
Prikazuju se postovi od travanj, 2020

Outcome-Based Education

Hello everyone! Let's start with a new topic for this week and that is 'Outcome-Based Education' or 'Outcomes-Based Education' (OBE) which 'is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals (outcomes). By the end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the goal. There is no single specified style of teaching or assessment in OBE; instead, classes, opportunities, and assessments should all help students achieve the specified outcomes.'( ).  Similarly, you can also find the term 'Competency-Based Learning' which 'refers to systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting that are based on students demonstrating that they have learned the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progess through their education' ( ). Both approaches a...

Learning Styles

Dear students, this week's topic is 'learning styles' and how they influence our learning. Most people have a preferred way to learn and the learning styles theory argues that individuals learn best in different ways. Some learn best by listening, some have to observe every step and 'see' what they are learning, while others learn best by 'doing'. Understanding different types of learning styles is very important for teachers because they have to adapt their teaching strategies so that they could provide enough equal opportunities for learning to all students they teach. Every student in your class has a different preferred learning style, which can make it difficult for you to be the most effective teacher. However, by trying to incorporate various methods into your teaching, you may be able to reach the majority of your students. Nevertheless, there is difference between learning styles and learning preferences. A learning style can be descr...


Hello everyone! This week we will discuss an important issue for all teachers today and that is bullying in schools. Unfortunately, bullying is something that occurs very frequently in schools nowadays. Teachers need to be prepared and trained to recognize the problem of bullying which occurs among their students in a timely manner and do everything they can to solve it, but on the other hand, they should also know how to act preventively. Defined by the American Psychological Association, bullying ”is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort; bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle actions; the bullied individual typically has trouble defending himself or herself and does nothing to 'cause' the bullying“ ( ). Thus, bullying refers to unwanted and agressive behavior among school children that involves a real or perceiv...