learning is one type of today’s education that we might not face with if we were not in the situation we are currently in. However, I think this is just experience that we, as future teachers, really need. We should take the best from every situation that we find ourselves in.
    Therefore, today, we can better master certain platforms and applications, which could be very useful. All of the above mentioned will enrich us as future teachers. I believe that initial teacher education does not fully support our professional development in accordance with today's times and modern technology. That could be testified by the many problems that are currently happening with the education of children in other cantons all over our country. However, I believe that we, as future teachers, should stay up-to-date with current educational trends and technology, as I wrote in the previous topic.

    Bajrić, Amra

    1. Hi Amra, I totally agree with you! You said it very well! :)

      Adna Zolota

    2. Hi Adna, I'm glad we share the same opinion. Thank you for your comment. 🙂

  41. The digital era is proven to be very successful, and the fact being is that a lot of information can be easily accessed trough the internet. Do to the fast that quarantine is now necessary (because of the current virus situation), teachers and students have their online classes which helps then communicate and stay up to date with the lectures. Before, this wasn’t an option.
    Technology today is of great importance. Trough it we can find lots of useful information, needed materials, online books, movies, etc. But when it comes to “spreading the knowledge”, I believe that it is best achieved trough our teachers. Yes, technology can be very useful when it comes to making lectures easier for the teachers and students because something like a Powerpoint present, a short film or a video could help the students understand certain things better.
    Although it can be very useful at times, we can not let it take over during the lectures because, in my opinion, nothing can take the place of a real human being (a teacher in this case).
    As the use of technology has many flaws, it also has many benefits when it comes to easier understanding and learning , and the teachers finding many creative ways when it comes to spreading knowledge trough lecturers.
    Aldina Zejnilović, RN IV

  42. The digital era is proven to be very successful, and the fact being is that a lot of information can be easily accessed trough the internet. Do to the fast that quarantine is now necessary (because of the current virus situation), teachers and students have their online classes which helps then communicate and stay up to date with the lectures. Before, this wasn’t an option.
    Technology today is of great importance. Trough it we can find lots of useful information, needed materials, online books, movies, etc. But when it comes to “spreading the knowledge”, I believe that it is best achieved trough our teachers. Yes, technology can be very useful when it comes to making lectures easier for the teachers and students because something like a Powerpoint present, a short film or a video could help the students understand certain things better.
    Although it can be very useful at times, we can not let it take over during the lectures because, in my opinion, nothing can take the place of a real human being (a teacher in this case).
    As the use of technology has many flaws, it also has many benefits when it comes to easier understanding and learning , and the teachers finding many creative ways when it comes to spreading knowledge trough lecturers.
    Aldina Zejnilović, RN IV

  43. Hi Aldina. I agree with you, but do you think that just because it is easy to find every information we need (and everything we need is served on a plate) we are becoming a little lazy and we take everything for granted?

    Adna Zolota

  44. Since we live in a world of rapid economic and technological change, digital technologies have a very strong impact on every aspect of our lives, affecting how we communicate, find and provide information, construct relationships, deal and buy goods and, critically, how we learn and teach.
    Modern technology has completely changed the way of teaching and learning in the 21 th century making it more accessible for everyone and anywhere, all the time on any possible topic. Digital learning has many benefits. It can help students learn better and faster, and help make a teacher's time more effective. Furthermore, it allows collaboration between teachers and students, creating a collaborative learning environment where students can become more active and independent learners, with the teacher as facilitator and guide to the learning.
    Nevertheless, it is not enough to simply add technology to existing teaching methods. Much of what children learn in schools today was designed for the era of paper-and-pencil. Schools must prepare students with the new skills and ideas that are needed for living and working in a digital society. Secondly new technologies are changing not only what students should learn, but also what they can learn. There are many ideas and topics that have always been important but were left out of traditional school curricula because they were too difficult to teach and learn with only paper, pencil, books, and blackboard. Some of these ideas are now accessible through creative use of new digital technologies. As new technologies continue to accelerate the pace of change in all parts of our lives, learning to become a better learner is far more important than learning to multiply fractions or memorizing the capitals of the world.
    The coronavirus pandemic has changed how millions around the globe are educated.The pandemic is also an opportunity to remind ourselves of the skills students need in this unpredictable world such as informed decision making, creative problem solving, and perhaps above all, adaptability.

    1. Hi Amila,

      I totally agree with you! You said it very well.

  45. As we can see from this situation, how much technology helps us to study and study online. Is it even possible to imagine a life without technology? Everything that one service offers us, we need today, originally in our education, starting with presentations, using various sources, google, online lessons, etc.


  46. Although we know that technology has brought us various problems, our kids spend too much time online playing games and watching videos, we can do it the right way. The development of the world and the whole system has brought us the need to use technology in both learning and education, and I think we just need to work with parents on how children look at technology and the digital age, that children use the internet for useful things more than for play. in general, tenology has its good and bad sides, and it is up to us adults to make sure we highlight the good sides as much as we can in order to get the most out of the internet and everything it has on it.

    Ajla Balta, PO4

  47. Digital learning is replacing traditional educational methods more and more each day. Digital learning makes students smarter. Learning tools and technology enable students to develop effective self-directed learning skills. They are able to identify what they need to learn, find and use online resources and even evaluate resultant feedback. Students using digital learning tools and technology become more engaged in the process and more interested in growing their knowledge base, they may not even realize that they’re actively learning since they’re learning through engaging methods such as peer education, teamwork, problem-solving, reverse teaching, concept maps, role playing, and storytelling. Digital learning tools and technology enable educators to rapidly share information with other educators in real-time.

    Suada Stanić (V) PO4

  48. Hello everyone.
    I think that today, life without modern technology is unthinkable.I can’t imagine my life without using the internet,wifi,tv-a,call phone and moder aplication.When we are talking about learning by using modern technology, it definitely made everything much easier.Learning tools and technology enable students to develop effective self-directed learning skills. Today learning is much easier and simpler than before.As the use of technology has many flaws, it also has many benefits when it comes to easier understanding and learning.Also the speed of learning and easy access made us lazy.Modern technology has its advantages and disadvantages.

  49. We have a lot of benefits od education in digital era.
    One of the biggest one is finding information that we all need.
    We can find information in every language we know or we want to search.
    We can discuss with other people about a lot of topic and find other
    opinions and maybe change our point of view about topic we discuss.
    There a lot of challenges about digital educations becuase we can find
    incorrect information and learn something wrong. We have to be very careful
    about information we learn from website. Modern technology support
    individualized and autonomous learning by giving us all information we wanna
    to know, giving us option from witch website or blog we wanna to learn and
    use information. Modern tehnology can help our teacher to improve their
    knowledge and to improve their styles how to pass their knowledge to students.
    We all have a lot of benefits of learning in digital era but we also have
    a lot of bad sides of learnin in digital era, it depends of us if it will
    be a benefits or bad side of learning online.

  50. Technology is evolving faster than ever before and is changing many aspects of our lives and thus education. That is why an appropriate reaction from our education systems is needed, because in this last situation we have not coped well at all. Not only is the transformation of the education and training system at all levels necessary to meet all needs, but it is also necessary to provide all age groups with opportunities for further training and retraining. Digital skills education starts at school, however many schools unfortunately do not even have an internet connection. Education in the field of digital skills alone is not enough for digital transformation. Instead, its consequences have the potential to change teaching methods. Unfortunately, this potential is not being fully exploited because teachers themselves need to be educated. I believe that a simple format should be devised that allows activities to be adapted to the way teachers are taught and to the needs of their students.

  51. The rapid development of digital techologies requires redesigned education systems to give children to skills they need to hadle the new digital enviroment and stay safe online, become responsible digital citizens and boost Europe's economic competitiveness. In digital era, education has become new challange for teachers that need to pay attention for. If the learning system, it may be behind the modern education system. In digital era, the process of learning and teaching is not only focused in the classroom but also by using digital media, online and teleconference.
    Sumejja Musa, PO3

  52. Digital learning is replacing traditional educational methods more and more each day. With how rapidly classrooms are changing, it is best to forget methods you may remember from when you were in school and start thinking about newer teaching and learning techniques based on digital learning tools and technologies. The inclusion of digital learning in the classrooms can vary from simply using tablets instead of paper to using elaborate software programs and equipment as opposed to the simple pen.
    Students using digital learning tools and technology become more engaged in the process and more interested in growing their knowledge base, they may not even realize that they’re actively learning since they’re learning through engaging methods such as peer education, teamwork, problem-solving, reverse teaching, concept maps, gamification, staging, role playing, and storytelling.


  53. A young person, who has yet to form, lives in his daily life under many challenges. On the one hand, it lives in a world of networked society , at a time of transformation and redefinition of state and state policies across Europe and the world in the processes of cosmopolitanization of nation state. complex political and cultural development. While on the other hand, young people are in coexistence with the digital world. Through his actions, he creates changes in the current "hierarchy" of education. The roles of all factors change. Teachers and professors are no longer the only source of information. Information is easily accessible to pupils and students everywhere. Now the role of those who educate young people is changing, in fact, the role in which the teacher was a source of information is disappearing, it is shaping into the role of helping pupils and students by directing them to the right information and helping them organize existing ones. That is why it is said that a teacher is no more a soloist than a backing vocalist. Parents without much thought about the consequences use the products of the digital age as helpers in the upbringing and education of children. The availability of technology, the multitude of information are the benefits offered by the digital world, but again we return to the individual responsible for education. It is his responsibility

  54. With digital tehnology we can easy conect from anywhere in world and have classes with students. Digital tehnology is very important, today we can't imagine are life without internet. Students using digital learning tools and technology become more engaged in the process and more interested in growing their knowledge base.


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